from collections import defaultdict from collections import Counter import Levenshtein from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from functions_cluster import * from create_input_cluster import * specific = [k for k in categ_dicts if categ_dicts[k] == 'Specific'] def best_sim_score(light_raw, candidate_num, pairs_list, m, simU, simG): """ Finds the best match between a 'key word' and several legal names from the OpenAIRE database. ---> corrects special cases in the main map that follows Args: light_raw l2 candidate_num: number of candidates. l3 pairs_list: List of pairs. (s, x, score) l4 m: mult Returns: List: Resulting list containing OpenAIRE names and their similarity scores. """ vectorizer = CountVectorizer() univ_num = light_raw.lower().count('univ') result = [] best = [] s = light_raw for j in range(len(pairs_list)): x = pairs_list[j][1] if [x, pairs_list[j][2]] in result: continue if m[pairs_list[j][0]] == 1: if is_contained('univ', x.lower()) and pairs_list[j][2] > simU: result.append([x, pairs_list[j][2]]) elif pairs_list[j][2] > simG: result.append([x, pairs_list[j][2]]) elif pairs_list[j][2] >= 0.98: # and (is_contained("univ", x.lower()) or is_contained("college", x.lower()) or is_contained("center", x.lower()) or is_contained("schule", x.lower())): # If the similarity score of a pair (s,x) was 1, we store it to results list result.append([pairs_list[j][1], 1]) else: try: if not is_contained("univ", x.lower()): continue # Skip if x does not contain "university" or "univ" # if (is_contained('hosp', x.lower()) and not is_contained('hosp', s)) or (not is_contained('hosp', x.lower()) and is_contained('hosp', s)) or (is_contained('hopital', x.lower()) and not is_contained('hopital', s)) or (not is_contained('hopital', x.lower()) and is_contained('hopital', s)): # continue s_vector = vectorizer.fit_transform([s]).toarray() #Else we compute the similarity of s with the original affiiation name x_vector = vectorizer.transform([x]).toarray() # Compute similarity between the vectors similarity = cosine_similarity(x_vector, s_vector)[0][0] if similarity > 0.1: similarity_l = 1 - Levenshtein.distance(x, pairs_list[j][0]) / max(len(x), len(pairs_list[j][0])) best.append([x, similarity, similarity_l]) #(similarity+similarity2)/2]) except: KeyError if best: # max_numbers = defaultdict(float) # Assuming best is a list of three-element lists # Each element is (string, number1, number2) max_numbers = defaultdict(float) for item in best: string, number1, number2 = item # Unpack the three elements max_numbers[string] = max(max_numbers[string], number1) reduced_best = [[string, number1, number2] for string, number1, number2 in best if number1 == max_numbers[string]] # Sort by number1 decreasingly and then by number2 in descending order reduced_best.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2]), reverse=True) result = result + reduced_best univ_list = [] other_list = [] for r in result: if is_contained('univ', r[0]): univ_list.append(r) else: other_list.append(r) limit = min(univ_num, candidate_num) if len(univ_list) > limit: result = univ_list[:limit] + other_list result_dict = {} pairs_dict = {} for l in pairs_list: pairs_dict[l[1]] = l[2] for p in result: result_dict[p[0]] = pairs_dict[p[0]] result_dict_list = [[y[0], result_dict[y[0]]] for y in result] return result_dict_list def Aff_Ids(input, dix_org, dix_mult, dix_city_ror, dix_country_ror, simU, simG): """ Matches affiliations in DataFrame 'DF' with names from dictionary 'dix_org' and their ROR_ids based on similarity scores. Args: m (int): The number of DOIs to check. DF (DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing affiliation data. dix_org (dict): A dictionary of names of organizations and their ROR_ids. simU (float): Similarity threshold for universities. simG (float): Similarity threshold for non-universities. Returns: DataFrame: The final DataFrame with matched affiliations and their corresponding similarity scores. """ df_list = input[1] light_aff = input[0] vectorizer = CountVectorizer() dix = {} # will store indeces and legalnames of organizations of the DOI { i : [legalname1, legalname2,...]} #pairs = [] result = {} pairs = [] def get_keywords(filtered_list): # Extract the "keywords" values from the dictionaries in filtered_list keywords_list = [entry["keywords"] for entry in filtered_list] return keywords_list keywords = get_keywords(df_list) for k,s in enumerate(keywords): similar_k = [] pairs_k = [] if s in dix_org: similarity = 1 similar_k.append(similarity) pairs_k.append((s,s,similarity,dix_org[s])) pairs.append((s,s,similarity,dix_org[s])) if k not in dix: dix[k] = [s] else: dix[k].append(s) else: for x in dix_org: if is_contained(s, x): x_vector = vectorizer.fit_transform([x]).toarray() s_vector = vectorizer.transform([s]).toarray() # Compute similarity between the vectors similarity = cosine_similarity(x_vector, s_vector)[0][0] if similarity > min(simU, simG): if (is_contained('univ', s) and is_contained('univ', x)) and similarity > simU: similar_k.append(similarity) pairs_k.append((s,x,similarity,dix_org[x])) pairs.append((s,x,similarity,dix_org[x])) if k not in dix: dix[k] = [x] else: dix[k].append(x) elif (not is_contained('univ', s) and not is_contained('univ', x)) and similarity > simG: similar_k.append(similarity) pairs_k.append((s,x,similarity,dix_org[x])) pairs.append((s,x,similarity,dix_org[x])) if k not in dix: dix[k] = [x] else: dix[k].append(x) elif is_contained(x, s): if (is_contained('univ', s) and is_contained('univ', x)): s_vector = vectorizer.fit_transform([s]).toarray() x_vector = vectorizer.transform([x]).toarray() # Compute similarity between the vectors similarity = cosine_similarity(s_vector, x_vector)[0][0] if similarity > simU: #max(0.82,sim): similar_k.append(similarity) pairs_k.append((s,x,similarity,dix_org[x])) pairs.append((s,x,similarity,dix_org[x])) if k not in dix: dix[k] = [x] else: dix[k].append(x) elif not is_contained('univ', s) and not is_contained('univ', x): s_vector = vectorizer.fit_transform([s]).toarray() x_vector = vectorizer.transform([x]).toarray() # Compute similarity between the vectors similarity = cosine_similarity(s_vector, x_vector)[0][0] if similarity > simG: #max(0.82,sim): similar_k.append(similarity) pairs_k.append((s,x,similarity,dix_org[x])) pairs.append((s,x,similarity,dix_org[x])) if k not in dix: dix[k] = [x] else: dix[k].append(x) result[k] = pairs_k multi = index_multiple_matchings(list(set(pairs))) # need_check = list(set([i for i in range(len(multi)) if list(multi.values())[i]>1])) # print('here', multi) # need_check_keys = [keywords[i] for i in range(len(keywords)) if multi[keywords[i]]>1] need_check_keys = [] for i in range(len(keywords)): try: if multi[keywords[i]]>1: need_check_keys.append(keywords[i]) except: pass best = best_sim_score(light_aff, len(keywords), pairs, multi, simU, simG) matched_org = [x[0] for x in best] # best_o = [] # best_s = [] # best_result = [] # for x in best: # best_o.append([x[i][0] for i in range(len(x))]) # best_s.append([round(x[i][1],2) for i in range(len(x))]) # num_mathced = [len(best_s[i]) for i in range(len(need_check))] ids = [dix_org[x[0]] for x in best] for i,x in enumerate(matched_org): # id_list = [] if dix_mult[x] == 'unique': if 'institu' in x and 'univ' in x: if dix_city_ror[x][0] not in light_aff and dix_country_ror[x][0] not in light_aff: pass else: ids[i] = dix_org[x] if dix_mult[x] != 'unique': if x in dix_city_ror: match_found = False for city in dix_city_ror[x]: if city[0] in light_aff: if city[0] not in x: ids[i] = city[1] match_found = True break else: if light_aff.count(city[0]) >1: ids[i] = city[1] match_found = True break if not match_found: for city in dix_city_ror[x]: if city[0] in light_aff and city[0] not in x: ids[i] = city[1] break if not match_found: match_found2 = False match_found3 = False for country in dix_country_ror[x]: if country[0] == 'united states' and (country[0] in light_aff or 'usa' in light_aff): ids[i] = country[1] match_found2 = True match_found3 = True break if country[0] == 'united kingdom' and (country[0] in light_aff or 'uk' in light_aff): ids[i] = country[1] match_found2 = True match_found3 = True break elif country[0] in light_aff: if country[0] not in x: ids[i] = country[1] match_found2 = True match_found3 = True break if not match_found3: for country in dix_country_ror[x]: if country[0] in light_aff and country[0] in x: ids[i] = country[1] match_found2 = True break if not match_found2: if 'univ' in x: ids[i] = dix_org[x] else: for sp in specific: if sp in x: ids[i] = dix_org[x] results = [[x[0],x[1], ids[i]] for i,x in enumerate(best)] # results_upd = [] # for r in results: # if '' in r[2]: # if dix_status[r[2]][0] == 'active': # results_upd.append([r[0],r[1], 'ROR', r[2], 'active']) # else: # if dix_status[r[2]][1] == '': # results_upd.append([r[0],r[1], 'ROR', r[2], dix_status[r[2]][0]]) # else: # results_upd.append([r[0],r[1], 'ROR', r[2], dix_status[r[2]][0]]) # results_upd.append([r[0],r[1], 'ROR', dix_status[r[2]][1], 'active']) return results