2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
import {Component, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';
import { Filter, Value} from '../searchUtils/searchHelperClasses.class';
import {SearchDataprovidersService} from '../../services/searchDataproviders.service';
import {SearchResult} from '../../utils/entities/searchResult';
2018-02-15 11:36:12 +01:00
import {ErrorCodes} from '../../utils/properties/errorCodes';
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
import {SearchFields, FieldDetails} from '../../utils/properties/searchFields';
import {SearchPageTableViewComponent } from '../searchUtils/searchPageTableView.component';
import {SearchUtilsClass } from '../searchUtils/searchUtils.class';
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
import{EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties';
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
selector: 'search-entity-registries-table',
template: `
<search-page-table pageTitle="Registries/ Databases"
type="content providers" entityType="dataprovider" [(filters)] = "filters"
2018-01-11 11:55:54 +01:00
[(results)] = "results" [(searchUtils)] = "searchUtils"
2018-03-01 13:03:40 +01:00
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
2018-05-23 15:24:13 +02:00
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
formPlaceholderText="Search for Registries/ Databases">
export class SearchEntityRegistriesTableComponent {
private errorCodes: ErrorCodes;
public results =[];
public filters =[];
2018-03-01 13:03:40 +01:00
public columnNames = ["Name", "Type", "Country", "Institution", "Compatibility"];
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
public baseUrl:string;
public searchUtils:SearchUtilsClass = new SearchUtilsClass();
public sub: any; public subResults: any;
public _location:Location;
public searchFields:SearchFields = new SearchFields();
public refineFields: string[] = this.searchFields.ENTITY_REGISTRIES_FIELDS;
public disableForms: boolean = false;
2018-05-23 15:24:13 +02:00
public enableSearchView: boolean = true;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
@ViewChild (SearchPageTableViewComponent) searchPage : SearchPageTableViewComponent ;
constructor (private route: ActivatedRoute, private _searchDataprovidersService: SearchDataprovidersService ) {
this.errorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.LOADING;
public ngOnInit() {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
.subscribe((data: { envSpecific: EnvProperties }) => {
this.properties = data.envSpecific;
this.baseUrl = data.envSpecific.searchLinkToEntityRegistriesDataProviders;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
this.searchPage.refineFields = this.refineFields;
this.sub = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
this.searchUtils.keyword = (params['keyword']?params['keyword']:'');
//this.searchUtils.page = (params['page']=== undefined)?1:+params['page'];
this.filters = this.createFilters();
this._getResults("", false, this.searchUtils.page);
public ngOnDestroy() {
} }
private _getResults(parameters:string,refine:boolean, page: number){
//var errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.LOADING;
this.disableForms = true;
2018-05-23 15:24:13 +02:00
this.enableSearchView = false;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
this.results = [];
this.searchUtils.totalResults = 0;
let size: number = 0;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
this.subResults = this._searchDataprovidersService.searchEntityRegistriesTable(this.properties).subscribe(
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
data => {
size = data;
if(size > 0) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
this.subResults = this._searchDataprovidersService.searchEntityRegistries("",null, page, size, [],this.properties).subscribe(
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
data => {
this.searchUtils.totalResults = data[0];
console.info("search Entity Registries [total results:"+this.searchUtils.totalResults+"]");
this.results = data[1];
//var errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.DONE;
if(this.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 ){
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NONE;
2018-05-23 15:24:13 +02:00
} else {
this.disableForms = false;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
2018-05-23 15:24:13 +02:00
this.enableSearchView = true;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
err => {
//TODO check erros (service not available, bad request)
// if( ){
// this.searchUtils.status = ErrorCodes.ERROR;
// }
//var errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
//this.searchUtils.status = errorCodes.ERROR;
if(err.status == '404') {
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NOT_FOUND;
} else if(err.status == '500') {
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.ERROR;
} else {
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE;
2018-05-23 15:24:13 +02:00
this.enableSearchView = true;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else {
//var errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NONE;
2018-05-23 15:24:13 +02:00
this.enableSearchView = true;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
err => {
//TODO check erros (service not available, bad request)
// if( ){
// this.searchUtils.status = ErrorCodes.ERROR;
// }
//var errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
//this.searchUtils.status = errorCodes.ERROR;
if(err.status == '404') {
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NOT_FOUND;
} else if(err.status == '500') {
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.ERROR;
} else {
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE;
2018-05-23 15:24:13 +02:00
this.enableSearchView = true;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
this.subResults = this._searchDataprovidersService.searchEntityRegistries(parameters,(refine)?this.searchPage.getRefineFieldsQuery():null, page, size, []).subscribe(
data => {
this.searchUtils.totalResults = data[0];
console.info("search Entity Registries: [Parameters:"+parameters+" ] [total results:"+this.searchUtils.totalResults+"]");
this.results = data[1];
var errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
this.searchUtils.status = errorCodes.DONE;
if(this.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 ){
this.searchUtils.status = errorCodes.NONE;
this.disableForms = false;
err => {
//TODO check erros (service not available, bad request)
// if( ){
// this.searchUtils.status = ErrorCodes.ERROR;
// }
var errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
this.searchUtils.status = errorCodes.ERROR;
this.disableForms = false;
private setFilters(){
//TODO set filters from
private createFilters():Filter[] {
var filter_names=["Type","Compatibility Level"];
var filter_ids=["datasourcetypename","datasourcecompatibilityname"];
var searchFields = new SearchFields();
var filter_original_ids = searchFields.ENTITY_REGISTRIES_FIELDS;
var value_names=[
["Funder database","Registry of repositories","Scholarly Comm. Infrastructure","Registry","Information Space","Web Source"],
["OpenAIRE Basic (DRIVER OA)","OpenAIRE 2.0 (EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 3.0 (OA, funding)","OpenAIRE Data (funded, referenced datasets)"]];
var value_original_ids=[
["Funder database","Registry of repositories","Scholarly Comm. Infrastructure","Registry","Information Space","Web Source"],
//["driver","openaire2.0", "driver-openaire2.0", "openaire3.0","openaire2.0_data"]
["OpenAIRE Basic (DRIVER OA)","OpenAIRE 2.0 (EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 3.0 (OA, funding)","OpenAIRE Data (funded, referenced datasets)"]];
var filters: Filter[] =[];
for(var i =0 ; i < filter_names.length;i++){
var values:Value[] = [];
for(var j =0 ; j < value_names[i].length;j++){
var value:Value = {name: value_names[i][j], id: value_original_ids[i][j], number:j, selected:false}
var filter:Filter = {title: filter_names[i], filterId: filter_ids[i], originalFilterId: filter_original_ids[i], values : values, countSelectedValues:0, "filterOperator": 'or' };
return filters;