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A relationship in the graph is represented by the following data type, which aims to model a directed edge between two nodes, providing information about the semantic of the relation, its provenance and validation.

The Relationship object


Type: Node • Cardinality: ONE

Represents the source node in the relation.

"source": {
    "id": "20|openorgs____::1cb75a3ad756e4c83e455e3e7347643b",
    "type": "organization"


Type: Node • Cardinality: ONE

Represents the target node in the relation.

"target": {
    "id": "10|doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f",
    "type": "datasource"


Type: RelType • Cardinality: ONE

Represent the semantics of the relation between two nodes of the graph.

"reltype": {
    "name": "provides",
    "type": "provision"


Type: Provenance • Cardinality: ONE

Indicates the process that produced (or provided) the information.

"provenance": {
    "provenance": "Harvested",


Type: Boolean • Cardinality: ONE

Indicates weather or not the relation was validated.

"validated": true


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Indicates the validation date of the relation - applies only when the validated flag is set to true.

"validationDate": "2022-09-02"

The Node object

The Node data type contains the minimum information needed to identify a graph node, its identifier and entity type.


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

OpenAIRE identifier of the node in the graph.

"id": "10|doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Graph node type.

"type": "datasource"

The RelType object

The RelType data type models the semantic of the relationship among two nodes.


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Relation category, e.g. affiliation, citation, see table Relation typologies.

"name": "provides"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Further specifies the relation semantic, indicating the relation direction, e.g. Cites, isCitedBy.

"type": "provision"

Relationship types

The following table lists all the possible relation semantics found in the graph dump.

# Source entity type Target entity type Relation type Relation name Inverse relation name
1 Project Result outcome produces isProducedBy
2 Project Organization participation hasParticipant isParticipant
3 Project Community relationship isRelatedTo isRelatedTo
4 Result Result similarity isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments
5 Result Result supplement isSupplementTo isSupplementedBy
6 Result Result relationship isRelatedTo isRelatedTo
7 Result Result relationship IsPartOf HasPart
8 Result Result relationship IsDocumentedBy Documents
9 Result Result relationship IsObsoletedBy Obsoletes
10 Result Result relationship IsSourceOf IsDerivedFrom
11 Result Result relationship IsCompiledBy Compiles
12 Result Result relationship IsRequiredBy Requires
13 Result Result relationship IsCitedBy Cites
14 Result Result relationship IsReferencedBy References
15 Result Result relationship IsReviewedBy IsVariantFormOf
16 Result Result relationship IsOriginalFormOf IsCitedBy
17 Result Result relationship IsVersionOf HasVersion
18 Result Result relationship IsIdenticalTo IsIdenticalTo
19 Result Result relationship IsPreviousVersionOf IsNewVersionOf
20 Result Result relationship IsContinuedBy Continues
21 Result Result relationship IsDescribedBy Describes
22 Result Organization affiliation hasAuthorInstitution isAuthorInstitutionOf
23 Result Data source provision isHostedBy hosts
24 Result Data source provision isProvidedBy provides
25 Result Community relationship isRelatedTo isRelatedTo
26 Organization Community relationship isRelatedTo isRelatedTo
27 Data source Community relationship isRelatedTo isRelatedTo
28 Data source Organization provision isProvidedBy provides