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A relationship in the graph is represented by the following data type, which aims to model a directed edge between two nodes, providing information about the semantic of the relation, its provenance and validation.

The Relationship object


Type: Node • Cardinality: ONE

Represents the source node in the relation.

"source": {
    "id": "20|openorgs____::1cb75a3ad756e4c83e455e3e7347643b",
    "type": "organization"


Type: Node • Cardinality: ONE

Represents the target node in the relation.

"target": {
    "id": "10|doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f",
    "type": "datasource"


Type: RelType • Cardinality: ONE

Represent the semantics of the relation between two nodes of the graph.

"reltype": {
    "name": "provides",
    "type": "provision"


Type: Provenance • Cardinality: ONE

Indicates the process that produced (or provided) the information.

"provenance": {
    "provenance": "Harvested",


Type: Boolean • Cardinality: ONE

Indicates weather or not the relation was validated.

"validated": true


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Indicates the validation date of the relation - applies only when the validated flag is set to true.

"validationDate": "2022-09-02"

The Node object

The Node data type contains the minimum information needed to identify a graph node, its identifier and entity type.


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

OpenAIRE identifier of the node in the graph.

"id": "10|doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Graph node type.

"type": "datasource"

The RelType object

The RelType data type models the semantic of the relationship among two nodes.


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Relation category, e.g. affiliation, citation, see table Relation typologies.

"name": "provides"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Further specifies the relation semantic, indicating the relation direction, e.g. Cites, isCitedBy.

"type": "provision"

Relationship types

The following table lists all the possible relation semantics found in the graph dump.

Note: the labels used to specify the semantic of the relationships are (for the large) inherited from the DataCite metadata kernel, which provides a description for them.

# Source entity type Target entity type Relation name / inverse Provenance
1 Project Result produces / isProducedBy Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE, Linked by user
2 Project Organization hasParticipant / isParticipant Harvested
3 Project Community isRelatedTo / isRelatedTo Linked by user
4 Result Result isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments / HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments Inferred by OpenAIRE
5 Result Result isSupplementTo / isSupplementedBy Harvested
6 Result Result isRelatedTo / isRelatedTo Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE, Linked by user
7 Result Result IsPartOf / HasPart Harvested
8 Result Result IsDocumentedBy / Documents Harvested
9 Result Result IsObsoletedBy / Obsoletes Harvested
10 Result Result IsSourceOf / IsDerivedFrom Harvested
11 Result Result IsCompiledBy / Compiles Harvested
12 Result Result IsRequiredBy / Requires Harvested
13 Result Result IsCitedBy / Cites Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE
14 Result Result IsReferencedBy / References Harvested
15 Result Result IsReviewedBy / Reviews Harvested
16 Result Result IsOriginalFormOf / IsVariantFormOf Harvested
17 Result Result IsVersionOf / HasVersion Harvested
18 Result Result IsIdenticalTo / IsIdenticalTo Harvested
19 Result Result IsPreviousVersionOf / IsNewVersionOf Harvested
20 Result Result IsContinuedBy / Continues Harvested
21 Result Result IsDescribedBy / Describes Harvested
22 Result Organization hasAuthorInstitution / isAuthorInstitutionOf Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE
23 Result Data source isHostedBy / hosts Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE
24 Result Data source isProvidedBy / provides Harvested
25 Result Community isRelatedTo / isRelatedTo Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE, Linked by user
26 Organization Community isRelatedTo / isRelatedTo Linked by user
27 Data source Community isRelatedTo / isRelatedTo Linked by user
28 Data source Organization isProvidedBy / provides Harvested