Fork 0

implementation of the spark action for the simrel creation

This commit is contained in:
miconis 2020-03-18 14:27:49 +01:00
parent af835f2f98
commit f32eae5ce9
9 changed files with 426 additions and 447 deletions

View File

@ -82,8 +82,10 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
package eu.dnetlib.dedup;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation;
import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig;
import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument;
import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
import scala.Tuple2;
import eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.actions.AtomicAction;
import eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.common.Agent;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class SparkCreateSimRels2 implements Serializable {
final static String CONF_SEPARATOR = "@@@";
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SparkCreateSimRels2.class);
public static List<DedupConfig> decompressConfs(String compressedConfs){
return Arrays.stream(compressedConfs.split(CONF_SEPARATOR))
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkCreateSimRels.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/dedup_parameters.json")));
new SparkCreateSimRels2().run(parser, decompressConfs(parser.get("dedupConf")));
private void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser, List<DedupConfig> dedupConfs) {
//read oozie parameters
final String sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath");
final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath");
final String rawSetName = parser.get("rawSet");
final String agentId = parser.get("agentId");
final String agentName = parser.get("agentName");
try (SparkSession spark = getSparkSession(parser)) {
final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext());
//create empty sequenceFile for the accumulation
JavaRDD<Tuple2<Text,Text>> simRel = sc.emptyRDD();
//for each dedup configuration
for (DedupConfig dedupConf: dedupConfs) {
final String entity = dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType();
JavaPairRDD<String, MapDocument> mapDocument = sc.textFile(sourcePath + "/" + entity)
.mapToPair(s -> {
MapDocument d = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(dedupConf, s);
return new Tuple2<>(d.getIdentifier(), d);
//create blocks for deduplication
JavaPairRDD<String, List<MapDocument>> blocks = Deduper.createsortedBlocks(sc, mapDocument, dedupConf);
//create relations by comparing only elements in the same group
final JavaPairRDD<String, String> dedupRels = Deduper.computeRelations2(sc, blocks, dedupConf);
JavaRDD<Relation> relationsRDD = dedupRels.map(r -> createSimRel(r._1(), r._2()));
//create atomic actions
JavaRDD<Tuple2<Text, Text>> newSimRels = relationsRDD
.mapToPair(rel ->
new Tuple2<>(
createActionId(rel.getSource(), rel.getTarget(), entity), //TODO update the type, maybe take it from the configuration?
new AtomicAction(rawSetName, new Agent(agentId, agentName, Agent.AGENT_TYPE.service), rel.getSource(), "isSimilarTo", rel.getTarget(), new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(rel).getBytes())))
.map(aa -> new Tuple2<>(aa._1(), transformAction(aa._2())));
simRel = simRel.union(newSimRels);
String targetDirectory = targetPath + "/" + rawSetName;
// simRel.map(s -> s._1().toString()).saveAsTextFile(targetDirectory);
simRel.mapToPair(r -> r)
.saveAsHadoopFile(targetDirectory, Text.class, Text.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class, GzipCodec.class);
public Text createActionId(String source, String target, String type) {
String id = source + "@" + type + "@" + target;
return new Text(id);
public Text transformAction(AtomicAction aa) throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return new Text(mapper.writeValueAsString(aa));
public Relation createSimRel(String source, String target){
final Relation r = new Relation();
return r;
private static SparkSession getSparkSession(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) {
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
return SparkSession
// .enableHiveSupport()

View File

@ -8,26 +8,43 @@
"paramName": "s",
"paramLongName": "sourcePath",
"paramDescription": "the path of the sequential file to read",
"paramDescription": "the base path of the raw graph",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "e",
"paramLongName": "entity",
"paramDescription": "the type of entity to be deduped",
"paramDescription": "the type of entity to be deduped (directory in the sourcePath)",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "c",
"paramLongName": "dedupConf",
"paramDescription": "dedup configuration to be used",
"compressed": true,
"paramDescription": "list of dedup configuration to be used",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "t",
"paramLongName": "targetPath",
"paramDescription": "target path to save dedup result",
"paramDescription": "target base path to save dedup result (actions)",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "rs",
"paramLongName": "rawSet",
"paramDescription": "the raw set to be saved (directory in the targetPath)",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "ai",
"paramLongName": "agentId",
"paramDescription": "the agent identifier",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "an",
"paramLongName": "agentName",
"paramDescription": "the agent name",
"paramRequired": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
<workflow-app name="Create Similarity Relations" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5">
<description>the raw graph base path</description>
<description>the entity that should be processed</description>
<description>the (list of) dedup Configuration(s)</description>
<description>the output base path</description>
<description>the output directory in the targetPath</description>
<description>the agent identifier</description>
<description>the agent name</description>
<description>memory for driver process</description>
<description>memory for individual executor</description>
<description>number of cores used by single executor</description>
<start to="DeleteTargetPath"/>
<kill name="Kill">
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<action name="DeleteTargetPath">
<delete path='${targetPath}/${rawSet}'/>
<ok to="DuplicateScan"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="DuplicateScan">
<spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:0.2">
<name>Create Similarity Relations</name>
<spark-opts>--executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} --executor-cores ${sparkExecutorCores}
--driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} --conf
spark.extraListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener" --conf
spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener" --conf
<ok to="End"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<end name="End"/>

View File

@ -13,17 +13,20 @@ import org.junit.Test;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class SparkCreateDedupTest {
String configuration;
String entity = "organization";
String configuration2;
String entity = "publication";
public void setUp() throws IOException {
configuration = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dedup/conf/org.curr.conf.json"));
configuration = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dedup/conf/org1.curr.conf.json"));
configuration2 = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dedup/conf/org2.curr.conf.json"));
@ -38,6 +41,21 @@ public class SparkCreateDedupTest {
public void createSimRelsTest2() throws Exception {
SparkCreateSimRels2.main(new String[] {
"-mt", "local[*]",
"-s", "/Users/miconis/dumps",
"-e", entity,
"-c", ArgumentApplicationParser.compressArgument(configuration) + "@@@" + ArgumentApplicationParser.compressArgument(configuration2),
"-t", "/tmp/dedup",
"-rs", "rawset_test",
"-ai", "agentId",
"-an", "agentName"
public void createCCTest() throws Exception {
@ -79,8 +97,6 @@ public class SparkCreateDedupTest {
System.out.println( s2.hashCode());

View File

@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
"threshold": 0.7,
"aggregation": "W_MEAN",
"threshold": 0.1,
"aggregation": "AVG",
"positive": "layer4",
"negative": "NO_MATCH",
"undefined": "NO_MATCH",
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
"threshold": 0.9,
"threshold": 0.7,
"aggregation": "AVG",
"positive": "layer5",
"negative": "NO_MATCH",
@ -129,7 +129,9 @@
"comparator": "jaroWinklerNormalizedName",
"weight": 0.1,
"countIfUndefined": "false",
"params": {}
"params": {
"windowSize": 4
"threshold": 0.9,
@ -145,14 +147,14 @@
{ "name" : "legalshortname", "type" : "String", "path" : "$.legalshortname.value"},
{ "name" : "legalname", "type" : "String", "path" : "$.legalname.value" },
{ "name" : "websiteurl", "type" : "URL", "path" : "$.websiteurl.value" },
{ "name" : "gridid", "type" : "String", "path" : "$.pid[?(@.qualifier.classid =='grid.ac')].value"},
{ "name" : "gridid", "type" : "String", "path" : "$.pid[?(@.qualifier.classid =='grid')].value"},
{ "name" : "originalId", "type" : "String", "path" : "$.id" }
"blacklists" : {
"legalname" : []
"synonyms": {
"key::1": ["university","università","università studi","universitario","universitaria","université", "universite", "universitaire","universitaires","universidad","universitade","Universität","universitaet","Uniwersytet","университет","universiteit","πανεπιστήμιο","universitesi","universiteti", "universiti"],
"key::1": ["university","università", "universitas", "università studi","universitario","universitaria","université", "universite", "universitaire","universitaires","universidad","universitade","Universität","universitaet","Uniwersytet","университет","universiteit","πανεπιστήμιο","universitesi","universiteti", "universiti"],
"key::2": ["studies","studi","études","estudios","estudos","Studien","studia","исследования","studies","σπουδές"],
"key::3": ["advanced","superiore","supérieur","supérieure","supérieurs","supérieures","avancado","avancados","fortgeschrittene","fortgeschritten","zaawansowany","передовой","gevorderd","gevorderde","προχωρημένος","προχωρημένη","προχωρημένο","προχωρημένες","προχωρημένα","wyzsza"],
"key::4": ["institute","istituto","institut","instituto","instituto","Institut","instytut","институт","instituut","ινστιτούτο"],

View File

@ -9,10 +9,23 @@
"queueMaxSize": "2000",
"groupMaxSize": "100",
"maxChildren": "100",
"idPath": "$.id",
"slidingWindowSize": "200",
"rootBuilder" : [ "result", "resultProject_outcome_isProducedBy", "resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo", "resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", "resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", "resultOrganization_affiliation_isAffiliatedWith", "resultResult_part_hasPart", "resultResult_part_isPartOf", "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementTo", "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementedBy", "resultResult_version_isVersionOf" ],
"includeChildren" : "true"
"rootBuilder": [
"includeChildren": "true",
"maxIterations": 20,
"idPath": "$.id"
"pace": {
"clustering" : [
@ -20,21 +33,100 @@
{ "name" : "suffixprefix", "fields" : [ "title" ], "params" : { "max" : "1", "len" : "3" } },
{ "name" : "lowercase", "fields" : [ "doi" ], "params" : { } }
"strictConditions" : [
{ "name" : "pidMatch", "fields" : [ "pid" ] }
"decisionTree": {
"start": {
"fields": [
"field": "pid",
"comparator": "jsonListMatch",
"weight": 1.0,
"countIfUndefined": "false",
"params": {
"jpath_value": "$.value",
"jpath_classid": "$.qualifier.classid"
"conditions" : [
{ "name" : "titleVersionMatch", "fields" : [ "title" ] },
{ "name" : "sizeMatch", "fields" : [ "authors" ] }
"threshold": 0.5,
"aggregation": "AVG",
"positive": "MATCH",
"negative": "layer2",
"undefined": "layer2",
"ignoreUndefined": "true"
"layer2": {
"fields": [
"field": "title",
"comparator": "titleVersionMatch",
"weight": 1.0,
"countIfUndefined": "false",
"params": {}
"field": "authors",
"comparator": "sizeMatch",
"weight": 1.0,
"countIfUndefined": "false",
"params": {}
"threshold": 1.0,
"aggregation": "AND",
"positive": "layer3",
"negative": "NO_MATCH",
"undefined": "layer3",
"ignoreUndefined": "false"
"layer3": {
"fields": [
"field": "title",
"comparator": "levensteinTitle",
"weight": 1.0,
"countIfUndefined": "true",
"params": {}
"threshold": 0.99,
"aggregation": "AVG",
"positive": "MATCH",
"negative": "NO_MATCH",
"undefined": "NO_MATCH",
"ignoreUndefined": "true"
"model": [
{ "name" : "doi", "algo" : "Null", "type" : "String", "weight" : "0.0", "ignoreMissing" : "true", "path" : "$.pid[?(@.qualifier.classid ==\"doi\")].value" },
{ "name" : "pid", "algo" : "Null", "type" : "JSON", "weight" : "0.0", "ignoreMissing" : "true", "path" : "$.pid", "overrideMatch" : "true" },
{ "name" : "title", "algo" : "LevensteinTitle", "type" : "String", "weight" : "1.0", "ignoreMissing" : "false", "path" : "$.title[?(@.qualifier.classid ==\"main title\")].value", "length" : 250, "size" : 5 },
{ "name" : "authors", "algo" : "Null", "type" : "List", "weight" : "0.0", "ignoreMissing" : "true", "path" : "$.author[*].fullname", "size" : 200 },
{ "name" : "resulttype", "algo" : "Null", "type" : "String", "weight" : "0.0", "ignoreMissing" : "false", "path" : "$.resulttype.classid" }
"name": "doi",
"type": "String",
"path": "$.pid[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'doi')].value"
"name": "pid",
"type": "JSON",
"path": "$.pid",
"overrideMatch": "true"
"name": "title",
"type": "String",
"path": "$.title[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'main title')].value",
"length": 250,
"size": 5
"name": "authors",
"type": "List",
"path": "$.author[*].fullname",
"size": 200
"name": "resulttype",
"type": "String",
"path": "$.resulttype.classid"
"synonyms": {},
"blacklists": {
"title": [
"^Inside Front Cover$",
@ -48,7 +140,6 @@
"^Cartas? ao editor Letters? to the Editor$",
"^Note from the Editor$",
"^Anesthesia Abstract$",
"^Annual report$",
"(?i)^Graph and Table of Infectious Diseases?$",
@ -68,14 +159,12 @@
"^Cálculo de concentraciones en disoluciones acuosas. Ejercicio interactivo\\..*\\.$",
"(?i)^Genetic and functional analyses of SHANK2 mutations suggest a multiple hit model of Autism spectrum disorders?\\.?$",
"^Gushi hakubutsugaku$",
"^Starobosanski nadpisi u Bosni i Hercegovini \\(.*\\)$",
"^Intestinal spirocha?etosis$",
"^Treatment of Rodent Ulcer$",
"(?i)^\\W*Cloud Computing\\W*$",
"^Compendio mathematico : en que se contienen todas las materias mas principales de las Ciencias que tratan de la cantidad$",
"^Free Communications, Poster Presentations: Session [A-F]$",
"^“The Historical Aspects? of Quackery\\.?”$",
"^A designated centre for people with disabilities operated by St John of God Community Services (Limited|Ltd), Louth$",
"^P(er|re)-Mile Premiums for Auto Insurance\\.?$",
@ -96,10 +185,8 @@
"(?i)^Measurement of the pseudorapidity and centrality dependence of the transverse energy density in Pb(-?)Pb collisions at.*tev(\\.?)$",
"(?i)^Search for resonances decaying into top-quark pairs using fully hadronic decays in pp collisions with ATLAS at.*TeV$",
"(?i)^Search for neutral minimal supersymmetric standard model Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs in pp collisions at.*tev$",
"(?i)^Relatório de Estágio (de|em) Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular$",
"^Aus der AGMB$",
"^Znanstveno-stručni prilozi$",
"(?i)^Zhodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na zlepšení$",
"(?i)^Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement$",
@ -136,7 +223,6 @@
"^A Matching Model of the Academic Publication Market$",
"^Yōgaku kōyō$",
"^Internetový marketing$",
"^Internet marketing$",
"^Chūtō kokugo dokuhon$",
@ -169,21 +255,17 @@
"^Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification$",
"^Stresové zatížení pracovníků ve vybrané profesi$",
"^Stress load in a specific job$",
"^Sunday: Poster Sessions, Pt.*$",
"^Monday: Poster Sessions, Pt.*$",
"^Wednesday: Poster Sessions, Pt.*",
"^Tuesday: Poster Sessions, Pt.*$",
"^Analýza reklamy$",
"^Analysis of advertising$",
"^Shōgaku shūshinsho$",
"^Shōgaku sansū$",
"^Shintei joshi kokubun$",
"^Taishō joshi kokubun dokuhon$",
"^Joshi kokubun$",
"^Účetní uzávěrka a účetní závěrka v ČR$",
"(?i)^The \"?Causes\"? of Cancer$",
"^Normas para la publicación de artículos$",
@ -202,7 +284,6 @@
"^Abdominal [Aa]ortic [Aa]neurysms.*$",
"^Pseudomyxoma peritonei$",
"^Kazalo autora$",
"(?i)^uvodna riječ$",
"^Motivace jako způsob vedení lidí$",
"^Motivation as a leadership$",
@ -275,6 +356,7 @@
"(?i)^.*authors[']? reply\\.?$",
"(?i)^.*authors[']? response\\.?$"
"synonyms": {}

View File

@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
"wf": {
"threshold": "0.99",
"dedupRun": "001",
"entityType": "result",
"subEntityType": "resulttype",
"subEntityValue": "publication",
"orderField": "title",
"queueMaxSize": "2000",
"groupMaxSize": "100",
"maxChildren": "100",
"slidingWindowSize": "200",
"rootBuilder": [
"includeChildren": "true",
"maxIterations": 20,
"idPath": "$.id"
"pace": {
"clustering": [
"name": "ngrampairs",
"fields": [
"params": {
"max": "1",
"ngramLen": "3"
"name": "suffixprefix",
"fields": [
"params": {
"max": "1",
"len": "3"
"name": "lowercase",
"fields": [
"params": {}
"decisionTree": {
"start": {
"fields": [
"field": "pid",
"comparator": "jsonListMatch",
"weight": 1.0,
"countIfUndefined": "false",
"params": {
"jpath_value": "$.value",
"jpath_classid": "$.qualifier.classid"
"threshold": 0.5,
"aggregation": "AVG",
"positive": "MATCH",
"negative": "layer2",
"undefined": "layer2",
"ignoreUndefined": "true"
"layer2": {
"fields": [
"field": "title",
"comparator": "titleVersionMatch",
"weight": 1.0,
"countIfUndefined": "false",
"params": {}
"field": "authors",
"comparator": "sizeMatch",
"weight": 1.0,
"countIfUndefined": "false",
"params": {}
"threshold": 1.0,
"aggregation": "AND",
"positive": "layer3",
"negative": "NO_MATCH",
"undefined": "layer3",
"ignoreUndefined": "false"
"layer3": {
"fields": [
"field": "title",
"comparator": "levensteinTitle",
"weight": 1.0,
"countIfUndefined": "true",
"params": {}
"threshold": 0.99,
"aggregation": "AVG",
"positive": "MATCH",
"negative": "NO_MATCH",
"undefined": "NO_MATCH",
"ignoreUndefined": "true"
"model": [
"name": "doi",
"type": "String",
"path": "$.pid[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'doi')].value"
"name": "pid",
"type": "JSON",
"path": "$.pid",
"overrideMatch": "true"
"name": "title",
"type": "String",
"path": "$.title[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'main title')].value",
"length": 250,
"size": 5
"name": "authors",
"type": "List",
"path": "$.author[*].fullname",
"size": 200
"name": "resulttype",
"type": "String",
"path": "$.resulttype.classid"
"blacklists": {
"title": [
"^Inside Front Cover$",
"(?i)^Poster presentations$",
"^Problems with perinatal pathology\\.?$",
"(?i)^Cases? of Puerperal Convulsions$",
"(?i)^Operative Gyna?ecology$",
"(?i)^Mind the gap\\!?\\:?$",
"^Chronic fatigue syndrome\\.?$",
"^Cartas? ao editor Letters? to the Editor$",
"^Note from the Editor$",
"^Anesthesia Abstract$",
"^Annual report$",
"(?i)^Graph and Table of Infectious Diseases?$",
"(?i)^Reviews and Information on Publications$",
"(?i)^Adrese autora$",
"(?i)^Systematic Part .*\\. Catalogus Fossilium Austriae, Band 2: Echinoidea neogenica$",
"(?i)^Acknowledgement to Referees$",
"(?i)^Behçet's disease\\.?$",
"(?i)^Isolation and identification of restriction endonuclease.*$",
"(?i)^Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms?\\.?$",
"^Event management$",
"(?i)^Breakfast and Crohn's disease.*\\.?$",
"^Cálculo de concentraciones en disoluciones acuosas. Ejercicio interactivo\\..*\\.$",
"(?i)^Genetic and functional analyses of SHANK2 mutations suggest a multiple hit model of Autism spectrum disorders?\\.?$",
"^Gushi hakubutsugaku$",
"^Starobosanski nadpisi u Bosni i Hercegovini \\(.*\\)$",
"^Intestinal spirocha?etosis$",
"^Treatment of Rodent Ulcer$",
"(?i)^\\W*Cloud Computing\\W*$",
"^Compendio mathematico : en que se contienen todas las materias mas principales de las Ciencias que tratan de la cantidad$",
"^Free Communications, Poster Presentations: Session [A-F]$",
"^“The Historical Aspects? of Quackery\\.?”$",
"^A designated centre for people with disabilities operated by St John of God Community Services (Limited|Ltd), Louth$",
"^P(er|re)-Mile Premiums for Auto Insurance\\.?$",
"(?i)^Case Report$",
"^Boletín Informativo$",
"(?i)^Glioblastoma Multiforme$",
"(?i)^Nuevos táxones animales descritos en la península Ibérica y Macaronesia desde 1994 \\(.*\\)$",
"^Zaměstnanecké výhody$",
"(?i)^The Economics of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: A Survey \\(Part .*\\)$",
"(?i)^Carotid body tumours?\\.?$",
"(?i)^\\[Españoles en Francia : La condición Emigrante.*\\]$",
"(?i)^St\\. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Head(s)? and Capital(s)?$",
"(?i)^St\\. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Bases?$",
"^Viñetas de Cortázar$",
"(?i)^Search for heavy neutrinos and W(\\[|_|\\(|_\\{|-)?R(\\]|\\)|\\})? bosons with right-handed couplings in a left-right symmetric model in pp collisions at.*TeV(\\.)?$",
"(?i)^Measurement of the pseudorapidity and centrality dependence of the transverse energy density in Pb(-?)Pb collisions at.*tev(\\.?)$",
"(?i)^Search for resonances decaying into top-quark pairs using fully hadronic decays in pp collisions with ATLAS at.*TeV$",
"(?i)^Search for neutral minimal supersymmetric standard model Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs in pp collisions at.*tev$",
"(?i)^Relatório de Estágio (de|em) Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular$",
"^Aus der AGMB$",
"^Znanstveno-stručni prilozi$",
"(?i)^Zhodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na zlepšení$",
"(?i)^Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement$",
"(?i)^Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení$",
"^Finanční analýza podniku$",
"^Financial analysis( of business)?$",
"(?i)^Textbook of Gyn(a)?(Æ)?(e)?cology$",
"^Jikken nihon shūshinsho$",
"(?i)^CORONER('|s)(s|') INQUESTS$",
"(?i)^(Μελέτη παραγόντων )?risk management( για ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή ενός πληροφοριακού συστήματος| και ανάπτυξη συστήματος)?$",
"(?i)^Consultants' contract(s)?$",
"(?i)^Upute autorima$",
"(?i)^Bijdrage tot de Kennis van den Godsdienst der Dajaks van Lan(d|f)ak en Tajan$",
"^Joshi shin kokubun$",
"^Kōtō shōgaku dokuhon nōson'yō$",
"^Jinjō shōgaku shōka$",
"^Shōgaku shūjichō$",
"^Nihon joshi dokuhon$",
"^Joshi shin dokuhon$",
"^Chūtō kanbun dokuhon$",
"^Wabun dokuhon$",
"(?i)^(Analysis of economy selected village or town|Rozbor hospodaření vybrané obce či města)$",
"(?i)^cardiac rehabilitation$",
"(?i)^Analytical summary$",
"^Thesaurus resolutionum Sacrae Congregationis Concilii$",
"(?i)^Sumario analítico(\\s{1})?(Analitic summary)?$",
"^Prikazi i osvrti$",
"^Rodinný dům s provozovnou$",
"^Family house with an establishment$",
"^Shinsei chūtō shin kokugun$",
"^Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis(\\.?)$",
"^Shinshū kanbun$",
"^Viñeta(s?) de Rodríguez$",
"^A Matching Model of the Academic Publication Market$",
"^Yōgaku kōyō$",
"^Internetový marketing$",
"^Internet marketing$",
"^Chūtō kokugo dokuhon$",
"^Kokugo dokuhon$",
"^Antibiotic Cover for Dental Extraction(s?)$",
"^Strategie podniku$",
"^Strategy of an Enterprise$",
"(?i)^respiratory disease(s?)(\\.?)$",
"^Award(s?) for Gallantry in Civil Defence$",
"^Podniková kultura$",
"^Corporate Culture$",
"^Severe hyponatraemia in hospital inpatient(s?)(\\.?)$",
"^Pracovní motivace$",
"^Work Motivation$",
"^Kaitei kōtō jogaku dokuhon$",
"^Konsolidovaná účetní závěrka$",
"^Consolidated Financial Statements$",
"(?i)^intracranial tumour(s?)$",
"^Climate Change Mitigation Options and Directed Technical Change: A Decentralized Equilibrium Analysis$",
"^\\[CERVECERIAS MAHOU(\\.|\\:) INTERIOR\\] \\[Material gráfico\\]$",
"^Housing Market Dynamics(\\:|\\.) On the Contribution of Income Shocks and Credit Constraint(s?)$",
"^\\[Funciones auxiliares de la música en Radio París,.*\\]$",
"^Úroveň motivačního procesu jako způsobu vedení lidí$",
"^The level of motivation process as a leadership$",
"^Pay-beds in N(\\.?)H(\\.?)S(\\.?) Hospitals$",
"(?i)^news and events$",
"^Sansū no gakushū$",
"^Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn$",
"^Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification$",
"^Stresové zatížení pracovníků ve vybrané profesi$",
"^Stress load in a specific job$",
"^Sunday: Poster Sessions, Pt.*$",
"^Monday: Poster Sessions, Pt.*$",
"^Wednesday: Poster Sessions, Pt.*",
"^Tuesday: Poster Sessions, Pt.*$",
"^Analýza reklamy$",
"^Analysis of advertising$",
"^Shōgaku shūshinsho$",
"^Shōgaku sansū$",
"^Shintei joshi kokubun$",
"^Taishō joshi kokubun dokuhon$",
"^Joshi kokubun$",
"^Účetní uzávěrka a účetní závěrka v ČR$",
"(?i)^The \"?Causes\"? of Cancer$",
"^Normas para la publicación de artículos$",
"^Editor('|s)(s|') [Rr]eply$",
"^Editor(|s)(s|) letter$",
"^Redaktoriaus žodis$",
"^Kōtō shōgaku shūshinsho jidōyō$",
"^Shōgaku nihon rekishi$",
"^(Theory of the flow of action currents in isolated myelinated nerve fibers).*$",
"^Occupational [Hh]ealth [Ss]ervices.$",
"^In Memoriam Professor Toshiyuki TAKESHIMA$",
"^Účetní závěrka ve vybraném podniku.*$",
"^Financial statements in selected company$",
"^Abdominal [Aa]ortic [Aa]neurysms.*$",
"^Pseudomyxoma peritonei$",
"^Kazalo autora$",
"(?i)^uvodna riječ$",
"^Motivace jako způsob vedení lidí$",
"^Motivation as a leadership$",
"^Polyfunkční dům$",
"^Multi\\-funkcional building$",
"^Podnikatelský plán$",
"(?i)^Podnikatelský záměr$",
"(?i)^Business Plan$",
"^Oceňování nemovitostí$",
"^Marketingová komunikace$",
"^Marketing communication$",
"^Sumario Analítico$",
"^Riječ uredništva$",
"^Savjetovanja i priredbe$",
"^(Starobosanski nadpisi).*$",
"^Vzdělávání pracovníků v organizaci$",
"^Staff training in organization$",
"^(Life Histories of North American Geometridae).*$",
"^Strategická analýza podniku$",
"^Strategic Analysis of an Enterprise$",
"^Upute suradnicima$",
"^Rodinný dům$",
"(?i)^Fami(l)?ly house$",
"^Upute autorima$",
"^Strategic Analysis$",
"^Finanční analýza vybraného podniku$",
"^Finanční analýza$",
"^Riječ urednika$",
"^Jinjō shōgaku shūshinsho jidōyō$",
"^Chūgaku kokubun kyōkasho$",
"^Retrato de una mujer$",
"^Retrato de un hombre$",
"^Kōtō shōgaku dokuhon$",
"^Shotōka kokugo$",
"^Shōgaku dokuhon$",
"^Jinjō shōgaku kokugo dokuhon$",
"^Shinsei kokugo dokuhon$",
"^Teikoku dokuhon$",
"^Instructions to Authors$",
"(?i)^Tabl?e of contents$",
"^Editorial( Board)?$",
"(?i)^Editorial \\(English\\)$",
"^(Corpus Oral Dialectal \\(COD\\)\\.).*$",
"^(Kiri Karl Morgensternile).*$",
"^(\\[Eksliibris Aleksandr).*\\]$",
"^(\\[Eksliibris Aleksandr).*$",
"^(Eksliibris Aleksandr).*$",
"^(Kiri A\\. de Vignolles).*$",
"^(2 kirja Karl Morgensternile).*$",
"^(Pirita kloostri idaosa arheoloogilised).*$",
"^(Kiri tundmatule).*$",
"^(Kiri Jenaer Allgemeine Literaturzeitung toimetusele).*$",
"^(Eksliibris Nikolai Birukovile).*$",
"^(Eksliibris Nikolai Issakovile).*$",
"^(WHP Cruise Summary Information of section).*$",
"^(Measurement of the top quark\\-pair production cross section with ATLAS in pp collisions at).*$",
"^(Measurement of the spin\\-dependent structure function).*",
"(?i)^.*authors[']? reply\\.?$",
"(?i)^.*authors[']? response\\.?$"
"synonyms": {}

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