2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< ul [ class ] = " ' uk-list uk-list-divider uk-margin ' + custom_class " >
<!-- div *ngIf="status == errorCodes.NONE" class="uk - alert uk - alert - primary uk - animation - fade" role="alert">No Results found</div>
< div * ngIf = "status == errorCodes.ERROR" class = "uk-alert uk-alert-warning uk-animation-fade" role = "alert" > An Error Occured< / div >
< div * ngIf = "status == errorCodes.OUT_OF_BOUND" class = "uk-alert uk-alert-warning uk-animation-fade" role = "alert" > Requested page out of bounds< / div >
< div * ngIf = "status == errorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE" class = "uk-alert uk-alert-danger uk-animation-fade" role = "alert" > Service not available< / div >
2018-10-03 16:12:42 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "status == errorCodes.LOADING && showLoading" class = "uk-animation-fade uk-margin-large-top uk-width-1-1" role = "alert" > < span class = "loading-gif uk-align-center" > < / span > < / div-- >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< errorMessages [ status ] = " [ status ] " [ type ] = " ' results ' " > < / errorMessages >
< li * ngFor = "let result of results" class = "uk-animation-fade" >
<!-- <h4 class = "{{result.title.accessMode}} {{result.title.sc39}}" [title] = result.title.accessMode > -->
2018-10-03 16:12:42 +02:00
< h5 [ title ] = result . title . accessMode >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< a [ queryParams ] = " routerHelper . createQueryParam ( urlParam , result . id ) " routerLinkActive = "router-link-active" routerLink = "/search/{{type}}" >
2018-06-11 11:46:59 +02:00
< p * ngIf = "result['title'].name || result.acronym" > < span * ngIf = "result.acronym" > {{result.acronym}}< / span > < span * ngIf = "result.acronym && result['title'].name" > -< / span > < span * ngIf = "result['title'].name" [ innerHTML ] = " result [ ' title ' ] . name " > < / span > < span * ngIf = "result.code" > ({{result.code}})< / span > < / p >
< p * ngIf = "!result['title'].name && !result.acronym" > [no title available]< span * ngIf = "result.code" > ({{result.code}})< / span > < / p >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< / a >
2018-10-03 16:12:42 +02:00
< / h5 >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "result.types && result.types.length > 0" [ class ] = " ' uk-label custom-label label-blue label- ' + result . entityType " title = "Type" > {{result.types.join(", ")}}< / span >
2018-06-28 16:52:45 +02:00
< span * ngIf = "result.programmingLanguages && result.programmingLanguages.length > 0" class = "uk-label custom-label label-progrLanguage " title = "Programming Language" > {{result.programmingLanguages.join(", ")}}< / span >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "result.languages && result.languages.length > 0" class = "uk-label custom-label label-language " title = "Language" > {{result.languages.join(", ")}}< / span >
2018-06-28 16:52:45 +02:00
< span * ngIf = "result.countriesForResults && result.countriesForResults.length > 0" class = "uk-label custom-label label-country " title = "Country" > {{result.countriesForResults.join(", ")}}< / span >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "result.title && result.title.accessMode" [ class ] = " ' uk-label custom-label label- ' + result . title . accessMode " title = "Access Mode" > {{result.title.accessMode}}< / span >
2018-03-16 15:54:44 +01:00
<!-- <span *ngIf="result['funders'] && result['funders'].length > 0" class="uk - label custom - label label - funder " title="Funder"><span *ngFor="let funder of result['funders'] let i=index">
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "funder.funderShortname" >
{{funder.funderShortname}}< / span > < span
*ngIf="i < result [ ' funders ' ] . length-1 " > , < / span >
2018-03-16 15:54:44 +01:00
< / span > < / span > -->
2018-05-10 16:36:33 +02:00
< span * ngIf = "result['funderShortname']" class = "uk-label custom-label label-funder " title = "Funder" > {{result['funderShortname']}}< / span >
2018-10-23 15:11:25 +02:00
< span * ngIf = "result.openAccessMandatePublications != undefined && result.openAccessMandatePublications && (result.openAccessMandateDatasets == undefined || !result.openAccessMandateDatasets)"
class="uk-label custom-label label-openaccessmandate " title="Open Access mandate for Publications">Open Access mandate for Publications< / span >
< span * ngIf = "result.openAccessMandateDatasets != undefined && result.openAccessMandateDatasets && (result.openAccessMandatePublications == undefined || !result.openAccessMandatePublications)"
class="uk-label custom-label label-openaccessmandate " title="Open Access mandate for Research Data">Open Access mandate for Research Data< / span >
< span * ngIf = "result.openAccessMandatePublications != undefined && result.openAccessMandatePublications && result.openAccessMandateDatasets != undefined && result.openAccessMandateDatasets"
class="uk-label custom-label label-openaccessmandate " title="Open Access mandate for Publications and Research Data">Open Access mandate for Publications and Research Data< / span >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "result.title && result.title.sc39" class = "uk-label custom-label label-sc39 " title = "Special Clause 39" > Special Clause 39< / span >
2018-06-01 14:28:49 +02:00
< div class = "uk-margin-small" >
2018-05-09 15:54:30 +02:00
< span * ngIf = "result['authors'] != undefined" class = "resultsAuthors uk-margin-small-top" style = "font-style: italic;" >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< span * ngFor = "let author of result['authors'].slice(0,15)" >
<!-- a href="{{author['url']}}" -->
2018-07-05 12:52:42 +02:00
<!-- a [queryParams]="routerHelper.createQueryParams(['author','at'],[quote(author['name']),'and'])" routerLinkActive="router - link - active" [routerLink]="linkToAdvancedSearchPage">
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< / a-- >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "result['authors'].length > 15" > ...< / span >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "result.year != undefined && result.year != ''" >
< / span >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "result.publisher != undefined && result.publisher != ''" > < span class = "uk-text-bold" > Publisher:< / span > {{result.publisher}}< / div >
<!-- <div *ngIf="result['compatibility'] != undefined && result['compatibility'] != ''">
Compatibility: {{result.compatibility}}
< / div > -->
2018-03-29 15:44:55 +02:00
< approved-by-community [ contentProviderId ] = " result . id " > < / approved-by-community >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "result['type'] != undefined && result['type'] != ''" class = "uk-label custom-label label-blue label-dataprovider" title = "Type" > {{result['type']}}< / span >
<!-- <div *ngIf="result['type'] != undefined && result['type'] != ''">Type: {{result['type']}}</div> -->
< span * ngIf = "result['compatibility'] != undefined && result['compatibility'] != ''" class = "uk-label custom-label label-compatibility" title = "Compatibility" > {{result.compatibility}}< / span >
<!-- <div *ngIf="result.country != undefined && result.country != ''">Country: {{result.country}}</div> -->
< span * ngIf = "result.country != undefined && result.country != ''" class = "uk-label custom-label label-country" title = "Country" > {{result.country}}< / span >
< div * ngIf = "result['projects'] != undefined" >
< span > Project: < / span >
< span * ngFor = "let project of result['projects'].slice(0,15) let i=index" >
<!-- a *ngIf="project.url != undefined" href="{{project.url}}" -->
< a * ngIf = "project.id" [ queryParams ] = " { projectId: project . id } " routerLinkActive = "router-link-active" routerLink = "/search/project" >
| {{ project['acronym']?project['acronym']:(project['title'].length>25?project['title'].substring(0,25)+'...':project['title'])}} ({{project.code}})< / a > < span
*ngIf="!project.id">{{project['funderShortname']?project['funderShortname']:project['funderName']}}< span
*ngIf="project['acronym'] || project['title']"> | {{ project['acronym']?project['acronym']:(project['title'].length>25?project['title'].substring(0,25)+'...':project['title'])}}< / span > < span
*ngIf="project.code">({{project.code}})< / span > < / span > < span
*ngIf="i < result [ ' projects ' ] . length-1 " > ,< / span >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "result['projects'].length > 15" > ...< / span >
< / div >
2018-06-28 16:52:45 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "result.description" >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< div class = "text-justify descriptionText" >
< / div >
< / div >
< mark * ngIf = "result.embargoEndDate != undefined && result.embargoEndDate != ''" > Embargo End Date: {{result.embargoEndDate}}< / mark >
<!-- <div *ngIf="result['funders'] != undefined">
< span > Funder: < / span >
< span * ngFor = "let funder of result['funders'] let i=index" >
< span * ngIf = "funder.funderShortname" >
{{funder.funderShortname}}< / span > < span
*ngIf="i < result [ ' funders ' ] . length-1 " > ,< / span >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "result.startYear && result.endYear" > (start {{result.startYear}} - end {{result.endYear}})< / span >
< / div > -->
2018-03-16 15:54:44 +01:00
< div * ngIf = "result.startYear && result.endYear" > Start year: {{result.startYear}} - End year: {{result.endYear}}< / div >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< div * ngIf = "showOrganizations && result['organizations'] != undefined && result['organizations'].length > 0" >
< span > Organization: < / span >
< span * ngFor = "let organization of result['organizations'].slice(0,10) let i=index" >
<!-- a *ngIf="organization.url != undefined" href="{{organization.url}}" -->
< a * ngIf = "organization.id" [ queryParams ] = " { organizationId: organization . id } " routerLinkActive = "router-link-active" routerLink = "/search/organization" >
{{organization.name}}< / a > < span
{{organization.name}}< / span > < span
*ngIf="(i < result [ ' organizations ' ] . length-1 ) & & ( i < 9 ) " > ,< / span >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "result['organizations'].length > 10" > ...< / span >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "result['countries'] && result['countries'].length > 0" >
Country: < span * ngFor = "let country of result['countries'].slice(0,10) let i = index" > {{country}}{{(i < ( result['countries'].slice(0,10).length-1))?", ":""}}{{(i == result['countries'].slice(0,10).length-1 & & result['countries'].length > 10)?"...":""}}< / span >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "result['websiteURL'] != undefined && result['websiteURL'] != ''" >
< span > Website URL: < / span >
< span >
< a href = "{{result['websiteURL']}}" target = "_blank" class = "custom-external custom-icon" >
< / a >
< / span >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "result['OAIPMHURL'] != undefined && result['OAIPMHURL'] != ''" >
< span > OAI-PMH URL: < / span >
< span >
< a href = "{{result['OAIPMHURL']}}" target = "_blank" class = "custom-external custom-icon" >
< / a >
< / span >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "showSubjects && result['subjects'] && result['subjects'].length > 0" >
Subject: < span * ngFor = "let subject of result['subjects'].slice(0,10) let i = index" > {{subject}}{{(i < ( result['subjects'].slice(0,10).length-1))?", ":""}}{{(i == result['subjects'].slice(0,10).length-1 & & result['subjects'].length > 10)?"...":""}}< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< / ul >