// @ts-check // Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion const lightCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/github'); const darkCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula'); const math = require('remark-math'); const katex = require('rehype-katex'); const { filterItems } = require('./sidebar-utils'); /** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */ const config = { title: 'OpenAIRE Documentation', tagline: 'Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe', url: 'http://snf-23385.ok-kno.grnetcloud.net', baseUrl: '/', // serve the website at route onBrokenLinks: 'throw', onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn', favicon: 'img/favicon.ico', // GitHub pages deployment config. // If you aren't using GitHub pages, you don't need these. organizationName: 'openaire', // Usually your GitHub org/user name. projectName: 'openaire-graph-docs', // Usually your repo name. // Even if you don't use internalization, you can use this field to set useful // metadata like html lang. For example, if your site is Chinese, you may want // to replace "en" with "zh-Hans". i18n: { defaultLocale: 'en', locales: ['en'], }, presets: [ [ 'classic', /** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').Options} */ ({ docs: { routeBasePath: '/', // serve the docs at the site's route sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'), async sidebarItemsGenerator({ defaultSidebarItemsGenerator, ...args }) { const sidebarItems = await defaultSidebarItemsGenerator(args); const itemsToFilterOut = [ 'data-model/entities/entity-identifiers', 'data-model/entities/other' ]; return filterItems(sidebarItems, itemsToFilterOut); }, // Please change this to your repo. // Remove this to remove the "edit this page" links. // editUrl: // 'https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/tree/main/packages/create-docusaurus/templates/shared/', remarkPlugins: [ math ], rehypePlugins: [ katex ], }, blog: false, // { // showReadingTime: true, // }, theme: { customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'), }, }), ], ], // required for katex styling of equations stylesheets: [ { href: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.13.24/dist/katex.min.css', type: 'text/css', integrity: 'sha384-odtC+0UGzzFL/6PNoE8rX/SPcQDXBJ+uRepguP4QkPCm2LBxH3FA3y+fKSiJ+AmM', crossorigin: 'anonymous', }, ], themeConfig: /** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').ThemeConfig} */ ({ navbar: { // title: 'OpenAIRE Documentation', logo: { alt: 'OpenAIRE', src: 'img/logo.png', }, items: [ { type: 'doc', docId: 'intro', position: 'left', label: 'Research graph', }, // { // type: 'doc', // docId: 'intro', // position: 'left', // label: 'docs', // }, // {to: '/blog', label: 'Blog', position: 'left'}, // { // href: 'https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus', // label: 'GitHub', // position: 'right', // }, ], }, algolia: { // The application ID provided by Algolia appId: 'QMQXA47JBK', // Public API key: it is safe to commit it apiKey: '72d95d6ee477ad827c88faa456ef29b1', indexName: 'OpenAIRE_Graph_Docs', rateLimit: 8, // Optional: see doc section below contextualSearch: true, // Optional: Specify domains where the navigation should occur through window.location instead on history.push. Useful when our Algolia config crawls multiple documentation sites and we want to navigate with window.location.href to them. externalUrlRegex: 'external\\.com|domain\\.com', // Optional: Algolia search parameters searchParameters: {}, // Optional: path for search page that enabled by default (`false` to disable it) searchPagePath: 'search', }, footer: { style: 'dark', links: [ { title: 'Docs', items: [ { label: 'Research Graph', to: '/', }, ], }, { title: 'Dashboards', items: [ { label: 'Explore', href: 'https://explore.openaire.eu/', }, { label: 'Provide', href: 'https://provide.openaire.eu/', }, { label: 'Connect', href: 'https://connect.openaire.eu/', }, { label: 'Monitor', href: 'https://monitor.openaire.eu/', }, { label: 'Develop', href: 'https://graph.openaire.eu/', }, ], }, { title: 'Community', items: [ { label: 'Facebook', href: 'http://www.facebook.com/groups/openaire/' }, { label: 'Linkedin', href: 'https://www.linkedin.com/company/openaire-eu/', }, { label: 'Twitter', href: 'https://twitter.com/OpenAIRE_eu', }, { label: 'Youtube', href: 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChFYqizc-S6asNjQSoWuwjw', }, ], }, ], copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} OpenAIRE`, }, prism: { theme: lightCodeTheme, darkTheme: darkCodeTheme, }, }), }; module.exports = config;