# Data model The OpenAIRE Research Graph comprises several types of [entities](./category/entities) and [relationships](./relationships) among them. The latest version of the JSON schema can be found on [Bulk downloads](../download). ![Data mode](./assets/data-model.png) The figure above, presents the graph's data model. Its main entities are described in brief below: * Research Products represent the outcomes of research activities. * Organizations correspond to companies or research institutions involved in projects, responsible for operating data sources or consisting the affiliations of Product creators. * Funders (e.g. EC, Wellcome Trust) are agencies responsible for a list of Funding Streams. * Funding Streams represent investments (funding actions) from Funders (e.g. FP7 or H2020). * Projects are research projects funded by a Funding Stream of a Funder. * Data Sources are the resources used to collect metadata for the graph objects