1. searchDataproviders.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts: Updated parsing of description (like in services for landing, use ParsingFunctions.parseDescription()).
2. searchFields.ts: Added in OpenaireEntities enum values for type names in files.
3. open-aire-jsonld-converter.service.ts:
a. Updated parsing of description in methods convertProject() and convertDatasource() - use ParsingFunctions.parseDescription().
b. In convertDatasource() method set "otherUrl" (not push it) in sameAs (on next commit, dataprovider landing sents all provenance urls as array).
4. jsonld-document-serializer.service.ts: [Bug fix] Added check in "serializeDescription()" method.
1. no-load-paging.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added pipe "number" to totalPages.
2. searchProjects.service.ts: Nothing but removed a ";" which was double.
3. search-input.component.ts:
a. Added "bordered" class when input is focused (showSearch) or when a keyword exists (selected).
b. Added "uk-visible@m" and "uk-padding-small" clases when showing selected keyword (padding is added so that border does not move).
4. icons.ts: Added icon "info" (from uikit).
5. string-utils.class.ts: Removed a console.log from "HTMLToString()" method.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60681 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
code clean up:
-remove app.* files from library
-remove unused imports, code, files (Old search pages for results, dataproviders, map search page, etc)
-remove Freeguard from modules
-unsubscribe all subscriptions
-Services: configuration, isvocabularies, user management: unsubscribe from app component or the component that uses them (clearSubscriptions())
-Fetchers: unsubscribe from the component that uses them (clearSubscriptions())
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@59816 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. result-preview.component.html: [Bug fix] fixes in spaces between comma separated values.
2. dataProviderInfo.ts & dataProvider.service.ts: Add and parse also acronym for "organizations".
3. searchProjects.service.ts & searchDataproviders.service.ts: If organization has no name, add "[no title available]".
4. dataProvider.component.ts: initialize "showNumOrganizations" to 20 | [Bug fix] Initialize and count all tabs no matter what the type is.
5. dataProvider.component.html:
a. Show acronym for organizations and name in tooltip |
b. [Bug fix] date for "Last update of records in OpenAIRE" under the card in right column of page.
c. [Bug fix] In statisticsTab pass inputs for fetchSoftware and fetchOther.
6. statisticsTab.component.ts: [Bug fix] New inputs for fetchSoftware and fetchOther - pass their status in errorMessages | no checks for showing charts (needs more investigation).
7. project.component.html:
a. [Bug fix] date for "Last update of records in OpenAIRE" under the card in right column of page.
b. [Bug fix] For statistics check also fetchSoftware and fetchOther.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58284 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. searchDataproviders.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts: Remove 'type' parameter from request.
2. newSearchPage.component.ts: 'type' parameter is added for every type (not only for results).
3. entitiesSelection.component.ts: [Bug fix] For content providers: value="dataprovider".
4. searchDataProviders.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts: Initialize "csvParams" correctly according to queries built in search pages (search redesign).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58132 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
New Search pages:
1. update queries to use new method in API /resources2?type={publications,datasets,software,other,projects,organizations, datasources}
2. add Entities Selection component and add it Simple, Advanced pages
3. Quick Selections update: add check for enabled entities
4. Update simple search form and advanced according to the mocks
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58093 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
instead of funders: {"funderShortname": string, "funderName": string}[]
now: funderShortname: string // only 1 funder per project and we don't use the full name
2. Addition of SearchResult field for project results: acronym: string, code: string
3. Parsing of funders changed (searchProjects.service): when more than 1 funders in 'fundingtree', keep 'shortname' of the first one
4. Parsing of project's acronym and code parsed and stored in corresponding fields (not in the title.name)
5. Adjust new fields display in 'tabResult.component' and 'searchResult.component'
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@51317 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3