package eu.dnetlib.doiboost.crossref import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf._ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils import org.json4s import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.JsonAST._ import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.slf4j.Logger import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class mappingAffiliation(name:String) case class mappingAuthor(given: Option[String], family: String, ORCID: Option[String], affiliation:Option[mappingAffiliation]) {} class Crossref2Oaf { //STATIC STRING val MAG = "MAG" val ORCID = "ORCID" val CROSSREF = "Crossref" val UNPAYWALL = "UnpayWall" val GRID_AC = "" val WIKPEDIA = "wikpedia" val doiBoostNSPREFIX = "doiboost____" val OPENAIRE_PREFIX = "openaire____" val SEPARATOR = "::" val DNET_LANGUAGES = "dnet:languages" val PID_TYPES = "dnet:pid_types" val mappingCrossrefType = Map( "book-section" -> "publication", "book" -> "publication", "book-chapter" -> "publication", "book-part" -> "publication", "book-series" -> "publication", "book-set" -> "publication", "book-track" -> "publication", "edited-book" -> "publication", "reference-book" -> "publication", "monograph" -> "publication", "journal-article" -> "publication", "dissertation" -> "publication", "other" -> "publication", "peer-review" -> "publication", "proceedings" -> "publication", "proceedings-article" -> "publication", "reference-entry" -> "publication", "report" -> "publication", "report-series" -> "publication", "standard" -> "publication", "standard-series" -> "publication", "posted-content" -> "publication", "dataset" -> "dataset" ) val mappingCrossrefSubType = Map( "book-section" -> "0013 Part of book or chapter of book", "book" -> "0002 Book", "book-chapter" -> "0013 Part of book or chapter of book", "book-part" -> "0013 Part of book or chapter of book", "book-series" -> "0002 Book", "book-set" -> "0002 Book", "book-track" -> "0002 Book", "edited-book" -> "0002 Book", "reference-book" -> "0002 Book", "monograph" -> "0002 Book", "journal-article" -> "0001 Article", "dissertation" -> "0006 Doctoral thesis", "other" -> "0038 Other literature type", "peer-review" -> "0015 Review", "proceedings" -> "0004 Conference object", "proceedings-article" -> "0004 Conference object", "reference-entry" -> "0013 Part of book or chapter of book", "report" -> "0017 Report", "report-series" -> "0017 Report", "standard" -> "0038 Other literature type", "standard-series" -> "0038 Other literature type", "dataset" -> "0021 Dataset", "preprint" -> "0016 Preprint", "report" -> "0017 Report" ) def mappingResult(result: Result, json: JValue, cobjCategory:String): Result = { implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats //MAPPING Crossref DOI into PID val doi: String = (json \ "DOI").extract[String] result.setPid(List(createSP(doi, "doi", PID_TYPES)).asJava) //MAPPING Crossref DOI into OriginalId //and Other Original Identifier of dataset like clinical-trial-number val clinicalTrialNumbers = for (JString(ctr) <- json \ "clinical-trial-number") yield ctr val alternativeIds = for (JString(ids) <- json \ "alternative-id") yield ids val tmp = clinicalTrialNumbers ::: alternativeIds ::: List(doi) result.setOriginalId(tmp.filter(id => id != null).asJava) //Set identifier as {50|60} | doiboost____::md5(DOI) result.setId(generateIdentifier(result, doi)) // Add DataInfo result.setDataInfo(generateDataInfo()) result.setLastupdatetimestamp((json \ "indexed" \ "timestamp").extract[Long]) result.setDateofcollection((json \ "indexed" \ "date-time").extract[String]) result.setCollectedfrom(List(createCollectedFrom()).asJava) // Publisher ( Name of work's publisher mapped into Result/Publisher) val publisher = (json \ "publisher").extract[String] result.setPublisher(asField(publisher)) // TITLE val mainTitles = for {JString(title) <- json \ "title"} yield createSP(title, "main title", "dnet:dataCite_title") val originalTitles = for {JString(title) <- json \ "original-title"} yield createSP(title, "alternative title", "dnet:dataCite_title") val shortTitles = for {JString(title) <- json \ "short-title"} yield createSP(title, "alternative title", "dnet:dataCite_title") val subtitles = for {JString(title) <- json \ "subtitle"} yield createSP(title, "subtitle", "dnet:dataCite_title") result.setTitle((mainTitles ::: originalTitles ::: shortTitles ::: subtitles).asJava) // DESCRIPTION val descriptionList = for {JString(description) <- json \ "abstract"} yield asField(description) result.setDescription(descriptionList.asJava) // Source val sourceList = for {JString(source) <- json \ "source"} yield asField(source) result.setSource(sourceList.asJava) //RELEVANT DATE Mapping val createdDate = generateDate((json \ "created" \ "date-time").extract[String], (json \ "created" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "created", "dnet:dataCite_date") val postedDate = generateDate((json \ "posted" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "posted" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "available", "dnet:dataCite_date") val acceptedDate = generateDate((json \ "accepted" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "accepted" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "accepted", "dnet:dataCite_date") val publishedPrintDate = generateDate((json \ "published-print" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "published-print" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "published-print", "dnet:dataCite_date") val publishedOnlineDate = generateDate((json \ "published-online" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "published-online" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "published-online", "dnet:dataCite_date") val issuedDate = extractDate((json \ "issued" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "issued" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]]) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(issuedDate)) { result.setDateofacceptance(asField(issuedDate)) } result.setRelevantdate(List(createdDate, postedDate, acceptedDate, publishedOnlineDate, publishedPrintDate).filter(p => p != null).asJava) //Mapping AUthor val authorList:List[mappingAuthor] = (json \ "author").extract[List[mappingAuthor]] result.setAuthor( => generateAuhtor(a.given.orNull,, a.ORCID.orNull)).asJava) // Mapping instance val instance = new Instance() val license = for { JString(lic) <- json \ "license" \ "URL" } yield asField(lic) val l = license.filter(d => StringUtils.isNotBlank(d.getValue)) if (l.nonEmpty) instance.setLicense(l.head) instance.setAccessright(createQualifier("Restricted", "dnet:access_modes")) result.setInstance(List(instance).asJava) instance.setInstancetype(createQualifier(cobjCategory.substring(0,4), cobjCategory.substring(5), "dnet:publication_resource", "dnet:publication_resource")) instance.setCollectedfrom(createCollectedFrom()) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(issuedDate)) { instance.setDateofacceptance(asField(issuedDate)) } val s: String =(json \ "URL").extract[String] val links:List[String] = ((for {JString(url) <-json \ "link" \ "URL"} yield url) ::: List(s)).filter(p =>p != null).distinct if (links.nonEmpty) instance.setUrl(links.asJava) result } def generateAuhtor(given:String, family:String, orcid:String):Author = { val a =new Author a.setName(given) a.setSurname(family) a.setFullname(s"${given} ${family}") if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(orcid)) a.setPid(List(createSP(orcid, ORCID, PID_TYPES)).asJava) a } def convert(input: String, logger: Logger): Result = { implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats lazy val json: json4s.JValue = parse(input) val objectType = (json \ "type").extractOrElse[String](null) val objectSubType = (json \ "subtype").extractOrElse[String](null) if (objectType == null) return null val result = generateItemFromType(objectType, objectSubType) if (result == null) return result val cOBJCategory = mappingCrossrefSubType.getOrElse(objectType, mappingCrossrefSubType.getOrElse(objectSubType, "0038 Other literature type")); logger.debug(mappingCrossrefType(objectType)) logger.debug(cOBJCategory) mappingResult(result, json, cOBJCategory) result match { case publication: Publication => convertPublication(publication) case dataset: Dataset => convertDataset(dataset) } result } def convertDataset(dataset: Dataset): Unit = { } def convertPublication(publication: Publication, json: JValue, cobjCategory:String): Unit = { val containerTitles = for {JString(ct) <- json \ "container-title"} yield ct //Mapping book if (cobjCategory.toLowerCase.contains("book")) { val ISBN = for {JString(isbn) <- json \ "ISBN"} yield isbn if (ISBN.nonEmpty && containerTitles.nonEmpty) { val source = s"${containerTitles.head} ISBN: ${ISBN.head}" if (publication.getSource != null) { val l: List[Field[String]] = publication.getSource.asScala.toList val ll: List[Field[String]] = l ::: List(asField(source)) publication.setSource(ll.asJava) } else publication.setSource(List(asField(source)).asJava) } } else { val issn = } // Mapping other types of publications } def extractDate(dt: String, datePart: List[List[Int]]): String = { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dt)) return dt if (datePart != null && datePart.size == 1) { val res = datePart.head if (res.size == 3) { val dp = f"${res.head}-${res(1)}%02d-${res(2)}%02d" if (dp.length == 10) { return dp } } } null } def generateDate(dt: String, datePart: List[List[Int]], classId: String, schemeId: String): StructuredProperty = { val dp = extractDate(dt, datePart) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dp)) return createSP(dp, classId, schemeId) null } def generateIdentifier(oaf: Result, doi: String): String = { val id = DHPUtils.md5(doi.toLowerCase) if (oaf.isInstanceOf[Dataset]) return s"60|${doiBoostNSPREFIX}${SEPARATOR}${id}" s"50|${doiBoostNSPREFIX}${SEPARATOR}${id}" } def asField[T](value: T): Field[T] = { val tmp = new Field[T] tmp.setValue(value) tmp } def generateDataInfo(): DataInfo = { val di = new DataInfo di.setDeletedbyinference(false) di.setInferred(false) di.setInvisible(false) di.setTrust("0.9") di.setProvenanceaction(createQualifier("sysimport:actionset", "dnet:provenanceActions")) di } def createSP(value: String, classId: String, schemeId: String): StructuredProperty = { val sp = new StructuredProperty sp.setQualifier(createQualifier(classId, schemeId)) sp.setValue(value) sp } def createCollectedFrom(): KeyValue = { val cf = new KeyValue cf.setValue(CROSSREF) cf.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + DHPUtils.md5("crossref")) cf } def createQualifier(clsName: String,clsValue: String, schName: String, schValue: String): Qualifier = { val q = new Qualifier q.setClassid(clsName) q.setClassname(clsValue) q.setSchemeid(schName) q.setSchemename(schValue) q } def createQualifier(cls: String, sch: String): Qualifier = { createQualifier(cls, cls, sch, sch) } def generateItemFromType(objectType: String, objectSubType: String): Result = { if (mappingCrossrefType.contains(objectType)) { if (mappingCrossrefType(objectType).equalsIgnoreCase("publication")) return new Publication() if (mappingCrossrefType(objectType).equalsIgnoreCase("dataset")) return new Dataset() } null } }