Commit Graph

341 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
argirok d12138bc2a resultLanding: update jsonld to include isPartOf url with FOS/SDG search pages 2022-06-22 16:13:28 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni c6a7b6a400 [Library | new-theme]: navigationBar.component.html: Added "uk-active" class in custom menu items and subitems. 2022-06-21 19:52:45 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni bbce674da9 [Connect & Library | new-theme]: Breadcrumbs position updated in html pages | Bug fix in custom menu items | In search menu, use OpenaireEntities.
1. app.component.ts: In search menu, use OpenaireEntities.
2. navigationBar.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "isTheActiveMenu()", update condition to "if(menu instanceof MenuItem || !menu.rootItem)" - custom menu items via admin tools are MenuItems but not instanceof MenuItem.
3. projectsPage.component.ts & nationalBulletinsPage.component.ts & contentPage.component.ts: Margins & paddings updated, so that breadcrumb is at the same position on all pages.
2022-06-21 19:37:21 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou cc417adb6b Fix all dashboard modals heights. Role verification remove custom buttons. 2022-06-20 16:17:26 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou d01ba65537 Merge branch 'new-theme' of into new-theme 2022-06-20 13:11:29 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 2ba6777d97 Input: Change options breakpoint to 6 2022-06-20 13:11:21 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou bf80e2e0b4 Create a new interface for backgrounds and added to quick contact. Modal: Align title to the left 2022-06-17 19:47:47 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 398b80d228 Change all offcanvas with uikit class. FIx search filter checkbox and radio label. Modal: Add container to avoid insert class at DOM 2022-06-17 02:57:56 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 4ed89bac13 Sidebar: Add uk-nav-default class in uk-nav. Pagination: Change ratio of icons. Theme preview: Add some missing components 2022-06-16 17:54:50 +03:00
Alex Martzios ba70aaa12e comment out featured menu item - nav bar for now 2022-06-14 13:28:16 +03:00
argirok c1213b9836 SEO - jsonld: parse all subjects put keep at most 10 2022-06-10 11:19:40 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 05172dad18 Input component: Add searchanle input and add it in advanced search form and linking 2022-06-09 16:21:43 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 56d42bcd71 Search input: on reset focus input and on enter select option then search. Input: If autocomplete_soft is selected then do notselect item from the list by default and close dropdown on enter. 2022-06-09 15:25:24 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 5a107677fb Cookie-law: Change class for wrapper and change text base on www 2022-06-08 18:22:05 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou ea324bfbef Add no value selected in input. 2022-06-08 14:19:40 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou f3af762dab Input: Fix tooltip in chips and autocomplete. Fix a bug in notify-form with 0 padding 2022-06-06 17:16:51 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou eac367a872 Merge branch 'new-theme' of into new-theme 2022-06-06 16:34:55 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou d211dbbb7d Change tooltip position for options 2022-06-06 16:34:46 +03:00
argirok d170d81db1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/new-theme' into new-theme 2022-06-06 12:24:53 +03:00
argirok 97d99a4ed0 Footer: update documents link 2022-06-06 12:24:30 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou f9f9a6d5ea Input: enable tooltip in select type. Search Sorting: Change options for stakeholders 2022-06-06 12:22:01 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 9542bd1e32 Quick contact change dropdown to drop with card and default shadow 2022-06-03 12:44:21 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 156ec495a2 Quick contact: Make header sticky 2022-06-02 18:35:53 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou bc5f5860f9 Quick contact: Fix a bug with dropdown and add some inputs to make it dynamic. GeneraL: Fix some breadcrumb alignments and fix modal overflowBody parameter 2022-06-02 17:27:45 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 7ef6ae1481 Remove arrow from select inputs in advanced search input. Add focus next in advanced search input. 2022-06-01 17:39:31 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou dd6ece97c0 Fix available options in page per results in search page. 2022-06-01 16:28:44 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou fd68a2cb10 Input: Add condition if formControl to avoid undefined errors 2022-06-01 14:12:18 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 5859789119 Fix a bug input component with focus state 2022-05-30 15:42:54 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou be3020b164 Input component: If in select type more than 7 results available make it autocomplete. Advanced search form add includes/not includes 2022-05-27 12:22:04 +03:00
Alex Martzios bb4c310ede add padding to footer's top side, change feedback/report issue message on landing pages. change ORCID text tooltip on landing pages, rename ACTIONS in landing pages 2022-05-13 14:51:53 +03:00
argirok a0df132a6b Input: for get labels use optionsArray instead of filtered options 2022-05-11 10:17:06 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni bd6e141801 [Monitor Dashboard & Library | new-theme]: Renaming entity types using OpenaireEntities.
Files updated: develop.component.ts, methodology.component.ts,  claimEntitiesSelection.component.ts, directLinking.component.ts, linkingGeneric.component.html, linkingGeneric.component.ts, approved.component.ts, searchDataprovidersToDeposit.component.ts, errorPage.component.ts, dataProvider.component.html, dataProvider.component.ts, dataProvider.service.ts, relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts, project.component.ts, myOrcidLinks.component.ts, searchMyOrcidResults.component.html, searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts, searchAll.component.html, searchAll.component.ts, advancedSearchForm.component.html, advancedSearchForm.component.ts, searchDataProviders.component.ts, searchResearchResults.service.ts, numbers.component.ts, other-portals.component.html, other-portals.component.ts, fetchDataproviders.class.ts, fetchResearchResults.class.ts, searchFields.ts, result-preview.component.ts
2022-05-09 13:13:44 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni 0f505c682a [Library | new-theme]:
1. searchDataproviders.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts: Updated parsing of description (like in services for landing, use ParsingFunctions.parseDescription()).
2. searchFields.ts: Added in OpenaireEntities enum values for type names in files.
3. open-aire-jsonld-converter.service.ts:
   a. Updated parsing of description in methods convertProject() and convertDatasource() - use ParsingFunctions.parseDescription().
   b. In convertDatasource() method set "otherUrl" (not push it) in sameAs (on next commit, dataprovider landing sents all provenance urls as array).
4. jsonld-document-serializer.service.ts: [Bug fix] Added check in "serializeDescription()" method.
2022-05-05 20:29:55 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 78a5fb2c75 Quick contact: Add box shadow default on button and uk-dropdown instead of uk-drop 2022-05-05 12:13:28 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 5bcc3862e6 Fix an error in quick contact about document typeof 2022-05-05 10:42:44 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 903267fab5 Contact-us: CHange inputs for small form 2022-05-04 17:17:49 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni e658c5d23a [Library | new-theme]: Redesign of project landing page and small upadates on result landing and common components.
1. addThis.component.ts: Updated social icons of addThis.
2. landing-header.component.ts: Added "uk-text-small" in subtitle.
3. metrics.component.ts: Added method "clickedMetrics()" to set "metricsClicked" | Added metricsClicked and metrics.infos conditions for loading table or iframes | Added customContainerClass and customIframeClass in <i-frame>.
4. project.component: Updated project landing page according to UI redesign.
5. project.module.ts: Import LoadingModule, IconsModule, InputModule.
6. project.service.ts: Use parsingFunctions.parseDescription.
7. projectService.module.ts: iconsService.registerIcons([link, graph]).
8. resultLanding.component.html: Small fixes in ui | Added right arrow on tooltips of actions that are links to other pages | Display of description updated as innerHtml (#7345).
9. orcid-work.component.ts: Added flex=true in <icon>.
10. input.component.ts: Added disabled?: boolean in Option interface and show disabled options as muted.
11. projectInfo.ts: Updated description to be string[] instead of string.
12. iframe.component.ts: Added @Input() customContainerClass: string = ""; and @Input() customIframeClass: string = "";
13. search-tab.component.ts: Updated according to redesign | Update "getEntityName()" to return values from OpenaireEntities.
14. tabs.component.ts: Added "uk-height-1-1" in custom tabs | In #mytabs::before set left:0.
2022-04-28 12:13:06 +03:00
Konstantina Galouni 53d05bf54f [Explore & Library & Common Assets | new-theme]: Updates related to result landing redesign.
1. fos.component.css: Removed rule "mark.highlighted" and ".custom-bottom-border" updated with variables.
2. feedback.component.html: Updated width of email input for small screens.
3. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In "parseAllSubjects()" method, comment otherSubjects and push them in subjects.
4. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Updated classes in <modal-alert>.
5. showSubjects.component.ts: "Subjects by Vocabulary" and "Subjects" separated & view more functionality added in "Subjects".
6. resultLanding.component:
	a. Added button and modal for <addThis> (share in social media).
	b. View more functionality for related organizations.
	c. Graph and feedback section sticky.
	d. Added checks for summary tab and right sidebar.
	e. In small screens made right sidebar offcanvas.
7. resultLanding.module.ts: Updated iconsService.registerIcons to register link, graph, quotes.
8. orcid-work.component.ts: Added visually-hidden in icon buttons for landing | Updated classes in <modal-alert> and use buttons of alert instead of custom.
9. no-load-paging.component.ts: Use new component <results-and-pages> for results and pages number and set uk-flex-right in <paging-no-load> (default is center).
10. cookie-law.css: In ".cookie-law-wrapper" increased z-index from 100 to 1000.
11. showAuthors.component.ts: Removed shadow from search button | Updated classes in <modal-alert>.
12. icons.ts: Added "quotes" svg.
13. alert.ts: Updated modal to have header - body - footer (theme was updated too) | classTitle input set default to "uk-background-primary-opacity" | @Input() overflowBody: boolean = true; added to add overflow in body.
14. paging.module.ts: Added ResultsAndPagesNumComponent in declarations and exports.
15. pagingFormatter.component.ts: Add "uk-invisible" to previous and next buttons instead of hiding them.
16. pagingFormatterNoLoad.component.ts: Add "uk-invisible" to previous and next buttons instead of hiding them | Set customClasses default to "uk-flex-center".
17. tabs.component.ts: Updated margins/ paddings | Added @Input() offsetForSticky:number=0; to compare with the top distance for isSticky.
18. resultsAndPagesNum.component.ts: [NEW] Component to show number of results, number of pages and current page (used in paging).
19. landing-utils.css:
	a. Moved variables in .landing instead of :root.
	b. Added variable --landing-light-color-rgb: var(--light-color-rgb);
	c. Added glass filter in #graph_and_feedback.
	d. Set z-index of #main-tabs-div and #graph_and_feedback to 979 (default 980 caused problems with metrics box).
	e. Added padding-bottom: 80px and margin-top: 80px in .landing-sections.
	f. Added top rule for #right-sidebar-switcher.
	g. Added custom width rules for .landing-left-sidebar-width.
20. css-rules.txt: Added cookie-law-wrapper: 1000 info for z-index
21. explore-custom.css: Added variable --background-primary-rgb: var(--explore-color-rgb);
2022-04-20 17:40:18 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 8b7143c8cb Input: Change chip label to small 2022-04-20 13:57:38 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou e808c7e26b Update feedback page and fix a bug with events 2022-04-19 16:07:21 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou ca4da85090 Add openAccess in quick selection and make it responsive. Remove enter behaviour for select inputs in advanced-search-input 2022-04-19 02:09:42 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 4711531dec Quick-contact: Change shadow for button to dark 2022-04-19 00:06:32 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 5f042433be Advanced form: apply new design (not completed). Entities selection for advanced form 2022-04-18 11:29:14 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 7e9db1d0de CHange keydown listeners to specific key listener to optimize perfomance 2022-04-17 15:25:01 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 0384fe87b9 Input make close uk-close. Search-filter: remove stopPropagation from sorting 2022-04-17 01:42:10 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou cee1d9f876 Add advanced-search-input with entities selections in all search-pages 2022-04-16 00:49:35 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou d17f9b4d5c Add searchForm input in all search pages 2022-04-15 15:38:41 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 73b6704124 1. Search Pages: Download link, search from bg with dark option. 2. Input add a no value selected option for select type. Search input toggle if input has no value. 3. Sidebar: Add uk-nav 2022-04-15 11:08:12 +03:00
Konstantinos Triantafyllou e6b2f41c8c Click outside optimized and use at input and search-input 2022-04-13 13:00:40 +03:00
Alex Martzios 6f23b05e5b update newsletter link on footer 2022-04-13 09:43:12 +03:00