646 lines
21 KiB
646 lines
21 KiB
import re
import unicodedata
import html
from unidecode import unidecode
import json
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
#import pandas as pd
def load_txt(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
list_ = [line.strip() for line in file]
return list_
def load_pickled_dict(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
pickled_dict = pickle.load(file)
return pickled_dict
def load_json(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file:
json_dict = json.load(json_file)
return json_dict
categ_string = 'Laboratory|Univ/Inst|Hospital|Foundation|Specific|Museum'
def replace_double_consonants(text):
# This regex pattern matches any double consonant
pattern = r'([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])\1'
# The replacement is the first captured group (the single consonant)
result = re.sub(pattern, r'\1', text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
return result
remove_list = [replace_double_consonants(x) for x in load_txt('txt_files/remove_list.txt')]
stop_words = load_txt('txt_files/stop_words.txt')
university_terms = [replace_double_consonants(x) for x in load_txt('txt_files/university_terms.txt')]
city_names = [replace_double_consonants(x) for x in load_txt('txt_files/city_names.txt')]
categ_dicts = load_json('dictionaries/dix_categ.json')
def is_contained(s, w):
words = s.split() # Split the string 's' into a list of words
for word in words:
if word not in w: # If a word from 's' is not found in 'w'
return False # Return False immediately
return True # If all words from 's' are found in 'w', return True
def starts_with_any(string, prefixes):
for prefix in prefixes:
if string.startswith(prefix):
return [True, prefix]
return False
def remove_leading_numbers(s):
return re.sub(r'^\d+', '', s)
def remove_outer_parentheses(string):
"""Remove outer parentheses from the string if they enclose the entire string."""
if string.startswith('(') and string.endswith(')'):
return string[1:-1].strip()
return string
def insert_space_between_lower_and_upper(s):
Inserts a space between a lowercase letter followed by an uppercase letter in a string.
s (str): The input string.
str: The modified string with spaces inserted.
# Use regex to insert space between lowercase and uppercase letters
modified_string = re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2', s)
return modified_string
def index_multiple_matchings(pairs):
result_dict = {}
r_list = [pair[3] for pair in pairs]
modified_list = [item for sublist in r_list for item in sublist]
r = len(list(set(modified_list)))
for t in [pair[0] for pair in pairs]:
key = t
if key in result_dict and r>1:
result_dict[key] += 1
result_dict[key] = 1
return result_dict
def avg_string(df, col):
avg = []
for i in range(len(df)):
avg.append(sum(len(s) for s in df[col].iloc[i])/len(df[col].iloc[i]))
return sum(avg)/len(avg)
#stop_words = ['from', 'the', 'of', 'at', 'de','for','et','für','des', 'in','as','a','and','fur','for','und']
def remove_stop_words(text):
words = text.split()
filtered_words = [word for word in words if word not in stop_words]
return ' '.join(filtered_words)
def remove_parentheses(text):
return re.sub(r'\([^()]*\)', '', text)
def replace_umlauts(text):
normalized_text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text)
replaced_text = ''.join(c for c in normalized_text if not unicodedata.combining(c))
return replaced_text
def protect_phrases(input_string, phrases):
# Replace phrases with placeholders
placeholder_map = {}
for i, phrase in enumerate(phrases):
placeholder = f"__PLACEHOLDER_{i}__"
placeholder_map[placeholder] = phrase
input_string = input_string.replace(phrase, placeholder)
return input_string, placeholder_map
def restore_phrases(split_strings, placeholder_map):
# Restore placeholders with original phrases
restored_strings = []
for s in split_strings:
for placeholder, phrase in placeholder_map.items():
s = s.replace(placeholder, phrase)
return restored_strings
def replace_comma_spaces(text):
return text.replace(' ', ' ').replace(' , ', ', ')
def split_string_with_protection(input_string, protected_phrases):
# Step 1: Protect specific phrases
input_string, placeholder_map = protect_phrases(input_string, protected_phrases)
# Step 2: Split the string on specified delimiters
split_strings = [s.strip() for s in re.split(r'[,;/]| – ', input_string) if s.strip()]
# Step 3: Restore protected phrases
split_strings = restore_phrases(split_strings, placeholder_map)
return split_strings
protected_phrases1 = [
for x in city_names
for phrase in [
'university california, {x}',
# 'university california , {x}',
'university colege hospital, {x}',
# 'university colege hospital , {x}',
'national univ ireland, {x}',
# 'national univ ireland , {x}',
'national university ireland, {x}',
# 'national university ireland , {x}',
'university colege, {x}',
# 'university colege , {x}',
'university hospital, {x}',
# 'university hospital , {x}',
'imperial colege, {x}',
# 'imperial colege , {x}'
'city university, {x}',
# 'city university , {x}'
replacements = {'nat.':'national',
'uni versity':'university',
'inst ':'institute ',
'adv ':'advanced ',
'univ ':'university ',
'stud ': 'studies ',
'stud.': 'studies',
'uni versity':'university',
'univ ':'university ',
'universty' :'university',
'univ col': 'university colege',
'belfield, dublin': 'dublin',
'balsbridge, dublin': 'dublin', #ballsbridge
'earlsfort terrace, dublin': 'dublin',
'bon secours hospital, cork' : 'bon secours hospital cork',
'bon secours hospital, dublin' : 'bon secours hospital dublin',
'bon secours hospital, galway' : 'bon secours hospital galway',
'bon secours hospital, tralee' : 'bon secours hospital tralee',
'bon secours health system' : 'bon secours hospital dublin',
'bon secours hospital, glasnevin' : 'bon secours hospital dublin',
'imperial colege science, technology medicine' : 'imperial colege science technology medicine',
'ucl queen square institute neurology' : 'ucl, london',
'ucl institute neurology' : 'ucl, london',
'royal holoway, university london' : 'royal holoway universi london', #holloway
'city, university london' : 'city universi london',
'city university, london' : 'city universi london',
'national technical university, athens' : 'national technical university athens'
# 'harvard medical school' : 'harvard university'
def substrings_dict(string):
# Split the input string and clean each substring
# split_strings = split_string_with_protection(string.replace('univ coll', 'university college').replace('belfield, dublin', 'dublin').replace('ballsbridge, dublin', 'dublin').replace('earlsfort Terrace, dublin', 'dublin'), protected_phrases1)
for old, new in replacements.items():
string = string.replace(old, new)
split_strings = split_string_with_protection(string, protected_phrases1)
# Define a set of university-related terms for later use
dict_string = {}
index = 0
for value in split_strings:
vaule = value.replace('.', ' ')
# Check if the substring contains any university-related terms
if not any(term in value.lower() for term in university_terms):
# Apply regex substitutions for common patterns
modified_value = re.sub(r'universi\w*', 'universi', value, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
modified_value = re.sub(r'institu\w*', 'institu', modified_value, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
modified_value = re.sub(r'centre*', 'center', modified_value, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
modified_value = re.sub(r'\bsaint\b', 'st', modified_value, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
modified_value = re.sub(r'\btrinity col\b', 'trinity colege', modified_value, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
modified_value = re.sub(r'\btechnische\b', 'technological', modified_value, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
# Add the modified substring to the dictionary
dict_string[index] = modified_value.lower().strip()
index += 1
# elif 'universitetskaya' in value.lower():
# index += 1
# Add the original substring to the dictionary
dict_string[index] = value.lower().strip()
index += 1
return dict_string
def clean_string(input_string):
# Temporarily replace " - " with a unique placeholder
placeholder = "placeholder"
# input_string = input_string.replace(" - ", placeholder)
input_string = input_string.replace(" – ", placeholder)
# Unescape HTML entities and convert to lowercase
input_string = replace_comma_spaces(replace_double_consonants(replace_umlauts(unidecode(remove_parentheses(html.unescape(input_string.replace("'", "")))))).strip())
# Normalize unicode characters (optional, e.g., replace umlauts)
input_string = unidecode(input_string)
# Replace `/` and `–` with space (do not replace hyphen `-`)
result = re.sub(r'[/\-]', ' ', input_string)
# Replace "saint" with "st"
result = re.sub(r'\bSaint\b', 'St', result)
result = re.sub(r'\bAghia\b', 'Agia', result)
# Remove characters that are not from the Latin alphabet, or allowed punctuation
result = replace_comma_spaces(re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z\s,;/.]', '', result).strip())
# Restore the " - " sequence from the placeholder
result = result.replace(placeholder, " – ")
# Replace consecutive whitespace with a single space
result = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result)
#result = result.replace('ss', 's')
result = insert_space_between_lower_and_upper(result).lower()
result = remove_stop_words(result)
return result.strip() # Strip leading/trailing spaces
def clean_string_facts(input_string):
# Replace specified characters with space
input_string = remove_stop_words(replace_umlauts(unidecode(remove_parentheses(html.unescape(input_string.lower())))))
result = re.sub(r'[/\-,]', ' ', input_string)
result = re.sub(r'\bsaint\b', 'st', result)
# Remove characters that are not from the Latin alphabet or numbers
result = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\s;/-.]', '', result)
# Replace consecutive whitespace with a single space
result = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result)
return result
def str_radius_u(string):
string = string.lower()
radius = 3
str_list = string.split()
indices = []
result = []
for i, x in enumerate(str_list):
if is_contained('univers',x):
# elif is_contained('coll',x):
# indices.append(i)
for r0 in indices:
lmin =max(0,r0-radius)
lmax =min(r0+radius, len(str_list))
s = str_list[lmin:lmax+1]
result.append(' '.join(s))
return result
def str_radius_coll(string):
string = string.lower()
radius = 1
str_list = string.split()
indices = []
result = []
for i, x in enumerate(str_list):
if is_contained('col',x):
for r0 in indices:
lmin =max(0,r0-radius)
lmax =min(r0+radius, len(str_list))
s = str_list[lmin:lmax]
result.append(' '.join(s))
return result
def str_radius_h(string):
string = string.lower()
radius = 3
str_list = string.split()
indices = []
result = []
for i, x in enumerate(str_list):
if is_contained('hospital',x) or is_contained('hopita',x):
for r0 in indices:
lmin =max(0,r0-radius-1)
lmax =min(r0+radius, len(str_list))
s = str_list[lmin:lmax]
result.append(' '.join(s))
return result
def str_radius_c(string):
string = string.lower()
radius = 2
str_list = string.split()
indices = []
result = []
for i, x in enumerate(str_list):
if is_contained('clinic',x) or is_contained('klinik',x):
for r0 in indices:
lmin =max(0,r0-radius-1)
lmax =min(r0+radius, len(str_list))
s = str_list[lmin:lmax]
result.append(' '.join(s))
return result
def str_radius_r(string):
string = string.lower()
radius = 2
str_list = string.split()
indices = []
result = []
for i, x in enumerate(str_list):
if is_contained('research',x):
for r0 in indices:
lmin =max(0,r0-radius-1)
lmax =min(r0+radius, len(str_list))
s = str_list[lmin:lmax]
result.append(' '.join(s))
return result
def str_radius_spec(string):
spec = False
for x in string.split():
if categ_dicts[x] == 'Specific':
spec = True
return x
if spec == False:
return string
def avg_string(df, col):
avg = []
for i in range(len(df)):
avg.append(sum(len(s) for s in df[col].iloc[i])/len(df[col].iloc[i]))
return sum(avg)/len(avg)
def shorten_keywords(affiliations_simple):
affiliations_simple_n = []
for aff in affiliations_simple:
inner = []
for str in aff:
if 'universi' in str:
elif 'col' in str and 'trinity' in str:
elif 'hospital' in str or 'hopita' in str:
elif 'clinic' in str or 'klinik' in str:
elif 'research council' in str:
return affiliations_simple_n
def shorten_keywords_spark(affiliations_simple):
affiliations_simple_n = []
for aff in affiliations_simple:
if 'universi' in aff:
elif 'col' in aff and 'trinity' in aff:
elif 'hospital' in aff or 'hopita' in aff:
elif 'clinic' in aff or 'klinik' in aff:
elif 'research council' in aff:
return affiliations_simple_n
def refine(list_, affil):
affil = affil.lower()
ids = []
for matched_org_list in list_:
id_list = []
for matched_org in matched_org_list:
if dix_mult[matched_org] == 'unique':
city_found = False
for city in dix_city[matched_org]:
if city[0] in affil:
city_found = True
if not city_found:
country_found = False
for country in dix_country[matched_org]:
if country[0] in list(country_mapping.keys()):
if country[0] in affil or country_mapping[country[0]][0] in affil or country_mapping[country[0]][0] in affil:
country_found = True
elif country[0] in affil:
print('country found',country[0])
country_found = True
if not country_found:
return ids
def compute_cos(x,s):
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
s_vector = vectorizer.fit_transform([s]).toarray() #Else we compute the similarity of s with the original affiiation name
x_vector = vectorizer.transform([x]).toarray()
# Compute similarity between the vectors
return cosine_similarity(x_vector, s_vector)[0][0]
# def find_ror(string, simU, simG):
# df = pd.DataFrame()
# df['Unique affiliations'] = [[string.lower()]]
# academia = create_df_algorithm(df)
# result = Aff_Ids(len(academia), academia,dix_acad, dix_mult, dix_city, dix_country, simU,simG)
# if len(result)>0:
# dict_aff_open = {x: y for x, y in zip(result['Original affiliations'], result['Matched organizations'])}
# dict_aff_id = {x: y for x, y in zip(result['Original affiliations'], result['unique ROR'])}
# dict_aff_score = {}
# for i in range(len(result)):
# if type(result['Similarity score'].iloc[i]) == list:
# dict_aff_score[result['Original affiliations'].iloc[i]] = result['Similarity score'].iloc[i]
# else:
# dict_aff_score[result['Original affiliations'].iloc[i]] = [result['Similarity score'].iloc[i]]
# pids = []
# for i in range(len(df)):
# pidsi = []
# for aff in df['Unique affiliations'].iloc[i]:
# if aff in list(dict_aff_id.keys()):
# pidsi = pidsi + dict_aff_id[aff]
# # elif 'unmatched organization(s)' not in pidsi:
# # pidsi = pidsi + ['unmatched organization(s)']
# pids.append(pidsi)
# names = []
# for i in range(len(df)):
# namesi = []
# for aff in df['Unique affiliations'].iloc[i]:
# if aff in list(dict_aff_open.keys()):
# try:
# namesi = namesi + dict_aff_open[aff]
# except TypeError:
# namesi = namesi + [dict_aff_open[aff]]
# names.append(namesi)
# scores = []
# for i in range(len(df)):
# scoresi = []
# for aff in df['Unique affiliations'].iloc[i]:
# if aff in list(dict_aff_score.keys()):
# scoresi = scoresi + dict_aff_score[aff]
# scores.append(scoresi)
# df['Matched organizations'] = names
# df['ROR'] = pids
# df['Scores'] = scores
# def update_Z(row):
# if len(row['ROR']) == 0 or len(row['Scores']) == 0:
# return []
# new_Z = []
# for ror, score in zip(row['ROR'], row['Scores']):
# entry = {'ROR_ID': ror, 'Confidence': score}
# new_Z.append(entry)
# return new_Z
# matching = df.apply(update_Z, axis=1)
# df['Matchings'] = matching
# return df['Matchings'].iloc[0]
# else:
# return 'no result' |