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Searching for projects


For research projects:


Parameter Option Description
page integer Page number of the search results.
size integer Number of results per page.
format json | xml | csv | tsv The format of the response. The default is xml.
model openaire | sygma The data model of the response. Default is openaire. Model sygma is a simplified version of the openaire model. For sygma, only the xml format is available. The relative XML schema is available here.
sortBy sortBy=field,[ascending|descending]; 'field' is one of: projectstartdate, projectstartyear, projectenddate, projectendyear, projectduration The sorting order of the specified field.
hasECFunding true | false If hasECFunding is true gets the entities funded by the EC. If hasECFunding is false gets the entities related to projects not funded by the EC.
hasWTFunding true | false If hasWTFunding is true gets the entities funded by Wellcome Trust. The results are the same as those obtained with funder=wt. If hasWTFunding is false gets the entities related to projects not funded by Wellcome Trust.
funder WT | EC | ARC | ANDS | NSF | FCT | NHMRC Search for entities by funder.
fundingStream ... Search for entities by funding stream.
FP7scientificArea ... Search for FP7 entities by scientific area.
keywords White-space separated list of keywords. N/A
sortBy sortBy=field,[ascending|descending]; 'field' is one of: projectstartdate, projectstartyear, projectenddate, projectendyear, projectduration The sorting order of the specified field.
grantID Comma separated list of grant identifiers. Gets the project with the given grant identifier, if any.
openairePublicationID Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers. Gets the publication with the given openaire identifier, if any.
name White-space separated list of keywords. Gets the projects whose names contain the given list of keywords. Using double quotes " you get an exact match, if any.
acronym N/A Gets the project with the given acronym, if any.
callID N/A Search for projects by call identifier.
startYear Year formatted as YYYY Gets the projects that started in the given year.
endYear Year formatted as YYYY. Gets the projects that ended in the given year.
participantCountries Comma separeted list of 2 letter country codes. Search for projects by participant countries.
participantAcronyms White space separeted list of acronyms of institutions. Search for projects by participant institutions.