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Results are intended as digital objects, described by metadata, resulting from a scientific process. In this page, we descibe the properties of the Result object.

Moreover, there are the following sub-types of a Result, that inherit all its properties and further extend it:

The Result object


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Main entity identifier, created according to the OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy.

"id": "doi_dedup___::80f29c8c8ba18c46c88a285b7e739dc3"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Type of the result. Possible types:

  • publication
  • dataset
  • software
  • other

as declared in the terms from the dnet:result_typologies vocabulary.

"type": "publication"


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY

Identifiers of the record at the original sources.

"originalId": [


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

A name or title by which a scientific result is known. May be the title of a publication, of a dataset or the name of a piece of software.

"maintitle": "The fall of the innovation empire and its possible rise through open science"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Explanatory or alternative name by which a scientific result is known.

"subtitle": "An analysis of cases from 1980 - 2020"


Type: Author • Cardinality: MANY

The main researchers involved in producing the data, or the authors of the publication.

"author": [
        "fullname": "E. Richard Gold",
        "rank": 1, 
        "name": "Richard",
        "surname": "Gold",
        "pid": {
            "id": {
                "scheme": "orcid",
                "value": "0000-0002-3789-9238" 
            "provenance"; {
                "provenance": "Harvested",
                "trust": "0.9" 


Type: BestAccessRight • Cardinality: ONE

The most open access right associated to the manifestations of this research results.

"bestaccessright": {
    "code": "c_abf2",
    "label": "OPEN",
    "scheme": ""


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY

The institution or person responsible for collecting, managing, distributing, or otherwise contributing to the development of the resource.

"contributor": [
    "University of Zurich",
    "Wright, Aidan G C",
    "Hallquist, Michael", 


Type: ResultCountry • Cardinality: MANY

Country associated with the result because it is the country of the organisation that manages the institutional repository or national aggregator or CRIS system from which this record was collected Country of affiliations of authors can be found instead in the affiliation rel.

"country": [
        "code": "CH",
        "label": "Switzerland",
        "provenance": {
            "provenance": "Inferred by OpenAIRE",
            "trust": "0.85"


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

When OpenAIRE collected the record the last time.

"dateofcollection": "2021-06-09T11:37:56.248Z"


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY

A brief description of the resource and the context in which the resource was created.

"description": [
    "Open science partnerships (OSPs) are one mechanism to reverse declining efficiency. OSPs are public-private partnerships that openly share publications, data and materials.",
    "There is growing concern that the innovation system's ability to create wealth and attain social benefit is declining in effectiveness. This article explores the reasons for this decline and suggests a structure, the open science partnership, as one mechanism through which to slow down or reverse this decline.",
    "The article examines the empirical literature of the last century to document the decline. This literature suggests that the cost of research and innovation is increasing exponentially, that researcher productivity is declining, and, third, that these two phenomena have led to an overall flat or declining level of innovation productivity.", 


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Date when the embargo ends and this result turns Open Access.

"embargoenddate": "2017-01-01"


Type: Indicator • Cardinality: ONE

The indicators computed for this result; currently, the following two types of indicators are supported: impact indicators and usage statistics indicators.

"indicators": {
        "impactMeasures": {
                "influence": {
                        "score": "123",
                        "class": "C2"
                "influence_alt" : {
                        "score": "456",
                        "class": "C3"
                "popularity": {
                        "score": "234",
                        "class": "C1"
                "popularity_alt": {
                        "score": "345",
                        "class": "C5"
                "impulse": {
                        "score": "987",
                        "class": "C3"
        "usageCounts": {
                "downloads": "10",
                 "views": "20"


Type: Instance • Cardinality: MANY

Specific materialization or version of the result. For example, you can have one result with three instances: one is the pre-print, one is the post-print, one is the published version.

"instance": [
        "accessright": {
            "code": "c_abf2",
            "label": "OPEN",
            "openAccessRoute": "gold",
            "scheme": ""
        "alternateIdentifier": [
                "scheme": "doi",
                "value": "10.1016/j.respol.2021.104226"
        "articleprocessingcharge": {
            "amount": "4063.93",
            "currency": "EUR"
        "license": "",
        "pid": [
                "scheme": "pmc",
                "value": "PMC8024784"
        "publicationdate": "2021-01-01",
        "refereed": "UNKNOWN",
        "type": "Article",
        "url": [


Type: Language • Cardinality: ONE

The alpha-3/ISO 639-2 code of the language. Values controlled by the dnet:languages vocabulary.

"language": {
    "code": "eng",
    "label": "English"


Type: Long • Cardinality: ONE

Timestamp of last update of the record in OpenAIRE.

"lastupdatetimestamp": 1652722279987


Type: ResultPid • Cardinality: MANY

Persistent identifiers of the result. See also the OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy to learn more.

"pid": [
        "scheme": "pmc",
        "value": "PMC8024784"
        "scheme": "doi",
        "value": "10.1016/j.respol.2021.104226"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

Main date of the research product: typically the publication or issued date. In case of a research result with different versions with different dates, the date of the result is selected as the most frequent well-formatted date. If not available, then the most recent and complete date among those that are well-formatted. For statistics, the year is extracted and the result is counted only among the result of that year. Example: Pre-print date: 2019-02-03, Article date provided by repository: 2020-02, Article date provided by Crossref: 2020, OpenAIRE will set as date 2019-02-03, because its the most recent among the complete and well-formed dates. If then the repository updates the metadata and set a complete date (e.g. 2020-02-12), then this will be the new date for the result because it becomes the most recent most complete date. However, if OpenAIRE then collects the pre-print from another repository with date 2019-02-03, then this will be the “winning date” because it becomes the most frequent well-formatted date.

"publicationdate": "2021-03-18"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces the resource.

"publisher": "Elsevier, North-Holland Pub. Co"


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY

A related resource from which the described resource is derived. See definition of Dublin Core field dc:source.

"source": [
      "Research Policy",


Type: Subject • Cardinality: MANY

Subject, keyword, classification code, or key phrase describing the resource.

"subjects": [
        "provenance": {
            "provenance": "Harvested",
            "trust": "0.9"
        "subject": {
            "scheme": "keyword",
            "value": "Open science"


There are the following sub-types of Result. Each inherits all its fields and extends them with the following.


Metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed here).


Type: Container • Cardinality: ONE

Container has information about the conference or journal where the result has been presented or published.

"container": {
    "edition": "",
    "iss": "5",
    "issnLinking": "",
    "issnOnline": "1873-7625",
    "issnPrinted": "0048-7333",
    "name": "Research Policy",
    "sp": "12",
    "ep": "22",
    "vol": "50"


Metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed here).


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

The declared size of the dataset.

"size": "10129818"


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

The version of the dataset.

"version": "v1.3"


Type: GeoLocation • Cardinality: MANY

The list of geolocations associated with the dataset.

"geolocation": [
        "box": "18.569386 54.468973  18.066832 54.83707",
        "place": "Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Southern Germany",
        "point": "7.72486 50.1084"


Metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed here).


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY

The URLs to the software documentation.

"documentationUrl": [ 


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

The URL to the repository with the source code.

"codeRepositoryUrl": ""


Type: String • Cardinality: ONE

The programming language.

"programmingLanguage": "Java"

Other research product

Metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed here).


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY

Information on the person responsible for providing further information regarding the resource.

"contactperson": [
    "Noémie Dominguez",


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY

Information on the group responsible for providing further information regarding the resource.

"contactgroup": [
    "Networked Multimedia Information Systems (NeMIS)",


Type: String • Cardinality: MANY

Information about tool useful for the interpretation and/or re-use of the research product.