1. organizationInfo.ts: Added field "children".
2. organization.service.ts: Set children field.
3. organization.component.html: In <organizationsDeletedByInference> add parameter children.
4. organization/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Parse children to initialize resultsPreview: ResultPreview[] and show versions accordingly.
1. searchProjects.service.ts: Added filter &fq=(projectcode<>"unidentified") in methods "getProjectsforDataProvider()", "advancedSearchProjects()", "getProjectsForOrganizations()", "numOfSearchProjects2()".
2. organization.component.ts: In method call "searchProjectsService.getProjectsForOrganizations()" updated parameter for funder to be in fq instead of keyword query.
3. projects-in-modal.component.ts: In method "updateFilters()", format filterQuery to be in fq instead of keyword query.
4. entitySearch.service.ts: In method "search()", for type "project", added in the query &fq=(projectcode<>"unidentified").
1. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & dataProvider.component.html & organization.component.html: In mobile (small) screens, change ratio of icons in bottom action bar from 2 to 1.4.
2. showIdentifiers.component.ts: In mobile (small) screens, added in fs-modal classTitle="uk-tile-default uk-border-bottom".
3. landing.less: Added variable @landing-action-bar-mobile-border: @global-border; to use it in border-top of landing-action-bar-mobile > div | Changed padding of landing-action-bar-mobile > div to 8px in top and bottom.
1. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added in eoscSubjects, subject "EOSC::Data Cube" (linked with Adam plarform).
2. result-preview.component.ts & fundedBy.component.ts & availableOn.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: Updated method "addEoscPrevInParams()" to add 2 parameters: "return_path" and "search_params" (instead of pv).
3. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. Updated how this.prevPath is initialized (parse url params "return_path" and "search_params" instead of "pv").
b. Added method "getEoscParams()" to return eosc params as a string (to be used in href).
c. Updated method "addEoscPrevInParams()" to add 2 parameters: "return_path" and "search_params" (instead of pv).
4. project.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts:
a. Updated how this.prevPath is initialized (parse url params "return_path" and "search_params" instead of "pv").
b. Updated method "addEoscPrevInParams()" to add 2 parameters: "return_path" and "search_params" (instead of pv).
5. organization.component.ts: Updated how this.prevPath is initialized (parse url params "return_path" and "search_params" instead of "pv").
6. metrics.component.ts: Added method "getEoscParams()" to return eosc params as a string (to be used in href).
1. Deleted assers/explore-assets/home/graph.svg - Replaced by assets/common-assets/common/graph-nodes.svg.
2. home.component.html:
a. Updated graph image.
b. Added in <div search-input>: [searchInputClass]="'inner background'".
c. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
3. claimResultSearchForm.component.html & searchDataprovidersToDeposit.component.ts: Added in <div search-input>: [searchInputClass]="'inner background'".
4. searchAll.component.html:
a. Updated margins/paddings for sticky tabs.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
5. searchAll.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] In method ngOnInit(), moved loadAll() call inside check - avoid duplicate calls to search for each tab with count query.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
6. fos.component.html:
a. Updated paper of SciNoBo - replaced the old one with the newest.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
7. fos.component.ts: Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html: [Improvement] Updated check and class for <landing-header> when sticky - make it invisible, when not sticky - solved flickering and change of content position.
9. showTitle.component.ts: Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; and when sticky, show only 1 line of the title (class lines-1).
10. landing-header.component.ts: Show only title when sticky and pass isSticky to <showTitle>.
1. /assets: Added /media/fonts/inter folder with the "Inter" font-family.
2. eosc-custom.less: Override the default font family to use 'Inter', sans-serif.
3. routerHelper.class.ts: Added method "addQueryParam()" to add a query parameter in already existing or not object with parameters.
4. search-tab.component.ts & searchResult.component & projects-in-modal.component.ts & result/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts & organization/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and pass it to the appropriate children components.
5. result-preview.component & fundedBy.component.ts & availableOn.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and method "addEoscPrevInParams()" and call it when building queryParams of internal links.
6. metrics.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and use it when building internal urls.
7. resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & organization.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts:
a. Added fields public referrer: string; and public prevPath: string;
b. Read "pv" url property and get referrer.
c. Added methods "addEoscPrevInParams()" and "eoscBackLink()".
8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
a. Update "Go to Search" back link.
b. Call "addEoscPrevInParams()" method when building queryParams of internal links.
c. Pass "prevPath" to the appropriate children components.
1. loadingModal.module.ts: Imported LoadingModule.
2. loading.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] loading icon (spinner) was not visible.
b. Added inputs title: string, @Input() isMobile: boolean = false, @Input() classTitle: string = "uk-background-primary uk-light".
c. Added html for small screens (mobile) when isMobile.
3. search-tab.component.ts: Added @Input() public isMobile: boolean = false and [class.uk-flex-column]="isMobile" to not show title and view all link in the same row when isMobile.
4. organization.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
5. organization.component.ts & organization.component.html: Mobile redesign complete and functional.
1. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts & orcid-work.component.ts: Commented unused @ViewChild fields.
2. dataProvider.service.ts & project.service.ts & resultLanding.service.ts: Strip html tags from title.
3. resultLanding.component.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array.
4. orcidWork.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array & strip html tags from description.
5. refineFieldResults.service.ts: In method "getSearchAPIURLForEntity()", for entityType "result" set suffix to "results/".
6. searchDataproviders.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts & searchResearchResults.service.ts: Strip html tags from title | Do not cut description (multi line ellipsis is used in html).
7. jsonld-document-serializer.service.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array.
8. result-preview.component.html: Show description as innerHTML to properly display special characters.
1. organization.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts: When "objIdentifier" starts with "openorgs____", set canonicalId and id to openorgs id.
2. dataProvider.component & organization.component & project.component: In button and modal for social media sharing, use name of entity by OpenaireEntities.
1. landing-utils.css: [Bug fix] z-indexes of uk-dropdown set to 981 (landing only), z-index of #main-tabs-div set to 978, z-index of graph_and_feedback set to 979.
2. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; and when isSticky is true, do not show orcid info & dropdown for authors (z-index problem).
3. resultLanding.component.ts: Added scrolling in "References" and "External Databases" (bioentiites) tabs on page change.
4. resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] For the right sidebar, added inner <div class="uk-overflow-auto uk-height-1-1"> inside sticky - z-index problem.
5. result/deletedByInference.component.ts & organization/deletedByInference.component.ts: Added scrolling on page change.
6. projects-in-modal.component.ts:
a. Added scrolling in "Projects" tab on page change.
b. Show number of projects and pages always.
b. [Bug fix] On filterChange(), set page=1.
7. landing-header.component.ts: Added parameter isSticky in <showAuthors>.
8. Added scrolling in "Related Data Sources" tab on page change.
1. dropdown.css: [Bug fix] Added z-index: 1 in uk-dropdown to prevent dropdown from being on top of menu.
2. text.css: Removed classes "text-orcid" and "text-argos" (moved to openaire-theme/css/openaire.css.
3. openaire.css: Removed class "graph" and added "text-graph", "text-orcid", "text-argos".
4. dataProvider.component.html & organization.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html & newSearchPage.component.html: Use class "text-graph" instead of "graph" for graph color.
5. landing-utils.css: [Bug fix] Updated z-index of #graph_and_feedback to 980 (previous 979) to be on top of tabs in landing pages | background of #main-tabs-div was set twice.