
829 lines
30 KiB

* This software is part of the gCube Project.
* Site: http://www.gcube-system.org/
* The gCube/gCore software is licensed as Free Open Source software
* conveying to the EUPL (http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl).
* The software and documentation is provided by its authors/distributors
* "as is" and no expressed or
* implied warranty is given for its use, quality or fitness for a
* particular case.
* Filename: ISClientRequester.java
* @author <a href="mailto:daniele.strollo@isti.cnr.it">Daniele Strollo</a>
package org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.server.gcube;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Templates;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GHNContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.ISClient;
import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.QueryParameter;
import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.XMLResult;
import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.XMLResult.ISResultEvaluationException;
import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.queries.GCUBEGenericQuery;
import org.gcube.common.core.scope.GCUBEScope;
import org.gcube.common.core.utils.logging.GCUBEClientLog;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.client.views.ResourceTypeDecorator;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.server.gcube.queries.QueryLoader;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.server.gcube.queries.QueryLocation;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.server.managers.scope.ScopeManager;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.server.utils.ServerConsole;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.shared.plugins.GenericResourcePlugin;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.shared.plugins.TMPluginFormField;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.shared.types.Tuple;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.shared.types.datamodel.CompleteResourceProfile;
import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.support.shared.types.datamodel.ResourceDescriptor;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* All the requests to the IS are implemented here.
* @author Massimiliano Assante (ISTI-CNR)
* @author Daniele Strollo
public class ISClientRequester {
static GCUBEClientLog _log = new GCUBEClientLog(ISClientRequester.class);
private static final ISQueryCache CACHE = new ISQueryCache();
private static final String LOG_PREFIX = "[ISCLIENT-REQS]";
public static void emptyCache() {
private static final List<String> getResourceTypes(
final CacheManager status,
final GCUBEScope queryScope)
throws Exception {
List<XMLResult> results = null;
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
// Handles the cache
ISQueryCacheKeyT cacheKey = new ISQueryCacheKeyT(queryScope.toString(),
if (status.isUsingCache() && CACHE.contains(cacheKey) && CACHE.get(cacheKey) != null) {
results = CACHE.get(cacheKey);
} else {
try {
results = client.execute(isQuery, queryScope);
if (status.isUsingCache()) {
CACHE.insert(cacheKey, results);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) {
return null;
String type = null;
List<String> types = new Vector<String>();
try {
for (XMLResult elem : results) {
type = elem.evaluate("/type/text()").get(0);
if (type != null && type.trim().length() > 0) {
//**** CHANGES TO KNOW IF VIEWS AND GCUBECollection are present
isQuery.setExpression("declare namespace vm = 'http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/contentmanagement/viewmanager';"+
"declare namespace gc = 'http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/common/core/porttypes/GCUBEProvider';"+
"declare namespace is = 'http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/informationsystem/registry';" +
"for $data in collection(\"/db/Properties\")//Document, $view in $data/Data where $view/gc:ServiceName/string() eq \"ViewManager\" " +
" and $view/gc:ServiceClass/string() eq \"ContentManagement\" and count($view//vm:View)>0 return <a>true</a>");
if (client.execute(isQuery, queryScope).size() > 0)
isQuery.setExpression("declare namespace gc = 'http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/common/core/porttypes/GCUBEProvider';"+
"declare namespace is = 'http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/informationsystem/registry';" +
"for $data in collection(\"/db/Profiles/GenericResource\")//Document/Data/is:Profile/Resource where $data/Profile/SecondaryType eq \"GCUBECollection\" " +
" return <a>true</a>");
if (client.execute(isQuery, queryScope).size() > 0)
} catch (ISResultEvaluationException e) {
_log.error("error during getResourcesTypes");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// ignore exception
return types;
private static final List<String> getResourceSubTypes(
final CacheManager status,
final GCUBEScope queryScope,
final String resourceType)
throws Exception {
List<String> subtypes = new Vector<String>();
if (resourceType.equals("Collection")) {
return subtypes;
if (resourceType.equals("VIEW")) {
subtypes.add("Not supported");
return subtypes;
List<XMLResult> results = null;
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
isQuery.addParameters(new QueryParameter("RES_TYPE", resourceType));
// Handles the cache
ISQueryCacheKeyT cacheKey = new ISQueryCacheKeyT(queryScope.toString(),
if (status.isUsingCache() && CACHE.contains(cacheKey) && CACHE.get(cacheKey) != null) {
results = CACHE.get(cacheKey);
} else {
try {
results = client.execute(isQuery, queryScope);
if (status.isUsingCache()) {
CACHE.insert(cacheKey, results);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) {
return null;
String subtype = null;
for (XMLResult elem : results) {
try {
subtype = elem.evaluate("/subtype/text()").get(0);
if (subtype != null && subtype.trim().length() > 0) {
} catch (ISResultEvaluationException e) {
_log.error("error during getResourcesTypes");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// ignore exception
return subtypes;
* For all the resource in the scope retrieves their
* (type, subtype) values.
* The result is a list of couples of that form.
* @return a list of string tuples (type, subtype)
* @throws Exception
public static final Map<String, List<String>> getResourcesTree( //qui si perde
final CacheManager status,
final GCUBEScope queryScope)
throws Exception {
Map<String, List<String>> retval = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// Loads the Resources
List<String> types = getResourceTypes(status, queryScope);
List<String> subtypes = null;
for (String type : types) {
try {
subtypes = getResourceSubTypes(status, queryScope, type);
if (subtypes != null && subtypes.size() > 0) {
retval.put(type, subtypes);
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.error(LOG_PREFIX, e);
// Loads the WSResources
// This types is statically handled since it is a particular
// case of resource.
List<XMLResult> results = null;
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
results = client.execute(isQuery, queryScope);
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) {
return retval;
subtypes = new Vector<String>();
for (XMLResult elem : results) {
retval.put("WSResource", subtypes);
return retval;
public static final List<String> getRelatedResources(
final CacheManager status,
final String type,
final String id,
final GCUBEScope queryScope)
throws Exception {
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
QueryLocation queryPath = null;
try {
queryPath = QueryLocation.valueOf("LIST_RELATED_" + type);
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.error(LOG_PREFIX, "Getting the resource query.", e);
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
isQuery.addParameters(new QueryParameter("RES_ID", id.trim()));
ISQueryCacheKeyT cacheKey = new ISQueryCacheKeyT(queryScope.toString(),
List<XMLResult> results = null;
// Handle cache
if (status.isUsingCache() && CACHE.contains(cacheKey) && CACHE.get(cacheKey) != null) {
results = CACHE.get(cacheKey);
} else {
results = client.execute(isQuery, queryScope);
if (status.isUsingCache()) {
CACHE.insert(cacheKey, results);
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) {
return null;
// ENDOF Handle cache
List<String> retval = new Vector<String>();
for (XMLResult elem : results) {
// Removes the resources with no ID or empty
try {
String toAdd = elem.toString();
if (toAdd != null) {
toAdd = toAdd.replace("<Resources>", "");
toAdd = toAdd.replace("</Resources>", "");
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.debug(LOG_PREFIX, "[getResourcesRelated] found and invalid resource");
ServerConsole.trace(LOG_PREFIX, "Retrieved (" + retval.size() + ") ServiceDetails for type: " + type);
return retval;
public static final List<String> getResourcesByType(
final CacheManager status,
final GCUBEScope queryScope,
final String type,
final String subType)
throws Exception {
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
QueryLocation queryPath = null;
try {
if (type.equals(ResourceTypeDecorator.WSResource.name())) {
queryPath = QueryLocation.GET_WSRES_DETAILS_BYSUBTYPE;
} else {
queryPath = QueryLocation.valueOf("LIST_" + type);
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.error(LOG_PREFIX, "Getting the resource query.", e);
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
if (type.equals(ResourceTypeDecorator.WSResource.name())) {
if (subType != null && subType.length() > 0) {
isQuery.addParameters(new QueryParameter("RES_SUBTYPE",
} else {
if (subType != null && subType.length() > 0) {
if (subType.equalsIgnoreCase("User") || subType.equalsIgnoreCase("System")) {
isQuery.addParameters(new QueryParameter("RES_SUBTYPE", " and $profiles/Profile/Body/CollectionInfo/user/text() = \"" + ((subType.trim().equals("User")) ? "true" : "false") + "\""));
isQuery.addParameters(new QueryParameter("RES_SUBTYPE", "where $subtype = \"" + subType.trim() + "\""));
ISQueryCacheKeyT cacheKey = new ISQueryCacheKeyT(queryScope.toString(),
List<XMLResult> results = null;
ServerConsole.debug(LOG_PREFIX, "XQUERYY:\n"+isQuery.getExpression());
if (status.isUsingCache() && CACHE.contains(cacheKey) && CACHE.get(cacheKey) != null) {
results = CACHE.get(cacheKey);
} else {
results = client.execute(isQuery, queryScope);
if (status.isUsingCache()) {
CACHE.insert(cacheKey, results);
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) {
return null;
List<String> retval = new Vector<String>();
for (XMLResult elem : results) {
// Removes the resources with no ID or empty
try {
if (elem.evaluate("//ID").get(0) != null && elem.evaluate("//ID").get(0).trim().length() > 0) {
//ServerConsole.debug("", elem.toString());// Print the result
} else {
ServerConsole.debug(LOG_PREFIX, "*** Found an invalid element with no ID");
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.debug(LOG_PREFIX, "[getResourcesByType] found a resource with empty ID");
ServerConsole.trace(LOG_PREFIX, "Retrieved (" + retval.size() + ") ServiceDetails for type: " + type);
return retval;
public static final List<ResourceDescriptor> getResourceModels(
final GCUBEScope queryScope,
final String type,
final String subType,
final List<Tuple<String>> additionalMaps)
throws Exception {
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
if (subType != null && subType.trim().length() > 0) {
new QueryParameter("RES_TYPE", type)
new QueryParameter("RES_SUBTYPE", subType)
} else {
new QueryParameter("RES_TYPE", type)
List<XMLResult> results = client.execute(isQuery, queryScope);
List<ResourceDescriptor> retval = new Vector<ResourceDescriptor>();
ResourceDescriptor toAdd = null;
for (XMLResult elem : results) {
// Removes the resources with no ID or empty
try {
if (elem.evaluate("//ID").get(0) != null) {
toAdd = new ResourceDescriptor(
// Additional mappings can be defined by the requester.
// e.g. new Tuple("description", "//Profile/Description/text()");
if (additionalMaps != null && additionalMaps.size() > 0) {
for (Tuple<String> map : additionalMaps) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.debug(LOG_PREFIX, "[getResourcesByType] found a resource with empty ID");
ServerConsole.trace(LOG_PREFIX, "Retrieved (" + retval.size() + ") ServiceDetails for type: " + type);
return retval;
public static final List<String> getWSResources(
final GCUBEScope queryScope)
throws Exception {
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
List<XMLResult> results = client.execute(isQuery, queryScope);
List<String> retval = new Vector<String>();
for (XMLResult elem : results) {
ServerConsole.trace(LOG_PREFIX, "Retrieved (" + retval.size() + ") ServiceDetails for type: " + ResourceTypeDecorator.WSResource.name());
return retval;
public static final CompleteResourceProfile getResourceByID(
final String xmlFilePath,
final GCUBEScope queryScope,
final String resType,
final String resID)
throws Exception {
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
if (resType == null) {
new QueryParameter("RES_ID", resID)
} else if (resType.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.WSResource.name())) {
new QueryParameter("RES_ID", resID)
} else {
new QueryParameter("RES_ID", resID),
new QueryParameter("RES_TYPE", resType)
List<XMLResult> results = client.execute(isQuery, queryScope);
List<String> retval = new Vector<String>();
ServerConsole.trace(LOG_PREFIX, "Retrieved (" + retval.size() + ") Resource for ID: " + resID);
if (results != null && results.size() > 0) {
String type = null;
if (resType == null) {
try {
type = results.get(0).evaluate("/Resource/Type/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.error(LOG_PREFIX, e);
} else {
type = resType;
String xmlRepresentation = results.get(0).toString();
String htmlRepresentation = XML2HTML(xmlRepresentation, xmlFilePath);
return new CompleteResourceProfile(resID, ResourceTypeDecorator.valueOf(type), getResourceName(type, resID, results.get(0)), xmlRepresentation, htmlRepresentation);
return null;
public static Map<String, GenericResourcePlugin> getGenericResourcePlugins(final GCUBEScope scope) throws Exception {
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
List<XMLResult> results = client.execute(isQuery, scope);
Map<String, GenericResourcePlugin> retval = new HashMap<String, GenericResourcePlugin>();
gonext: for (XMLResult plugin : results) {
try {
for (String entry : plugin.evaluate("/CMPlugins/Plugin/Entry")) {
Document doc = ScopeManager.getDocumentGivenXML(entry);
String name = doc.getElementsByTagName("name").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: *** name " + name);
String pluginType = doc.getElementsByTagName("Type").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: *** type " + pluginType);
String description = doc.getElementsByTagName("description").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: *** description " + description);
String namespace = null;
try {
namespace = doc.getElementsByTagName("namespace").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: *** namespace " + namespace);
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.warn(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] namespace not found");
GenericResourcePlugin toAdd = new GenericResourcePlugin(name, namespace, description, pluginType);
NodeList params = doc.getElementsByTagName("param");
for (int i = 0; i < params.getLength(); i++) {
NodeList paramTree = params.item(i).getChildNodes();
String paramName = null;
String paramDefinition = null;
for (int j = 0; j < paramTree.getLength(); j++) {
if (paramTree.item(j).getNodeName().equals("param-name")) {
paramName = paramTree.item(j).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
if (paramTree.item(j).getNodeName().equals("param-definition")) {
paramDefinition = paramTree.item(j).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: param " + paramName);
GenericResourcePlugin.Field paramField = new GenericResourcePlugin.Field(paramName, GenericResourcePlugin.FieldType.string);
if (paramDefinition != null) {
StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer(paramDefinition, ";");
while (parser.hasMoreTokens()) {
try {
String currElem = parser.nextToken();
String key = currElem.substring(0, currElem.indexOf("="));
String value = currElem.substring(currElem.indexOf("=") + 1, currElem.length()).trim();
if (key.equals("type")) {
if (key.equals("opt")) {
if (key.equals("label")) {
if (value.startsWith("'")) {
value = value.substring(1, value.length());
if (value.endsWith("'")) {
value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
if (key.equals("default")) {
if (value.startsWith("'")) {
value = value.substring(1, value.length());
if (value.endsWith("'")) {
value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
// parsing error - not well formed string
retval.put(name + "::" + pluginType, toAdd);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
continue gonext;
return retval;
* get the plugins for tree manager
* @param scope
* @return a map containing the plugin name as key and a List of formfield
* @throws Exception
public static HashMap<String, ArrayList<TMPluginFormField>> getGenericResourceTreeManagerPlugins(final GCUBEScope scope) throws Exception {
ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class);
GCUBEGenericQuery isQuery = null;
isQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);
List<XMLResult> results = client.execute(isQuery, scope);
HashMap<String, ArrayList<TMPluginFormField>> retval = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<TMPluginFormField>>();
gonext: for (XMLResult plugin : results) {
try {
for (String entry : plugin.evaluate("/TMPlugins/Plugin/Entry")) {
Document doc = ScopeManager.getDocumentGivenXML(entry);
String name = doc.getElementsByTagName("name").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: *** name " + name);
String pluginType = doc.getElementsByTagName("Type").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: *** type " + pluginType);
String description = doc.getElementsByTagName("description").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: *** description " + description);
String namespace = null;
try {
namespace = doc.getElementsByTagName("namespace").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
ServerConsole.info(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] found: *** namespace " + namespace);
} catch (Exception e) {
ServerConsole.warn(LOG_PREFIX, "[LOAD-PLUGIN] namespace not found");
NodeList params = doc.getElementsByTagName("param");
ArrayList<TMPluginFormField> formFields = new ArrayList<TMPluginFormField>();
for (int i = 0; i < params.getLength(); i++) {
NodeList paramTree = params.item(i).getChildNodes();
String paramName = null;
String xmlToParse = null;
boolean foundSample = false;
for (int j = 0; j < paramTree.getLength(); j++) {
if (paramTree.item(j).getNodeName().equals("param-name")) {
paramName = paramTree.item(j).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
if (paramName.compareTo("requestSample") == 0) {
foundSample = true;
if (paramTree.item(j).getNodeName().equals("param-definition") && foundSample) {
xmlToParse = paramTree.item(j).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
xmlToParse = xmlToParse.replaceAll("&lt;", "<");
xmlToParse = xmlToParse.replaceAll("&gt;", "<");
System.out.println("toParse:" + xmlToParse);
foundSample = false;
formFields = getPluginFormFromXml(xmlToParse);
retval.put(name, formFields);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
continue gonext;
return retval;
* parses the following and return the list to generate the form automatically
* sample
* <speciesRequest>
* <name>Parachela collection</name>
* <description>Parachela collection from Itis</description>
* <scientificNames repeatable="true">Parachela</scientificNames>
* <datasources repeatable="true">ITIS</datasources>
* <strictMatch>true</strictMatch>
* <refreshPeriod>5</refreshPeriod>
* <timeUnit>MINUTES</timeUnit>
* </speciesRequest>
* @param xmlToParse
* @return the list
private static ArrayList<TMPluginFormField> getPluginFormFromXml(String xmlToParse) {
ArrayList<TMPluginFormField> toReturn = new ArrayList<TMPluginFormField>();
Document doc = ScopeManager.getDocumentGivenXML(xmlToParse);
Node root = doc.getElementsByTagName("speciesRequest").item(0);
NodeList children = root.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
String label = children.item(i).getNodeName();
String defaultValue = children.item(i).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
boolean repeatable = false;
boolean required = false;
if (children.item(i).hasAttributes()) {
NamedNodeMap attributes = children.item(i).getAttributes();
if (children.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("repeatable") != null)
repeatable = attributes.getNamedItem("repeatable").getNodeValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true");
if (children.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("required") != null)
required = attributes.getNamedItem("required").getNodeValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true");
toReturn.add(new TMPluginFormField(label, defaultValue, required, repeatable));
return toReturn;
* From the ID of a resource retrieves its name. Notice that resource name
* is retrieved according to their type.
* @param type the type of the resource
* @param ID the identifier of the resource
* @param node the XML node from which retrieve the information
* @return
private static String getResourceName(String type, String ID, XMLResult node) {
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.GHN.name())) {
try {
return node.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/GHNDescription/Name/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ID;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.Collection.name())) {
try {
return node.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Name/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ID;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.Service.name())) {
try {
return node.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Name/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ID;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.RunningInstance.name())) {
try {
return node.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/ServiceName/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ID;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.VIEW.name())) {
try {
return node.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Name/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ID;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.RuntimeResource.name())) {
try {
return node.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Name/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ID;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.GenericResource.name())) {
try {
return node.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Name/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ID;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceTypeDecorator.WSResource.name())) {
try {
return node.evaluate("/Document/Data/child::*[local-name()='ServiceName']/text()").get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ID;
return null;
public static String XML2HTML(final String xml, final String xslt)
throws Exception {
TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(xslt);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder();
String currLine = null;
while ((currLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
// a comment
if (currLine.trim().length() > 0 && currLine.trim().startsWith("#")) {
if (currLine.trim().length() == 0) { continue; }
retval.append(currLine + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
StreamSource source = new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(retval.toString().getBytes()));
Templates compiledXSLT = tf.newTemplates(source);
Transformer t = compiledXSLT.newTransformer();
t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "true");
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
t.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml)), new StreamResult(w));
return w.toString();