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Version Changes Readiness
2.7.14 [Graph model]
1. Relation types are now inspired by the Datacite definitions https://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.4/doc/DataCite-MetadataKernel_v4.4.pdf
The changes involve the values stored in relation.subRelType and relation.relClass:
Updated the casing of the following terms (relation.relClass):
1. isSupplementTo -> IsSupplementTo / isSupplementedBy -> IsSupplementedBy
2. isPartOf -> IsPartOf / hasPart -> HasPart
3. cites -> Cites / isCitedBy -> IsCitedBy
4. reviews -> Reviews / isReviewedBy -> IsReviewedBy
Added the following terms [subRelType: relClass / relClass (inverse)]:
1. relationship: References / IsReferencedBy
2. relationship: IsIdenticalTo
3. relationship: IsContinuedBy / Continues
4. relationship: IsDocumentedBy / Documents
5. relationship: Documents / IsDocumentedBy
6. relationship: IsCompiledBy / Compiles
7. version: IsPreviousVersionOf / IsNewVersionOf
8. version: IsSourceOf / IsDerivedFrom
9. version: IsVariantFormOf / IsOriginalFormOf
10. version: IsObsoletedBy / Obsoletes
11. version: IsVersionOf / HasVersion
2.6.13 1. Result.mergeFrom handles field dateOfAcceptance beta
2.5.12 1. delegating the date parsing to https://github.com/sisyphsu/dateparser beta
2.5.[11-9] 1. support for more date formats
2. enable the possibility to extend the date formats used to parse Relation.validationDate
2.4.8 1. added constant for ORCID datasource name beta
2.4.7 refactoring
2.3.6 [Aggregation]
1. introduced MetadataStoreManager (MdSM) model classes
2.2.5 [Graph model]
1. introduced fields Instance.pid and Instance.alternateIdentifier
2. LicenseComparator renamed as AccessRightComparator
3. introduced AccessRight model class defining the OpenAccessRoute field to keep track of the OpenAccess color at the Instance level
4. ExternalReference cleanup (removed description, added alternateLabel(s))
5. added several ModelConstants
7. introduced MDStore record model classes
8. Introduced ORCID specific model classes
2.2.4 1. ORCID specific model classes backported in the version used in PROD
2. added constant for dnet:externalReference_typologies
3. added constant for ORCID datasource name
4. Result.mergeFrom handles field dateOfAcceptance