2. 'columnNames' variable added in search table pages (e.g. OpenAIRE Journals Table) to describe column names of the datatable.
3. Input 'columnNames' variable added in 'searchPageTableView' compontent, its value comes from search table pages (e.g. OpenAIRE Journals Table).
4. 'searchPageTableView' component updated and parametrized, to have datatable's columns either for content providers gotten by search API, or for projects gotten by community API.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@50991 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2. Added check if 'bestaccessright' is undefined in search pages and landing pages
3. Small fix in 'available on' component used by landing pages
4. Helper component and service updates - 'position' and 'before' inputs are for page contents, 'div' is for div contents
5. Search page gets page contents properly (check case if CSV button is shown)
6. Checks for functionality of div contents in 'claimContextSearchForm' component and 'claimProjectSearchForm' component
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@50728 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3