
244 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import {Component, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router';
import {Location} from '@angular/common';
import {SearchDataprovidersService} from '../services/searchDataproviders.service';
import {ErrorCodes} from '../utils/properties/errorCodes';
import {ErrorMessagesComponent} from '../utils/errorMessages.component';
import {OpenaireEntities, SearchFields} from '../utils/properties/searchFields';
import {SearchCustomFilter, SearchUtilsClass} from '../searchPages/searchUtils/searchUtils.class';
import {EnvProperties} from '../utils/properties/env-properties';
import {ZenodoInformationClass} from "./utils/zenodoInformation.class";
import {RouterHelper} from "../utils/routerHelper.class";
import {Breadcrumb} from "../utils/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.component";
import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment";
import {SearchForm} from "../searchPages/searchUtils/newSearchPage.component";
selector: 'deposit-search-dataproviders',
template: `
<div [ngClass]="searchForm.class" []="searchForm.dark" class="uk-margin-medium-bottom">
<div class="uk-section uk-padding-remove-bottom uk-padding-remove-top">
<div class="uk-padding-small">
<div class="uk-container uk-container-large uk-margin-small-top uk-margin-small-bottom" []="searchForm.dark">
<breadcrumbs [breadcrumbs]="breadcrumbs"></breadcrumbs>
<div class="">
<div class="uk-container uk-container-large">
<div class="uk-margin-top uk-flex uk-flex-center">
<div class="uk-width-large" [class.dark]="searchForm.dark">
[Library & Explore | explore-redesign]: Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph" | Fixed duplicate queries in search all | Updated paper in FoS page | Improvements in sticky tabs (search all & landing). 1. Deleted assers/explore-assets/home/graph.svg - Replaced by assets/common-assets/common/graph-nodes.svg. 2. home.component.html: a. Updated graph image. b. Added in <div search-input>: [searchInputClass]="'inner background'". c. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph". 3. claimResultSearchForm.component.html & searchDataprovidersToDeposit.component.ts: Added in <div search-input>: [searchInputClass]="'inner background'". 4. searchAll.component.html: a. Updated margins/paddings for sticky tabs. b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph". 5. searchAll.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] In method ngOnInit(), moved loadAll() call inside check - avoid duplicate calls to search for each tab with count query. b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph". 6. fos.component.html: a. Updated paper of SciNoBo - replaced the old one with the newest. b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph". 7. fos.component.ts: Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph". 8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html: [Improvement] Updated check and class for <landing-header> when sticky - make it invisible, when not sticky - solved flickering and change of content position. 9. showTitle.component.ts: Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; and when sticky, show only 1 line of the title (class lines-1). 10. landing-header.component.ts: Show only title when sticky and pass isSticky to <showTitle>.
2023-05-15 16:28:33 +02:00
<div search-input [(value)]="keyword" placeholder="Search by name, description, subject..." (searchEmitter)="keywordChanged()"
[searchInputClass]="'inner background'"></div>
<div class="uk-margin-top uk-text-center uk-margin-medium-bottom">
<a *ngIf="zenodoInformation.url" [href]="zenodoInformation.url" target="_blank" class="uk-display-inline-block uk-text-uppercase uk-button uk-button-text">
<span class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<span>Zenodo Repository</span><span class="custom-external custom-icon space"></span>
<a *ngIf="!zenodoInformation.url" routerLink="/participate/deposit/zenodo" class="uk-display-inline-block uk-text-uppercase uk-button uk-button-text">
Related Zenodo Communities
2022-04-19 15:32:45 +02:00
<search-dataproviders [simpleView]="true" [searchForm]="{class: null, dark: false}" type="deposit" simpleSearchLink="/participate/deposit/search" [includeOnlyResultsAndFilter]="true" >
export class SearchDataprovidersToDepositComponent {
private errorCodes: ErrorCodes;
private errorMessages: ErrorMessagesComponent;
@Input() piwikSiteId = null;
@Input() searchForm: SearchForm = {class: null, dark: false};
public results =[];
public filters =[];
public totalResults:number = 0 ;
public baseUrl:string;
public searchUtils:SearchUtilsClass = new SearchUtilsClass();
public sub: any; public subResults: any;
public _location:Location;
public searchFields:SearchFields = new SearchFields();
public refineFields: string[] = this.searchFields.DEPOSIT_DATASOURCE_REFINE_FIELDS;
public fieldIdsMap= this.searchFields.DEPOSIT_DATASOURCE_FIELDS;
public keywordFields = this.searchFields.DEPOSIT_DATASOURCE_KEYWORD_FIELDS;
public csvParams: string;
public disableForms: boolean = false;
public loadPaging: boolean = true;
public oldTotalResults: number = 0;
pagingLimit = 0;
properties:EnvProperties = properties;
// @ViewChild (SearchPageComponent) searchPage : SearchPageComponent ;
@Input() public communityId: string = null;
@Input() public zenodoInformation: ZenodoInformationClass = new ZenodoInformationClass();
depositLearnHowPage: string = null;
public routerHelper:RouterHelper = new RouterHelper();
breadcrumbs:Breadcrumb[] = [];
parameters = {};
keyword = "";
constructor (private route: ActivatedRoute, private _searchDataprovidersService: SearchDataprovidersService, private router: Router) {
this.errorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
this.errorMessages = new ErrorMessagesComponent();
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; =1;
public ngOnInit() {
this.depositLearnHowPage =;
this.baseUrl =;
this.pagingLimit =;
this.breadcrumbs.push({name: 'home', route: '/'}, {
name: "Deposit",
route: this.depositLearnHowPage
}, {name: "Browse repositories", route: null});
this.sub = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
this.parameters = Object.assign({}, params);
this.keyword = params["fv0"]?params["fv0"]:'';
2022-05-30 16:56:47 +02:00
if (!this.zenodoInformation) {
this.zenodoInformation = new ZenodoInformationClass();
if (!this.zenodoInformation.shareInZenodoUrl) {
this.zenodoInformation.url =;
// this.searchPage.refineFields = this.refineFields;
// this.searchPage.fieldIdsMap = this.fieldIdsMap;
// this.searchPage.keywordFields = this.keywordFields;
// var firstLoad =true;
// this.subscriptions = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
// this.loadPaging = true;
// if(params['page'] && != params['page']) {
// this.loadPaging = false;
// this.oldTotalResults = this.searchUtils.totalResults;
// }
// this.searchUtils.keyword = (params['keyword']?params['keyword']:'');
// var refine = true;
// if( != ((params['page']=== undefined)?1:+params['page']) && this.filters && !firstLoad){
// refine = false;
// }
// firstLoad = false;
// = (params['page']=== undefined)?1:+params['page'];
// this.searchUtils.size = (params['size']=== undefined)?5:+params['size'];
// if(this.searchUtils.size != 5 && this.searchUtils.size != 10 && this.searchUtils.size != 20 && this.searchUtils.size != 50) {
// this.searchUtils.size = 5;
// }
// this.searchPage.usedBy = "deposit";
// var queryParameters = this.searchPage.getQueryParametersFromUrl(params);
// this._getResults(queryParameters, refine,, this.searchUtils.size);
// });
public ngOnDestroy() {
if ( this.keyword.length > 0) {
this.parameters["fv0"] = this.keyword;
this.parameters["f0"] = "q";
delete this.parameters['fv0'];
delete this.parameters['f0'];
//GO to first page
delete this.parameters['page'];
this.router.navigate([], {queryParams: this.parameters} );
/*public getResults(keyword:string,refine:boolean, page: number, size: number){
var parameters = "";
if(keyword.length > 0){
//parameters = "q="+ keyword;
if(this.keywordFields.length > 0) {
parameters = "&fq=";
for(let i=0; i< this.keywordFields.length ; i++) {
if(i > 0) {
parameters += " or ";
let field = this.keywordFields[i];
parameters +=;
this._getResults(parameters,refine,page, size);
private _getResults(parameters:string,refine:boolean, page: number, size: number){
if(page > this.pagingLimit) {
if(page <= this.pagingLimit || this.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING) {
this.csvParams = parameters;
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.LOADING;
this.disableForms = true;
this.results = [];
this.searchUtils.totalResults = 0;
this.subResults = this._searchDataprovidersService.searchDataprovidersForDepositSearch(parameters,(refine)?this.searchPage.getRefineFieldsQuery():null, page, size, this.searchPage.getFields(),, "deposit").subscribe(
data => {
this.searchUtils.totalResults = data[0];
this.results = data[1];
this.filters = data[2];
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.DONE;
if(this.searchUtils.totalResults == 0 ){
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NONE;
this.disableForms = false;
if(this.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.DONE) {
// Page out of limit!!!
let totalPages:any = this.searchUtils.totalResults/(this.searchUtils.size);
if(!(Number.isInteger(totalPages))) {
totalPages = (parseInt(totalPages, 10) + 1);
if(totalPages < page) {
this.searchUtils.totalResults = 0;
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.OUT_OF_BOUND;
err => {
this.searchUtils.status = this.errorMessages.getErrorCode(err.status);
this.disableForms = false;
private handleError(message: string, error) {
console.error(OpenaireEntities.DATASOURCES+" simple Search Page: "+message, error);