1. showAuthors.component.ts: In popup for authors with ORCID information, added the green or black icon next to the explanatory message.
2. orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] There was a class "uk-padding-removeremove" in #grantModal - change it to "uk-padding-remove".
3. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Added paging at the bottom of the page too (after the results).
4. myOrcidLinks.component.ts:
a. Added a "Need help? Read more" link on the right side, above the paging, to the openaire blog article for the ORCID search & link functionality.
b. Added "uk-margin-large-top" for alerts and messages, when no results are shown.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60836 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. no-load-paging.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added pipe "number" to totalPages.
2. searchProjects.service.ts: Nothing but removed a ";" which was double.
3. search-input.component.ts:
a. Added "bordered" class when input is focused (showSearch) or when a keyword exists (selected).
b. Added "uk-visible@m" and "uk-padding-small" clases when showing selected keyword (padding is added so that border does not move).
4. icons.ts: Added icon "info" (from uikit).
5. string-utils.class.ts: Removed a console.log from "HTMLToString()" method.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60681 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. resultLanding.component.html & result-preview.component.html: Show orcid buttons in all environments (production too) | in <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property.
2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Added "getPersonalDetails()" method and link to advanced research outcomes page, filtered by user's name (if personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo).
3. searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Removed PagingModule and added NoLoadPaging.
4. searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added method "totalPages()" to calculate pages in paging.
5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html:
a. Added <no-load-paging> (instead of custom paging with <paging-no-load>).
b. In <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property.
c. Fix widths of grid inside card for result preview and orcid buttons.
6. orcid-work.component.ts:
a. Added "resultTitle" @Input property, to show it in notifications, instead of pids.
b. Updated messages for errors and for multiple put-codes.
c. Use "danger" notifications instead of "warning" when an error occurs.
d. For search and my orcid links pages, in orcid buttons, use <icon> for icons | For landing page, updated icons in orcid buttons.
e. Added message "The action will affect your real ORCID iD." in tooltips, when environment == 'beta'.
f. Removed property "procedurePaused" and its usage replaced by "currentAction".
g. [Bug fix] For search pages, added "uk-align-right", in order orcid button not to take width for the whole line.
h. [Bug fix] In method "getOrcidWorks()" check "Session.isLoggedIn()" was missing.
7. orcid.component.ts: If personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo.
8. orcid.module.ts: Added IconsModule and registered icons: add, remove, preview, refresh in IconsService.
9. searchResult.component.ts: Call "orcidService.getPutCodes()" in all environments (production too).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60619 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
Organization + Result landing:
reset id with the dedup id (objidentifier) in case the parameters id was a pid or a canonical url.
this fixes issues with related requests that need the dedup identifier
Result landing:
- SEO no-index filter: add supplementary rules (title or authors contain spam record keywords e.g film, movie,hd, 4k,etc)
- when the route is /result?id= update url with pid if exists.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60604 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. env-properties.ts: Added properties "orcidTokenURL", "orcidClientId".
2. orcid-work.component.ts & myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Set tokenUrl using properties.orcidTokenURL and properties.orcidClientId (not local strings).
3. searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Remove check for "development" environment (Menu is not added in production).
4. searchResult.component.ts: Parse previewResult.identifiers to set previewResult.orcidPutCodes only when environment is not "production" and portalType is "explore".
5. result-preview.component.html: Show ORCID dates or <orcid-work> only when environment is not "production" and portalType is "explore".
6. resultLanding.component.html: Show <orcid-work> only when environment is not "production" and portalType is "explore".
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60494 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. result-preview.ts: In interface "Author" add field "orcid_pending".
2. deletedByInference.service.ts, searchResearchResults.service.ts, resultLanding.service.ts:
a. [Bug fix#6342]: On title parsing, set the title with classid = "main title" if exists.
b. Add "orcid_pending" field to authors, to separate "orcid" from "orcid_pending".
c. Only for resultLanding.service.ts: Add "orcid_pending" field to authors, to separate "orcid" from "orcid_pending".
3. open-aire-jsonld-converter.service.ts: [Bug fix#6342]: On title parsing, set the title with classid = "main title" if exists.
4. showAuthors.component.ts: Show black ORCID icon for authors with orcid_pending (and keep green icon for orcid).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60464 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3