2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< ng-template # share_research_results_box
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< ul class = "uk-list uk-margin-remove-bottom" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
<!-- class="uk - margin - top" -->
< li >
2020-05-20 18:45:50 +02:00
<!-- <a class="clickable" -->
<!-- uk - toggle="target: #dynamic_content_id; animation:uk - animation - fade"><span -->
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<!-- points="7,4 1,10 7,16"></polyline></svg></span> Include in your site (HTML)</a> -->
<!-- hidden class="uk - margin - small - top" -->
< div id = "dynamic_content_id" >
< pre class = "box-content uk-padding-remove-bottom uk-margin-remove-bottom" > < code
id="clipboard">{{dynamic_content}}< / code > < / pre >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< div class = "uk-grid uk-margin-small-top" >
2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< a
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
class="clipboard_btn uk-padding-remove-left uk-margin-small-left uk-text-right uk-width-1-1"
data-clipboard-target="#clipboard" title="Copy to clipboard">
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-small uk-button-secondary uk-icon" >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 20 20" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" icon = "copy" ratio = "1" >
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< polyline fill = "none" stroke = "#000" points = "5 0.5 17.5 0.5 17.5 17" > < / polyline >
< / svg >
2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< span class = "uk-margin-small-left" > COPY< / span >
< / button >
< / a >
< / div >
< div class = "uk-text-small uk-margin-small-top" >
For further information contact us at
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< u > < a [ href ] = " ' mailto: ' + properties . helpdeskEmail " class = "uk-link-text" > {{properties.helpdeskEmail}}< / a > < / u >
2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / li >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / ul >
< / ng-template >
< ng-template # download_research_results_box
let-type="type" let-fileName_type="fileName_type" let-csvParams="csvParams">
< ul class = "uk-list uk-margin-remove-bottom" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
<!-- class="uk - margin - top" -->
< li >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< a class = "clickable"
(click)="downloadHtmlFile(type, 'funder-'+fileName_type+'-report')">
<!-- target="_blank" -->
<!-- href="/project - report?projectId={{projectId}}&size={{fetch.searchUtils.totalResults}}&type={{type}}"> -->
<!-- <span class="uk - icon"> -->
<!-- <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" icon="code" ratio="1"> -->
<!-- <polyline fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke - width="1.01" points="13,4 19,10 13,16"></polyline> -->
<!-- <polyline fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke - width="1.01" points="7,4 1,10 7,16"></polyline></svg> -->
<!-- </span> -->
< span class = "uk-icon" >
< svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 20 20" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" icon = "download" ratio = "1" >
< polyline fill = "none" stroke = "#000" points = "14,10 9.5,14.5 5,10" > < / polyline >
< rect x = "3" y = "17" width = "13" height = "1" > < / rect >
< line fill = "none" stroke = "#000" x1 = "9.5" y1 = "13.91" x2 = "9.5" y2 = "3" > < / line >
< / svg >
< / span >
Download {{projectInfo.funding.funderShortName}} report (HTML)
2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< / a >
< / li >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< li class = "uk-margin-small-top" >
< a class = "clickable" ( click ) = " downloadCsvFile ( downloadURLAPI + csvParams , ' funder- ' + fileName_type + ' -report ' ) " >
< span class = "uk-icon" >
< svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 20 20" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" icon = "download" ratio = "1" >
< polyline fill = "none" stroke = "#000" points = "14,10 9.5,14.5 5,10" > < / polyline >
< rect x = "3" y = "17" width = "13" height = "1" > < / rect >
< line fill = "none" stroke = "#000" x1 = "9.5" y1 = "13.91" x2 = "9.5" y2 = "3" > < / line >
< / svg >
< / span >
Download {{projectInfo.funding.funderShortName}} report (CSV)
2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / ng-template >
2020-05-07 19:20:33 +02:00
< div id = "tm-main" class = "landing uk-section uk-padding-remove-top tm-middle" >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< div * ngIf = "!showFeedback" uk-grid >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
< div class = "tm-main uk-width-1-1@s uk-width-1-1@m uk-width-1-1@l uk-row-first " >
2020-05-07 19:20:33 +02:00
< div id = "project" class = "uk-container uk-container-large uk-margin-medium-top project" >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "warningMessage.length > 0" class = "uk-alert uk-alert-warning uk-margin-large-top"
role="alert">{{warningMessage}}< / div >
< div * ngIf = "errorMessage.length > 0" class = "uk-alert uk-alert-danger uk-margin-large-top"
role="alert">{{errorMessage}}< / div >
< div [ style . display ] = " showLoading ? ' inline ' : ' none ' "
class="uk-animation-fade uk-margin-large-top uk-width-1-1" role="alert">< span
class="loading-gif uk-align-center">< / span > < / div >
2019-07-23 14:23:12 +02:00
< helper * ngIf = "pageContents && pageContents['top'] && pageContents['top'].length > 0"
2019-07-23 16:04:49 +02:00
[texts]="pageContents['top']">< / helper >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "projectInfo != null" class = "uk-grid uk-margin-remove-left uk-margin-large-bottom" >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< div class = "uk-width-2-3@m uk-width-1-1@s uk-margin-bottom uk-padding uk-padding-remove-left uk-padding-remove-vertical" >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
< schema2jsonld * ngIf = "projectInfo" [ data ] = projectInfo
2020-09-18 09:57:42 +02:00
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
type="project">< / schema2jsonld >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< landing-header [ properties ] = " properties " [ title ] = " projectName "
[subTitle]="projectInfo.acronym ? projectInfo.title : ''"
< / landing-header >
<!-- Labels -->
< div class = "uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom" >
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications != undefined && projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications && projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets != undefined && projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets"
class="uk-label custom-label label-open" title="Open Access mandate for Publications and Research Data">
< span class = "uk-visible@m" > Open Access mandate for Publications and Research Data< / span >
< span class = "uk-hidden@m" > Open Access mandate for ...< / span >
< / span > {{" "}}
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications != undefined && projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications && (projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets == undefined || !projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets)"
class="uk-label custom-label label-open" title="Open Access mandate for Publications">
Open Access mandate for Publications
< / span > {{" "}}
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets != undefined && projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets && (projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications == undefined || !projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications)"
class="uk-label custom-label label-open" title="Open Access mandate for Research Data">
Open Access mandate for Research Data
< / span > {{" "}}
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding && projectInfo.funding.funderName" class = "uk-label custom-label label-funder" title = "Funder" >
< / span > {{" "}}
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.specialClause39"
class="uk-label custom-label label-sc39" title="Special Clause 39">
Special Clause 39
2019-06-06 12:02:37 +02:00
< / span > {{" "}}
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< / div >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< ul class = "basic-info uk-list uk-margin-bottom left-border" >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< li * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding" >
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding.funderName" class = "uk-margin-right" >
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Funder: < / span >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< span class = "uk-text-bold" > {{projectInfo.funding.funderName}}< / span >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / span >
2020-03-17 16:19:25 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding.code" class = "uk-margin-right uk-display-inline-block" >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Project code: < / span >
< / span >
2020-03-17 16:19:25 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding.callIdentifier" class = "uk-display-inline-block" >
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Call for proposal: < / span >
< / span >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
< / li >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< li * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding" >
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding.fundingStream" class = "uk-margin-right" >
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Funded under: < / span >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding.budget" class = "uk-margin-right uk-display-inline-block" >
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Overall Budget: < / span >
{{projectInfo.funding.budget | number}}
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding.currency" > {{projectInfo.funding.currency}}< / span >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding.contribution" class = "uk-display-inline-block" >
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Funder Contribution: < / span >
{{projectInfo.funding.contribution | number}}
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.funding.currency" > {{projectInfo.funding.currency}}< / span >
< / span >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
< / li >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< li * ngIf = "projectInfo.status" class = "uk-margin-right" >
< span >
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Status: < / span >
< / span >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
< / li >
2020-11-02 18:11:31 +01:00
< li * ngIf = "projectInfo.startDate || projectInfo.endDate" class = "uk-width-2-5@m uk-width-1-2@s" >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< progress * ngIf = "projectInfo.startDate && projectInfo.endDate"
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
class="uk-progress portal-progress uk-margin-small-top uk-margin-remove-bottom"
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
[value]="(projectInfo.currentDate > projectInfo.startDate ? projectInfo.currentDate-projectInfo.startDate : 0)"
< / progress >
< div class = "uk-grid" >
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.startDate" class = "uk-width-1-2" >
< div class = "uk-text-muted" > Start Date< / div >
< div > {{projectInfo.startDate | date: 'dd MMM yyyy'}}< / div >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< / span >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.endDate" [ class ] = " ' uk-width-1-2 ' + ( projectInfo . startDate ? ' uk-text-right ' : ' ' ) " >
< div class = "uk-text-muted" > End Date< / div >
< div > {{projectInfo.endDate | date: 'dd MMM yyyy'}}< / div >
< / span >
< / div >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< / li >
< li * ngIf = "projectInfo.urlInfo " >
< span class = "uk-button-text" >
< a target = "_blank" href = "{{projectInfo.url}}" >
< / a >
< / span >
< / li >
< / ul >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< ul class = "uk-list uk-margin-bottom" >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< li * ngIf = "(projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications ! = undefined & & ! projectInfo . openAccessMandatePublications )
|| (projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets != undefined & & !projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets)">
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div > Open Access mandate< / div >
< div >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications != undefined && !projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications"
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Publications: < / span >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
<!-- <span *ngIf="projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications">Yes</span> -->
< span > No< / span >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / span >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< span * ngIf = "projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets != undefined && !projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Research Data: < / span >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
<!-- <span *ngIf="projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets">Yes</span> -->
< span > No< / span >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / span >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
< / div >
< / li >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / ul >
2020-06-01 15:17:13 +02:00
< / div >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
2020-06-01 15:17:13 +02:00
< div class = "uk-width-1-3@m uk-width-1-1@s uk-padding-remove" >
< ul class = "user-actions uk-list uk-card uk-card-default uk-padding" >
<!-- NEW -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< li > < addThis > < / addThis > < / li >
< li * ngIf = "isRouteAvailable('participate/direct-claim')" >
< a class = "uk-link-text uk-text-bold uk-text-uppercase" ( click ) = " openLinkProjectModal ( ) " >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< span class = "uk-icon-button portal-button uk-icon" >
< svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 20 20" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" data-svg = "link" > < path
fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.1"
d="M10.625,12.375 L7.525,15.475 C6.825,16.175 5.925,16.175 5.225,15.475 L4.525,14.775 C3.825,14.074 3.825,13.175 4.525,12.475 L7.625,9.375">< / path > < path
fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.1"
d="M9.325,7.375 L12.425,4.275 C13.125,3.575 14.025,3.575 14.724,4.275 L15.425,4.975 C16.125,5.675 16.125,6.575 15.425,7.275 L12.325,10.375">< / path > < path
fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.1"
d="M7.925,11.875 L11.925,7.975">< / path >
< / svg >
< / span >
< span class = "uk-margin-small-left" > Link this project to...< / span >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / a >
2020-05-20 18:45:50 +02:00
< modal-alert # linkProjectModal
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[classTitle]="'landing-modal-header'" [classBody]="'uk-padding-remove landing-modal'">
2020-05-20 18:45:50 +02:00
<!-- <div class="uk - modal - title landing - modal - header"> -->
<!-- <button class="uk - modal - close - default uk - float - right" (click)='linkProjectModal.cancel()' uk - close></button> -->
<!-- <h4 class="modal - title" id="myModalLabel">{{linkProjectModal.alertTitle}}</h4> -->
<!-- </div> -->
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
< div class = "uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-margin-medium uk-text-center " >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< div >
2020-07-06 19:46:11 +02:00
< a [ queryParams ] = " routerHelper . createQueryParams ( [ ' id ' , ' type ' , ' linkTo ' ] , [ projectId , ' project ' , ' result ' ] ) "
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" routerLink="/participate/direct-claim"
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< button class = "uk-icon-button portal-button" >
2020-04-06 11:17:31 +02:00
< span class = "uk-icon" >
< svg height = "20" icon = "copy" ratio = "1" viewBox = "0 0 20 20" width = "20"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">< rect fill = "none" height = "16" stroke = "#000"
width="12" x="3.5" y="2.5">< / rect > < polyline
fill="none" points="5 0.5 17.5 0.5 17.5 17" stroke="#000">< / polyline > < / svg > < / span >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / button >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
< div class = "uk-margin-small-top" > Research outcomes< / div >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / a >
2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / modal-alert >
< / li >
< li * ngIf = "isRouteAvailable('participate/deposit/learn-how')" >
< a class = "uk-link-text uk-text-bold uk-text-uppercase"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" routerLink="/participate/deposit/learn-how">
2020-05-28 12:53:29 +02:00
< span class = "uk-icon uk-icon-button uk-button-secondary" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 20 20" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ratio = "1" >
< polyline fill = "none" stroke = "#000" points = "5 8 9.5 3.5 14 8 " > < / polyline >
< rect x = "3" y = "17" width = "13" height = "1" > < / rect >
< line fill = "none" stroke = "#000" x1 = "9.5" y1 = "15" x2 = "9.5" y2 = "4" > < / line >
< / svg >
< / span >
2020-05-28 12:53:29 +02:00
< span class = "uk-margin-small-left" > < u > Deposit your research< / u > < / span >
2019-12-10 15:45:13 +01:00
< / a >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / li >
< li >
< a class = "uk-link-text uk-text-bold uk-text-uppercase" ( click ) = " openShareResultsModal ( ) " >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< span class = "uk-icon uk-icon-button uk-button-primary" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 20 20" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" icon = "code" ratio = "1" >
< polyline fill = "none" stroke = "#000" stroke-width = "1.01" points = "13,4 19,10 13,16" > < / polyline >
< polyline fill = "none" stroke = "#000" stroke-width = "1.01" points = "7,4 1,10 7,16" > < / polyline >
< / svg >
< / span >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< span class = "uk-margin-small-left" > Share results< / span >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / a >
2020-05-20 18:45:50 +02:00
< modal-alert # shareResultsModal
[classTitle]="'landing-modal-header'" [classBody]="'uk-padding-remove landing-modal'">
< div class = "uk-padding-small uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical" >
< mat-form-field class = "matSelectionFormField uk-width-1-1" >
< mat-label > Select content type to share< / mat-label >
2020-08-12 16:25:43 +02:00
< mat-select [ ( value ) ] = " share_research_results_type "
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
<!-- <mat - option value="">Select content type</mat - option> -->
< mat-option value = "result" > All research outcomes< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "publication" > Publications< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "dataset" > Research data< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "software" > Software< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "other" > Other research products< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
< div * ngIf = "share_research_results_type" class = "uk-animation-slide-top-small" >
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "share_research_results_box;
context: { dynamic_content: getDynamicContent(share_research_results_type) }">
< / ng-container >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / modal-alert >
< / li >
< li >
< a class = "uk-link-text uk-text-bold uk-text-uppercase" ( click ) = " openDownloadReportModal ( ) " >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< span class = "uk-icon uk-icon-button uk-button-primary" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 20 20" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" icon = "download" ratio = "1" >
< polyline fill = "none" stroke = "#000" points = "14,10 9.5,14.5 5,10" > < / polyline >
< rect x = "3" y = "17" width = "13" height = "1" > < / rect >
< line fill = "none" stroke = "#000" x1 = "9.5" y1 = "13.91" x2 = "9.5" y2 = "3" > < / line >
< / svg >
< / span >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
< span class = "uk-margin-small-left" > Download report< / span >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / a >
2020-05-20 18:45:50 +02:00
< modal-alert # downloadReportModal
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[classTitle]="'landing-modal-header'" [classBody]="'uk-padding-remove landing-modal'">
2020-05-20 18:45:50 +02:00
< div class = "uk-padding-small uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="projectInfo.funding && -->
<!-- (fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || -->
<!-- fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || -->
<!-- fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || -->
<!-- fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0)" -->
< mat-form-field
class="matSelectionFormField uk-width-1-1">
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< mat-label > Select content type report to download< / mat-label >
2020-08-12 16:25:43 +02:00
< mat-select [ ( value ) ] = " download_research_results_type "
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
<!-- <mat - option value="">Select content type</mat - option> -->
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< mat-option value = "results"
[disabled]="!projectInfo.funding ||
(fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 & &
fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 & &
fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 & &
fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults == 0)"
[attr.uk-tooltip]="(fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchPublications.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE) ? 'cls: uk-active' : 'cls: uk-invisible'"
title="No report available">
All research outcomes
< / mat-option >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< mat-option value = "publications"
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[disabled]="!projectInfo.funding || fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchPublications.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE"
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
[attr.uk-tooltip]="(fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchPublications.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE) ? 'cls: uk-active' : 'cls: uk-invisible'"
title="No report available">
< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "datasets"
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[disabled]="!projectInfo.funding || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE"
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
[attr.uk-tooltip]="(fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE) ? 'cls: uk-active' : 'cls: uk-invisible'"
title="No report available">
Research data
< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "software"
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[disabled]="!projectInfo.funding || fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE"
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
[attr.uk-tooltip]="(fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE) ? 'cls: uk-active' : 'cls: uk-invisible'"
title="No report available">
< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "other"
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[disabled]="!projectInfo.funding || fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchOrps.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE"
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
[attr.uk-tooltip]="(fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 || fetchOrps.searchUtils.status != errorCodes.DONE) ? 'cls: uk-active' : 'cls: uk-invisible'"
title="No report available">
Other research products
< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
< div * ngIf = "download_research_results_type" class = "uk-animation-slide-top-small" >
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "download_research_results_box;
context: { type: download_research_results_type,
fileName_type: getFileNameType(download_research_results_type),
csvParams: getCsvParams(download_research_results_type) }">
< / ng-container >
< / div >
2019-07-23 14:23:12 +02:00
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "!projectInfo.funding | |
(fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 & &
fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 & &
fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 & &
fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults == 0)"
No reports available
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / modal-alert >
< / li >
2020-05-05 12:37:36 +02:00
<!-- Metrics -->
2020-05-20 14:56:21 +02:00
< li * ngIf = "hasMetrics" class = "uk-margin-medium-top" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< div class = "uk-text-center uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-flex-center" >
2020-11-25 17:09:36 +01:00
< div [ class . uk-hidden ] = " ! ( totalViews & & totalDownloads & & pageViews ) " >
2020-05-05 12:37:36 +02:00
< metrics [ pageViews ] = " pageViews "
[id]="projectId" [entityType]="'projects'" [entity]="'project'"
[viewsFrameUrl]="viewsFrameUrl" [downloadsFrameUrl]="downloadsFrameUrl"
(metricsResults)="metricsResults($event)" [properties]=properties>
< / metrics >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / li >
< / ul >
2020-05-19 17:59:20 +02:00
<!-- <div class="uk - margin - small - top uk - text - muted uk - text - small uk - text - right"> -->
<!-- Last update of records in OpenAIRE: {{indexUpdateDate | date: 'MMM dd, yyyy'}} -->
<!-- </div> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "projectInfo != null" >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="numberOfTabs > 0; else loadingBlock" -->
< div class = "main-tabs-div" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-template # summary_tab >
<!-- <my - tab [tabTitle]="'Project Summary'" [tabId]="'summary'" [active]="true"> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "uk-grid uk-margin-remove" >
2020-07-17 11:32:05 +02:00
< div class = "uk-width-expand uk-padding uk-inline" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
<!-- Description -->
2020-07-17 15:19:57 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "!hasPrimaryInfo" class = "uk-width-expand uk-padding" >
< div class = "uk-animation-fade uk-alert uk-alert-primary" role = "alert" >
No summary information available
< / div >
< / div >
2020-07-17 11:32:05 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "hasPrimaryInfo" class = "uk-margin-medium-bottom" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< div class = "uk-text-muted" > Description< / div >
< div class = "uk-text-justify uk-height-max-medium uk-overflow-auto" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< span > {{projectInfo.description.substring(0, showNumDescription)}}< / span >
< span * ngIf = "showNumDescription = = thresholdDescription & &
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
projectInfo.description.length > thresholdDescription">...< / span >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "showNumDescription = = thresholdDescription & &
projectInfo.description.length > thresholdDescription" class="uk-text-right">
< a ( click ) = " showNumDescription = projectInfo.description.length;" >
Read more
< / a >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "projectInfo.description && showNumDescription > thresholdDescription"
< a ( click ) = " showNumDescription = thresholdDescription;" >
Read less
< / a >
< / div >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / div >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-07-17 11:32:05 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "hasSecondaryInfo" class = "uk-padding uk-inline uk-width-1-3@m right-column" >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
<!-- Organizations -->
2020-07-17 11:32:05 +02:00
< div class = "uk-text-muted" > Partners< / div >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< div class = "uk-margin-medium-bottom" >
< div class = "uk-height-max-medium uk-overflow-auto" >
< span * ngFor = "let organization of projectInfo.organizations.slice(0, showNumOrganizations) let i=index"
[attr.uk-tooltip]="organization.acronym & & organization.name ? 'pos:right; delay:10' : 'cls: uk-invisible'"
< a * ngIf = "organization.id"
[queryParams]="{organizationId: organization.id}" routerLinkActive="router-link-active"
2020-07-10 13:29:39 +02:00
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< u > {{(organization.acronym) ? organization.acronym : ''}}< / u >
< u > {{(!organization.acronym & & organization.name) ? organization.name : ''}}< / u >
< / a >
< span * ngIf = "!organization.id" >
< span * ngIf = "organization.acronym" > {{organization.acronym}}< / span >
< span * ngIf = "!organization.acronym && organization.name" > {{organization.name}}< / span >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "(i < projectInfo.organizations.length-1)" > , < / span >
< / span >
< span * ngIf = "showNumOrganizations == thresholdOrganizations && projectInfo.organizations.length > thresholdOrganizations" > ... < / span >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "showNumOrganizations == thresholdOrganizations && projectInfo.organizations.length > thresholdOrganizations"
class="uk-width-1-1 uk-text-right uk-margin-small-top">
< a ( click ) = " showNumOrganizations = projectInfo.organizations.length;" >
View all {{projectInfo.organizations.length | number}} organizations
< / a >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "showNumOrganizations > thresholdOrganizations"
class="uk-width-1-1 uk-text-right uk-margin-small-top">
< a ( click ) = " showNumOrganizations = thresholdOrganizations;" > View less organizations< / a >
< / div >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / div >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-09-15 12:01:19 +02:00
<!-- <div *ngIf="!hasPrimaryInfo && !hasSecondaryInfo"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
class="uk-width-expand uk-padding">
2020-09-15 12:01:19 +02:00
< !– < div * ngIf = "!tabsAreInitialized" class = "uk-animation-fade uk-margin-top uk-width-1-1" role = "alert" > – >
< !– < span class = "loading-gif uk-align-center" > < / span > – >
< !– < / div > – >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
< div class = "uk-animation-fade uk-alert uk-alert-primary" role = "alert" >
No summary information available
< / div >
2020-09-15 12:01:19 +02:00
< / div > -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
<!-- </my - tab> -->
< / ng-template >
< ng-template # publications_tab >
<!-- <my - tab *ngIf="fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [tabTitle]="'Publications'" [tabNumber]="fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults" -->
<!-- [tabId]="'publications'"> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "uk-grid uk-margin-remove" >
< div class = "uk-width-expand uk-padding" >
2020-05-31 15:44:52 +02:00
< search-tab [ fetch ] = " fetchPublications " resultType = "publication"
< / search-tab >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-31 15:44:52 +02:00
<!-- <div class="uk - width - 1 - 3@m uk - padding right - column"> -->
<!-- <div>test publications</div> -->
<!-- </div> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
<!-- </my - tab> -->
< / ng-template >
< ng-template # datasets_tab >
<!-- <my - tab *ngIf="fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [tabTitle]="'Research Data'" [tabNumber]="fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults" -->
<!-- [tabId]="'datasets'"> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "uk-grid uk-margin-remove" >
< div class = "uk-width-expand uk-padding" >
2020-05-31 15:44:52 +02:00
< search-tab [ fetch ] = " fetchDatasets " resultType = "dataset"
< / search-tab >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-31 15:44:52 +02:00
<!-- <div class="uk - width - 1 - 3@m uk - padding right - column"> -->
<!-- <div>test research data</div> -->
<!-- </div> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
<!-- </my - tab> -->
< / ng-template >
< ng-template # software_tab >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "uk-grid uk-margin-remove" >
< div class = "uk-width-expand uk-padding" >
2020-05-31 15:44:52 +02:00
< search-tab [ fetch ] = " fetchSoftware " resultType = "software"
< / search-tab >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-31 15:44:52 +02:00
<!-- <div class="uk - width - 1 - 3@m uk - padding right - column"> -->
<!-- <div>test software</div> -->
<!-- </div> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< / ng-template >
< ng-template # other_tab >
<!-- <my - tab *ngIf="fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [tabTitle]="'Other Research'" [tabNumber]="fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults" -->
<!-- [tabId]="'other'"> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "uk-grid uk-margin-remove" >
< div class = "uk-width-expand uk-padding" >
2020-05-31 15:44:52 +02:00
< search-tab [ fetch ] = " fetchOrps " resultType = "other"
< / search-tab >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-31 15:44:52 +02:00
<!-- <div class="uk - width - 1 - 3@m uk - padding right - column"> -->
<!-- <div>test other research products</div> -->
<!-- </div> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
<!-- </my - tab> -->
< / ng-template >
< ng-template # statistics_tab >
<!-- <my - tab *ngIf="(fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 -->
<!-- || fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0)" -->
<!-- [tabTitle]="'Statistics'" [statistics]="true" [tabId]="'statistics'"> -->
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "" >
< div class = "uk-width-expand uk-padding" >
< errorMessages [ status ] = " [ fetchPublications . searchUtils . status , fetchDatasets . searchUtils . status ,
fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status, fetchOrps.searchUtils.status]"
[type]="'statistics'" tab_error_class=true>< / errorMessages >
< div
*ngIf="statsClicked & &
(fetchPublications.searchUtils.status == errorCodes.DONE || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.status == errorCodes.DONE
|| fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status == errorCodes.DONE || fetchOrps.searchUtils.status == errorCodes.DONE)"
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
class="uk-grid uk-child-width-1-1 uk-child-width-1-2@m">
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< div class = "uk-padding uk-padding-remove-top" >
< div * ngIf = "!properties.useNewStatistisTool" class = "uk-text-center uk-text-large" > Produced research
outcomes per year< / div >
< i-frame [ url ] = chartScientificResultsUrl > < / i-frame >
< / div >
< div class = "uk-padding uk-padding-remove-top" >
< div * ngIf = "!properties.useNewStatistisTool" class = "uk-text-center uk-text-large" > Access mode of research
outcomes< / div >
< i-frame [ url ] = chartAccessModeUrl > < / i-frame >
< / div >
< div class = "uk-padding uk-padding-remove-top" >
< div * ngIf = "!properties.useNewStatistisTool" class = "uk-text-center uk-text-large" > Research outcomes per datasource< / div >
< i-frame [ url ] = chartDatasourcesUrl > < / i-frame >
< / div >
2020-03-30 21:25:16 +02:00
< / div >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
<!-- </my - tab> -->
< / ng-template >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- [class]="numberOfTabs > 2 ? 'uk - visible@m' : ''" -->
< my-tabs ( selectedActiveTab ) = " onSelectActiveTab ( $ event ) " >
<!-- *ngIf="hasPrimaryInfo || hasSecondaryInfo" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'summary')?'uk - active':''"> -->
< my-tab
2020-06-29 13:10:32 +02:00
tabTitle="Summary" [tabId]="'summary'"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "summary_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'publications')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[tabTitle]="'Publications'" [tabNumber]="fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "publications_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'datasets')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[tabTitle]="'Research Data'" [tabNumber]="fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
[tabId]="'datasets'" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "datasets_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'software')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[tabTitle]="'Software'" [tabNumber]="fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
[tabId]="'software'" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "software_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'other')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[tabTitle]="'Other Research'" [tabNumber]="fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
[tabId]="'other'" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "other_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'statistics')?'uk - active':''" -->
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< my-tab * ngIf = "(fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0
|| fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0)"
[tabTitle]="'Statistics'" [statistics]="true" [tabId]="'statistics'"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "statistics_tab;" > < / ng-container >
2020-05-19 01:40:14 +02:00
< / my-tab >
< / my-tabs >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="numberOfTabs > 2" -->
< my-small-tabs ( selectedActiveTab ) = " onSelectActiveTab ( $ event ) " >
<!-- *ngIf="hasPrimaryInfo || hasSecondaryInfo" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'summary')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-06-29 13:10:32 +02:00
tabTitle="Summary" [tabId]="'summary'"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "summary_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'publications')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[tabTitle]="'Publications'" [tabNumber]="fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "publications_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'datasets')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[tabTitle]="'Research Data'" [tabNumber]="fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
[tabId]="'datasets'" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "datasets_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'software')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[tabTitle]="'Software'" [tabNumber]="fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
[tabId]="'software'" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "software_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- *ngIf="fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0" -->
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'other')?'uk - active':''" -->
< my-tab
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
[tabTitle]="'Other Research'" [tabNumber]="fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
[tabId]="'other'" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "other_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- [class]="(firstTab === 'statistics')?'uk - active':''" -->
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< my-tab * ngIf = "(fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0
|| fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0)"
[tabTitle]="'Statistics'" [statistics]="true" [tabId]="'statistics'"
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "statistics_tab;" > < / ng-container >
< / my-tab >
< / my-small-tabs >
2020-03-17 11:04:17 +01:00
< / div >
2020-05-29 16:15:35 +02:00
<!-- <ng - template #loadingBlock> -->
<!-- <div *ngIf="!tabsAreInitialized" class="uk - animation - fade uk - margin - top uk - width - 1 - 1" role="alert"> -->
<!-- <span class="loading - gif uk - align - center" ></span> -->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- </ng - template> -->
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
2020-05-20 22:48:32 +02:00
< div class = "uk-margin-small-top uk-flex" >
<!-- Last Index Info -->
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< div class = "uk-width-2-3@m uk-width-1-2" >
2020-05-20 22:48:32 +02:00
< img src = "assets/common-assets/graph.svg" style = "opacity: 0.4" >
2020-11-24 09:21:36 +01:00
< span class = "uk-margin-small-left uk-text-baseline uk-text-muted" > Powered by < a href = "https://graph.openaire.eu" class = "graph-color" > OpenAIRE Research Graph< / a > < / span >
2020-06-10 13:05:59 +02:00
< span * ngIf = "indexUpdateDate" class = "uk-text-baseline uk-text-muted" >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
. Last update of records in OpenAIRE: {{indexUpdateDate | date: 'MMM dd, yyyy'}}
2020-05-20 22:48:32 +02:00
< / span >
< / div >
<!-- Feedback -->
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< div class = "uk-width-expand uk-text-right" >
2020-05-20 22:48:32 +02:00
< span class = "uk-text-muted" > Any information missing or wrong?< / span >
< a ( click ) = " showFeedback = true; scroll ( ) " class = "portal-link space" > Report an Issue< / a >
< / div >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< / div >
< / div >
2019-07-23 14:23:12 +02:00
< helper * ngIf = "pageContents && pageContents['bottom'] && pageContents['bottom'].length > 0"
2019-07-23 16:04:49 +02:00
[texts]="pageContents['bottom']">< / helper >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / div >
2019-07-23 14:23:12 +02:00
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
<!-- Statistics -->
2020-03-17 16:19:25 +01:00
< modal-alert * ngIf = "projectInfo & &
(fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0
|| fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0 || fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0)"
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
classBody="uk-width-xxlarge uk-padding-remove-right" #statisticsModal>
2020-03-16 15:42:11 +01:00
< landing-header [ properties ] = " properties " [ title ] = " projectName "
[subTitle]="projectInfo.acronym ? projectInfo.title : ''"
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / landing-header >
< div class = "uk-margin-medium-top uk-margin-medium-right" >
2020-03-17 11:04:17 +01:00
< errorMessages [ status ] = " [ fetchPublications . searchUtils . status , fetchDatasets . searchUtils . status ,
fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status, fetchOrps.searchUtils.status]"
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
[type]="'statistics'" tab_error_class=true>< / errorMessages >
< div
2020-03-17 11:04:17 +01:00
*ngIf="statsClicked & &
(fetchPublications.searchUtils.status == errorCodes.DONE || fetchDatasets.searchUtils.status == errorCodes.DONE
|| fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status == errorCodes.DONE || fetchOrps.searchUtils.status == errorCodes.DONE)">
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< div class = "uk-padding uk-padding-remove-top" >
2020-05-11 15:52:21 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "!properties.useNewStatistisTool" class = "uk-text-center uk-text-large" > Produced research
outcomes per year< / div >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< i-frame [ url ] = chartScientificResultsUrl > < / i-frame >
< / div >
< div class = "uk-padding uk-padding-remove-top" >
2020-05-11 15:52:21 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "!properties.useNewStatistisTool" class = "uk-text-center uk-text-large" > Access mode of research
outcomes< / div >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< i-frame [ url ] = chartAccessModeUrl > < / i-frame >
< / div >
< div class = "uk-padding uk-padding-remove-top" >
2020-05-11 15:52:21 +02:00
< div * ngIf = "!properties.useNewStatistisTool" class = "uk-text-center uk-text-large" > Research outcomes per datasource< / div >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< i-frame [ url ] = chartDatasourcesUrl > < / i-frame >
< / div >
< / div >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< / div >
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
< / modal-alert >
2019-07-22 11:16:50 +02:00
< / div >
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
< / div >
2020-03-27 11:06:09 +01:00
< feedback * ngIf = "projectInfo" [ projectInfo ] = " projectInfo "
2020-03-16 14:09:46 +01:00
[properties]="properties" [entityType]="'project'" [title]="projectName" [fields]="feedbackFields"
[showForm]="showFeedback" (show)="showFeedback = $event">< / feedback >
2020-04-06 11:17:31 +02:00
< / div >
2020-05-26 22:34:04 +02:00
< modal-loading > < / modal-loading >
2020-06-29 13:10:32 +02:00
< modal-alert # AlertModalCsvError > < / modal-alert >