
475 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<ng-template #selected_filters_pills>
<h1 class="uk-margin-remove">
<div []="list.children.length === 0" []="list.children.length > 0">
<ul #list class="uk-grid uk-grid-small uk-flex-wrap" uk-grid>
<ng-container *ngFor="let customFilter of customFilters">
<ng-container *ngIf="customFilter.isHiddenFilter">
<li class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<span class="uk-text-capitalize uk-label uk-label-small uk-label-secondary uk-text-truncate target1">
<ng-container *ngIf="resultTypes && resultTypes.countSelectedValues > 0">
<ng-container *ngFor="let type of resultTypes.values; let i = index;">
<ng-container *ngIf="type.selected">
<li class="">
<span class="uk-text-capitalize uk-label uk-label-small uk-label-secondary uk-flex uk-flex-middle target2">
<span class="uk-margin-small-right uk-width-expand uk-text-truncate">{{}}</span>
<button []="disabled" (click)="removeResultType(" class="uk-close uk-icon" [disabled]="disabled">
<icon name="close" flex="true" ratio="0.7"></icon>
2022-04-19 17:03:09 +02:00
<ng-container *ngIf="selectedRangeFilters > 0">
<ng-container *ngFor="let filter of rangeFilters ">
<ng-container *ngIf="filter.selectedFromAndToValues">
<li class="">
<span class="uk-text-capitalize uk-label uk-label-small uk-label-secondary uk-flex uk-flex-middle target3">
<span class="uk-margin-small-right uk-width-expand uk-text-truncate">{{filter.selectedFromAndToValues}}</span>
<button []="disabled" (click)="removeRangeFilter(filter)" class="uk-close uk-icon" [disabled]="disabled">
<icon name="close" flex="true" ratio="0.7"></icon>
2022-04-19 17:03:09 +02:00
<ng-container *ngFor="let filter of staticFilters">
<ng-container *ngIf="filter.countSelectedValues > 0">
<ng-container *ngFor="let value of getSelectedValues(filter); let i = index; let end = last; ">
<li *ngIf="!customFilter || (customFilter.isHiddenFilter && customFilter.valueId !="
<span class="uk-text-capitalize uk-label uk-label-small uk-label-secondary uk-flex uk-flex-middle target4">
class="uk-margin-small-right uk-width-expand uk-text-truncate">
<ng-container *ngIf="filter.type && (filter.type == 'boolean' || filter.type == 'triplet') else noboolean">
<ng-template #noboolean>
<span [attr.title]="" *ngIf=" > filterPillCharactersLimit">
{{ | slice:0:filterPillCharactersLimit}}...
<span *ngIf=" <= filterPillCharactersLimit">
<button []="disabled" (click)="removeFilter(value, filter)" class="uk-close uk-icon" [disabled]="disabled">
<icon name="close" flex="true" ratio="0.7"></icon>
<ng-container *ngFor="let filter of filters ">
<ng-container *ngIf="filter.countSelectedValues > 0">
<ng-container *ngFor="let value of getSelectedValues(filter); let i = index; let end = last; ">
<li *ngIf="!customFilters || (customFilters[0].isHiddenFilter && customFilters[0].valueId !=">
<span class="uk-text-capitalize uk-label uk-label-small uk-label-secondary uk-flex uk-flex-middle target5">
<span class="uk-margin-small-right uk-width-expand uk-text-truncate">
<ng-container *ngIf="filter.type && (filter.type == 'boolean' || filter.type == 'triplet') else noboolean">
<ng-template #noboolean>
<span [attr.title]="" *ngIf=" > filterPillCharactersLimit">
{{ | slice:0:filterPillCharactersLimit}}...
<span *ngIf=" <= filterPillCharactersLimit">
<button []="disabled" (click)="removeFilter(value, filter)" class="uk-close uk-icon" [disabled]="disabled">
<icon name="close" flex="true" ratio="0.7"></icon>
2022-04-19 17:03:09 +02:00
2022-04-19 17:03:09 +02:00
<ng-template #search_filter let-filter="filter" let-showResultCount="showResultCount" let-grouped="grouped">
<search-filter [filterValuesNum]="filterValuesNum" [showMoreInline]="showMoreFilterValuesInline"
[filter]="filter" [showResultCount]=showResultCount
[actionRoute]="true" [grouped]="grouped"></search-filter>
<ng-template #filters_column>
<div [class.filterLoading]="disabled">
<div class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<h4 class="uk-margin-right uk-margin-remove-bottom">Filters</h4>
<a *ngIf="(selectedRangeFilters + selectedFilters + selectedStaticFilters + selectedTypesNum)>0"
(click)="clearFilters()" class="uk-text-small"
[]="disabled" []="disabled">
Clear All
<div *ngIf="searchUtils.refineStatus == errorCodes.LOADING && existingFiltersWithValues === 0"
class="uk-margin-top" role="alert">
<div *ngIf="searchUtils.refineStatus != errorCodes.LOADING && searchUtils.refineStatus != errorCodes.DONE && results.length > 0"
class="uk-margin-top uk-text-meta">
<span *ngIf="searchUtils.refineStatus == errorCodes.NONE">No filters available</span>
<span *ngIf="searchUtils.refineStatus != errorCodes.NONE" class="uk-text-warning">Filters temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.</span>
<ul *ngIf="!showUnknownFilters" class="uk-list uk-list-xlarge">
<ng-container *ngIf="orderedFilters && orderedFilters.length > 0">
<ng-container *ngFor="let group of orderedFilters">
<h6 *ngIf="group.title" class="uk-h6">{{group.title}}</h6>
<ng-container *ngFor="let filter of group.values; let i=index">
<li *ngIf="filter.originalFilterIdFrom && filter.originalFilterIdTo; else refineBlock">
<range-filter [isDisabled]="disabled" [filter]="filter"
(onFilterChange)="filterChanged($event)" [actionRoute]="true"></range-filter>
<ng-template #refineBlock>
<li *ngIf="filter.values && filter.values.length > 0" [ngClass]="group.title && i==0 ? 'uk-margin-small-top' : ''">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="search_filter; context: {filter: filter, showResultCount: filter.type!='static', grouped: !!group.title}"></ng-container>
<ng-container *ngIf="!orderedFilters || orderedFilters.length == 0">
<ng-container *ngFor="let filter of staticFilters ">
<li *ngIf="filter.values && filter.values.length > 0">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="search_filter; context: {filter: filter, showResultCount: false}"></ng-container>
<li *ngIf="resultTypes && (filters.length > 0)">
<quick-selections [resultTypes]="resultTypes" (typeChange)="queryChanged($event)"
[isDisabled]="disabled" [vertical]="true"
<li *ngIf="filters.length > 0 && getFilterById('instancetypename') && getFilterById('instancetypename').values.length >0">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="search_filter; context: {filter: getFilterById('instancetypename'), showResultCount: showResultCount}"></ng-container>
<ng-container *ngIf="entityType == 'result'">
<li *ngFor="let filter of rangeFilters">
<range-filter [isDisabled]="disabled" [filter]="filter"
(onFilterChange)="filterChanged($event)" [actionRoute]="true"></range-filter>
<ng-container *ngFor="let filter of filters ">
<li *ngIf="filter.values && filter.values.length > 0
&& filter.filterId != 'resultbestaccessright' && filter.filterId != 'instancetypename' && filter.filterId != 'projectoamandatepublications'">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="search_filter; context: {filter: filter, showResultCount: showResultCount}"></ng-container>
<ng-container *ngIf="entityType == 'project'">
<li *ngFor="let filter of rangeFilters">
<range-filter [isDisabled]="disabled" [filter]="filter"
(onFilterChange)="filterChanged($event)" [actionRoute]="true"></range-filter>
<li *ngIf="filters.length > 0 && getFilterById('projectoamandatepublications') && getFilterById('projectoamandatepublications').values.length >0">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="search_filter; context: {filter: getFilterById('projectoamandatepublications'), showResultCount: showResultCount}"></ng-container>
<ng-template #main let-mobile="mobile">
[Library | explore-redesign]: Fixes in usage counts iframes, bip iframe, orcid buttons in search results, filters button in small screens and fos/sdgs vocabulary calls. 1. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for usage counts iframes and changed the order they appear (first views, then downloads). 2. dataProvider.component.ts & project.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes. b. [Bug fix] Updated parsing of dataProviderInfo.measure.counts when querying external usage counts api. 3. resultLanding.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes. b. [Bug fix] In bipFrameUrl, when environment == "beta", add "&src=beta" parameter. 4. orcid-work.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Updated disabled class checks, to enable orcid buttons in search too when there are identifiers. b. When loading - action is in progress, show loading icon next to the label. c. In my orcid links page: renamed "Add to ORCID" to "Claim" and "Delete from ORCID" to "Remove". 5. newSearchPage.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for "filters" floating button in mobile/ small screens. 6. Added method "detectChanges()" to be called by html. 7. navigationBar.component.html: Updated placeholder of search-input to align with the generic search form (Home page). 8. ISVocabularies.service.ts: [Bug fix] In methods getFos() and getSDGs(), removed check and call to cache - these files are always local.
2023-05-19 13:37:23 +02:00
<div *ngIf="mobile && showRefine && (searchUtils.refineStatus != errorCodes.LOADING || existingFiltersWithValues !== 0)"
<button href="#mobile-filters" uk-toggle="target: #mobile-filters"
class="uk-icon-button uk-button-secondary uk-flex uk-flex-middle"
[Library | explore-redesign]: Fixes in usage counts iframes, bip iframe, orcid buttons in search results, filters button in small screens and fos/sdgs vocabulary calls. 1. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for usage counts iframes and changed the order they appear (first views, then downloads). 2. dataProvider.component.ts & project.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes. b. [Bug fix] Updated parsing of dataProviderInfo.measure.counts when querying external usage counts api. 3. resultLanding.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes. b. [Bug fix] In bipFrameUrl, when environment == "beta", add "&src=beta" parameter. 4. orcid-work.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Updated disabled class checks, to enable orcid buttons in search too when there are identifiers. b. When loading - action is in progress, show loading icon next to the label. c. In my orcid links page: renamed "Add to ORCID" to "Claim" and "Delete from ORCID" to "Remove". 5. newSearchPage.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for "filters" floating button in mobile/ small screens. 6. Added method "detectChanges()" to be called by html. 7. navigationBar.component.html: Updated placeholder of search-input to align with the generic search form (Home page). 8. ISVocabularies.service.ts: [Bug fix] In methods getFos() and getSDGs(), removed check and call to cache - these files are always local.
2023-05-19 13:37:23 +02:00
(click)="showOffCanvas = true; detectChanges()"
<icon name="filters" [flex]="true" ratio="1.2" visuallyHidden="filters"></icon>
<!-- TODO - Clean up -->
<div *ngIf="!includeOnlyResultsAndFilter" [class]="usedBy != 'deposit' && usedBy != 'orcid' &&
(!customFilters || (customFilters && customFilters[0].queryFieldName != 'communityId')) ?
(stickyForm?'':' ') :
(+ (stickyForm?'':' uk-section') +' uk-padding-remove-bottom uk-padding-remove-top ' +
((usedBy == 'deposit' || usedBy == 'orcid') ? ' uk-padding-remove-top ' : ' '))"
[]="((stickyForm || (simpleView && mobile))?'{offset:100;start:90;cls-active:uk-active uk-sticky-below;cls-inactive:uk-sticky '+
(usedBy != 'deposit' && usedBy != 'orcid' && (!customFilters || customFilters[0].queryFieldName != 'communityId') ?
' uk-position-relative ' :(' uk-section ' ))+'}':null)">
<div class="uk-background-norepeat uk-background-bottom-center" [ngClass]="searchForm.class">
<div class="uk-width-1-1">
<div *ngIf="showBreadcrumb && !mobile" class="uk-container uk-container-large uk-section uk-section-small uk-padding-remove-bottom" []="searchForm.dark">
<div class="uk-margin-top">
<breadcrumbs [breadcrumbs]="breadcrumbs"></breadcrumbs>
<div class="uk-position-relative">
<div class="uk-container uk-section uk-section-small uk-margin-bottom" id="searchForm">
<div class="uk-grid uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-flex-center" uk-grid>
<div [class]="'uk-width-1-1'+(simpleView?' uk-width-auto@m' : '')"><div id="searchImage"></div></div>
<advanced-search-form class="uk-width-expand uk-padding-remove-vertical"
[advancedSearchLinkParameters]="this.routerHelper.createQueryParams(this.parameterNames, this.parameterValues)"
[simpleView]="simpleView" [formPlaceholderText]="formPlaceholderText" [isMobile]="mobile"
[resultTypes]="resultTypes" [quickFilter]="quickFilter" [entitiesSelection]="entitiesSelection"
[showSwitchSearchLink]="showSwitchSearchLink" [customFilter]="customFilters?customFilters[0]:null"
<schema2jsonld *ngIf="url" [URL]="url" type="search" [name]=pageTitleWithFilters
[searchAction]=false [description]="metaDescription"></schema2jsonld>
<div id="tm-main" []="!includeOnlyResultsAndFilter && properties.adminToolsPortalType != 'eosc'" []="stickyForm">
<ng-template #loading>
<loading class="uk-height-medium uk-display-block uk-margin-xlarge-top"></loading>
<ng-template [ngIf]="searchUtils.refineStatus != errorCodes.LOADING || existingFiltersWithValues !== 0" [ngIfElse]="loading">
<div class="uk-container uk-container-large">
[Library | EOSC Explore]: Updated styles | Updated link to Marketplace for EOSC::RO-crate | Bug fix in description of results versions | Removed timeout from reports.service.ts. 1. home.component.html: Added blue banner, white logo, aligned search form to the center and updated fonts according the new EOSC Marketplace. 2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Updated link to Marketplace for eosc subject EOSC::RO-crate. 3. resultLanding.component.html: Updated how links to Compatible EOSC Services are displayed. 4. searchAll.component.html: Updated paddings and margins in search form of Search all page. 5. navigationBar.component.html: Set burger menu icon to light color if dark background. 6. advancedSearchDataProviders.component.ts & advancedSearchOrganizations.component.ts & advancedSearchProjects.component.ts & advancedSearchServices.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchDataproviders.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchServices.component.ts & search.component.ts: Set in searchForm, dark=true. 7. aggregators.ts: In eoscInfo, updated logoUrl and removed customCss of AggregatorInfo. 8. app.component.ts: Set header.darkBg: true. 9. Added eosc-custom.less file. 10. styles.less: import eosc-custom less file, instead of portal-custom.css. 11. deletedByInference.service.ts & result-preview.ts: [Bug fix] Parse description of versions properly. 12. reports.service.ts: Copy fix from angular-14 branch - do not timeout to 10000.
2022-11-28 13:37:37 +01:00
<div []="properties.adminToolsPortalType == 'eosc'" >
<helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['top'] && pageContents['top'].length > 0"
<!-- <div *ngIf="resultTypes" class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-background-muted uk-border-rounded">-->
<!-- <quick-selections class="uk-margin-bottom uk-margin-top" [resultTypes]="resultTypes" (typeChange)="queryChanged($event)"-->
<!-- [isDisabled]="disabled" [actionRoute]="true">-->
<!-- </quick-selections>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<div [class]="showRefine? 'uk-width-4-5@m uk-width-4-5@l uk-width-1-1@s' :'uk-width-1-1'">
<div *ngIf="showRefine && mobile">
<div #mobileFilters id="mobile-filters" uk-offcanvas="overlay: true">
<div class="uk-offcanvas-bar uk-padding-remove-horizontal">
[Library | explore-redesign]: Fixes in usage counts iframes, bip iframe, orcid buttons in search results, filters button in small screens and fos/sdgs vocabulary calls. 1. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for usage counts iframes and changed the order they appear (first views, then downloads). 2. dataProvider.component.ts & project.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes. b. [Bug fix] Updated parsing of dataProviderInfo.measure.counts when querying external usage counts api. 3. resultLanding.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes. b. [Bug fix] In bipFrameUrl, when environment == "beta", add "&src=beta" parameter. 4. orcid-work.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] Updated disabled class checks, to enable orcid buttons in search too when there are identifiers. b. When loading - action is in progress, show loading icon next to the label. c. In my orcid links page: renamed "Add to ORCID" to "Claim" and "Delete from ORCID" to "Remove". 5. newSearchPage.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for "filters" floating button in mobile/ small screens. 6. Added method "detectChanges()" to be called by html. 7. navigationBar.component.html: Updated placeholder of search-input to align with the generic search form (Home page). 8. ISVocabularies.service.ts: [Bug fix] In methods getFos() and getSDGs(), removed check and call to cache - these files are always local.
2023-05-19 13:37:23 +02:00
<a class="uk-offcanvas-close uk-icon uk-close" (click)="showOffCanvas=false; detectChanges()">
<icon name="close" ratio="1.5" visuallyHidden="close filters"></icon>
<div *ngIf="showOffCanvas" class="uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical">
<div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="filters_column; context: {}"></ng-container>
<div *ngIf="includeOnlyResultsAndFilter && showSwitchSearchLink && advancedSearchLink" class="uk-margin-medium-top uk-margin-medium-bottom">
<a routerLinkActive="router-link-active"
[routerLink]="advancedSearchLink" style="z-index:1;"
[queryParams]="this.routerHelper.createQueryParams(this.parameterNames, this.parameterValues)"
[class]="((disabled)?' uk-disabled uk-link-muted ':'') +'uk-link uk-float-right '">Advanced
<div class="uk-container uk-margin-top" []="!mobile" []="mobile" []="mobile">
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-large-bottom" []="!mobile" uk-grid>
<!-- <div *ngIf="!mobile && showRefine -->
<!-- && (searchUtils.refineStatus == errorCodes.DONE && ((orderedFilters && orderedFilters.length > 0) || (staticFilters && staticFilters.length > 0)-->
<!-- || (rangeFilters && rangeFilters.length > 0) || (filters && filters.length > 0)))-->
<!-- && (results.length > 0 || (searchUtils.refineStatus == errorCodes.LOADING && searchUtils.status != errorCodes.LOADING) || (!hideFilters &&-->
<!-- (existingFiltersWithValues > 0 || (selectedRangeFilters + selectedFilters + selectedTypesNum) > 0))) "-->
<!-- class="uk-width-1-4@m search-filters">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<div *ngIf="!mobile && showRefine
&& (results.length > 0 || (searchUtils.refineStatus == errorCodes.LOADING && searchUtils.status != errorCodes.LOADING) || (!hideFilters &&
(existingFiltersWithValues > 0 || (selectedRangeFilters + selectedFilters + selectedTypesNum) > 0))) "
class="uk-width-1-4@m search-filters">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="filters_column; context: {}"></ng-container>
<div class="uk-width-expand@m uk-with-1-1@s">
<div []="mobile" class="uk-padding-remove-vertical">
<!-- Related results for Custom Filter Alert -->
<div *ngIf="openaireLink && (searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || !loadPaging )"
class="uk-alert uk-margin-small-top uk-margin-medium-bottom">
<ng-container *ngFor="let customFilter of customFilters">
<span *ngIf="customFilter.showFilterMessage">The following results are related to <span class="uk-text-primary uk-text-bold"
Are you interested to view more results? Visit
class="uk-margin-top uk-link"
[href]="openaireLink+this.routerHelper.createQueryParamsString(this.parameterNames, this.parameterValues)"
target="_blank"> OpenAIRE - Explore</a>.
<div class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-child-width-auto uk-flex-between">
<!-- Total results, number of pages -->
<div class="uk-margin-remove-bottom uk-text-truncate" []="!mobile" []="mobile" []="!mobile">
<ng-container *ngIf="results && searchUtils.totalResults > 0">
<span class="uk-text-meta uk-text-capitalize"> {{type}}</span>
<ng-container *ngIf="searchTerm && simpleView">
<span class="uk-text-meta"> for </span>
<span class="uk-text-bold">{{searchTerm}}</span>
<ng-container *ngIf="!simpleView && advancedSearchTerms > 0">
<span class="uk-text-bold"> ({{advancedSearchTerms}} rule{{advancedSearchTerms == 1 ? '' : 's'}} applied)</span>
<ng-container *ngIf="!loadPaging && oldTotalResults > 0 && searchUtils.status == errorCodes.LOADING">
<span class="uk-text-meta uk-text-capitalize"> {{type}}, page </span>
<span>{{ | number}}</span>
<span class="uk-text-meta"> of {{(totalPages(oldTotalResults)|number)}}</span>
<!-- Download results -->
<div *ngIf="mobile && showDownload && (searchUtils.status !== errorCodes.LOADING || !loadPaging)"
class="uk-flex uk-flex-center">
*ngIf="( entityType !='community' && entityType != 'stakeholder') && usedBy == 'search'"
[type]="csvPath" [csvParams]="csvParams" [totalResults]="searchUtils.totalResults">
<ng-container *ngIf="properties.zenodoDumpUrl && entityType == 'result'">
<a [href]="properties.zenodoDumpUrl" target="_blank" class=" uk-margin-left uk-button uk-button-link uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<img src="assets/common-assets/common/zenodoDump.png" alt="Zenodo dump" width="20"><span class="uk-margin-xsmall-left">Data dump</span>
<div *ngIf="!mobile" class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<div *ngIf="searchUtils.totalResults > 10 || sort || searchUtils.totalResults > searchUtils.size ||
(!loadPaging && oldTotalResults > searchUtils.size && searchUtils.status == errorCodes.LOADING)"
class="uk-grid uk-flex-middle uk-child-width-1-1 uk-child-width-1-2@m" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-grid uk-flex-middle uk-grid-column-collapse" uk-grid>
<search-sorting *ngIf="sort && searchUtils.totalResults > 0"
[entityType]="entityType" [sortBy]="searchUtils.sortBy"
<!-- Compact results -->
<a *ngIf="hasCompactView && (searchUtils.status !== errorCodes.LOADING || !loadPaging)"
class="uk-link-reset custom-view-button active uk-margin-left">
<icon *ngIf="!compactView" uk-tooltip="Compact results" (click)="toggleView(true)"
name="unfold_less" [flex]="true" visuallyHidden="Compact results"></icon>
<icon *ngIf="compactView" uk-tooltip="Expand results" (click)="toggleView(false)"
name="unfold_more" [flex]="true" visuallyHidden="Expand results"></icon>
<!-- Download results -->
<div *ngIf="showDownload && (searchUtils.status !== errorCodes.LOADING || !loadPaging)"
class="uk-margin-left uk-flex uk-flex-middle" []="mobile" []="mobile">
*ngIf="( entityType !='community' && entityType != 'stakeholder') && usedBy == 'search'"
[type]="csvPath" [csvParams]="csvParams" [totalResults]="searchUtils.totalResults">
<ng-container *ngIf="properties.zenodoDumpUrl && entityType == 'result'">
<a [href]="properties.zenodoDumpUrl" target="_blank" class=" uk-margin-left uk-button uk-button-link uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<img src="assets/common-assets/common/zenodoDump.png" alt="Zenodo dump" width="20"><span class="uk-margin-xsmall-left">Data dump</span>
<div *ngIf="(searchUtils.status !== errorCodes.LOADING || !loadPaging) && !mobile" class="uk-flex uk-flex-top">
<!-- filters pills -->
<div class="uk-width-expand@m">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="selected_filters_pills;"></ng-container>
<div [class]=" > pagingLimit ? 'search-results' : ''"
*ngIf="( >= pagingLimit) && (searchUtils.totalResults > searchUtils.size*pagingLimit)">
<p class="uk-alert uk-alert-warning" uk-alert>For more results please try a new, more specific query</p>
<div *ngIf="( <= pagingLimit) || (searchUtils.totalResults <= searchUtils.size*pagingLimit)" class="uk-margin">
<search-result *ngIf="( entityType !='community' && entityType != 'stakeholder') && usedBy == 'search'"
[showLoading]="true" [properties]=properties
<deposit-result *ngIf="usedBy == 'deposit'"
<orcid-result *ngIf="usedBy == 'orcid'"
*ngIf="(entityType == 'community' || entityType == 'stakeholder') && usedBy == 'search'"
[showType]="entityType == 'stakeholder'" [isMobile]="mobile"
[showLoading]="true" [properties]=properties>
<div []="mobile" class="uk-padding-remove-vertical">
<div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
<search-paging [type]="type" [loadPaging]="loadPaging" [oldTotalResults]="oldTotalResults"
[searchUtils]="searchUtils" [results]="results" [baseUrl]="searchUtils.baseUrl"
[parameterNames]="parameterNames" [parameterValues]="parameterValues"
[isDisabled]="disabled" [isMobile]="mobile">
<div *ngIf="showIndexInfo && searchUtils.status !== errorCodes.LOADING" class="uk-margin-large-top uk-flex uk-flex-between uk-flex-wrap uk-text-small">
<!-- Last Index Info-->
<a href="" target="_blank" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-auto@m">
<img src="assets/common-assets/openaire-badge-1.png" alt="Powered by OpenAIRE graph" style="height: 17px;">
<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-auto@m">
<span *ngIf="indexUpdateDate" class="uk-text-baseline uk-text-meta">
<a *ngIf="properties.showLastIndexInformationLink" class="uk-link" [href]="properties.lastIndexInformationLink" target="_blank">Last update</a>
<span *ngIf="!(properties.showLastIndexInformationLink)">Last update</span>
of records in OpenAIRE: {{indexUpdateDate | date: 'MMM dd, yyyy'}}
<helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['bottom'] && pageContents['bottom'].length > 0"
<div *ngIf="!isMobile" class="uk-visible@m">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="main; context: {mobile: false}"></ng-container>
<div *ngIf="isMobile || isServer" class="uk-hidden@m">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="main; context: {mobile: true}"></ng-container>