2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' ;
import { Http , Response } from '@angular/http' ;
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable' ;
import { AutoCompleteValue } from '../../searchPages/searchUtils/searchHelperClasses.class' ;
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of' ;
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do' ;
import 'rxjs/add/operator/share' ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
import { EnvProperties } from '../properties/env-properties' ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
import { StringUtils } from '../string-utils.class' ;
@Injectable ( )
export class EntitiesSearchService {
public ready :boolean = false ;
constructor ( private http : Http ) { }
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
searchProjectsByFunder ( keyword :string , funderId :string , properties :EnvProperties ) : any {
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
this . ready = false ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
let url = properties . searchResourcesAPIURL ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
console . log ( "Funder is " + funderId ) ;
url = url + "?query=(oaftype exact project and deletedbyinference=false) " ;
if ( keyword != null && keyword != '' ) {
url += 'and ((projectcode_nt exact "' + keyword + '" )or(' + keyword + ')) ' ;
url += ( ( funderId && funderId . length > 0 ) ? ( "&fq=funder exact " + '"' + funderId + '"' ) : "" ) ;
url += "&page=0&size=10" ;
url += "&format=json" ;
console . log ( "URL " + url ) ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
// let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst+"projects?"+((keyword && keyword.length > 0)?("q=" +keyword):"")+((funderId && funderId.length > 0 )?"&fq=funder exact " + '"'+funderId+ '"':"")+"&size=10&page=0&format=json";
return this . http . get ( ( properties . useCache ) ? ( properties . cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent ( url ) ) : url ) . toPromise ( )
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
. then ( request = >
request = request . json ( ) . results ;
this . ready = true ;
return this . parse ( request , "oaf:project" , "project" ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ex ) = > {
console . error ( 'An error occured' , ex ) ;
return [ { id : '-2' , label : 'Error' } ] ; ;
} ) ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
searchByDepositType ( keyword :string , DepositType :string , properties :EnvProperties ) : any {
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
this . ready = false ;
console . info ( "In searchOrganizationsforDeposit" ) ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
let link = properties . searchResourcesAPIURL ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
let url = link + "?query=" ;
if ( keyword != null && keyword != '' ) {
url += "((oaftype exact organization and deletedbyinference=false and " +
"(reldatasourcecompatibilityid=driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid=driver-openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid=openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid=openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid=openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid=hostedBy or relprojectid=*))" +
" and ((organizationlegalname all " + '"' + keyword + '"' + ") or (organizationlegalshortname all " + '"' + keyword + '"' + ")) " +
// "and " + this.quote(params) + " " +
"and (collectedfrom exact " + StringUtils . quote ( StringUtils . URIEncode ( DepositType ) ) + ")) "
url += "&page=0&size=10" ;
url += "&format=json" ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
// let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst+"projects?"+((keyword && keyword.length > 0)?("q=" +keyword):"")+((funderId && funderId.length > 0 )?"&fq=funderid exact " + '"'+funderId+ '"':"")+"&size=10&page=0&format=json";
return this . http . get ( ( properties . useCache ) ? ( properties . cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent ( url ) ) : url ) . toPromise ( )
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
. then ( request = >
request = request . json ( ) . results ;
console . log ( request ) ;
this . ready = true ;
return this . parse ( request , "oaf:organization" , "organization" ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ex ) = > {
console . error ( 'An error occured' , ex ) ;
return [ { id : '-2' , label : 'Error' } ] ; ;
} ) ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
searchByType ( keyword :string , type : string , properties :EnvProperties ) {
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
if ( type == "project" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . searchEntity ( keyword , "projects" , "oaf:project" , "project" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else if ( type == "dataset" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . searchEntity ( keyword , "datasets" , "oaf:result" , "dataset" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else if ( type == "datasource" || type == "hostedBy" || type == "collectedFrom" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . searchEntity ( keyword , "datasources" , "oaf:datasource" , "datasource" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else if ( type == "publication" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . searchEntity ( keyword , "publications" , "oaf:result" , "publication" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else if ( type == "organization" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . searchEntity ( keyword , "organizations" , "oaf:organization" , "organization" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
fetchByType ( id :string , type : string , properties :EnvProperties ) {
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
if ( type == "project" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . fetchEntity ( id , "projects" , "oaf:project" , "project" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else if ( type == "dataset" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . fetchEntity ( id , "datasets" , "oaf:result" , "dataset" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else if ( type == "datasource" || type == "hostedBy" || type == "collectedFrom" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . fetchEntity ( id , "datasources" , "oaf:datasource" , "datasource" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else if ( type == "publication" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . fetchEntity ( id , "publications" , "oaf:result" , "publication" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
} else if ( type == "organization" ) {
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . fetchEntity ( id , "organizations" , "oaf:organization" , "organization" , properties ) ;
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
private searchEntity ( keyword : string , APIname :string , oafEntityType :string , type : string , properties :EnvProperties ) : any {
let link = properties . searchAPIURLLAst + APIname ;
return this . search ( link , keyword , oafEntityType , type , properties )
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
private fetchEntity ( id : string , APIname :string , oafEntityType :string , type : string , properties :EnvProperties ) : any {
let link = properties . searchAPIURLLAst + APIname ;
return this . fetch ( link , id , oafEntityType , type , properties )
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
private fetch ( link , id , oafEntityType , type , properties :EnvProperties ) {
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
this . ready = false ;
let url = link + "/" + id + "?format=json" ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . http . get ( ( properties . useCache ) ? ( properties . cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent ( url ) ) : url )
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
. map ( request = > < any > request . json ( ) )
// .do(res => console.info(res))
. map ( request = > {
this . ready = true ;
return this . parse ( request , oafEntityType , type ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ex ) = > {
console . error ( 'An error occured' , ex ) ;
return [ { id : '-2' , label : 'Error' } ] ; ;
} ) ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
private search ( link , keyword , oafEntityType , type , properties :EnvProperties ) {
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
this . ready = false ;
let url = link + "?" ;
if ( keyword != null && keyword != '' ) {
url += "q=" + keyword ;
url += "&page=0&size=" + 10 + "&format=json" ;
2018-02-05 14:14:59 +01:00
return this . http . get ( ( properties . useCache ) ? ( properties . cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent ( url ) ) : url ) . toPromise ( )
2017-12-19 13:53:46 +01:00
. then ( request = >
request = request . json ( ) . results ;
this . ready = true ;
return this . parse ( request , oafEntityType , type ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ex ) = > {
console . error ( 'An error occured' , ex ) ;
return [ { id : '-2' , label : 'Error' } ] ;
} ) ;
private parse ( data : any , oafEntityType :string , type : string ) {
var array :any = [ ]
let length = Array . isArray ( data ) ? data.length : 1 ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < length ; i + + ) {
let resData = Array . isArray ( data ) ? data [ i ] [ 'result' ] [ 'metadata' ] [ 'oaf:entity' ] [ oafEntityType ] : data [ 'result' ] [ 'metadata' ] [ 'oaf:entity' ] [ oafEntityType ] ;
var value :any = { } ;
if ( resData [ 'title' ] ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( resData [ 'title' ] ) ) {
value . label = resData [ 'title' ] [ 0 ] ;
} else {
value . label = resData [ 'title' ] ;
if ( oafEntityType == "oaf:result" ) {
value . label = value . label . content ;
value . result = resData ;
} else if ( resData [ "fullname" ] ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( resData [ "fullname" ] ) ) {
value . label = resData [ "fullname" ] [ 0 ] ;
} else {
value . label = resData [ "fullname" ] ;
} else if ( resData [ "legalname" ] ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( resData [ "legalname" ] ) ) {
value . label = resData [ "legalname" ] [ 0 ] ;
} else {
value . label = resData [ "legalname" ] ;
} else if ( resData [ "officialname" ] ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( resData [ "officialname" ] ) ) {
value . label = resData [ "officialname" ] [ 0 ] ;
} else {
value . label = resData [ "officialname" ] ;
value . id = Array . isArray ( data ) ? data [ i ] [ 'result' ] [ 'header' ] [ 'dri:objIdentifier' ] : data [ 'result' ] [ 'header' ] [ 'dri:objIdentifier' ] ;
if ( type == "project" ) {
value . projectAcronym = resData [ 'acronym' ] ;
value . projectName = value . label ;
value . endDate = null ;
value . startDate = null ;
value . funderId = "" ;
value . funderName = "" ;
value . jurisdiction = "" ;
value . fundingLevel0 = "" ;
value . code = resData [ 'code' ] ;
if ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] && resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funder' ] ) {
value . funderId = ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funder' ] [ 'id' ] ) ? resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funder' ] [ 'id' ] : "" ;
value . funderName = ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funder' ] [ 'shortname' ] ) ? resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funder' ] [ 'shortname' ] : "" ;
value . jurisdiction = ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funder' ] [ 'jurisdiction' ] ) ? resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funder' ] [ 'jurisdiction' ] : "" ;
if ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_2' ] ) {
value . fundingLevel0 = ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_2' ] && resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_2' ] [ 'parent' ] &&
resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_2' ] [ 'parent' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] && resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_2' ] [ 'parent' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] [ 'parent' ]
&& resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_2' ] [ 'parent' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] [ 'parent' ] [ 'funding_level_0' ] ) ?
resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_2' ] [ 'parent' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] [ 'parent' ] [ 'funding_level_0' ] [ 'name' ] : "" ;
} else if ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] ) {
value . fundingLevel0 = ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] && resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] [ 'parent' ] && resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] [ 'parent' ] [ 'funding_level_0' ] ) ?
resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_1' ] [ 'parent' ] [ 'funding_level_0' ] [ 'name' ] : "" ;
} else if ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_0' ] ) {
value . fundingLevel0 = ( resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_0' ] ) ? resData [ 'fundingtree' ] [ 'funding_level_0' ] [ 'name' ] : "" ;
} else {
value . fundingLevel0 = "" ;
if ( resData . hasOwnProperty ( "startdate" ) ) {
value . startDate = resData . startdate . split ( '-' ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( resData . hasOwnProperty ( "enddate" ) ) {
value . endDate = resData . enddate . split ( '-' ) [ 0 ] ;
// console.info("add:"+value.label+" "+value.id);
array . push ( value ) ;
if ( array . length == 0 ) {
array . push ( { id : '-1' , label : 'No results found' } ) ;
console . info ( "Parsing results.... Size:" + array . length ) ;
return array ;
private handleError ( error : Response ) {
// in a real world app, we may send the error to some remote logging infrastructure
// instead of just logging it to the console
console . log ( error ) ;
return Observable . throw ( error || 'Server error' ) ;