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Searching for research products


For research products:

By specific type:

General parameters


Parameter Option Description
page integer Page number of the search results.
size integer Number of results per page.
format json | xml | csv | tsv The format of the response. The default is xml.
model openaire | sygma The data model of the response. Default is openaire. Model sygma is a simplified version of the openaire model. For sygma, only the xml format is available. The relative XML schema is available here.
sortBy sortBy=field,[ascending|descending]
'field' can one of:
  • dateofcollection
  • resultstoragedate
  • resultstoragedate
  • resultembargoenddate
  • resultembargoendyear
  • resultdateofacceptance
  • resultacceptanceyear
  • influence
  • popularity
  • citationCount
  • impulse
Multiple sorting is supported by repeating the sortBy parameter.
The sorting order of the specified field.
hasECFunding true | false If hasECFunding is true gets the entities funded by the EC. If hasECFunding is false gets the entities related to projects not funded by the EC.
hasWTFunding true | false If hasWTFunding is true gets the entities funded by Wellcome Trust. The results are the same as those obtained with funder=wt. If hasWTFunding is false gets the entities related to projects not funded by Wellcome Trust.
funder WT | EC | ARC | ANDS | NSF | FCT | NHMRC Search for entities by funder.
fundingStream ... Search for entities by funding stream.
FP7scientificArea ... Search for FP7 entities by scientific area.
keywords White-space separated list of keywords. N/A
doi Comma separated list of DOIs.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested doi.
Gets the research products with the given DOIs, if any.
orcid Comma separated list of ORCID iDs of authors.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each author ORCID iD.
Gets the research products linked to the given ORCID iD of an author, if any.
fromDateAccepted Date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD Gets the research products whose date of acceptance is greater than or equal the given date.
toDateAccepted Date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD Gets the research products whose date of acceptance is less than or equal the given date.
title White-space separated list of keywords. Gets the research products whose titles contain the given list of keywords.
author White-space separated list of names and/or surnames. Search for research products by authors.
OA true | false If OA is true gets Open Access research products. If OA is false gets the non Open Access research products
projectID The given grant identifier of the project Search for research products of the project with the specified projectID
country 2 letter country code Search for research products associated to the country code
Accepted values:
C1 for top 0.01% in terms of influence
C2 for top 0.1% in terms of influence
C3 for top 1% in terms of influence
C4 for top 10% in terms of influence
C5 for average/low in terms of influence

Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. ?influence=C1&influence=C2
Search for research products based on their influence.
Accepted values:
C1 for top 0.01% in terms of popularity
C2 for top 0.1% in terms of popularity
C3 for top 1% in terms of popularity
C4 for top 10% in terms of popularity
C5 for average/low in terms of popularity

Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. ?popularity=C1&popularity=C2
Search for research products based on their popularity.
Accepted values:
C1 for top 0.01% in terms of impulse
C2 for top 0.1% in terms of impulse
C3 for top 1% in terms of impulse
C4 for top 10% in terms of impulse
C5 for average/low in terms of impulse

Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. ?impulse=C1&impulse=C2
Search for research products based on their impulse.
Accepted values:
C1 for top 0.01% in terms of citation count
C2 for top 0.1% in terms of citation count
C3 for top 1% in terms of citation count
C4 for top 10% in terms of citation count
C5 for average/low in terms of citation count

Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. ?citationCount=C1&citationCount=C2
Search for research products based on their number of citations.
openaireProviderID Comma separated list of identifiers. Search for research products by openaire data provider identifier.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each provider id. In both cases, provider identifiers will form a query with OR semantics.
openaireProjectID Comma separated list of identifiers.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each provider id. In both cases, provider identifiers will form a query with OR semantics.
Search for research products by openaire project identifier. Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each provider id. In both cases, provider identifiers will form a query with OR semantics.
hasProject true | false If hasProject is true gets the research products that have a link to a project. If hasProject is false gets the publications with no links to projects.
FP7ProjectID ... Search for research products associated to a FP7 project with the given grant number. It is equivalent to a query by funder=FP7&projectID={grantID}

Parameters for publications


You can use all the general research products parameters as well as those in the following table.

Parameter Option Description
instancetype Comma separated list of publication types. Check here to see the possible values Gets the publication of the given type, if any.
originalId Comma separated list of original identifiers as we get them from the data source.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier.
Gets the publication with the given openaire identifier, if any.
sdg The number of the Sustainable Development Goals [1-17].
Check here to see the Sustainable Developemnt Goals.
Gets the publications that are classified with the respective Sustainable Development Goal number.
fos The Field of Science classification value.
Check here to see the Field of Science classification values
Gets the publications that are classified with the respective Field of Science classification value.
openairePublicationID Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier.
Gets the publication with the given openaire identifier, if any.
peerReviewed Accepted values:
true | false
Specify if the publications are peerReviewed or not.
diamondJournal Accepted values:
true | false
Specify if the publications are published in a diamond journal or not.
publiclyFunded Accepted values:
true | false
Specify if the publications are publicly funded or not.
green Accepted values:
true | false
Specify if the publications are green open access or not.
openAccessColor Accepted values:
gold| bronze| hybrid
Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. ?openAccessColor=gold&openAccessColor=hybrid
Specify the open access color of a publication.

Parameters for research data


You can use all the general research products parameters as well as those in the following table.

Parameter Option Description
openaireDatasetID Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier.
Gets the research data with the given openaire identifier, if any.

Parameters for research software


You can use all the general research products parameters as well as those in the following table.

Parameter Option Description
openaireSoftwareID Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier.
Gets the research software with the given openaire identifier, if any.

Parameters for other research products


You can use all the general research products parameters as well as those in the following table.

Parameter Option Description
openaireOtherID Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers.
Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier.
Gets the other research products with the given openaire identifier, if any.