diff --git a/docs/data-provision/aggregation/datacite.md b/docs/data-provision/aggregation/datacite.md
index 722f393..e1fd166 100644
--- a/docs/data-provision/aggregation/datacite.md
+++ b/docs/data-provision/aggregation/datacite.md
@@ -65,15 +65,13 @@ The table below describes the mapping from the XML baseline records to the OpenA
| `instance.license` | `\attributes\rightsList` | if the rights value starts with http and matches a particular regex |
| `instance.accessright` | `\attributes\rightsList` |
- if not present :`unknown`
- if datasource is Figshare:`open`
- If `embargo_date < today()`: OPEN
### Relation Mapping
-| OpenAIRE Relation Semantic and inverse | Datacite record JSON path | Source/Tartget type | #Notes |
-| `isProducedBy` |`attributes\fundingReferences` | `Result/Project`| we must identifi if match this pattern `(info:eu-repo/grantagreement/ec/h2020/)(\d{6})(.*)`|
-| `IsProvidedBy` | | `Result/DataSource` | Datasource is always Datacite|
-| `IsHostedBy` | `\attributes\relationships\client\id` | `Result/DataSource` |we defined a curated map clientId/Datasource if we found a match we create an _hostedBy Relation_ |
-| | `\attribute\relatedIdentifiers` | result/result | we create relationships whenever the pid of the target is resolved on the Research Graph |
+| OpenAIRE Relation Semantic and inverse | Datacite record JSON path | Source/Target type | #Notes |
+| `isProducedBy/produces` | `attributes\fundingReferences` | `result/project` | only when the fundingReferences matches the pattern `(info:eu-repo/grantagreement/ec/h2020/)(\d{6})(.*)` |
+| `IsProvidedBy/provides` | | `result/datasource` | Datasource is always set to `Datacite` |
+| `isHostedBy/host` | `\attributes\relationships\client\id` | `result/datasource` | we defined a curated map clientId/Datasource if we found a match we create an _hostedBy Relation_ |
+| `isRelatedTo` | `\attribute\relatedIdentifiers` | `result/result` | we create relationships whenever the pid of the target is resolved on the Research Graph |
diff --git a/docs/data-provision/aggregation/ebi.md b/docs/data-provision/aggregation/ebi.md
index f03d49d..ce653b6 100644
--- a/docs/data-provision/aggregation/ebi.md
+++ b/docs/data-provision/aggregation/ebi.md
@@ -406,22 +406,21 @@ We filter all the target links with pid type **ena**, **pdb** or **uniprot**
For each target we construct a Bioentity with the following mapping
-| *OpenAIRE Result field path* | EBI record field xpath | Notes |
-| `id` | `target/identifier/ID` and `target/identifier/IDScheme` | id in the form `SCHEMA_________::md5(pid)`|
-| `pid` | `target/identifier/ID` and `target/identifier/IDScheme` | `classid = classname = schema`|
-| `publicationdate` | `target/PublicationDate` | clean and normalize the format of the date to be `YYYY-mm-dd` |
-| `maintitle` | `target/Title` | |
-| **Instance Mapping** | | |
-| `instance.type` | | `Bioentity` |
-|`type` | | `Dataset` |
-| `instance.pid` |`target/identifier/ID` and `target/identifier/IDScheme` | `classid = classname = schema` |
-| `instance.url` | `target/identifier/IDURL` | Copy the value as it is |
- |
-| `instance.publicationdate` | `//PubmedPubDate` | clean and normalize the format of the date to be YYYY-mm-dd
+| *OpenAIRE Result field path* | EBI record field xpath | Notes |
+| `id` | `target/identifier/ID` and `target/identifier/IDScheme` | id in the form `SCHEMA_________::md5(pid)` |
+| `pid` | `target/identifier/ID` and `target/identifier/IDScheme` | `classid = classname = schema` |
+| `publicationdate` | `target/PublicationDate` | clean and normalize the format of the date to be `YYYY-mm-dd` |
+| `maintitle` | `target/Title` | |
+| **Instance Mapping** | | |
+| `instance.type` | | `Bioentity` |
+| `type` | | `Dataset` |
+| `instance.pid` | `target/identifier/ID` and `target/identifier/IDScheme` | `classid = classname = schema` |
+| `instance.url` | `target/identifier/IDURL` | Copy the value as it is |
+| `instance.publicationdate` | `//PubmedPubDate` | clean and normalize the format of the date to be YYYY-mm-dd |
### Relation Mapping
-| OpenAIRE Relation Semantic and inverse | Datacite record JSON path | Source/Tartget type | #Notes |
-| `IsRelatedTo` | | result/result | we create relationships between the BioEntity and the pubmed publication |
+| OpenAIRE Relation Semantic and inverse | Source/Target type | #Notes |
+| `IsRelatedTo` | `result/result` | we create relationships between the BioEntity and the pubmed publication |