Add dropdown-filter component. Fix Paging format base on new mocks. Make some alignments in subscribers, pages, search-page and result-prview. UI of Manage Links page except result preview.

This commit is contained in:
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 2022-06-30 13:40:37 +03:00
parent 13ef173406
commit 7ebf4f7f90
17 changed files with 339 additions and 531 deletions

View File

@ -1,107 +1,57 @@
<schema2jsonld *ngIf="url" [URL]="url" [name]="pageTitle" type="other"></schema2jsonld> <schema2jsonld *ngIf="url" [URL]="url" [name]="pageTitle" type="other"></schema2jsonld>
<div class="uk-width-1-1"> <div class="uk-grid">
<div class="uk-width-expand uk-position-relative" style="min-height: 60vh">
</div> <div *ngIf="!loading">
<div class="uk-grid helper-grid">
<div class="uk-width-expand ">
class="uk-card-body uk-padding-remove-bottom uk-padding-remove-top " [class.paging-hr]="
!pageLoading && claims && claims.length > 0">
<helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['top'] && pageContents['top'].length > 0" <helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['top'] && pageContents['top'].length > 0"
[texts]="pageContents['top']"></helper> [texts]="pageContents['top']"></helper>
<div *ngIf="filterForm" class="uk-margin-top">
<form *ngIf="filterForm" class=""> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-right@m uk-flex-center uk-flex-wrap uk-flex-middle">
<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-flex uk-flex-right@m uk-flex-center uk-flex-wrap uk-flex-middle uk-grid" uk-grid> <div search-input [searchControl]="filterForm.controls.keyword" searchInputClass="outer"
<div #searchInputComponent search-input [searchControl]="filterForm.controls.keyword" placeholder="Search links" placeholder="Search links" class="uk-width-1-3@xl uk-width-2-5@l uk-width-1-2@m uk-width-1-1"
(searchEmitter)="changekeyword()" [expandable]="true"></div> (searchEmitter)="changeKeyword()" [expandable]="true"></div>
</div> </div>
<div class=" uk-grid uk-flex-middle"> <div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
<div class="">Filter by: </div> <results-and-pages [type]="resultsNum !== 1?'Links':'Link'" [page]="page" [pageSize]="size"
<div class="uk-width-medium uk-padding-remove uk-margin-small-left" input [totalResults]="resultsNum" customClasses="uk-margin-remove"></results-and-pages>
placeholder="Search by entities"
type="chips" [options]="allOptions" chipLabel="label">
</div> </div>
<div class="">Sort by: </div> <div class="uk-grid uk-flex-middle uk-margin-medium-top" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-width-medium uk-padding-remove uk-margin-small-left" input <div>
[formInput]="filterForm.get('sort')" <dropdown-filter #dropdownFilter dropdownClass="uk-width-medium uk-padding-small"
type="select" name="Type of Entity" [count]="entities.length">
[options]="sortOptions"> <h6 class="uk-margin-remove-bottom" title="Type of Entity">Type of Entity</h6>
</div> <ul class="uk-list uk-margin-remove-bottom">
</div> <li *ngFor="let option of allOptions">
</form> <a class="uk-link-text">
<div *ngIf="!(pageLoading || showErrorMessage || showForbiddenMessage || userValidMessage.length > 0 || (claims && <label (click)="select(option.value, $event, dropdownFilter)" class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
claims.length <input class="uk-checkbox"
==0))" type="checkbox" [checked]="isSelected(option.value)">
class="searchPaging uk-panel uk-margin-medium-top uk-margin-bottom" <span class="uk-margin-small-left">{{option.label}}</span>
data-uk-grid-margin=""> </label>
<div class="uk-grid uk-flex-middle">
<div class="uk-width-1-2">
<div *ngIf="enableDelete && claims && claims.length > 0">
<span class="uk-margin-small-top">
<input id="checkAll" type="checkbox" (click)="selectAll($event)"
<a [class]=" ' grey-portal-link uk-margin-medium-left '+(selected.length > 0?'':'uk-disabled')"
<span class="uk-icon "><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""
icon="trash" ratio="1"><polyline fill="none" stroke="#000"
points="6.5 3 6.5 1.5 13.5 1.5 13.5 3"></polyline><polyline
fill="none" stroke="#000" points="4.5 4 4.5 18.5 15.5 18.5 15.5 4"></polyline><rect x="8" y="7"
x="11" y="7" width="1" height="9"></rect><rect x="2" y="3" width="16" height="1"></rect></svg></span>
Delete <span
*ngIf="selected.length > 0 && selected.length < resultsNum">{{selected.length | number}}</span><span
*ngIf="selected.length == resultsNum"> all </span> links
</a> </a>
</div> </div>
<div input inputClass="flat x-small" placeholder="Sort by"
type="select" [options]="sortOptions">
</div> </div>
<div *ngIf="resultsNum" class="uk-width-1-2 uk-grid uk-flex-right uk-flex-middle "> <div class="uk-width-expand@m uk-width-1-1 uk-flex uk-flex-right@m uk-flex-center">
<!-- <div class="uk-text-muted uk-text-uppercase">--> <paging-no-load [currentPage]="page" [totalResults]="resultsNum" [size]="size"
<!-- <span class="uk-text-bold">{{resultsNum|number}}</span> links, page <span--> [loading]="false" (pageChange)="pageChange($event)"></paging-no-load>
<!-- class="uk-text-bold">{{page | number}}</span> of <span-->
<!-- class="uk-text-bold">{{totalPages(resultsNum)|number}}</span>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<results-and-pages type="links" [page]="page" [pageSize]="size" [totalResults]="resultsNum"></results-and-pages>
<!-- <paging-no-load [currentPage]="page" [totalResults]="resultsNum" [size]="size"-->
<!-- [loading]="pageLoading"-->
<!-- (pageChange)="pageChange($event)" class="uk-float-right"></paging-no-load>-->
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<loading *ngIf="loading" class="uk-position-center"></loading>
<loading *ngIf="pageLoading" class="uk-padding"></loading> <div *ngIf="!loading" class="uk-section uk-section-small">
<div *ngIf="!pageLoading" > <div *ngIf="claims && claims.length == 0" class="uk-card uk-card-default uk-padding-large uk-text-center uk-margin-bottom uk-text-bold">
<div *ngIf="showErrorMessage " class="uk-alert uk-alert-danger "> <div>No links found</div>
An Error occured.
<div *ngIf="showForbiddenMessage " class="uk-alert uk-alert-danger ">
You are not authorized to view the results.
<div *ngIf=" userValidMessage.length > 0 " class="uk-alert uk-alert-danger ">
User session is not valid. Please login again.
<div *ngIf=" claims && claims.length == 0" class="uk-margin-top">
<div class="uk-alert uk-alert-primary ">No entries found.</div>
<div class="uk-margin-small-top">
<div *ngFor="let claim of claims "
class="uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-body uk-margin-bottom ng-star-inserted">
<div class="uk-grid">
<div *ngIf="enableDelete">
<input [id]="" type="checkbox" (click)="select(claim,$event)"
</div> </div>
<ul class="uk-margin-small-top uk-list uk-list-xlarge">
<li *ngFor="let claim of claims; let i=index" class="uk-card uk-card-default">
<div class="uk-card-body">
<div class="uk-grid" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-width-expand"> <div class="uk-width-expand">
<div class="uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="uk-margin-bottom">
<claim-entity [entity]="" [type]="claim.targetType" [properties]=properties <claim-entity [entity]="" [type]="claim.targetType" [properties]=properties
@ -117,7 +67,8 @@
>pending</span></ng-template> >pending</span></ng-template>
</div> </div>
<div class="uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-small"><span *ngIf="showUserEmail" class="uk-margin-right"><span class="title">Claimed by:</span> <div class="uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-small"><span *ngIf="showUserEmail"
class="uk-margin-right"><span class="title">Claimed by:</span>
{{claim.userMail}}</span> {{claim.userMail}}</span>
<span <span
class="title">Claimed date:</span> {{}}</div> class="title">Claimed date:</span> {{}}</div>
@ -128,47 +79,22 @@
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="uk-card-footer uk-flex uk-flex-right">
<button class="uk-button uk-button-link" (click)="deleteOpen(i)">Delete</button>
</div> </div>
<div *ngIf="!( showErrorMessage || showForbiddenMessage || userValidMessage.length > 0 || (claims </li>
&& claims.length </ul>
==0))" class="paging-hr uk-margin-top"> <div class="uk-margin-medium-top uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-right@m">
<!-- <div class="uk-grid ">-->
<!-- <div *ngIf="resultsNum>0" class="uk-width-1-2 uk-text-muted uk-text-uppercase">-->
<!-- <span class="uk-text-bold">{{resultsNum|number}}</span> links, page <span-->
<!-- class="uk-text-bold">{{page | number}}</span> of <span-->
<!-- class="uk-text-bold">{{totalPages(resultsNum)|number}}</span>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div *ngIf="resultsNum" class="uk-width-1-2 ">-->
<!-- <paging-no-load [currentPage]="page" [totalResults]="resultsNum" [size]="size"-->
<!-- (pageChange)="pageChange($event)" class="uk-float-right"></paging-no-load>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <no-load-paging *ngIf="resultsNum" type="links" [totalResults]="resultsNum" [pageSize]="size" [page]="page" (pageChange)="pageChange($event)"></no-load-paging>-->
<paging-no-load *ngIf="resultsNum" [currentPage]="page" [totalResults]="resultsNum" [size]="size" <paging-no-load *ngIf="resultsNum" [currentPage]="page" [totalResults]="resultsNum" [size]="size"
(pageChange)="pageChange($event)" class="uk-float-right"></paging-no-load> (pageChange)="pageChange($event)"></paging-no-load>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['right'] && pageContents['right'].length > 0" <helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['right'] && pageContents['right'].length > 0"
[texts]="pageContents['right']" class="uk-width-1-5"></helper> [texts]="pageContents['right']" class="uk-width-1-5"></helper>
</div> </div>
<helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['bottom'] && pageContents['bottom'].length > 0" <helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['bottom'] && pageContents['bottom'].length > 0"
[texts]="pageContents['bottom']"></helper> [texts]="pageContents['bottom']"></helper>
<modal-alert (alertOutput)="confirmClose()"> <modal-alert #deleteModal [overflowBody]="false" (alertOutput)="delete()">
<h4 class="modal-title uk-text-bold " id="myModalLabel">Are you sure?</h4>
You are about to delete {{this.selected.length}} link(s) you selected. <br>
<span class="uk-text-bold">
Usually it takes 2-4 weeks for the links to permanently disappear from the Openaire platfrom.
<p>Do you want to delete the link(s)?</p>
</modal-alert> </modal-alert>
<modal-loading [message]="'Please wait...'"></modal-loading>

View File

@ -4,11 +4,8 @@ import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router';
import {Subject, Subscriber} from 'rxjs'; import {Subject, Subscriber} from 'rxjs';
import {debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged} from 'rxjs/operators'; import {debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {ClaimsService} from '../service/claims.service'; import {ClaimsService} from '../service/claims.service';
import {ModalLoading} from '../../../utils/modal/loading.component'; import {User} from '../../../login/utils/helper.class';
import {AlertModal} from '../../../utils/modal/alert';
import {Session, User} from '../../../login/utils/helper.class';
import {EnvProperties} from '../../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../../utils/properties/env-properties';
import {LoginErrorCodes} from '../../../login/utils/guardHelper.class';
import {SEOService} from '../../../sharedComponents/SEO/SEO.service'; import {SEOService} from '../../../sharedComponents/SEO/SEO.service';
import {IndexInfoService} from '../../../utils/indexInfo.service'; import {IndexInfoService} from '../../../utils/indexInfo.service';
import {ClaimDBRecord} from '../claimHelper.class'; import {ClaimDBRecord} from '../claimHelper.class';
@ -17,18 +14,16 @@ import {HelperService} from '../../../utils/helper/helper.service';
import {Meta, Title} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {Meta, Title} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {PiwikService} from '../../../utils/piwik/piwik.service'; import {PiwikService} from '../../../utils/piwik/piwik.service';
import {properties} from '../../../../../environments/environment'; import {properties} from '../../../../../environments/environment';
import {FormArray, FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; import {FormBuilder, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms';
import {Option} from '../../../sharedComponents/input/input.component'; import {Option} from '../../../sharedComponents/input/input.component';
import {SearchInputComponent} from '../../../sharedComponents/search-input/search-input.component';
import {OpenaireEntities} from "../../../utils/properties/searchFields"; import {OpenaireEntities} from "../../../utils/properties/searchFields";
import {HelperFunctions} from "../../../utils/HelperFunctions.class"; import {HelperFunctions} from "../../../utils/HelperFunctions.class";
import {NotificationHandler} from "../../../utils/notification-handler";
import {DropdownFilterComponent} from "../../../utils/dropdown-filter/dropdown-filter.component";
declare var UIkit;
@Component({ @Component({
selector: 'displayClaims', selector: 'displayClaims',
templateUrl: 'displayClaims.component.html', templateUrl: 'displayClaims.component.html',
// providers: [ClaimsService]
}) })
export class DisplayClaimsComponent { export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
@Input() piwikSiteId = null; @Input() piwikSiteId = null;
@ -44,49 +39,38 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
@Input() isAdmin: boolean = false; @Input() isAdmin: boolean = false;
page: number = 1; page: number = 1;
size: number = 50; size: number = 50;
defaultSize:number = 50;
sizes = [10, 20, 30, 50];
keyword: string; // the keyword string to give to the request as parameter keyword: string; // the keyword string to give to the request as parameter
inputkeyword: string; // the string written in the input field (keyword=inputkeyword when its length is bigger than 3 and the user stops typing)
@ViewChild('searchInputComponent') searchInputComponent: SearchInputComponent;
types = ["All", "Project", "Context", "Result", "User"]; types = ["All", "Project", "Context", "Result", "User"];
pageLoading:boolean = false; loading: boolean = false;
@Input() fetchBy: string; @Input() fetchBy: string;
@Input() fetchId: string; @Input() fetchId: string;
@Input() user: User; @Input() user: User;
resultsNum: number; resultsNum: number = 0;
claims: ClaimDBRecord[]; claims: ClaimDBRecord[];
@Input() externalPortalUrl: string = null; @Input() externalPortalUrl: string = null;
@Input() claimsInfoURL: string;// =""; @Input() claimsInfoURL: string;// ="";
lastIndexDate = null; lastIndexDate = null;
@ViewChild(ModalLoading) loading: ModalLoading;
public filterForm: FormGroup; public filterForm: FormGroup;
public entitiesCtrl: FormArray; public entities: string[] = [];
allOptions: Option[] = [
{label: OpenaireEntities.PUBLICATIONS, value: "publication"},
{label: OpenaireEntities.DATASETS, value: "dataset"},
{label: OpenaireEntities.SOFTWARE, value: "software"},
{label: OpenaireEntities.OTHER, value: "other"},
{label: OpenaireEntities.PROJECTS, value: "project"},
{label: OpenaireEntities.COMMUNITIES, value: "context"}];
allOptions: Option[] = [{label: OpenaireEntities.PROJECTS, value: "project"},{label: OpenaireEntities.PUBLICATIONS, value:"publication"},{label: OpenaireEntities.DATASETS, value: "dataset"},
{label: OpenaireEntities.SOFTWARE, value: "software"},{label: OpenaireEntities.OTHER, value: "other"},{label: OpenaireEntities.COMMUNITIES, value: "context"}];
sortOptions: Option[] = [ sortOptions: Option[] = [
{label:"Date (recent) ", value:{ sort: "date", descending: true }}, {label:"Date (oldest) ", value:{ sort: "date",descending:false }}, {label: "Date (recent) ", value: {sort: "date", descending: true}},
// {label:"User (desc) ", value:{ sort: "user",descending: true }}, {label:"User (asc) ", value:{ sort: "user",descending:false }}, {label: "Date (oldest) ", value: {sort: "date", descending: false}},
// {label:"Title (desc) ", value:{ sort: "source",descending: true }}, {label:"Title (asc) ", value:{ sort: "source",descending:false }}, {label: "Title (desc) ", value: {sort: "target", descending: true}},
{label:"Title (desc) ", value:{ sort: "target",descending: true }}, {label:"Title (asc) ", value: { sort: "target",descending:false }}, {label: "Title (asc) ", value: {sort: "target", descending: false}},
]; ];
entityTypes: string[] = []; entityTypes: string[] = [];
index: number;
// descending = true;
// sortby = "date";
selected = [];
// deleteMessage: string = "";
showErrorMessage: boolean = false;
showForbiddenMessage: boolean = false;
userValidMessage: string = "";
//params for pagingFormatter to use when navigate to page
params; params;
@ViewChild(AlertModal) alert; @ViewChild("deleteModal") deleteModal;
claimsDeleted: number = 0; claimsDeleted: number = 0;
@Input() communityId: string = null; @Input() communityId: string = null;
@ -100,10 +84,10 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
} }
ngOnInit() { ngOnInit() {
this.entitiesCtrl = this._fb.array([]); this.entities = [];
this.filterForm ={ this.filterForm ={
keyword: [''], keyword: [''],
entities: this.entitiesCtrl, entities: this._fb.control(this.entities),
sort: this._fb.control(this.sortOptions[0].value) sort: this._fb.control(this.sortOptions[0].value)
}); });
@ -139,18 +123,13 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
this.fetchId = (this.fetchId) ? this.fetchId : params['fetchId']; this.fetchId = (this.fetchId) ? this.fetchId : params['fetchId'];
this.fetchId = this.fetchId ? this.fetchId : ''; this.fetchId = this.fetchId ? this.fetchId : '';
} }
let page = (params['page'] === undefined) ? 1 : +params['page']; let page = (params['page'] === undefined) ? 1 : +params['page'];
let size = (params['size'] === undefined) ? this.defaultSize : +params['size'];
this.keyword = (params['keyword'] ? params['keyword'] : ""); this.keyword = (params['keyword'] ? params['keyword'] : "");
this.filterForm.get('keyword').setValue(this.keyword); this.filterForm.get('keyword').setValue(this.keyword);
this.inputkeyword = this.keyword; = (page <= 0) ? 1 : page; = (page <= 0) ? 1 : page;
this.size = (size <= 0) ? this.defaultSize : size;
this.entityTypes = [];//(params['types']?params['types']:[]); this.entityTypes = [];//(params['types']?params['types']:[]);
this.setTypes(params['types']); // check the appropriate checkboxes this.setTypes(params['types']); // check the appropriate checkboxes
this.setSortby(params['sort']); this.setSortBy(params['sort']);
this.getClaims(); this.getClaims();
this.subscriptions.push(this.searchTermStream this.subscriptions.push(this.searchTermStream
.pipe(debounceTime(300), distinctUntilChanged()) .pipe(debounceTime(300), distinctUntilChanged())
@ -180,23 +159,11 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
} }
getClaims() { getClaims() {
if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) {
this.userValidMessage = "User session has expired. Please login again.";
this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], {
queryParams: {
"errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID,
"redirectUrl": this._router.url
} else {
this.selected = [];
let types = ''; let types = '';
this.showErrorMessage = false; for (let type of this.entities) {
this.showForbiddenMessage = false;
for (let type of this.entitiesCtrl.getRawValue()) {
types += (types.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "types=" + type; types += (types.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "types=" + type;
} }
this.pageLoading = true; this.loading = true;
if (this.subResults) { if (this.subResults) {
this.subResults.unsubscribe(); this.subResults.unsubscribe();
} }
@ -204,7 +171,7 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaimsByProject(this.size,, this.fetchId, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types, this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaimsByProject(this.size,, this.fetchId, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types,
data => { data => {
this.manageAPIData(data); this.manageAPIData(data);
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
}, },
err => { err => {
this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims for project with id: " + this.fetchId); this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims for project with id: " + this.fetchId);
@ -214,81 +181,57 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaimsByUser(this.size,, this.fetchId, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types, this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaimsByUser(this.size,, this.fetchId, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types,
data => { data => {
this.manageAPIData(data); this.manageAPIData(data);
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
}, },
err => { err => {
this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims for user with id: " + this.fetchId); this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims for user with id: " + this.fetchId);
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
} }
); );
} else if (this.fetchBy == "Result") { } else if (this.fetchBy == "Result") {
this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaimsByResult(this.size,, this.fetchId, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types, this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaimsByResult(this.size,, this.fetchId, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types,
data => { data => {
this.manageAPIData(data); this.manageAPIData(data);
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
}, },
err => { err => {
this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims for entity with id: " + this.fetchId); this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims for entity with id: " + this.fetchId);
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
} }
); );
} else if (this.fetchBy == "Context") { } else if (this.fetchBy == "Context") {
this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaimsBycontext(this.size,, this.fetchId, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types, this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaimsBycontext(this.size,, this.fetchId, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types,
data => { data => {
this.manageAPIData(data); this.manageAPIData(data);
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
}, },
err => { err => {
this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims for context with id: " + this.fetchId); this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims for context with id: " + this.fetchId);
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
} }
); );
} else { } else {
this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaims(this.size,, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types, this.subResults = this._claimService.getClaims(this.size,, this.keyword, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.sort, this.filterForm.get("sort").value.descending, types,
data => { data => {
this.manageAPIData(data); this.manageAPIData(data);
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
}, },
err => { err => {
this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims"); this.handleErrors(err, "Error getting claims");
this.pageLoading = false; this.loading = false;
} }
); );
} }
} }
manageAPIData(data) { manageAPIData(data) { =; =;
this.resultsNum =; this.resultsNum =;
} }
handleErrors(err, message) { handleErrors(err, message) {
NotificationHandler.rise(message, "danger");
this.showErrorMessage = true;
console.error("Dispaly Claims (component): " + message + " " + (err && err.error ? err.error : '')); console.error("Dispaly Claims (component): " + message + " " + (err && err.error ? err.error : ''));
try {
let error = err && err.error?err.error:err;
if (error.code && error.code == 403) {
this.showErrorMessage = false;
this.showForbiddenMessage = true;
if(!Session.isLoggedIn()) {
this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], {
queryParams: {
"errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID,
"redirectUrl": this._router.url
} catch (e) {
} }
goTo(page: number = 1) { goTo(page: number = 1) {
@ -303,10 +246,10 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
params += ( == 1 ? "" : (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "page=" +; params += ( == 1 ? "" : (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "page=" +;
params += (this.size == 10 ? "" : (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "size=" + this.size); params += (this.size == 10 ? "" : (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "size=" + this.size);
let types = ""; let types = "";
for (let type of this.entitiesCtrl.getRawValue()) { for (let type of this.entities) {
types += (types.length > 0 ? ',' : '') + type; types += (types.length > 0 ? ',' : '') + type;
} }
params += (this.entitiesCtrl.getRawValue().length > 0) ? (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "types=" + types : ""; params += (this.entities.length > 0) ? (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "types=" + types : "";
if (this.isAdmin) { if (this.isAdmin) {
params += (this.fetchBy == 'All' ? "" : (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "fetchBy=" + this.fetchBy); params += (this.fetchBy == 'All' ? "" : (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "fetchBy=" + this.fetchBy);
params += (this.fetchId == '' ? "" : (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "fetchId=" + this.fetchId); params += (this.fetchId == '' ? "" : (params.length > 0 ? '&' : '') + "fetchId=" + this.fetchId);
@ -319,7 +262,7 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
return params; return params;
} }
setSortby(sortby: string) { setSortBy(sortby: string) {
let sort = "date"; let sort = "date";
let desc = "desc"; let desc = "desc";
if (sortby && sortby.split("-").length == 2) { if (sortby && sortby.split("-").length == 2) {
@ -333,151 +276,58 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
setTypes(typesParam: string) { setTypes(typesParam: string) {
for (let type of typesParam ? typesParam.split(',') : []) { for (let type of typesParam ? typesParam.split(',') : []) {
this.entitiesCtrl.push(new FormControl(type)); this.entities.push(type);
} }
} }
changekeyword() { changeKeyword() {
if (this.filterForm.get("keyword") && (this.filterForm.get("keyword").value.length >= 3 || this.filterForm.get("keyword").value.length == 0)) { if (this.filterForm.get("keyword") && (this.filterForm.get("keyword").value.length >= 3 || this.filterForm.get("keyword").value.length == 0)) {"keyword").value);"keyword").value);
} }
} }
select(item: any, event) { select(value: string, event, dropdownFilter: DropdownFilterComponent) {
let value = event.currentTarget.checked; if( instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
if (value) { dropdownFilter.closeDropdown();
this.selected.push(item); if( && !this.entities.find(entity => value === entity)) {
} else { this.entities.push(value);
for (var _i = 0; _i < this.selected.length; _i++) { } else if(! {
let claim = this.selected[_i]; let index = this.entities.indexOf(value);
if (claim['id'] == { if(index !== -1) {
this.selected.splice(_i, 1); this.entities.splice(index, 1);
} }
} }
isSelected(value: string) {
} return this.filterForm && this.filterForm.get('entities').value.find(entity => entity === value)
} }
selectAll(event) { deleteOpen(index: number) {
let value = event.currentTarget.checked; this.index = index;
if (value) { this.deleteModal.alertTitle = 'Delete Confirmation';
this.selected = []; this.deleteModal.message = 'Are you sure you want to delete this link?';
for (let _i = 0; _i <; _i++) { this.deleteModal.okButtonText = 'Yes';
let claim =[_i];;
} else {
this.selected = [];
isSelected(id: string) {
for (let _i = 0; _i < this.selected.length; _i++) {
let claim = this.selected[_i];
if (claim['id'] == id) {
return true;
return false;
confirmOpen() {
if (this.selected.length <= 0) {
} else {
this.alert.cancelButton = true;
this.alert.okButton = true;
this.alert.alertTitle = "";// "Delete " + this.selected.length + " links(s)";
this.alert.okButtonLeft = false;
// this.alert.message = this.selected.length + " links will be deleted. Do you want to proceed? ";
this.alert.okButtonText = "Delete";
this.alert.cancelButtonText = "Cancel";;
confirmClose() {
} }
delete() { delete() {; this.subscriptions.push(this._claimService.deleteBulk([[this.index].id],
this.claimsDeleted = 0;
let ids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.selected.length; i++) {
let id = this.selected[i].id;
batchDeleteById(ids: string[]) {
if (!this.user) {
this.userValidMessage = "User session has expired. Please login again.";
this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], {
queryParams: {
"errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID,
"redirectUrl": this._router.url
} else {
//console.warn("Deleting claim with ids:"+ids);
res => { res => {
//'Delete response'+res.code );, 1);
//console.warn("Deleted ids:"+ res.deletedIds); this.resultsNum = this.resultsNum - 1;
//console.warn("Not found ids:"+ res.notFoundIds); NotificationHandler.rise('Link has been deleted successfully');
//remove this claim from the
let newClaims =;
for (let id of res.deletedIds) {
for (let _i = 0; _i <; _i++) {
let claim =[_i];
if (claim['id'] == id) {
newClaims.splice(_i, 1);
for (let _i = 0; _i < this.selected.length; _i++) {
let claim = this.selected[_i];
if (claim['id'] == id) {
this.selected.splice(_i, 1);
} = newClaims;
this.resultsNum = this.resultsNum - res.deletedIds.length;
if (res.deletedIds.length > 0) {
UIkit.notification('<div class = " " >' + res.deletedIds.length + ' link(s) successfully deleted.</div>', {
status: 'success',
timeout: 6000,
pos: 'bottom-right'
if (res.notFoundIds.length > 0) {
UIkit.notification('<div class = " " >' + res.notFoundIds.length + ' link(s) couldn\'t be deleted.</div>', {
status: 'danger',
timeout: 6000,
pos: 'bottom-right'
let goToPage =; let goToPage =;
if (this.totalPages(this.resultsNum) < && > 0) { if (this.totalPages(this.resultsNum) < && > 0) {
goToPage = - 1; goToPage = - 1;
} }
this.goTo(goToPage); this.goTo(goToPage);
}, err => { }, err => {
//console.log(err); this.handleErrors(err, "Error deleting claim with id: " +[this.index].id);
this.handleErrors(err,"Error deleting claims with ids: " + ids);
this.showErrorMessage = true;
})); }));
} }
pageChange($event) { pageChange($event) {
let page: number = +$event.value; let page: number = +$event.value;
@ -493,13 +343,9 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
if (claimDateStr < lastUpdateDateStr) { if (claimDateStr < lastUpdateDateStr) {
return true; return true;
} else { } else {
if ( != "infrastruct_::openaire" && claim.indexed) { return != "infrastruct_::openaire" && claim.indexed;
// check if direct index succeded
return true
} }
} }
return false;
totalPages(totalResults: number): number { totalPages(totalResults: number): number {
let totalPages: any = totalResults / (this.size); let totalPages: any = totalResults / (this.size);
@ -529,12 +375,4 @@ export class DisplayClaimsComponent {
private updateUrl(url: string) { private updateUrl(url: string) {
this._meta.updateTag({content: url}, "property='og:url'"); this._meta.updateTag({content: url}, "property='og:url'");
} }
public onSearchClose() {
this.inputkeyword = this.filterForm.get('keyword').value;
public resetInput() {
this.inputkeyword = null;
} }

View File

@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ import {SearchInputModule} from '../../../sharedComponents/search-input/search-i
import {InputModule} from '../../../sharedComponents/input/input.module'; import {InputModule} from '../../../sharedComponents/input/input.module';
import {LoadingModule} from '../../../utils/loading/loading.module'; import {LoadingModule} from '../../../utils/loading/loading.module';
import {NoLoadPaging} from "../../../searchPages/searchUtils/no-load-paging.module"; import {NoLoadPaging} from "../../../searchPages/searchUtils/no-load-paging.module";
import {IconsModule} from "../../../utils/icons/icons.module";
import {DropdownFilterModule} from "../../../utils/dropdown-filter/dropdown-filter.module";
@NgModule({ @NgModule({
imports: [ imports: [
CommonModule, FormsModule, RouterModule, ClaimServiceModule, LoadingModalModule, AlertModalModule, CommonModule, FormsModule, RouterModule, ClaimServiceModule, LoadingModalModule, AlertModalModule,
ClaimEntityFormatterModule, PagingModule, HelperModule, Schema2jsonldModule, SEOServiceModule, PiwikServiceModule, ClaimEntityFormatterModule, PagingModule, HelperModule, Schema2jsonldModule, SEOServiceModule, PiwikServiceModule,
IndexInfoServiceModule, MatSelectModule, SearchInputModule, MatAutocompleteModule, MatChipsModule, MatFormFieldModule, MatSlideToggleModule, InputModule, LoadingModule, NoLoadPaging IndexInfoServiceModule, MatSelectModule, SearchInputModule, MatAutocompleteModule, MatChipsModule, MatFormFieldModule, MatSlideToggleModule, InputModule, LoadingModule, NoLoadPaging, IconsModule, DropdownFilterModule
], ],
declarations: [ declarations: [

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import {Subscriber} from "rxjs";
@Component({ @Component({
selector: 'claims-admin', selector: 'claims-admin',
template: ` template: `
<div id="tm-main" [class]="((isConnect)?'':'uk-section') +' uk-padding-remove-top tm-middle'"> <div id="tm-main" [class]="((isConnect)?'':'uk-section') +' uk-padding-remove-top tm-middle'">
<div uk-grid class="uk-margin-small-top"> <div uk-grid class="uk-margin-small-top">
<div class="tm-main uk-width-1-1@s uk-width-1-1@m uk-width-1-1@l uk-row-first "> <div class="tm-main uk-width-1-1@s uk-width-1-1@m uk-width-1-1@l uk-row-first ">
@ -30,9 +29,7 @@ import {Subscriber} from "rxjs";
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
`, `,
}) })
export class ClaimsAdminComponent { export class ClaimsAdminComponent {
@Input() fetchBy: string; @Input() fetchBy: string;

View File

@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
<div class="form-group uk-margin-large-top" <div class="form-group uk-margin-large-top"
[ngClass]="{'has-error':!myForm.controls.content.valid && [ngClass]="{'has-error':!myForm.controls.content.valid &&
myForm.controls.content.dirty}" > myForm.controls.content.dirty}" >
<label class="uk-text-bold">Content</label> <div class="uk-text-bold uk-margin-bottom">Content</div>
<div class="uk-margin-top"> <div>
<ckeditor (change)="contentChanged()" <ckeditor (change)="contentChanged()"
[readonly]="false" [readonly]="false"
debounce="500" debounce="500"

View File

@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
<span class="uk-text-bold uk-margin-small-right">Select Status (Enable/ disable)</span> <span class="uk-text-bold uk-margin-small-right">Select Status (Enable/ disable)</span>
<mat-slide-toggle [checked]="myForm.get('isActive').value" <mat-slide-toggle [checked]="myForm.get('isActive').value"
(change)="changeStatus()" (change)="changeStatus()"
uk-tooltip="title:<div class='uk-padding-small uk-width-large'><div class='uk-text-bold '> Enable or disable help text to show or hide it from the dashboard</div></div>" uk-tooltip="title:<div><div class='uk-text-bold'> Enable or disable help text to show or hide it from the dashboard</div></div>"
></mat-slide-toggle> ></mat-slide-toggle>
</div> </div>
<div class="form-group uk-margin-large-top" <div class="form-group uk-margin-large-top"
[ngClass]="{'has-error':!myForm.controls.content.valid && [ngClass]="{'has-error':!myForm.controls.content.valid &&
myForm.controls.content.dirty}"> myForm.controls.content.dirty}">
<label class="uk-text-bold">Content</label> <div class="uk-text-bold uk-margin-bottom">Content</div>
<div class="uk-margin-top"> <div>
<ckeditor (change)="contentChanged()" <ckeditor (change)="contentChanged()"
[readonly]="false" [readonly]="false"
debounce="500" debounce="500"

View File

@ -210,5 +210,5 @@
</form> </form>
</modal-alert> </modal-alert>
<modal-alert #deleteModal [overflowBody]="false" (alertOutput)="confirmedDeletePages($event)" <modal-alert #deleteModal [overflowBody]="false" (alertOutput)="confirmedDeletePages()"
classTitle="uk-background-primary uk-light"></modal-alert> classTitle="uk-background-primary uk-light"></modal-alert>

View File

@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ export class PagesComponent implements OnInit {;;
} }
public confirmedDeletePages(data: any) { public confirmedDeletePages() {
this.showLoading = true; this.showLoading = true;
this.subscriptions.push(this._helpContentService.deletePages(this.selectedPages, this.subscriptions.push(this._helpContentService.deletePages(this.selectedPages,
_ => { _ => {

View File

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
</div> </div>
<div class="uk-flex uk-flex-right uk-margin-small-top"> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-right uk-margin-small-top">
<paging-no-load [currentPage]="page" <paging-no-load [currentPage]="page"
[totalResults]="subscribers.length" [size]="pageSize" [totalResults]="subscribers.length" [size]="pageSize"
(pageChange)="updatePage($event)"> (pageChange)="updatePage($event)">
</paging-no-load> </paging-no-load>

View File

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
</div> </div>
<!-- Related results for Custom Filter Alert --> <!-- Related results for Custom Filter Alert -->
<div *ngIf="openaireLink && (searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || !loadPaging )" <div *ngIf="openaireLink && (searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || !loadPaging )"
class="uk-alert uk-text-center uk-margin-small-top "> class="uk-alert uk-margin-small-top ">
<span *ngIf="customFilter">The following results are related to <span class="uk-text-primary uk-text-bold" <span *ngIf="customFilter">The following results are related to <span class="uk-text-primary uk-text-bold"
>{{customFilter.valueName}}</span>.</span> >{{customFilter.valueName}}</span>.</span>
Are you interested to view more results? Visit Are you interested to view more results? Visit

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ declare var UIkit;
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div *ngIf="!longView"> <div *ngIf="!longView">
<div dashboard-input [formInput]="inviteForm.get('recipients')" type="chips" placeholder="Write email(s)" [addExtraChips]="true" [validators]="validators" [gridSmall]="true"></div> <div input [formInput]="inviteForm.get('recipients')" type="chips" placeholder="Recipients" [addExtraChips]="true" [validators]="validators"></div>
</div> </div>
`, `,
styleUrls: ['subscriber-invite.component.css'] styleUrls: ['subscriber-invite.component.css']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import {Component, Input, ViewChild} from "@angular/core";
declare var UIkit;
selector: 'dropdown-filter',
template: `
<button class="uk-button uk-button-default uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<span>{{name}}<span *ngIf="count > 0">({{count}})</span></span>
<icon [flex]="true" class="uk-margin-xsmall-left" [name]="'expand_' + (isOpen(dropdown)?'less':'more')"></icon>
<div #dropdown class="uk-dropdown" [ngClass]="dropdownClass" uk-dropdown="mode: click; delay-hide: 0;">
export class DropdownFilterComponent {
public name;
public count: number = 0;
public dropdownClass: string;
@ViewChild("dropdown") dropdown;
isOpen(element) {
return UIkit.dropdown(element).isActive();
closeDropdown() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import {NgModule} from "@angular/core";
import {CommonModule} from "@angular/common";
import {DropdownFilterComponent} from "./dropdown-filter.component";
import {IconsModule} from "../icons/icons.module";
imports: [CommonModule, IconsModule],
declarations: [DropdownFilterComponent],
exports: [DropdownFilterComponent]
export class DropdownFilterModule {}

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment";
@Component({ @Component({
selector: 'paging', selector: 'paging',
template: ` template: `
<ul *ngIf=" (getTotalPages() > 0 ) && (getTotalPages() > 1) && (currentPage > 0 && currentPage <= getTotalPages()) " <ul *ngIf="currentPage > 0 && currentPage <= getTotalPages()"
[]="isDisabled" class="uk-pagination uk-margin-remove" [ngClass]="'uk-flex-' + position"> []="isDisabled" []="getTotalPages() < 2" class="uk-pagination uk-margin-remove" [ngClass]="'uk-flex-' + position">
<li []="currentPage <= 1"> <li []="currentPage <= 1">
<a [queryParams]="routerHelper.createQueryParamsPaging(parameterNames,parameterValues,'page', (currentPage - 1))" <a [queryParams]="routerHelper.createQueryParamsPaging(parameterNames,parameterValues,'page', (currentPage - 1))"
[routerLink]=baseUrl aria-label="Previous"> [routerLink]=baseUrl aria-label="Previous">

View File

@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ import {ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';
import{EnvProperties} from './properties/env-properties'; import{EnvProperties} from './properties/env-properties';
import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment"; import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment";
//Usage Example <paging [currentPage]="page" [totalResults]="resultsNum" [term]="keyword"> </paging>
@Component({ @Component({
selector: 'paging-no-load', selector: 'paging-no-load',
template: ` template: `
<ul disabled *ngIf=" ( getTotalPages() > 0 ) && (getTotalPages() > 1) && ( 0 < currentPage && currentPage <= getTotalPages() ) " [ngClass]="customClasses" <ul *ngIf="currentPage > 0 && currentPage <= getTotalPages()"
class="uk-pagination uk-flex uk-flex-middle "> []="loading" []="getTotalPages() < 2" class="uk-pagination uk-margin-remove" [ngClass]="customClasses">
<li []="currentPage <= 1">
<li []="currentPage <= 1" ><a (click)="onPage((currentPage -1))" aria-label="Previous"> <a (click)="onPage((currentPage -1))" aria-label="Previous">
<span><span class="uk-icon"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="" icon="chevron-left" ratio="1"><polyline fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.03" points="13 16 7 10 13 4"></polyline></svg></span></span></a></li> <icon name="chevron_left" ratio="1.2" [flex]="true" customClass="uk-pagination-previous"></icon>
<li *ngIf=" currentPage -2 > 0"><a (click)="onPage((currentPage -2))">{{(currentPage -2) | number}}</a></li> <li *ngIf=" currentPage -2 > 0"><a (click)="onPage((currentPage -2))">{{(currentPage -2) | number}}</a></li>
<li *ngIf=" currentPage -1 > 0 "><a (click)="onPage((currentPage -1))">{{(currentPage -1) | number}}</a></li> <li *ngIf=" currentPage -1 > 0 "><a (click)="onPage((currentPage -1))">{{(currentPage -1) | number}}</a></li>
<li class="uk-active"><span >{{currentPage | number}}</span></li> <li class="uk-active"><span >{{currentPage | number}}</span></li>
@ -22,15 +22,10 @@ import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment";
<li *ngIf=" (currentPage -1 <= 0) && (currentPage +4 <= getTotalPages()) " class="uk-visible@l"><a (click)="onPage((currentPage +4))">{{(currentPage +4) | number}}</a></li> <li *ngIf=" (currentPage -1 <= 0) && (currentPage +4 <= getTotalPages()) " class="uk-visible@l"><a (click)="onPage((currentPage +4))">{{(currentPage +4) | number}}</a></li>
<li []="getTotalPages() <= currentPage"> <li []="getTotalPages() <= currentPage">
<a (click)="onPage(currentPage +1)" aria-label="Next"> <a (click)="onPage(currentPage +1)" aria-label="Next">
<span class="uk-icon"> <icon name="chevron_right" ratio="1.2" [flex]="true" customClass="uk-pagination-next"></icon>
<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="" icon="chevron-right" ratio="1"><polyline fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.03" points="7 4 13 10 7 16"></polyline></svg>
</a> </a>
</li> </li>
</ul> </ul>
` `
}) })

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<div *ngIf="result" [ngClass]="{'uk-card uk-card-default': isCard}"> <div *ngIf="result" [ngClass]="{'uk-card uk-card-default': isCard}">
<div [ngClass]="{'uk-card-body': isCard}"> <div [ngClass]="{'uk-card-body': isCard}">
<!-- Before title -->
<div class="uk-grid uk-flex uk-flex-middle"> <div class="uk-grid uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<div *ngIf="properties.enermapsURL && showEnermaps && result.enermapsId" class=" uk-inline uk-width-auto uk-text-center uk-visible-toggle"> <div *ngIf="properties.enermapsURL && showEnermaps && result.enermapsId" class=" uk-inline uk-width-auto uk-text-center uk-visible-toggle">
<img class="uk-width-medium" [src]="properties.enermapsURL +'/images/datasets/' + result.enermapsId + '.png'" <img class="uk-width-medium" [src]="properties.enermapsURL +'/images/datasets/' + result.enermapsId + '.png'"
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
</a> </a>
</span> --> </span> -->
<!-- Small subtitle above title --> <!-- Small subtitle above title -->
<div class="uk-text-small uk-margin-small-bottom"> <div class="uk-text-small uk-margin-xsmall-bottom">
<span *ngIf="type" class="uk-text-capitalize type">{{type}}</span> <span *ngIf="type" class="uk-text-capitalize type">{{type}}</span>
<span *ngIf="type && beforeTitle.length > 0"> . </span> <span *ngIf="type && beforeTitle.length > 0"> . </span>
<span *ngIf="beforeTitle.length > 0" class="uk-text-capitalize"> <span *ngIf="beforeTitle.length > 0" class="uk-text-capitalize">
@ -313,7 +312,7 @@
<div *ngIf="(result.pop_inf && result.DOI) || <div *ngIf="(result.pop_inf && result.DOI) ||
((properties.adminToolsPortalType == 'explore' || properties.adminToolsPortalType == 'community') && ((properties.adminToolsPortalType == 'explore' || properties.adminToolsPortalType == 'community') &&
((showOrcid && result.identifiers && result.identifiers.size > 0 && isResultType) || result.orcidCreationDates?.length > 0))" ((showOrcid && result.identifiers && result.identifiers.size > 0 && isResultType) || result.orcidCreationDates?.length > 0))"
class="result-preview-bottom uk-text-small" class="uk-text-small"
[ngClass]="{'uk-card-footer': isCard}"> [ngClass]="{'uk-card-footer': isCard}">
<!-- Impact Factors--> <!-- Impact Factors-->
<span class="uk-flex uk-flex-top uk-flex-wrap" style="grid-gap: 10px;"> <span class="uk-flex uk-flex-top uk-flex-wrap" style="grid-gap: 10px;">

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ import {Component, Input} from "@angular/core";
@Component({ @Component({
selector: 'results-and-pages', selector: 'results-and-pages',
template: ` template: `
<h6 *ngIf="type && totalResults" [ngClass]="customClasses"> <h6 *ngIf="type" [ngClass]="customClasses">
<span>{{totalResults | number}}</span> <span>{{totalResults | number}}</span>
<span class="uk-text-meta uk-text-capitalize"> {{type}}, page </span> <span class="uk-text-meta uk-text-capitalize"> {{type}}, page </span>
<span>{{page}}</span> <span>{{currentPage}}</span>
<span class="uk-text-meta"> of </span> <span class="uk-text-meta"> of </span>
<span>{{getTotalPages() | number}}</span> <span>{{getTotalPages() | number}}</span>
</h6> </h6>
@ -17,11 +17,19 @@ export class ResultsAndPagesNumComponent {
@Input() type: string; @Input() type: string;
@Input() page: number = 1; @Input() page: number = 1;
@Input() pageSize: number = 10; @Input() pageSize: number = 10;
@Input() totalResults: number; @Input() totalResults: number = 0;
@Input() customClasses: string = ""; @Input() customClasses: string = "";
constructor() {} constructor() {}
get currentPage() {
if( > this.getTotalPages()) {
return this.getTotalPages();
} else {
getTotalPages(){ getTotalPages(){
let total: number; let total: number;
let i= this.totalResults/this.pageSize; let i= this.totalResults/this.pageSize;