Our versioning policy follows the [Semantic Versioning specification](https://semver.org/).
In our case, given a version `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`, we increment the:
*`MAJOR` version when the data model of the Graph changes
*`MINOR` version when the pipeline (e.g., different deduplication method, different implementation for an enrichment process) or major data sources change
*`PATCH` version when the graph data are updated
## Changelog
This section documents all notable changes for each graph version.
- The scientific products aggregated increased by ~5Mi records (+1.6%)
#### Changed
- A refined version of the deduplication strategy allowed to catch more duplicates among the scientific products, implying
a decrease of their total number of ~3.2Mi (-1.35%). More details about the deduplication algorithm are available [here](graph-production-workflow/deduplication/research-products).
- the scientific products increased by ~3Mi records (+1.26%)
- the number of relations increased by 28.6Mi (+1%)
- the funded contents increased by 5%, from 3.6Mi to 3,8Mi. Funders that recorded the highest increase include, for example, EC with +120K linked research products, and SFI with +1K products.
#### Changed
This graph release also introduces new fields to identify reseach products published using specific open access models, in diamond journals, and those that received public funding. These fields will also be added to the graph dataset in Zenodo. In details:
-`ResearchProduct.isGreen (true, false)`: indicates whether or not the researh product was published following the green open access model;
-`ResearchProduct.openAccesColor (bronze, gold, hybrid)`: indicates the specific open access model used for the publication;
-`ResearchProduct.isInDiamondJournal (true, false)`: indicates whether or not the research product was published in a diamond journal;
-`ResearchProduct.publicly-funded (true, false)`: indicates whether or not the grants acknowledged by the publication come from public funds.