Commit Graph

61 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Konstantina Galouni e4bfed85ba [develop | DONE | FIXED]: showAuthors.component.ts: Typo fix in ORCID box (3rd party repositories, not 3d party). 2024-09-11 20:33:33 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni 43990dc582 [develop | DONE | FIXED]: [BUG FIX] showAuthors.component.ts: Remove non existing field from the condition. 2024-05-23 18:16:07 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni 632d11c82c [develop | DONE | FIXED]: showAuthors.component.ts: On destroy of component, delete all elements with "orcid-dropdown" class from "modal-container". 2024-05-22 16:50:58 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni 2cd8059794 [develop | WIP | FIXED]: showAuthors.component.ts: In uk-dropdown set [attr.container]="'#modal-container'" to always be on top of every other part of the page. 2024-04-23 16:58:48 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni e74dc1b58f [develop | DONE | FIXED]: showAuthors.component.ts: In uk-dropdown set "pos: bottom-right" and [attr.container]="modal ? '#modal-container' : false" - copy to clipboard is not fully functional. 2024-04-23 16:01:47 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni ce87f0690d [develop | DONE | FIXED]: BUG fixes in orcid author modal | BUG fixes in search filters column.
1. mobile-dropdown.component.ts: Added makrForCheck() method call in "open()".
2. deletedByInference.component.ts: Added @Input() isMobile: boolean = false; & In <result-preview> set parameter [isMobile]="isMobile".
3. resultLanding.component.html: In mobile view, in <deletedByInference> set parameters [isMobile]="isMobile" and [modal]="alertModalDeletedByInferenceFS".
4. showAuthors.component.ts:
5. searchOrganizations.component.ts: [BUG FIX] In <new-search-page> set parameter [showRefine]="refineFields?.length > 0" to display filters or not.
6. newSearchPage.component.html: [BUG FIX] Updated checks for displaying refine filters column or not.
2024-04-22 17:14:46 +03:00
Alex Martzios 9b04260a60 [develop | DONE | FIXED] showAuthors: fix z-index bug for ocrid dropdown inside modal 2024-04-15 12:09:35 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 3204ba18ff [develop]: Fix showAuthors in modal. 2024-02-14 15:43:27 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou f4d7582764 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into angular-16 2023-10-06 19:48:06 +03:00
Alex Martzios af95b395bd search page: add view more option for partners, projects, match styling for authors as well 2023-10-02 12:18:29 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 7906b056c9 Fix drops and dropdowns in avalableOn, result-preview and showAuthors 2023-08-23 16:42:52 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 86ba54c7d0 Fix mobile-dropdown open-close. Fix input in mobile. Add mobile-dropdown in availableOn, fundedBy, showAuthors. 2023-07-25 19:09:09 +03:00
Alex Martzios ae68622fb6 landing & search: add label for authors row 2023-07-11 12:59:43 +03:00
Alex Martzios 29723188bc resultLanding: in versions modal, expand authors instead of opening them in a new modal 2023-05-12 15:55:22 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni e4ca050d80 [Library | explore-redesign]: showAuthors.component.ts: Added class "uk-text-italic" when displaying authors (not in modal) to make them more obvious among other info of the result. 2023-05-08 10:32:45 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni e1b5f4a46d Library | explore-redesign: Merging develop branch into explore-redesign 2023-04-06 12:06:12 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni b25c6dd2f7 [Library | develop & EOSC Explore | master]: Redirect to eosc search for any page except landing | If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, open search links to OpenAIRE Explore in a new tab.
1. home.component.html: Commented everything.
2. home.component.ts: Commented everything and added redirect to EOSC search.
3. app.component.ts: Commented <navbar>.
4. app-routing.module.ts: Removed unused routes | For any route other than landing, redirect to home page.
5. index.html: Removed BETA badge | Updated title from "Search OpenAIRE" to "Search EOSC".
6. errorPage.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts & showAuthors.component.ts & search-tab.component.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, open search page in OpenAIRE Explore in a new tab.
7. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, open search page in OpenAIRE Explore in a new tab | If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, do not show "feedback/suggest" link.
8. open-aire-jsonld-converter.service.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, do not add fos and sdgs as doc.isPartOf.
2023-03-09 10:54:03 +02:00
Konstantina Galouni 44825c5985 [Library | explore-redesign]: In small screens (mobile) open full screen modal when viewing all authors or all identifiers.
1. showAuthors.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
2. showAuthors.component.ts & showIdentifiers.component.ts: Added @Input() isMobile: boolean = false; | Added <fs-modal> for view all authors, to trigger it when isMobile.
3. landing-header.component.ts: Added @Input() isMobile: boolean = false; | Pass input param isMobile to <showAuthors>.
4. resultLanding.component.html: Pass input param isMobile to <showSubjects>, <showIdentifiers>, <landing-header>.
2023-02-22 23:13:46 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 9715de74d2 Create entity-actions and add all result actions in it. Add filters-toggle in advanced search for mobile. Add funders and subjects in entity-metadata. Change authors view less 2023-02-20 16:59:07 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 38f3e7656f Authors remove uk-box-no-shadow from button. Fix typos in guards. Sidebar: Fix second menu items subnav 2022-06-23 19:46:53 +03:00
Alex Martzios 657ff61207 show 'more authors' for result preview 2022-06-20 14:12:48 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni fb4df63f19 [Library & common-assets | new-theme]: z-index problems in landing pages & scrolling on page change in tabs and versions modals | Bug fix in projects tab of organizatio landing.
1. landing-utils.css: [Bug fix] z-indexes of uk-dropdown set to 981 (landing only), z-index of #main-tabs-div set to 978, z-index of graph_and_feedback set to 979.
2. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; and when isSticky is true, do not show orcid info & dropdown for authors (z-index problem).
3. resultLanding.component.ts: Added scrolling in "References" and "External Databases" (bioentiites) tabs on page change.
4. resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] For the right sidebar, added inner <div class="uk-overflow-auto uk-height-1-1"> inside sticky - z-index problem.
5. result/deletedByInference.component.ts & organization/deletedByInference.component.ts: Added scrolling on page change.
6. projects-in-modal.component.ts:
   a. Added scrolling in "Projects" tab on page change.
   b. Show number of projects and pages always.
   b. [Bug fix] On filterChange(), set page=1.
7. landing-header.component.ts: Added parameter isSticky in <showAuthors>.
8. Added scrolling in "Related Data Sources" tab on page change.
2022-06-16 19:37:31 +03:00
Alex Martzios c5050c521f fix for showAuthors component - modal 2022-06-10 11:17:46 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni f974e91c25 [Explore & Library & openaire-theme | new-theme]: Updated parsing of classified subjects by using a vocabulary | Added parsing of instance.license in Download from | Added feedback functionality for fos and sdgs in landing | #7509 Parsing both citations and references fields | In "view all/less" links added chervon-right icon with class "view-more-less-link".
1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: Added method "urlEncodeAndQuote()" to encode and then quote a string.
2. fos.component.html & sdg.component.html:
   a. "Beta" badge was updated to yellow uk-text-large.
   b. Link to the simple search page instead of the advanced and urlEncodeAndQuote the parameter used in url.
3. link.css: Added class "view-more-less-link" to set on ::after "chevron_right" icon (not underlined on hover) - used in "view all/more/less" links.
4. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & fundedBy.component.ts & relatedTo.component.ts & showIdentifiers.component.ts & showAuthors.component.ts: In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link" | Renamed "view more" to "view all".
5. feedback.component.html: Rename wording to be more positive: issues -> feedback, issue -> comment, report -> feedback.
6. feedback.component.ts: Added @Input() preSelectedField: string = ""; and set with it "field" on "addIssue()" (fos/sdg preselected for feedback).
7. availableOn.component.ts:
   a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link".
   b. #7833 - Show instance.license information (as link when recognized as url, string otherwise).
8. landing-utils/fos.component.ts & landing-utils/sdg.component.ts:
   a. "Beta" word was updated to yellow uk-text-xsmall.
   b. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link".
   c. Added feedback functionality: link to feedback form.
9. showSubjects.component.ts:
   a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link".
   b. Added "view all" functionality for classified subjects too.
10. resultLanding.component.html:
    a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link" | Renamed "view more" to "view all"
    b. Added feedback functionality: link to feedback form - preselect in feedback form fos/sdg.
11. resultLanding.component.ts:
    a. Added public feedbackPreSelectedField: string = ""; field.
    b. Added method "feedbackClicked()".
    c. [Bug fix] In hasPrimaryInfo() added check for classifiedSubjects.
    d. Renamed getProvenanceVocabularyAndResultLandingInfo() to getVocabulariesAndResultLandingInfo() and call also this._vocabulariesService.getSubjectsVocabulary().
12. parsingFunctions.class.ts:
    a. #7196 - Updated parsing of subjects in method "parseAllSubjects()".
    b. #7833 - In method "parseHostedBy_collectedFrom()", added parsing for "license" field.
13. orcid-work.component.ts: On calling method "this.resultLandingService.getResultLandingInfo()", added null parameter for subject vocabulary.
14. searchFilter.module.ts: Import IconsModule.
15. searchFilter.component.html: Removed +/- form "view all/less" links and added class "view-more-less-link".
16. result-preview.ts: Added "licence?: string" in HostedByCollectedFrom.
17. ISVocabularies.service.ts:
    a. Added "private subjectsVocabulary: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);" field and methods "getSubjectsVocabulary()", "getSubjectsVocabularyFromService()".
    b. Commented this.clearSubscriptions() from "getProvenanceActionVocabularyFromServiceAsync()".
18. resultLanding.service.ts:
    a. On subjects parsing, use subjectsVocabulary.
    b. #7509- Added if/then/else case for parsing citations (new name: references).
2022-06-09 16:45:39 +03:00
Alex Martzios e7720c283f fix for underlined space between orcid icon and name (showAuthors component) 2022-06-09 16:10:04 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni 9577c7841d [common-assets & Library | new-theme]: Fixes for orcid dropdown in authors and increase timeout for addThis check for warning.
1. addThis.component.ts: [Bug fix] Increased timeout to 4 sec and fix check (sometimes innerText was undefined).
2. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: [Bug fix] Removed uk-animation-fade from results and added uk-scrollspy.
3. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed copy to clipboard - data-clipboard-target was not working because we have multiple clipboards in the same page (reverted code to old way of copying).
4. timeout-interceptor.service.ts: Reverted timeout time for client.
5. utils.css: Added custom css for .orcid-dropdown input (orcid dropdown in authors).
2022-05-17 12:15:15 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni 83984ddf79 [Explore & Library & common-assets | new-theme]: No animation in sticky tabs | Tabs stop being sticky when bottom component is in viewport | Updates in powered by bottom message | Updates in statistics in datasource landing.
1. landing-utils.css: Commented transition ease-out in #main-tabs-div.
2. app.component.ts: Added id="bottom" in <bottom>.
3. newSearchPage.component.html: Updated "Powered by OpenAIRE Research Graph" to make the link underlined on hover.
4. metrics.component.ts: Add classes "uk-text-small uk-text-meta" in "Powered by".
5. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
   a. Updated "Powered by OpenAIRE Research Graph" to make the link underlined on hover.
   b. Add uk-sticky attribute in id="main-tabs-div" only if shouldSticky is true (bottom is not in the viewport).
6. resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts: Added fields shouldSticky and observer, check in ngAfterViewInit() if bottom is intersecting and kill the observer in ngOnDestroy().
7. statisticsTab.component.ts: Added customContainerClass="uk-background-default" customIframeClass="uk-blend-multiply" in <i-frame>.
8. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] In "View less authors" make only the link clickable, not the whole row.
2022-05-04 18:09:35 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni 53d05bf54f [Explore & Library & Common Assets | new-theme]: Updates related to result landing redesign.
1. fos.component.css: Removed rule "mark.highlighted" and ".custom-bottom-border" updated with variables.
2. feedback.component.html: Updated width of email input for small screens.
3. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In "parseAllSubjects()" method, comment otherSubjects and push them in subjects.
4. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Updated classes in <modal-alert>.
5. showSubjects.component.ts: "Subjects by Vocabulary" and "Subjects" separated & view more functionality added in "Subjects".
6. resultLanding.component:
	a. Added button and modal for <addThis> (share in social media).
	b. View more functionality for related organizations.
	c. Graph and feedback section sticky.
	d. Added checks for summary tab and right sidebar.
	e. In small screens made right sidebar offcanvas.
7. resultLanding.module.ts: Updated iconsService.registerIcons to register link, graph, quotes.
8. orcid-work.component.ts: Added visually-hidden in icon buttons for landing | Updated classes in <modal-alert> and use buttons of alert instead of custom.
9. no-load-paging.component.ts: Use new component <results-and-pages> for results and pages number and set uk-flex-right in <paging-no-load> (default is center).
10. cookie-law.css: In ".cookie-law-wrapper" increased z-index from 100 to 1000.
11. showAuthors.component.ts: Removed shadow from search button | Updated classes in <modal-alert>.
12. icons.ts: Added "quotes" svg.
13. alert.ts: Updated modal to have header - body - footer (theme was updated too) | classTitle input set default to "uk-background-primary-opacity" | @Input() overflowBody: boolean = true; added to add overflow in body.
14. paging.module.ts: Added ResultsAndPagesNumComponent in declarations and exports.
15. pagingFormatter.component.ts: Add "uk-invisible" to previous and next buttons instead of hiding them.
16. pagingFormatterNoLoad.component.ts: Add "uk-invisible" to previous and next buttons instead of hiding them | Set customClasses default to "uk-flex-center".
17. tabs.component.ts: Updated margins/ paddings | Added @Input() offsetForSticky:number=0; to compare with the top distance for isSticky.
18. resultsAndPagesNum.component.ts: [NEW] Component to show number of results, number of pages and current page (used in paging).
19. landing-utils.css:
	a. Moved variables in .landing instead of :root.
	b. Added variable --landing-light-color-rgb: var(--light-color-rgb);
	c. Added glass filter in #graph_and_feedback.
	d. Set z-index of #main-tabs-div and #graph_and_feedback to 979 (default 980 caused problems with metrics box).
	e. Added padding-bottom: 80px and margin-top: 80px in .landing-sections.
	f. Added top rule for #right-sidebar-switcher.
	g. Added custom width rules for .landing-left-sidebar-width.
20. css-rules.txt: Added cookie-law-wrapper: 1000 info for z-index
21. explore-custom.css: Added variable --background-primary-rgb: var(--explore-color-rgb);
2022-04-20 17:40:18 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni e28e06b239 [Library & common-assets | new-theme]: Updates for redesign.
1. availableOn.component.ts: Updated class of title to "uk-text-light-grey" and added custom-external icon to links and updated accessright icons.
2. citation.class.ts: Added fileFormatOptions: Option[] to use it in input options.
3. citeThis.component.ts: Updated select inputs using "input" from InputComponent | Updated copy to clipboard button to link.
4. citeThis.module.ts: Import InputModule.
5. fos.component.ts: Updated class of title to "uk-text-light-grey".
6. fundedBy.component.ts: Updated class of title to "uk-text-light-grey" and updated links with uk-text-emphasis class.
7. landing-header.component.ts: Increase authorsLimit to 7 | Changed class of "under curation" to uk-text-primary (used to be custom class).
8. metrics.component.ts: Updated in clickOutside event.
parsingFunctions.class.ts: Updated open, closed and unknown with icon names instead of paths to svgs (download accessright icons).
9. relatedTo.component.ts: Updated class of title to "uk-text-light-grey" and added custom-external for links.
10. resultLandingUtils.module.ts: Inport AlertModalModule (to open modal).
11. sdg.component.ts: Updated class of titlte to "uk-text-light-grey".
12. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Added view more functionality.
13. showPublisher.component.ts: Updated custon-external class.
14. resultLanding.module.ts: registerIcon link.
15. resultLanding.component.html: Updated css for result landing and commented annotations (b2note).
16. orcid-work.component.ts: Updated orcid action button for landing page.
17. orcid.module.ts: registerIcons orcid_add and orcid_bin.
18. customOptions.class.ts: [Bug fix] [By Kostis] registryOptions() was not returning properly httpHeaders.
19. showAuthors.component.ts: Updated css
20. icons.ts: Export svgs orcid_add, orcid_bin, link.
21. alert.ts: Removed margin from title.
22. result-preview.component.html: Title of results set to <h2> and uk-h6 and when links to uk-link-heading | accessRightIcon for hostedBy_collectedFrom.
23. result-preview.module.ts: Imported IconsModule.
24. landing-utils.css: Updates in landing css & css of landing-action-button & added backdrop filter missing rules.
25. utils.css: Updated class orcid-clipboard-wrapper and renamed to clipboad-wrapper | Update class .custom-external to set in content with code instead of name and updated not to underline it on hover
26. library.css: Added class .default-dropdown with max-width: 500px;
2022-04-16 10:47:30 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni d6e9ce2a5c [Library | new-theme]: showAuthors.module.ts: Imported AlertModalModule | showAuthors.component.ts: When authors > 2*threshold, open them in modal & Replaces "view all ... authors" with "+ ... Authors" & updated orcid dropdown according to new theme | landing-header.component.ts: Use "uk-text-small" everywhere and removed @Input() small & change authorLimit from 30 to 3 & removed "small" input from <showAuthors>. 2022-04-12 14:51:54 +03:00
argirok f51e47afa0 SEO - accessibility: more changes for accessibility, new manifest file 2021-08-11 13:59:50 +03:00
k.triantafyllou 08bf703186 [Library]: Move angular 11 to trunk. Remove no needed files. Delete angular upgrade branches
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-07-14 11:19:57 +00:00
k.triantafyllou 1e785e4fd9 [Library | Trunk]: Remove scroll to top from pages initiliazation
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-04-20 15:18:15 +00:00
konstantina.galouni 46869b4afe [Trunk | Library]:
1. showAuthors.component.ts: In popup for authors with ORCID information, added the green or black icon next to the explanatory message.
2. orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] There was a class "uk-padding-removeremove" in #grantModal - change it to "uk-padding-remove".
3. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Added paging at the bottom of the page too (after the results).
4. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: 
	a. Added a "Need help? Read more" link on the right side, above the paging, to the openaire blog article for the ORCID search & link functionality.
	b. Added "uk-margin-large-top" for alerts and messages, when no results are shown.

git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-04-12 10:02:56 +00:00
konstantina.galouni be0b3c8753 [Trunk | Library]: showAuthors.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] When there is "author.orcid" and "author.ocid_pending" too, ignore "author.orcid_pending".
	b. [Bug fix] Increased the min-width of area where ORCID iD is shown from 250px to 280px.
	c. [Bug fix] Increased the min-width of dropdown box from 70px to 465px - sometimes copy and external buttons were cut to 2 or 3 lines.

git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-03-11 01:37:04 +00:00
konstantina.galouni 74eadebf48 [Trunk | Library]:
1. orcid-work.component.ts: Update orcid icons for landing.
2. showAuthors.component.ts: In popup shown for authors with orcid or orcid_pending info, show appropriate messages.

git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-02-26 13:42:44 +00:00
konstantina.galouni f592e7943f [Trunk | Library]:
1. result-preview.ts: In interface "Author" add field "orcid_pending".
2. deletedByInference.service.ts, searchResearchResults.service.ts, resultLanding.service.ts:
	a. [Bug fix #6342]: On title parsing, set the title with classid = "main title" if exists.
	b. Add "orcid_pending" field to authors, to separate "orcid" from "orcid_pending".
	c. Only for resultLanding.service.ts: Add "orcid_pending" field to authors, to separate "orcid" from "orcid_pending".
3. open-aire-jsonld-converter.service.ts: [Bug fix #6342]: On title parsing, set the title with classid = "main title" if exists.
4. showAuthors.component.ts: Show black ORCID icon for authors with orcid_pending (and keep green icon for orcid).

git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-02-20 09:20:05 +00:00
konstantina.galouni 8e50219489 [Trunk | Library]:
1. resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix]: Remove input property [showAllAuthors]="false" from <landing-header> - "View all authors" button was never visible.
2. showAuthors.component.ts: Integrate orcid to production - Remove restrictions in html.

git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-09-22 10:34:06 +00:00
k.triantafyllou bbc8ec2a34 [Library | Trunk]: Add again provider link on download from
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-07-27 10:48:05 +00:00
k.triantafyllou 794d565547 [Library | Trunk]: Change download from and search results base on UI/UX suggestions
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-07-22 13:39:35 +00:00
k.triantafyllou 034a9e00a7 [Library | Trunk]: Replace static links with property url
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-07-13 14:42:34 +00:00
k.triantafyllou db7bd35f62 [Library | Trunk]: Changes for adding search and langing pages to monitor dashboard
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-07-10 08:37:17 +00:00
k.triantafyllou 632f1586c2 [Library | Trunk]: Landing: 1. Remove uk-text-small from Results. 2. Revert copyright policy link on Journal. 3. Add tag free text keywords on subjects
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-05-26 14:42:47 +00:00
k.triantafyllou 1fe05f52d6 [Library | Trunk]: Remove active from tabs. Change tabs, authos and funded by to work on js disable.
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-05-25 18:58:13 +00:00
argiro.kokogiannaki 7f1862dbab [Library|Trunk]

-Entities Selection: add check if route is enabled
-Delay in result types checkboxes to 2 s
-Use breadcrumb component
-add connect background
-remove space between names in showAuthors component
	-message about top 100 always visible
	-rename to view all
	-change css for search input
	-show 100 if results > 95
	-view less under the 2nd list
-Search bar:
	-select contains all avaliable entities not only search results

Landing pages:

-correct issue with pmid in landing
-correct issue with date in cite this
-Hide Addthis:
	value in properties

git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-27 08:14:05 +00:00
k.triantafyllou feac1a83b0 [Library | Trunk]: Fix redirect URL of research-outcomes. Fix orcid-popup to have research-outcomes button.
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-03-30 08:45:08 +00:00
k.triantafyllou ec517e5614 [Library | Trunk]: Feedback email added. User will received an email about his report status.
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-03-19 12:26:55 +00:00
k.triantafyllou a6f0ce1027 [Library | Trunk]: Show Authors: Remove quotes on orcid
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-03-16 14:22:37 +00:00
k.triantafyllou 276e467b4f [Library | Trunk]: 1. Merge from landing redesign. 2. Close modal on show Authors.
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-03-16 13:09:46 +00:00
k.triantafyllou 8bb13d0ff5 [Library | Trunk]: Fix showAuthors error cause of wrong import
git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-03-13 11:42:57 +00:00