* PostgreSQL: Official PostgreSQL image. Database files are stored in a named volume.
* Solr: CKAN's [pre-configured Solr image](https://github.com/ckan/ckan-solr). Index data is stored in a named volume.
* Redis: standard Redis image
The site is configured via env vars (the base CKAN image loads [ckanext-envvars](https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-envvars)), that you can set in the `.env` file.
## Quick start
Copy the included `.env.example` and rename it to `.env` to modify it depending on your own needs.
Using the default values on the `.env.example` file will get you a working CKAN instance. There is a sysadmin user created by default with the values defined in `CKAN_SYSADMIN_NAME` and `CKAN_SYSADMIN_PASSWORD`(`ckan_admin` and `test1234` by default). This should be obviously changed before running this setup as a public CKAN instance.
You can use the ckan [extension](https://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/extensions/tutorial.html#creating-a-new-extension) instructions to create a CKAN extension, only executing the command inside the CKAN container and setting the mounted `src/` folder as output:
The new extension files and directories will be created in the `src/` folder. You might need to change the owner of its folder to have the appropiate permissions.
*`Dockerfile`: this is based on `ckan/ckan-base:<version>`, a base image located in the DockerHub repository, that has CKAN installed along with all its dependencies, properly configured and running on [uWSGI](https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) (production setup)
*`Dockerfile.dev`: this is based on `ckan/ckan-base:<version>-dev` also located located in the DockerHub repository, and extends `ckan/ckan-base:<version>` to include:
* Any extension cloned on the `src` folder will be installed in the derived CKAN container when booting up Docker Compose (`docker-compose up`). This includes installing any requirements listed in a `requirements.txt` (or `pip-requirements.txt`) file and running `python setup.py develop`.
* CKAN will be started running `ckan -c /srv/app/ckan.ini run`.
To perform extra initialization steps you can add scripts to your custom images and copy them to the `/docker-entrypoint.d` folder (The folder should be created for you when you build the image). Any `*.sh` and `*.py` file in that folder will be executed just after the main initialization script ([`prerun.py`](https://github.com/ckan/ckan-docker-base/blob/main/ckan-2.9/base/setup/prerun.py)) is executed and just before the web server and supervisor processes are started.
For instance, consider the following custom image:
├── docker-entrypoint.d
│ └── setup_validation.sh
├── Dockerfile
└── Dockerfile.dev
We want to install an extension like [ckanext-validation](https://github.com/frictionlessdata/ckanext-validation) that needs to create database tables on startup time. We create a `setup_validation.sh` script in a `docker-entrypoint.d` folder with the necessary commands:
* Running the tests: Running the tests for CKAN or an extension inside the container will delete your current database. We need to patch CKAN core in our image to work around that.