1. resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] In EGI Notebook, uk-text-uppercase should be in text (custom-external icon could not be loaded).
2. resultLanding.component.ts: Removed unnecessary log.
3. result-preview.component.html: Added properly "custom-external" class.
4. utils.css: In class "custom-external", set verical-align: super.
1. landing-header.component.ts: Remove from <showTitle>, isH1 input.
2. metrics.component.ts: On metrics error, emit also "pageViews: 0".
3. showTitle.component.ts: Remove "isH1" input property and add in title class uk-h5 always.
4. resultLanding.component.html: Redesign (currently broken) of result landing page.
5. orcid-work.component.ts: Remove label "Add to / Remove from ORCID".
6. import.css: Import "landing-utils.css".
7. landing-utils.css: Comment all existing css rules and add new.
1. searchFields.ts: Added fos & sdg refine filters for research results.
2. resultLandingInfo.ts: Added string arrays "fos" and "sdg".
3. HelperFunctions.class.ts: Added method for sdg sorting (splits value, keeps only number before dot and compares numerically).
4. searchResearchResults.service.ts: [Bug fix] when parsing "dateofacceptance", stringify it only if it has a value.
5. searchFilter.component.ts: When sorting filters, sort differently SDGs.
6. resultLanding.service.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Fix in parsing subtitle.
b. [Bug fix] Parsing of "Related organizations" was accidentally deleted when parsing of relations changed.
c. Parse "FOS" and "SDGs" in their specific fields, separately from subjects.
7. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Do not make call for opencitations (deprecated).
b. Updated method "hasPrimaryInfo()": Description is now array and added checks for organizations.
8. resultLanding.component.html: Display of "FOS" and "SDGs" separately from subjects.
9. showPublisher.component.ts: [Bug fix] Remove from html name of developer!
10. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Parse "FOS" and "SDGs" in their specific fields, separately from subjects.
11. metrics.component.ts: [Bug fix] Default value of "metricsClicked" should be false.
1. result-preview.component.ts: Display relationName (added in beforeTitlte).
2. resultLandingInfo.ts: Added field "relatedResults" (replaced other structures for relations) and "relatedClassFilters".
3. resultLanding.component.html:
a. In tab "Related research" show all relations.
b. [Bug fix] Added check when accessing resultLandingInfo.identifiers for altmetrics.
4. resultLanding.module.ts: Import MatFormFieldModule and MatSelectModule for filtering relations in tab which shows all relations.
5. result-preview.ts:
a. Added in class RelationResult "percentageName" (e.g. trust) and "relationName" (e.g. IsSupplementedBy) fields.
b. Added in class ResultPreview "relationName" field (e.g. IsSupplementedBy).
c. In method "relationResultConvert()", removed "relation" from parameters (included in RelationResult).
6. resultLanding.service.ts:
a. Updated parsing of relations (parse all relations for research results).
b. Updated sorting of relations.
7. resultLanding.component.ts: Handle updated relations and show them in one tab all together.
8. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Updated parsing of relations - parse all relations for results and keep the relationName and the percentageName.
1. src/app/openaireLibrary/orcid/orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] On ngOnInit() method, call getPutCode, only if(!this.givenPutCode && this.isLoggedIn).
2. src/app/openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties.ts: Added field "enermapsAPIURL?: string".
3. src/app/openaireLibrary/utils/tabs/contents/search-tab.component.ts: Added <ng-content></ng-content> on top of <search-result>.
4. src/app/openaireLibrary/landingPages/project/project.component.html: Moved alert inside <search-tab> (was before it).
5. src/app/openaireLibrary/landingPages/result/resultLanding.service.ts: Added methods "getEnermapsDetails()" and "parseEnermapsDetails()" (hide "shared_id").
6. src/app/openaireLibrary/landingPages/result/resultLanding.component.ts: Added fields and methods to get enermpas details (only when properties.enermapsAPIURL is set).
7. src/app/openaireLibrary/landingPages/result/resultLanding.component.html:
a. [Bug fix] Capitalize first letter of title in "References" tab (in small tabs).
b. When clicking on tab, call (selectedActiveTab)="onSelectActiveTab($event)".
c. If available, show uk-list with enermaps details (key-value pairs).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@61021 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. resultLanding.component.html & result-preview.component.html: Show orcid buttons in all environments (production too) | in <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property.
2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Added "getPersonalDetails()" method and link to advanced research outcomes page, filtered by user's name (if personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo).
3. searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Removed PagingModule and added NoLoadPaging.
4. searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added method "totalPages()" to calculate pages in paging.
5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html:
a. Added <no-load-paging> (instead of custom paging with <paging-no-load>).
b. In <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property.
c. Fix widths of grid inside card for result preview and orcid buttons.
6. orcid-work.component.ts:
a. Added "resultTitle" @Input property, to show it in notifications, instead of pids.
b. Updated messages for errors and for multiple put-codes.
c. Use "danger" notifications instead of "warning" when an error occurs.
d. For search and my orcid links pages, in orcid buttons, use <icon> for icons | For landing page, updated icons in orcid buttons.
e. Added message "The action will affect your real ORCID iD." in tooltips, when environment == 'beta'.
f. Removed property "procedurePaused" and its usage replaced by "currentAction".
g. [Bug fix] For search pages, added "uk-align-right", in order orcid button not to take width for the whole line.
h. [Bug fix] In method "getOrcidWorks()" check "Session.isLoggedIn()" was missing.
7. orcid.component.ts: If personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo.
8. orcid.module.ts: Added IconsModule and registered icons: add, remove, preview, refresh in IconsService.
9. searchResult.component.ts: Call "orcidService.getPutCodes()" in all environments (production too).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60619 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. env-properties.ts: Added properties "orcidTokenURL", "orcidClientId".
2. orcid-work.component.ts & myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Set tokenUrl using properties.orcidTokenURL and properties.orcidClientId (not local strings).
3. searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Remove check for "development" environment (Menu is not added in production).
4. searchResult.component.ts: Parse previewResult.identifiers to set previewResult.orcidPutCodes only when environment is not "production" and portalType is "explore".
5. result-preview.component.html: Show ORCID dates or <orcid-work> only when environment is not "production" and portalType is "explore".
6. resultLanding.component.html: Show <orcid-work> only when environment is not "production" and portalType is "explore".
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60494 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
deletedByInference.component.ts: In <result-preview> add property "showOrcid" set to "false".
a. Show <orcid-work> always (user is logged in or not and if there are no identifiers).
b. Add class "half-opacity" in button and text for annotations when not user is logged in or there is no pid.
resultLanding.component.ts: Remove "loggedIn" field as it is duplicate (the other is "isLoggedIn").
advancedSearchForm.component.html: Show input form for filters with type "keyword" and [NEW] type "identifier".
loading.component.ts: Add boolean property "top_margin" to add or not class "uk-margin-small-top" on spinner.
a. Show <orcid-work> component even when user is not logged in.
b. Fix widths for bottom line of result preview.
c. Add "orcidCreationDates" and "orcidUpdateDates" in bottom line when available (in my orcid links page).
result-preview.component.ts: Add "showOrcid" property.
result-preview.ts: Add fields "orcidUpdateDates: string[]" and "orcidCreationDates: string[]".
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60393 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. error-interceptor.service.ts: Add "properties.orcidAPIURL" in UNAUTHORIZED_WHITELIST.
2. resultLanding.component.html: If result has identifiers and user is logged in, call <orcid-work>.
3. resultLanding.module.ts: Import OrcidModule.
4. searchResult.component.ts: If user is logged in, call "orcidService.getPutCodes()" and set orcidPutCodes of previewResults.
5. searchResults.module.ts: Add "OrcidService" in providers.
6. searchResearchResults.service.ts: In method "parseResults()", call "this.parsingFunctions.parseIdentifiers(resData['pid'])" to set identifiers.
7. customOptions.class.ts: Change method return type: "public static registryOptions(): any" --> public static registryOptions(): {}". (caused problem in return type of services (e.g. HttpEvent<string> instead of string).
8. searchResult.ts: Add field "identifiers: Map<string, string[]>".
9. env-properties.ts: Add field "orcidAPIURL".
10. result-preview.component.html:
a. If result has identifiers and user is logged in, call <orcid-work>.
b. In bottom line with impact factors and orcid, add class "result-preview-bottom" (set color to #747474 (like muted text) when not on hover).
11. result-preview.component.ts: Add field "loggedIn" and check on init if user is logged in (via Session).
12. result-preview.module.ts: Import OrcidModule.
13. result-preview.ts: Add field "orcidPutCodes" | In method "searchResultConvert()", set resultPreview.identifiers with all identifiers (not only dois).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60231 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3