Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'develop' into stats-profile
2023-05-02 18:08:58 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Fix bug with UIKit sticky on page-content if header is changing width.
2023-05-02 18:08:48 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into stats-profile
2023-04-27 16:28:48 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop & Eosc Explore | develop]: index.html: Updated favicon for beta | transferData.component.ts: Added check for client side before opening Data Transfer modal.
2023-04-26 15:54:43 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Connect Admin | develop]: community.service.ts: Renamed "advancedConstraint" to "advancedConstraints" (coming from community API).
2023-04-26 11:45:54 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Delete Stats Profile. Fix input autocoplete reset value on search.
2023-04-25 15:20:33 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'develop' into stats-profile
2023-04-24 12:45:31 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop]: resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & organization.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts: [Bug fix] Removed atob method call from get method "eoscBackLink()" - pv param is not expected to be base64 encoded but url encoded.
2023-04-21 19:56:19 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop]: resultLanding.component.ts: [Bug fix] & missing on url update with pid.
2023-04-21 19:34:41 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop & Eosc Explore | develop]: availableOn.component.ts: Renamed "Providers" to "Data sources" | package.json: Updated version to 2.0.1 (previous 2.0.0) & updated uikit version to 3.12.2 (previous 3.12.0) | CHANGELOG.md: Updated changes for 2.0.1 version.
2023-04-21 18:54:26 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop & Eosc Explore | develop]: resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & organization.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "eoscBackLink()" added a dot (.) after beta | environment.beta.ts: Added "eoscDataTransferAPI" and "eoscDataTransferDestinations" properties.
2023-04-20 20:48:12 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop & Eosc Explore | develop]: Added font-family "Inter" to align with Marketplace | Updated how back button "Go to search" is build - combine referrer and the new url parameter "pv", which is expected to have the previous url path and params.
1. /assets: Added /media/fonts/inter folder with the "Inter" font-family.
2. eosc-custom.less: Override the default font family to use 'Inter', sans-serif.
3. routerHelper.class.ts: Added method "addQueryParam()" to add a query parameter in already existing or not object with parameters.
4. search-tab.component.ts & searchResult.component & projects-in-modal.component.ts & result/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts & organization/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and pass it to the appropriate children components.
5. result-preview.component & fundedBy.component.ts & availableOn.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and method "addEoscPrevInParams()" and call it when building queryParams of internal links.
6. metrics.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and use it when building internal urls.
7. resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & organization.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts:
a. Added fields public referrer: string; and public prevPath: string;
b. Read "pv" url property and get referrer.
c. Added methods "addEoscPrevInParams()" and "eoscBackLink()".
8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
a. Update "Go to Search" back link.
b. Call "addEoscPrevInParams()" method when building queryParams of internal links.
c. Pass "prevPath" to the appropriate children components.
2023-04-20 20:06:53 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Remove text transform from chips in input
2023-04-20 14:53:40 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Add number percentage pipe. Add format field in indicatorPath
2023-04-18 15:26:41 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Add statsProfile field in stakeholder
2023-04-12 17:59:04 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Add stats profile entity class. Add stats profiles in admin tabs
2023-04-11 01:28:53 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Add descriptionOverlay in indicator class
2023-04-06 11:31:22 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Fix bug in slider-tabs with max-width in vertical tabs
2023-04-05 12:16:40 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'develop' of code-repo.d4science.org:MaDgIK/openaire-library into develop
2023-04-04 16:49:13 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'monitor-production' into develop
2023-04-04 16:48:46 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Fix number pipe round in order to avoid round in numbers < 1000. Extend pipe to accept number in string format instead of number.
2023-04-04 16:48:05 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Add getFos and getSDGs in vocabulary service and use it in the related components.
2023-04-03 12:53:40 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Sidebar: Toggle active item if sidebar items have been changed.
2023-04-03 12:15:49 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop
2023-04-03 11:52:33 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'develop' of code-repo.d4science.org:MaDgIK/openaire-library into develop
2023-03-29 15:44:10 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Help contents: Fix buttons padding from grid and update form data from ckeditor on source change.
2023-03-29 15:43:56 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop]: resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html: Use new Graph badge to acknowledge OpenAIRE Graph & update message for feedback | newSearchPage.component.html: Use new Graph badge to acknowledge OpenAIRE Graph.
2023-03-28 19:27:02 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Fix Server Error: Check if ResizeOserver exists
2023-03-28 08:57:18 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'connect-admin-production' into develop
2023-03-27 15:56:58 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Update URL validator regex in order to allow www2.
2023-03-27 15:56:42 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'develop' of code-repo.d4science.org:MaDgIK/openaire-library into develop
2023-03-27 14:59:33 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Remove header from pages, entities, menus etc. Add custom class in items of user-mini. Slider-tabs: Emit active in dynamic type.
2023-03-27 14:59:17 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop]: resultLanding.component.html: Updated Graph and Feedback (Powered by...) row in landing pages - used Graph badge (common-assets/openaire-badge-1.png).
2023-03-27 14:29:45 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
User-mini: Fix expression error
2023-03-27 10:42:34 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Notification Sidebar: Change height of notification list in order to match in diff screens
2023-03-25 17:00:00 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
1. Add notifications in user-mini in mobile
2023-03-24 17:13:33 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'monitor-production' into develop
2023-03-23 09:18:34 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Fix server error in alert.ts where UIkit event handler is defined.
2023-03-23 09:18:19 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge branch 'monitor-production' into develop
2023-03-22 19:32:46 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
User component: Update user-info in init.
2023-03-22 19:27:50 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
1. Input: Change default class to flat. 2. Monify icon in sidebar-mobile-toggle. 3. Align mobile sidebar items base on main menu.
2023-03-22 17:54:54 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
1. Slider: Hide arrows in mobile. 2. Change offcanvar in navbar mobile menu to have close on the left.
2023-03-22 17:14:11 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Merge changes from monitor-production
2023-03-21 14:05:21 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
1. Fix a bug with get stakeholder promise. 2. Fix a bug with infinity loop in user-info page. 3. Fix a bug with verify member error modal open on success.
2023-03-21 14:02:59 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Modal: Add uikit close event, in order to catch click outside close events.
2023-03-21 14:00:47 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
1. Add cache in get managers and members methods. 2. Add delete Authorization level with values curator and manager in role users for managers. Authorization level for mebers are always manager. 3. Clear cache when managers and members list has been updated.
2023-03-21 08:29:12 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Portals: Add piwik as a column. Add pid in search
2023-03-21 08:19:16 +02:00
Konstantina Galouni
[Library | develop & EOSC Explore | master]: resultLanding.component & project.component & organization.component & dataProvider.component: Added top bar to go "back" to eosc search | Added asset top-bar.svg | eosc-custom.less: Updated colors and added ".eosc-explore-back-search-bar".
2023-03-16 17:53:28 +02:00
Alex Martzios
change fos+sdg selection arrays into FormArrays (to detect changes on connect admin - subjects)
2023-03-13 21:23:00 +02:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Claims: Fix color of icon in cards. Input: Add noWrap for chips in order to show them in a row. Add extendEnter Input in order to extend enter event.
2023-03-10 17:13:33 +02:00