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<div *ngIf="filter.values.length >0">
<div class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-margin-bottom">
<h6 [title]="filter.title" class="uk-margin-remove-bottom">{{_formatTitle(filter.title, filter.values.length)}}</h6>
<a *ngIf="filter.countSelectedValues>0" class="uk-text-small uk-margin-left" (click)="clearFilter()" []="isDisabled">Clear</a>
<div *ngFor="let value of getSelectedAndTopValues(filter, filterValuesNum)"
class="uk-animation-fade uk-text-small uk-margin-small-bottom">
<div [title]="">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="input_label_wrapper; context: {filter: filter, value: value}"></ng-container>
<div *ngIf="addShowMore && (filter.values.length) > filterValuesNum">
[Explore & Library & openaire-theme | new-theme]: Updated parsing of classified subjects by using a vocabulary | Added parsing of instance.license in Download from | Added feedback functionality for fos and sdgs in landing | #7509 Parsing both citations and references fields | In "view all/less" links added chervon-right icon with class "view-more-less-link". 1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: Added method "urlEncodeAndQuote()" to encode and then quote a string. 2. fos.component.html & sdg.component.html: a. "Beta" badge was updated to yellow uk-text-large. b. Link to the simple search page instead of the advanced and urlEncodeAndQuote the parameter used in url. 3. link.css: Added class "view-more-less-link" to set on ::after "chevron_right" icon (not underlined on hover) - used in "view all/more/less" links. 4. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & fundedBy.component.ts & relatedTo.component.ts & showIdentifiers.component.ts & showAuthors.component.ts: In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link" | Renamed "view more" to "view all". 5. feedback.component.html: Rename wording to be more positive: issues -> feedback, issue -> comment, report -> feedback. 6. feedback.component.ts: Added @Input() preSelectedField: string = ""; and set with it "field" on "addIssue()" (fos/sdg preselected for feedback). 7. availableOn.component.ts: a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link". b. #7833 - Show instance.license information (as link when recognized as url, string otherwise). 8. landing-utils/fos.component.ts & landing-utils/sdg.component.ts: a. "Beta" word was updated to yellow uk-text-xsmall. b. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link". c. Added feedback functionality: link to feedback form. 9. showSubjects.component.ts: a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link". b. Added "view all" functionality for classified subjects too. 10. resultLanding.component.html: a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link" | Renamed "view more" to "view all" b. Added feedback functionality: link to feedback form - preselect in feedback form fos/sdg. 11. resultLanding.component.ts: a. Added public feedbackPreSelectedField: string = ""; field. b. Added method "feedbackClicked()". c. [Bug fix] In hasPrimaryInfo() added check for classifiedSubjects. d. Renamed getProvenanceVocabularyAndResultLandingInfo() to getVocabulariesAndResultLandingInfo() and call also this._vocabulariesService.getSubjectsVocabulary(). 12. parsingFunctions.class.ts: a. #7196 - Updated parsing of subjects in method "parseAllSubjects()". b. #7833 - In method "parseHostedBy_collectedFrom()", added parsing for "license" field. 13. orcid-work.component.ts: On calling method "this.resultLandingService.getResultLandingInfo()", added null parameter for subject vocabulary. 14. searchFilter.module.ts: Import IconsModule. 15. searchFilter.component.html: Removed +/- form "view all/less" links and added class "view-more-less-link". 16. result-preview.ts: Added "licence?: string" in HostedByCollectedFrom. 17. ISVocabularies.service.ts: a. Added "private subjectsVocabulary: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);" field and methods "getSubjectsVocabulary()", "getSubjectsVocabularyFromService()". b. Commented this.clearSubscriptions() from "getProvenanceActionVocabularyFromServiceAsync()". 18. resultLanding.service.ts: a. On subjects parsing, use subjectsVocabulary. b. #7509- Added if/then/else case for parsing citations (new name: references).
2022-06-09 15:45:39 +02:00
<a *ngIf="filterValuesNum > 0 " class="uk-text-small view-more-less-link uk-margin-small-top" [ngClass]="((isDisabled)?'uk-disabled uk-link-muted ':'')" (click)="toggle($event)">
<span *ngIf="!isOpen">View all</span>
<span *ngIf="isOpen">View less </span>
[Explore & Library & openaire-theme | new-theme]: Updated parsing of classified subjects by using a vocabulary | Added parsing of instance.license in Download from | Added feedback functionality for fos and sdgs in landing | #7509 Parsing both citations and references fields | In "view all/less" links added chervon-right icon with class "view-more-less-link". 1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: Added method "urlEncodeAndQuote()" to encode and then quote a string. 2. fos.component.html & sdg.component.html: a. "Beta" badge was updated to yellow uk-text-large. b. Link to the simple search page instead of the advanced and urlEncodeAndQuote the parameter used in url. 3. link.css: Added class "view-more-less-link" to set on ::after "chevron_right" icon (not underlined on hover) - used in "view all/more/less" links. 4. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & fundedBy.component.ts & relatedTo.component.ts & showIdentifiers.component.ts & showAuthors.component.ts: In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link" | Renamed "view more" to "view all". 5. feedback.component.html: Rename wording to be more positive: issues -> feedback, issue -> comment, report -> feedback. 6. feedback.component.ts: Added @Input() preSelectedField: string = ""; and set with it "field" on "addIssue()" (fos/sdg preselected for feedback). 7. availableOn.component.ts: a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link". b. #7833 - Show instance.license information (as link when recognized as url, string otherwise). 8. landing-utils/fos.component.ts & landing-utils/sdg.component.ts: a. "Beta" word was updated to yellow uk-text-xsmall. b. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link". c. Added feedback functionality: link to feedback form. 9. showSubjects.component.ts: a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link". b. Added "view all" functionality for classified subjects too. 10. resultLanding.component.html: a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link" | Renamed "view more" to "view all" b. Added feedback functionality: link to feedback form - preselect in feedback form fos/sdg. 11. resultLanding.component.ts: a. Added public feedbackPreSelectedField: string = ""; field. b. Added method "feedbackClicked()". c. [Bug fix] In hasPrimaryInfo() added check for classifiedSubjects. d. Renamed getProvenanceVocabularyAndResultLandingInfo() to getVocabulariesAndResultLandingInfo() and call also this._vocabulariesService.getSubjectsVocabulary(). 12. parsingFunctions.class.ts: a. #7196 - Updated parsing of subjects in method "parseAllSubjects()". b. #7833 - In method "parseHostedBy_collectedFrom()", added parsing for "license" field. 13. orcid-work.component.ts: On calling method "this.resultLandingService.getResultLandingInfo()", added null parameter for subject vocabulary. 14. searchFilter.module.ts: Import IconsModule. 15. searchFilter.component.html: Removed +/- form "view all/less" links and added class "view-more-less-link". 16. result-preview.ts: Added "licence?: string" in HostedByCollectedFrom. 17. ISVocabularies.service.ts: a. Added "private subjectsVocabulary: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);" field and methods "getSubjectsVocabulary()", "getSubjectsVocabularyFromService()". b. Commented this.clearSubscriptions() from "getProvenanceActionVocabularyFromServiceAsync()". 18. resultLanding.service.ts: a. On subjects parsing, use subjectsVocabulary. b. #7509- Added if/then/else case for parsing citations (new name: references).
2022-06-09 15:45:39 +02:00
<div *ngIf="isOpen" class="uk-text-small uk-margin-small-top uk-margin-small-bottom">
<div class="uk-margin-small-left">
<div class="uk-text-meta">Top 100 values are shown in the filters</div>
<div class="uk-flex uk-flex-bottom uk-margin-top">
<div input class="uk-width-1-2@m uk-margin-right" [placeholder]="{label: 'Search', static: true}" inputClass="inner small" [(value)]="keyword"></div>
<div *ngIf="showResultCount === true" input type="select" class="uk-width-expand" placeholder="Sort by"
inputClass="border-bottom" [(value)]="sortBy" [options]="sortByOptions" (valueChange)="sort()"></div>
<div class="uk-overflow-auto uk-height-max-small uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right uk-margin-top">
2022-03-16 17:54:22 +01:00
<ng-container *ngFor="let value of this.sortedValues">
<div *ngIf="filterKeywords(" title="{{}}"
class="uk-animation-fade uk-text-small">
*ngTemplateOutlet="input_label_wrapper; context: {filter: filter, value: value}"></ng-container>
<ng-template #input_label let-filter="filter" let-value="value">
<span *ngIf="filter.filterType == 'checkbox' || filter.filterType == 'radio'" class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle"
[]="isDisabled || (showResultCount && value.number === 0)">
<input *ngIf="filter.filterType == 'checkbox'" type="checkbox" class="uk-checkbox"
[disabled]="isDisabled || (showResultCount && value.number === 0)"
[(ngModel)]="value.selected" (ngModelChange)="filterChange(value.selected)"/>
<input *ngIf="filter.filterType == 'radio'" type="radio" class="uk-radio"
[disabled]="isDisabled || (showResultCount && value.number === 0)"
[name]="filter.filterId" [value]="" [(ngModel)]="filter.radioValue"
<span class="uk-margin-small-left">
<span *ngIf="filter.type && filter.type == 'boolean' else noboolean">
<ng-template #noboolean>
<span *ngIf="showResultCount">({{value.number|number}})</span>
<ng-template #input_label_wrapper let-filter="filter" let-value="value">
<a *ngIf="actionRoute" [routerLink]="getRoute()"
[queryParams]="getParams(filter,value)" class="uk-link-muted uk-display-inline-block"
[]="disabled(value.number)" []="!disabled(value.number)">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="input_label; context: {filter: filter, value: value}"></ng-container>
<ng-container *ngIf="!actionRoute">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="input_label; context: {filter: filter, value: value}"></ng-container>