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import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from "@angular/router";
import {Subscriber, Subscription} from "rxjs";
import {OrcidService} from "./orcid.service";
import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment";
import {RouterHelper} from "../utils/routerHelper.class";
import {Meta, Title} from "@angular/platform-browser";
[Trunk | Library]: 1. resultLanding.component.html & result-preview.component.html: Show orcid buttons in all environments (production too) | in <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property. 2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Added "getPersonalDetails()" method and link to advanced research outcomes page, filtered by user's name (if personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo). 3. searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Removed PagingModule and added NoLoadPaging. 4. searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added method "totalPages()" to calculate pages in paging. 5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: a. Added <no-load-paging> (instead of custom paging with <paging-no-load>). b. In <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property. c. Fix widths of grid inside card for result preview and orcid buttons. 6. orcid-work.component.ts: a. Added "resultTitle" @Input property, to show it in notifications, instead of pids. b. Updated messages for errors and for multiple put-codes. c. Use "danger" notifications instead of "warning" when an error occurs. d. For search and my orcid links pages, in orcid buttons, use <icon> for icons | For landing page, updated icons in orcid buttons. e. Added message "The action will affect your real ORCID iD." in tooltips, when environment == 'beta'. f. Removed property "procedurePaused" and its usage replaced by "currentAction". g. [Bug fix] For search pages, added "uk-align-right", in order orcid button not to take width for the whole line. h. [Bug fix] In method "getOrcidWorks()" check "Session.isLoggedIn()" was missing. 7. orcid.component.ts: If personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo. 8. orcid.module.ts: Added IconsModule and registered icons: add, remove, preview, refresh in IconsService. 9. searchResult.component.ts: Call "orcidService.getPutCodes()" in all environments (production too). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-03-11 02:40:53 +01:00
import {UserManagementService} from "../services/user-management.service";
selector: 'orcid',
template: `
<div class="uk-section uk-container">
<div *ngIf="orcidMessage">{{orcidMessage}}</div>
<div *ngIf="message" [innerHTML]="message"></div>
<div *ngIf="showLoading" class="uk-animation-fade uk-margin-top uk-width-1-1" role="alert">
<span class="loading-gif uk-align-center"></span>
export class OrcidComponent {
public subscriptions: Subscription[] = [];
public showLoading: boolean = false;
public message: string = "";
public orcidMessage: string = "";
public source: string = "";
public code: string = "";
public gotToken: boolean = false;
public routerHelper:RouterHelper = new RouterHelper();
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
private _router: Router,
private orcidService: OrcidService,
[Trunk | Library]: 1. resultLanding.component.html & result-preview.component.html: Show orcid buttons in all environments (production too) | in <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property. 2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Added "getPersonalDetails()" method and link to advanced research outcomes page, filtered by user's name (if personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo). 3. searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Removed PagingModule and added NoLoadPaging. 4. searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added method "totalPages()" to calculate pages in paging. 5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: a. Added <no-load-paging> (instead of custom paging with <paging-no-load>). b. In <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property. c. Fix widths of grid inside card for result preview and orcid buttons. 6. orcid-work.component.ts: a. Added "resultTitle" @Input property, to show it in notifications, instead of pids. b. Updated messages for errors and for multiple put-codes. c. Use "danger" notifications instead of "warning" when an error occurs. d. For search and my orcid links pages, in orcid buttons, use <icon> for icons | For landing page, updated icons in orcid buttons. e. Added message "The action will affect your real ORCID iD." in tooltips, when environment == 'beta'. f. Removed property "procedurePaused" and its usage replaced by "currentAction". g. [Bug fix] For search pages, added "uk-align-right", in order orcid button not to take width for the whole line. h. [Bug fix] In method "getOrcidWorks()" check "Session.isLoggedIn()" was missing. 7. orcid.component.ts: If personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo. 8. orcid.module.ts: Added IconsModule and registered icons: add, remove, preview, refresh in IconsService. 9. searchResult.component.ts: Call "orcidService.getPutCodes()" in all environments (production too). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-03-11 02:40:53 +01:00
private userManagementService: UserManagementService,
private _meta: Meta, private _title: Title) {}
ngOnInit() {
var description = "Openaire, ORCID";
this.updateTitle("Connect with ORCID");
this.updateUrl( properties.domain + properties.baseLink + this.route.url);
this.subscriptions.push(this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
this.gotToken = false;
this.source = params['source'];
this.code = params['code'];
if (this.code) {
if(this.source == "openaire") {
} else {
} else if(params['error']) {
this.showLoading = false;
this.orcidMessage = params['error_description'];
this.message = "<div>An error occured while trying to grant access OpenAIRE. </div>" +
"<div>Please close this window and try again!</div>";
} else {
this.message = "No code provided to connect your ORCID with OpenAIRE. Please try again!"
ngOnDestroy() {
this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => {
if (subscription instanceof Subscriber) {
// the following method uses client ID and client Secret, which are sessitive data.
// Our API should return the response, without revealing the call to ORCID.
private getToken(code: string) {
this.showLoading = true;
gotTokens => {
this.gotToken = true;
if(gotTokens == null || gotTokens['value'] == false) {
this.showLoading = false;
this.message = "<div>An error occured while trying to connect your ORCID iD with OpenAIRE. Please try again!</div>" +
"<div class='uk-margin-small-top'>Need help? <a href=''>Contact us!</a></div>";
} else {
if(this.source == "openaire") {
this.message = "<div>Thank you for connecting your ORCID iD with OpenAIRE!</div>" +
"<div class='uk-margin-small-top'>This window will automatically close and you will be ready to link OpenAIRE research results with your ORCID iD.</div>";
if(window && window.opener) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.message += "<div class='uk-margin-top'>If this widnow does not close authomatically, please close it and continue!</div>";
}, 3000);
} else {
this.message = "<div>Thank you for connecting your ORCID iD with OpenAIRE!</div>" +
"<div class='uk-margin-small-top'>You will automatically be redirected to our advanced search page where you can link OpenAIRE research results with your ORCID iD.</div>";
// this.message = "Thank you for connecting your ORCID iD with OpenAIRE! Please close this window and continue!";
this.showLoading = false;
error => {
this.showLoading = false;
this.gotToken = true;
console.error("Error getting token from code: "+code, error);
this.message = "An error occured while trying to connect your ORCID iD with OpenAIRE. Please try again!";
private getPersonalDetails() {
//get author name
details => {
let author: string = "";
if(details && details['name']) {
let name: string = details['name'];
if(name['given-names'] && name['given-names']['value']) {
author = name['given-names']['value'];
if(name['family-name'] && name['family-name']['value']) {
author += (author ? " " : "") + name['family-name']['value'];
let params = this.routerHelper.createQueryParams(['f0', 'fv0'], ['resultauthor', author]);
this._router.navigate([properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults], {queryParams: params});
error => {
console.error("Error getting personal details", error);
if(this.gotToken) {
[Trunk | Library]: 1. resultLanding.component.html & result-preview.component.html: Show orcid buttons in all environments (production too) | in <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property. 2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Added "getPersonalDetails()" method and link to advanced research outcomes page, filtered by user's name (if personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo). 3. searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Removed PagingModule and added NoLoadPaging. 4. searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added method "totalPages()" to calculate pages in paging. 5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: a. Added <no-load-paging> (instead of custom paging with <paging-no-load>). b. In <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property. c. Fix widths of grid inside card for result preview and orcid buttons. 6. orcid-work.component.ts: a. Added "resultTitle" @Input property, to show it in notifications, instead of pids. b. Updated messages for errors and for multiple put-codes. c. Use "danger" notifications instead of "warning" when an error occurs. d. For search and my orcid links pages, in orcid buttons, use <icon> for icons | For landing page, updated icons in orcid buttons. e. Added message "The action will affect your real ORCID iD." in tooltips, when environment == 'beta'. f. Removed property "procedurePaused" and its usage replaced by "currentAction". g. [Bug fix] For search pages, added "uk-align-right", in order orcid button not to take width for the whole line. h. [Bug fix] In method "getOrcidWorks()" check "Session.isLoggedIn()" was missing. 7. orcid.component.ts: If personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo. 8. orcid.module.ts: Added IconsModule and registered icons: add, remove, preview, refresh in IconsService. 9. searchResult.component.ts: Call "orcidService.getPutCodes()" in all environments (production too). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-03-11 02:40:53 +01:00
this.subscriptions.push(this.userManagementService.getUserInfo().subscribe(user => {
if (user) {
let params = this.routerHelper.createQueryParams(['f0', 'fv0'], ['resultauthor', user.fullname]);
this._router.navigate([properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults], {queryParams: params});
} else {
this._router.navigate([properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults], {});
error => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.message += "<div class='uk-margin-top'>If you are not authomatically redirected, please navigate to our search pages.</div>";
}, 3000);
[Trunk | Library]: 1. resultLanding.component.html & result-preview.component.html: Show orcid buttons in all environments (production too) | in <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property. 2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Added "getPersonalDetails()" method and link to advanced research outcomes page, filtered by user's name (if personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo). 3. searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Removed PagingModule and added NoLoadPaging. 4. searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added method "totalPages()" to calculate pages in paging. 5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: a. Added <no-load-paging> (instead of custom paging with <paging-no-load>). b. In <orcid-work> added "resultTitle" property. c. Fix widths of grid inside card for result preview and orcid buttons. 6. orcid-work.component.ts: a. Added "resultTitle" @Input property, to show it in notifications, instead of pids. b. Updated messages for errors and for multiple put-codes. c. Use "danger" notifications instead of "warning" when an error occurs. d. For search and my orcid links pages, in orcid buttons, use <icon> for icons | For landing page, updated icons in orcid buttons. e. Added message "The action will affect your real ORCID iD." in tooltips, when environment == 'beta'. f. Removed property "procedurePaused" and its usage replaced by "currentAction". g. [Bug fix] For search pages, added "uk-align-right", in order orcid button not to take width for the whole line. h. [Bug fix] In method "getOrcidWorks()" check "Session.isLoggedIn()" was missing. 7. orcid.component.ts: If personal details from ORCID fails, use name from AAI - getUserInfo. 8. orcid.module.ts: Added IconsModule and registered icons: add, remove, preview, refresh in IconsService. 9. searchResult.component.ts: Call "orcidService.getPutCodes()" in all environments (production too). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2021-03-11 02:40:53 +01:00
} else {
private updateTitle(title: string) {
this._meta.updateTag({content: title}, "property='og:title'");
private updateDescription(description: string) {
this._meta.updateTag({content: description}, "name='description'");
this._meta.updateTag({content: description}, "property='og:description'");
private updateUrl(url: string) {
this._meta.updateTag({content: url}, "property='og:url'");