[Datacite](https://datacite.org/index.html) is a leading global non-profit organisation that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and other research outputs.
The [DataCite REST API](https://support.datacite.org/docs/api) allows users to retrieve, query, and browse Datacite metadata records. In particular, it exposes a method for harvesting new records incrementally.
The metadata collection process identifies the most recent record date available locally and uses such date to requests the records to the Datacite API, populating the **FROM_DATE_TIMESAMP** variable. The records in the API response are included in the local storage in upsert mode.
| <ul><li>`instance`</li><li>`instance.type`</li></ul> | <ul><li>`\attributes\types\resourceType`</li><li>`\attributes\types\resourceTypeGeneral`</li><li>`attributes\types\schemaOrg`</li></ul> | Use the vocabulary **_dnet:publication_resource_** to find a synonym to one of these terms and get the `instance.type`. |
|`type` | <ul><li>`\attributes\types\resourceType`</li><li>`\attributes\types\resourceTypeGeneral`</li><li>`attributes\types\schemaOrg`</li></ul> | Using the **_dnet:result_typologies_** vocabulary, we look up the `instance.type` synonym to generate one of the following main entities: <ul><li>`publication`</li><li>`dataset`</li><li>`software`</li><li>`otherresearchproduct`</li></ul> |
| `dateofcollection` | `attributes\updated` | the timestamp is defined in milliseconds we convert to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" format |
| `author` | `\attributes\creators` | Each creator field will be mapped in the author entity below the subfield. **If the record has no Creator it will be skipped** |
| `author.fullname` | `\attributes\creators\name` | if name is not defined, we construct from given and family name |
| `author.rank` | | Incremental index starting from 1 |
| `author.pid` | `\attributes\creators\nameIdentifiers` | this is a list of pids associated to the creator |
| `author.pid.scheme` | `\attributes\creators\nameIdentifiers` | mapping with vocabulary **dnet:pid_types** |
| `author.pid.value` | `\attributes\creators\nameIdentifiers/nameIdentifier` | the pid value |
| `maintitle` | `\attributes\titles` | Titles whose title type is null or title type is Main |
| `subtitle` | `\attributes\titles` | Titles whose title type is Subtitle since the title type vocabulary in OpenAIRE use the datacite title type vocabulary |
| **date section** | | for each date in particular for DOI starting with _10.14457_ we Apply a fix thai date convert a date to ThaiBuddhistDate and reformat to local one see ticket [#6791](https://support.openaire.eu/issues/6791) |
| `publicationdate` | `\attributes\dates` | where `dateType` is **issued** |
| `publicationdate` | `\attributes\publicationYear` | we create this date format `01-01-publicationYear` |
| `embargoenddate` | `\attributes\dates` | where `dateType` is **available** |
| `isProducedBy` |`attributes\fundingReferences` | `Result/Project`| we must identifi if match this pattern `(info:eu-repo/grantagreement/ec/h2020/)(\d{6})(.*)`|
| `IsProvidedBy` | | `Result/DataSource` | Datasource is always Datacite|
| `IsHostedBy` | `\attributes\relationships\client\id` | `Result/DataSource` |we defined a curated map clientId/Datasource if we found a match we create an _hostedBy Relation_ |