
12 KiB

Spatial Search

The spatial extension allows to index datasets with spatial information so they can be filtered via a spatial query. This includes both via the web interface (see the Spatial Search Widget) or via the action API, e.g.:

POST http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_search
    { "q": "Pollution",
      "facet": "true",
      "facet.field": "country",
      "extras": {
          "ext_bbox": "-7.535093,49.208494,3.890688,57.372349" }

2.0.1 Starting from this version the spatial filter it is also supported on GET requests:



To enable the spatial query you need to add the spatial_query plugin to your ini file. This plugin requires the spatial_metadata plugin, eg:

ckan.plugins = [other plugins] spatial_metadata spatial_query

To define which backend to use for the spatial search use the following configuration option (see Choosing a backend for the spatial search):

ckanext.spatial.search_backend = solr

Geo-Indexing your datasets

Regardless of the backend that you are using, in order to make a dataset queryable by location, an special extra must be defined, with its key named 'spatial'. The value must be a valid GeoJSON geometry, for example:

  "coordinates":[[[2.05827, 49.8625],[2.05827, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 49.8625], [2.05827, 49.8625]]]


  "type": "Point",
  "coordinates": [-3.145,53.078]

Every time a dataset is created, updated or deleted, the extension will synchronize the information stored in the extra with the geometry table.

There are different backends supported for the spatial search, it is important to understand their differences and the necessary setup required when choosing which one to use.

The following table summarizes the different spatial search backends:

Backend Solr Versions Supported geometries Sorting and relevance Performance with large number of datasets
solr >= 3.1 Bounding Box Yes, spatial sorting combined with other query parameters Good
solr-spatial-field >= 4.x Bounding Box, Point and Polygon [1] Not implemented Good
postgis >= 1.3 Bounding Box Partial, only spatial sorting supported [2] Poor

[1] Requires JTS

[2] Needs ckanext.spatial.use_postgis_sorting set to True

We recommend to use the solr backend whenever possible. Here are more details about the available options:

  • solr (Recommended)

    This option uses normal Solr fields to index the relevant bits of information about the geometry and uses an algorithm function to sort results by relevance, keeping any other non-spatial filtering. It only supports bounding boxes both for the geometries to be indexed and the input query shape. It requires EDisMax query parser, so it will only work on versions of Solr greater than 3.1 (We recommend using Solr 4.x).

    You will need to add the following fields to your Solr schema file to enable it:

        <!-- ... -->
        <field name="bbox_area" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />
        <field name="maxx" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />
        <field name="maxy" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />
        <field name="minx" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />
        <field name="miny" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />

    The solr schema file is typically located at: (..)/src/ckan/ckan/config/solr/schema.xml

  • solr-spatial-field

    This option uses the spatial field introduced in Solr 4, which allows to index points, rectangles and more complex geometries (complex geometries will require JTS, check the documentation). Sorting has not yet been implemented, users willing to do so will need to modify the query using the before_search extension point.

    You will need to add the following field type and field to your Solr schema file to enable it (Check the Solr documentation for more information on the different parameters, note that you don't need spatialContextFactory if you are not using JTS):

        <!-- ... -->
        <fieldType name="location_rpt" class="solr.SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType"
            units="degrees" />
        <!-- ... -->
        <field name="spatial_geom"  type="location_rpt" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />
  • postgis

    This is the original implementation of the spatial search. It does not require any change in the Solr schema and can run on Solr 1.x, but it is not as efficient as the previous ones. Basically the bounding box based query is performed in PostGIS first, and the ids of the matched datasets are added as a filter to the Solr request. This, apart from being much less efficient, can led to issues on Solr due to size of the requests (See Solr configuration issues on legacy PostGIS backend). There is support for a spatial ranking on this backend (setting ckanext.spatial.use_postgis_sorting to True on the ini file), but it can not be combined with any other filtering.

Spatial Search Widget


The extension provides a snippet to add a map widget to the search form, which allows filtering results by an area of interest.

To add the map widget to the to the sidebar of the search page, add this to the dataset search page template (myproj/ckanext/myproj/templates/package/search.html):

{% block secondary_content %}

  {% snippet "spatial/snippets/spatial_query.html" %}

{% endblock %}

By default the map widget will show the whole world. If you want to set up a different default extent, you can pass an extra default_extent to the snippet, either with a pair of coordinates like this:

{% snippet "spatial/snippets/spatial_query.html", default_extent="[[15.62,
    -139.21], [64.92, -61.87]]" %}

or with a GeoJSON object describing a bounding box (note the escaped quotes):

{% snippet "spatial/snippets/spatial_query.html", default_extent="{ \"type\":
    \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[74.89, 29.39],[74.89, 38.45], [60.50,
    38.45], [60.50, 29.39], [74.89, 29.39]]]}" %}

You need to load the spatial_metadata and spatial_query plugins to use this snippet.

Dataset Extent Map


Using the snippets provided, if datasets contain a spatial extra like the one described in the previous section, a map will be shown on the dataset details page.

There are snippets already created to load the map on the left sidebar or in the main body of the dataset details page, but these can be easily modified to suit your project needs

To add a map to the sidebar, add the following block to the dataset page template (eg ckanext-myproj/ckanext/myproj/templates/package/read_base.html). If your custom theme is simply extending the CKAN default theme, you will need to add {% ckan_extends %} to the start of your custom read.html, then continue with this:

{% block secondary_content %}
  {{ super() }}

  {% set dataset_extent = h.get_pkg_dict_extra(c.pkg_dict, 'spatial', '') %}
  {% if dataset_extent %}
    {% snippet "spatial/snippets/dataset_map_sidebar.html", extent=dataset_extent %}
  {% endif %}

{% endblock %}

For adding the map to the main body, add this to the main dataset page template (eg ckanext-myproj/ckanext/myproj/templates/package/read.html):

{% block primary_content_inner %}

  {{ super() }}

  {% set dataset_extent = h.get_pkg_dict_extra(c.pkg_dict, 'spatial', '') %}
  {% if dataset_extent %}
    {% snippet "spatial/snippets/dataset_map.html", extent=dataset_extent %}
  {% endif %}

{% endblock %}

You need to load the spatial_metadata plugin to use these snippets.

Solr configuration issues on legacy PostGIS backend


If you find any of the issues described in this section it is strongly recommended that you consider switching to one of the Solr based backends which are much more efficient. These notes are just kept for informative purposes.

If using Spatial Query functionality then there is an additional SOLR/Lucene setting that should be used to set the limit on number of datasets searchable with a spatial value.

The setting is maxBooleanClauses in the solrconfig.xml and the value is the number of datasets spatially searchable. The default is 1024 and this could be increased to say 16384. For a SOLR single core this will probably be at /etc/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml. For a multiple core set-up, there will me several solrconfig.xml files a couple of levels below /etc/solr. For that case, all of the cores' solrconfig.xml should have this setting at the new value.



This setting is needed because PostGIS spatial query results are fed into SOLR using a Boolean expression, and the parser for that has a limit. So if your spatial area contains more than the limit (of which the default is 1024) then you will get this error:

Dataset search error: ('SOLR returned an error running query...

and in the SOLR logs you see:

too many boolean clauses ...  Caused by:$TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to

Legacy API

The extension adds the following call to the CKAN search API, which returns datasets with an extent that intersects with the bounding box provided:


If the bounding box coordinates are not in the same projection as the one defined in the database, a CRS must be provided, in one of the following forms:

  • urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
  • EPSG:4326
  • 4326