Using the default values on the `.env.example` file will get you a working CKAN instance. There is a sysadmin user created by default with the values defined in `CKAN_SYSADMIN_NAME` and `CKAN_SYSADMIN_PASSWORD`(`ckan_admin` and `test1234` by default). This should be obviously changed before running this setup as a public CKAN instance.
Use this mode if you are making code changes to CKAN and either creating new extensions or making code changes to existing extensions. This mode also uses the `.env` file for config options.
You can use the ckan [extension]( instructions to create a CKAN extension, only executing the command inside the CKAN container and setting the mounted `src/` folder as output:
The new extension files and directories are created in the `/srv/app/src_extensions/` folder in the running container. They will also exist in the local src/ directory as local `/src` directory is mounted as `/srv/app/src_extensions/` on the ckan container. You might need to change the owner of its folder to have the appropiate permissions.
Sometimes is useful to run your local development instance under HTTPS, for instance if you are using authentication extensions like [ckanext-saml2auth]( To enable it, set the following in your `.env` file:
and update the site URL setting:
After recreating the `ckan-dev` container, you should be able to access CKAN at https://localhost:5000
*`Dockerfile`: this is based on `ckan/ckan-base:<version>`, a base image located in the DockerHub repository, that has CKAN installed along with all its dependencies, properly configured and running on [uWSGI]( (production setup)
*``: this is based on `ckan/ckan-base:<version>-dev` also located located in the DockerHub repository, and extends `ckan/ckan-base:<version>` to include:
* Any extension cloned on the `src` folder will be installed in the CKAN container when booting up Docker Compose (`docker compose up`). This includes installing any requirements listed in a `requirements.txt` (or `pip-requirements.txt`) file and running `python develop`.
* Any custom changes to the scripts run during container start up can be made to scripts in the `setup/` directory. For instance if you wanted to change the port on which CKAN runs you would need to make changes to the Docker Compose yaml file, and the `` file. Then you would need to add the following line to the Dockerfile ie: `COPY setup/ ${APP_DIR}/`. The `` file in the locally built image would override the `` file included in the base image
You can modify the docker files to build your own customized image tailored to your project, installing any extensions and extra requirements needed. For example here is where you would update to use a different CKAN base image ie: `ckan/ckan-base:<new version>`
To perform extra initialization steps you can add scripts to your custom images and copy them to the `/docker-entrypoint.d` folder (The folder should be created for you when you build the image). Any `*.sh` and `*.py` file in that folder will be executed just after the main initialization script ([``]( is executed and just before the web server and supervisor processes are started.
For instance, consider the following custom image:
├── docker-entrypoint.d
│ └──
├── Dockerfile
We want to install an extension like [ckanext-validation]( that needs to create database tables on startup time. We create a `` script in a `docker-entrypoint.d` folder with the necessary commands:
The base Docker Compose configuration uses an NGINX image as the front-end (ie: reverse proxy). It includes HTTPS running on port number 8443. A "self-signed" SSL certificate is generated as part of the ENTRYPOINT. The NGINX `server_name` directive and the `CN` field in the SSL certificate have been both set to 'localhost'. This should obviously not be used for production.
The ckanext-envvars extension is used in the CKAN Docker base repo to build the base images.
This extension checks for environmental variables conforming to an expected format and updates the corresponding CKAN config settings with its value.
For the extension to correctly identify which env var keys map to the format used for the config object, env var keys should be formatted in the following way:
For convenience the CKAN_SITE_URL parameter should be set in the .env file. For development it can be set to http://localhost:5000 and non-development set to https://localhost:8443