1. styles.less: Renamed from styles.css and added imports of less files and portal-custom.css (to be updated).
2. angular.json: In styles configuration added styles.less.
3. index.html & beta/index.html: In beta badge, used background instead of background-color to css rules.
4. portal-custom.css: Added rule for .search-form to inherit color in background.
5. searchFields.ts:
a. Replaced "datasourcetypeuiname" field with "eoscdatasourcetype" for datasources refine filter "Type".
b. In method "getResultAdvancedFields()" return always RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS without excluding "eoscifguidelines".
6. datasourcesHelper.class.ts: Replaced "datasourcetypeuiname" field with "eoscdatasourcetype" for datasources queries and used updated type names "Research Entity Registry" (old "Registry") and "Journal Archive" (old "Journal archive").
7. cache-interceptor.service.ts: Updated cachingRequests array, using new "eoscdatasourcetype" and its values.
8. dataProvider.component.html && result-preview.component.html: Do not add hardcoded compatibility label "Not yet registered" and updated checks.
9. resultLanding.service.ts & parsingFunctions.class.ts: Parse resultLandingInfo.eoscSubjects only by "eoscifguidelines" field not "subjects".
10. searchFilter.component.ts: [Bug fix] In Access filter, fixed bug in view all, when clearing the preselected value.
* Do not forget to add in package.json in devDependencies, "@types/express-serve-static-core": "4.17.28"
1. resultLanding.component.ts & resultLanding.service.ts: Deleted code related to Open Citations (unused and deprecated).
2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts & orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] On method "openGrantWindow()", condition changed to show success notification if (ev.isTrusted && ev.origin == location.origin && ev.data == 'success') - notification was appearing on logout.
3. orcid-work.component.ts:
a. In #workModal set large="true".
b. [Bug fix] In method "getPutCode()", called in "View orcid work" button, added check and warning notification if response is null - used to open empty modal.
c. [Bug fix] In handleError() method, messages fixed -- used to show ...with pids: {{title}}...
4. datasourcesHelper.class.ts: In method "getQueryPrefix()" deleted commented conditional code for the environment.
1. app.component.ts: Added <div id="modal-container"></div>.
2. alert.ts: [Bug fix] Updated target container in modal to id #modal-container (get portal specific css and have a generic z-index).
3. datasourcesHelper.class.ts: In method getQueryPrefix(), have a common setting for beta & prod environments.
4. orcid-work.component.ts: In grant modal, removed uk-text-center class and added [overflowBody]=false.
1. result-preview.component.ts & datasourcesHelper.class.ts & entitiesSelection.component.ts & newSearchPage.component.ts & errorPage.component.ts & searchAll.component.ts: Added case for service entity.
2. searchFields.ts: Added in OpenaireEntities names for Services | In methods "getFieldName()" and "getFieldParam()" case for service entity.
3. searchDataProviders.component.ts: Parametrize component to show/query for datasources or services.
4. quick-selections.component.ts: Delete reset of resultTypes from "initializeFilters()" method.
5. searchDataproviders.service.ts: In method "numOfSearchDataproviders2()" added parameter "typePathParam" to search for datasources or services | In method "parseResults()" set "entityType" according to eosctype field.
6. portal.ts: In method "getmockPortalInfo()" added entity and routes for service.
7. env-properties.ts: Added properties "searchLinkToService", "searchLinkToServices", "searchLinkToAdvancedServices".
8. dataProvider.component.html: Parametrize component to show for datasources or services | [Bug fix] Added [class.uk-invisible]="!dataProviderInfo" in #graph_and_feedback_template.
9. dataProvider.component.ts: Parametrize component to show/query for datasources or services.
10. dataProvider.service.ts: In method "getDataproviderInfo()" added parameter "typePathParam" to search for datasources or services.
11. searchAll.component.html: Added tab for search services.
1. newSearchPage.component.html: In graph and feedback, replace uk-text-muted with uk-text-meta and add uk-margin-large-top.
2. datasourcesHelper.class.ts & searchDataProviders.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts: Use OpenaireEntities for result type names.
old datsource search pages & table view: remove map link
new Datasource search page:
able to use it for different types (compatible, journal, registries)
create a helper class for selecting proper query, filter, etc depending on the type
Advanced form:
remove [()] from html attributes
add check about showing advanced link & entites selection component
when only one advanced filed is left, change its operator to and
update according to the new UI
Autocomplete: on blur clear keyword
New Search PAge:
Handle Quotted queries for field with equality operator "="
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58138 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3