1. newSearchPage.component.html: Increase left margin of download button | Added button for compact view | In <search-result> added parameter "compactView".
2. newSearchPage.component.html: Added class fields "@Input() hasCompactView: boolean = false;", to show compact button or not and "public compactView: boolean = false;" to show compact or expanded view of each result.
3. searchDownload.component.ts: Changed download <button> to <a> with class "custom-view-button" | Set visuallyHidden to icon.
4. searchResult.component.ts: Added class field "@Input() compactView: boolean = false;".
5. searchResult.component.html: In <result-preview added parameter "compactView".
6. entity-actions.component.ts: Added class field "@Input() compactView: boolean = false;" | When compactView is true, hide action labels - show only icons.
7. result-preview.component.ts: Added class field "@Input() compactView: boolean = false;".
8. result-preview.component.html: When compactView is true, make margins smaller, show 1 line in title, hide funder budget, identifiers, website url, oai-pmh url, description, action oa routes and metrics labels, and added "compactView" parameter in <entity-actions>.
1. rangeFilter.component: [Bug fix] Removed from method get disabled() check of isDisabled and added this check for class "disabled" in action/button (error on enter, because isDisabled was already true before triggering the action of yearChanged).
2. search-input.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added check for client side in ngAfterViewInit(), before calling "getComputedStyle".
3. searchAll.component:
a. Set "advancedSearchLink" properly and pass it to each search entity page in "simpleSearchLink" parameter.
b. In <advanced-search-form>, pass parameters [entityType]="activeEntity" and [advancedSearchLink]="advancedSearchLink" [advancedSearchLinkParameters]="parameters".
4. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Removed check this.entityType == this.selectedEntity from advanced search link.
5. searchFilter.component.ts: In filterKeywords() method, added cdr.detectChanges().
6. searchResult.component.html: [Bug fix] Reverted [isMobile] parameter to <result-preview" (removed by mistake in a previous merge).
1. /assets: Added /media/fonts/inter folder with the "Inter" font-family.
2. eosc-custom.less: Override the default font family to use 'Inter', sans-serif.
3. routerHelper.class.ts: Added method "addQueryParam()" to add a query parameter in already existing or not object with parameters.
4. search-tab.component.ts & searchResult.component & projects-in-modal.component.ts & result/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts & organization/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and pass it to the appropriate children components.
5. result-preview.component & fundedBy.component.ts & availableOn.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and method "addEoscPrevInParams()" and call it when building queryParams of internal links.
6. metrics.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and use it when building internal urls.
7. resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & organization.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts:
a. Added fields public referrer: string; and public prevPath: string;
b. Read "pv" url property and get referrer.
c. Added methods "addEoscPrevInParams()" and "eoscBackLink()".
8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
a. Update "Go to Search" back link.
b. Call "addEoscPrevInParams()" method when building queryParams of internal links.
c. Pass "prevPath" to the appropriate children components.
1. searchResult.component: Removed field 'dividerNotCard' added to show results in card or not (added in r58717) - result-preview is used instead.
2. tabs.component.ts: Removed class 'uk-width-3-4' from 'main-tabs'.
3. project.component: [Landing redesign]:
a. Add field 'public searchNuumber: number = 5;' to set how many results to search and display.
b. Use '<result-preview' instead of 'search-result'.
c. Fix margins and paddings in page to align app box with right column in tabs.
d. Show open access mandate (not in labels) only for 'No'.
e. Move update date next to openaire graph.
f. Add class 'user-actions' in ul in app box (right box of page) and set margins.
g. Add class 'basic-info' in ul for basic information (set margin).
h. Get indexUpdateDate from service if available.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58724 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. rangeFilter.component.html: Disable button if form is invalid or not dirty (unchanged).
2. loading.component.ts: Added loading gif and <ng-content>.
3. searchResult.component.html: Add class "uk-margin-top" in <ul> (in order to align filters and results).
4. searchFilter.component.html: [Bug fix] class in <ng-container> does nothing. Move class="uk-animation-fade filterItem searchFilterItem uk-text-small" to <div> element (in view more).
5. newSearchPage.component.ts: Close offcanvas for filters (in small screens) when query changes.
6. newSearchPage.component.html: Align filters and results | Use same code for filters in all screens (<ng-template #filters_column>).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58326 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2. Landing pages: 'Available on' and 'Funded by' (Decapitalize first letter of second word).
3. Landing pages: Add 'Related identifiers' label for identifiers information.
4. Landing pages: 'OPEN', 'OPEN SOURCE', 'EMBARGO', 'RESTRICTED', 'Closed' accessmodes are acceptable for 'Available on' section. Otherwise show 'UNKNOWN ACCESSMODE'.
5. Publication & Dataset & Software landing pages: remove url from title - use separate variable for best accessmode, add country information.
6. Software landing: Add 'programmingLanguage' information.
7. SearchResult & TabResult: Add country information for Publication & Dataset & Software type of results, add programmingLanguage for Software type.
8. TabResult: Show language and types information.
9. Bug fix in 'dateofacceptance' parsing for relates/similar research results (landing pages).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@52606 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
instead of funders: {"funderShortname": string, "funderName": string}[]
now: funderShortname: string // only 1 funder per project and we don't use the full name
2. Addition of SearchResult field for project results: acronym: string, code: string
3. Parsing of funders changed (searchProjects.service): when more than 1 funders in 'fundingtree', keep 'shortname' of the first one
4. Parsing of project's acronym and code parsed and stored in corresponding fields (not in the title.name)
5. Adjust new fields display in 'tabResult.component' and 'searchResult.component'
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@51317 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3