@ -34,37 +34,36 @@ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.community.Project;
* to the list of coverage.value in the result represented in the internal model - bestaccessright of type
* eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.AccessRight to store informatin about the openest access right associated to the
* manifestations of this research results. It corresponds to the same parameter in the result represented in the
* internal model - container of
* type eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema/dump.oaf.Container (only for result of type publication). It corresponds to the parameter
* journal of the result represented in the internal model - documentationUrl of type List<String> (only for results of
* type software) to store the URLs to the software documentation. It corresponds to the list of documentationUrl.value
* of the result represented in the internal model - codeRepositoryUrl of type String (only for results of type
* software) to store the URL to the repository with the source code. It corresponds to codeRepositoryUrl.value of the
* result represented in the internal model - programmingLanguage of type String (only for results of type software) to
* store the programming language. It corresponds to programmingLanguaga.classid of the result represented in the
* internal model - contactperson of type List<String> (only for results of type other) to store the contact person for
* this result. It corresponds to the list of contactperson.value of the result represented in the internal model -
* contactgroup of type List<String> (only for results of type other) to store the information for the contact group. It
* corresponds to the list of contactgroup.value of the result represented in the internal model - tool of type
* List<String> (only fro results of type other) to store information about tool useful for the interpretation and/or
* re-used of the research product. It corresponds to the list of tool.value in the result represented in the internal
* modelt - size of type String (only for results of type dataset) to store the size of the dataset. It corresponds to
* size.value in the result represented in the internal model - version of type String (only for results of type
* dataset) to store the version. It corresponds to version.value of the result represented in the internal model -
* geolocation fo type List<eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.GeoLocation> (only for results of type dataset) to store
* geolocation information. For each geolocation element in the result represented in the internal model a GeoLocation
* in the external model il produced - id of type String to store the OpenAIRE id of the result. It corresponds to the
* id of the result represented in the internal model - originalId of type List<String> to store the original ids of the
* result. It corresponds to the originalId of the result represented in the internal model - pid of type
* List<eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.ControlledField> to store the persistent identifiers for the result. For each pid
* in the results represented in the internal model one pid in the external model is produced. The value correspondence
* is: - scheme corresponds to pid.qualifier.classid of the result represented in the internal model - value corresponds
* to the pid.value of the result represented in the internal model - dateofcollection of type String to store
* information about the time OpenAIRE collected the record. It corresponds to dateofcollection of the result
* internal model - container of type eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema/dump.oaf.Container (only for result of type publication). It
* corresponds to the parameter journal of the result represented in the internal model - documentationUrl of type
* List<String> (only for results of type software) to store the URLs to the software documentation. It corresponds to
* the list of documentationUrl.value of the result represented in the internal model - codeRepositoryUrl of type String
* (only for results of type software) to store the URL to the repository with the source code. It corresponds to
* codeRepositoryUrl.value of the result represented in the internal model - programmingLanguage of type String (only
* for results of type software) to store the programming language. It corresponds to programmingLanguaga.classid of the
* result represented in the internal model - contactperson of type List<String> (only for results of type other) to
* store the contact person for this result. It corresponds to the list of contactperson.value of the result represented
* in the internal model - contactgroup of type List<String> (only for results of type other) to store the information
* for the contact group. It corresponds to the list of contactgroup.value of the result represented in the internal
* model - tool of type List<String> (only fro results of type other) to store information about tool useful for the
* interpretation and/or re-used of the research product. It corresponds to the list of tool.value in the result
* represented in the internal modelt - size of type String (only for results of type dataset) to store the size of the
* dataset. It corresponds to size.value in the result represented in the internal model - version of type String (only
* for results of type dataset) to store the version. It corresponds to version.value of the result represented in the
* internal model - geolocation fo type List<eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.GeoLocation> (only for results of type
* dataset) to store geolocation information. For each geolocation element in the result represented in the internal
* model a GeoLocation in the external model il produced - id of type String to store the OpenAIRE id of the result. It
* corresponds to the id of the result represented in the internal model - originalId of type List<String> to store the
* original ids of the result. It corresponds to the originalId of the result represented in the internal model - pid of
* type List<eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.ControlledField> to store the persistent identifiers for the result. For
* each pid in the results represented in the internal model one pid in the external model is produced. The value
* correspondence is: - scheme corresponds to pid.qualifier.classid of the result represented in the internal model -
* value corresponds to the pid.value of the result represented in the internal model - dateofcollection of type String
* to store information about the time OpenAIRE collected the record. It corresponds to dateofcollection of the result
* represented in the internal model - lasteupdatetimestamp of type String to store the timestamp of the last update of
* the record. It corresponds to lastupdatetimestamp of the resord represented in the internal model
public class Result implements Serializable {
public class Result implements Serializable {
private List<Author> author;