package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; import; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import; import scala.Tuple2; import java.util.Collection; public class DedupRecordFactory { public static JavaRDD createDedupRecord(final JavaSparkContext sc, final SparkSession spark, final String mergeRelsInputPath, final String entitiesInputPath, final OafEntityType entityType, final DedupConfig dedupConf) { long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); // final JavaPairRDD inputJsonEntities = sc.textFile(entitiesInputPath) .mapToPair((PairFunction) it -> new Tuple2(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(dedupConf.getWf().getIdPath(), it), it) ); //: source is the dedup_id, target is the id of the mergedIn JavaPairRDD mergeRels = spark .read().load(mergeRelsInputPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) .where("relClass=='merges'") .javaRDD() .mapToPair( (PairFunction) r -> new Tuple2(r.getTarget(), r.getSource()) ); // final JavaPairRDD joinResult = mergeRels.join(inputJsonEntities).mapToPair((PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); JavaPairRDD> sortedJoinResult = joinResult.groupByKey(); switch (entityType) { case publication: return -> DedupRecordFactory.publicationMerger(p, ts)); case dataset: return -> DedupRecordFactory.datasetMerger(d, ts)); case project: return -> DedupRecordFactory.projectMerger(p, ts)); case software: return -> DedupRecordFactory.softwareMerger(s, ts)); case datasource: return -> DedupRecordFactory.datasourceMerger(d, ts)); case organization: return -> DedupRecordFactory.organizationMerger(o, ts)); case otherresearchproduct: return -> DedupRecordFactory.otherresearchproductMerger(o, ts)); default: return null; } } private static Publication publicationMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { Publication p = new Publication(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end p.setId(e._1()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); if (e._2() != null) e._2().forEach(pub -> { try { Publication publication = mapper.readValue(pub, Publication.class); p.mergeFrom(publication); p.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(p.getAuthor(), publication.getAuthor())); //add to the list if they are not null if (publication.getDateofacceptance() != null) dateofacceptance.add(publication.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new RuntimeException(exc); } }); p.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); if (p.getDataInfo() == null) p.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); p.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); p.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); return p; } private static Dataset datasetMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { Dataset d = new Dataset(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end d.setId(e._1()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); if (e._2() != null) e._2().forEach(dat -> { try { Dataset dataset = mapper.readValue(dat, Dataset.class); d.mergeFrom(dataset); d.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(d.getAuthor(), dataset.getAuthor())); //add to the list if they are not null if (dataset.getDateofacceptance() != null) dateofacceptance.add(dataset.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new RuntimeException(exc); } }); d.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); if (d.getDataInfo() == null) d.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); d.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); d.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); return d; } private static Project projectMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { Project p = new Project(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end p.setId(e._1()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); if (e._2() != null) e._2().forEach(proj -> { try { Project project = mapper.readValue(proj, Project.class); p.mergeFrom(project); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new RuntimeException(exc); } }); if (p.getDataInfo() == null) p.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); p.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); p.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); return p; } private static Software softwareMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { Software s = new Software(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end s.setId(e._1()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); if (e._2() != null) e._2().forEach(soft -> { try { Software software = mapper.readValue(soft, Software.class); s.mergeFrom(software); s.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(s.getAuthor(), software.getAuthor())); //add to the list if they are not null if (software.getDateofacceptance() != null) dateofacceptance.add(software.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new RuntimeException(exc); } }); s.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); if (s.getDataInfo() == null) s.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); s.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); s.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); return s; } private static Datasource datasourceMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { Datasource d = new Datasource(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end d.setId(e._1()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); if (e._2() != null) e._2().forEach(dat -> { try { Datasource datasource = mapper.readValue(dat, Datasource.class); d.mergeFrom(datasource); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new RuntimeException(exc); } }); if (d.getDataInfo() == null) d.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); d.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); d.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); return d; } private static Organization organizationMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { Organization o = new Organization(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end o.setId(e._1()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); StringBuilder trust = new StringBuilder("0.0"); if (e._2() != null) e._2().forEach(pub -> { try { Organization organization = mapper.readValue(pub, Organization.class); final String currentTrust = organization.getDataInfo().getTrust(); if (!"1.0".equals(currentTrust)) { trust.setLength(0); trust.append(currentTrust); } o.mergeFrom(organization); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new RuntimeException(exc); } }); if (o.getDataInfo() == null) { o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); } if (o.getDataInfo() == null) o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); o.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); o.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); return o; } private static OtherResearchProduct otherresearchproductMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { OtherResearchProduct o = new OtherResearchProduct(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end o.setId(e._1()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); if (e._2() != null) e._2().forEach(orp -> { try { OtherResearchProduct otherResearchProduct = mapper.readValue(orp, OtherResearchProduct.class); o.mergeFrom(otherResearchProduct); o.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(o.getAuthor(), otherResearchProduct.getAuthor())); //add to the list if they are not null if (otherResearchProduct.getDateofacceptance() != null) dateofacceptance.add(otherResearchProduct.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new RuntimeException(exc); } }); if (o.getDataInfo() == null) o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); o.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); o.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); o.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); return o; } }