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# Dockerized CKAN
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This repository contains base docker images, examples and docker-compose used to build and run CKAN.
We build and publish docker images built using this repository to Dockerhub:
- [CKAN docker images](https://hub.docker.com/r/keitaro/ckan).
- [Datapusher docker images](https://hub.docker.com/r/keitaro/ckan-datapusher)
and Github Container Registry:
- [CKAN docker images on GHCR](https://github.com/orgs/keitaroinc/packages/container/package/ckan)
- [Datapusher docker images on GHCR](https://github.com/orgs/keitaroinc/packages/container/package/datapusher)
Looking to run CKAN on Kubernetes? Check out our [CKAN Helm Chart](https://github.com/keitaroinc/ckan-helm)!
## Overview
Images are provided in two flavors:
- [Alpine Linux](https://alpinelinux.org/) based images
- [Ubuntu Focal](https://ubuntu.com/) based images are the ones ending with `-focal` in the tag name
The Docker containers include only the required extensions to start a CKAN instance. The docker images are built using a multi-stage docker approach in order to produce slim production grade docker images with the right libraries and configuration. This multi-stage approach allows us to build python binary wheels in the build stages that later on we install in the main stage.
Directory layout:
- [compose](./compose) - contains a docker-compose setup allowing users to spin up a CKAN setup easily using [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/)
- [images](./images) - includes docker contexts for building all supported CKAN versions and datapusher
- [examples](./examples) - includes examples on how to extend the CKAN docker images and how to run them
## Running CKAN using docker-compose
To start CKAN using docker-compose, simply change into the *compose* directory and run
make up
Check if CKAN was succesfuly started on http://localhost:5000.
### Configuration
In order to configure CKAN within docker-compose we use both build/up time variables loaded via the [.env](./compose/2.9/.env) file, and runtime variables loaded via the [.ckan-env](./compose/2.9/.ckan-env) file.
Variables in the [.env](./compose/2.9/.env) file are loaded when running `docker-compose build` and `docker-compose up`, while variables in [.ckan-env](./compose/2.9/.ckan-env) file are used withing the CKAN container at runtime to configure CKAN and CKAN extensions using [ckanext-envvars](https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-envvars).
## Extending CKAN docker images
Check some examples of extending CKAN docker images in the [examples](./examples) directory.
We recommend to use a multi-stage approach to extend the docker images that we provide here. To extend the images the following Dockerfile structure is recommended:
### Extensions ####
FROM ghcr.io/keitaroinc/ckan:2.9.9 as extbuild
# Switch to the root user
USER root
# Install any system packages necessary to build extensions
# Make sure we install python 3.8, cause CKAN is not compatible with 3.9
RUN apk add --no-cache --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.13/main \
# Fetch and build the custom CKAN extensions
RUN pip wheel --wheel-dir=/wheels git+https://github.com/acmecorp/ckanext-acme@0.0.1#egg=ckanext-acme
### MAIN ###
FROM ghcr.io/keitaroinc/ckan:2.9.9
# Add the custom extensions to the plugins list
ENV CKAN__PLUGINS envvars image_view text_view recline_view datastore datapusher acme
# Switch to the root user
USER root
COPY --from=extbuild /wheels /srv/app/ext_wheels
# Install and enable the custom extensions
RUN pip install --no-index --find-links=/srv/app/ext_wheels ckanext-acme && \
ckan config-tool ${APP_DIR}/production.ini "ckan.plugins = ${CKAN__PLUGINS}" && \
chown -R ckan:ckan /srv/app
# Remove wheels
RUN rm -rf /srv/app/ext_wheels
# Switch to the ckan user
USER ckan
### Adding init and afterinit scripts
You can add scripts to CKAN custom images and copy them to the *docker-entrypoint.d* directory. Any *.sh or *.py file in that directory will be executed before the main initialization script (prerun.py) is executed.
You can add scripts to CKAN custom images and copy them to the *docker-afterinit.d* directory. Any *.sh or *.py file in that directory will be executed after the main initialization script (prerun.py) is executed.
## Build
To build a CKAN image run:
make build
In the makefile, The `–-tag d4science-ckan:2.10.4-focal` flag sets the image name to d4science-ckan:2.10.4-focal and 'images/ckan/2.10' at the end tells docker build to use the context into the specified directory where the Dockerfile and related contents are.
## Upload to DockerHub
>*It's recommended to upload built images to DockerHub*
To upload the image to DockerHub run:
docker push [options] <docker-hub-namespace>/ckan:<image-tag>
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[Docker Pulls]: https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/keitaro/ckan.svg?style=flat
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