diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/relations.json b/dhp-common/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/relations.json
index 98e8daa18..4f0cee53d 100644
--- a/dhp-common/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/relations.json
+++ b/dhp-common/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/relations.json
@@ -154,5 +154,13 @@
+ },
+ "isamongtopnsimilardocuments": {
+ "original": "IsAmongTopNSimilarDocuments",
+ "inverse": "HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments"
+ },
+ "hasamongtopnsimilardocuments": {
+ "original": "HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments",
+ "inverse": "IsAmongTopNSimilarDocuments"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/scholix/ScholixUtils.scala b/dhp-common/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/scholix/ScholixUtils.scala
index a995016a8..f256ca1a1 100644
--- a/dhp-common/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/scholix/ScholixUtils.scala
+++ b/dhp-common/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/scholix/ScholixUtils.scala
@@ -65,7 +65,11 @@ object ScholixUtils extends Serializable {
def generateScholixResourceFromResult(r: Result): ScholixResource = {
- generateScholixResourceFromSummary(ScholixUtils.resultToSummary(r))
+ val sum = ScholixUtils.resultToSummary(r)
+ if (sum != null)
+ generateScholixResourceFromSummary(ScholixUtils.resultToSummary(r))
+ else
+ null
val statsAggregator: Aggregator[(String, String, Long), RelatedEntities, RelatedEntities] =
@@ -153,6 +157,14 @@ object ScholixUtils extends Serializable {
+ def invRel(rel: String): String = {
+ val semanticRelation = relations.getOrElse(rel.toLowerCase, null)
+ if (semanticRelation != null)
+ semanticRelation.inverse
+ else
+ null
+ }
def extractCollectedFrom(summary: ScholixResource): List[ScholixEntityId] = {
if (summary.getCollectedFrom != null && !summary.getCollectedFrom.isEmpty) {
val l: List[ScholixEntityId] = summary.getCollectedFrom.asScala.map { d =>
@@ -377,10 +389,7 @@ object ScholixUtils extends Serializable {
if (persistentIdentifiers.isEmpty)
return null
- if (r.isInstanceOf[Publication])
- s.setTypology(Typology.publication)
- else
- s.setTypology(Typology.dataset)
+ s.setTypology(r.getResulttype.getClassid)
diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/create_scholix_dump_params.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/create_scholix_dump_params.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fead58ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/create_scholix_dump_params.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ {"paramName":"mt", "paramLongName":"master", "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", "paramRequired": true},
+ {"paramName":"s", "paramLongName":"sourcePath", "paramDescription": "the source Path", "paramRequired": true},
+ {"paramName":"t", "paramLongName":"targetPath", "paramDescription": "the path of the scholix dump", "paramRequired": true}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/relation/relations.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/relation/relations.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f0cee53d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/relation/relations.json
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ "cites":{
+ "original":"Cites",
+ "inverse":"IsCitedBy"
+ },
+ "compiles":{
+ "original":"Compiles",
+ "inverse":"IsCompiledBy"
+ },
+ "continues":{
+ "original":"Continues",
+ "inverse":"IsContinuedBy"
+ },
+ "derives":{
+ "original":"IsSourceOf",
+ "inverse":"IsDerivedFrom"
+ },
+ "describes":{
+ "original":"Describes",
+ "inverse":"IsDescribedBy"
+ },
+ "documents":{
+ "original":"Documents",
+ "inverse":"IsDocumentedBy"
+ },
+ "hasmetadata":{
+ "original":"HasMetadata",
+ "inverse":"IsMetadataOf"
+ },
+ "hasassociationwith":{
+ "original":"HasAssociationWith",
+ "inverse":"HasAssociationWith"
+ },
+ "haspart":{
+ "original":"HasPart",
+ "inverse":"IsPartOf"
+ },
+ "hasversion":{
+ "original":"HasVersion",
+ "inverse":"IsVersionOf"
+ },
+ "iscitedby":{
+ "original":"IsCitedBy",
+ "inverse":"Cites"
+ },
+ "iscompiledby":{
+ "original":"IsCompiledBy",
+ "inverse":"Compiles"
+ },
+ "iscontinuedby":{
+ "original":"IsContinuedBy",
+ "inverse":"Continues"
+ },
+ "isderivedfrom":{
+ "original":"IsDerivedFrom",
+ "inverse":"IsSourceOf"
+ },
+ "isdescribedby":{
+ "original":"IsDescribedBy",
+ "inverse":"Describes"
+ },
+ "isdocumentedby":{
+ "original":"IsDocumentedBy",
+ "inverse":"Documents"
+ },
+ "isidenticalto":{
+ "original":"IsIdenticalTo",
+ "inverse":"IsIdenticalTo"
+ },
+ "ismetadatafor":{
+ "original":"IsMetadataFor",
+ "inverse":"IsMetadataOf"
+ },
+ "ismetadataof":{
+ "original":"IsMetadataOf",
+ "inverse":"IsMetadataFor"
+ },
+ "isnewversionof":{
+ "original":"IsNewVersionOf",
+ "inverse":"IsPreviousVersionOf"
+ },
+ "isobsoletedby":{
+ "original":"IsObsoletedBy",
+ "inverse":"Obsoletes"
+ },
+ "isoriginalformof":{
+ "original":"IsOriginalFormOf",
+ "inverse":"IsVariantFormOf"
+ },
+ "ispartof":{
+ "original":"IsPartOf",
+ "inverse":"HasPart"
+ },
+ "ispreviousversionof":{
+ "original":"IsPreviousVersionOf",
+ "inverse":"IsNewVersionOf"
+ },
+ "isreferencedby":{
+ "original":"IsReferencedBy",
+ "inverse":"References"
+ },
+ "isrelatedto":{
+ "original":"IsRelatedTo",
+ "inverse":"IsRelatedTo"
+ },
+ "isrequiredby":{
+ "original":"IsRequiredBy",
+ "inverse":"Requires"
+ },
+ "isreviewedby":{
+ "original":"IsReviewedBy",
+ "inverse":"Reviews"
+ },
+ "issourceof":{
+ "original":"IsSourceOf",
+ "inverse":"IsDerivedFrom"
+ },
+ "issupplementedby":{
+ "original":"IsSupplementedBy",
+ "inverse":"IsSupplementTo"
+ },
+ "issupplementto":{
+ "original":"IsSupplementTo",
+ "inverse":"IsSupplementedBy"
+ },
+ "isvariantformof":{
+ "original":"IsVariantFormOf",
+ "inverse":"IsOriginalFormOf"
+ },
+ "isversionof":{
+ "original":"IsVersionOf",
+ "inverse":"HasVersion"
+ },
+ "obsoletes":{
+ "original":"Obsoletes",
+ "inverse":"IsObsoletedBy"
+ },
+ "references":{
+ "original":"References",
+ "inverse":"IsReferencedBy"
+ },
+ "requires":{
+ "original":"Requires",
+ "inverse":"IsRequiredBy"
+ },
+ "related":{
+ "original":"IsRelatedTo",
+ "inverse":"IsRelatedTo"
+ },
+ "reviews":{
+ "original":"Reviews",
+ "inverse":"IsReviewedBy"
+ },
+ "unknown":{
+ "original":"Unknown",
+ "inverse":"Unknown"
+ },
+ "isamongtopnsimilardocuments": {
+ "original": "IsAmongTopNSimilarDocuments",
+ "inverse": "HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments"
+ },
+ "hasamongtopnsimilardocuments": {
+ "original": "HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments",
+ "inverse": "IsAmongTopNSimilarDocuments"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ScholexplorerUtils.scala b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ScholexplorerUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95564d523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ScholexplorerUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph
+import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.{KeyValue, Result, StructuredProperty}
+import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.sx.scholix.{
+ Scholix,
+ ScholixCollectedFrom,
+ ScholixEntityId,
+ ScholixIdentifier,
+ ScholixRelationship,
+ ScholixResource
+import org.json4s
+import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
+import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.io.Source
+case class RelationInfo(
+ source: String,
+ target: String,
+ relclass: String,
+ id: String,
+ collectedfrom: Seq[RelKeyValue]
+) {}
+case class RelKeyValue(key: String, value: String) {}
+object ScholexplorerUtils {
+ val OPENAIRE_IDENTIFIER_SCHEMA: String = "OpenAIRE Identifier"
+ case class RelationVocabulary(original: String, inverse: String) {}
+ val relations: Map[String, RelationVocabulary] = {
+ val input = Source
+ .fromInputStream(
+ getClass.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/relation/relations.json")
+ )
+ .mkString
+ implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
+ lazy val json: json4s.JValue = parse(input)
+ json.extract[Map[String, RelationVocabulary]]
+ }
+ def invRel(rel: String): String = {
+ val semanticRelation = relations.getOrElse(rel.toLowerCase, null)
+ if (semanticRelation != null)
+ semanticRelation.inverse
+ else
+ null
+ }
+ def generateDatasourceOpenAIREURLS(id: String): String = {
+ if (id != null && id.length > 12)
+ s"https://explore.openaire.eu/search/dataprovider?datasourceId=${id.substring(3)}"
+ else
+ null
+ }
+ def findURLForPID(
+ pidValue: List[StructuredProperty],
+ urls: List[String]
+ ): List[(StructuredProperty, String)] = {
+ pidValue.map { p =>
+ val pv = p.getValue
+ val r = urls.find(u => u.toLowerCase.contains(pv.toLowerCase))
+ (p, r.orNull)
+ }
+ }
+ def extractTypedIdentifierFromInstance(r: Result): List[ScholixIdentifier] = {
+ if (r.getInstance() == null || r.getInstance().isEmpty)
+ return List()
+ r.getInstance()
+ .asScala
+ .filter(i => i.getUrl != null && !i.getUrl.isEmpty)
+ .filter(i => i.getPid != null && i.getUrl != null)
+ .flatMap(i => findURLForPID(i.getPid.asScala.toList, i.getUrl.asScala.toList))
+ .map(i => new ScholixIdentifier(i._1.getValue, i._1.getQualifier.getClassid, i._2))
+ .distinct
+ .toList
+ }
+ def generateScholixResourceFromResult(result: Result): ScholixResource = {
+ if (result.getInstance() == null || result.getInstance().size() == 0)
+ return null
+ if (result.getPid == null || result.getPid.isEmpty)
+ return null
+ val r = new ScholixResource
+ r.setDnetIdentifier(result.getId)
+ val persistentIdentifiers: List[ScholixIdentifier] = extractTypedIdentifierFromInstance(result)
+ if (persistentIdentifiers.isEmpty)
+ return null
+ r.setIdentifier(persistentIdentifiers.asJava)
+ r.setObjectType(result.getResulttype.getClassid)
+ r.setObjectSubType(
+ result
+ .getInstance()
+ .asScala
+ .filter(i => i != null && i.getInstancetype != null)
+ .map(i => i.getInstancetype.getClassname)
+ .distinct
+ .head
+ )
+ if (result.getTitle != null && result.getTitle.asScala.nonEmpty) {
+ val titles: List[String] = result.getTitle.asScala.map(t => t.getValue).toList
+ if (titles.nonEmpty)
+ r.setTitle(titles.head)
+ else
+ return null
+ }
+ if (result.getAuthor != null && !result.getAuthor.isEmpty) {
+ val authors: List[ScholixEntityId] =
+ result.getAuthor.asScala
+ .map(a => {
+ val entity = new ScholixEntityId()
+ entity.setName(a.getFullname)
+ if (a.getPid != null && a.getPid.size() > 0)
+ entity.setIdentifiers(
+ a.getPid.asScala
+ .map(sp => {
+ val id = new ScholixIdentifier()
+ id.setIdentifier(sp.getValue)
+ id.setSchema(sp.getQualifier.getClassid)
+ id
+ })
+ .take(3)
+ .toList
+ .asJava
+ )
+ entity
+ })
+ .toList
+ if (authors.nonEmpty)
+ r.setCreator(authors.asJava)
+ }
+ val dt: List[String] = result
+ .getInstance()
+ .asScala
+ .filter(i => i.getDateofacceptance != null)
+ .map(i => i.getDateofacceptance.getValue)
+ .toList
+ if (dt.nonEmpty)
+ r.setPublicationDate(dt.distinct.head)
+ r.setPublisher(
+ result
+ .getInstance()
+ .asScala
+ .map(i => i.getHostedby)
+ .filter(h => !"unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(h.getValue))
+ .map(h => {
+ val eid = new ScholixEntityId()
+ eid.setName(h.getValue)
+ val id = new ScholixIdentifier()
+ id.setIdentifier(h.getKey)
+ id.setUrl(generateDatasourceOpenAIREURLS(h.getKey))
+ eid.setIdentifiers(List(id).asJava)
+ eid
+ })
+ .distinct
+ .asJava
+ )
+ r.setCollectedFrom(
+ result.getCollectedfrom.asScala
+ .map(cf => {
+ val scf = new ScholixCollectedFrom()
+ scf.setProvisionMode("collected")
+ scf.setCompletionStatus("complete")
+ val eid = new ScholixEntityId()
+ eid.setName(cf.getValue)
+ val id = new ScholixIdentifier()
+ id.setIdentifier(cf.getKey)
+ id.setUrl(generateDatasourceOpenAIREURLS(cf.getKey))
+ eid.setIdentifiers(List(id).asJava)
+ scf.setProvider(eid)
+ scf
+ })
+ .asJava
+ )
+ r
+ }
+ def generateScholix(relation: RelationInfo, source: ScholixResource): Scholix = {
+ val s: Scholix = new Scholix
+ s.setSource(source)
+ if (relation.collectedfrom != null && relation.collectedfrom.nonEmpty)
+ s.setLinkprovider(
+ relation.collectedfrom
+ .map(cf => {
+ val eid = new ScholixEntityId()
+ eid.setName(cf.value)
+ val id = new ScholixIdentifier()
+ id.setIdentifier(cf.key)
+ id.setUrl(generateDatasourceOpenAIREURLS(cf.key))
+ eid.setIdentifiers(List(id).asJava)
+ eid
+ })
+ .toList
+ .asJava
+ )
+ else {
+ val eid = new ScholixEntityId()
+ eid.setName("OpenAIRE")
+ val id = new ScholixIdentifier()
+ id.setIdentifier("10|infrastruct_::f66f1bd369679b5b077dcdf006089556")
+ id.setUrl(generateDatasourceOpenAIREURLS(id.getIdentifier))
+ eid.setIdentifiers(List(id).asJava)
+ s.setLinkprovider(List(eid).asJava)
+ }
+ s.setIdentifier(relation.id)
+ val semanticRelation = relations.getOrElse(relation.relclass.toLowerCase, null)
+ if (semanticRelation == null)
+ return null
+ s.setRelationship(
+ new ScholixRelationship(semanticRelation.original, "datacite", semanticRelation.inverse)
+ )
+ s.setPublicationDate(source.getPublicationDate)
+ s.setPublisher(source.getPublisher)
+ val mockTarget = new ScholixResource
+ mockTarget.setDnetIdentifier(relation.target)
+ s.setTarget(mockTarget)
+ s
+ }
+ def updateTarget(s: Scholix, t: ScholixResource): Scholix = {
+ s.setTarget(t)
+ val spublishers: Seq[ScholixEntityId] =
+ if (s.getPublisher != null && !s.getPublisher.isEmpty) s.getPublisher.asScala else List()
+ val tpublishers: Seq[ScholixEntityId] =
+ if (t.getPublisher != null && !t.getPublisher.isEmpty) t.getPublisher.asScala else List()
+ val mergedPublishers = spublishers.union(tpublishers).distinct.take(10).toList
+ s.setPublisher(mergedPublishers.asJava)
+ s
+ }
diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkCreateScholexplorerDump.scala b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkCreateScholexplorerDump.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9334fc6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkCreateScholexplorerDump.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph
+import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.AbstractScalaApplication
+import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.{
+ KeyValue,
+ OtherResearchProduct,
+ Publication,
+ Relation,
+ Result,
+ Software,
+ Dataset => OafDataset
+import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.sx.scholix.{Scholix, ScholixResource}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, concat, expr, md5}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
+import org.apache.spark.sql._
+import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
+class SparkCreateScholexplorerDump(propertyPath: String, args: Array[String], log: Logger)
+ extends AbstractScalaApplication(propertyPath, args, log: Logger) {
+ /** Here all the spark applications runs this method
+ * where the whole logic of the spark node is defined
+ */
+ override def run(): Unit = {
+ val sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath")
+ log.info("sourcePath: {}", sourcePath)
+ val targetPath = parser.get("targetPath")
+ log.info("targetPath: {}", targetPath)
+ generateBidirectionalRelations(sourcePath, targetPath, spark)
+ generateScholixResource(sourcePath, targetPath, spark)
+ generateScholix(targetPath, spark)
+ }
+ def generateScholixResource(inputPath: String, outputPath: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
+ val entityMap: Map[String, StructType] = Map(
+ "publication" -> Encoders.bean(classOf[Publication]).schema,
+ "dataset" -> Encoders.bean(classOf[OafDataset]).schema,
+ "software" -> Encoders.bean(classOf[Software]).schema,
+ "otherresearchproduct" -> Encoders.bean(classOf[OtherResearchProduct]).schema
+ )
+ implicit val scholixResourceEncoder: Encoder[ScholixResource] = Encoders.bean(classOf[ScholixResource])
+ implicit val resultEncoder: Encoder[Result] = Encoders.bean(classOf[Result])
+ val resDs = spark.emptyDataset[ScholixResource]
+ val scholixResourceDS = entityMap.foldLeft[Dataset[ScholixResource]](resDs)((res, item) => {
+ println(s"adding ${item._1}")
+ res.union(
+ spark.read
+ .schema(item._2)
+ .json(s"$inputPath/${item._1}")
+ .as[Result]
+ .map(r => ScholexplorerUtils.generateScholixResourceFromResult(r))
+ .filter(s => s != null)
+ )
+ })
+ scholixResourceDS.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(s"$outputPath/resource")
+ }
+ def generateBidirectionalRelations(inputPath: String, otuputPath: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
+ val relSchema = Encoders.bean(classOf[Relation]).schema
+ val relDF = spark.read
+ .schema(relSchema)
+ .json(s"$inputPath/relation")
+ .where(
+ "datainfo.deletedbyinference is false and source like '50%' and target like '50%' " +
+ "and relClass <> 'merges' and relClass <> 'isMergedIn'"
+ )
+ .select("source", "target", "collectedfrom", "relClass")
+ def invRel: String => String = { s =>
+ ScholexplorerUtils.invRel(s)
+ }
+ import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
+ val inverseRelationUDF = udf(invRel)
+ val inverseRelation = relDF.select(
+ col("target").alias("source"),
+ col("source").alias("target"),
+ col("collectedfrom"),
+ inverseRelationUDF(col("relClass")).alias("relClass")
+ )
+ val bidRel = inverseRelation
+ .union(relDF)
+ .withColumn("id", md5(concat(col("source"), col("relClass"), col("target"))))
+ .withColumn("cf", expr("transform(collectedfrom, x -> struct(x.key, x.value))"))
+ .drop("collectedfrom")
+ .withColumnRenamed("cf", "collectedfrom")
+ .distinct()
+ bidRel.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(s"$otuputPath/relation")
+ }
+ def generateScholix(outputPath: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
+ implicit val scholixResourceEncoder: Encoder[ScholixResource] = Encoders.bean(classOf[ScholixResource])
+ implicit val scholixEncoder: Encoder[Scholix] = Encoders.bean(classOf[Scholix])
+ import spark.implicits._
+ val relations = spark.read.load(s"$outputPath/relation").as[RelationInfo]
+ val resource = spark.read.load(s"$outputPath/resource").as[ScholixResource]
+ val scholix_one_verse = relations
+ .joinWith(resource, relations("source") === resource("dnetIdentifier"), "inner")
+ .map(res => ScholexplorerUtils.generateScholix(res._1, res._2))
+ scholix_one_verse
+ .joinWith(resource, scholix_one_verse("target.dnetIdentifier") === resource("dnetIdentifier"), "inner")
+ .map(k => ScholexplorerUtils.updateTarget(k._1, k._2))
+ .write
+ .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite)
+ .option("compression", "gzip")
+ .json(s"$outputPath/scholix")
+ }
+object SparkCreateScholexplorerDump {
+ val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkCreateScholexplorerDump.getClass)
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ new SparkCreateScholexplorerDump(
+ log = logger,
+ args = args,
+ propertyPath = "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/create_scholix_dump_params.json"
+ ).initialize().run()
+ }
diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/scholix/ScholixGenerationTest.scala b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/scholix/ScholixGenerationTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a2872cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/scala/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/scholix/ScholixGenerationTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.scholix
+import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.SparkCreateScholexplorerDump
+import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
+class ScholixGenerationTest {
+ @Test
+ def generateScholix(): Unit = {
+ val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").getOrCreate()
+ val app = new SparkCreateScholexplorerDump(null, null, null)
+// app.generateScholixResource("/home/sandro/Downloads/scholix_sample/", "/home/sandro/Downloads/scholix/", spark)
+// app.generateBidirectionalRelations("/home/sandro/Downloads/scholix_sample/", "/home/sandro/Downloads/scholix/", spark)
+ app.generateScholix("/home/sandro/Downloads/scholix/", spark)
+ }
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index d3db1d3d4..9f6f1f2a9 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@
- [6.1.1]
+ [6.1.2-SNAPSHOT]