"article-title":"Old land surfaces and modern ploughsoil: implications of recent work at Maxey, Cambridgeshire",
"journal-title":"Scott. Archaeol. Rev."
"series-title":"Settlement Pattern Studies in the Americas: Fifty Years since Virú",
"article-title":"Conclusions: the settlement pattern concept from an Americanist perspective",
"article-title":"Remote sensing and historical morphodynamics of alluvial plains. The 1909 indus flood and the city of Dera Gazhi Khan (province of Punjab, Pakistan)",
"unstructured":"Georgiadis, M.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Kefalidou, E. and Kallintzi, K. In Preparation. APAX Project 2015-2018: A Preliminary Report. (Hesperia)."
"series-title":"Geographical Information Systems and Landscape Archaeology",
"article-title":"Regional survey and GIS: the boeotia project",
"article-title":"Google Earth engine: planetary-scale geospatial analysis for everyone",
"journal-title":"Remote Sens. Environ."
"article-title":"Photogrammetric reconstruction of the great buddha of Bamiyan, Afghanistan",
"journal-title":"Photogramm. Rec."
"article-title":"Textural features for image classification",
"article-title":"Excavating to excess? Implications of the last decade of archaeology in Israel",
"journal-title":"J. Mediterr. Archaeol."
"article-title":"Testing Google Earth Engine for the automatic identification and vectorization of archaeological features: a case study from Faynan, Jordan",
"journal-title":"J. Archaeol. Sci.: Report"
"series-title":"Geographical Information Systems and Landscape Archaeology",
"article-title":"Towards a methodology for modelling surface survey data: the sangro valley project",
"series-title":"Extracting Meaning from Ploughsoil Assemblages",
"article-title":"Methods of collection recording and quantification",
"article-title":"Mapping patterns of long-term settlement in Northern Mesopotamia at a large scale",
"journal-title":"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci."
"article-title":"A supervised machine-learning approach towards geochemical predictive modelling in archaeology",
"journal-title":"J. Archaeol. Sci."
"article-title":"Combining terrestrial stereophotogrammetry, DGPS and GIS-based 3D voxel modelling in the volumetric recording of archaeological features",
"journal-title":"ISPRS J. Photogrammetry Remote Sens."
"article-title":"Photogrammetric re-discovery of the Eastern Thessalian hidden long-term landscapes",
"journal-title":"J. Archaeol. Sci."
"article-title":"Towards a definition of Minoan agro-pastoral landscapes: results of the survey at Palaikastro (Crete)",
"journal-title":"Am. J. Archaeol."
"article-title":"Large-scale, multi-temporal remote sensing of palaeo-river networks: a case study from Northwest India and its implications for the Indus civilisation",
"journal-title":"Remote Sens."
"article-title":"Multi-scale relief model (MSRM): a new algorithm for the visualization of subtle topographic change of variable size in digital elevation models",
"journal-title":"Earth Surf. Process. Landforms"
"series-title":"Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences",
"article-title":"Living on the edge of the desert: automated detection of archaeological mounds in Cholistan (Pakistan) using machine learning classification of multi-sensor multi-temporal satellite data",
"article-title":"How many trees in a random forest?",
"volume":"vol. 7376",
"article-title":"Decision-making in modern surveys",
"volume":"ume 1",
"article-title":"From above and on the ground: geospatial methods for recording endangered archaeology in the Middle East and north africa",
"article-title":"The design of archaeological surveys",
"journal-title":"World Archaeol."
"series-title":"Experiments in the Collection and Analysis of Archaeological Survey Data: the East Hampshire Survey",
"article-title":"Drones over Mediterranean landscapes. The potential of small UAV's (drones) for site detection and heritage management in archaeological survey projects: a case study from Le Pianelle in the Tappino Valley, Molise (Italy)",
"journal-title":"J. Cult. Herit."
"series-title":"Side-by-Side Survey. Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean World",
"article-title":"Side-by-side and back to front: exploring intra-regional latitudinal and longitudinal comparability in survey data. Three case studies from Metaponto, southern Italy",
"series-title":"Digital Discovery. Exploring New Frontiers in Human Heritage. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology",
"article-title":"Computer vision and machine learning for archaeology",
"author":"van der Maaten",
"article-title":"Computer vision-based orthophoto mapping of complex archaeological sites: the ancient quarry of Pitaranha (Portugal-Spain)",
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