forked from antonis.lempesis/dnet-hadoop
Added check for empty author list. If crossref is empty, the longest from all the merging providers is taken. If crossref is not empty, crossref is chosen as base for the enrichment
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,100 +5,158 @@ import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.merge.AuthorMerger;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty;
import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.Person;
import scala.Tuple2;
public class DoiBoostAuthorMerger {
private static final Double THRESHOLD = 0.95;
public static List<Author> merge(List<List<Author>> authors) {
public static List<Author> merge(List<List<Author>> authors, Boolean crossref) {
Iterator<List<Author>> it = authors.iterator();
final List<Author> author =;
List<Author> author =;
it.forEachRemaining(autList -> enrichPidFromList(author, autList, THRESHOLD));
while (it.hasNext()){
List<Author> autList =;
Tuple2<List<Author>, Boolean> tmp = mergeAuthor(author, autList, crossref);
author = tmp._1();
crossref = tmp._2();
return author;
public static List<Author> mergeAuthor(final List<Author> crossrefAuthor, final List<Author> otherAuthor,
Double threshold) {
public static Tuple2<List<Author>, Boolean> mergeAuthor(final List<Author> baseAuthor, final List<Author> otherAuthor,
final Boolean crossref) {
enrichPidFromList(crossrefAuthor, otherAuthor, threshold);
return crossrefAuthor;
if(baseAuthor == null || baseAuthor.size() == 0)
return new Tuple2<>(otherAuthor, false);
if(otherAuthor == null || otherAuthor.size() == 0)
return new Tuple2<>(baseAuthor, crossref);
if(crossref) {
enrichPidFromList(baseAuthor, otherAuthor);
return new Tuple2<>(baseAuthor, true);
if (baseAuthor.size() > otherAuthor.size()){
enrichPidFromList(baseAuthor, otherAuthor);
return new Tuple2<>(baseAuthor, false);
enrichPidFromList(otherAuthor, baseAuthor);
return new Tuple2<>(otherAuthor, false);
public static List<Author> mergeAuthor(final List<Author> crossrefAuthor, final List<Author> otherAuthor) {
return mergeAuthor(crossrefAuthor, otherAuthor, THRESHOLD);
private static void enrichPidFromList(List<Author> base, List<Author> enrich, Double threshold) {
private static void enrichPidFromList(List<Author> base, List<Author> enrich) {
if(base == null || enrich == null)
return ;
// <pidComparableString, Author> (if an Author has more than 1 pid, it appears 2 times in the list)
final Map<String, Author> basePidAuthorMap = base
//search authors having identifiers in the enrich list
final List<Author> authorsWithPids = enrich
.filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0)
a -> a
.map(p -> new Tuple2<>(pidToComparableString(p), a)))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Tuple2::_1, Tuple2::_2, (x1, x2) -> x1));
// <pid, Author> (list of pid that are missing in the other list)
final List<Tuple2<StructuredProperty, Author>> pidToEnrich = enrich
.filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0)
a -> a
.filter(p -> !basePidAuthorMap.containsKey(pidToComparableString(p)))
.map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p, a)))
a -> {
Optional<Tuple2<Double, Author>> simAuthor = base
Map<String, AuthorAssoc> assocMap = authorsWithPids
.map(ba -> new Tuple2<>(sim(ba, a._2()), ba))
a -> new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.md5(a.getFullname()), AuthorAssoc.newInstance(a)))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Tuple2::_1, Tuple2::_2, (x1, x2) -> x1));
if (simAuthor.isPresent()) {
double th = threshold;
// increase the threshold if the surname is too short
if (simAuthor.get()._2().getSurname() != null
&& simAuthor.get()._2().getSurname().length() <= 3 && threshold > 0.0)
th = 0.99;
if (simAuthor.get()._1() > th) {
Author r = simAuthor.get()._2();
if (r.getPid() == null) {
r.setPid(new ArrayList<>());
//for each author in the base list, we search the best enriched match
.map(a -> new Tuple2<>(a,
.map(e -> new Tuple2<>(e, sim(a, e))).collect(Collectors.toList())))
.forEach(t2 -> {
for (Tuple2<Author, Double> t : t2._2()) {
String mapEntry = DHPUtils.md5(t._1().getFullname());
AuthorAssoc aa = assocMap.get(mapEntry);
if(aa.getScore() < t._2()){
aa.setTo_be_enriched(new ArrayList<>());
}else if(aa.getScore() == t._2()){
// TERRIBLE HACK but for some reason when we create and Array with Arrays.asList,
// it creates of fixed size, and the add method raise UnsupportedOperationException at
// java.util.AbstractList.add
final List<StructuredProperty> tmp = new ArrayList<>(r.getPid());
assocMap.keySet().forEach(k -> enrichAuthor(assocMap.get(k)));
private static long getCommonWords(List<String> fullEnrich, List<String> fullEnriching){
return w -> fullEnriching.contains(w)).count();
private static void enrichAuthor(Author enrich, Author enriching){
//verify if some of the words in the fullname are contained in the other
//get normalized fullname
long commonWords = getCommonWords(normalize(enrich.getFullname()),
if(commonWords > 0 ){
if(enrich.getPid() == null){
enrich.setPid(new ArrayList<>());
Set<String> aPids = enrich.getPid().stream().map(p -> pidToComparableString(p)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
enriching.getPid().forEach(p -> {
if (!aPids.contains(pidToComparableString(p))){
if (enrich.getAffiliation() == null){
if (enriching.getAffiliation() != null){
//Verify the number of words in common. The one that has more, wins. If the number of words in common are the same we
//enrich no author
private static void enrichAuthor(AuthorAssoc authorAssoc) {
if (authorAssoc.getTo_be_enriched().size() == 1){
enrichAuthor(authorAssoc.getTo_be_enriched().get(0), authorAssoc.getWith_enricheing_content());
long common = 0;
List<Author> selected = new ArrayList<>() ;
for(Author a : authorAssoc.getTo_be_enriched()){
long current_common = getCommonWords(normalize(a.getFullname()),
if (current_common > common){
common = current_common;
selected = new ArrayList<>();
}else if(current_common == common){
if (selected.size() == 1){
enrichAuthor(selected.get(0), authorAssoc.getWith_enricheing_content());
public static String pidToComparableString(StructuredProperty pid) {
return (pid.getQualifier() != null
@ -107,49 +165,21 @@ public class DoiBoostAuthorMerger {
+ (pid.getValue() != null ? pid.getValue().toLowerCase() : "");
public static int countAuthorsPids(List<Author> authors) {
if (authors == null)
return 0;
return (int);
private static int authorsSize(List<Author> authors) {
if (authors == null)
return 0;
return authors.size();
private static Double sim(Author a, Author b) {
final Person pa = parse(a);
final Person pb = parse(b);
// if both are accurate (e.g. they have name and surname)
if (pa.isAccurate() & pb.isAccurate()) {
return new JaroWinkler().score(normalize(pa.getSurnameString()), normalize(pb.getSurnameString())) * 0.5
+ new JaroWinkler().score(normalize(pa.getNameString()), normalize(pb.getNameString())) * 0.5;
} else {
return new JaroWinkler()
.score(normalize(pa.getNormalisedFullname()), normalize(pb.getNormalisedFullname()));
.score(normalizeString(a.getFullname()), normalizeString(b.getFullname()));
private static boolean hasPid(Author a) {
if (a == null || a.getPid() == null || a.getPid().size() == 0)
return false;
return a.getPid().stream().anyMatch(p -> p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue()));
private static String normalizeString(String fullname) {
return String.join(" ", normalize(fullname));
private static Person parse(Author author) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(author.getSurname())) {
return new Person(author.getSurname() + ", " + author.getName(), false);
} else {
return new Person(author.getFullname(), false);
private static String normalize(final String s) {
private static List<String> normalize(final String s) {
String[] normalized = nfd(s)
.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "")
@ -166,7 +196,9 @@ public class DoiBoostAuthorMerger {
return String.join(" ", normalized);
return Arrays.asList(normalized);
private static String nfd(final String s) {
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