1. sdg.component.html: Added link for more information to joomla article (Canada's request).
2. timeout-interceptor.service.ts: Excluded from timeout interceptor properties.searchCrossrefAPIURL and properties.searchDataciteAPIURL.
3. searchDatacite.service.ts: In method "getDataciteResultByDOI()", for requests coming from file uploaded in linking added timeout to 20 sec, and for other requests timeout similar to the interceptor (6 sec for production, 12 otherwise).
4. searchCrossref.service.ts: In method "searchCrossrefByDOIs()", added timeout similar to the interceptor (6 sec for production, 12 otherwise) | Added method "searchCrossrefByDOI()", called for requests coming from file uploaded in linking.
5. bulkClaim.component.ts: Call new API method for Crossref requests for DOIs | Fixed tooltip to appear.
1. displayClaims.component.ts & searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added scrolling in my/all claims page and in my orcid links page.
2. errorPage.component.ts: Set statusMessage and statusCode to 403 when page is private.
3. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Do not add uk-text-uppercase for "re3data" pid.
4. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: In "No ORCID links found" added classes "uk-text-meta uk-text-large uk-text-center" instead of alert.
5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Added condition if totalResults > 0 and previewResults > 0 for <no-load-paging>.
1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added properties.domain as prefix in request for vocabulary - Network error on server.
2. displayClaims.component.html: Used <results-and-pages> before results and <paging-no-load> after results.
3. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: After results use <paging-no-load>.
4. displayClaims.module.ts & searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Imported NoLoadPaging.
5. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed checks in ngAfterContentChecked, not to run on server.
6. dataProvider.service.ts: Added check if there are subjects.
7. orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] On search view, add classes uk-button uk-button-link in orcid actions.
8. newSearchPage.component.ts: Removed console.log.
2. searchDatacite.service.ts & searchOrcid.service.ts: #7159: In result.url "doiURL" property is used instead of a constant prefix.
3. parsingFunctions.class.ts: #7155: Added field "instanceWithDoiExists", to check if publisher with doi related url should be added as instance (download from section).
4. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Removed "space" class from external icon.
5. relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: #7004: Updated message on top of the tab.
1. src/app/openaireLibrary/claims/claim-utils/service/contexts.service.ts & src/app/openaireLibrary/services/searchResearchResults.service.ts:
Added in constructor default value null for HttpClient.
2. src/app/openaireLibrary/landingPages/landing-utils/parsingFunctions.class.ts:
a. In method "parseIdentifiers()", concat quotes in pid.content to make it string always.
b. In method "parseResults()" if "data" is null, return empty array.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@61218 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3