• 1.9.8 e8aef281d4

    v1.9.8 Stable

    dtziotzios released this 2024-02-22 10:11:08 +01:00 | 0 commits to master since this release

    What’s New

    • Blueprint
      You speak - We listen. That is why we released a new feature for personalisation of your Plans. From now on, Admins will be able to create the structure of Plans with Blueprints according to different needs each time, e.g. with or without funding information. We have prepared a Default Blueprint for you to choose when you want to create a Plan that contains the following elements: title, description, researchers, organisations, language, contact, funding organisations, grants, project, license, access rights and templates. Custom fields that Admins can use when creating their own Blueprints are: text, rich text, date, number. Bonus: You can identify as many Description Templates as you wish per section! Are you still thinking about it?

      • Blueprint export migration
        Changes lead to more changes. As Admin, be sure that not only you will be able to download the Blueprint in .xml format, but also you can import it from our improved export mechanism!
    • Description Types
      Do you have a type? We have Description Types! They are here to help you organise and classify your templates better, especially inside a Blueprint that might consist of many templates for different types of content.

    • Localisation in Basque
      One more localisation is unlocked. Explore ARGOS in Basque, thanks to our colleagues at the Mondragon Unibertsitatea Biblioteka.

    What’s Improved

    • Changed terminology
      DMPs are growing and so do we. We adopt a more neutral approach to the outputs that ARGOS creates to cover all types of outputs that might be subject to description in a Plan. No need for worries, the functionalities remain the same.

    • New Templates
      We are thrilled about the new additions of templates! We present you the Software Sustainability Templates, CHIST-ERA Software Management and CHIST-ERA Data Management. What else? CHIST-ERA templates are used in the blueprint of CHIST-ERA, the first-ever blueprint that was customized in ARGOS.


  • 1.7.4 2aa1f76aab

    v1.7.4 Stable

    dtziotzios released this 2023-07-04 17:05:42 +02:00 | 173 commits to master since this release

    What’s New

    • Load More and Load Less
      Have you ever felt lost while searching for information on our Homepage? Well, from today on, we provide you with the beans to climb your DMPstack! Use the Load more / Load less features to navigate in our pages and don’t worry if you open the wrong DMP or dataset, you can continue uninterrupted from where you were before.

    • Upload New Version of a Template
      “Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.” said Kahlil Gibran. We empower you to be independent Admins of ARGOS by updating your own Template(s) without us interfering. Use ‘New Version from File’ to automate the validation of the changes that distinguish two versions of the same template.

    • no-reply e-mail account
      Do you want to contact us? Don’t use our new email argos-noreply@openaire.eu as it was created for internal purposes and to quickly inform you about any updates. We promise not to use it to spam you!

    • Unlink emails from ‘My profile’
      Have you linked your accounts by mistake? Now, you can unlink one of your associated accounts from your main profile account without losing your data. That doesn’t mean that when you login again with the unlinked account, you will be able to view all your history. The history of your activity is transferred to the main account before unlink happens.

    What's Improved

    • Semantics
      Who’s up for a conversation? Make your DMPs “talk” to other research outputs, activities and people by assigning semantics to your templates. To enable this, we have expanded our semantics mechanism to receive more than one entry of fields.

      • Related IDs
        We thrive in environments where we can relate to others. That’s why we have enhanced our semantics with Zenodo, to create as many and diverse relationships of DMPs with other research objects. Do as you wish, we won’t judge, but please be respectful of our standards!
    • New fields for xml template export
      New fields are added to the xml template export, describing the version of the template used.

    • Mechanism to dynamically update ToS, FAQ, Glossary, About pages
      Who doesn’t like a bit of pumper? We have provided extra treatment to our mechanism handling the ToS, FAQ, Glossary, About pages so that you can dynamically use it, e.g. when translating the pages in your language. If you still have questions, you know where to find us! Hint: argos@openaire.eu.

    Bug Fixes

    • Problems with space and enter are now fixed, so feel free to use them as you like!
    • Discard, Save and Finalize functionalities will not cause you a headache anymore.
    • We found who was stealing your DMP descriptions and we have safely re-allocated them in your exports.
    • Switch between tabular and narrative mode whenever you want and as many times as you want!
    • Change the ARGOS language without getting stuck.
  • 1.6.1 7185b5d117

    v1.6.1 Stable

    dtziotzios released this 2023-03-29 10:14:18 +02:00 | 186 commits to master since this release

    What’s New

    • Refactor the publishing mechanism
      Choose the repository you wish to deposit your maDMP! We expanded our publishing mechanism to give researchers the flexibility of selecting more than one repository. This one is for everyone using our OpenDMP software as a configurable source that can be linked to their data services. It’s not a secret from all argos online users; better consider this as a heads up that it’s not available from argos.openaire.eu!
    • Redesign of the deposit button
      Have you heard of Newton’s “action-reaction” law? Well, this is what happened in this case. We changed the publishing mechanism which caused discrepancies in the way the deposit button functioned as of then. Long story short, you can now choose the repository you want to deposit your maDMP from a list of configurable sources and then view the different dois assigned from a drop down.
    • Dataverse integration
      Have you heard the saying “curiosity killed the cat”? We wanted to make it explicit to all of our users that we now support Dataverse for publishing and pre-filling content. Note: no animals were harmed in the context of our ARGOS release.
    • Table Input
      Tables are better for organising information, especially when we are talking about a collection of datasets. Even better when the table supports machine actionability of DMPs, won’t you agree? Feel free to change your templates in ARGOS to include as many machine actionable tables as you want!

    What's Improved

    • New version of the RSU Template
      Our colleagues in the Universidad Stradiņš de Riga made few changes to the RSU Template to better reflect the national policy framework. All Latvian affiliated researchers can use the latest version to create their DMPs, available from argos.openaire.eu.
    • New version of the Croatian json
      Did you know that there are +7000 languages spoken in the world? We would love to support all of them, but for now we have completed the localisation of ARGOS to the Croatian language, thanks to our colleagues in the Ruđer Bošković Institute. Uživati!

