diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2def0e8831 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,661 @@ + GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 19 November 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU Affero General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works, specifically designed to ensure +cooperation with the community in the case of network server software. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +our General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + Developers that use our General Public Licenses protect your rights +with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer +you this License which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute +and/or modify the software. + + A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that +improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they +receive widespread use, become available for other developers to +incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and +encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of +software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about. +The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and +letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its +source code to the public. + + The GNU Affero General Public License is designed specifically to +ensure that, in such cases, the modified source code becomes available +to the community. It requires the operator of a network server to +provide the source code of the modified version running there to the +users of that server. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on +a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source +code of the modified version. + + An older license, called the Affero General Public License and +published by Affero, was designed to accomplish similar goals. This is +a different license, not a version of the Affero GPL, but Affero has +released a new version of the Affero GPL which permits relicensing under +this license. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the +Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users +interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version +supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding +Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source +from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary +means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding Source +shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3 +of the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the +following paragraph. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version +3 of the GNU General Public License. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU Affero General Public License from time to time. Such new versions +will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Affero General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU Affero General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer +network, you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to +get its source. For example, if your program is a web application, its +interface could display a "Source" link that leads users to an archive +of the code. There are many ways you could offer source, and different +solutions will be better for different programs; see section 13 for the +specific requirements. + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL, see +. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-build-assembly-resources/pom.xml b/dhp-build/dhp-build-assembly-resources/pom.xml index c837cd5386..9b03536ddd 100644 --- a/dhp-build/dhp-build-assembly-resources/pom.xml +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-build-assembly-resources/pom.xml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ dhp-build-assembly-resources jar + This module contains a set of scripts supporting the build lifecycle for the dnet-hadoop project + diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/pom.xml b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/pom.xml index df5045fcb6..4d40edd997 100644 --- a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/pom.xml +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/pom.xml @@ -12,22 +12,29 @@ dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin maven-plugin + This module is a maven plugin implementing custom properties substitutions in the build lifecycle org.apache.maven maven-plugin-api - 2.0 + 3.6.3 org.apache.maven maven-project - 2.0 + 2.2.1 + + org.apache.maven + maven-artifact + 2.2.1 + + org.kuali.maven.plugins properties-maven-plugin - 1.3.2 + ${properties.maven.plugin.version} com.google.code.findbugs @@ -73,44 +80,10 @@ maven-javadoc-plugin true + none - - - - - org.eclipse.m2e - lifecycle-mapping - 1.0.0 - - - - - - - org.apache.maven.plugins - - - maven-plugin-plugin - - - [3.2,) - - - descriptor - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo.java b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo.java index 5f94e7869d..10a25fdc30 100644 --- a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo.java +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties; import java.io.File; @@ -12,60 +13,64 @@ import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; /** * Generates oozie properties which were not provided from commandline. - * @author mhorst * + * @author mhorst * @goal generate-properties */ public class GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo extends AbstractMojo { public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR = "workflow.source.dir"; public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME = "sandboxName"; - - private final String[] limiters = {"dhp", "dnetlib", "eu"}; - - @Override - public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { - if (System.getProperties().containsKey(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR) && - !System.getProperties().containsKey(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)) { - String generatedSandboxName = generateSandboxName(System.getProperties().getProperty( - PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR)); - if (generatedSandboxName!=null) { - System.getProperties().setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME, - generatedSandboxName); - } else { - System.out.println("unable to generate sandbox name from path: " + - System.getProperties().getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR)); - } - } - } - - /** - * Generates sandbox name from workflow source directory. - * @param wfSourceDir - * @return generated sandbox name - */ - private String generateSandboxName(String wfSourceDir) { -// utilize all dir names until finding one of the limiters - List sandboxNameParts = new ArrayList(); - String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(wfSourceDir, File.separatorChar); - ArrayUtils.reverse(tokens); - if (tokens.length>0) { - for (String token : tokens) { - for (String limiter : limiters) { - if (limiter.equals(token)) { - return sandboxNameParts.size()>0? - StringUtils.join(sandboxNameParts.toArray()):null; - } - } - if (sandboxNameParts.size()>0) { - sandboxNameParts.add(0, File.separator); - } - sandboxNameParts.add(0, token); - } - return StringUtils.join(sandboxNameParts.toArray()); - } else { - return null; - } - } + private final String[] limiters = { + "dhp", "dnetlib", "eu" + }; + + @Override + public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { + if (System.getProperties().containsKey(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR) + && !System.getProperties().containsKey(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)) { + String generatedSandboxName = generateSandboxName( + System.getProperties().getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR)); + if (generatedSandboxName != null) { + System.getProperties().setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME, generatedSandboxName); + } else { + System.out + .println( + "unable to generate sandbox name from path: " + + System.getProperties().getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR)); + } + } + } + + /** + * Generates sandbox name from workflow source directory. + * + * @param wfSourceDir + * @return generated sandbox name + */ + private String generateSandboxName(String wfSourceDir) { + // utilize all dir names until finding one of the limiters + List sandboxNameParts = new ArrayList(); + String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(wfSourceDir, File.separatorChar); + ArrayUtils.reverse(tokens); + if (tokens.length > 0) { + for (String token : tokens) { + for (String limiter : limiters) { + if (limiter.equals(token)) { + return sandboxNameParts.size() > 0 + ? StringUtils.join(sandboxNameParts.toArray()) + : null; + } + } + if (sandboxNameParts.size() > 0) { + sandboxNameParts.add(0, File.separator); + } + sandboxNameParts.add(0, token); + } + return StringUtils.join(sandboxNameParts.toArray()); + } else { + return null; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/WritePredefinedProjectProperties.java b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/WritePredefinedProjectProperties.java index 62f04761a9..d195ca86e4 100644 --- a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/WritePredefinedProjectProperties.java +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/WritePredefinedProjectProperties.java @@ -1,17 +1,15 @@ /** - * - * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use + * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * - * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php + *

http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + *

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the + * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either + * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ + package eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties; import java.io.File; @@ -41,346 +39,361 @@ import org.springframework.core.io.ResourceLoader; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; /** - * Writes project properties for the keys listed in specified properties files. - * Based on: - * http://site.kuali.org/maven/plugins/properties-maven-plugin/1.3.2/write-project-properties-mojo.html - + * Writes project properties for the keys listed in specified properties files. Based on: + * http://site.kuali.org/maven/plugins/properties-maven-plugin/2.0.1/write-project-properties-mojo.html + * * @author mhorst * @goal write-project-properties */ public class WritePredefinedProjectProperties extends AbstractMojo { - + private static final String CR = "\r"; private static final String LF = "\n"; private static final String TAB = "\t"; - protected static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX_ENV = "env."; - private static final String ENCODING_UTF8 = "utf8"; - - /** - * @parameter property="properties.includePropertyKeysFromFiles" - */ + protected static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX_ENV = "env."; + private static final String ENCODING_UTF8 = "utf8"; + + /** @parameter property="properties.includePropertyKeysFromFiles" */ private String[] includePropertyKeysFromFiles; - - /** - * @parameter default-value="${project}" - * @required - * @readonly - */ - protected MavenProject project; - /** - * The file that properties will be written to - * - * @parameter property="properties.outputFile" - * default-value="${project.build.directory}/properties/project.properties"; - * @required - */ - protected File outputFile; - /** - * If true, the plugin will silently ignore any non-existent properties files, and the build will continue - * - * @parameter property="properties.quiet" default-value="true" - */ - private boolean quiet; - - /** - * Comma separated list of characters to escape when writing property values. cr=carriage return, lf=linefeed, - * tab=tab. Any other values are taken literally. - * - * @parameter default-value="cr,lf,tab" property="properties.escapeChars" - */ - private String escapeChars; + * @parameter default-value="${project}" + * @required + * @readonly + */ + protected MavenProject project; - /** - * If true, the plugin will include system properties when writing the properties file. System properties override - * both environment variables and project properties. - * - * @parameter default-value="false" property="properties.includeSystemProperties" - */ - private boolean includeSystemProperties; + /** + * The file that properties will be written to + * + * @parameter property="properties.outputFile" + * default-value="${project.build.directory}/properties/project.properties"; + * @required + */ + protected File outputFile; - /** - * If true, the plugin will include environment variables when writing the properties file. Environment variables - * are prefixed with "env". Environment variables override project properties. - * - * @parameter default-value="false" property="properties.includeEnvironmentVariables" - */ - private boolean includeEnvironmentVariables; + /** + * If true, the plugin will silently ignore any non-existent properties files, and the build will continue + * + * @parameter property="properties.quiet" default-value="true" + */ + private boolean quiet; - /** - * Comma separated set of properties to exclude when writing the properties file - * - * @parameter property="properties.exclude" - */ - private String exclude; + /** + * Comma separated list of characters to escape when writing property values. cr=carriage return, lf=linefeed, + * tab=tab. Any other values are taken literally. + * + * @parameter default-value="cr,lf,tab" property="properties.escapeChars" + */ + private String escapeChars; - /** - * Comma separated set of properties to write to the properties file. If provided, only the properties matching - * those supplied here will be written to the properties file. - * - * @parameter property="properties.include" - */ - private String include; + /** + * If true, the plugin will include system properties when writing the properties file. System properties override + * both environment variables and project properties. + * + * @parameter default-value="false" property="properties.includeSystemProperties" + */ + private boolean includeSystemProperties; - /* (non-Javadoc) - * @see org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo#execute() - */ - @Override - @SuppressFBWarnings({"NP_UNWRITTEN_FIELD","UWF_UNWRITTEN_FIELD"}) - public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { - Properties properties = new Properties(); - // Add project properties - properties.putAll(project.getProperties()); - if (includeEnvironmentVariables) { - // Add environment variables, overriding any existing properties with the same key - properties.putAll(getEnvironmentVariables()); - } - if (includeSystemProperties) { - // Add system properties, overriding any existing properties with the same key - properties.putAll(System.getProperties()); - } + /** + * If true, the plugin will include environment variables when writing the properties file. Environment variables + * are prefixed with "env". Environment variables override project properties. + * + * @parameter default-value="false" property="properties.includeEnvironmentVariables" + */ + private boolean includeEnvironmentVariables; - // Remove properties as appropriate - trim(properties, exclude, include); + /** + * Comma separated set of properties to exclude when writing the properties file + * + * @parameter property="properties.exclude" + */ + private String exclude; - String comment = "# " + new Date() + "\n"; - List escapeTokens = getEscapeChars(escapeChars); + /** + * Comma separated set of properties to write to the properties file. If provided, only the properties matching + * those supplied here will be written to the properties file. + * + * @parameter property="properties.include" + */ + private String include; - getLog().info("Creating " + outputFile); - writeProperties(outputFile, comment, properties, escapeTokens); - } + /* + * (non-Javadoc) + * @see org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo#execute() + */ + @Override + @SuppressFBWarnings({ + "NP_UNWRITTEN_FIELD", "UWF_UNWRITTEN_FIELD" + }) + public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { + Properties properties = new Properties(); + // Add project properties + properties.putAll(project.getProperties()); + if (includeEnvironmentVariables) { + // Add environment variables, overriding any existing properties with the same key + properties.putAll(getEnvironmentVariables()); + } + if (includeSystemProperties) { + // Add system properties, overriding any existing properties with the same key + properties.putAll(System.getProperties()); + } - /** - * Provides environment variables. - * @return environment variables - */ - protected static Properties getEnvironmentVariables() { - Properties props = new Properties(); - for (Entry entry : System.getenv().entrySet()) { - props.setProperty(PROPERTY_PREFIX_ENV + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); - } - return props; - } + // Remove properties as appropriate + trim(properties, exclude, include); - /** - * Removes properties which should not be written. - * @param properties - * @param omitCSV - * @param includeCSV - * @throws MojoExecutionException - */ - protected void trim(Properties properties, String omitCSV, String includeCSV) throws MojoExecutionException { - List omitKeys = getListFromCSV(omitCSV); - for (String key : omitKeys) { - properties.remove(key); - } - - List includeKeys = getListFromCSV(includeCSV); -// mh: including keys from predefined properties - if (includePropertyKeysFromFiles!=null && includePropertyKeysFromFiles.length>0) { - for (String currentIncludeLoc : includePropertyKeysFromFiles) { - if (validate(currentIncludeLoc)) { - Properties p = getProperties(currentIncludeLoc); - for (String key : p.stringPropertyNames()) { - includeKeys.add(key); - } - } - } - } - if (includeKeys!=null && !includeKeys.isEmpty()) { -// removing only when include keys provided - Set keys = properties.stringPropertyNames(); - for (String key : keys) { - if (!includeKeys.contains(key)) { - properties.remove(key); - } - } - } - } + String comment = "# " + new Date() + "\n"; + List escapeTokens = getEscapeChars(escapeChars); - /** - * Checks whether file exists. - * @param location - * @return true when exists, false otherwise. - */ - protected boolean exists(String location) { - if (StringUtils.isBlank(location)) { - return false; - } - File file = new File(location); - if (file.exists()) { - return true; - } - ResourceLoader loader = new DefaultResourceLoader(); - Resource resource = loader.getResource(location); - return resource.exists(); - } + getLog().info("Creating " + outputFile); + writeProperties(outputFile, comment, properties, escapeTokens); + } - /** - * Validates resource location. - * @param location - * @return true when valid, false otherwise - * @throws MojoExecutionException - */ - protected boolean validate(String location) throws MojoExecutionException { - boolean exists = exists(location); - if (exists) { - return true; - } - if (quiet) { - getLog().info("Ignoring non-existent properties file '" + location + "'"); - return false; - } else { - throw new MojoExecutionException("Non-existent properties file '" + location + "'"); - } - } + /** + * Provides environment variables. + * + * @return environment variables + */ + protected static Properties getEnvironmentVariables() { + Properties props = new Properties(); + for (Entry entry : System.getenv().entrySet()) { + props.setProperty(PROPERTY_PREFIX_ENV + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); + } + return props; + } - /** - * Provides input stream. - * @param location - * @return input stream - * @throws IOException - */ - protected InputStream getInputStream(String location) throws IOException { - File file = new File(location); - if (file.exists()) { - return new FileInputStream(location); - } - ResourceLoader loader = new DefaultResourceLoader(); - Resource resource = loader.getResource(location); - return resource.getInputStream(); - } + /** + * Removes properties which should not be written. + * + * @param properties + * @param omitCSV + * @param includeCSV + * @throws MojoExecutionException + */ + protected void trim(Properties properties, String omitCSV, String includeCSV) + throws MojoExecutionException { + List omitKeys = getListFromCSV(omitCSV); + for (String key : omitKeys) { + properties.remove(key); + } - /** - * Creates properties for given location. - * @param location - * @return properties for given location - * @throws MojoExecutionException - */ - protected Properties getProperties(String location) throws MojoExecutionException { - InputStream in = null; - try { - Properties properties = new Properties(); - in = getInputStream(location); - if (location.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { - properties.loadFromXML(in); - } else { - properties.load(in); - } - return properties; - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new MojoExecutionException("Error reading properties file " + location, e); - } finally { - IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); - } - } + List includeKeys = getListFromCSV(includeCSV); + // mh: including keys from predefined properties + if (includePropertyKeysFromFiles != null && includePropertyKeysFromFiles.length > 0) { + for (String currentIncludeLoc : includePropertyKeysFromFiles) { + if (validate(currentIncludeLoc)) { + Properties p = getProperties(currentIncludeLoc); + for (String key : p.stringPropertyNames()) { + includeKeys.add(key); + } + } + } + } + if (includeKeys != null && !includeKeys.isEmpty()) { + // removing only when include keys provided + Set keys = properties.stringPropertyNames(); + for (String key : keys) { + if (!includeKeys.contains(key)) { + properties.remove(key); + } + } + } + } - /** - * Provides escape characters. - * @param escapeChars - * @return escape characters - */ - protected List getEscapeChars(String escapeChars) { - List tokens = getListFromCSV(escapeChars); - List realTokens = new ArrayList(); - for (String token : tokens) { - String realToken = getRealToken(token); - realTokens.add(realToken); - } - return realTokens; - } + /** + * Checks whether file exists. + * + * @param location + * @return true when exists, false otherwise. + */ + protected boolean exists(String location) { + if (StringUtils.isBlank(location)) { + return false; + } + File file = new File(location); + if (file.exists()) { + return true; + } + ResourceLoader loader = new DefaultResourceLoader(); + Resource resource = loader.getResource(location); + return resource.exists(); + } - /** - * Provides real token. - * @param token - * @return real token - */ - protected String getRealToken(String token) { - if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("CR")) { - return CR; - } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("LF")) { - return LF; - } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("TAB")) { - return TAB; - } else { - return token; - } - } + /** + * Validates resource location. + * + * @param location + * @return true when valid, false otherwise + * @throws MojoExecutionException + */ + protected boolean validate(String location) throws MojoExecutionException { + boolean exists = exists(location); + if (exists) { + return true; + } + if (quiet) { + getLog().info("Ignoring non-existent properties file '" + location + "'"); + return false; + } else { + throw new MojoExecutionException("Non-existent properties file '" + location + "'"); + } + } - /** - * Returns content. - * @param comment - * @param properties - * @param escapeTokens - * @return content - */ - protected String getContent(String comment, Properties properties, List escapeTokens) { - List names = new ArrayList(properties.stringPropertyNames()); - Collections.sort(names); - StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); - if (!StringUtils.isBlank(comment)) { - sb.append(comment); - } - for (String name : names) { - String value = properties.getProperty(name); - String escapedValue = escape(value, escapeTokens); - sb.append(name + "=" + escapedValue + "\n"); - } - return sb.toString(); - } + /** + * Provides input stream. + * + * @param location + * @return input stream + * @throws IOException + */ + protected InputStream getInputStream(String location) throws IOException { + File file = new File(location); + if (file.exists()) { + return new FileInputStream(location); + } + ResourceLoader loader = new DefaultResourceLoader(); + Resource resource = loader.getResource(location); + return resource.getInputStream(); + } - /** - * Writes properties to given file. - * @param file - * @param comment - * @param properties - * @param escapeTokens - * @throws MojoExecutionException - */ - protected void writeProperties(File file, String comment, Properties properties, List escapeTokens) - throws MojoExecutionException { - try { - String content = getContent(comment, properties, escapeTokens); - FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, content, ENCODING_UTF8); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new MojoExecutionException("Error creating properties file", e); - } - } - - /** - * Escapes characters. - * @param s - * @param escapeChars - * @return - */ - protected String escape(String s, List escapeChars) { - String result = s; - for (String escapeChar : escapeChars) { - result = result.replace(escapeChar, getReplacementToken(escapeChar)); - } - return result; - } + /** + * Creates properties for given location. + * + * @param location + * @return properties for given location + * @throws MojoExecutionException + */ + protected Properties getProperties(String location) throws MojoExecutionException { + InputStream in = null; + try { + Properties properties = new Properties(); + in = getInputStream(location); + if (location.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { + properties.loadFromXML(in); + } else { + properties.load(in); + } + return properties; + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new MojoExecutionException("Error reading properties file " + location, e); + } finally { + IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); + } + } - /** - * Provides replacement token. - * @param escapeChar - * @return replacement token - */ - protected String getReplacementToken(String escapeChar) { - if (escapeChar.equals(CR)) { - return "\\r"; - } else if (escapeChar.equals(LF)) { - return "\\n"; - } else if (escapeChar.equals(TAB)) { - return "\\t"; - } else { - return "\\" + escapeChar; - } - } + /** + * Provides escape characters. + * + * @param escapeChars + * @return escape characters + */ + protected List getEscapeChars(String escapeChars) { + List tokens = getListFromCSV(escapeChars); + List realTokens = new ArrayList(); + for (String token : tokens) { + String realToken = getRealToken(token); + realTokens.add(realToken); + } + return realTokens; + } - /** + /** + * Provides real token. + * + * @param token + * @return real token + */ + protected String getRealToken(String token) { + if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("CR")) { + return CR; + } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("LF")) { + return LF; + } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("TAB")) { + return TAB; + } else { + return token; + } + } + + /** + * Returns content. + * + * @param comment + * @param properties + * @param escapeTokens + * @return content + */ + protected String getContent(String comment, Properties properties, List escapeTokens) { + List names = new ArrayList(properties.stringPropertyNames()); + Collections.sort(names); + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + if (!StringUtils.isBlank(comment)) { + sb.append(comment); + } + for (String name : names) { + String value = properties.getProperty(name); + String escapedValue = escape(value, escapeTokens); + sb.append(name + "=" + escapedValue + "\n"); + } + return sb.toString(); + } + + /** + * Writes properties to given file. + * + * @param file + * @param comment + * @param properties + * @param escapeTokens + * @throws MojoExecutionException + */ + protected void writeProperties( + File file, String comment, Properties properties, List escapeTokens) + throws MojoExecutionException { + try { + String content = getContent(comment, properties, escapeTokens); + FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, content, ENCODING_UTF8); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new MojoExecutionException("Error creating properties file", e); + } + } + + /** + * Escapes characters. + * + * @param s + * @param escapeChars + * @return + */ + protected String escape(String s, List escapeChars) { + String result = s; + for (String escapeChar : escapeChars) { + result = result.replace(escapeChar, getReplacementToken(escapeChar)); + } + return result; + } + + /** + * Provides replacement token. + * + * @param escapeChar + * @return replacement token + */ + protected String getReplacementToken(String escapeChar) { + if (escapeChar.equals(CR)) { + return "\\r"; + } else if (escapeChar.equals(LF)) { + return "\\n"; + } else if (escapeChar.equals(TAB)) { + return "\\t"; + } else { + return "\\" + escapeChar; + } + } + + /** * Returns list from csv. + * * @param csv * @return list of values generated from CSV */ @@ -396,41 +409,39 @@ public class WritePredefinedProjectProperties extends AbstractMojo { return list; } - public void setIncludeSystemProperties(boolean includeSystemProperties) { - this.includeSystemProperties = includeSystemProperties; - } + public void setIncludeSystemProperties(boolean includeSystemProperties) { + this.includeSystemProperties = includeSystemProperties; + } - public void setEscapeChars(String escapeChars) { - this.escapeChars = escapeChars; - } + public void setEscapeChars(String escapeChars) { + this.escapeChars = escapeChars; + } - public void setIncludeEnvironmentVariables(boolean includeEnvironmentVariables) { - this.includeEnvironmentVariables = includeEnvironmentVariables; - } + public void setIncludeEnvironmentVariables(boolean includeEnvironmentVariables) { + this.includeEnvironmentVariables = includeEnvironmentVariables; + } - public void setExclude(String exclude) { - this.exclude = exclude; - } + public void setExclude(String exclude) { + this.exclude = exclude; + } - public void setInclude(String include) { - this.include = include; - } + public void setInclude(String include) { + this.include = include; + } + + public void setQuiet(boolean quiet) { + this.quiet = quiet; + } - public void setQuiet(boolean quiet) { - this.quiet = quiet; - } - /** * Sets property files for which keys properties should be included. + * * @param includePropertyKeysFromFiles */ - public void setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles( - String[] includePropertyKeysFromFiles) { - if (includePropertyKeysFromFiles!=null) { - this.includePropertyKeysFromFiles = Arrays.copyOf( - includePropertyKeysFromFiles, - includePropertyKeysFromFiles.length); + public void setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(String[] includePropertyKeysFromFiles) { + if (includePropertyKeysFromFiles != null) { + this.includePropertyKeysFromFiles = Arrays + .copyOf(includePropertyKeysFromFiles, includePropertyKeysFromFiles.length); } } - -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/GenerateOoziePropertiesMojoTest.java b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/GenerateOoziePropertiesMojoTest.java index a2cb8e0f1e..4bfcd3b33e 100644 --- a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/GenerateOoziePropertiesMojoTest.java +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/GenerateOoziePropertiesMojoTest.java @@ -1,100 +1,97 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +package eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties; import static eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties.GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo.PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME; import static eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties.GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo.PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; -/** - * @author mhorst, claudio.atzori - * - */ +import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + +/** @author mhorst, claudio.atzori */ public class GenerateOoziePropertiesMojoTest { - private GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo mojo = new GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo(); - - @BeforeEach - public void clearSystemProperties() { - System.clearProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME); - System.clearProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteEmpty() throws Exception { - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertNull(System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); - } + private final GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo mojo = new GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo(); - @Test - public void testExecuteSandboxNameAlreadySet() throws Exception { - // given - String workflowSourceDir = "eu/dnetlib/dhp/wf/transformers"; - String sandboxName = "originalSandboxName"; - System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); - System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME, sandboxName); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertEquals(sandboxName, System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteEmptyWorkflowSourceDir() throws Exception { - // given - String workflowSourceDir = ""; - System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertNull(System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteNullSandboxNameGenerated() throws Exception { - // given - String workflowSourceDir = "eu/dnetlib/dhp/"; - System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertNull(System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecute() throws Exception { - // given - String workflowSourceDir = "eu/dnetlib/dhp/wf/transformers"; - System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertEquals("wf/transformers", System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteWithoutRoot() throws Exception { - // given - String workflowSourceDir = "wf/transformers"; - System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertEquals("wf/transformers", System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); - } - + @BeforeEach + public void clearSystemProperties() { + System.clearProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME); + System.clearProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteEmpty() throws Exception { + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertNull(System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteSandboxNameAlreadySet() throws Exception { + // given + String workflowSourceDir = "eu/dnetlib/dhp/wf/transformers"; + String sandboxName = "originalSandboxName"; + System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); + System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME, sandboxName); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertEquals(sandboxName, System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteEmptyWorkflowSourceDir() throws Exception { + // given + String workflowSourceDir = ""; + System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertNull(System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteNullSandboxNameGenerated() throws Exception { + // given + String workflowSourceDir = "eu/dnetlib/dhp/"; + System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertNull(System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecute() throws Exception { + // given + String workflowSourceDir = "eu/dnetlib/dhp/wf/transformers"; + System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertEquals("wf/transformers", System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteWithoutRoot() throws Exception { + // given + String workflowSourceDir = "wf/transformers"; + System.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WF_SOURCE_DIR, workflowSourceDir); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertEquals("wf/transformers", System.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SANDBOX_NAME)); + } } diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/WritePredefinedProjectPropertiesTest.java b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/WritePredefinedProjectPropertiesTest.java index 4b72130787..0b3ea9653b 100644 --- a/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/WritePredefinedProjectPropertiesTest.java +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/WritePredefinedProjectPropertiesTest.java @@ -1,5 +1,14 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties; +import static eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties.WritePredefinedProjectProperties.PROPERTY_PREFIX_ENV; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; +import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn; +import static org.mockito.Mockito.lenient; + +import java.io.*; +import java.util.Properties; + import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.junit.jupiter.api.*; @@ -9,347 +18,357 @@ import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations; import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension; -import java.io.*; -import java.util.Properties; - -import static eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties.WritePredefinedProjectProperties.PROPERTY_PREFIX_ENV; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; -import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn; -import static org.mockito.Mockito.lenient; - -/** - * @author mhorst, claudio.atzori - * - */ +/** @author mhorst, claudio.atzori */ @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) public class WritePredefinedProjectPropertiesTest { - @Mock - private MavenProject mavenProject; - - private WritePredefinedProjectProperties mojo; + @Mock + private MavenProject mavenProject; - @BeforeEach - public void init(@TempDir File testFolder) { - MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); - mojo = new WritePredefinedProjectProperties(); - mojo.outputFile = getPropertiesFileLocation(testFolder); - mojo.project = mavenProject; - lenient().doReturn(new Properties()).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - } + private WritePredefinedProjectProperties mojo; - // ----------------------------------- TESTS --------------------------------------------- - - @Test - public void testExecuteEmpty() throws Exception { - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(mojo.outputFile.getParentFile()); - assertEquals(0, storedProperties.size()); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteWithProjectProperties() throws Exception { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(mojo.outputFile.getParentFile()); - assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); - assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(key)); - assertEquals(value, storedProperties.getProperty(key)); - } - - @Test() - public void testExecuteWithProjectPropertiesAndInvalidOutputFile(@TempDir File testFolder) { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - mojo.outputFile = testFolder; - - // execute - Assertions.assertThrows(MojoExecutionException.class, () -> mojo.execute()); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteWithProjectPropertiesExclusion(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - String excludedKey = "excludedPropertyKey"; - String excludedValue = "excludedPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - projectProperties.setProperty(excludedKey, excludedValue); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - mojo.setExclude(excludedKey); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); - assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(key)); - assertEquals(value, storedProperties.getProperty(key)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteWithProjectPropertiesInclusion(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; - String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - mojo.setInclude(includedKey); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); - assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(includedKey)); - assertEquals(includedValue, storedProperties.getProperty(includedKey)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromFile(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; - String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - - File includedPropertiesFile = new File(testFolder, "included.properties"); - Properties includedProperties = new Properties(); - includedProperties.setProperty(includedKey, "irrelevantValue"); - includedProperties.store(new FileWriter(includedPropertiesFile), null); - - mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] {includedPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath()}); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); - assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(includedKey)); - assertEquals(includedValue, storedProperties.getProperty(includedKey)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromClasspathResource(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; - String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - - mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] {"/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/included.properties"}); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); - assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(includedKey)); - assertEquals(includedValue, storedProperties.getProperty(includedKey)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromBlankLocation() { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; - String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - - mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] {""}); - - // execute - Assertions.assertThrows(MojoExecutionException.class, () -> mojo.execute()); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromXmlFile(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; - String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - - File includedPropertiesFile = new File(testFolder, "included.xml"); - Properties includedProperties = new Properties(); - includedProperties.setProperty(includedKey, "irrelevantValue"); - includedProperties.storeToXML(new FileOutputStream(includedPropertiesFile), null); - - mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] {includedPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath()}); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); - assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(includedKey)); - assertEquals(includedValue, storedProperties.getProperty(includedKey)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromInvalidXmlFile(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - String key = "projectPropertyKey"; - String value = "projectPropertyValue"; - String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; - String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; - Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); - projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); - projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); - doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); - - File includedPropertiesFile = new File(testFolder, "included.xml"); - Properties includedProperties = new Properties(); - includedProperties.setProperty(includedKey, "irrelevantValue"); - includedProperties.store(new FileOutputStream(includedPropertiesFile), null); - - mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] {includedPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath()}); - - // execute - Assertions.assertThrows(MojoExecutionException.class, () -> mojo.execute()); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteWithQuietModeOn(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - mojo.setQuiet(true); - mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] {"invalid location"}); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertEquals(0, storedProperties.size()); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromInvalidFile() { - // given - mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] {"invalid location"}); - - // execute - Assertions.assertThrows(MojoExecutionException.class, () -> mojo.execute()); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteWithEnvironmentProperties(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - mojo.setIncludeEnvironmentVariables(true); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertTrue(storedProperties.size() > 0); - for (Object currentKey : storedProperties.keySet()) { - assertTrue(((String)currentKey).startsWith(PROPERTY_PREFIX_ENV)); - } - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteWithSystemProperties(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - String key = "systemPropertyKey"; - String value = "systemPropertyValue"; - System.setProperty(key, value); - mojo.setIncludeSystemProperties(true); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertTrue(storedProperties.size() > 0); - assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(key)); - assertEquals(value, storedProperties.getProperty(key)); - } - - @Test - public void testExecuteWithSystemPropertiesAndEscapeChars(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { - // given - String key = "systemPropertyKey "; - String value = "systemPropertyValue"; - System.setProperty(key, value); - mojo.setIncludeSystemProperties(true); - String escapeChars = "cr,lf,tab,|"; - mojo.setEscapeChars(escapeChars); - - // execute - mojo.execute(); - - // assert - assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); - Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); - assertTrue(storedProperties.size() > 0); - assertFalse(storedProperties.containsKey(key)); - assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(key.trim())); - assertEquals(value, storedProperties.getProperty(key.trim())); - } - - // ----------------------------------- PRIVATE ------------------------------------------- - - private File getPropertiesFileLocation(File testFolder) { - return new File(testFolder, "test.properties"); - } - - private Properties getStoredProperties(File testFolder) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { - Properties properties = new Properties(); - properties.load(new FileInputStream(getPropertiesFileLocation(testFolder))); - return properties; - } + @BeforeEach + public void init(@TempDir File testFolder) { + MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); + mojo = new WritePredefinedProjectProperties(); + mojo.outputFile = getPropertiesFileLocation(testFolder); + mojo.project = mavenProject; + lenient().doReturn(new Properties()).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + } + + // ----------------------------------- TESTS --------------------------------------------- + + @Test + public void testExecuteEmpty() throws Exception { + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(mojo.outputFile.getParentFile()); + assertEquals(0, storedProperties.size()); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteWithProjectProperties() throws Exception { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(mojo.outputFile.getParentFile()); + assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); + assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(key)); + assertEquals(value, storedProperties.getProperty(key)); + } + + @Test() + public void testExecuteWithProjectPropertiesAndInvalidOutputFile(@TempDir File testFolder) { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + mojo.outputFile = testFolder; + + // execute + Assertions.assertThrows(MojoExecutionException.class, () -> mojo.execute()); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteWithProjectPropertiesExclusion(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + String excludedKey = "excludedPropertyKey"; + String excludedValue = "excludedPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + projectProperties.setProperty(excludedKey, excludedValue); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + mojo.setExclude(excludedKey); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); + assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(key)); + assertEquals(value, storedProperties.getProperty(key)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteWithProjectPropertiesInclusion(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; + String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + mojo.setInclude(includedKey); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); + assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(includedKey)); + assertEquals(includedValue, storedProperties.getProperty(includedKey)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromFile(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; + String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + + File includedPropertiesFile = new File(testFolder, "included.properties"); + Properties includedProperties = new Properties(); + includedProperties.setProperty(includedKey, "irrelevantValue"); + includedProperties.store(new FileWriter(includedPropertiesFile), null); + + mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] { + includedPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + }); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); + assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(includedKey)); + assertEquals(includedValue, storedProperties.getProperty(includedKey)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromClasspathResource(@TempDir File testFolder) + throws Exception { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; + String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + + mojo + .setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles( + new String[] { + "/eu/dnetlib/maven/plugin/properties/included.properties" + }); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); + assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(includedKey)); + assertEquals(includedValue, storedProperties.getProperty(includedKey)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromBlankLocation() { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; + String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + + mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] { + "" + }); + + // execute + Assertions.assertThrows(MojoExecutionException.class, () -> mojo.execute()); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromXmlFile(@TempDir File testFolder) + throws Exception { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; + String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + + File includedPropertiesFile = new File(testFolder, "included.xml"); + Properties includedProperties = new Properties(); + includedProperties.setProperty(includedKey, "irrelevantValue"); + includedProperties.storeToXML(new FileOutputStream(includedPropertiesFile), null); + + mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] { + includedPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + }); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertEquals(1, storedProperties.size()); + assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(includedKey)); + assertEquals(includedValue, storedProperties.getProperty(includedKey)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromInvalidXmlFile(@TempDir File testFolder) + throws Exception { + // given + String key = "projectPropertyKey"; + String value = "projectPropertyValue"; + String includedKey = "includedPropertyKey"; + String includedValue = "includedPropertyValue"; + Properties projectProperties = new Properties(); + projectProperties.setProperty(key, value); + projectProperties.setProperty(includedKey, includedValue); + doReturn(projectProperties).when(mavenProject).getProperties(); + + File includedPropertiesFile = new File(testFolder, "included.xml"); + Properties includedProperties = new Properties(); + includedProperties.setProperty(includedKey, "irrelevantValue"); + includedProperties.store(new FileOutputStream(includedPropertiesFile), null); + + mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] { + includedPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + }); + + // execute + Assertions.assertThrows(MojoExecutionException.class, () -> mojo.execute()); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteWithQuietModeOn(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { + // given + mojo.setQuiet(true); + mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] { + "invalid location" + }); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertEquals(0, storedProperties.size()); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteIncludingPropertyKeysFromInvalidFile() { + // given + mojo.setIncludePropertyKeysFromFiles(new String[] { + "invalid location" + }); + + // execute + Assertions.assertThrows(MojoExecutionException.class, () -> mojo.execute()); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteWithEnvironmentProperties(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { + // given + mojo.setIncludeEnvironmentVariables(true); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertTrue(storedProperties.size() > 0); + for (Object currentKey : storedProperties.keySet()) { + assertTrue(((String) currentKey).startsWith(PROPERTY_PREFIX_ENV)); + } + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteWithSystemProperties(@TempDir File testFolder) throws Exception { + // given + String key = "systemPropertyKey"; + String value = "systemPropertyValue"; + System.setProperty(key, value); + mojo.setIncludeSystemProperties(true); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertTrue(storedProperties.size() > 0); + assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(key)); + assertEquals(value, storedProperties.getProperty(key)); + } + + @Test + public void testExecuteWithSystemPropertiesAndEscapeChars(@TempDir File testFolder) + throws Exception { + // given + String key = "systemPropertyKey "; + String value = "systemPropertyValue"; + System.setProperty(key, value); + mojo.setIncludeSystemProperties(true); + String escapeChars = "cr,lf,tab,|"; + mojo.setEscapeChars(escapeChars); + + // execute + mojo.execute(); + + // assert + assertTrue(mojo.outputFile.exists()); + Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(testFolder); + assertTrue(storedProperties.size() > 0); + assertFalse(storedProperties.containsKey(key)); + assertTrue(storedProperties.containsKey(key.trim())); + assertEquals(value, storedProperties.getProperty(key.trim())); + } + + // ----------------------------------- PRIVATE ------------------------------------------- + + private File getPropertiesFileLocation(File testFolder) { + return new File(testFolder, "test.properties"); + } + + private Properties getStoredProperties(File testFolder) + throws IOException { + Properties properties = new Properties(); + properties.load(new FileInputStream(getPropertiesFileLocation(testFolder))); + return properties; + } } diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/pom.xml b/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/pom.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e896e7a5c --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/pom.xml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + + + + 4.0.0 + + eu.dnetlib.dhp + dhp-code-style + 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT + + jar + + This module contains resources supporting common code style conventions + + + + dnet45-snapshots + DNet45 Snapshots + http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/dnet45-snapshots + default + + + dnet45-releases + http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/dnet45-releases + + + + + + + + org.apache.maven.plugins + maven-project-info-reports-plugin + 3.0.0 + + + org.apache.maven.plugins + maven-site-plugin + 3.7.1 + + + + + + + UTF-8 + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_aosp.xml b/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_aosp.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d58709f748 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_aosp.xml @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_dnet.xml b/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_dnet.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fcba2c4b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_dnet.xml @@ -0,0 +1,727 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_google.xml b/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_google.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56e5079242 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-build/dhp-code-style/src/main/resources/eclipse/formatter_google.xml @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-build/pom.xml b/dhp-build/pom.xml index 3b54b4e61a..041641fcfb 100644 --- a/dhp-build/pom.xml +++ b/dhp-build/pom.xml @@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ dhp-build pom + + This module is a container for the build tools used in dnet-hadoop + + dhp-code-style dhp-build-assembly-resources dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin diff --git a/dhp-common/pom.xml b/dhp-common/pom.xml index 7b073397f0..51af8d954b 100644 --- a/dhp-common/pom.xml +++ b/dhp-common/pom.xml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ dhp-common jar + This module contains common utilities meant to be used across the dnet-hadoop submodules + diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/collector/worker/model/ApiDescriptor.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/collector/worker/model/ApiDescriptor.java index 255104eda2..bfd70e8c63 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/collector/worker/model/ApiDescriptor.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/collector/worker/model/ApiDescriptor.java @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.collector.worker.model; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; - public class ApiDescriptor { private String id; @@ -45,5 +45,4 @@ public class ApiDescriptor { public void setProtocol(final String protocol) { this.protocol = protocol; } - } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStore.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStore.java index 478bda4402..68fc024afa 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStore.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStore.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.data.mdstore.manager.common.model; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -12,9 +13,7 @@ import javax.persistence.Table; @Table(name = "mdstores") public class MDStore implements Serializable { - /** - * - */ + /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3160530489149700055L; @Id @@ -95,16 +94,18 @@ public class MDStore implements Serializable { this.apiId = apiId; } - public static MDStore newInstance(final String format, final String layout, final String interpretation) { + public static MDStore newInstance( + final String format, final String layout, final String interpretation) { return newInstance(format, layout, interpretation, null, null, null); } - public static MDStore newInstance(final String format, - final String layout, - final String interpretation, - final String dsName, - final String dsId, - final String apiId) { + public static MDStore newInstance( + final String format, + final String layout, + final String interpretation, + final String dsName, + final String dsId, + final String apiId) { final MDStore md = new MDStore(); md.setId("md-" + UUID.randomUUID()); md.setFormat(format); @@ -115,5 +116,4 @@ public class MDStore implements Serializable { md.setApiId(apiId); return md; } - } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreCurrentVersion.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreCurrentVersion.java index 2a52d0d1d1..f74ab39be2 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreCurrentVersion.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreCurrentVersion.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.data.mdstore.manager.common.model; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -11,9 +12,7 @@ import javax.persistence.Table; @Table(name = "mdstore_current_versions") public class MDStoreCurrentVersion implements Serializable { - /** - * - */ + /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4757725888593745773L; @Id diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreVersion.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreVersion.java index 4ad6f137c1..7ef24f1916 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreVersion.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreVersion.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.data.mdstore.manager.common.model; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -14,9 +15,7 @@ import javax.persistence.TemporalType; @Table(name = "mdstore_versions") public class MDStoreVersion implements Serializable { - /** - * - */ + /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4763494442274298339L; @Id @@ -97,5 +96,4 @@ public class MDStoreVersion implements Serializable { public void setSize(final long size) { this.size = size; } - } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreWithInfo.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreWithInfo.java index dfe188f549..4383592410 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreWithInfo.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/mdstore/manager/common/model/MDStoreWithInfo.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.data.mdstore.manager.common.model; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -14,9 +15,7 @@ import javax.persistence.TemporalType; @Table(name = "mdstores_with_info") public class MDStoreWithInfo implements Serializable { - /** - * - */ + /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8445784770687571492L; @Id @@ -141,5 +140,4 @@ public class MDStoreWithInfo implements Serializable { public void setNumberOfVersions(final long numberOfVersions) { this.numberOfVersions = numberOfVersions; } - } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/ArgumentApplicationParser.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/ArgumentApplicationParser.java index cbfc5caf14..e65b4bb0bf 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/ArgumentApplicationParser.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/ArgumentApplicationParser.java @@ -1,9 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.application; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import org.apache.commons.cli.*; -import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.application; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; @@ -12,76 +8,91 @@ import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.*; import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream; import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream; -import java.util.zip.Inflater; + +import org.apache.commons.cli.*; +import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; public class ArgumentApplicationParser implements Serializable { - private final Options options = new Options(); - private final Map objectMap = new HashMap<>(); + private final Options options = new Options(); + private final Map objectMap = new HashMap<>(); - private final List compressedValues = new ArrayList<>(); + private final List compressedValues = new ArrayList<>(); - public ArgumentApplicationParser(final String json_configuration) throws Exception { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - final OptionsParameter[] configuration = mapper.readValue(json_configuration, OptionsParameter[].class); - createOptionMap(configuration); - } + public ArgumentApplicationParser(final String json_configuration) throws Exception { + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + final OptionsParameter[] configuration = mapper.readValue(json_configuration, OptionsParameter[].class); + createOptionMap(configuration); + } - public ArgumentApplicationParser(final OptionsParameter[] configuration) { - createOptionMap(configuration); - } + public ArgumentApplicationParser(final OptionsParameter[] configuration) { + createOptionMap(configuration); + } - private void createOptionMap(final OptionsParameter[] configuration) { + private void createOptionMap(final OptionsParameter[] configuration) { - Arrays.stream(configuration).map(conf -> { - final Option o = new Option(conf.getParamName(), true, conf.getParamDescription()); - o.setLongOpt(conf.getParamLongName()); - o.setRequired(conf.isParamRequired()); - if (conf.isCompressed()) { - compressedValues.add(conf.getParamLongName()); - } - return o; - }).forEach(options::addOption); + Arrays + .stream(configuration) + .map( + conf -> { + final Option o = new Option(conf.getParamName(), true, conf.getParamDescription()); + o.setLongOpt(conf.getParamLongName()); + o.setRequired(conf.isParamRequired()); + if (conf.isCompressed()) { + compressedValues.add(conf.getParamLongName()); + } + return o; + }) + .forEach(options::addOption); -// HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); -// formatter.printHelp("myapp", null, options, null, true); + // HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); + // formatter.printHelp("myapp", null, options, null, true); + } - } + public static String decompressValue(final String abstractCompressed) { + try { + byte[] byteArray = Base64.decodeBase64(abstractCompressed.getBytes()); + GZIPInputStream gis = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray)); + final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); + IOUtils.copy(gis, stringWriter); + return stringWriter.toString(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + System.out.println("Wrong value to decompress:" + abstractCompressed); + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } + public static String compressArgument(final String value) throws Exception { + ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); + GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(out); + gzip.write(value.getBytes()); + gzip.close(); + return java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(out.toByteArray()); + } - public static String decompressValue(final String abstractCompressed) { - try { - byte[] byteArray = Base64.decodeBase64(abstractCompressed.getBytes()); - GZIPInputStream gis = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray)); - final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); - IOUtils.copy(gis, stringWriter); - return stringWriter.toString(); - } catch (Throwable e) { - System.out.println("Wrong value to decompress:" + abstractCompressed); - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } + public void parseArgument(final String[] args) throws Exception { + CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); + CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); + Arrays + .stream(cmd.getOptions()) + .forEach( + it -> objectMap + .put( + it.getLongOpt(), + compressedValues.contains(it.getLongOpt()) + ? decompressValue(it.getValue()) + : it.getValue())); + } - public static String compressArgument(final String value) throws Exception{ - ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); - GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(out); - gzip.write(value.getBytes()); - gzip.close(); - return java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(out.toByteArray()); - } + public String get(final String key) { + return objectMap.get(key); + } - public void parseArgument(final String[] args) throws Exception { - CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); - CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); - Arrays.stream(cmd.getOptions()).forEach(it -> objectMap.put(it.getLongOpt(), compressedValues.contains(it.getLongOpt())? decompressValue(it.getValue()): it.getValue())); - } - - public String get(final String key) { - return objectMap.get(key); - } - - public Map getObjectMap() { - return objectMap; - } + public Map getObjectMap() { + return objectMap; + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/OptionsParameter.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/OptionsParameter.java index 4e7c2826bb..7004112e42 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/OptionsParameter.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/OptionsParameter.java @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.application; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.application; public class OptionsParameter { - private String paramName; - private String paramLongName; - private String paramDescription; - private boolean paramRequired; - private boolean compressed; + private String paramName; + private String paramLongName; + private String paramDescription; + private boolean paramRequired; + private boolean compressed; - public OptionsParameter() { - } + public OptionsParameter() { + } - public String getParamName() { - return paramName; - } + public String getParamName() { + return paramName; + } - public String getParamLongName() { - return paramLongName; - } + public String getParamLongName() { + return paramLongName; + } - public String getParamDescription() { - return paramDescription; - } + public String getParamDescription() { + return paramDescription; + } - public boolean isParamRequired() { - return paramRequired; - } + public boolean isParamRequired() { + return paramRequired; + } - public boolean isCompressed() { - return compressed; - } + public boolean isCompressed() { + return compressed; + } - public void setCompressed(boolean compressed) { - this.compressed = compressed; - } + public void setCompressed(boolean compressed) { + this.compressed = compressed; + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/FunctionalInterfaceSupport.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/FunctionalInterfaceSupport.java index d78520f55b..e793e3f295 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/FunctionalInterfaceSupport.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/FunctionalInterfaceSupport.java @@ -1,56 +1,54 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.common; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.function.Supplier; -/** - * Provides serializable and throwing extensions to standard functional interfaces. - */ +/** Provides serializable and throwing extensions to standard functional interfaces. */ public class FunctionalInterfaceSupport { - private FunctionalInterfaceSupport() { - } + private FunctionalInterfaceSupport() { + } - /** - * Serializable supplier of any kind of objects. To be used withing spark processing pipelines when supplying - * functions externally. - * - * @param - */ - @FunctionalInterface - public interface SerializableSupplier extends Supplier, Serializable { - } + /** + * Serializable supplier of any kind of objects. To be used withing spark processing pipelines when supplying + * functions externally. + * + * @param + */ + @FunctionalInterface + public interface SerializableSupplier extends Supplier, Serializable { + } - /** - * Extension of consumer accepting functions throwing an exception. - * - * @param - * @param - */ - @FunctionalInterface - public interface ThrowingConsumer { - void accept(T t) throws E; - } + /** + * Extension of consumer accepting functions throwing an exception. + * + * @param + * @param + */ + @FunctionalInterface + public interface ThrowingConsumer { + void accept(T t) throws E; + } - /** - * Extension of supplier accepting functions throwing an exception. - * - * @param - * @param - */ - @FunctionalInterface - public interface ThrowingSupplier { - T get() throws E; - } + /** + * Extension of supplier accepting functions throwing an exception. + * + * @param + * @param + */ + @FunctionalInterface + public interface ThrowingSupplier { + T get() throws E; + } - /** - * Extension of runnable accepting functions throwing an exception. - * - * @param - */ - @FunctionalInterface - public interface ThrowingRunnable { - void run() throws E; - } - -} \ No newline at end of file + /** + * Extension of runnable accepting functions throwing an exception. + * + * @param + */ + @FunctionalInterface + public interface ThrowingRunnable { + void run() throws E; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/HdfsSupport.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/HdfsSupport.java index 05beaa51e1..0b2cd571fa 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/HdfsSupport.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/HdfsSupport.java @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.common; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.ThrowingSupport.rethrowAsRuntimeException; + +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; @@ -7,51 +14,61 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import java.util.Arrays; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.ThrowingSupport.rethrowAsRuntimeException; - -/** - * HDFS utility methods. - */ +/** HDFS utility methods. */ public class HdfsSupport { - private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HdfsSupport.class); + private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HdfsSupport.class); - private HdfsSupport() { - } + private HdfsSupport() { + } - /** - * Removes a path (file or dir) from HDFS. - * - * @param path Path to be removed - * @param configuration Configuration of hadoop env - */ - public static void remove(String path, Configuration configuration) { - logger.info("Removing path: {}", path); - rethrowAsRuntimeException(() -> { - Path f = new Path(path); - FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(configuration); - if (fileSystem.exists(f)) { - fileSystem.delete(f, true); - } - }); - } + /** + * Checks a path (file or dir) exists on HDFS. + * + * @param path Path to be checked + * @param configuration Configuration of hadoop env + */ + public static boolean exists(String path, Configuration configuration) { + logger.info("Removing path: {}", path); + return rethrowAsRuntimeException( + () -> { + Path f = new Path(path); + FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(configuration); + return fileSystem.exists(f); + }); + } - /** - * Lists hadoop files located below path or alternatively lists subdirs under path. - * - * @param path Path to be listed for hadoop files - * @param configuration Configuration of hadoop env - * @return List with string locations of hadoop files - */ - public static List listFiles(String path, Configuration configuration) { - logger.info("Listing files in path: {}", path); - return rethrowAsRuntimeException(() -> Arrays - .stream(FileSystem.get(configuration).listStatus(new Path(path))) - .filter(FileStatus::isDirectory) - .map(x -> x.getPath().toString()) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } + /** + * Removes a path (file or dir) from HDFS. + * + * @param path Path to be removed + * @param configuration Configuration of hadoop env + */ + public static void remove(String path, Configuration configuration) { + logger.info("Removing path: {}", path); + rethrowAsRuntimeException( + () -> { + Path f = new Path(path); + FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(configuration); + if (fileSystem.exists(f)) { + fileSystem.delete(f, true); + } + }); + } + + /** + * Lists hadoop files located below path or alternatively lists subdirs under path. + * + * @param path Path to be listed for hadoop files + * @param configuration Configuration of hadoop env + * @return List with string locations of hadoop files + */ + public static List listFiles(String path, Configuration configuration) { + logger.info("Listing files in path: {}", path); + return rethrowAsRuntimeException( + () -> Arrays + .stream(FileSystem.get(configuration).listStatus(new Path(path))) + .filter(FileStatus::isDirectory) + .map(x -> x.getPath().toString()) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/SparkSessionSupport.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/SparkSessionSupport.java index 43c18a9560..03cc949615 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/SparkSessionSupport.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/SparkSessionSupport.java @@ -1,71 +1,75 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.common; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.ThrowingConsumer; -import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.common; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Function; -/** - * SparkSession utility methods. - */ +import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.ThrowingConsumer; + +/** SparkSession utility methods. */ public class SparkSessionSupport { - private SparkSessionSupport() { - } + private SparkSessionSupport() { + } - /** - * Runs a given function using SparkSession created using default builder and supplied SparkConf. Stops SparkSession - * when SparkSession is managed. Allows to reuse SparkSession created externally. - * - * @param conf SparkConf instance - * @param isSparkSessionManaged When true will stop SparkSession - * @param fn Consumer to be applied to constructed SparkSession - */ - public static void runWithSparkSession(SparkConf conf, - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged, - ThrowingConsumer fn) { - runWithSparkSession(c -> SparkSession.builder().config(c).getOrCreate(), conf, isSparkSessionManaged, fn); - } + /** + * Runs a given function using SparkSession created using default builder and supplied SparkConf. Stops SparkSession + * when SparkSession is managed. Allows to reuse SparkSession created externally. + * + * @param conf SparkConf instance + * @param isSparkSessionManaged When true will stop SparkSession + * @param fn Consumer to be applied to constructed SparkSession + */ + public static void runWithSparkSession( + SparkConf conf, Boolean isSparkSessionManaged, ThrowingConsumer fn) { + runWithSparkSession( + c -> SparkSession.builder().config(c).getOrCreate(), conf, isSparkSessionManaged, fn); + } - /** - * Runs a given function using SparkSession created with hive support and using default builder and supplied SparkConf. - * Stops SparkSession when SparkSession is managed. Allows to reuse SparkSession created externally. - * - * @param conf SparkConf instance - * @param isSparkSessionManaged When true will stop SparkSession - * @param fn Consumer to be applied to constructed SparkSession - */ - public static void runWithSparkHiveSession(SparkConf conf, - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged, - ThrowingConsumer fn) { - runWithSparkSession(c -> SparkSession.builder().config(c).enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate(), conf, isSparkSessionManaged, fn); - } + /** + * Runs a given function using SparkSession created with hive support and using default builder and supplied + * SparkConf. Stops SparkSession when SparkSession is managed. Allows to reuse SparkSession created externally. + * + * @param conf SparkConf instance + * @param isSparkSessionManaged When true will stop SparkSession + * @param fn Consumer to be applied to constructed SparkSession + */ + public static void runWithSparkHiveSession( + SparkConf conf, Boolean isSparkSessionManaged, ThrowingConsumer fn) { + runWithSparkSession( + c -> SparkSession.builder().config(c).enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate(), + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + fn); + } - /** - * Runs a given function using SparkSession created using supplied builder and supplied SparkConf. Stops SparkSession - * when SparkSession is managed. Allows to reuse SparkSession created externally. - * - * @param sparkSessionBuilder Builder of SparkSession - * @param conf SparkConf instance - * @param isSparkSessionManaged When true will stop SparkSession - * @param fn Consumer to be applied to constructed SparkSession - */ - public static void runWithSparkSession(Function sparkSessionBuilder, - SparkConf conf, - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged, - ThrowingConsumer fn) { - SparkSession spark = null; - try { - spark = sparkSessionBuilder.apply(conf); - fn.accept(spark); - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } finally { - if (Objects.nonNull(spark) && isSparkSessionManaged) { - spark.stop(); - } - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file + /** + * Runs a given function using SparkSession created using supplied builder and supplied SparkConf. Stops + * SparkSession when SparkSession is managed. Allows to reuse SparkSession created externally. + * + * @param sparkSessionBuilder Builder of SparkSession + * @param conf SparkConf instance + * @param isSparkSessionManaged When true will stop SparkSession + * @param fn Consumer to be applied to constructed SparkSession + */ + public static void runWithSparkSession( + Function sparkSessionBuilder, + SparkConf conf, + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged, + ThrowingConsumer fn) { + SparkSession spark = null; + try { + spark = sparkSessionBuilder.apply(conf); + fn.accept(spark); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } finally { + if (Objects.nonNull(spark) && isSparkSessionManaged) { + spark.stop(); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/ThrowingSupport.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/ThrowingSupport.java index b32803c378..f3f59b2a21 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/ThrowingSupport.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/ThrowingSupport.java @@ -1,76 +1,76 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.common; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.ThrowingRunnable; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.ThrowingSupplier; -/** - * Exception handling utility methods. - */ +/** Exception handling utility methods. */ public class ThrowingSupport { - private ThrowingSupport() { - } + private ThrowingSupport() { + } - /** - * Executes given runnable and rethrows any exceptions as RuntimeException. - * - * @param fn Runnable to be executed - * @param Type of exception thrown - */ - public static void rethrowAsRuntimeException(ThrowingRunnable fn) { - try { - fn.run(); - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } + /** + * Executes given runnable and rethrows any exceptions as RuntimeException. + * + * @param fn Runnable to be executed + * @param Type of exception thrown + */ + public static void rethrowAsRuntimeException(ThrowingRunnable fn) { + try { + fn.run(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } - /** - * Executes given runnable and rethrows any exceptions as RuntimeException with custom message. - * - * @param fn Runnable to be executed - * @param msg Message to be set for rethrown exception - * @param Type of exception thrown - */ - public static void rethrowAsRuntimeException(ThrowingRunnable fn, String msg) { - try { - fn.run(); - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); - } - } + /** + * Executes given runnable and rethrows any exceptions as RuntimeException with custom message. + * + * @param fn Runnable to be executed + * @param msg Message to be set for rethrown exception + * @param Type of exception thrown + */ + public static void rethrowAsRuntimeException( + ThrowingRunnable fn, String msg) { + try { + fn.run(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); + } + } - /** - * Executes given supplier and rethrows any exceptions as RuntimeException. - * - * @param fn Supplier to be executed - * @param Type of returned value - * @param Type of exception thrown - * @return Result of supplier execution - */ - public static T rethrowAsRuntimeException(ThrowingSupplier fn) { - try { - return fn.get(); - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } + /** + * Executes given supplier and rethrows any exceptions as RuntimeException. + * + * @param fn Supplier to be executed + * @param Type of returned value + * @param Type of exception thrown + * @return Result of supplier execution + */ + public static T rethrowAsRuntimeException(ThrowingSupplier fn) { + try { + return fn.get(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } - /** - * Executes given supplier and rethrows any exceptions as RuntimeException with custom message. - * - * @param fn Supplier to be executed - * @param msg Message to be set for rethrown exception - * @param Type of returned value - * @param Type of exception thrown - * @return Result of supplier execution - */ - public static T rethrowAsRuntimeException(ThrowingSupplier fn, String msg) { - try { - return fn.get(); - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); - } - } - -} \ No newline at end of file + /** + * Executes given supplier and rethrows any exceptions as RuntimeException with custom message. + * + * @param fn Supplier to be executed + * @param msg Message to be set for rethrown exception + * @param Type of returned value + * @param Type of exception thrown + * @return Result of supplier execution + */ + public static T rethrowAsRuntimeException( + ThrowingSupplier fn, String msg) { + try { + return fn.get(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); + } + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/MetadataRecord.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/MetadataRecord.java index acbb7ffbbb..ce65e710f9 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/MetadataRecord.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/MetadataRecord.java @@ -1,137 +1,121 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore; import java.io.Serializable; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -/** - * This class models a record inside the new Metadata store collection on HDFS * - * - */ +/** This class models a record inside the new Metadata store collection on HDFS * */ public class MetadataRecord implements Serializable { - /** - * The D-Net Identifier associated to the record - */ - private String id; + /** The D-Net Identifier associated to the record */ + private String id; - /** - * The original Identifier of the record - */ - private String originalId; + /** The original Identifier of the record */ + private String originalId; + /** The encoding of the record, should be JSON or XML */ + private String encoding; - /** - * The encoding of the record, should be JSON or XML - */ - private String encoding; + /** + * The information about the provenance of the record see @{@link Provenance} for the model of this information + */ + private Provenance provenance; - /** - * The information about the provenance of the record see @{@link Provenance} - * for the model of this information - */ - private Provenance provenance; + /** The content of the metadata */ + private String body; - /** - * The content of the metadata - */ - private String body; + /** the date when the record has been stored */ + private long dateOfCollection; - /** - * the date when the record has been stored - */ - private long dateOfCollection; + /** the date when the record has been stored */ + private long dateOfTransformation; - /** - * the date when the record has been stored - */ - private long dateOfTransformation; + public MetadataRecord() { + this.dateOfCollection = System.currentTimeMillis(); + } + public MetadataRecord( + String originalId, + String encoding, + Provenance provenance, + String body, + long dateOfCollection) { - public MetadataRecord() { - this.dateOfCollection = System.currentTimeMillis(); - } + this.originalId = originalId; + this.encoding = encoding; + this.provenance = provenance; + this.body = body; + this.dateOfCollection = dateOfCollection; + this.id = DHPUtils.generateIdentifier(originalId, this.provenance.getNsPrefix()); + } - public MetadataRecord(String originalId, String encoding, Provenance provenance, String body, long dateOfCollection) { + public String getId() { + return id; + } - this.originalId = originalId; - this.encoding = encoding; - this.provenance = provenance; - this.body = body; - this.dateOfCollection = dateOfCollection; - this.id = DHPUtils.generateIdentifier(originalId,this.provenance.getNsPrefix()); - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getOriginalId() { + return originalId; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setOriginalId(String originalId) { + this.originalId = originalId; + } + public String getEncoding() { + return encoding; + } - public String getOriginalId() { - return originalId; - } + public void setEncoding(String encoding) { + this.encoding = encoding; + } - public void setOriginalId(String originalId) { - this.originalId = originalId; - } + public Provenance getProvenance() { + return provenance; + } - public String getEncoding() { - return encoding; - } + public void setProvenance(Provenance provenance) { + this.provenance = provenance; + } - public void setEncoding(String encoding) { - this.encoding = encoding; - } + public String getBody() { + return body; + } - public Provenance getProvenance() { - return provenance; - } + public void setBody(String body) { + this.body = body; + } - public void setProvenance(Provenance provenance) { - this.provenance = provenance; - } + public long getDateOfCollection() { + return dateOfCollection; + } + public void setDateOfCollection(long dateOfCollection) { + this.dateOfCollection = dateOfCollection; + } - public String getBody() { - return body; - } + public long getDateOfTransformation() { + return dateOfTransformation; + } - public void setBody(String body) { - this.body = body; - } + public void setDateOfTransformation(long dateOfTransformation) { + this.dateOfTransformation = dateOfTransformation; + } - public long getDateOfCollection() { - return dateOfCollection; - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (!(o instanceof MetadataRecord)) { + return false; + } + return ((MetadataRecord) o).getId().equalsIgnoreCase(id); + } - public void setDateOfCollection(long dateOfCollection) { - this.dateOfCollection = dateOfCollection; - } - - public long getDateOfTransformation() { - return dateOfTransformation; - } - - public void setDateOfTransformation(long dateOfTransformation) { - this.dateOfTransformation = dateOfTransformation; - } - - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (!(o instanceof MetadataRecord)) { - return false; - } - return ((MetadataRecord) o).getId().equalsIgnoreCase(id); - - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return id.hashCode(); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return id.hashCode(); + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/Provenance.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/Provenance.java index de67281f23..556535022e 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/Provenance.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/Provenance.java @@ -1,56 +1,52 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore; import java.io.Serializable; - /** * @author Sandro La Bruzzo - * - * Provenace class models the provenance of the record in the metadataStore - * It contains the identifier and the name of the datasource that gives the - * record - * + *

+ * Provenace class models the provenance of the record in the metadataStore It contains the identifier and the + * name of the datasource that gives the record */ public class Provenance implements Serializable { - private String datasourceId; + private String datasourceId; + private String datasourceName; - private String datasourceName; + private String nsPrefix; - private String nsPrefix; + public Provenance() { + } - public Provenance() { + public Provenance(String datasourceId, String datasourceName, String nsPrefix) { + this.datasourceId = datasourceId; + this.datasourceName = datasourceName; + this.nsPrefix = nsPrefix; + } - } + public String getDatasourceId() { + return datasourceId; + } - public Provenance(String datasourceId, String datasourceName, String nsPrefix) { - this.datasourceId = datasourceId; - this.datasourceName = datasourceName; - this.nsPrefix = nsPrefix; - } + public void setDatasourceId(String datasourceId) { + this.datasourceId = datasourceId; + } - public String getDatasourceId() { - return datasourceId; - } + public String getDatasourceName() { + return datasourceName; + } - public void setDatasourceId(String datasourceId) { - this.datasourceId = datasourceId; - } + public void setDatasourceName(String datasourceName) { + this.datasourceName = datasourceName; + } - public String getDatasourceName() { - return datasourceName; - } + public String getNsPrefix() { + return nsPrefix; + } - public void setDatasourceName(String datasourceName) { - this.datasourceName = datasourceName; - } - - public String getNsPrefix() { - return nsPrefix; - } - - public void setNsPrefix(String nsPrefix) { - this.nsPrefix = nsPrefix; - } + public void setNsPrefix(String nsPrefix) { + this.nsPrefix = nsPrefix; + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/parser/utility/VtdException.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/parser/utility/VtdException.java index 77b28f207f..22945309c0 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/parser/utility/VtdException.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/parser/utility/VtdException.java @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility; public class VtdException extends Exception { - public VtdException(final Exception e) { - super(e); - } + public VtdException(final Exception e) { + super(e); + } - public VtdException(final Throwable e) { - super(e); - } -} \ No newline at end of file + public VtdException(final Throwable e) { + super(e); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/parser/utility/VtdUtilityParser.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/parser/utility/VtdUtilityParser.java index 5d92e1c5fd..9ac0a0bf71 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/parser/utility/VtdUtilityParser.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/parser/utility/VtdUtilityParser.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility; import java.util.ArrayList; @@ -5,103 +6,105 @@ import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; - import com.ximpleware.AutoPilot; import com.ximpleware.VTDNav; -/** - * Created by sandro on 9/29/16. - */ +/** Created by sandro on 9/29/16. */ public class VtdUtilityParser { - public static List getTextValuesWithAttributes(final AutoPilot ap, final VTDNav vn, final String xpath, final List attributes) - throws VtdException { - final List results = new ArrayList<>(); - try { - ap.selectXPath(xpath); + public static List getTextValuesWithAttributes( + final AutoPilot ap, final VTDNav vn, final String xpath, final List attributes) + throws VtdException { + final List results = new ArrayList<>(); + try { + ap.selectXPath(xpath); - while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) { - final Node currentNode = new Node(); - int t = vn.getText(); - if (t >= 0) { - currentNode.setTextValue(vn.toNormalizedString(t)); - } - currentNode.setAttributes(getAttributes(vn, attributes)); - results.add(currentNode); - } - return results; - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new VtdException(e); - } - } + while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) { + final Node currentNode = new Node(); + int t = vn.getText(); + if (t >= 0) { + currentNode.setTextValue(vn.toNormalizedString(t)); + } + currentNode.setAttributes(getAttributes(vn, attributes)); + results.add(currentNode); + } + return results; + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new VtdException(e); + } + } - private static Map getAttributes(final VTDNav vn, final List attributes) { - final Map currentAttributes = new HashMap<>(); - if (attributes != null) { + private static Map getAttributes(final VTDNav vn, final List attributes) { + final Map currentAttributes = new HashMap<>(); + if (attributes != null) { - attributes.forEach(attributeKey -> { - try { - int attr = vn.getAttrVal(attributeKey); - if (attr > -1) { - currentAttributes.put(attributeKey, vn.toNormalizedString(attr)); - } - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - }); - } - return currentAttributes; - } + attributes + .forEach( + attributeKey -> { + try { + int attr = vn.getAttrVal(attributeKey); + if (attr > -1) { + currentAttributes.put(attributeKey, vn.toNormalizedString(attr)); + } + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + }); + } + return currentAttributes; + } - public static List getTextValue(final AutoPilot ap, final VTDNav vn, final String xpath) throws VtdException { - List results = new ArrayList<>(); - try { - ap.selectXPath(xpath); - while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) { - int t = vn.getText(); - if (t > -1) results.add(vn.toNormalizedString(t)); - } - return results; - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new VtdException(e); - } - } + public static List getTextValue(final AutoPilot ap, final VTDNav vn, final String xpath) + throws VtdException { + List results = new ArrayList<>(); + try { + ap.selectXPath(xpath); + while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) { + int t = vn.getText(); + if (t > -1) + results.add(vn.toNormalizedString(t)); + } + return results; + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new VtdException(e); + } + } - public static String getSingleValue(final AutoPilot ap, final VTDNav nav, final String xpath) throws VtdException { - try { - ap.selectXPath(xpath); - while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) { - int it = nav.getText(); - if (it > -1) - return nav.toNormalizedString(it); - } - return null; - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new VtdException(e); - } - } + public static String getSingleValue(final AutoPilot ap, final VTDNav nav, final String xpath) + throws VtdException { + try { + ap.selectXPath(xpath); + while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) { + int it = nav.getText(); + if (it > -1) + return nav.toNormalizedString(it); + } + return null; + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new VtdException(e); + } + } - public static class Node { + public static class Node { - private String textValue; + private String textValue; - private Map attributes; + private Map attributes; - public String getTextValue() { - return textValue; - } + public String getTextValue() { + return textValue; + } - public void setTextValue(final String textValue) { - this.textValue = textValue; - } + public void setTextValue(final String textValue) { + this.textValue = textValue; + } - public Map getAttributes() { - return attributes; - } - - public void setAttributes(final Map attributes) { - this.attributes = attributes; - } - } + public Map getAttributes() { + return attributes; + } + public void setAttributes(final Map attributes) { + this.attributes = attributes; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/DHPUtils.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/DHPUtils.java index ea8943efd2..dfbaf3a6ca 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/DHPUtils.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/DHPUtils.java @@ -1,11 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils; -import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; -import net.minidev.json.JSONArray; -import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; -import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64OutputStream; -import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; @@ -14,61 +8,68 @@ import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream; import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream; +import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; +import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64OutputStream; +import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; + +import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; + +import net.minidev.json.JSONArray; + public class DHPUtils { - public static String md5(final String s) { - try { - final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); - md.update(s.getBytes("UTF-8")); - return new String(Hex.encodeHex(md.digest())); - } catch (final Exception e) { - System.err.println("Error creating id"); - return null; - } - } + public static String md5(final String s) { + try { + final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); + md.update(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); + return new String(Hex.encodeHex(md.digest())); + } catch (final Exception e) { + System.err.println("Error creating id"); + return null; + } + } - public static String generateIdentifier(final String originalId, final String nsPrefix) { - return String.format("%s::%s",nsPrefix, DHPUtils.md5(originalId)); - } + public static String generateIdentifier(final String originalId, final String nsPrefix) { + return String.format("%s::%s", nsPrefix, DHPUtils.md5(originalId)); + } - public static String compressString(final String input ) { - try ( ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Base64OutputStream b64os = new Base64OutputStream(out)) { - GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(b64os); - gzip.write(input.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); - gzip.close(); - return out.toString(); - } catch (Throwable e ) { - return null; - } - } + public static String compressString(final String input) { + try (ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); + Base64OutputStream b64os = new Base64OutputStream(out)) { + GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(b64os); + gzip.write(input.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); + gzip.close(); + return out.toString(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + return null; + } + } + public static String decompressString(final String input) { + byte[] byteArray = Base64.decodeBase64(input.getBytes()); + int len; + try (GZIPInputStream gis = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream((byteArray))); + ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteArray.length)) { + byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; + while ((len = gis.read(buffer)) != -1) { + bos.write(buffer, 0, len); + } + return bos.toString(); + } catch (Exception e) { + return null; + } + } - public static String decompressString(final String input) { - byte[] byteArray = Base64.decodeBase64(input.getBytes()); - int len; - try (GZIPInputStream gis = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream((byteArray))); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteArray.length)) { - byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; - while((len = gis.read(buffer)) != -1){ - bos.write(buffer, 0, len); - } - return bos.toString(); - } catch (Exception e) { - return null; - } - - } - - public static String getJPathString(final String jsonPath, final String json) { - try { - Object o = JsonPath.read(json, jsonPath); - if (o instanceof String) - return (String) o; - if (o instanceof JSONArray && ((JSONArray) o).size() > 0) - return (String) ((JSONArray) o).get(0); - return o.toString(); - } catch (Exception e) { - return ""; - } - } - + public static String getJPathString(final String jsonPath, final String json) { + try { + Object o = JsonPath.read(json, jsonPath); + if (o instanceof String) + return (String) o; + if (o instanceof JSONArray && ((JSONArray) o).size() > 0) + return (String) ((JSONArray) o).get(0); + return o.toString(); + } catch (Exception e) { + return ""; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/ISLookupClientFactory.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/ISLookupClientFactory.java index c74cf3c111..97fe4b9d83 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/ISLookupClientFactory.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/ISLookupClientFactory.java @@ -1,24 +1,26 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsProxyFactoryBean; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; + public class ISLookupClientFactory { - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ISLookupClientFactory.class); + private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ISLookupClientFactory.class); - public static ISLookUpService getLookUpService(final String isLookupUrl) { - return getServiceStub(ISLookUpService.class, isLookupUrl); - } + public static ISLookUpService getLookUpService(final String isLookupUrl) { + return getServiceStub(ISLookUpService.class, isLookupUrl); + } - @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") - private static T getServiceStub(final Class clazz, final String endpoint) { - log.info(String.format("creating %s stub from %s", clazz.getName(), endpoint)); - final JaxWsProxyFactoryBean jaxWsProxyFactory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean(); - jaxWsProxyFactory.setServiceClass(clazz); - jaxWsProxyFactory.setAddress(endpoint); - return (T) jaxWsProxyFactory.create(); - } + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") + private static T getServiceStub(final Class clazz, final String endpoint) { + log.info(String.format("creating %s stub from %s", clazz.getName(), endpoint)); + final JaxWsProxyFactoryBean jaxWsProxyFactory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean(); + jaxWsProxyFactory.setServiceClass(clazz); + jaxWsProxyFactory.setAddress(endpoint); + return (T) jaxWsProxyFactory.create(); + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/AbstractExtensionFunction.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/AbstractExtensionFunction.java index bd39624404..9b00b908c1 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/AbstractExtensionFunction.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/AbstractExtensionFunction.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.saxon; import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext; @@ -9,24 +10,24 @@ import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException; public abstract class AbstractExtensionFunction extends ExtensionFunctionDefinition { - public static String DEFAULT_SAXON_EXT_NS_URI = "http://www.d-net.research-infrastructures.eu/saxon-extension"; + public static String DEFAULT_SAXON_EXT_NS_URI = "http://www.d-net.research-infrastructures.eu/saxon-extension"; - public abstract String getName(); - public abstract Sequence doCall(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException; + public abstract String getName(); - @Override - public StructuredQName getFunctionQName() { - return new StructuredQName("dnet", DEFAULT_SAXON_EXT_NS_URI, getName()); - } + public abstract Sequence doCall(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException; - @Override - public ExtensionFunctionCall makeCallExpression() { - return new ExtensionFunctionCall() { - @Override - public Sequence call(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException { - return doCall(context, arguments); - } - }; - } + @Override + public StructuredQName getFunctionQName() { + return new StructuredQName("dnet", DEFAULT_SAXON_EXT_NS_URI, getName()); + } -} \ No newline at end of file + @Override + public ExtensionFunctionCall makeCallExpression() { + return new ExtensionFunctionCall() { + @Override + public Sequence call(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException { + return doCall(context, arguments); + } + }; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/ExtractYear.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/ExtractYear.java index f90e2a23e8..c7e311b02a 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/ExtractYear.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/ExtractYear.java @@ -1,5 +1,11 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.saxon; +import java.text.ParseException; +import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; +import java.util.Calendar; +import java.util.GregorianCalendar; + import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext; import net.sf.saxon.om.Item; import net.sf.saxon.om.Sequence; @@ -7,61 +13,61 @@ import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException; import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType; import net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue; -import java.text.ParseException; -import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; -import java.util.Calendar; -import java.util.GregorianCalendar; - public class ExtractYear extends AbstractExtensionFunction { - private static final String[] dateFormats = { "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy/MM/dd" }; + private static final String[] dateFormats = { + "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy/MM/dd" + }; - @Override - public String getName() { - return "extractYear"; - } + @Override + public String getName() { + return "extractYear"; + } - @Override - public Sequence doCall(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException { - if (arguments == null | arguments.length == 0) { - return new StringValue(""); - } - final Item item = arguments[0].head(); - if (item == null) { - return new StringValue(""); - } - return new StringValue(_year(item.getStringValue())); - } + @Override + public Sequence doCall(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException { + if (arguments == null | arguments.length == 0) { + return new StringValue(""); + } + final Item item = arguments[0].head(); + if (item == null) { + return new StringValue(""); + } + return new StringValue(_year(item.getStringValue())); + } - @Override - public int getMinimumNumberOfArguments() { - return 0; - } + @Override + public int getMinimumNumberOfArguments() { + return 0; + } - @Override - public int getMaximumNumberOfArguments() { - return 1; - } + @Override + public int getMaximumNumberOfArguments() { + return 1; + } - @Override - public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() { - return new SequenceType[] { SequenceType.OPTIONAL_ITEM }; - } + @Override + public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() { + return new SequenceType[] { + SequenceType.OPTIONAL_ITEM + }; + } - @Override - public SequenceType getResultType(SequenceType[] suppliedArgumentTypes) { - return SequenceType.SINGLE_STRING; - } + @Override + public SequenceType getResultType(SequenceType[] suppliedArgumentTypes) { + return SequenceType.SINGLE_STRING; + } - private String _year(String s) { - Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); - for (String format : dateFormats) { - try { - c.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat(format).parse(s)); - String year = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.YEAR)); - return year; - } catch (ParseException e) {} - } - return ""; - } + private String _year(String s) { + Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); + for (String format : dateFormats) { + try { + c.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat(format).parse(s)); + String year = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.YEAR)); + return year; + } catch (ParseException e) { + } + } + return ""; + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/NormalizeDate.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/NormalizeDate.java index 634e08788b..9fb60e1452 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/NormalizeDate.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/NormalizeDate.java @@ -1,66 +1,71 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.saxon; +import java.text.ParseException; +import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; +import java.util.Date; + import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext; import net.sf.saxon.om.Sequence; import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException; import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType; import net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue; -import java.text.ParseException; -import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; -import java.util.Date; - public class NormalizeDate extends AbstractExtensionFunction { - private static final String[] normalizeDateFormats = { "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy/MM/dd", "yyyy" }; + private static final String[] normalizeDateFormats = { + "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy/MM/dd", "yyyy" + }; - private static final String normalizeOutFormat = new String("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'"); + private static final String normalizeOutFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'"; - @Override - public String getName() { - return "normalizeDate"; - } + @Override + public String getName() { + return "normalizeDate"; + } - @Override - public Sequence doCall(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException { - if (arguments == null | arguments.length == 0) { - return new StringValue(""); - } - String s = arguments[0].head().getStringValue(); - return new StringValue(_year(s)); - } + @Override + public Sequence doCall(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException { + if (arguments == null | arguments.length == 0) { + return new StringValue(""); + } + String s = arguments[0].head().getStringValue(); + return new StringValue(_year(s)); + } - @Override - public int getMinimumNumberOfArguments() { - return 0; - } + @Override + public int getMinimumNumberOfArguments() { + return 0; + } - @Override - public int getMaximumNumberOfArguments() { - return 1; - } + @Override + public int getMaximumNumberOfArguments() { + return 1; + } - @Override - public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() { - return new SequenceType[] { SequenceType.OPTIONAL_ITEM }; - } + @Override + public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() { + return new SequenceType[] { + SequenceType.OPTIONAL_ITEM + }; + } - @Override - public SequenceType getResultType(SequenceType[] suppliedArgumentTypes) { - return SequenceType.SINGLE_STRING; - } + @Override + public SequenceType getResultType(SequenceType[] suppliedArgumentTypes) { + return SequenceType.SINGLE_STRING; + } - private String _year(String s) { - final String date = s != null ? s.trim() : ""; - - for (String format : normalizeDateFormats) { - try { - Date parse = new SimpleDateFormat(format).parse(date); - String res = new SimpleDateFormat(normalizeOutFormat).format(parse); - return res; - } catch (ParseException e) {} - } - return ""; - } + private String _year(String s) { + final String date = s != null ? s.trim() : ""; + for (String format : normalizeDateFormats) { + try { + Date parse = new SimpleDateFormat(format).parse(date); + String res = new SimpleDateFormat(normalizeOutFormat).format(parse); + return res; + } catch (ParseException e) { + } + } + return ""; + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/PickFirst.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/PickFirst.java index a221e37c67..46ecafd0aa 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/PickFirst.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/PickFirst.java @@ -1,60 +1,63 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.saxon; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext; import net.sf.saxon.om.Item; import net.sf.saxon.om.Sequence; import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException; import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType; import net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class PickFirst extends AbstractExtensionFunction { - @Override - public String getName() { - return "pickFirst"; - } + @Override + public String getName() { + return "pickFirst"; + } - @Override - public Sequence doCall(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException { - if (arguments == null | arguments.length == 0) { - return new StringValue(""); - } + @Override + public Sequence doCall(XPathContext context, Sequence[] arguments) throws XPathException { + if (arguments == null | arguments.length == 0) { + return new StringValue(""); + } - final String s1 = getValue(arguments[0]); - final String s2 = getValue(arguments[1]); + final String s1 = getValue(arguments[0]); + final String s2 = getValue(arguments[1]); - return new StringValue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(s1) ? s1 : StringUtils.isNotBlank(s2) ? s2 : ""); - } + return new StringValue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(s1) ? s1 : StringUtils.isNotBlank(s2) ? s2 : ""); + } - private String getValue(final Sequence arg) throws XPathException { - if (arg != null) { - final Item item = arg.head(); - if (item != null) { - return item.getStringValue(); - } - } - return ""; - } + private String getValue(final Sequence arg) throws XPathException { + if (arg != null) { + final Item item = arg.head(); + if (item != null) { + return item.getStringValue(); + } + } + return ""; + } - @Override - public int getMinimumNumberOfArguments() { - return 0; - } + @Override + public int getMinimumNumberOfArguments() { + return 0; + } - @Override - public int getMaximumNumberOfArguments() { - return 2; - } + @Override + public int getMaximumNumberOfArguments() { + return 2; + } - @Override - public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() { - return new SequenceType[] { SequenceType.OPTIONAL_ITEM }; - } - - @Override - public SequenceType getResultType(SequenceType[] suppliedArgumentTypes) { - return SequenceType.SINGLE_STRING; - } + @Override + public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() { + return new SequenceType[] { + SequenceType.OPTIONAL_ITEM + }; + } + @Override + public SequenceType getResultType(SequenceType[] suppliedArgumentTypes) { + return SequenceType.SINGLE_STRING; + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/SaxonTransformerFactory.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/SaxonTransformerFactory.java index 611709ff0d..b85d866f11 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/SaxonTransformerFactory.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/utils/saxon/SaxonTransformerFactory.java @@ -1,30 +1,32 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.saxon; -import net.sf.saxon.Configuration; -import net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl; +import java.io.StringReader; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; -import java.io.StringReader; + +import net.sf.saxon.Configuration; +import net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl; public class SaxonTransformerFactory { - /** - * Creates the index record transformer from the given XSLT - * @param xslt - * @return - * @throws TransformerException - */ - public static Transformer newInstance(final String xslt) throws TransformerException { + /** + * Creates the index record transformer from the given XSLT + * + * @param xslt + * @return + * @throws TransformerException + */ + public static Transformer newInstance(final String xslt) throws TransformerException { - final TransformerFactoryImpl factory = new TransformerFactoryImpl(); - final Configuration conf = factory.getConfiguration(); - conf.registerExtensionFunction(new ExtractYear()); - conf.registerExtensionFunction(new NormalizeDate()); - conf.registerExtensionFunction(new PickFirst()); - - return factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xslt))); - } + final TransformerFactoryImpl factory = new TransformerFactoryImpl(); + final Configuration conf = factory.getConfiguration(); + conf.registerExtensionFunction(new ExtractYear()); + conf.registerExtensionFunction(new NormalizeDate()); + conf.registerExtensionFunction(new PickFirst()); + return factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xslt))); + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/Message.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/Message.java index 3767bd0260..fc1c382910 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/Message.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/Message.java @@ -1,82 +1,76 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.message; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +package eu.dnetlib.message; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Map; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + public class Message { - private String workflowId; + private String workflowId; - private String jobName; + private String jobName; - private MessageType type; + private MessageType type; - private Map body; + private Map body; + public static Message fromJson(final String json) throws IOException { + final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return jsonMapper.readValue(json, Message.class); + } - public static Message fromJson(final String json) throws IOException { - final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return jsonMapper.readValue(json, Message.class); + public Message() { + } + public Message(String workflowId, String jobName, MessageType type, Map body) { + this.workflowId = workflowId; + this.jobName = jobName; + this.type = type; + this.body = body; + } - } + public String getWorkflowId() { + return workflowId; + } + public void setWorkflowId(String workflowId) { + this.workflowId = workflowId; + } - public Message() { + public String getJobName() { + return jobName; + } + public void setJobName(String jobName) { + this.jobName = jobName; + } + public MessageType getType() { + return type; + } - } + public void setType(MessageType type) { + this.type = type; + } - public Message(String workflowId, String jobName, MessageType type, Map body) { - this.workflowId = workflowId; - this.jobName = jobName; - this.type = type; - this.body = body; - } + public Map getBody() { + return body; + } - public String getWorkflowId() { - return workflowId; - } + public void setBody(Map body) { + this.body = body; + } - public void setWorkflowId(String workflowId) { - this.workflowId = workflowId; - } - - public String getJobName() { - return jobName; - } - - public void setJobName(String jobName) { - this.jobName = jobName; - } - - public MessageType getType() { - return type; - } - - public void setType(MessageType type) { - this.type = type; - } - - public Map getBody() { - return body; - } - - public void setBody(Map body) { - this.body = body; - } - - @Override - public String toString() { - final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); - try { - return jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(this); - } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { - return null; - } - } + @Override + public String toString() { + final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); + try { + return jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(this); + } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { + return null; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageConsumer.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageConsumer.java index af5339034d..fb3f0bd956 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageConsumer.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageConsumer.java @@ -1,46 +1,47 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.message; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; +import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; + import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; import com.rabbitmq.client.DefaultConsumer; import com.rabbitmq.client.Envelope; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; -import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; - public class MessageConsumer extends DefaultConsumer { - final LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages; + final LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages; + /** + * Constructs a new instance and records its association to the passed-in channel. + * + * @param channel the channel to which this consumer is attached + * @param queueMessages + */ + public MessageConsumer(Channel channel, LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages) { + super(channel); + this.queueMessages = queueMessages; + } - /** - * Constructs a new instance and records its association to the passed-in channel. - * - * @param channel the channel to which this consumer is attached - * @param queueMessages - */ - public MessageConsumer(Channel channel, LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages) { - super(channel); - this.queueMessages = queueMessages; - } - - - @Override - public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException { - final String json = new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); - Message message = Message.fromJson(json); - try { - this.queueMessages.put(message); - System.out.println("Receiving Message "+message); - } catch (InterruptedException e) { - if (message.getType()== MessageType.REPORT) - throw new RuntimeException("Error on sending message"); - else { - //TODO LOGGING EXCEPTION - } - } finally { - getChannel().basicAck(envelope.getDeliveryTag(), false); - } - } + @Override + public void handleDelivery( + String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) + throws IOException { + final String json = new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); + Message message = Message.fromJson(json); + try { + this.queueMessages.put(message); + System.out.println("Receiving Message " + message); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { + if (message.getType() == MessageType.REPORT) + throw new RuntimeException("Error on sending message"); + else { + // TODO LOGGING EXCEPTION + } + } finally { + getChannel().basicAck(envelope.getDeliveryTag(), false); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageManager.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageManager.java index e3d90f7e0e..5ca79f3cc6 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageManager.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageManager.java @@ -1,9 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.message; -import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; -import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; -import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory; -import sun.rmi.runtime.Log; +package eu.dnetlib.message; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; @@ -11,107 +7,130 @@ import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; +import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; +import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; +import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory; + public class MessageManager { - private final String messageHost; + private final String messageHost; - private final String username; + private final String username; - private final String password; + private final String password; - private Connection connection; + private Connection connection; - private Map channels = new HashMap<>(); + private final Map channels = new HashMap<>(); - private boolean durable; + private boolean durable; - private boolean autodelete; + private boolean autodelete; - final private LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages; + private final LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages; - public MessageManager(String messageHost, String username, String password, final LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages) { - this.queueMessages = queueMessages; - this.messageHost = messageHost; - this.username = username; - this.password = password; - } + public MessageManager( + String messageHost, + String username, + String password, + final LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages) { + this.queueMessages = queueMessages; + this.messageHost = messageHost; + this.username = username; + this.password = password; + } + public MessageManager( + String messageHost, + String username, + String password, + boolean durable, + boolean autodelete, + final LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages) { + this.queueMessages = queueMessages; + this.messageHost = messageHost; + this.username = username; + this.password = password; - public MessageManager(String messageHost, String username, String password, boolean durable, boolean autodelete, final LinkedBlockingQueue queueMessages) { - this.queueMessages = queueMessages; - this.messageHost = messageHost; - this.username = username; - this.password = password; + this.durable = durable; + this.autodelete = autodelete; + } - this.durable = durable; - this.autodelete = autodelete; - } + private Connection createConnection() throws IOException, TimeoutException { + ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); + factory.setHost(this.messageHost); + factory.setUsername(this.username); + factory.setPassword(this.password); + return factory.newConnection(); + } - private Connection createConnection() throws IOException, TimeoutException { - ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); - factory.setHost(this.messageHost); - factory.setUsername(this.username); - factory.setPassword(this.password); - return factory.newConnection(); - } + private Channel createChannel( + final Connection connection, + final String queueName, + final boolean durable, + final boolean autodelete) + throws Exception { + Map args = new HashMap<>(); + args.put("x-message-ttl", 10000); + Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); + channel.queueDeclare(queueName, durable, false, this.autodelete, args); + return channel; + } - private Channel createChannel(final Connection connection, final String queueName, final boolean durable, final boolean autodelete ) throws Exception { - Map args = new HashMap<>(); - args.put("x-message-ttl", 10000); - Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); - channel.queueDeclare(queueName, durable, false, this.autodelete, args); - return channel; - } + private Channel getOrCreateChannel(final String queueName, boolean durable, boolean autodelete) + throws Exception { + if (channels.containsKey(queueName)) { + return channels.get(queueName); + } - private Channel getOrCreateChannel(final String queueName, boolean durable, boolean autodelete) throws Exception { - if (channels.containsKey(queueName)) { - return channels.get(queueName); - } + if (this.connection == null) { + this.connection = createConnection(); + } + channels.put(queueName, createChannel(this.connection, queueName, durable, autodelete)); + return channels.get(queueName); + } - if (this.connection == null) { - this.connection = createConnection(); - } - channels.put(queueName, createChannel(this.connection, queueName, durable, autodelete)); - return channels.get(queueName); - } + public void close() throws IOException { + channels + .values() + .forEach( + ch -> { + try { + ch.close(); + } catch (Exception e) { + // TODO LOG + } + }); + this.connection.close(); + } + public boolean sendMessage(final Message message, String queueName) throws Exception { + try { + Channel channel = getOrCreateChannel(queueName, this.durable, this.autodelete); + channel.basicPublish("", queueName, null, message.toString().getBytes()); + return true; + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } - public void close() throws IOException { - channels.values().forEach(ch-> { - try { - ch.close(); - } catch (Exception e) { - //TODO LOG - } - }); + public boolean sendMessage( + final Message message, String queueName, boolean durable_var, boolean autodelete_var) + throws Exception { + try { + Channel channel = getOrCreateChannel(queueName, durable_var, autodelete_var); + channel.basicPublish("", queueName, null, message.toString().getBytes()); + return true; + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } - this.connection.close(); - } + public void startConsumingMessage( + final String queueName, final boolean durable, final boolean autodelete) throws Exception { - public boolean sendMessage(final Message message, String queueName) throws Exception { - try { - Channel channel = getOrCreateChannel(queueName, this.durable, this.autodelete); - channel.basicPublish("", queueName,null, message.toString().getBytes()); - return true; - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } - - public boolean sendMessage(final Message message, String queueName, boolean durable_var, boolean autodelete_var) throws Exception { - try { - Channel channel = getOrCreateChannel(queueName, durable_var, autodelete_var); - channel.basicPublish("", queueName,null, message.toString().getBytes()); - return true; - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } - - public void startConsumingMessage(final String queueName, final boolean durable, final boolean autodelete) throws Exception{ - - Channel channel = createChannel(createConnection(), queueName, durable, autodelete); - channel.basicConsume(queueName, false, new MessageConsumer(channel,queueMessages)); - } + Channel channel = createChannel(createConnection(), queueName, durable, autodelete); + channel.basicConsume(queueName, false, new MessageConsumer(channel, queueMessages)); + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageType.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageType.java index c2440c3fe7..72cbda2528 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageType.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageType.java @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.message; public enum MessageType { - - ONGOING, - REPORT - + ONGOING, REPORT } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelInfo.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelInfo.java index ff88cda4c1..e07fcef66e 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelInfo.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelInfo.java @@ -1,24 +1,25 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation; import java.io.Serializable; -public class RelInfo implements Serializable { - private String original; - private String inverse; +public class RelInfo implements Serializable { + private String original; + private String inverse; - public String getOriginal() { - return original; - } + public String getOriginal() { + return original; + } - public void setOriginal(String original) { - this.original = original; - } + public void setOriginal(String original) { + this.original = original; + } - public String getInverse() { - return inverse; - } + public String getInverse() { + return inverse; + } - public void setInverse(String inverse) { - this.inverse = inverse; - } + public void setInverse(String inverse) { + this.inverse = inverse; + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelationMapper.java b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelationMapper.java index 647c117896..eb708c390c 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelationMapper.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelationMapper.java @@ -1,19 +1,20 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.HashMap; -public class RelationMapper extends HashMap implements Serializable { +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; - public static RelationMapper load() throws Exception { +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; - final String json = IOUtils.toString(RelationMapper.class.getResourceAsStream("relations.json")); +public class RelationMapper extends HashMap implements Serializable { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.readValue(json, RelationMapper.class); - } + public static RelationMapper load() throws Exception { + final String json = IOUtils.toString(RelationMapper.class.getResourceAsStream("relations.json")); + + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return mapper.readValue(json, RelationMapper.class); + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/ArgumentApplicationParserTest.java b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/ArgumentApplicationParserTest.java index f4598ebd49..e140208308 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/ArgumentApplicationParserTest.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/application/ArgumentApplicationParserTest.java @@ -1,56 +1,67 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.application; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.application; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + public class ArgumentApplicationParserTest { - @Test - public void testParseParameter() throws Exception { - final String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/application/parameters.json")); - assertNotNull(jsonConfiguration); - ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); - parser.parseArgument(new String[]{"-p", "value0", - "-a", "value1", - "-n", "value2", - "-u", "value3", - "-ru", "value4", - "-rp", "value5", - "-rh", "value6", - "-ro", "value7", - "-rr", "value8", - "-w", "value9", - "-cc", ArgumentApplicationParser.compressArgument(jsonConfiguration) - }); - assertNotNull(parser.get("hdfsPath")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("apidescriptor")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("namenode")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("userHDFS")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitUser")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitPassWord")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitHost")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitReportQueue")); - assertNotNull(parser.get("workflowId")); - assertEquals("value0", parser.get("hdfsPath")); - assertEquals("value1", parser.get("apidescriptor")); - assertEquals("value2", parser.get("namenode")); - assertEquals("value3", parser.get("userHDFS")); - assertEquals("value4", parser.get("rabbitUser")); - assertEquals("value5", parser.get("rabbitPassWord")); - assertEquals("value6", parser.get("rabbitHost")); - assertEquals("value7", parser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue")); - assertEquals("value8", parser.get("rabbitReportQueue")); - assertEquals("value9", parser.get("workflowId")); - assertEquals(jsonConfiguration, parser.get("ccCoco")); - } - - - - - - + @Test + public void testParseParameter() throws Exception { + final String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils + .toString( + this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/application/parameters.json")); + assertNotNull(jsonConfiguration); + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); + parser + .parseArgument( + new String[] { + "-p", + "value0", + "-a", + "value1", + "-n", + "value2", + "-u", + "value3", + "-ru", + "value4", + "-rp", + "value5", + "-rh", + "value6", + "-ro", + "value7", + "-rr", + "value8", + "-w", + "value9", + "-cc", + ArgumentApplicationParser.compressArgument(jsonConfiguration) + }); + assertNotNull(parser.get("hdfsPath")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("apidescriptor")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("namenode")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("userHDFS")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitUser")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitPassWord")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitHost")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("rabbitReportQueue")); + assertNotNull(parser.get("workflowId")); + assertEquals("value0", parser.get("hdfsPath")); + assertEquals("value1", parser.get("apidescriptor")); + assertEquals("value2", parser.get("namenode")); + assertEquals("value3", parser.get("userHDFS")); + assertEquals("value4", parser.get("rabbitUser")); + assertEquals("value5", parser.get("rabbitPassWord")); + assertEquals("value6", parser.get("rabbitHost")); + assertEquals("value7", parser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue")); + assertEquals("value8", parser.get("rabbitReportQueue")); + assertEquals("value9", parser.get("workflowId")); + assertEquals(jsonConfiguration, parser.get("ccCoco")); + } } diff --git a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/HdfsSupportTest.java b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/HdfsSupportTest.java index f1e790ee7c..870943816f 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/HdfsSupportTest.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/HdfsSupportTest.java @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.common; -import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.io.TempDir; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; @@ -12,67 +10,71 @@ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; +import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.io.TempDir; public class HdfsSupportTest { - @Nested - class Remove { + @Nested + class Remove { - @Test - public void shouldThrowARuntimeExceptionOnError() { - // when - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - HdfsSupport.remove(null, new Configuration())); - } + @Test + public void shouldThrowARuntimeExceptionOnError() { + // when + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> HdfsSupport.remove(null, new Configuration())); + } - @Test - public void shouldRemoveADirFromHDFS(@TempDir Path tempDir) { - // when - HdfsSupport.remove(tempDir.toString(), new Configuration()); + @Test + public void shouldRemoveADirFromHDFS(@TempDir Path tempDir) { + // when + HdfsSupport.remove(tempDir.toString(), new Configuration()); - // then - assertFalse(Files.exists(tempDir)); - } + // then + assertFalse(Files.exists(tempDir)); + } - @Test - public void shouldRemoveAFileFromHDFS(@TempDir Path tempDir) throws IOException { - // given - Path file = Files.createTempFile(tempDir, "p", "s"); + @Test + public void shouldRemoveAFileFromHDFS(@TempDir Path tempDir) throws IOException { + // given + Path file = Files.createTempFile(tempDir, "p", "s"); - // when - HdfsSupport.remove(file.toString(), new Configuration()); + // when + HdfsSupport.remove(file.toString(), new Configuration()); - // then - assertFalse(Files.exists(file)); - } - } + // then + assertFalse(Files.exists(file)); + } + } - @Nested - class ListFiles { + @Nested + class ListFiles { - @Test - public void shouldThrowARuntimeExceptionOnError() { - // when - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - HdfsSupport.listFiles(null, new Configuration())); - } + @Test + public void shouldThrowARuntimeExceptionOnError() { + // when + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> HdfsSupport.listFiles(null, new Configuration())); + } - @Test - public void shouldListFilesLocatedInPath(@TempDir Path tempDir) throws IOException { - Path subDir1 = Files.createTempDirectory(tempDir, "list_me"); - Path subDir2 = Files.createTempDirectory(tempDir, "list_me"); + @Test + public void shouldListFilesLocatedInPath(@TempDir Path tempDir) throws IOException { + Path subDir1 = Files.createTempDirectory(tempDir, "list_me"); + Path subDir2 = Files.createTempDirectory(tempDir, "list_me"); - // when - List paths = HdfsSupport.listFiles(tempDir.toString(), new Configuration()); + // when + List paths = HdfsSupport.listFiles(tempDir.toString(), new Configuration()); - // then - assertEquals(2, paths.size()); - List expecteds = Arrays.stream(new String[]{subDir1.toString(), subDir2.toString()}) - .sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()); - List actuals = paths.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()); - assertTrue(actuals.get(0).contains(expecteds.get(0))); - assertTrue(actuals.get(1).contains(expecteds.get(1))); - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file + // then + assertEquals(2, paths.size()); + List expecteds = Arrays.stream(new String[] { + subDir1.toString(), subDir2.toString() + }) + .sorted() + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + List actuals = paths.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()); + assertTrue(actuals.get(0).contains(expecteds.get(0))); + assertTrue(actuals.get(1).contains(expecteds.get(1))); + } + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/SparkSessionSupportTest.java b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/SparkSessionSupportTest.java index bc2dce3cff..2f01c08631 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/SparkSessionSupportTest.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/common/SparkSessionSupportTest.java @@ -1,54 +1,58 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.common; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.ThrowingConsumer; +import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; + +import java.util.function.Function; + import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; -import java.util.function.Function; - -import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.ThrowingConsumer; public class SparkSessionSupportTest { - @Nested - class RunWithSparkSession { + @Nested + class RunWithSparkSession { - @Test - public void shouldExecuteFunctionAndNotStopSparkSessionWhenSparkSessionIsNotManaged() throws Exception { - // given - SparkSession spark = mock(SparkSession.class); - SparkConf conf = mock(SparkConf.class); - Function sparkSessionBuilder = mock(Function.class); - when(sparkSessionBuilder.apply(conf)).thenReturn(spark); - ThrowingConsumer fn = mock(ThrowingConsumer.class); + @Test + public void shouldExecuteFunctionAndNotStopSparkSessionWhenSparkSessionIsNotManaged() + throws Exception { + // given + SparkSession spark = mock(SparkSession.class); + SparkConf conf = mock(SparkConf.class); + Function sparkSessionBuilder = mock(Function.class); + when(sparkSessionBuilder.apply(conf)).thenReturn(spark); + ThrowingConsumer fn = mock(ThrowingConsumer.class); - // when - SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession(sparkSessionBuilder, conf, false, fn); + // when + SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession(sparkSessionBuilder, conf, false, fn); - // then - verify(sparkSessionBuilder).apply(conf); - verify(fn).accept(spark); - verify(spark, never()).stop(); - } + // then + verify(sparkSessionBuilder).apply(conf); + verify(fn).accept(spark); + verify(spark, never()).stop(); + } - @Test - public void shouldExecuteFunctionAndStopSparkSessionWhenSparkSessionIsManaged() throws Exception { - // given - SparkSession spark = mock(SparkSession.class); - SparkConf conf = mock(SparkConf.class); - Function sparkSessionBuilder = mock(Function.class); - when(sparkSessionBuilder.apply(conf)).thenReturn(spark); - ThrowingConsumer fn = mock(ThrowingConsumer.class); + @Test + public void shouldExecuteFunctionAndStopSparkSessionWhenSparkSessionIsManaged() + throws Exception { + // given + SparkSession spark = mock(SparkSession.class); + SparkConf conf = mock(SparkConf.class); + Function sparkSessionBuilder = mock(Function.class); + when(sparkSessionBuilder.apply(conf)).thenReturn(spark); + ThrowingConsumer fn = mock(ThrowingConsumer.class); - // when - SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession(sparkSessionBuilder, conf, true, fn); + // when + SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession(sparkSessionBuilder, conf, true, fn); - // then - verify(sparkSessionBuilder).apply(conf); - verify(fn).accept(spark); - verify(spark, times(1)).stop(); - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file + // then + verify(sparkSessionBuilder).apply(conf); + verify(fn).accept(spark); + verify(spark, times(1)).stop(); + } + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/MetadataRecordTest.java b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/MetadataRecordTest.java index a2bac54baf..cb4d0ab500 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/MetadataRecordTest.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/model/mdstore/MetadataRecordTest.java @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + public class MetadataRecordTest { - @Test - public void getTimestamp() { + @Test + public void getTimestamp() { - MetadataRecord r = new MetadataRecord(); - assertTrue(r.getDateOfCollection() > 0); - } -} \ No newline at end of file + MetadataRecord r = new MetadataRecord(); + assertTrue(r.getDateOfCollection() > 0); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageTest.java b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageTest.java index 73df63b321..442f7b5c25 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageTest.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/message/MessageTest.java @@ -1,55 +1,51 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.message; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; public class MessageTest { - @Test - public void fromJsonTest() throws IOException { - Message m = new Message(); - m.setWorkflowId("wId"); - m.setType(MessageType.ONGOING); - m.setJobName("Collection"); - Map body= new HashMap<>(); - body.put("parsedItem", "300"); - body.put("ExecutionTime", "30s"); + @Test + public void fromJsonTest() throws IOException { + Message m = new Message(); + m.setWorkflowId("wId"); + m.setType(MessageType.ONGOING); + m.setJobName("Collection"); + Map body = new HashMap<>(); + body.put("parsedItem", "300"); + body.put("ExecutionTime", "30s"); - m.setBody(body); - System.out.println("m = " + m); - Message m1 = Message.fromJson(m.toString()); - assertEquals(m1.getWorkflowId(), m.getWorkflowId()); - assertEquals(m1.getType(), m.getType()); - assertEquals(m1.getJobName(), m.getJobName()); + m.setBody(body); + System.out.println("m = " + m); + Message m1 = Message.fromJson(m.toString()); + assertEquals(m1.getWorkflowId(), m.getWorkflowId()); + assertEquals(m1.getType(), m.getType()); + assertEquals(m1.getJobName(), m.getJobName()); - assertNotNull(m1.getBody()); - m1.getBody().keySet().forEach(it -> assertEquals(m1.getBody().get(it), m.getBody().get(it))); - assertEquals(m1.getJobName(), m.getJobName()); - } + assertNotNull(m1.getBody()); + m1.getBody().keySet().forEach(it -> assertEquals(m1.getBody().get(it), m.getBody().get(it))); + assertEquals(m1.getJobName(), m.getJobName()); + } - @Test - public void toStringTest() { - final String expectedJson= "{\"workflowId\":\"wId\",\"jobName\":\"Collection\",\"type\":\"ONGOING\",\"body\":{\"ExecutionTime\":\"30s\",\"parsedItem\":\"300\"}}"; - Message m = new Message(); - m.setWorkflowId("wId"); - m.setType(MessageType.ONGOING); - m.setJobName("Collection"); - Map body= new HashMap<>(); - body.put("parsedItem", "300"); - body.put("ExecutionTime", "30s"); + @Test + public void toStringTest() { + final String expectedJson = "{\"workflowId\":\"wId\",\"jobName\":\"Collection\",\"type\":\"ONGOING\",\"body\":{\"ExecutionTime\":\"30s\",\"parsedItem\":\"300\"}}"; + Message m = new Message(); + m.setWorkflowId("wId"); + m.setType(MessageType.ONGOING); + m.setJobName("Collection"); + Map body = new HashMap<>(); + body.put("parsedItem", "300"); + body.put("ExecutionTime", "30s"); - m.setBody(body); + m.setBody(body); - assertEquals(expectedJson,m.toString()); - - - } - - - -} \ No newline at end of file + assertEquals(expectedJson, m.toString()); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelationMapperTest.java b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelationMapperTest.java index eb9fb172d6..d1d1ada71a 100644 --- a/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelationMapperTest.java +++ b/dhp-common/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/RelationMapperTest.java @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; - public class RelationMapperTest { - @Test - public void testLoadRels() throws Exception{ + @Test + public void testLoadRels() throws Exception { - RelationMapper relationMapper = RelationMapper.load(); - relationMapper.keySet().forEach(System.out::println); - - } + RelationMapper relationMapper = RelationMapper.load(); + relationMapper.keySet().forEach(System.out::println); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/pom.xml b/dhp-schemas/pom.xml index 8deb2eab23..4a123cedad 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/pom.xml +++ b/dhp-schemas/pom.xml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dhp-schemas jar - + This module contains common schema classes meant to be used across the dnet-hadoop submodules diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicAction.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicAction.java index 0f9aa3adbc..84b22c81c0 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicAction.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicAction.java @@ -1,38 +1,40 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; - import java.io.Serializable; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; + @JsonDeserialize(using = AtomicActionDeserializer.class) public class AtomicAction implements Serializable { - private Class clazz; + private Class clazz; - private T payload; + private T payload; - public AtomicAction() { - } + public AtomicAction() { + } - public AtomicAction(Class clazz, T payload) { - this.clazz = clazz; - this.payload = payload; - } + public AtomicAction(Class clazz, T payload) { + this.clazz = clazz; + this.payload = payload; + } - public Class getClazz() { - return clazz; - } + public Class getClazz() { + return clazz; + } - public void setClazz(Class clazz) { - this.clazz = clazz; - } + public void setClazz(Class clazz) { + this.clazz = clazz; + } - public T getPayload() { - return payload; - } + public T getPayload() { + return payload; + } - public void setPayload(T payload) { - this.payload = payload; - } + public void setPayload(T payload) { + this.payload = payload; + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicActionDeserializer.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicActionDeserializer.java index e6017288fa..7b88e9c7eb 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicActionDeserializer.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicActionDeserializer.java @@ -1,29 +1,32 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action; +import java.io.IOException; + import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; -import java.io.IOException; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; public class AtomicActionDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer { - @Override - public Object deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { - JsonNode node = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp); - String classTag = node.get("clazz").asText(); - JsonNode payload = node.get("payload"); - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + @Override + public Object deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) + throws IOException { + JsonNode node = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp); + String classTag = node.get("clazz").asText(); + JsonNode payload = node.get("payload"); + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - try { - final Class clazz = Class.forName(classTag); - return new AtomicAction(clazz, (Oaf) mapper.readValue(payload.toString(), clazz)); - } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { - throw new IOException(e); - } - } + try { + final Class clazz = Class.forName(classTag); + return new AtomicAction(clazz, (Oaf) mapper.readValue(payload.toString(), clazz)); + } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { + throw new IOException(e); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/EntityType.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/EntityType.java index 9e4fa7d8ac..54f30cf336 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/EntityType.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/EntityType.java @@ -1,23 +1,21 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; -/** - * Actual entity types in the Graph - */ +/** Actual entity types in the Graph */ public enum EntityType { + publication, dataset, otherresearchproduct, software, datasource, organization, project; - publication, dataset, otherresearchproduct, software, datasource, organization, project; - - /** - * Resolves the EntityType, given the relative class name - * @param clazz the given class name - * @param actual OafEntity subclass - * @return the EntityType associated to the given class - */ - public static EntityType fromClass(Class clazz) { - - return EntityType.valueOf(clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); - } + /** + * Resolves the EntityType, given the relative class name + * + * @param clazz the given class name + * @param actual OafEntity subclass + * @return the EntityType associated to the given class + */ + public static EntityType fromClass(Class clazz) { + return EntityType.valueOf(clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/MainEntityType.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/MainEntityType.java index 7d65e39c09..cda8ba4842 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/MainEntityType.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/MainEntityType.java @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common; -/** - * Main entity types in the Graph - */ +/** Main entity types in the Graph */ public enum MainEntityType { - - result, datasource, organization, project -} \ No newline at end of file + result, datasource, organization, project +} diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelConstants.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelConstants.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c6bfff12d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelConstants.java @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; + +public class ModelConstants { + + public static final String DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES = "dnet:result_typologies"; + + public static final String DATASET_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID = "dataset"; + public static final String PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID = "publication"; + public static final String SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID = "software"; + public static final String ORP_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID = "other"; + + public static Qualifier PUBLICATION_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE = new Qualifier(); + public static Qualifier DATASET_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE = new Qualifier(); + public static Qualifier SOFTWARE_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE = new Qualifier(); + public static Qualifier ORP_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE = new Qualifier(); + + static { + PUBLICATION_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setClassid(PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID); + PUBLICATION_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setClassname(PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID); + PUBLICATION_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setSchemeid(DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES); + PUBLICATION_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setSchemename(DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES); + + DATASET_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setClassid(DATASET_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID); + DATASET_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setClassname(DATASET_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID); + DATASET_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setSchemeid(DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES); + DATASET_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setSchemename(DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES); + + SOFTWARE_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setClassid(SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID); + SOFTWARE_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setClassname(SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID); + SOFTWARE_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setSchemeid(DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES); + SOFTWARE_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setSchemename(DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES); + + ORP_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setClassid(ORP_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID); + ORP_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setClassname(ORP_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID); + ORP_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setSchemeid(DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES); + ORP_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE.setSchemename(DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelSupport.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelSupport.java index 48f711a030..cdde37fd4a 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelSupport.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelSupport.java @@ -1,151 +1,205 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Optional; +import java.util.function.Function; + import com.google.common.collect.Maps; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import java.util.Map; - -/** - * Oaf model utility methods. - */ +/** Oaf model utility methods. */ public class ModelSupport { - /** - * Defines the mapping between the actual entity type and the main entity type - */ - private static Map entityMapping = Maps.newHashMap(); + /** Defines the mapping between the actual entity type and the main entity type */ + private static final Map entityMapping = Maps.newHashMap(); - static { - entityMapping.put(EntityType.publication, MainEntityType.result); - entityMapping.put(EntityType.dataset, MainEntityType.result); - entityMapping.put(EntityType.otherresearchproduct, MainEntityType.result); - entityMapping.put(EntityType.software, MainEntityType.result); - entityMapping.put(EntityType.datasource, MainEntityType.datasource); - entityMapping.put(EntityType.organization, MainEntityType.organization); - entityMapping.put(EntityType.project, MainEntityType.project); - } + static { + entityMapping.put(EntityType.publication, MainEntityType.result); + entityMapping.put(EntityType.dataset, MainEntityType.result); + entityMapping.put(EntityType.otherresearchproduct, MainEntityType.result); + entityMapping.put(EntityType.software, MainEntityType.result); + entityMapping.put(EntityType.datasource, MainEntityType.datasource); + entityMapping.put(EntityType.organization, MainEntityType.organization); + entityMapping.put(EntityType.project, MainEntityType.project); + } - /** - * Defines the mapping between the actual entity types and the relative classes implementing them - */ - public final static Map entityTypes = Maps.newHashMap(); + /** + * Defines the mapping between the actual entity types and the relative classes implementing them + */ + public static final Map entityTypes = Maps.newHashMap(); - static { - entityTypes.put(EntityType.datasource, Datasource.class); - entityTypes.put(EntityType.organization, Organization.class); - entityTypes.put(EntityType.project, Project.class); - entityTypes.put(EntityType.dataset, Dataset.class); - entityTypes.put(EntityType.otherresearchproduct, OtherResearchProduct.class); - entityTypes.put(EntityType.software, Software.class); - entityTypes.put(EntityType.publication, Publication.class); - } + static { + entityTypes.put(EntityType.datasource, Datasource.class); + entityTypes.put(EntityType.organization, Organization.class); + entityTypes.put(EntityType.project, Project.class); + entityTypes.put(EntityType.dataset, Dataset.class); + entityTypes.put(EntityType.otherresearchproduct, OtherResearchProduct.class); + entityTypes.put(EntityType.software, Software.class); + entityTypes.put(EntityType.publication, Publication.class); + } - public final static Map oafTypes = Maps.newHashMap(); + public static final Map oafTypes = Maps.newHashMap(); - static { - oafTypes.put("datasource", Datasource.class); - oafTypes.put("organization", Organization.class); - oafTypes.put("project", Project.class); - oafTypes.put("dataset", Dataset.class); - oafTypes.put("otherresearchproduct", OtherResearchProduct.class); - oafTypes.put("software", Software.class); - oafTypes.put("publication", Publication.class); - oafTypes.put("relation", Relation.class); - } + static { + oafTypes.put("datasource", Datasource.class); + oafTypes.put("organization", Organization.class); + oafTypes.put("project", Project.class); + oafTypes.put("dataset", Dataset.class); + oafTypes.put("otherresearchproduct", OtherResearchProduct.class); + oafTypes.put("software", Software.class); + oafTypes.put("publication", Publication.class); + oafTypes.put("relation", Relation.class); + } - private static final String schemeTemplate = "dnet:%s_%s_relations"; + private static final String schemeTemplate = "dnet:%s_%s_relations"; - private ModelSupport() { - } + private ModelSupport() { + } - /** - * Checks subclass-superclass relationship. - * - * @param subClazzObject Subclass object instance - * @param superClazzObject Superclass object instance - * @param Subclass type - * @param Superclass type - * @return True if X is a subclass of Y - */ - public static Boolean isSubClass(X subClazzObject, Y superClazzObject) { - return isSubClass(subClazzObject.getClass(), superClazzObject.getClass()); - } + /** + * Checks subclass-superclass relationship. + * + * @param subClazzObject Subclass object instance + * @param superClazzObject Superclass object instance + * @param Subclass type + * @param Superclass type + * @return True if X is a subclass of Y + */ + public static Boolean isSubClass( + X subClazzObject, Y superClazzObject) { + return isSubClass(subClazzObject.getClass(), superClazzObject.getClass()); + } - /** - * Checks subclass-superclass relationship. - * - * @param subClazzObject Subclass object instance - * @param superClazz Superclass class - * @param Subclass type - * @param Superclass type - * @return True if X is a subclass of Y - */ - public static Boolean isSubClass(X subClazzObject, Class superClazz) { - return isSubClass(subClazzObject.getClass(), superClazz); - } + /** + * Checks subclass-superclass relationship. + * + * @param subClazzObject Subclass object instance + * @param superClazz Superclass class + * @param Subclass type + * @param Superclass type + * @return True if X is a subclass of Y + */ + public static Boolean isSubClass( + X subClazzObject, Class superClazz) { + return isSubClass(subClazzObject.getClass(), superClazz); + } - /** - * Checks subclass-superclass relationship. - * - * @param subClazz Subclass class - * @param superClazz Superclass class - * @param Subclass type - * @param Superclass type - * @return True if X is a subclass of Y - */ - public static Boolean isSubClass(Class subClazz, Class superClazz) { - return superClazz.isAssignableFrom(subClazz); - } + /** + * Checks subclass-superclass relationship. + * + * @param subClazz Subclass class + * @param superClazz Superclass class + * @param Subclass type + * @param Superclass type + * @return True if X is a subclass of Y + */ + public static Boolean isSubClass( + Class subClazz, Class superClazz) { + return superClazz.isAssignableFrom(subClazz); + } - /** - * Lists all the OAF model classes - * - * @param - * @return - */ - public static Class[] getOafModelClasses() { - return new Class[]{ - Author.class, - Context.class, - Country.class, - DataInfo.class, - Dataset.class, - Datasource.class, - ExternalReference.class, - ExtraInfo.class, - Field.class, - GeoLocation.class, - Instance.class, - Journal.class, - KeyValue.class, - Oaf.class, - OafEntity.class, - OAIProvenance.class, - Organization.class, - OriginDescription.class, - OtherResearchProduct.class, - Project.class, - Publication.class, - Qualifier.class, - Relation.class, - Result.class, - Software.class, - StructuredProperty.class - }; - } + /** + * Lists all the OAF model classes + * + * @param + * @return + */ + public static Class[] getOafModelClasses() { + return new Class[] { + Author.class, + Context.class, + Country.class, + DataInfo.class, + Dataset.class, + Datasource.class, + ExternalReference.class, + ExtraInfo.class, + Field.class, + GeoLocation.class, + Instance.class, + Journal.class, + KeyValue.class, + Oaf.class, + OafEntity.class, + OAIProvenance.class, + Organization.class, + OriginDescription.class, + OtherResearchProduct.class, + Project.class, + Publication.class, + Qualifier.class, + Relation.class, + Result.class, + Software.class, + StructuredProperty.class + }; + } - public static String getMainType(final EntityType type) { - return entityMapping.get(type).name(); - } + public static String getMainType(final EntityType type) { + return entityMapping.get(type).name(); + } - public static boolean isResult(EntityType type) { - return MainEntityType.result.name().equals(getMainType(type)); - } + public static boolean isResult(EntityType type) { + return MainEntityType.result.name().equals(getMainType(type)); + } - public static String getScheme(final String sourceType, final String targetType) { - return String.format(schemeTemplate, - entityMapping.get(EntityType.valueOf(sourceType)).name(), - entityMapping.get(EntityType.valueOf(targetType)).name()); - } + public static String getScheme(final String sourceType, final String targetType) { + return String + .format( + schemeTemplate, + entityMapping.get(EntityType.valueOf(sourceType)).name(), + entityMapping.get(EntityType.valueOf(targetType)).name()); + } -} \ No newline at end of file + public static Function idFn() { + return x -> { + if (isSubClass(x, Relation.class)) { + return idFnForRelation(x); + } + return idFnForOafEntity(x); + }; + } + + private static String idFnForRelation(T t) { + Relation r = (Relation) t; + return Optional + .ofNullable(r.getSource()) + .map( + source -> Optional + .ofNullable(r.getTarget()) + .map( + target -> Optional + .ofNullable(r.getRelType()) + .map( + relType -> Optional + .ofNullable(r.getSubRelType()) + .map( + subRelType -> Optional + .ofNullable(r.getRelClass()) + .map( + relClass -> String + .join( + source, + target, + relType, + subRelType, + relClass)) + .orElse( + String + .join( + source, + target, + relType, + subRelType))) + .orElse(String.join(source, target, relType))) + .orElse(String.join(source, target))) + .orElse(source)) + .orElse(null); + } + + private static String idFnForOafEntity(T t) { + return ((OafEntity) t).getId(); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Author.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Author.java index 93ab60b05f..b9bd4c5f07 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Author.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Author.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -6,81 +7,83 @@ import java.util.Objects; public class Author implements Serializable { - private String fullname; + private String fullname; - private String name; + private String name; - private String surname; + private String surname; - private Integer rank; + private Integer rank; - private List pid; + private List pid; - private List> affiliation; + private List> affiliation; - public String getFullname() { - return fullname; - } + public String getFullname() { + return fullname; + } - public void setFullname(String fullname) { - this.fullname = fullname; - } + public void setFullname(String fullname) { + this.fullname = fullname; + } - public String getName() { - return name; - } + public String getName() { + return name; + } - public void setName(String name) { - this.name = name; - } + public void setName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } - public String getSurname() { - return surname; - } + public String getSurname() { + return surname; + } - public void setSurname(String surname) { - this.surname = surname; - } + public void setSurname(String surname) { + this.surname = surname; + } - public Integer getRank() { - return rank; - } + public Integer getRank() { + return rank; + } - public void setRank(Integer rank) { - this.rank = rank; - } + public void setRank(Integer rank) { + this.rank = rank; + } - public List getPid() { - return pid; - } + public List getPid() { + return pid; + } - public void setPid(List pid) { - this.pid = pid; - } + public void setPid(List pid) { + this.pid = pid; + } - public List> getAffiliation() { - return affiliation; - } + public List> getAffiliation() { + return affiliation; + } - public void setAffiliation(List> affiliation) { - this.affiliation = affiliation; - } + public void setAffiliation(List> affiliation) { + this.affiliation = affiliation; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - Author author = (Author) o; - return Objects.equals(fullname, author.fullname) && - Objects.equals(name, author.name) && - Objects.equals(surname, author.surname) && - Objects.equals(rank, author.rank) && - Objects.equals(pid, author.pid) && - Objects.equals(affiliation, author.affiliation); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + Author author = (Author) o; + return Objects.equals(fullname, author.fullname) + && Objects.equals(name, author.name) + && Objects.equals(surname, author.surname) + && Objects.equals(rank, author.rank) + && Objects.equals(pid, author.pid) + && Objects.equals(affiliation, author.affiliation); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(fullname, name, surname, rank, pid, affiliation); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(fullname, name, surname, rank, pid, affiliation); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Context.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Context.java index 8092004635..57912c4639 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Context.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Context.java @@ -1,45 +1,46 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; public class Context implements Serializable { - private String id; + private String id; - private List dataInfo; + private List dataInfo; - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public List getDataInfo() { - return dataInfo; - } + public List getDataInfo() { + return dataInfo; + } - public void setDataInfo(List dataInfo) { - this.dataInfo = dataInfo; - } + public void setDataInfo(List dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return id ==null? 0 : id.hashCode(); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return id == null ? 0 : id.hashCode(); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object obj) { - if (this == obj) - return true; - if (obj == null) - return false; - if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) - return false; + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) + return false; - Context other = (Context) obj; + Context other = (Context) obj; - return id.equals(other.getId()); - } + return id.equals(other.getId()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Country.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Country.java index b2da92c437..e25fdcade6 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Country.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Country.java @@ -1,30 +1,34 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.util.Objects; public class Country extends Qualifier { - private DataInfo dataInfo; + private DataInfo dataInfo; - public DataInfo getDataInfo() { - return dataInfo; - } + public DataInfo getDataInfo() { + return dataInfo; + } - public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { - this.dataInfo = dataInfo; - } + public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - Country country = (Country) o; - return Objects.equals(dataInfo, country.dataInfo); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + if (!super.equals(o)) + return false; + Country country = (Country) o; + return Objects.equals(dataInfo, country.dataInfo); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), dataInfo); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), dataInfo); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/DataInfo.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/DataInfo.java index 49a1867018..cc77e1ea0c 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/DataInfo.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/DataInfo.java @@ -1,82 +1,85 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; -import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; public class DataInfo implements Serializable { - private Boolean invisible = false; - private Boolean inferred; - private Boolean deletedbyinference; - private String trust; - private String inferenceprovenance; - private Qualifier provenanceaction; + private Boolean invisible = false; + private Boolean inferred; + private Boolean deletedbyinference; + private String trust; + private String inferenceprovenance; + private Qualifier provenanceaction; + public Boolean getInvisible() { + return invisible; + } - public Boolean getInvisible() { - return invisible; - } + public void setInvisible(Boolean invisible) { + this.invisible = invisible; + } - public void setInvisible(Boolean invisible) { - this.invisible = invisible; - } + public Boolean getInferred() { + return inferred; + } - public Boolean getInferred() { - return inferred; - } + public void setInferred(Boolean inferred) { + this.inferred = inferred; + } - public void setInferred(Boolean inferred) { - this.inferred = inferred; - } + public Boolean getDeletedbyinference() { + return deletedbyinference; + } - public Boolean getDeletedbyinference() { - return deletedbyinference; - } + public void setDeletedbyinference(Boolean deletedbyinference) { + this.deletedbyinference = deletedbyinference; + } - public void setDeletedbyinference(Boolean deletedbyinference) { - this.deletedbyinference = deletedbyinference; - } + public String getTrust() { + return trust; + } - public String getTrust() { - return trust; - } + public void setTrust(String trust) { + this.trust = trust; + } - public void setTrust(String trust) { - this.trust = trust; - } + public String getInferenceprovenance() { + return inferenceprovenance; + } - public String getInferenceprovenance() { - return inferenceprovenance; - } + public void setInferenceprovenance(String inferenceprovenance) { + this.inferenceprovenance = inferenceprovenance; + } - public void setInferenceprovenance(String inferenceprovenance) { - this.inferenceprovenance = inferenceprovenance; - } + public Qualifier getProvenanceaction() { + return provenanceaction; + } - public Qualifier getProvenanceaction() { - return provenanceaction; - } + public void setProvenanceaction(Qualifier provenanceaction) { + this.provenanceaction = provenanceaction; + } - public void setProvenanceaction(Qualifier provenanceaction) { - this.provenanceaction = provenanceaction; - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + DataInfo dataInfo = (DataInfo) o; + return Objects.equals(invisible, dataInfo.invisible) + && Objects.equals(inferred, dataInfo.inferred) + && Objects.equals(deletedbyinference, dataInfo.deletedbyinference) + && Objects.equals(trust, dataInfo.trust) + && Objects.equals(inferenceprovenance, dataInfo.inferenceprovenance) + && Objects.equals(provenanceaction, dataInfo.provenanceaction); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - DataInfo dataInfo = (DataInfo) o; - return Objects.equals(invisible, dataInfo.invisible) && - Objects.equals(inferred, dataInfo.inferred) && - Objects.equals(deletedbyinference, dataInfo.deletedbyinference) && - Objects.equals(trust, dataInfo.trust) && - Objects.equals(inferenceprovenance, dataInfo.inferenceprovenance) && - Objects.equals(provenanceaction, dataInfo.provenanceaction); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(invisible, inferred, deletedbyinference, trust, inferenceprovenance, provenanceaction); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects + .hash( + invisible, inferred, deletedbyinference, trust, inferenceprovenance, provenanceaction); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Dataset.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Dataset.java index 70a6d1f316..07ddbb00e9 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Dataset.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Dataset.java @@ -1,125 +1,115 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants; public class Dataset extends Result implements Serializable { - private Field storagedate; + private Field storagedate; - private Field device; + private Field device; - private Field size; + private Field size; - private Field version; + private Field version; - private Field lastmetadataupdate; + private Field lastmetadataupdate; - private Field metadataversionnumber; + private Field metadataversionnumber; - private List geolocation; + private List geolocation; - public Field getStoragedate() { - return storagedate; - } + public Dataset() { + setResulttype(ModelConstants.DATASET_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE); + } - public void setStoragedate(Field storagedate) { - this.storagedate = storagedate; - } + public Field getStoragedate() { + return storagedate; + } - public Field getDevice() { - return device; - } + public void setStoragedate(Field storagedate) { + this.storagedate = storagedate; + } - public void setDevice(Field device) { - this.device = device; - } + public Field getDevice() { + return device; + } - public Field getSize() { - return size; - } + public void setDevice(Field device) { + this.device = device; + } - public void setSize(Field size) { - this.size = size; - } + public Field getSize() { + return size; + } - public Field getVersion() { - return version; - } + public void setSize(Field size) { + this.size = size; + } - public void setVersion(Field version) { - this.version = version; - } + public Field getVersion() { + return version; + } - public Field getLastmetadataupdate() { - return lastmetadataupdate; - } + public void setVersion(Field version) { + this.version = version; + } - public void setLastmetadataupdate(Field lastmetadataupdate) { - this.lastmetadataupdate = lastmetadataupdate; - } + public Field getLastmetadataupdate() { + return lastmetadataupdate; + } - public Field getMetadataversionnumber() { - return metadataversionnumber; - } + public void setLastmetadataupdate(Field lastmetadataupdate) { + this.lastmetadataupdate = lastmetadataupdate; + } - public void setMetadataversionnumber(Field metadataversionnumber) { - this.metadataversionnumber = metadataversionnumber; - } + public Field getMetadataversionnumber() { + return metadataversionnumber; + } - public List getGeolocation() { - return geolocation; - } + public void setMetadataversionnumber(Field metadataversionnumber) { + this.metadataversionnumber = metadataversionnumber; + } - public void setGeolocation(List geolocation) { - this.geolocation = geolocation; - } + public List getGeolocation() { + return geolocation; + } - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); + public void setGeolocation(List geolocation) { + this.geolocation = geolocation; + } - if (!Dataset.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){ - return; - } + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); - final Dataset d = (Dataset) e; + if (!Dataset.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { + return; + } - storagedate = d.getStoragedate() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getStoragedate() : storagedate; + final Dataset d = (Dataset) e; - device= d.getDevice() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDevice() : device; + storagedate = d.getStoragedate() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getStoragedate() : storagedate; - size= d.getSize() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getSize() : size; + device = d.getDevice() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getDevice() : device; - version= d.getVersion() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getVersion() : version; + size = d.getSize() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getSize() : size; - lastmetadataupdate= d.getLastmetadataupdate() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getLastmetadataupdate() :lastmetadataupdate; + version = d.getVersion() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getVersion() : version; - metadataversionnumber= d.getMetadataversionnumber() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getMetadataversionnumber() : metadataversionnumber; + lastmetadataupdate = d.getLastmetadataupdate() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getLastmetadataupdate() + : lastmetadataupdate; - geolocation = mergeLists(geolocation, d.getGeolocation()); + metadataversionnumber = d.getMetadataversionnumber() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getMetadataversionnumber() + : metadataversionnumber; - mergeOAFDataInfo(d); - } + geolocation = mergeLists(geolocation, d.getGeolocation()); - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - Dataset dataset = (Dataset) o; - return Objects.equals(storagedate, dataset.storagedate) && - Objects.equals(device, dataset.device) && - Objects.equals(size, dataset.size) && - Objects.equals(version, dataset.version) && - Objects.equals(lastmetadataupdate, dataset.lastmetadataupdate) && - Objects.equals(metadataversionnumber, dataset.metadataversionnumber) && - Objects.equals(geolocation, dataset.geolocation); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), storagedate, device, size, version, lastmetadataupdate, metadataversionnumber, geolocation); - } + mergeOAFDataInfo(d); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Datasource.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Datasource.java index c8d9736c5a..721798206b 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Datasource.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Datasource.java @@ -1,480 +1,472 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; public class Datasource extends OafEntity implements Serializable { - private Qualifier datasourcetype; + private Qualifier datasourcetype; - private Qualifier openairecompatibility; + private Qualifier openairecompatibility; - private Field officialname; + private Field officialname; - private Field englishname; + private Field englishname; - private Field websiteurl; + private Field websiteurl; - private Field logourl; + private Field logourl; - private Field contactemail; + private Field contactemail; - private Field namespaceprefix; + private Field namespaceprefix; - private Field latitude; + private Field latitude; - private Field longitude; + private Field longitude; - private Field dateofvalidation; + private Field dateofvalidation; - private Field description; + private Field description; - private List subjects; + private List subjects; - // opendoar specific fields (od*) - private Field odnumberofitems; + // opendoar specific fields (od*) + private Field odnumberofitems; - private Field odnumberofitemsdate; + private Field odnumberofitemsdate; - private Field odpolicies; + private Field odpolicies; - private List> odlanguages; + private List> odlanguages; - private List> odcontenttypes; + private List> odcontenttypes; - private List> accessinfopackage; + private List> accessinfopackage; - // re3data fields - private Field releasestartdate; + // re3data fields + private Field releasestartdate; - private Field releaseenddate; + private Field releaseenddate; - private Field missionstatementurl; + private Field missionstatementurl; - private Field dataprovider; + private Field dataprovider; - private Field serviceprovider; + private Field serviceprovider; - // {open, restricted or closed} - private Field databaseaccesstype; + // {open, restricted or closed} + private Field databaseaccesstype; - // {open, restricted or closed} - private Field datauploadtype; + // {open, restricted or closed} + private Field datauploadtype; - // {feeRequired, registration, other} - private Field databaseaccessrestriction; + // {feeRequired, registration, other} + private Field databaseaccessrestriction; - // {feeRequired, registration, other} - private Field datauploadrestriction; + // {feeRequired, registration, other} + private Field datauploadrestriction; - private Field versioning; + private Field versioning; - private Field citationguidelineurl; + private Field citationguidelineurl; - //{yes, no, uknown} - private Field qualitymanagementkind; + // {yes, no, uknown} + private Field qualitymanagementkind; - private Field pidsystems; + private Field pidsystems; - private Field certificates; + private Field certificates; - private List policies; + private List policies; - private Journal journal; + private Journal journal; - public Qualifier getDatasourcetype() { - return datasourcetype; - } + public Qualifier getDatasourcetype() { + return datasourcetype; + } - public void setDatasourcetype(Qualifier datasourcetype) { - this.datasourcetype = datasourcetype; - } + public void setDatasourcetype(Qualifier datasourcetype) { + this.datasourcetype = datasourcetype; + } - public Qualifier getOpenairecompatibility() { - return openairecompatibility; - } + public Qualifier getOpenairecompatibility() { + return openairecompatibility; + } - public void setOpenairecompatibility(Qualifier openairecompatibility) { - this.openairecompatibility = openairecompatibility; - } + public void setOpenairecompatibility(Qualifier openairecompatibility) { + this.openairecompatibility = openairecompatibility; + } - public Field getOfficialname() { - return officialname; - } + public Field getOfficialname() { + return officialname; + } - public void setOfficialname(Field officialname) { - this.officialname = officialname; - } + public void setOfficialname(Field officialname) { + this.officialname = officialname; + } - public Field getEnglishname() { - return englishname; - } + public Field getEnglishname() { + return englishname; + } - public void setEnglishname(Field englishname) { - this.englishname = englishname; - } + public void setEnglishname(Field englishname) { + this.englishname = englishname; + } - public Field getWebsiteurl() { - return websiteurl; - } + public Field getWebsiteurl() { + return websiteurl; + } - public void setWebsiteurl(Field websiteurl) { - this.websiteurl = websiteurl; - } + public void setWebsiteurl(Field websiteurl) { + this.websiteurl = websiteurl; + } - public Field getLogourl() { - return logourl; - } + public Field getLogourl() { + return logourl; + } - public void setLogourl(Field logourl) { - this.logourl = logourl; - } + public void setLogourl(Field logourl) { + this.logourl = logourl; + } - public Field getContactemail() { - return contactemail; - } + public Field getContactemail() { + return contactemail; + } - public void setContactemail(Field contactemail) { - this.contactemail = contactemail; - } + public void setContactemail(Field contactemail) { + this.contactemail = contactemail; + } - public Field getNamespaceprefix() { - return namespaceprefix; - } + public Field getNamespaceprefix() { + return namespaceprefix; + } - public void setNamespaceprefix(Field namespaceprefix) { - this.namespaceprefix = namespaceprefix; - } + public void setNamespaceprefix(Field namespaceprefix) { + this.namespaceprefix = namespaceprefix; + } - public Field getLatitude() { - return latitude; - } + public Field getLatitude() { + return latitude; + } - public void setLatitude(Field latitude) { - this.latitude = latitude; - } + public void setLatitude(Field latitude) { + this.latitude = latitude; + } - public Field getLongitude() { - return longitude; - } + public Field getLongitude() { + return longitude; + } - public void setLongitude(Field longitude) { - this.longitude = longitude; - } + public void setLongitude(Field longitude) { + this.longitude = longitude; + } - public Field getDateofvalidation() { - return dateofvalidation; - } + public Field getDateofvalidation() { + return dateofvalidation; + } - public void setDateofvalidation(Field dateofvalidation) { - this.dateofvalidation = dateofvalidation; - } + public void setDateofvalidation(Field dateofvalidation) { + this.dateofvalidation = dateofvalidation; + } - public Field getDescription() { - return description; - } + public Field getDescription() { + return description; + } - public void setDescription(Field description) { - this.description = description; - } + public void setDescription(Field description) { + this.description = description; + } - public List getSubjects() { - return subjects; - } + public List getSubjects() { + return subjects; + } - public void setSubjects(List subjects) { - this.subjects = subjects; - } + public void setSubjects(List subjects) { + this.subjects = subjects; + } - public Field getOdnumberofitems() { - return odnumberofitems; - } + public Field getOdnumberofitems() { + return odnumberofitems; + } - public void setOdnumberofitems(Field odnumberofitems) { - this.odnumberofitems = odnumberofitems; - } + public void setOdnumberofitems(Field odnumberofitems) { + this.odnumberofitems = odnumberofitems; + } - public Field getOdnumberofitemsdate() { - return odnumberofitemsdate; - } + public Field getOdnumberofitemsdate() { + return odnumberofitemsdate; + } - public void setOdnumberofitemsdate(Field odnumberofitemsdate) { - this.odnumberofitemsdate = odnumberofitemsdate; - } + public void setOdnumberofitemsdate(Field odnumberofitemsdate) { + this.odnumberofitemsdate = odnumberofitemsdate; + } - public Field getOdpolicies() { - return odpolicies; - } + public Field getOdpolicies() { + return odpolicies; + } - public void setOdpolicies(Field odpolicies) { - this.odpolicies = odpolicies; - } + public void setOdpolicies(Field odpolicies) { + this.odpolicies = odpolicies; + } - public List> getOdlanguages() { - return odlanguages; - } + public List> getOdlanguages() { + return odlanguages; + } - public void setOdlanguages(List> odlanguages) { - this.odlanguages = odlanguages; - } + public void setOdlanguages(List> odlanguages) { + this.odlanguages = odlanguages; + } - public List> getOdcontenttypes() { - return odcontenttypes; - } + public List> getOdcontenttypes() { + return odcontenttypes; + } - public void setOdcontenttypes(List> odcontenttypes) { - this.odcontenttypes = odcontenttypes; - } + public void setOdcontenttypes(List> odcontenttypes) { + this.odcontenttypes = odcontenttypes; + } - public List> getAccessinfopackage() { - return accessinfopackage; - } + public List> getAccessinfopackage() { + return accessinfopackage; + } - public void setAccessinfopackage(List> accessinfopackage) { - this.accessinfopackage = accessinfopackage; - } + public void setAccessinfopackage(List> accessinfopackage) { + this.accessinfopackage = accessinfopackage; + } - public Field getReleasestartdate() { - return releasestartdate; - } + public Field getReleasestartdate() { + return releasestartdate; + } - public void setReleasestartdate(Field releasestartdate) { - this.releasestartdate = releasestartdate; - } + public void setReleasestartdate(Field releasestartdate) { + this.releasestartdate = releasestartdate; + } - public Field getReleaseenddate() { - return releaseenddate; - } + public Field getReleaseenddate() { + return releaseenddate; + } - public void setReleaseenddate(Field releaseenddate) { - this.releaseenddate = releaseenddate; - } + public void setReleaseenddate(Field releaseenddate) { + this.releaseenddate = releaseenddate; + } - public Field getMissionstatementurl() { - return missionstatementurl; - } + public Field getMissionstatementurl() { + return missionstatementurl; + } - public void setMissionstatementurl(Field missionstatementurl) { - this.missionstatementurl = missionstatementurl; - } + public void setMissionstatementurl(Field missionstatementurl) { + this.missionstatementurl = missionstatementurl; + } - public Field getDataprovider() { - return dataprovider; - } + public Field getDataprovider() { + return dataprovider; + } - public void setDataprovider(Field dataprovider) { - this.dataprovider = dataprovider; - } + public void setDataprovider(Field dataprovider) { + this.dataprovider = dataprovider; + } - public Field getServiceprovider() { - return serviceprovider; - } + public Field getServiceprovider() { + return serviceprovider; + } - public void setServiceprovider(Field serviceprovider) { - this.serviceprovider = serviceprovider; - } + public void setServiceprovider(Field serviceprovider) { + this.serviceprovider = serviceprovider; + } - public Field getDatabaseaccesstype() { - return databaseaccesstype; - } + public Field getDatabaseaccesstype() { + return databaseaccesstype; + } - public void setDatabaseaccesstype(Field databaseaccesstype) { - this.databaseaccesstype = databaseaccesstype; - } - - public Field getDatauploadtype() { - return datauploadtype; - } - - public void setDatauploadtype(Field datauploadtype) { - this.datauploadtype = datauploadtype; - } - - public Field getDatabaseaccessrestriction() { - return databaseaccessrestriction; - } - - public void setDatabaseaccessrestriction(Field databaseaccessrestriction) { - this.databaseaccessrestriction = databaseaccessrestriction; - } - - public Field getDatauploadrestriction() { - return datauploadrestriction; - } - - public void setDatauploadrestriction(Field datauploadrestriction) { - this.datauploadrestriction = datauploadrestriction; - } - - public Field getVersioning() { - return versioning; - } - - public void setVersioning(Field versioning) { - this.versioning = versioning; - } - - public Field getCitationguidelineurl() { - return citationguidelineurl; - } - - public void setCitationguidelineurl(Field citationguidelineurl) { - this.citationguidelineurl = citationguidelineurl; - } - - public Field getQualitymanagementkind() { - return qualitymanagementkind; - } - - public void setQualitymanagementkind(Field qualitymanagementkind) { - this.qualitymanagementkind = qualitymanagementkind; - } - - public Field getPidsystems() { - return pidsystems; - } - - public void setPidsystems(Field pidsystems) { - this.pidsystems = pidsystems; - } - - public Field getCertificates() { - return certificates; - } - - public void setCertificates(Field certificates) { - this.certificates = certificates; - } - - public List getPolicies() { - return policies; - } - - public void setPolicies(List policies) { - this.policies = policies; - } - - public Journal getJournal() { - return journal; - } - - public void setJournal(Journal journal) { - this.journal = journal; - } - - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); - - if (!Datasource.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){ - return; - } - - Datasource d = (Datasource)e; - - datasourcetype = d.getDatasourcetype() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDatasourcetype() : datasourcetype; - openairecompatibility = d.getOpenairecompatibility() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getOpenairecompatibility() : openairecompatibility; - officialname = d.getOfficialname() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getOfficialname() : officialname; - englishname = d.getEnglishname() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getEnglishname() : officialname; - websiteurl = d.getWebsiteurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getWebsiteurl() : websiteurl; - logourl = d.getLogourl() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getLogourl() : getLogourl(); - contactemail = d.getContactemail() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getContactemail() : contactemail; - namespaceprefix = d.getNamespaceprefix() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getNamespaceprefix() : namespaceprefix; - latitude = d.getLatitude() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getLatitude() : latitude; - longitude = d.getLongitude() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getLongitude() : longitude; - dateofvalidation = d.getDateofvalidation() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDateofvalidation() : dateofvalidation; - description = d.getDescription() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDescription() : description; - subjects = mergeLists(subjects, d.getSubjects()); - - // opendoar specific fields (od*) - odnumberofitems = d.getOdnumberofitems() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getOdnumberofitems() : odnumberofitems; - odnumberofitemsdate = d.getOdnumberofitemsdate() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getOdnumberofitemsdate() : odnumberofitemsdate; - odpolicies = d.getOdpolicies() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getOdpolicies() : odpolicies; - odlanguages = mergeLists(odlanguages, d.getOdlanguages()); - odcontenttypes = mergeLists(odcontenttypes, d.getOdcontenttypes()); - accessinfopackage = mergeLists(accessinfopackage, d.getAccessinfopackage()); - - // re3data fields - releasestartdate = d.getReleasestartdate() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getReleasestartdate() : releasestartdate; - releaseenddate = d.getReleaseenddate() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getReleaseenddate() : releaseenddate; - missionstatementurl = d.getMissionstatementurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getMissionstatementurl() : missionstatementurl; - dataprovider = d.getDataprovider() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDataprovider() : dataprovider; - serviceprovider = d.getServiceprovider() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getServiceprovider() : serviceprovider; - - // {open, restricted or closed} - databaseaccesstype = d.getDatabaseaccesstype() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDatabaseaccesstype() : databaseaccesstype; - - // {open, restricted or closed} - datauploadtype = d.getDatauploadtype() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDatauploadtype() : datauploadtype; - - // {feeRequired, registration, other} - databaseaccessrestriction = d.getDatabaseaccessrestriction() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDatabaseaccessrestriction() : databaseaccessrestriction; - - // {feeRequired, registration, other} - datauploadrestriction = d.getDatauploadrestriction() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getDatauploadrestriction() : datauploadrestriction; - - versioning = d.getVersioning() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getVersioning() : versioning; - citationguidelineurl = d.getCitationguidelineurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getCitationguidelineurl() : citationguidelineurl; - - //{yes, no, unknown} - qualitymanagementkind = d.getQualitymanagementkind() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getQualitymanagementkind() : qualitymanagementkind; - pidsystems = d.getPidsystems() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getPidsystems() : pidsystems; - - certificates = d.getCertificates() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getCertificates() : certificates; - - policies = mergeLists(policies, d.getPolicies()); - - journal = d.getJournal() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? d.getJournal() : journal; - - mergeOAFDataInfo(e); - } - - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - Datasource that = (Datasource) o; - return Objects.equals(datasourcetype, that.datasourcetype) && - Objects.equals(openairecompatibility, that.openairecompatibility) && - Objects.equals(officialname, that.officialname) && - Objects.equals(englishname, that.englishname) && - Objects.equals(websiteurl, that.websiteurl) && - Objects.equals(logourl, that.logourl) && - Objects.equals(contactemail, that.contactemail) && - Objects.equals(namespaceprefix, that.namespaceprefix) && - Objects.equals(latitude, that.latitude) && - Objects.equals(longitude, that.longitude) && - Objects.equals(dateofvalidation, that.dateofvalidation) && - Objects.equals(description, that.description) && - Objects.equals(subjects, that.subjects) && - Objects.equals(odnumberofitems, that.odnumberofitems) && - Objects.equals(odnumberofitemsdate, that.odnumberofitemsdate) && - Objects.equals(odpolicies, that.odpolicies) && - Objects.equals(odlanguages, that.odlanguages) && - Objects.equals(odcontenttypes, that.odcontenttypes) && - Objects.equals(accessinfopackage, that.accessinfopackage) && - Objects.equals(releasestartdate, that.releasestartdate) && - Objects.equals(releaseenddate, that.releaseenddate) && - Objects.equals(missionstatementurl, that.missionstatementurl) && - Objects.equals(dataprovider, that.dataprovider) && - Objects.equals(serviceprovider, that.serviceprovider) && - Objects.equals(databaseaccesstype, that.databaseaccesstype) && - Objects.equals(datauploadtype, that.datauploadtype) && - Objects.equals(databaseaccessrestriction, that.databaseaccessrestriction) && - Objects.equals(datauploadrestriction, that.datauploadrestriction) && - Objects.equals(versioning, that.versioning) && - Objects.equals(citationguidelineurl, that.citationguidelineurl) && - Objects.equals(qualitymanagementkind, that.qualitymanagementkind) && - Objects.equals(pidsystems, that.pidsystems) && - Objects.equals(certificates, that.certificates) && - Objects.equals(policies, that.policies) && - Objects.equals(journal, that.journal); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), datasourcetype, openairecompatibility, officialname, englishname, websiteurl, logourl, contactemail, namespaceprefix, latitude, longitude, dateofvalidation, description, subjects, odnumberofitems, odnumberofitemsdate, odpolicies, odlanguages, odcontenttypes, accessinfopackage, releasestartdate, releaseenddate, missionstatementurl, dataprovider, serviceprovider, databaseaccesstype, datauploadtype, databaseaccessrestriction, datauploadrestriction, versioning, citationguidelineurl, qualitymanagementkind, pidsystems, certificates, policies, journal); - } + public void setDatabaseaccesstype(Field databaseaccesstype) { + this.databaseaccesstype = databaseaccesstype; + } + + public Field getDatauploadtype() { + return datauploadtype; + } + + public void setDatauploadtype(Field datauploadtype) { + this.datauploadtype = datauploadtype; + } + + public Field getDatabaseaccessrestriction() { + return databaseaccessrestriction; + } + + public void setDatabaseaccessrestriction(Field databaseaccessrestriction) { + this.databaseaccessrestriction = databaseaccessrestriction; + } + + public Field getDatauploadrestriction() { + return datauploadrestriction; + } + + public void setDatauploadrestriction(Field datauploadrestriction) { + this.datauploadrestriction = datauploadrestriction; + } + + public Field getVersioning() { + return versioning; + } + + public void setVersioning(Field versioning) { + this.versioning = versioning; + } + + public Field getCitationguidelineurl() { + return citationguidelineurl; + } + + public void setCitationguidelineurl(Field citationguidelineurl) { + this.citationguidelineurl = citationguidelineurl; + } + + public Field getQualitymanagementkind() { + return qualitymanagementkind; + } + + public void setQualitymanagementkind(Field qualitymanagementkind) { + this.qualitymanagementkind = qualitymanagementkind; + } + + public Field getPidsystems() { + return pidsystems; + } + + public void setPidsystems(Field pidsystems) { + this.pidsystems = pidsystems; + } + + public Field getCertificates() { + return certificates; + } + + public void setCertificates(Field certificates) { + this.certificates = certificates; + } + + public List getPolicies() { + return policies; + } + + public void setPolicies(List policies) { + this.policies = policies; + } + + public Journal getJournal() { + return journal; + } + + public void setJournal(Journal journal) { + this.journal = journal; + } + + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); + + if (!Datasource.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { + return; + } + + Datasource d = (Datasource) e; + + datasourcetype = d.getDatasourcetype() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getDatasourcetype() + : datasourcetype; + openairecompatibility = d.getOpenairecompatibility() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getOpenairecompatibility() + : openairecompatibility; + officialname = d.getOfficialname() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getOfficialname() + : officialname; + englishname = d.getEnglishname() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getEnglishname() : officialname; + websiteurl = d.getWebsiteurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getWebsiteurl() : websiteurl; + logourl = d.getLogourl() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getLogourl() : getLogourl(); + contactemail = d.getContactemail() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getContactemail() + : contactemail; + namespaceprefix = d.getNamespaceprefix() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getNamespaceprefix() + : namespaceprefix; + latitude = d.getLatitude() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getLatitude() : latitude; + longitude = d.getLongitude() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getLongitude() : longitude; + dateofvalidation = d.getDateofvalidation() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getDateofvalidation() + : dateofvalidation; + description = d.getDescription() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getDescription() : description; + subjects = mergeLists(subjects, d.getSubjects()); + + // opendoar specific fields (od*) + odnumberofitems = d.getOdnumberofitems() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getOdnumberofitems() + : odnumberofitems; + odnumberofitemsdate = d.getOdnumberofitemsdate() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getOdnumberofitemsdate() + : odnumberofitemsdate; + odpolicies = d.getOdpolicies() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getOdpolicies() : odpolicies; + odlanguages = mergeLists(odlanguages, d.getOdlanguages()); + odcontenttypes = mergeLists(odcontenttypes, d.getOdcontenttypes()); + accessinfopackage = mergeLists(accessinfopackage, d.getAccessinfopackage()); + + // re3data fields + releasestartdate = d.getReleasestartdate() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getReleasestartdate() + : releasestartdate; + releaseenddate = d.getReleaseenddate() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getReleaseenddate() + : releaseenddate; + missionstatementurl = d.getMissionstatementurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getMissionstatementurl() + : missionstatementurl; + dataprovider = d.getDataprovider() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getDataprovider() + : dataprovider; + serviceprovider = d.getServiceprovider() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getServiceprovider() + : serviceprovider; + + // {open, restricted or closed} + databaseaccesstype = d.getDatabaseaccesstype() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getDatabaseaccesstype() + : databaseaccesstype; + + // {open, restricted or closed} + datauploadtype = d.getDatauploadtype() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getDatauploadtype() + : datauploadtype; + + // {feeRequired, registration, other} + databaseaccessrestriction = d.getDatabaseaccessrestriction() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getDatabaseaccessrestriction() + : databaseaccessrestriction; + + // {feeRequired, registration, other} + datauploadrestriction = d.getDatauploadrestriction() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getDatauploadrestriction() + : datauploadrestriction; + + versioning = d.getVersioning() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getVersioning() : versioning; + citationguidelineurl = d.getCitationguidelineurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getCitationguidelineurl() + : citationguidelineurl; + + // {yes, no, unknown} + qualitymanagementkind = d.getQualitymanagementkind() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getQualitymanagementkind() + : qualitymanagementkind; + pidsystems = d.getPidsystems() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getPidsystems() : pidsystems; + + certificates = d.getCertificates() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? d.getCertificates() + : certificates; + + policies = mergeLists(policies, d.getPolicies()); + + journal = d.getJournal() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? d.getJournal() : journal; + + mergeOAFDataInfo(e); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/ExternalReference.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/ExternalReference.java index 24c94065b5..d509b954e7 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/ExternalReference.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/ExternalReference.java @@ -1,114 +1,119 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Objects; public class ExternalReference implements Serializable { - // source - private String sitename; + // source + private String sitename; - // title - private String label; + // title + private String label; - // text() - private String url; + // text() + private String url; - // ?? not mapped yet ?? - private String description; + // ?? not mapped yet ?? + private String description; - // type - private Qualifier qualifier; + // type + private Qualifier qualifier; - // site internal identifier - private String refidentifier; + // site internal identifier + private String refidentifier; - // maps the oaf:reference/@query attribute - private String query; + // maps the oaf:reference/@query attribute + private String query; - // ExternalReferences might be also inferred - private DataInfo dataInfo; + // ExternalReferences might be also inferred + private DataInfo dataInfo; - public String getSitename() { - return sitename; - } + public String getSitename() { + return sitename; + } - public void setSitename(String sitename) { - this.sitename = sitename; - } + public void setSitename(String sitename) { + this.sitename = sitename; + } - public String getLabel() { - return label; - } + public String getLabel() { + return label; + } - public void setLabel(String label) { - this.label = label; - } + public void setLabel(String label) { + this.label = label; + } - public String getUrl() { - return url; - } + public String getUrl() { + return url; + } - public void setUrl(String url) { - this.url = url; - } + public void setUrl(String url) { + this.url = url; + } - public String getDescription() { - return description; - } + public String getDescription() { + return description; + } - public void setDescription(String description) { - this.description = description; - } + public void setDescription(String description) { + this.description = description; + } - public Qualifier getQualifier() { - return qualifier; - } + public Qualifier getQualifier() { + return qualifier; + } - public void setQualifier(Qualifier qualifier) { - this.qualifier = qualifier; - } + public void setQualifier(Qualifier qualifier) { + this.qualifier = qualifier; + } - public String getRefidentifier() { - return refidentifier; - } + public String getRefidentifier() { + return refidentifier; + } - public void setRefidentifier(String refidentifier) { - this.refidentifier = refidentifier; - } + public void setRefidentifier(String refidentifier) { + this.refidentifier = refidentifier; + } - public String getQuery() { - return query; - } + public String getQuery() { + return query; + } - public void setQuery(String query) { - this.query = query; - } + public void setQuery(String query) { + this.query = query; + } - public DataInfo getDataInfo() { - return dataInfo; - } + public DataInfo getDataInfo() { + return dataInfo; + } - public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { - this.dataInfo = dataInfo; - } + public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - ExternalReference that = (ExternalReference) o; - return Objects.equals(sitename, that.sitename) && - Objects.equals(label, that.label) && - Objects.equals(url, that.url) && - Objects.equals(description, that.description) && - Objects.equals(qualifier, that.qualifier) && - Objects.equals(refidentifier, that.refidentifier) && - Objects.equals(query, that.query) && - Objects.equals(dataInfo, that.dataInfo); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + ExternalReference that = (ExternalReference) o; + return Objects.equals(sitename, that.sitename) + && Objects.equals(label, that.label) + && Objects.equals(url, that.url) + && Objects.equals(description, that.description) + && Objects.equals(qualifier, that.qualifier) + && Objects.equals(refidentifier, that.refidentifier) + && Objects.equals(query, that.query) + && Objects.equals(dataInfo, that.dataInfo); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(sitename, label, url, description, qualifier, refidentifier, query, dataInfo); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects + .hash( + sitename, label, url, description, qualifier, refidentifier, query, dataInfo); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/ExtraInfo.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/ExtraInfo.java index 46107b214f..3682cc2aa2 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/ExtraInfo.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/ExtraInfo.java @@ -1,74 +1,77 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Objects; public class ExtraInfo implements Serializable { - private String name; + private String name; - private String typology; + private String typology; - private String provenance; + private String provenance; - private String trust; + private String trust; - // json containing a Citation or Statistics - private String value; + // json containing a Citation or Statistics + private String value; - public String getName() { - return name; - } + public String getName() { + return name; + } - public void setName(String name) { - this.name = name; - } + public void setName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } - public String getTypology() { - return typology; - } + public String getTypology() { + return typology; + } - public void setTypology(String typology) { - this.typology = typology; - } + public void setTypology(String typology) { + this.typology = typology; + } - public String getProvenance() { - return provenance; - } + public String getProvenance() { + return provenance; + } - public void setProvenance(String provenance) { - this.provenance = provenance; - } + public void setProvenance(String provenance) { + this.provenance = provenance; + } - public String getTrust() { - return trust; - } + public String getTrust() { + return trust; + } - public void setTrust(String trust) { - this.trust = trust; - } + public void setTrust(String trust) { + this.trust = trust; + } - public String getValue() { - return value; - } + public String getValue() { + return value; + } - public void setValue(String value) { - this.value = value; - } + public void setValue(String value) { + this.value = value; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - ExtraInfo extraInfo = (ExtraInfo) o; - return Objects.equals(name, extraInfo.name) && - Objects.equals(typology, extraInfo.typology) && - Objects.equals(provenance, extraInfo.provenance) && - Objects.equals(trust, extraInfo.trust) && - Objects.equals(value, extraInfo.value); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + ExtraInfo extraInfo = (ExtraInfo) o; + return Objects.equals(name, extraInfo.name) + && Objects.equals(typology, extraInfo.typology) + && Objects.equals(provenance, extraInfo.provenance) + && Objects.equals(trust, extraInfo.trust) + && Objects.equals(value, extraInfo.value); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(name, typology, provenance, trust, value); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(name, typology, provenance, trust, value); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Field.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Field.java index 2ab0b4d3c3..1a85c6842d 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Field.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Field.java @@ -1,43 +1,44 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; public class Field implements Serializable { - private T value; + private T value; - private DataInfo dataInfo; + private DataInfo dataInfo; - public T getValue() { - return value; - } + public T getValue() { + return value; + } - public void setValue(T value) { - this.value = value; - } + public void setValue(T value) { + this.value = value; + } - public DataInfo getDataInfo() { - return dataInfo; - } + public DataInfo getDataInfo() { + return dataInfo; + } - public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { - this.dataInfo = dataInfo; - } + public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return getValue() == null ? 0 : getValue().hashCode(); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return getValue() == null ? 0 : getValue().hashCode(); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object obj) { - if (this == obj) - return true; - if (obj == null) - return false; - if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) - return false; - Field other = (Field) obj; - return getValue().equals(other.getValue()); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) + return false; + Field other = (Field) obj; + return getValue().equals(other.getValue()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/GeoLocation.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/GeoLocation.java index 1839fbd53e..7ed313a59c 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/GeoLocation.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/GeoLocation.java @@ -1,70 +1,76 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; + public class GeoLocation implements Serializable { - private String point; + private String point; - private String box; + private String box; - private String place; + private String place; - public String getPoint() { - return point; - } + public String getPoint() { + return point; + } - public void setPoint(String point) { - this.point = point; - } + public void setPoint(String point) { + this.point = point; + } - public String getBox() { - return box; - } + public String getBox() { + return box; + } - public void setBox(String box) { - this.box = box; - } + public void setBox(String box) { + this.box = box; + } - public String getPlace() { - return place; - } + public String getPlace() { + return place; + } - public void setPlace(String place) { - this.place = place; - } + public void setPlace(String place) { + this.place = place; + } - @JsonIgnore - public boolean isBlank() { - return StringUtils.isBlank(point) && - StringUtils.isBlank(box) && - StringUtils.isBlank(place); - } + @JsonIgnore + public boolean isBlank() { + return StringUtils.isBlank(point) && StringUtils.isBlank(box) && StringUtils.isBlank(place); + } - public String toComparableString() { - return isBlank()?"":String.format("%s::%s%s", point != null ? point.toLowerCase() : "", box != null ? box.toLowerCase() : "", place != null ? place.toLowerCase() : ""); - } + public String toComparableString() { + return isBlank() + ? "" + : String + .format( + "%s::%s%s", + point != null ? point.toLowerCase() : "", + box != null ? box.toLowerCase() : "", + place != null ? place.toLowerCase() : ""); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return toComparableString().hashCode(); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return toComparableString().hashCode(); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object obj) { - if (this == obj) - return true; - if (obj == null) - return false; - if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) - return false; + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) + return false; - GeoLocation other = (GeoLocation) obj; + GeoLocation other = (GeoLocation) obj; - return toComparableString() - .equals(other.toComparableString()); - } + return toComparableString().equals(other.toComparableString()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Instance.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Instance.java index f82296d8bf..2b7d3846c0 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Instance.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Instance.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -5,144 +6,147 @@ import java.util.List; public class Instance implements Serializable { - private Field license; + private Field license; - private Qualifier accessright; + private Qualifier accessright; - private Qualifier instancetype; + private Qualifier instancetype; - private KeyValue hostedby; + private KeyValue hostedby; - private List url; + private List url; - // other research products specifc - private String distributionlocation; + // other research products specifc + private String distributionlocation; - private KeyValue collectedfrom; + private KeyValue collectedfrom; - private Field dateofacceptance; + private Field dateofacceptance; - // ( article | book ) processing charges. Defined here to cope with possible wrongly typed results - private Field processingchargeamount; + // ( article | book ) processing charges. Defined here to cope with possible wrongly typed + // results + private Field processingchargeamount; - // currency - alphabetic code describe in ISO-4217. Defined here to cope with possible wrongly typed results - private Field processingchargecurrency; + // currency - alphabetic code describe in ISO-4217. Defined here to cope with possible wrongly + // typed results + private Field processingchargecurrency; - private Field refereed; //peer-review status + private Field refereed; // peer-review status - public Field getLicense() { - return license; - } + public Field getLicense() { + return license; + } - public void setLicense(Field license) { - this.license = license; - } + public void setLicense(Field license) { + this.license = license; + } - public Qualifier getAccessright() { - return accessright; - } + public Qualifier getAccessright() { + return accessright; + } - public void setAccessright(Qualifier accessright) { - this.accessright = accessright; - } + public void setAccessright(Qualifier accessright) { + this.accessright = accessright; + } - public Qualifier getInstancetype() { - return instancetype; - } + public Qualifier getInstancetype() { + return instancetype; + } - public void setInstancetype(Qualifier instancetype) { - this.instancetype = instancetype; - } + public void setInstancetype(Qualifier instancetype) { + this.instancetype = instancetype; + } - public KeyValue getHostedby() { - return hostedby; - } + public KeyValue getHostedby() { + return hostedby; + } - public void setHostedby(KeyValue hostedby) { - this.hostedby = hostedby; - } + public void setHostedby(KeyValue hostedby) { + this.hostedby = hostedby; + } - public List getUrl() { - return url; - } + public List getUrl() { + return url; + } - public void setUrl(List url) { - this.url = url; - } + public void setUrl(List url) { + this.url = url; + } - public String getDistributionlocation() { - return distributionlocation; - } + public String getDistributionlocation() { + return distributionlocation; + } - public void setDistributionlocation(String distributionlocation) { - this.distributionlocation = distributionlocation; - } + public void setDistributionlocation(String distributionlocation) { + this.distributionlocation = distributionlocation; + } - public KeyValue getCollectedfrom() { - return collectedfrom; - } + public KeyValue getCollectedfrom() { + return collectedfrom; + } - public void setCollectedfrom(KeyValue collectedfrom) { - this.collectedfrom = collectedfrom; - } + public void setCollectedfrom(KeyValue collectedfrom) { + this.collectedfrom = collectedfrom; + } - public Field getDateofacceptance() { - return dateofacceptance; - } + public Field getDateofacceptance() { + return dateofacceptance; + } - public void setDateofacceptance(Field dateofacceptance) { - this.dateofacceptance = dateofacceptance; - } + public void setDateofacceptance(Field dateofacceptance) { + this.dateofacceptance = dateofacceptance; + } - public Field getProcessingchargeamount() { - return processingchargeamount; - } + public Field getProcessingchargeamount() { + return processingchargeamount; + } - public void setProcessingchargeamount(Field processingchargeamount) { - this.processingchargeamount = processingchargeamount; - } + public void setProcessingchargeamount(Field processingchargeamount) { + this.processingchargeamount = processingchargeamount; + } - public Field getProcessingchargecurrency() { - return processingchargecurrency; - } + public Field getProcessingchargecurrency() { + return processingchargecurrency; + } - public void setProcessingchargecurrency(Field processingchargecurrency) { - this.processingchargecurrency = processingchargecurrency; - } + public void setProcessingchargecurrency(Field processingchargecurrency) { + this.processingchargecurrency = processingchargecurrency; + } - public Field getRefereed() { - return refereed; - } + public Field getRefereed() { + return refereed; + } - public void setRefereed(Field refereed) { - this.refereed = refereed; - } + public void setRefereed(Field refereed) { + this.refereed = refereed; + } - public String toComparableString(){ - return String.format("%s::%s::%s::%s", - hostedby != null && hostedby.getKey()!= null ? hostedby.getKey().toLowerCase() : "", - accessright!= null && accessright.getClassid()!= null ? accessright.getClassid() : "", - instancetype!= null && instancetype.getClassid()!= null ? instancetype.getClassid() : "", - url != null ? url:""); - } + public String toComparableString() { + return String + .format( + "%s::%s::%s::%s", + hostedby != null && hostedby.getKey() != null ? hostedby.getKey().toLowerCase() : "", + accessright != null && accessright.getClassid() != null ? accessright.getClassid() : "", + instancetype != null && instancetype.getClassid() != null ? instancetype.getClassid() : "", + url != null ? url : ""); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return toComparableString().hashCode(); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return toComparableString().hashCode(); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object obj) { - if (this == obj) - return true; - if (obj == null) - return false; - if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) - return false; + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) + return false; - Instance other = (Instance) obj; + Instance other = (Instance) obj; - return toComparableString() - .equals(other.toComparableString()); - } + return toComparableString().equals(other.toComparableString()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Journal.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Journal.java index e3c80b120e..7a375e28bc 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Journal.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Journal.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -5,147 +6,162 @@ import java.util.Objects; public class Journal implements Serializable { - private String name; + private String name; - private String issnPrinted; + private String issnPrinted; - private String issnOnline; + private String issnOnline; - private String issnLinking; + private String issnLinking; - private String ep; + private String ep; - private String iss; + private String iss; - private String sp; + private String sp; - private String vol; + private String vol; - private String edition; + private String edition; - private String conferenceplace; + private String conferenceplace; - private String conferencedate; + private String conferencedate; - private DataInfo dataInfo; + private DataInfo dataInfo; - public String getName() { - return name; - } + public String getName() { + return name; + } - public void setName(String name) { - this.name = name; - } + public void setName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } - public String getIssnPrinted() { - return issnPrinted; - } + public String getIssnPrinted() { + return issnPrinted; + } - public void setIssnPrinted(String issnPrinted) { - this.issnPrinted = issnPrinted; - } + public void setIssnPrinted(String issnPrinted) { + this.issnPrinted = issnPrinted; + } - public String getIssnOnline() { - return issnOnline; - } + public String getIssnOnline() { + return issnOnline; + } - public void setIssnOnline(String issnOnline) { - this.issnOnline = issnOnline; - } + public void setIssnOnline(String issnOnline) { + this.issnOnline = issnOnline; + } - public String getIssnLinking() { - return issnLinking; - } + public String getIssnLinking() { + return issnLinking; + } - public void setIssnLinking(String issnLinking) { - this.issnLinking = issnLinking; - } + public void setIssnLinking(String issnLinking) { + this.issnLinking = issnLinking; + } - public String getEp() { - return ep; - } + public String getEp() { + return ep; + } - public void setEp(String ep) { - this.ep = ep; - } + public void setEp(String ep) { + this.ep = ep; + } - public String getIss() { - return iss; - } + public String getIss() { + return iss; + } - public void setIss(String iss) { - this.iss = iss; - } + public void setIss(String iss) { + this.iss = iss; + } - public String getSp() { - return sp; - } + public String getSp() { + return sp; + } - public void setSp(String sp) { - this.sp = sp; - } + public void setSp(String sp) { + this.sp = sp; + } - public String getVol() { - return vol; - } + public String getVol() { + return vol; + } - public void setVol(String vol) { - this.vol = vol; - } + public void setVol(String vol) { + this.vol = vol; + } - public String getEdition() { - return edition; - } + public String getEdition() { + return edition; + } - public void setEdition(String edition) { - this.edition = edition; - } + public void setEdition(String edition) { + this.edition = edition; + } - public String getConferenceplace() { - return conferenceplace; - } + public String getConferenceplace() { + return conferenceplace; + } - public void setConferenceplace(String conferenceplace) { - this.conferenceplace = conferenceplace; - } + public void setConferenceplace(String conferenceplace) { + this.conferenceplace = conferenceplace; + } - public String getConferencedate() { - return conferencedate; - } + public String getConferencedate() { + return conferencedate; + } - public void setConferencedate(String conferencedate) { - this.conferencedate = conferencedate; - } + public void setConferencedate(String conferencedate) { + this.conferencedate = conferencedate; + } - public DataInfo getDataInfo() { - return dataInfo; - } + public DataInfo getDataInfo() { + return dataInfo; + } - public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { - this.dataInfo = dataInfo; - } + public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - Journal journal = (Journal) o; - return Objects.equals(name, journal.name) && - Objects.equals(issnPrinted, journal.issnPrinted) && - Objects.equals(issnOnline, journal.issnOnline) && - Objects.equals(issnLinking, journal.issnLinking) && - Objects.equals(ep, journal.ep) && - Objects.equals(iss, journal.iss) && - Objects.equals(sp, journal.sp) && - Objects.equals(vol, journal.vol) && - Objects.equals(edition, journal.edition) && - Objects.equals(conferenceplace, journal.conferenceplace) && - Objects.equals(conferencedate, journal.conferencedate) && - Objects.equals(dataInfo, journal.dataInfo); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + Journal journal = (Journal) o; + return Objects.equals(name, journal.name) + && Objects.equals(issnPrinted, journal.issnPrinted) + && Objects.equals(issnOnline, journal.issnOnline) + && Objects.equals(issnLinking, journal.issnLinking) + && Objects.equals(ep, journal.ep) + && Objects.equals(iss, journal.iss) + && Objects.equals(sp, journal.sp) + && Objects.equals(vol, journal.vol) + && Objects.equals(edition, journal.edition) + && Objects.equals(conferenceplace, journal.conferenceplace) + && Objects.equals(conferencedate, journal.conferencedate) + && Objects.equals(dataInfo, journal.dataInfo); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(name, issnPrinted, issnOnline, issnLinking, ep, iss, sp, vol, edition, conferenceplace, conferencedate, dataInfo); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects + .hash( + name, + issnPrinted, + issnOnline, + issnLinking, + ep, + iss, + sp, + vol, + edition, + conferenceplace, + conferencedate, + dataInfo); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/KeyValue.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/KeyValue.java index 5a841b96f5..4e2d601387 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/KeyValue.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/KeyValue.java @@ -1,67 +1,74 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; + public class KeyValue implements Serializable { - private String key; + private String key; - private String value; + private String value; - private DataInfo dataInfo; + private DataInfo dataInfo; - public String getKey() { - return key; - } + public String getKey() { + return key; + } - public void setKey(String key) { - this.key = key; - } + public void setKey(String key) { + this.key = key; + } - public String getValue() { - return value; - } + public String getValue() { + return value; + } - public void setValue(String value) { - this.value = value; - } + public void setValue(String value) { + this.value = value; + } - public DataInfo getDataInfo() { - return dataInfo; - } + public DataInfo getDataInfo() { + return dataInfo; + } - public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { - this.dataInfo = dataInfo; - } + public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + } - public String toComparableString() { - return isBlank()?"":String.format("%s::%s", key != null ? key.toLowerCase() : "", value != null ? value.toLowerCase() : ""); - } + public String toComparableString() { + return isBlank() + ? "" + : String + .format( + "%s::%s", + key != null ? key.toLowerCase() : "", value != null ? value.toLowerCase() : ""); + } - @JsonIgnore - public boolean isBlank() { - return StringUtils.isBlank(key) && StringUtils.isBlank(value); - } + @JsonIgnore + public boolean isBlank() { + return StringUtils.isBlank(key) && StringUtils.isBlank(value); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return toComparableString().hashCode(); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return toComparableString().hashCode(); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object obj) { - if (this == obj) - return true; - if (obj == null) - return false; - if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) - return false; + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) + return false; - KeyValue other = (KeyValue) obj; + KeyValue other = (KeyValue) obj; - return toComparableString().equals(other.toComparableString()); - } + return toComparableString().equals(other.toComparableString()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Measure.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Measure.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98adffd2a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Measure.java @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; + +public class Measure { +} diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OAIProvenance.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OAIProvenance.java index 52ddf27d88..88d74afbfd 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OAIProvenance.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OAIProvenance.java @@ -1,30 +1,33 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Objects; -public class OAIProvenance implements Serializable { +public class OAIProvenance implements Serializable { - private OriginDescription originDescription; + private OriginDescription originDescription; - public OriginDescription getOriginDescription() { - return originDescription; - } + public OriginDescription getOriginDescription() { + return originDescription; + } - public void setOriginDescription(OriginDescription originDescription) { - this.originDescription = originDescription; - } + public void setOriginDescription(OriginDescription originDescription) { + this.originDescription = originDescription; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - OAIProvenance that = (OAIProvenance) o; - return Objects.equals(originDescription, that.originDescription); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + OAIProvenance that = (OAIProvenance) o; + return Objects.equals(originDescription, that.originDescription); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(originDescription); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(originDescription); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Oaf.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Oaf.java index 64217e5d80..3496492e8e 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Oaf.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Oaf.java @@ -1,61 +1,73 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; +import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; public abstract class Oaf implements Serializable { - - private DataInfo dataInfo; - private Long lastupdatetimestamp; + /** + * The list of datasource id/name pairs providing this relationship. + */ + protected List collectedfrom; - public DataInfo getDataInfo() { - return dataInfo; - } + private DataInfo dataInfo; - public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { - this.dataInfo = dataInfo; - } + private Long lastupdatetimestamp; - public Long getLastupdatetimestamp() { - return lastupdatetimestamp; - } + public List getCollectedfrom() { + return collectedfrom; + } - public void setLastupdatetimestamp(Long lastupdatetimestamp) { - this.lastupdatetimestamp = lastupdatetimestamp; - } + public void setCollectedfrom(List collectedfrom) { + this.collectedfrom = collectedfrom; + } + public DataInfo getDataInfo() { + return dataInfo; + } - public void mergeOAFDataInfo(Oaf e) { - if (e.getDataInfo()!= null && compareTrust(this,e)<0) - dataInfo = e.getDataInfo(); - } + public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + } - protected String extractTrust(Oaf e) { - if (e == null || e.getDataInfo()== null || e.getDataInfo().getTrust()== null) - return "0.0"; - return e.getDataInfo().getTrust(); + public Long getLastupdatetimestamp() { + return lastupdatetimestamp; + } + public void setLastupdatetimestamp(Long lastupdatetimestamp) { + this.lastupdatetimestamp = lastupdatetimestamp; + } + public void mergeOAFDataInfo(Oaf e) { + if (e.getDataInfo() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0) + dataInfo = e.getDataInfo(); + } - } + protected String extractTrust(Oaf e) { + if (e == null || e.getDataInfo() == null || e.getDataInfo().getTrust() == null) + return "0.0"; + return e.getDataInfo().getTrust(); + } - protected int compareTrust(Oaf a, Oaf b) { - return extractTrust(a).compareTo(extractTrust(b)); + protected int compareTrust(Oaf a, Oaf b) { + return extractTrust(a).compareTo(extractTrust(b)); + } - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + Oaf oaf = (Oaf) o; + return Objects.equals(dataInfo, oaf.dataInfo) + && Objects.equals(lastupdatetimestamp, oaf.lastupdatetimestamp); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - Oaf oaf = (Oaf) o; - return Objects.equals(dataInfo, oaf.dataInfo) && - Objects.equals(lastupdatetimestamp, oaf.lastupdatetimestamp); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(dataInfo, lastupdatetimestamp); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(dataInfo, lastupdatetimestamp); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OafEntity.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OafEntity.java index cd196243a0..09742748d7 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OafEntity.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OafEntity.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -6,134 +7,123 @@ import java.util.stream.Collectors; public abstract class OafEntity extends Oaf implements Serializable { - private String id; + private String id; - private List originalId; + private List originalId; - private List collectedfrom; + private List pid; - private List pid; + private String dateofcollection; - private String dateofcollection; + private String dateoftransformation; - private String dateoftransformation; + private List extraInfo; - private List extraInfo; + private OAIProvenance oaiprovenance; - private OAIProvenance oaiprovenance; + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public List getOriginalId() { + return originalId; + } - public List getOriginalId() { - return originalId; - } + public void setOriginalId(List originalId) { + this.originalId = originalId; + } - public void setOriginalId(List originalId) { - this.originalId = originalId; - } + public List getPid() { + return pid; + } - public List getCollectedfrom() { - return collectedfrom; - } + public void setPid(List pid) { + this.pid = pid; + } - public void setCollectedfrom(List collectedfrom) { - this.collectedfrom = collectedfrom; - } + public String getDateofcollection() { + return dateofcollection; + } - public List getPid() { - return pid; - } + public void setDateofcollection(String dateofcollection) { + this.dateofcollection = dateofcollection; + } - public void setPid(List pid) { - this.pid = pid; - } + public String getDateoftransformation() { + return dateoftransformation; + } - public String getDateofcollection() { - return dateofcollection; - } + public void setDateoftransformation(String dateoftransformation) { + this.dateoftransformation = dateoftransformation; + } - public void setDateofcollection(String dateofcollection) { - this.dateofcollection = dateofcollection; - } + public List getExtraInfo() { + return extraInfo; + } - public String getDateoftransformation() { - return dateoftransformation; - } + public void setExtraInfo(List extraInfo) { + this.extraInfo = extraInfo; + } - public void setDateoftransformation(String dateoftransformation) { - this.dateoftransformation = dateoftransformation; - } + public OAIProvenance getOaiprovenance() { + return oaiprovenance; + } - public List getExtraInfo() { - return extraInfo; - } + public void setOaiprovenance(OAIProvenance oaiprovenance) { + this.oaiprovenance = oaiprovenance; + } - public void setExtraInfo(List extraInfo) { - this.extraInfo = extraInfo; - } + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - public OAIProvenance getOaiprovenance() { - return oaiprovenance; - } + if (e == null) + return; - public void setOaiprovenance(OAIProvenance oaiprovenance) { - this.oaiprovenance = oaiprovenance; - } + originalId = mergeLists(originalId, e.getOriginalId()); + collectedfrom = mergeLists(collectedfrom, e.getCollectedfrom()); - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + pid = mergeLists(pid, e.getPid()); - if (e == null) - return; + if (e.getDateofcollection() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0) + dateofcollection = e.getDateofcollection(); - originalId = mergeLists(originalId, e.getOriginalId()); + if (e.getDateoftransformation() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0) + dateoftransformation = e.getDateoftransformation(); - collectedfrom = mergeLists(collectedfrom, e.getCollectedfrom()); + extraInfo = mergeLists(extraInfo, e.getExtraInfo()); - pid = mergeLists(pid, e.getPid()); + if (e.getOaiprovenance() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0) + oaiprovenance = e.getOaiprovenance(); + } - if (e.getDateofcollection() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0) - dateofcollection = e.getDateofcollection(); + protected List mergeLists(final List... lists) { - if (e.getDateoftransformation() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0) - dateoftransformation = e.getDateoftransformation(); + return Arrays + .stream(lists) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .flatMap(List::stream) + .distinct() + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + } - extraInfo = mergeLists(extraInfo, e.getExtraInfo()); + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + if (!super.equals(o)) + return false; + OafEntity oafEntity = (OafEntity) o; + return Objects.equals(id, oafEntity.id); + } - if (e.getOaiprovenance() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0) - oaiprovenance = e.getOaiprovenance(); - - } - - protected List mergeLists(final List... lists) { - - return Arrays.stream(lists).filter(Objects::nonNull).flatMap(List::stream).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); - } - - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - OafEntity oafEntity = (OafEntity) o; - return Objects.equals(id, oafEntity.id) && - Objects.equals(originalId, oafEntity.originalId) && - Objects.equals(collectedfrom, oafEntity.collectedfrom) && - Objects.equals(pid, oafEntity.pid) && - Objects.equals(dateofcollection, oafEntity.dateofcollection) && - Objects.equals(dateoftransformation, oafEntity.dateoftransformation) && - Objects.equals(extraInfo, oafEntity.extraInfo) && - Objects.equals(oaiprovenance, oafEntity.oaiprovenance); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), id, originalId, collectedfrom, pid, dateofcollection, dateoftransformation, extraInfo, oaiprovenance); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), id); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Organization.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Organization.java index a73a7f845b..a5f9bce308 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Organization.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Organization.java @@ -1,226 +1,214 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; public class Organization extends OafEntity implements Serializable { - private Field legalshortname; + private Field legalshortname; - private Field legalname; + private Field legalname; - private List> alternativeNames; + private List> alternativeNames; - private Field websiteurl; + private Field websiteurl; - private Field logourl; + private Field logourl; - private Field eclegalbody; + private Field eclegalbody; - private Field eclegalperson; + private Field eclegalperson; - private Field ecnonprofit; + private Field ecnonprofit; - private Field ecresearchorganization; + private Field ecresearchorganization; - private Field echighereducation; + private Field echighereducation; - private Field ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests; + private Field ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests; - private Field ecinternationalorganization; + private Field ecinternationalorganization; - private Field ecenterprise; + private Field ecenterprise; - private Field ecsmevalidated; + private Field ecsmevalidated; - private Field ecnutscode; + private Field ecnutscode; - private Qualifier country; + private Qualifier country; - public Field getLegalshortname() { - return legalshortname; - } + public Field getLegalshortname() { + return legalshortname; + } - public void setLegalshortname(Field legalshortname) { - this.legalshortname = legalshortname; - } + public void setLegalshortname(Field legalshortname) { + this.legalshortname = legalshortname; + } - public Field getLegalname() { - return legalname; - } + public Field getLegalname() { + return legalname; + } - public void setLegalname(Field legalname) { - this.legalname = legalname; - } + public void setLegalname(Field legalname) { + this.legalname = legalname; + } - public List> getAlternativeNames() { - return alternativeNames; - } + public List> getAlternativeNames() { + return alternativeNames; + } - public void setAlternativeNames(List> alternativeNames) { - this.alternativeNames = alternativeNames; - } + public void setAlternativeNames(List> alternativeNames) { + this.alternativeNames = alternativeNames; + } - public Field getWebsiteurl() { - return websiteurl; - } + public Field getWebsiteurl() { + return websiteurl; + } - public void setWebsiteurl(Field websiteurl) { - this.websiteurl = websiteurl; - } + public void setWebsiteurl(Field websiteurl) { + this.websiteurl = websiteurl; + } - public Field getLogourl() { - return logourl; - } + public Field getLogourl() { + return logourl; + } - public void setLogourl(Field logourl) { - this.logourl = logourl; - } + public void setLogourl(Field logourl) { + this.logourl = logourl; + } - public Field getEclegalbody() { - return eclegalbody; - } + public Field getEclegalbody() { + return eclegalbody; + } - public void setEclegalbody(Field eclegalbody) { - this.eclegalbody = eclegalbody; - } + public void setEclegalbody(Field eclegalbody) { + this.eclegalbody = eclegalbody; + } - public Field getEclegalperson() { - return eclegalperson; - } + public Field getEclegalperson() { + return eclegalperson; + } - public void setEclegalperson(Field eclegalperson) { - this.eclegalperson = eclegalperson; - } + public void setEclegalperson(Field eclegalperson) { + this.eclegalperson = eclegalperson; + } - public Field getEcnonprofit() { - return ecnonprofit; - } + public Field getEcnonprofit() { + return ecnonprofit; + } - public void setEcnonprofit(Field ecnonprofit) { - this.ecnonprofit = ecnonprofit; - } + public void setEcnonprofit(Field ecnonprofit) { + this.ecnonprofit = ecnonprofit; + } - public Field getEcresearchorganization() { - return ecresearchorganization; - } + public Field getEcresearchorganization() { + return ecresearchorganization; + } - public void setEcresearchorganization(Field ecresearchorganization) { - this.ecresearchorganization = ecresearchorganization; - } + public void setEcresearchorganization(Field ecresearchorganization) { + this.ecresearchorganization = ecresearchorganization; + } - public Field getEchighereducation() { - return echighereducation; - } + public Field getEchighereducation() { + return echighereducation; + } - public void setEchighereducation(Field echighereducation) { - this.echighereducation = echighereducation; - } + public void setEchighereducation(Field echighereducation) { + this.echighereducation = echighereducation; + } - public Field getEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests() { - return ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests; - } + public Field getEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests() { + return ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests; + } - public void setEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests(Field ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests) { - this.ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests = ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests; - } + public void setEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests( + Field ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests) { + this.ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests = ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests; + } - public Field getEcinternationalorganization() { - return ecinternationalorganization; - } + public Field getEcinternationalorganization() { + return ecinternationalorganization; + } - public void setEcinternationalorganization(Field ecinternationalorganization) { - this.ecinternationalorganization = ecinternationalorganization; - } + public void setEcinternationalorganization(Field ecinternationalorganization) { + this.ecinternationalorganization = ecinternationalorganization; + } - public Field getEcenterprise() { - return ecenterprise; - } + public Field getEcenterprise() { + return ecenterprise; + } - public void setEcenterprise(Field ecenterprise) { - this.ecenterprise = ecenterprise; - } + public void setEcenterprise(Field ecenterprise) { + this.ecenterprise = ecenterprise; + } - public Field getEcsmevalidated() { - return ecsmevalidated; - } + public Field getEcsmevalidated() { + return ecsmevalidated; + } - public void setEcsmevalidated(Field ecsmevalidated) { - this.ecsmevalidated = ecsmevalidated; - } + public void setEcsmevalidated(Field ecsmevalidated) { + this.ecsmevalidated = ecsmevalidated; + } - public Field getEcnutscode() { - return ecnutscode; - } + public Field getEcnutscode() { + return ecnutscode; + } - public void setEcnutscode(Field ecnutscode) { - this.ecnutscode = ecnutscode; - } + public void setEcnutscode(Field ecnutscode) { + this.ecnutscode = ecnutscode; + } - public Qualifier getCountry() { - return country; - } + public Qualifier getCountry() { + return country; + } - public void setCountry(Qualifier country) { - this.country = country; - } + public void setCountry(Qualifier country) { + this.country = country; + } + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); + if (!Organization.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { + return; + } - if (!Organization.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){ - return; - } - - final Organization o = (Organization) e; - legalshortname = o.getLegalshortname() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getLegalshortname() : legalshortname; - legalname = o.getLegalname() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0 ? o.getLegalname() : legalname; - alternativeNames = mergeLists(o.getAlternativeNames(), alternativeNames); - websiteurl = o.getWebsiteurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getWebsiteurl() : websiteurl; - logourl = o.getLogourl() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getLogourl() : logourl; - eclegalbody = o.getEclegalbody() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEclegalbody() : eclegalbody; - eclegalperson = o.getEclegalperson() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEclegalperson() : eclegalperson; - ecnonprofit = o.getEcnonprofit() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEcnonprofit() : ecnonprofit; - ecresearchorganization = o.getEcresearchorganization() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEcresearchorganization() : ecresearchorganization; - echighereducation = o.getEchighereducation() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEchighereducation() : echighereducation; - ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests = o.getEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests() : ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests; - ecinternationalorganization = o.getEcinternationalorganization() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEcinternationalorganization() : ecinternationalorganization; - ecenterprise = o.getEcenterprise() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEcenterprise() :ecenterprise; - ecsmevalidated = o.getEcsmevalidated() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEcsmevalidated() :ecsmevalidated; - ecnutscode = o.getEcnutscode() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0? o.getEcnutscode() :ecnutscode; - country = o.getCountry() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0 ? o.getCountry() :country; - mergeOAFDataInfo(o); - } - - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - Organization that = (Organization) o; - return Objects.equals(legalshortname, that.legalshortname) && - Objects.equals(legalname, that.legalname) && - Objects.equals(alternativeNames, that.alternativeNames) && - Objects.equals(websiteurl, that.websiteurl) && - Objects.equals(logourl, that.logourl) && - Objects.equals(eclegalbody, that.eclegalbody) && - Objects.equals(eclegalperson, that.eclegalperson) && - Objects.equals(ecnonprofit, that.ecnonprofit) && - Objects.equals(ecresearchorganization, that.ecresearchorganization) && - Objects.equals(echighereducation, that.echighereducation) && - Objects.equals(ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests, that.ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests) && - Objects.equals(ecinternationalorganization, that.ecinternationalorganization) && - Objects.equals(ecenterprise, that.ecenterprise) && - Objects.equals(ecsmevalidated, that.ecsmevalidated) && - Objects.equals(ecnutscode, that.ecnutscode) && - Objects.equals(country, that.country); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), legalshortname, legalname, alternativeNames, websiteurl, logourl, eclegalbody, eclegalperson, ecnonprofit, ecresearchorganization, echighereducation, ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests, ecinternationalorganization, ecenterprise, ecsmevalidated, ecnutscode, country); - } + final Organization o = (Organization) e; + legalshortname = o.getLegalshortname() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? o.getLegalshortname() + : legalshortname; + legalname = o.getLegalname() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? o.getLegalname() : legalname; + alternativeNames = mergeLists(o.getAlternativeNames(), alternativeNames); + websiteurl = o.getWebsiteurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? o.getWebsiteurl() : websiteurl; + logourl = o.getLogourl() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? o.getLogourl() : logourl; + eclegalbody = o.getEclegalbody() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? o.getEclegalbody() : eclegalbody; + eclegalperson = o.getEclegalperson() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? o.getEclegalperson() + : eclegalperson; + ecnonprofit = o.getEcnonprofit() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? o.getEcnonprofit() : ecnonprofit; + ecresearchorganization = o.getEcresearchorganization() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? o.getEcresearchorganization() + : ecresearchorganization; + echighereducation = o.getEchighereducation() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? o.getEchighereducation() + : echighereducation; + ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests = o.getEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests() != null + && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? o.getEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests() + : ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests; + ecinternationalorganization = o.getEcinternationalorganization() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? o.getEcinternationalorganization() + : ecinternationalorganization; + ecenterprise = o.getEcenterprise() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? o.getEcenterprise() + : ecenterprise; + ecsmevalidated = o.getEcsmevalidated() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? o.getEcsmevalidated() + : ecsmevalidated; + ecnutscode = o.getEcnutscode() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? o.getEcnutscode() : ecnutscode; + country = o.getCountry() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? o.getCountry() : country; + mergeOAFDataInfo(o); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OriginDescription.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OriginDescription.java index 8038242ca3..a275fc1a92 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OriginDescription.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OriginDescription.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -5,81 +6,83 @@ import java.util.Objects; public class OriginDescription implements Serializable { - private String harvestDate; + private String harvestDate; - private Boolean altered = true; + private Boolean altered = true; - private String baseURL; + private String baseURL; - private String identifier; + private String identifier; - private String datestamp; + private String datestamp; - private String metadataNamespace; + private String metadataNamespace; - public String getHarvestDate() { - return harvestDate; - } + public String getHarvestDate() { + return harvestDate; + } - public void setHarvestDate(String harvestDate) { - this.harvestDate = harvestDate; - } + public void setHarvestDate(String harvestDate) { + this.harvestDate = harvestDate; + } - public Boolean getAltered() { - return altered; - } + public Boolean getAltered() { + return altered; + } - public void setAltered(Boolean altered) { - this.altered = altered; - } + public void setAltered(Boolean altered) { + this.altered = altered; + } - public String getBaseURL() { - return baseURL; - } + public String getBaseURL() { + return baseURL; + } - public void setBaseURL(String baseURL) { - this.baseURL = baseURL; - } + public void setBaseURL(String baseURL) { + this.baseURL = baseURL; + } - public String getIdentifier() { - return identifier; - } + public String getIdentifier() { + return identifier; + } - public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { - this.identifier = identifier; - } + public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { + this.identifier = identifier; + } - public String getDatestamp() { - return datestamp; - } + public String getDatestamp() { + return datestamp; + } - public void setDatestamp(String datestamp) { - this.datestamp = datestamp; - } + public void setDatestamp(String datestamp) { + this.datestamp = datestamp; + } - public String getMetadataNamespace() { - return metadataNamespace; - } + public String getMetadataNamespace() { + return metadataNamespace; + } - public void setMetadataNamespace(String metadataNamespace) { - this.metadataNamespace = metadataNamespace; - } + public void setMetadataNamespace(String metadataNamespace) { + this.metadataNamespace = metadataNamespace; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - OriginDescription that = (OriginDescription) o; - return Objects.equals(harvestDate, that.harvestDate) && - Objects.equals(altered, that.altered) && - Objects.equals(baseURL, that.baseURL) && - Objects.equals(identifier, that.identifier) && - Objects.equals(datestamp, that.datestamp) && - Objects.equals(metadataNamespace, that.metadataNamespace); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + OriginDescription that = (OriginDescription) o; + return Objects.equals(harvestDate, that.harvestDate) + && Objects.equals(altered, that.altered) + && Objects.equals(baseURL, that.baseURL) + && Objects.equals(identifier, that.identifier) + && Objects.equals(datestamp, that.datestamp) + && Objects.equals(metadataNamespace, that.metadataNamespace); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(harvestDate, altered, baseURL, identifier, datestamp, metadataNamespace); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(harvestDate, altered, baseURL, identifier, datestamp, metadataNamespace); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OtherResearchProduct.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OtherResearchProduct.java index cc36817bbf..b04934c235 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OtherResearchProduct.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/OtherResearchProduct.java @@ -1,70 +1,60 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants; public class OtherResearchProduct extends Result implements Serializable { - private List> contactperson; + private List> contactperson; - private List> contactgroup; + private List> contactgroup; - private List> tool; + private List> tool; - public List> getContactperson() { - return contactperson; - } + public OtherResearchProduct() { + setResulttype(ModelConstants.ORP_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE); + } - public void setContactperson(List> contactperson) { - this.contactperson = contactperson; - } + public List> getContactperson() { + return contactperson; + } - public List> getContactgroup() { - return contactgroup; - } + public void setContactperson(List> contactperson) { + this.contactperson = contactperson; + } - public void setContactgroup(List> contactgroup) { - this.contactgroup = contactgroup; - } + public List> getContactgroup() { + return contactgroup; + } - public List> getTool() { - return tool; - } + public void setContactgroup(List> contactgroup) { + this.contactgroup = contactgroup; + } - public void setTool(List> tool) { - this.tool = tool; - } + public List> getTool() { + return tool; + } - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); + public void setTool(List> tool) { + this.tool = tool; + } - if (!OtherResearchProduct.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){ - return; - } + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); - OtherResearchProduct o = (OtherResearchProduct)e; + if (!OtherResearchProduct.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { + return; + } - contactperson = mergeLists(contactperson, o.getContactperson()); - contactgroup = mergeLists(contactgroup, o.getContactgroup()); - tool = mergeLists(tool, o.getTool()); - mergeOAFDataInfo(e); - } + OtherResearchProduct o = (OtherResearchProduct) e; - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - OtherResearchProduct that = (OtherResearchProduct) o; - return Objects.equals(contactperson, that.contactperson) && - Objects.equals(contactgroup, that.contactgroup) && - Objects.equals(tool, that.tool); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), contactperson, contactgroup, tool); - } + contactperson = mergeLists(contactperson, o.getContactperson()); + contactgroup = mergeLists(contactgroup, o.getContactgroup()); + tool = mergeLists(tool, o.getTool()); + mergeOAFDataInfo(e); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Project.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Project.java index 023be8fc05..924c08cc9c 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Project.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Project.java @@ -1,347 +1,325 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; public class Project extends OafEntity implements Serializable { - private Field websiteurl; + private Field websiteurl; - private Field code; + private Field code; - private Field acronym; + private Field acronym; - private Field title; + private Field title; - private Field startdate; + private Field startdate; - private Field enddate; + private Field enddate; - private Field callidentifier; + private Field callidentifier; - private Field keywords; + private Field keywords; - private Field duration; + private Field duration; - private Field ecsc39; + private Field ecsc39; - private Field oamandatepublications; + private Field oamandatepublications; - private Field ecarticle29_3; + private Field ecarticle29_3; - private List subjects; + private List subjects; - private List> fundingtree; + private List> fundingtree; - private Qualifier contracttype; + private Qualifier contracttype; - private Field optional1; + private Field optional1; - private Field optional2; + private Field optional2; - private Field jsonextrainfo; + private Field jsonextrainfo; - private Field contactfullname; + private Field contactfullname; - private Field contactfax; + private Field contactfax; - private Field contactphone; + private Field contactphone; - private Field contactemail; + private Field contactemail; - private Field summary; + private Field summary; - private Field currency; + private Field currency; - private Float totalcost; + private Float totalcost; - private Float fundedamount; + private Float fundedamount; - public Field getWebsiteurl() { - return websiteurl; - } + public Field getWebsiteurl() { + return websiteurl; + } - public void setWebsiteurl(Field websiteurl) { - this.websiteurl = websiteurl; - } + public void setWebsiteurl(Field websiteurl) { + this.websiteurl = websiteurl; + } - public Field getCode() { - return code; - } + public Field getCode() { + return code; + } - public void setCode(Field code) { - this.code = code; - } + public void setCode(Field code) { + this.code = code; + } - public Field getAcronym() { - return acronym; - } + public Field getAcronym() { + return acronym; + } - public void setAcronym(Field acronym) { - this.acronym = acronym; - } + public void setAcronym(Field acronym) { + this.acronym = acronym; + } - public Field getTitle() { - return title; - } + public Field getTitle() { + return title; + } - public void setTitle(Field title) { - this.title = title; - } + public void setTitle(Field title) { + this.title = title; + } - public Field getStartdate() { - return startdate; - } + public Field getStartdate() { + return startdate; + } - public void setStartdate(Field startdate) { - this.startdate = startdate; - } + public void setStartdate(Field startdate) { + this.startdate = startdate; + } - public Field getEnddate() { - return enddate; - } + public Field getEnddate() { + return enddate; + } - public void setEnddate(Field enddate) { - this.enddate = enddate; - } + public void setEnddate(Field enddate) { + this.enddate = enddate; + } - public Field getCallidentifier() { - return callidentifier; - } + public Field getCallidentifier() { + return callidentifier; + } - public void setCallidentifier(Field callidentifier) { - this.callidentifier = callidentifier; - } + public void setCallidentifier(Field callidentifier) { + this.callidentifier = callidentifier; + } - public Field getKeywords() { - return keywords; - } + public Field getKeywords() { + return keywords; + } - public void setKeywords(Field keywords) { - this.keywords = keywords; - } + public void setKeywords(Field keywords) { + this.keywords = keywords; + } - public Field getDuration() { - return duration; - } + public Field getDuration() { + return duration; + } - public void setDuration(Field duration) { - this.duration = duration; - } + public void setDuration(Field duration) { + this.duration = duration; + } - public Field getEcsc39() { - return ecsc39; - } + public Field getEcsc39() { + return ecsc39; + } - public void setEcsc39(Field ecsc39) { - this.ecsc39 = ecsc39; - } + public void setEcsc39(Field ecsc39) { + this.ecsc39 = ecsc39; + } - public Field getOamandatepublications() { - return oamandatepublications; - } + public Field getOamandatepublications() { + return oamandatepublications; + } - public void setOamandatepublications(Field oamandatepublications) { - this.oamandatepublications = oamandatepublications; - } + public void setOamandatepublications(Field oamandatepublications) { + this.oamandatepublications = oamandatepublications; + } - public Field getEcarticle29_3() { - return ecarticle29_3; - } + public Field getEcarticle29_3() { + return ecarticle29_3; + } - public void setEcarticle29_3(Field ecarticle29_3) { - this.ecarticle29_3 = ecarticle29_3; - } + public void setEcarticle29_3(Field ecarticle29_3) { + this.ecarticle29_3 = ecarticle29_3; + } - public List getSubjects() { - return subjects; - } + public List getSubjects() { + return subjects; + } - public void setSubjects(List subjects) { - this.subjects = subjects; - } + public void setSubjects(List subjects) { + this.subjects = subjects; + } - public List> getFundingtree() { - return fundingtree; - } + public List> getFundingtree() { + return fundingtree; + } - public void setFundingtree(List> fundingtree) { - this.fundingtree = fundingtree; - } + public void setFundingtree(List> fundingtree) { + this.fundingtree = fundingtree; + } - public Qualifier getContracttype() { - return contracttype; - } + public Qualifier getContracttype() { + return contracttype; + } - public void setContracttype(Qualifier contracttype) { - this.contracttype = contracttype; - } + public void setContracttype(Qualifier contracttype) { + this.contracttype = contracttype; + } - public Field getOptional1() { - return optional1; - } + public Field getOptional1() { + return optional1; + } - public void setOptional1(Field optional1) { - this.optional1 = optional1; - } - - public Field getOptional2() { - return optional2; - } - - public void setOptional2(Field optional2) { - this.optional2 = optional2; - } - - public Field getJsonextrainfo() { - return jsonextrainfo; - } - - public void setJsonextrainfo(Field jsonextrainfo) { - this.jsonextrainfo = jsonextrainfo; - } - - public Field getContactfullname() { - return contactfullname; - } - - public void setContactfullname(Field contactfullname) { - this.contactfullname = contactfullname; - } - - public Field getContactfax() { - return contactfax; - } - - public void setContactfax(Field contactfax) { - this.contactfax = contactfax; - } - - public Field getContactphone() { - return contactphone; - } - - public void setContactphone(Field contactphone) { - this.contactphone = contactphone; - } - - public Field getContactemail() { - return contactemail; - } - - public void setContactemail(Field contactemail) { - this.contactemail = contactemail; - } - - public Field getSummary() { - return summary; - } - - public void setSummary(Field summary) { - this.summary = summary; - } - - public Field getCurrency() { - return currency; - } - - public void setCurrency(Field currency) { - this.currency = currency; - } - - public Float getTotalcost() { - return totalcost; - } - - public void setTotalcost(Float totalcost) { - this.totalcost = totalcost; - } - - public Float getFundedamount() { - return fundedamount; - } - - public void setFundedamount(Float fundedamount) { - this.fundedamount = fundedamount; - } - - - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); - - if (!Project.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){ - return; - } - - Project p = (Project)e; - - websiteurl= p.getWebsiteurl()!= null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getWebsiteurl():websiteurl; - code= p.getCode()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getCode():code; - acronym= p.getAcronym()!= null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getAcronym():acronym; - title= p.getTitle()!= null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getTitle():title; - startdate= p.getStartdate()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getStartdate():startdate; - enddate= p.getEnddate()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getEnddate():enddate; - callidentifier= p.getCallidentifier()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getCallidentifier():callidentifier; - keywords= p.getKeywords()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getKeywords():keywords; - duration= p.getDuration()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getDuration():duration; - ecsc39= p.getEcsc39()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getEcsc39():ecsc39; - oamandatepublications= p.getOamandatepublications()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getOamandatepublications():oamandatepublications; - ecarticle29_3= p.getEcarticle29_3()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getEcarticle29_3():ecarticle29_3; - subjects= mergeLists(subjects, p.getSubjects()); - fundingtree= mergeLists(fundingtree, p.getFundingtree()); - contracttype= p.getContracttype()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getContracttype():contracttype; - optional1= p.getOptional1()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getOptional1():optional1; - optional2= p.getOptional2()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getOptional2():optional2; - jsonextrainfo= p.getJsonextrainfo()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getJsonextrainfo():jsonextrainfo; - contactfullname= p.getContactfullname()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getContactfullname():contactfullname; - contactfax= p.getContactfax()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getContactfax():contactfax; - contactphone= p.getContactphone()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getContactphone():contactphone; - contactemail= p.getContactemail()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getContactemail():contactemail; - summary= p.getSummary()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getSummary():summary; - currency= p.getCurrency()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getCurrency():currency; - totalcost= p.getTotalcost()!=null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getTotalcost():totalcost; - fundedamount= p.getFundedamount()!= null && compareTrust(this,e)<0?p.getFundedamount():fundedamount; - mergeOAFDataInfo(e); - } - - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - Project project = (Project) o; - return Objects.equals(websiteurl, project.websiteurl) && - Objects.equals(code, project.code) && - Objects.equals(acronym, project.acronym) && - Objects.equals(title, project.title) && - Objects.equals(startdate, project.startdate) && - Objects.equals(enddate, project.enddate) && - Objects.equals(callidentifier, project.callidentifier) && - Objects.equals(keywords, project.keywords) && - Objects.equals(duration, project.duration) && - Objects.equals(ecsc39, project.ecsc39) && - Objects.equals(oamandatepublications, project.oamandatepublications) && - Objects.equals(ecarticle29_3, project.ecarticle29_3) && - Objects.equals(subjects, project.subjects) && - Objects.equals(fundingtree, project.fundingtree) && - Objects.equals(contracttype, project.contracttype) && - Objects.equals(optional1, project.optional1) && - Objects.equals(optional2, project.optional2) && - Objects.equals(jsonextrainfo, project.jsonextrainfo) && - Objects.equals(contactfullname, project.contactfullname) && - Objects.equals(contactfax, project.contactfax) && - Objects.equals(contactphone, project.contactphone) && - Objects.equals(contactemail, project.contactemail) && - Objects.equals(summary, project.summary) && - Objects.equals(currency, project.currency) && - Objects.equals(totalcost, project.totalcost) && - Objects.equals(fundedamount, project.fundedamount); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), websiteurl, code, acronym, title, startdate, enddate, callidentifier, keywords, duration, ecsc39, oamandatepublications, ecarticle29_3, subjects, fundingtree, contracttype, optional1, optional2, jsonextrainfo, contactfullname, contactfax, contactphone, contactemail, summary, currency, totalcost, fundedamount); - } + public void setOptional1(Field optional1) { + this.optional1 = optional1; + } + + public Field getOptional2() { + return optional2; + } + + public void setOptional2(Field optional2) { + this.optional2 = optional2; + } + + public Field getJsonextrainfo() { + return jsonextrainfo; + } + + public void setJsonextrainfo(Field jsonextrainfo) { + this.jsonextrainfo = jsonextrainfo; + } + + public Field getContactfullname() { + return contactfullname; + } + + public void setContactfullname(Field contactfullname) { + this.contactfullname = contactfullname; + } + + public Field getContactfax() { + return contactfax; + } + + public void setContactfax(Field contactfax) { + this.contactfax = contactfax; + } + + public Field getContactphone() { + return contactphone; + } + + public void setContactphone(Field contactphone) { + this.contactphone = contactphone; + } + + public Field getContactemail() { + return contactemail; + } + + public void setContactemail(Field contactemail) { + this.contactemail = contactemail; + } + + public Field getSummary() { + return summary; + } + + public void setSummary(Field summary) { + this.summary = summary; + } + + public Field getCurrency() { + return currency; + } + + public void setCurrency(Field currency) { + this.currency = currency; + } + + public Float getTotalcost() { + return totalcost; + } + + public void setTotalcost(Float totalcost) { + this.totalcost = totalcost; + } + + public Float getFundedamount() { + return fundedamount; + } + + public void setFundedamount(Float fundedamount) { + this.fundedamount = fundedamount; + } + + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); + + if (!Project.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { + return; + } + + Project p = (Project) e; + + websiteurl = p.getWebsiteurl() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getWebsiteurl() : websiteurl; + code = p.getCode() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getCode() : code; + acronym = p.getAcronym() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getAcronym() : acronym; + title = p.getTitle() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getTitle() : title; + startdate = p.getStartdate() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getStartdate() : startdate; + enddate = p.getEnddate() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getEnddate() : enddate; + callidentifier = p.getCallidentifier() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getCallidentifier() + : callidentifier; + keywords = p.getKeywords() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getKeywords() : keywords; + duration = p.getDuration() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getDuration() : duration; + ecsc39 = p.getEcsc39() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getEcsc39() : ecsc39; + oamandatepublications = p.getOamandatepublications() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getOamandatepublications() + : oamandatepublications; + ecarticle29_3 = p.getEcarticle29_3() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getEcarticle29_3() + : ecarticle29_3; + subjects = mergeLists(subjects, p.getSubjects()); + fundingtree = mergeLists(fundingtree, p.getFundingtree()); + contracttype = p.getContracttype() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getContracttype() + : contracttype; + optional1 = p.getOptional1() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getOptional1() : optional1; + optional2 = p.getOptional2() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getOptional2() : optional2; + jsonextrainfo = p.getJsonextrainfo() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getJsonextrainfo() + : jsonextrainfo; + contactfullname = p.getContactfullname() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getContactfullname() + : contactfullname; + contactfax = p.getContactfax() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getContactfax() : contactfax; + contactphone = p.getContactphone() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getContactphone() + : contactphone; + contactemail = p.getContactemail() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getContactemail() + : contactemail; + summary = p.getSummary() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getSummary() : summary; + currency = p.getCurrency() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getCurrency() : currency; + totalcost = p.getTotalcost() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 ? p.getTotalcost() : totalcost; + fundedamount = p.getFundedamount() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0 + ? p.getFundedamount() + : fundedamount; + mergeOAFDataInfo(e); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Publication.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Publication.java index 20a0b2121a..3058c262bc 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Publication.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Publication.java @@ -1,47 +1,39 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; -import java.util.Objects; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants; public class Publication extends Result implements Serializable { - // publication specific - private Journal journal; + // publication specific + private Journal journal; - public Journal getJournal() { - return journal; - } + public Publication() { + setResulttype(ModelConstants.PUBLICATION_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE); + } - public void setJournal(Journal journal) { - this.journal = journal; - } + public Journal getJournal() { + return journal; + } - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); + public void setJournal(Journal journal) { + this.journal = journal; + } - if (!Publication.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){ - return; - } + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); - Publication p = (Publication) e; + if (!Publication.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { + return; + } - if (p.getJournal() != null && compareTrust(this, e)<0) - journal = p.getJournal(); - mergeOAFDataInfo(e); - } + Publication p = (Publication) e; - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - Publication that = (Publication) o; - return Objects.equals(journal, that.journal); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), journal); - } + if (p.getJournal() != null && compareTrust(this, e) < 0) + journal = p.getJournal(); + mergeOAFDataInfo(e); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Qualifier.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Qualifier.java index ae2bf1a602..87ecb55f18 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Qualifier.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Qualifier.java @@ -1,81 +1,87 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; + public class Qualifier implements Serializable { - private String classid; - private String classname; - private String schemeid; - private String schemename; + private String classid; + private String classname; + private String schemeid; + private String schemename; - public String getClassid() { - return classid; - } + public String getClassid() { + return classid; + } - public void setClassid(String classid) { - this.classid = classid; - } + public void setClassid(String classid) { + this.classid = classid; + } - public String getClassname() { - return classname; - } + public String getClassname() { + return classname; + } - public void setClassname(String classname) { - this.classname = classname; - } + public void setClassname(String classname) { + this.classname = classname; + } - public String getSchemeid() { - return schemeid; - } + public String getSchemeid() { + return schemeid; + } - public void setSchemeid(String schemeid) { - this.schemeid = schemeid; - } + public void setSchemeid(String schemeid) { + this.schemeid = schemeid; + } - public String getSchemename() { - return schemename; - } + public String getSchemename() { + return schemename; + } - public void setSchemename(String schemename) { - this.schemename = schemename; - } + public void setSchemename(String schemename) { + this.schemename = schemename; + } - public String toComparableString() { - return isBlank()?"": String.format("%s::%s::%s::%s", - classid != null ? classid : "", - classname != null ? classname : "", - schemeid != null ? schemeid : "", - schemename != null ? schemename : ""); - } + public String toComparableString() { + return isBlank() + ? "" + : String + .format( + "%s::%s::%s::%s", + classid != null ? classid : "", + classname != null ? classname : "", + schemeid != null ? schemeid : "", + schemename != null ? schemename : ""); + } - @JsonIgnore - public boolean isBlank() { - return StringUtils.isBlank(classid) && - StringUtils.isBlank(classname) && - StringUtils.isBlank(schemeid) && - StringUtils.isBlank(schemename); - } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return toComparableString().hashCode(); - } + @JsonIgnore + public boolean isBlank() { + return StringUtils.isBlank(classid) + && StringUtils.isBlank(classname) + && StringUtils.isBlank(schemeid) + && StringUtils.isBlank(schemename); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object obj) { - if (this == obj) - return true; - if (obj == null) - return false; - if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) - return false; + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return toComparableString().hashCode(); + } - Qualifier other = (Qualifier) obj; + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) + return false; - return toComparableString() - .equals(other.toComparableString()); - } + Qualifier other = (Qualifier) obj; + + return toComparableString().equals(other.toComparableString()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Relation.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Relation.java index d8d1508317..76503f8853 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Relation.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Relation.java @@ -1,14 +1,15 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; +import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; + import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; -import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; - /** - * Relation aims to model any edge between two nodes in the OpenAIRE graph. It has a source id and a target id - * pointing to graph node identifiers and it is further characterised by the semantic of the link throught the fields + * Relation models any edge between two nodes in the OpenAIRE graph. It has a source id and a target id + * pointing to graph node identifiers and it is further characterised by the semantic of the link through the fields * relType, subRelType and relClass. Provenance information is modeled according to the dataInfo element and collectedFrom, * while individual relationship types can provide extra information via the properties field. */ @@ -39,16 +40,6 @@ public class Relation extends Oaf { */ private String target; - /** - * The list of datasource id/name pairs providing this relationship. - */ - private List collectedFrom = new ArrayList<>(); - - /** - * List of relation specific properties. Values include 'similarityLevel', indicating the similarity score between a pair of publications. - */ - private List properties = new ArrayList<>(); - public String getRelType() { return relType; } @@ -89,53 +80,46 @@ public class Relation extends Oaf { this.target = target; } - public List getCollectedFrom() { - return collectedFrom; - } - - public void setCollectedFrom(final List collectedFrom) { - this.collectedFrom = collectedFrom; - } - - public List getProperties() { - return properties; - } - - public void setProperties(List properties) { - this.properties = properties; - } - public void mergeFrom(final Relation r) { - checkArgument(Objects.equals(getSource(), r.getSource()),"source ids must be equal"); - checkArgument(Objects.equals(getTarget(), r.getTarget()),"target ids must be equal"); - checkArgument(Objects.equals(getRelType(), r.getRelType()),"relType(s) must be equal"); - checkArgument(Objects.equals(getSubRelType(), r.getSubRelType()),"subRelType(s) must be equal"); - checkArgument(Objects.equals(getRelClass(), r.getRelClass()),"relClass(es) must be equal"); + checkArgument(Objects.equals(getSource(), r.getSource()), "source ids must be equal"); + checkArgument(Objects.equals(getTarget(), r.getTarget()), "target ids must be equal"); + checkArgument(Objects.equals(getRelType(), r.getRelType()), "relType(s) must be equal"); + checkArgument( + Objects.equals(getSubRelType(), r.getSubRelType()), "subRelType(s) must be equal"); + checkArgument(Objects.equals(getRelClass(), r.getRelClass()), "relClass(es) must be equal"); - setCollectedFrom( - Stream - .concat(Optional.ofNullable(getCollectedFrom()).map(Collection::stream).orElse(Stream.empty()), - Optional.ofNullable(r.getCollectedFrom()).map(Collection::stream).orElse(Stream.empty())) - .distinct() // relies on KeyValue.equals - .collect(Collectors.toList())); + setCollectedfrom( + Stream + .concat( + Optional + .ofNullable(getCollectedfrom()) + .map(Collection::stream) + .orElse(Stream.empty()), + Optional + .ofNullable(r.getCollectedfrom()) + .map(Collection::stream) + .orElse(Stream.empty())) + .distinct() // relies on KeyValue.equals + .collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; Relation relation = (Relation) o; - return relType.equals(relation.relType) && - subRelType.equals(relation.subRelType) && - relClass.equals(relation.relClass) && - source.equals(relation.source) && - target.equals(relation.target); + return relType.equals(relation.relType) + && subRelType.equals(relation.subRelType) + && relClass.equals(relation.relClass) + && source.equals(relation.source) + && target.equals(relation.target); } @Override public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(relType, subRelType, relClass, source, target, collectedFrom); + return Objects.hash(relType, subRelType, relClass, source, target, collectedfrom); } - } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Result.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Result.java index f98bcec936..711b1ca681 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Result.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Result.java @@ -1,319 +1,297 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; public class Result extends OafEntity implements Serializable { - private List author; + private List author; - // resulttype allows subclassing results into publications | datasets | software - private Qualifier resulttype; + // resulttype allows subclassing results into publications | datasets | software + private Qualifier resulttype; - // common fields - private Qualifier language; + // common fields + private Qualifier language; - private List country; + private List country; - private List subject; + private List subject; - private List title; + private List title; - private List relevantdate; + private List relevantdate; - private List> description; + private List> description; - private Field dateofacceptance; + private Field dateofacceptance; - private Field publisher; + private Field publisher; - private Field embargoenddate; + private Field embargoenddate; - private List> source; + private List> source; - private List> fulltext; // remove candidate + private List> fulltext; // remove candidate - private List> format; + private List> format; - private List> contributor; + private List> contributor; - private Qualifier resourcetype; + private Qualifier resourcetype; - private List> coverage; + private List> coverage; - private Qualifier bestaccessright; + private Qualifier bestaccessright; - private List context; + private List context; - private List externalReference; + private List externalReference; - private List instance; + private List instance; - public List getAuthor() { - return author; - } + public List getAuthor() { + return author; + } - public void setAuthor(List author) { - this.author = author; - } + public void setAuthor(List author) { + this.author = author; + } - public Qualifier getResulttype() { - return resulttype; - } + public Qualifier getResulttype() { + return resulttype; + } - public void setResulttype(Qualifier resulttype) { - this.resulttype = resulttype; - } + public void setResulttype(Qualifier resulttype) { + this.resulttype = resulttype; + } - public Qualifier getLanguage() { - return language; - } + public Qualifier getLanguage() { + return language; + } - public void setLanguage(Qualifier language) { - this.language = language; - } + public void setLanguage(Qualifier language) { + this.language = language; + } - public List getCountry() { - return country; - } + public List getCountry() { + return country; + } - public void setCountry(List country) { - this.country = country; - } + public void setCountry(List country) { + this.country = country; + } - public List getSubject() { - return subject; - } + public List getSubject() { + return subject; + } - public void setSubject(List subject) { - this.subject = subject; - } + public void setSubject(List subject) { + this.subject = subject; + } - public List getTitle() { - return title; - } + public List getTitle() { + return title; + } - public void setTitle(List title) { - this.title = title; - } + public void setTitle(List title) { + this.title = title; + } - public List getRelevantdate() { - return relevantdate; - } + public List getRelevantdate() { + return relevantdate; + } - public void setRelevantdate(List relevantdate) { - this.relevantdate = relevantdate; - } + public void setRelevantdate(List relevantdate) { + this.relevantdate = relevantdate; + } - public List> getDescription() { - return description; - } + public List> getDescription() { + return description; + } - public void setDescription(List> description) { - this.description = description; - } + public void setDescription(List> description) { + this.description = description; + } - public Field getDateofacceptance() { - return dateofacceptance; - } + public Field getDateofacceptance() { + return dateofacceptance; + } - public void setDateofacceptance(Field dateofacceptance) { - this.dateofacceptance = dateofacceptance; - } + public void setDateofacceptance(Field dateofacceptance) { + this.dateofacceptance = dateofacceptance; + } - public Field getPublisher() { - return publisher; - } + public Field getPublisher() { + return publisher; + } - public void setPublisher(Field publisher) { - this.publisher = publisher; - } + public void setPublisher(Field publisher) { + this.publisher = publisher; + } - public Field getEmbargoenddate() { - return embargoenddate; - } + public Field getEmbargoenddate() { + return embargoenddate; + } - public void setEmbargoenddate(Field embargoenddate) { - this.embargoenddate = embargoenddate; - } + public void setEmbargoenddate(Field embargoenddate) { + this.embargoenddate = embargoenddate; + } - public List> getSource() { - return source; - } + public List> getSource() { + return source; + } - public void setSource(List> source) { - this.source = source; - } + public void setSource(List> source) { + this.source = source; + } - public List> getFulltext() { - return fulltext; - } + public List> getFulltext() { + return fulltext; + } - public void setFulltext(List> fulltext) { - this.fulltext = fulltext; - } + public void setFulltext(List> fulltext) { + this.fulltext = fulltext; + } - public List> getFormat() { - return format; - } + public List> getFormat() { + return format; + } - public void setFormat(List> format) { - this.format = format; - } + public void setFormat(List> format) { + this.format = format; + } - public List> getContributor() { - return contributor; - } + public List> getContributor() { + return contributor; + } - public void setContributor(List> contributor) { - this.contributor = contributor; - } + public void setContributor(List> contributor) { + this.contributor = contributor; + } - public Qualifier getResourcetype() { - return resourcetype; - } + public Qualifier getResourcetype() { + return resourcetype; + } - public void setResourcetype(Qualifier resourcetype) { - this.resourcetype = resourcetype; - } + public void setResourcetype(Qualifier resourcetype) { + this.resourcetype = resourcetype; + } - public List> getCoverage() { - return coverage; - } + public List> getCoverage() { + return coverage; + } - public void setCoverage(List> coverage) { - this.coverage = coverage; - } + public void setCoverage(List> coverage) { + this.coverage = coverage; + } - public Qualifier getBestaccessright() { - return bestaccessright; - } + public Qualifier getBestaccessright() { + return bestaccessright; + } - public void setBestaccessright(Qualifier bestaccessright) { - this.bestaccessright = bestaccessright; - } + public void setBestaccessright(Qualifier bestaccessright) { + this.bestaccessright = bestaccessright; + } - public List getContext() { - return context; - } + public List getContext() { + return context; + } - public void setContext(List context) { - this.context = context; - } + public void setContext(List context) { + this.context = context; + } - public List getExternalReference() { - return externalReference; - } + public List getExternalReference() { + return externalReference; + } - public void setExternalReference(List externalReference) { - this.externalReference = externalReference; - } + public void setExternalReference(List externalReference) { + this.externalReference = externalReference; + } - public List getInstance() { - return instance; - } + public List getInstance() { + return instance; + } - public void setInstance(List instance) { - this.instance = instance; - } + public void setInstance(List instance) { + this.instance = instance; + } - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); - if (!Result.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){ - return; - } + if (!Result.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { + return; + } - Result r = (Result) e; + Result r = (Result) e; - instance = mergeLists(instance, r.getInstance()); + instance = mergeLists(instance, r.getInstance()); - if (r.getResulttype() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) - resulttype = r.getResulttype(); + if (r.getBestaccessright() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) + bestaccessright = r.getBestaccessright(); - if (r.getLanguage() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) - language = r.getLanguage(); + if (r.getResulttype() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) + resulttype = r.getResulttype(); - country = mergeLists(country, r.getCountry()); + if (r.getLanguage() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) + language = r.getLanguage(); - subject = mergeLists(subject, r.getSubject()); + country = mergeLists(country, r.getCountry()); - title = mergeLists(title, r.getTitle()); + subject = mergeLists(subject, r.getSubject()); - relevantdate = mergeLists(relevantdate, r.getRelevantdate()); + title = mergeLists(title, r.getTitle()); - description = longestLists(description, r.getDescription()); + relevantdate = mergeLists(relevantdate, r.getRelevantdate()); - if (r.getPublisher() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) - publisher = r.getPublisher(); + description = longestLists(description, r.getDescription()); - if (r.getEmbargoenddate() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) - embargoenddate = r.getEmbargoenddate(); + if (r.getPublisher() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) + publisher = r.getPublisher(); - source = mergeLists(source, r.getSource()); + if (r.getEmbargoenddate() != null && compareTrust(this, r) < 0) + embargoenddate = r.getEmbargoenddate(); - fulltext = mergeLists(fulltext, r.getFulltext()); + source = mergeLists(source, r.getSource()); - format = mergeLists(format, r.getFormat()); + fulltext = mergeLists(fulltext, r.getFulltext()); - contributor = mergeLists(contributor, r.getContributor()); + format = mergeLists(format, r.getFormat()); - if (r.getResourcetype() != null) - resourcetype = r.getResourcetype(); + contributor = mergeLists(contributor, r.getContributor()); - coverage = mergeLists(coverage, r.getCoverage()); + if (r.getResourcetype() != null) + resourcetype = r.getResourcetype(); - context = mergeLists(context, r.getContext()); + coverage = mergeLists(coverage, r.getCoverage()); - externalReference = mergeLists(externalReference, r.getExternalReference()); - } + context = mergeLists(context, r.getContext()); + externalReference = mergeLists(externalReference, r.getExternalReference()); + } - private List> longestLists(List> a, List> b) { - if (a == null || b == null) - return a == null ? b : a; - if (a.size() == b.size()) { - int msa = a.stream().filter(i -> i.getValue() != null).map(i -> i.getValue().length()).max(Comparator.naturalOrder()).orElse(0); - int msb = b.stream().filter(i -> i.getValue() != null).map(i -> i.getValue().length()).max(Comparator.naturalOrder()).orElse(0); - return msa > msb ? a : b; - } - return a.size() > b.size() ? a : b; - } - - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - Result result = (Result) o; - return Objects.equals(author, result.author) && - Objects.equals(resulttype, result.resulttype) && - Objects.equals(language, result.language) && - Objects.equals(country, result.country) && - Objects.equals(subject, result.subject) && - Objects.equals(title, result.title) && - Objects.equals(relevantdate, result.relevantdate) && - Objects.equals(description, result.description) && - Objects.equals(dateofacceptance, result.dateofacceptance) && - Objects.equals(publisher, result.publisher) && - Objects.equals(embargoenddate, result.embargoenddate) && - Objects.equals(source, result.source) && - Objects.equals(fulltext, result.fulltext) && - Objects.equals(format, result.format) && - Objects.equals(contributor, result.contributor) && - Objects.equals(resourcetype, result.resourcetype) && - Objects.equals(coverage, result.coverage) && - Objects.equals(bestaccessright, result.bestaccessright) && - Objects.equals(context, result.context) && - Objects.equals(externalReference, result.externalReference) && - Objects.equals(instance, result.instance); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), author, resulttype, language, country, subject, title, relevantdate, description, dateofacceptance, publisher, embargoenddate, source, fulltext, format, contributor, resourcetype, coverage, bestaccessright, context, externalReference, instance); - } + private List> longestLists(List> a, List> b) { + if (a == null || b == null) + return a == null ? b : a; + if (a.size() == b.size()) { + int msa = a + .stream() + .filter(i -> i.getValue() != null) + .map(i -> i.getValue().length()) + .max(Comparator.naturalOrder()) + .orElse(0); + int msb = b + .stream() + .filter(i -> i.getValue() != null) + .map(i -> i.getValue().length()) + .max(Comparator.naturalOrder()) + .orElse(0); + return msa > msb ? a : b; + } + return a.size() > b.size() ? a : b; + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Software.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Software.java index 6b51a6adae..40332bf53c 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Software.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Software.java @@ -1,85 +1,78 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants; public class Software extends Result implements Serializable { - private List> documentationUrl; + private List> documentationUrl; - private List license; + private List license; - private Field codeRepositoryUrl; + private Field codeRepositoryUrl; - private Qualifier programmingLanguage; + private Qualifier programmingLanguage; - public List> getDocumentationUrl() { - return documentationUrl; - } + public Software() { + setResulttype(ModelConstants.SOFTWARE_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE); + } - public void setDocumentationUrl(List> documentationUrl) { - this.documentationUrl = documentationUrl; - } + public List> getDocumentationUrl() { + return documentationUrl; + } - public List getLicense() { - return license; - } + public void setDocumentationUrl(List> documentationUrl) { + this.documentationUrl = documentationUrl; + } - public void setLicense(List license) { - this.license = license; - } + public List getLicense() { + return license; + } - public Field getCodeRepositoryUrl() { - return codeRepositoryUrl; - } + public void setLicense(List license) { + this.license = license; + } - public void setCodeRepositoryUrl(Field codeRepositoryUrl) { - this.codeRepositoryUrl = codeRepositoryUrl; - } + public Field getCodeRepositoryUrl() { + return codeRepositoryUrl; + } - public Qualifier getProgrammingLanguage() { - return programmingLanguage; - } + public void setCodeRepositoryUrl(Field codeRepositoryUrl) { + this.codeRepositoryUrl = codeRepositoryUrl; + } - public void setProgrammingLanguage(Qualifier programmingLanguage) { - this.programmingLanguage = programmingLanguage; - } + public Qualifier getProgrammingLanguage() { + return programmingLanguage; + } - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); + public void setProgrammingLanguage(Qualifier programmingLanguage) { + this.programmingLanguage = programmingLanguage; + } - if (!Software.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){ - return; - } + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); - final Software s = (Software) e; - documentationUrl = mergeLists(documentationUrl, s.getDocumentationUrl()); + if (!Software.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { + return; + } - license = mergeLists(license, s.getLicense()); + final Software s = (Software) e; + documentationUrl = mergeLists(documentationUrl, s.getDocumentationUrl()); - codeRepositoryUrl = s.getCodeRepositoryUrl()!= null && compareTrust(this, s)<0?s.getCodeRepositoryUrl():codeRepositoryUrl; + license = mergeLists(license, s.getLicense()); - programmingLanguage= s.getProgrammingLanguage()!= null && compareTrust(this, s)<0?s.getProgrammingLanguage():programmingLanguage; + codeRepositoryUrl = s.getCodeRepositoryUrl() != null && compareTrust(this, s) < 0 + ? s.getCodeRepositoryUrl() + : codeRepositoryUrl; - mergeOAFDataInfo(e); - } + programmingLanguage = s.getProgrammingLanguage() != null && compareTrust(this, s) < 0 + ? s.getProgrammingLanguage() + : programmingLanguage; - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - if (!super.equals(o)) return false; - Software software = (Software) o; - return Objects.equals(documentationUrl, software.documentationUrl) && - Objects.equals(license, software.license) && - Objects.equals(codeRepositoryUrl, software.codeRepositoryUrl) && - Objects.equals(programmingLanguage, software.programmingLanguage); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), documentationUrl, license, codeRepositoryUrl, programmingLanguage); - } + mergeOAFDataInfo(e); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/StructuredProperty.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/StructuredProperty.java index f6c6b7335a..1fa0de0be8 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/StructuredProperty.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/StructuredProperty.java @@ -1,60 +1,60 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import java.io.Serializable; public class StructuredProperty implements Serializable { - private String value; + private String value; - private Qualifier qualifier; + private Qualifier qualifier; - private DataInfo dataInfo; + private DataInfo dataInfo; - public String getValue() { - return value; - } + public String getValue() { + return value; + } - public void setValue(String value) { - this.value = value; - } + public void setValue(String value) { + this.value = value; + } - public Qualifier getQualifier() { - return qualifier; - } + public Qualifier getQualifier() { + return qualifier; + } - public void setQualifier(Qualifier qualifier) { - this.qualifier = qualifier; - } + public void setQualifier(Qualifier qualifier) { + this.qualifier = qualifier; + } - public DataInfo getDataInfo() { - return dataInfo; - } + public DataInfo getDataInfo() { + return dataInfo; + } - public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { - this.dataInfo = dataInfo; - } + public void setDataInfo(DataInfo dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + } - public String toComparableString(){ - return value != null ? value.toLowerCase() : ""; - } + public String toComparableString() { + return value != null ? value.toLowerCase() : ""; + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return toComparableString().hashCode(); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return toComparableString().hashCode(); + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object obj) { - if (this == obj) - return true; - if (obj == null) - return false; - if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) - return false; + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) + return false; - StructuredProperty other = (StructuredProperty) obj; + StructuredProperty other = (StructuredProperty) obj; - return toComparableString() - .equals(other.toComparableString()); - } + return toComparableString().equals(other.toComparableString()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIDataset.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIDataset.java index 10aafaa4c3..421b4ecaac 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIDataset.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIDataset.java @@ -1,80 +1,89 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; + public class DLIDataset extends Dataset { - private String originalObjIdentifier; + private String originalObjIdentifier; - private List dlicollectedfrom; + private List dlicollectedfrom; - private String completionStatus; + private String completionStatus; - public String getCompletionStatus() { - return completionStatus; - } + public String getCompletionStatus() { + return completionStatus; + } - public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { - this.completionStatus = completionStatus; - } + public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { + this.completionStatus = completionStatus; + } - public List getDlicollectedfrom() { - return dlicollectedfrom; - } + public List getDlicollectedfrom() { + return dlicollectedfrom; + } - public void setDlicollectedfrom(List dlicollectedfrom) { - this.dlicollectedfrom = dlicollectedfrom; - } + public void setDlicollectedfrom(List dlicollectedfrom) { + this.dlicollectedfrom = dlicollectedfrom; + } - public String getOriginalObjIdentifier() { - return originalObjIdentifier; - } + public String getOriginalObjIdentifier() { + return originalObjIdentifier; + } - public void setOriginalObjIdentifier(String originalObjIdentifier) { - this.originalObjIdentifier = originalObjIdentifier; - } + public void setOriginalObjIdentifier(String originalObjIdentifier) { + this.originalObjIdentifier = originalObjIdentifier; + } - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); - DLIDataset p = (DLIDataset) e; - if (StringUtils.isBlank(completionStatus) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.completionStatus)) - completionStatus = p.completionStatus; - if ("complete".equalsIgnoreCase(p.completionStatus)) - completionStatus = "complete"; - dlicollectedfrom = mergeProvenance(dlicollectedfrom, p.getDlicollectedfrom()); - } + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); + DLIDataset p = (DLIDataset) e; + if (StringUtils.isBlank(completionStatus) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.completionStatus)) + completionStatus = p.completionStatus; + if ("complete".equalsIgnoreCase(p.completionStatus)) + completionStatus = "complete"; + dlicollectedfrom = mergeProvenance(dlicollectedfrom, p.getDlicollectedfrom()); + } - private List mergeProvenance(final List a, final List b) { - Map result = new HashMap<>(); - if (a != null) - a.forEach(p -> { - if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { - if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { - result.put(p.getId(), p); - } + private List mergeProvenance( + final List a, final List b) { + Map result = new HashMap<>(); + if (a != null) + a + .forEach( + p -> { + if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { + if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) + && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { + result.put(p.getId(), p); + } - } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) - result.put(p.getId(), p); - }); - if (b != null) - b.forEach(p -> { - if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { - if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { - result.put(p.getId(), p); - } + } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) + result.put(p.getId(), p); + }); + if (b != null) + b + .forEach( + p -> { + if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { + if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) + && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { + result.put(p.getId(), p); + } - } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) - result.put(p.getId(), p); - }); + } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) + result.put(p.getId(), p); + }); - return new ArrayList<>(result.values()); - } + return new ArrayList<>(result.values()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIPublication.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIPublication.java index ebd56eaa91..c899a899c6 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIPublication.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIPublication.java @@ -1,77 +1,87 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.*; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication; + public class DLIPublication extends Publication implements Serializable { - private String originalObjIdentifier; + private String originalObjIdentifier; - private List dlicollectedfrom; + private List dlicollectedfrom; - private String completionStatus; + private String completionStatus; - public String getCompletionStatus() { - return completionStatus; - } + public String getCompletionStatus() { + return completionStatus; + } - public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { - this.completionStatus = completionStatus; - } + public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { + this.completionStatus = completionStatus; + } - public List getDlicollectedfrom() { - return dlicollectedfrom; - } + public List getDlicollectedfrom() { + return dlicollectedfrom; + } - public void setDlicollectedfrom(List dlicollectedfrom) { - this.dlicollectedfrom = dlicollectedfrom; - } + public void setDlicollectedfrom(List dlicollectedfrom) { + this.dlicollectedfrom = dlicollectedfrom; + } - public String getOriginalObjIdentifier() { - return originalObjIdentifier; - } + public String getOriginalObjIdentifier() { + return originalObjIdentifier; + } - public void setOriginalObjIdentifier(String originalObjIdentifier) { - this.originalObjIdentifier = originalObjIdentifier; - } + public void setOriginalObjIdentifier(String originalObjIdentifier) { + this.originalObjIdentifier = originalObjIdentifier; + } - @Override - public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { - super.mergeFrom(e); - DLIPublication p = (DLIPublication) e; - if (StringUtils.isBlank(completionStatus) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.completionStatus)) - completionStatus = p.completionStatus; - if ("complete".equalsIgnoreCase(p.completionStatus)) - completionStatus = "complete"; - dlicollectedfrom = mergeProvenance(dlicollectedfrom, p.getDlicollectedfrom()); - } + @Override + public void mergeFrom(OafEntity e) { + super.mergeFrom(e); + DLIPublication p = (DLIPublication) e; + if (StringUtils.isBlank(completionStatus) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.completionStatus)) + completionStatus = p.completionStatus; + if ("complete".equalsIgnoreCase(p.completionStatus)) + completionStatus = "complete"; + dlicollectedfrom = mergeProvenance(dlicollectedfrom, p.getDlicollectedfrom()); + } - private List mergeProvenance(final List a, final List b) { - Map result = new HashMap<>(); - if (a != null) - a.forEach(p -> { - if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { - if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { - result.put(p.getId(), p); - } + private List mergeProvenance( + final List a, final List b) { + Map result = new HashMap<>(); + if (a != null) + a + .forEach( + p -> { + if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { + if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) + && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { + result.put(p.getId(), p); + } - } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) - result.put(p.getId(), p); - }); - if (b != null) - b.forEach(p -> { - if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { - if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { - result.put(p.getId(), p); - } + } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) + result.put(p.getId(), p); + }); + if (b != null) + b + .forEach( + p -> { + if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { + if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) + && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { + result.put(p.getId(), p); + } - } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) - result.put(p.getId(), p); - }); + } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) + result.put(p.getId(), p); + }); - return new ArrayList<>(result.values()); - } + return new ArrayList<>(result.values()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIRelation.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIRelation.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2d2089c08 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIRelation.java @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; + +public class DLIRelation extends Relation { + private String dateOfCollection; + + public String getDateOfCollection() { + return dateOfCollection; + } + + public void setDateOfCollection(String dateOfCollection) { + this.dateOfCollection = dateOfCollection; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIUnknown.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIUnknown.java index c7e6dda276..e9b670d032 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIUnknown.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLIUnknown.java @@ -1,9 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; @@ -11,98 +7,109 @@ import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; + public class DLIUnknown extends Oaf implements Serializable { - private String id; + private String id; - private List pid; + private List pid; - private String dateofcollection; + private String dateofcollection; - private String dateoftransformation; + private String dateoftransformation; - private List dlicollectedfrom; + private List dlicollectedfrom; - private String completionStatus = "incomplete"; + private String completionStatus = "incomplete"; - public String getCompletionStatus() { - return completionStatus; - } + public String getCompletionStatus() { + return completionStatus; + } - public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { - this.completionStatus = completionStatus; - } + public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { + this.completionStatus = completionStatus; + } - public List getDlicollectedfrom() { - return dlicollectedfrom; - } + public List getDlicollectedfrom() { + return dlicollectedfrom; + } - public void setDlicollectedfrom(List dlicollectedfrom) { - this.dlicollectedfrom = dlicollectedfrom; - } + public void setDlicollectedfrom(List dlicollectedfrom) { + this.dlicollectedfrom = dlicollectedfrom; + } - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } + public List getPid() { + return pid; + } - public List getPid() { - return pid; - } + public void setPid(List pid) { + this.pid = pid; + } - public void setPid(List pid) { - this.pid = pid; - } + public String getDateofcollection() { + return dateofcollection; + } - public String getDateofcollection() { - return dateofcollection; - } + public void setDateofcollection(String dateofcollection) { + this.dateofcollection = dateofcollection; + } - public void setDateofcollection(String dateofcollection) { - this.dateofcollection = dateofcollection; - } + public String getDateoftransformation() { + return dateoftransformation; + } - public String getDateoftransformation() { - return dateoftransformation; - } + public void setDateoftransformation(String dateoftransformation) { + this.dateoftransformation = dateoftransformation; + } - public void setDateoftransformation(String dateoftransformation) { - this.dateoftransformation = dateoftransformation; - } + public void mergeFrom(DLIUnknown p) { + if ("complete".equalsIgnoreCase(p.completionStatus)) + completionStatus = "complete"; + dlicollectedfrom = mergeProvenance(dlicollectedfrom, p.getDlicollectedfrom()); + } - public void mergeFrom(DLIUnknown p) { - if ("complete".equalsIgnoreCase(p.completionStatus)) - completionStatus = "complete"; - dlicollectedfrom = mergeProvenance(dlicollectedfrom, p.getDlicollectedfrom()); - } + private List mergeProvenance( + final List a, final List b) { + Map result = new HashMap<>(); + if (a != null) + a + .forEach( + p -> { + if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { + if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) + && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { + result.put(p.getId(), p); + } - private List mergeProvenance(final List a, final List b) { - Map result = new HashMap<>(); - if (a != null) - a.forEach(p -> { - if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { - if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { - result.put(p.getId(), p); - } + } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) + result.put(p.getId(), p); + }); + if (b != null) + b + .forEach( + p -> { + if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { + if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) + && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { + result.put(p.getId(), p); + } - } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) - result.put(p.getId(), p); - }); - if (b != null) - b.forEach(p -> { - if (p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getId()) && result.containsKey(p.getId())) { - if ("incomplete".equalsIgnoreCase(result.get(p.getId()).getCompletionStatus()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getCompletionStatus())) { - result.put(p.getId(), p); - } + } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) + result.put(p.getId(), p); + }); - } else if (p != null && p.getId() != null && !result.containsKey(p.getId())) - result.put(p.getId(), p); - }); - - return new ArrayList<>(result.values()); - } + return new ArrayList<>(result.values()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/ProvenaceInfo.java b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/ProvenaceInfo.java index 3fe069b032..b1188f0648 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/ProvenaceInfo.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/ProvenaceInfo.java @@ -1,46 +1,47 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; import java.io.Serializable; public class ProvenaceInfo implements Serializable { - private String id; + private String id; - private String name; + private String name; - private String completionStatus; + private String completionStatus; - private String collectionMode ="collected"; + private String collectionMode = "collected"; - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public String getName() { - return name; - } + public String getName() { + return name; + } - public void setName(String name) { - this.name = name; - } + public void setName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } - public String getCompletionStatus() { - return completionStatus; - } + public String getCompletionStatus() { + return completionStatus; + } - public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { - this.completionStatus = completionStatus; - } + public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { + this.completionStatus = completionStatus; + } - public String getCollectionMode() { - return collectionMode; - } + public String getCollectionMode() { + return collectionMode; + } - public void setCollectionMode(String collectionMode) { - this.collectionMode = collectionMode; - } + public void setCollectionMode(String collectionMode) { + this.collectionMode = collectionMode; + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicActionTest.java b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicActionTest.java index d216c05d5f..4d31591a09 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicActionTest.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicActionTest.java @@ -1,42 +1,40 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; - -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; - -import java.io.IOException; - import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; -/** - * @author claudio.atzori - */ +import java.io.IOException; + +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; + +/** @author claudio.atzori */ public class AtomicActionTest { - @Test - public void serializationTest() throws IOException { + @Test + public void serializationTest() throws IOException { - Relation rel = new Relation(); - rel.setSource("1"); - rel.setTarget("2"); - rel.setRelType("resultResult"); - rel.setSubRelType("dedup"); - rel.setRelClass("merges"); + Relation rel = new Relation(); + rel.setSource("1"); + rel.setTarget("2"); + rel.setRelType("resultResult"); + rel.setSubRelType("dedup"); + rel.setRelClass("merges"); - AtomicAction aa1 = new AtomicAction(Relation.class, rel); + AtomicAction aa1 = new AtomicAction(Relation.class, rel); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(aa1); + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(aa1); - assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(json)); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(json)); - AtomicAction aa2 = mapper.readValue(json, AtomicAction.class); - - assertEquals(aa1.getClazz(), aa2.getClazz()); - assertEquals(aa1.getPayload(), aa2.getPayload()); - - } + AtomicAction aa2 = mapper.readValue(json, AtomicAction.class); + assertEquals(aa1.getClazz(), aa2.getClazz()); + assertEquals(aa1.getPayload(), aa2.getPayload()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelSupportTest.java b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelSupportTest.java index 21583cd445..73e8c47ffd 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelSupportTest.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/common/ModelSupportTest.java @@ -1,35 +1,37 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result; + public class ModelSupportTest { - @Nested - class IsSubClass { + @Nested + class IsSubClass { - @Test - public void shouldReturnFalseWhenSubClassDoesNotExtendSuperClass() { - // when - Boolean result = ModelSupport.isSubClass(Relation.class, OafEntity.class); + @Test + public void shouldReturnFalseWhenSubClassDoesNotExtendSuperClass() { + // when + Boolean result = ModelSupport.isSubClass(Relation.class, OafEntity.class); - // then - assertFalse(result); - } + // then + assertFalse(result); + } - @Test - public void shouldReturnTrueWhenSubClassExtendsSuperClass() { - // when - Boolean result = ModelSupport.isSubClass(Result.class, OafEntity.class); + @Test + public void shouldReturnTrueWhenSubClassExtendsSuperClass() { + // when + Boolean result = ModelSupport.isSubClass(Result.class, OafEntity.class); - // then - assertTrue(result); - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file + // then + assertTrue(result); + } + } +} diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/MeasureTest.java b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/MeasureTest.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..26376349c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/MeasureTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; + +public class MeasureTest { +} diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/MergeTest.java b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/MergeTest.java index ac4bd5d27d..f91646f2c5 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/MergeTest.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/MergeTest.java @@ -1,87 +1,88 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + public class MergeTest { - OafEntity oaf; + OafEntity oaf; - @BeforeEach - public void setUp() { - oaf = new Publication(); - } + @BeforeEach + public void setUp() { + oaf = new Publication(); + } - @Test - public void mergeListsTest() { + @Test + public void mergeListsTest() { - //string list merge test - List a = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "e"); - List b = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"); - List c = null; + // string list merge test + List a = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "e"); + List b = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"); + List c = null; - System.out.println("merge result 1 = " + oaf.mergeLists(a, b)); + System.out.println("merge result 1 = " + oaf.mergeLists(a, b)); - System.out.println("merge result 2 = " + oaf.mergeLists(a, c)); + System.out.println("merge result 2 = " + oaf.mergeLists(a, c)); - System.out.println("merge result 3 = " + oaf.mergeLists(c, c)); - } + System.out.println("merge result 3 = " + oaf.mergeLists(c, c)); + } - @Test - public void mergePublicationCollectedFromTest() { + @Test + public void mergePublicationCollectedFromTest() { - Publication a = new Publication(); - Publication b = new Publication(); + Publication a = new Publication(); + Publication b = new Publication(); - a.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(setKV("a", "open"), setKV("b", "closed"))); - b.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(setKV("A", "open"), setKV("b", "Open"))); + a.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(setKV("a", "open"), setKV("b", "closed"))); + b.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(setKV("A", "open"), setKV("b", "Open"))); - a.mergeFrom(b); + a.mergeFrom(b); - assertNotNull(a.getCollectedfrom()); - assertEquals(3, a.getCollectedfrom().size()); + assertNotNull(a.getCollectedfrom()); + assertEquals(3, a.getCollectedfrom().size()); + } - } + @Test + public void mergePublicationSubjectTest() { - @Test - public void mergePublicationSubjectTest() { + Publication a = new Publication(); + Publication b = new Publication(); - Publication a = new Publication(); - Publication b = new Publication(); + a.setSubject(Arrays.asList(setSP("a", "open", "classe"), setSP("b", "open", "classe"))); + b.setSubject(Arrays.asList(setSP("A", "open", "classe"), setSP("c", "open", "classe"))); - a.setSubject(Arrays.asList(setSP("a", "open", "classe"), setSP("b", "open", "classe"))); - b.setSubject(Arrays.asList(setSP("A", "open", "classe"), setSP("c", "open", "classe"))); + a.mergeFrom(b); - a.mergeFrom(b); + assertNotNull(a.getSubject()); + assertEquals(3, a.getSubject().size()); + } - assertNotNull(a.getSubject()); - assertEquals(3, a.getSubject().size()); + private KeyValue setKV(final String key, final String value) { - } + KeyValue k = new KeyValue(); - private KeyValue setKV(final String key, final String value) { + k.setKey(key); + k.setValue(value); - KeyValue k = new KeyValue(); + return k; + } - k.setKey(key); - k.setValue(value); - - return k; - } - - private StructuredProperty setSP(final String value, final String schema, final String classname) { - StructuredProperty s = new StructuredProperty(); - s.setValue(value); - Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); - q.setClassname(classname); - q.setClassid(classname); - q.setSchemename(schema); - q.setSchemeid(schema); - s.setQualifier(q); - return s; - } + private StructuredProperty setSP( + final String value, final String schema, final String classname) { + StructuredProperty s = new StructuredProperty(); + s.setValue(value); + Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); + q.setClassname(classname); + q.setClassid(classname); + q.setSchemename(schema); + q.setSchemeid(schema); + s.setQualifier(q); + return s; + } } diff --git a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLItest.java b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLItest.java index 6a88151c95..e4596fcddb 100644 --- a/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLItest.java +++ b/dhp-schemas/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/scholexplorer/DLItest.java @@ -1,81 +1,83 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; + public class DLItest { + @Test + public void testMergePublication() throws JsonProcessingException { + DLIPublication a1 = new DLIPublication(); + a1.setPid(Arrays.asList(createSP("123456", "pdb", "dnet:pid_types"))); + a1.setTitle(Collections.singletonList(createSP("Un Titolo", "title", "dnetTitle"))); + a1.setDlicollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(createCollectedFrom("znd", "Zenodo", "complete"))); + a1.setCompletionStatus("complete"); - @Test - public void testMergePublication() throws JsonProcessingException { - DLIPublication a1 = new DLIPublication(); - a1.setPid(Arrays.asList( createSP("123456","pdb","dnet:pid_types"))); - a1.setTitle(Collections.singletonList(createSP("Un Titolo", "title", "dnetTitle"))); - a1.setDlicollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(createCollectedFrom("znd","Zenodo","complete"))); - a1.setCompletionStatus("complete"); + DLIPublication a = new DLIPublication(); + a + .setPid( + Arrays + .asList( + createSP("10.11", "doi", "dnet:pid_types"), + createSP("123456", "pdb", "dnet:pid_types"))); + a.setTitle(Collections.singletonList(createSP("A Title", "title", "dnetTitle"))); + a + .setDlicollectedfrom( + Arrays + .asList( + createCollectedFrom("dct", "datacite", "complete"), + createCollectedFrom("dct", "datacite", "incomplete"))); + a.setCompletionStatus("incomplete"); - DLIPublication a = new DLIPublication(); - a.setPid(Arrays.asList(createSP("10.11","doi","dnet:pid_types"), createSP("123456","pdb","dnet:pid_types"))); - a.setTitle(Collections.singletonList(createSP("A Title", "title", "dnetTitle"))); - a.setDlicollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(createCollectedFrom("dct","datacite","complete"),createCollectedFrom("dct","datacite","incomplete"))); - a.setCompletionStatus("incomplete"); + a.mergeFrom(a1); - a.mergeFrom(a1); + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(a)); + } - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(a)); + @Test + public void testDeserialization() throws IOException { + final String json = "{\"dataInfo\":{\"invisible\":false,\"inferred\":null,\"deletedbyinference\":false,\"trust\":\"0.9\",\"inferenceprovenance\":null,\"provenanceaction\":null},\"lastupdatetimestamp\":null,\"id\":\"60|bd9352547098929a394655ad1a44a479\",\"originalId\":[\"bd9352547098929a394655ad1a44a479\"],\"collectedfrom\":[{\"key\":\"dli_________::datacite\",\"value\":\"Datasets in Datacite\",\"dataInfo\":null,\"blank\":false}],\"pid\":[{\"value\":\"10.7925/DRS1.DUCHAS_5078760\",\"qualifier\":{\"classid\":\"doi\",\"classname\":\"doi\",\"schemeid\":\"dnet:pid_types\",\"schemename\":\"dnet:pid_types\",\"blank\":false},\"dataInfo\":null}],\"dateofcollection\":\"2020-01-09T08:29:31.885Z\",\"dateoftransformation\":null,\"extraInfo\":null,\"oaiprovenance\":null,\"author\":[{\"fullname\":\"Cathail, S. 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Louth) (no informant identified).\",\"dataInfo\":null}],\"dateofacceptance\":null,\"publisher\":{\"value\":\"University College Dublin\",\"dataInfo\":null},\"embargoenddate\":null,\"source\":null,\"fulltext\":null,\"format\":null,\"contributor\":null,\"resourcetype\":null,\"coverage\":null,\"refereed\":null,\"context\":null,\"processingchargeamount\":null,\"processingchargecurrency\":null,\"externalReference\":null,\"instance\":[],\"storagedate\":null,\"device\":null,\"size\":null,\"version\":null,\"lastmetadataupdate\":null,\"metadataversionnumber\":null,\"geolocation\":null,\"dlicollectedfrom\":[{\"id\":\"dli_________::datacite\",\"name\":\"Datasets in Datacite\",\"completionStatus\":\"complete\",\"collectionMode\":\"resolved\"}],\"completionStatus\":\"complete\"}"; - - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - DLIDataset dliDataset = mapper.readValue(json, DLIDataset.class); - mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT); - System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(dliDataset)); - } - - private ProvenaceInfo createCollectedFrom(final String id, final String name, final String completionStatus) { - ProvenaceInfo p = new ProvenaceInfo(); - p.setId(id); - p.setName(name); - p.setCompletionStatus(completionStatus); - return p; - } - - - private StructuredProperty createSP(final String value, final String className, final String schemeName) { - StructuredProperty p = new StructuredProperty(); - p.setValue(value); - Qualifier schema = new Qualifier(); - schema.setClassname(className); - schema.setClassid(className); - schema.setSchemename(schemeName); - schema.setSchemeid(schemeName); - p.setQualifier(schema); - return p; - } - - + private StructuredProperty createSP( + final String value, final String className, final String schemeName) { + StructuredProperty p = new StructuredProperty(); + p.setValue(value); + Qualifier schema = new Qualifier(); + schema.setClassname(className); + schema.setClassid(className); + schema.setSchemename(schemeName); + schema.setSchemeid(schemeName); + p.setQualifier(schema); + return p; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/pom.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/pom.xml index aa2078be5d..22ca7504d5 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/pom.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/pom.xml @@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ jaxen + + org.apache.hadoop + hadoop-distcp + + + + eu.dnetlib + dnet-openaire-data-protos + + eu.dnetlib.dhp dhp-schemas @@ -57,6 +67,44 @@ eu.dnetlib dnet-actionmanager-api + + eu.dnetlib + dnet-actionmanager-common + + + eu.dnetlib + dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils + + + saxonica + saxon + + + saxonica + saxon-dom + + + jgrapht + jgrapht + + + net.sf.ehcache + ehcache + + + org.springframework + spring-test + + + org.apache.* + * + + + apache + * + + + diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/ISClient.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/ISClient.java index 1cb1eb4bcf..0f0d21e11f 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/ISClient.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/ISClient.java @@ -1,20 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager; -import com.google.common.base.Splitter; -import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; -import com.google.common.collect.Lists; -import eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.rmi.ActionManagerException; -import eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.set.ActionManagerSet; -import eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.set.ActionManagerSet.ImpactTypes; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.partition.PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; -import org.dom4j.Document; -import org.dom4j.Element; -import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; -import org.slf4j.Logger; -import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.StringReader; @@ -23,31 +8,59 @@ import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import org.dom4j.Document; +import org.dom4j.Element; +import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.google.common.base.Splitter; +import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; + +import eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.rmi.ActionManagerException; +import eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.set.ActionManagerSet; +import eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.set.ActionManagerSet.ImpactTypes; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.partition.PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; + public class ISClient implements Serializable { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob.class); private static final String INPUT_ACTION_SET_ID_SEPARATOR = ","; - public static List getLatestRawsetPaths(String isLookupUrl, String setIds) { + private final ISLookUpService isLookup; - ISLookUpService isLookup = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); - ISClient isClient = new ISClient(); - List ids = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(INPUT_ACTION_SET_ID_SEPARATOR) - .omitEmptyStrings() - .trimResults() - .split(setIds)); + public ISClient(String isLookupUrl) { + isLookup = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); + } - return ids.stream() - .map(id -> isClient.getSet(isLookup, id)) - .map(as -> as.getPathToLatest()) - .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); + public List getLatestRawsetPaths(String setIds) { + + List ids = Lists + .newArrayList( + Splitter + .on(INPUT_ACTION_SET_ID_SEPARATOR) + .omitEmptyStrings() + .trimResults() + .split(setIds)); + + return ids + .stream() + .map(id -> getSet(isLookup, id)) + .map(as -> as.getPathToLatest()) + .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); } private ActionManagerSet getSet(ISLookUpService isLookup, final String setId) { final String q = "for $x in collection('/db/DRIVER/ActionManagerSetDSResources/ActionManagerSetDSResourceType') " - + "where $x//SET/@id = '" + setId + "' return $x"; + + "where $x//SET/@id = '" + + setId + + "' return $x"; try { final String basePath = getBasePathHDFS(isLookup); @@ -58,7 +71,8 @@ public class ISClient implements Serializable { } } - private ActionManagerSet getActionManagerSet(final String basePath, final String profile) throws ActionManagerException { + private ActionManagerSet getActionManagerSet(final String basePath, final String profile) + throws ActionManagerException { final SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); final ActionManagerSet set = new ActionManagerSet(); @@ -68,13 +82,21 @@ public class ISClient implements Serializable { set.setId(doc.valueOf("//SET/@id").trim()); set.setName(doc.valueOf("//SET").trim()); set.setImpact(ImpactTypes.valueOf(doc.valueOf("//IMPACT").trim())); - set.setLatest(doc.valueOf("//RAW_SETS/LATEST/@id"), doc.valueOf("//RAW_SETS/LATEST/@creationDate"), doc.valueOf("//RAW_SETS/LATEST/@lastUpdate")); + set + .setLatest( + doc.valueOf("//RAW_SETS/LATEST/@id"), + doc.valueOf("//RAW_SETS/LATEST/@creationDate"), + doc.valueOf("//RAW_SETS/LATEST/@lastUpdate")); set.setDirectory(doc.valueOf("//SET/@directory")); final List expiredNodes = doc.selectNodes("//RAW_SETS/EXPIRED"); if (expiredNodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < expiredNodes.size(); i++) { Element ex = (Element) expiredNodes.get(i); - set.addExpired(ex.attributeValue("id"), ex.attributeValue("creationDate"), ex.attributeValue("lastUpdate")); + set + .addExpired( + ex.attributeValue("id"), + ex.attributeValue("creationDate"), + ex.attributeValue("lastUpdate")); } } @@ -96,9 +118,11 @@ public class ISClient implements Serializable { return queryServiceProperty(isLookup, "basePath"); } - private String queryServiceProperty(ISLookUpService isLookup, final String propertyName) throws ActionManagerException { + private String queryServiceProperty(ISLookUpService isLookup, final String propertyName) + throws ActionManagerException { final String q = "for $x in /RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_TYPE/@value='ActionManagerServiceResourceType'] return $x//SERVICE_PROPERTIES/PROPERTY[./@ key='" - + propertyName + "']/@value/string()"; + + propertyName + + "']/@value/string()"; log.debug("quering for service property: " + q); try { final List value = isLookup.quickSearchProfile(q); @@ -117,6 +141,4 @@ public class ISClient implements Serializable { throw new ActionManagerException(msg, e); } } - - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/LicenseComparator.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/LicenseComparator.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b6046f8b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/LicenseComparator.java @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.migration; + +import java.util.Comparator; + +import eu.dnetlib.data.proto.FieldTypeProtos.Qualifier; + +public class LicenseComparator implements Comparator { + + @Override + public int compare(Qualifier left, Qualifier right) { + + if (left == null && right == null) + return 0; + if (left == null) + return 1; + if (right == null) + return -1; + + String lClass = left.getClassid(); + String rClass = right.getClassid(); + + if (lClass.equals(rClass)) + return 0; + + if (lClass.equals("OPEN SOURCE")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("OPEN SOURCE")) + return 1; + + if (lClass.equals("OPEN")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("OPEN")) + return 1; + + if (lClass.equals("6MONTHS")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("6MONTHS")) + return 1; + + if (lClass.equals("12MONTHS")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("12MONTHS")) + return 1; + + if (lClass.equals("EMBARGO")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("EMBARGO")) + return 1; + + if (lClass.equals("RESTRICTED")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("RESTRICTED")) + return 1; + + if (lClass.equals("CLOSED")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("CLOSED")) + return 1; + + if (lClass.equals("UNKNOWN")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("UNKNOWN")) + return 1; + + // Else (but unlikely), lexicographical ordering will do. + return lClass.compareTo(rClass); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/MigrateActionSet.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/MigrateActionSet.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89cb63fabf --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/MigrateActionSet.java @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.migration; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileOutputStream; +import java.io.OutputStream; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.LinkedList; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Properties; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; +import org.apache.hadoop.tools.DistCp; +import org.apache.hadoop.tools.DistCpOptions; +import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.google.common.base.Splitter; +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; + +public class MigrateActionSet { + + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MigrateActionSet.class); + + private static final String SEPARATOR = "/"; + private static final String TARGET_PATHS = "target_paths"; + private static final String RAWSET_PREFIX = "rawset_"; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + MigrateActionSet.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/migrate_actionsets_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + + new MigrateActionSet().run(parser); + } + + private void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) throws Exception { + + final String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); + final String sourceNN = parser.get("sourceNameNode"); + final String targetNN = parser.get("targetNameNode"); + final String workDir = parser.get("workingDirectory"); + final Integer distcp_num_maps = Integer.parseInt(parser.get("distcp_num_maps")); + + final String distcp_memory_mb = parser.get("distcp_memory_mb"); + final String distcp_task_timeout = parser.get("distcp_task_timeout"); + + final String transform_only_s = parser.get("transform_only"); + + log.info("transform only param: {}", transform_only_s); + + final Boolean transformOnly = Boolean.valueOf(parser.get("transform_only")); + + log.info("transform only: {}", transformOnly); + + ISLookUpService isLookUp = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); + + Configuration conf = getConfiguration(distcp_task_timeout, distcp_memory_mb, distcp_num_maps); + FileSystem targetFS = FileSystem.get(conf); + + Configuration sourceConf = getConfiguration(distcp_task_timeout, distcp_memory_mb, distcp_num_maps); + sourceConf.set(FileSystem.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, sourceNN); + FileSystem sourceFS = FileSystem.get(sourceConf); + + Properties props = new Properties(); + + List targetPaths = new ArrayList<>(); + + final List sourcePaths = getSourcePaths(sourceNN, isLookUp); + log + .info( + "paths to process:\n{}", + sourcePaths.stream().map(p -> p.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"))); + for (Path source : sourcePaths) { + + if (!sourceFS.exists(source)) { + log.warn("skipping unexisting path: {}", source); + } else { + + LinkedList pathQ = Lists.newLinkedList(Splitter.on(SEPARATOR).split(source.toUri().getPath())); + + final String rawSet = pathQ.pollLast(); + log.info("got RAWSET: {}", rawSet); + + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rawSet) && rawSet.startsWith(RAWSET_PREFIX)) { + + final String actionSetDirectory = pathQ.pollLast(); + + final Path targetPath = new Path( + targetNN + workDir + SEPARATOR + actionSetDirectory + SEPARATOR + rawSet); + + log.info("using TARGET PATH: {}", targetPath); + + if (!transformOnly) { + if (targetFS.exists(targetPath)) { + targetFS.delete(targetPath, true); + } + runDistcp( + distcp_num_maps, distcp_memory_mb, distcp_task_timeout, conf, source, targetPath); + } + + targetPaths.add(targetPath); + } + } + } + + props + .setProperty( + TARGET_PATHS, targetPaths.stream().map(p -> p.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(","))); + File file = new File(System.getProperty("oozie.action.output.properties")); + + try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file)) { + props.store(os, ""); + } + System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); + } + + private void runDistcp( + Integer distcp_num_maps, + String distcp_memory_mb, + String distcp_task_timeout, + Configuration conf, + Path source, + Path targetPath) + throws Exception { + + final DistCpOptions op = new DistCpOptions(source, targetPath); + op.setMaxMaps(distcp_num_maps); + op.preserve(DistCpOptions.FileAttribute.BLOCKSIZE); + op.preserve(DistCpOptions.FileAttribute.REPLICATION); + op.preserve(DistCpOptions.FileAttribute.CHECKSUMTYPE); + + int res = ToolRunner + .run( + new DistCp(conf, op), + new String[] { + "-Dmapred.task.timeout=" + distcp_task_timeout, + "-Dmapreduce.map.memory.mb=" + distcp_memory_mb, + "-pb", + "-m " + distcp_num_maps, + source.toString(), + targetPath.toString() + }); + + if (res != 0) { + throw new RuntimeException(String.format("distcp exited with code %s", res)); + } + } + + private Configuration getConfiguration( + String distcp_task_timeout, String distcp_memory_mb, Integer distcp_num_maps) { + final Configuration conf = new Configuration(); + conf.set("dfs.webhdfs.socket.connect-timeout", distcp_task_timeout); + conf.set("dfs.webhdfs.socket.read-timeout", distcp_task_timeout); + conf.set("dfs.http.client.retry.policy.enabled", "true"); + conf.set("mapred.task.timeout", distcp_task_timeout); + conf.set("mapreduce.map.memory.mb", distcp_memory_mb); + conf.set("mapred.map.tasks", String.valueOf(distcp_num_maps)); + return conf; + } + + private List getSourcePaths(String sourceNN, ISLookUpService isLookUp) + throws ISLookUpException { + String XQUERY = "distinct-values(\n" + + "let $basePath := collection('/db/DRIVER/ServiceResources/ActionManagerServiceResourceType')//SERVICE_PROPERTIES/PROPERTY[@key = 'basePath']/@value/string()\n" + + "for $x in collection('/db/DRIVER/ActionManagerSetDSResources/ActionManagerSetDSResourceType') \n" + + "let $setDir := $x//SET/@directory/string()\n" + + "let $rawSet := $x//RAW_SETS/LATEST/@id/string()\n" + + "return concat($basePath, '/', $setDir, '/', $rawSet))"; + + log.info(String.format("running xquery:\n%s", XQUERY)); + return isLookUp + .quickSearchProfile(XQUERY) + .stream() + .map(p -> sourceNN + p) + .map(Path::new) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/ProtoConverter.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/ProtoConverter.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..456113c438 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/ProtoConverter.java @@ -0,0 +1,664 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.migration; + +import static eu.dnetlib.data.proto.KindProtos.Kind.entity; +import static eu.dnetlib.data.proto.KindProtos.Kind.relation; +import static eu.dnetlib.data.proto.TypeProtos.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.data.proto.TypeProtos.Type.*; + +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Optional; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; +import com.googlecode.protobuf.format.JsonFormat; + +import eu.dnetlib.data.proto.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; + +public class ProtoConverter implements Serializable { + + public static final String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"; + public static final String NOT_AVAILABLE = "not available"; + public static final String DNET_ACCESS_MODES = "dnet:access_modes"; + + public static Oaf convert(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + try { + switch (oaf.getKind()) { + case entity: + return convertEntity(oaf); + case relation: + return convertRelation(oaf); + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid kind " + oaf.getKind()); + } + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException("error on getting " + JsonFormat.printToString(oaf), e); + } + } + + private static Relation convertRelation(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + final OafProtos.OafRel r = oaf.getRel(); + final Relation rel = new Relation(); + rel.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(oaf.getDataInfo())); + rel.setLastupdatetimestamp(oaf.getLastupdatetimestamp()); + rel.setSource(r.getSource()); + rel.setTarget(r.getTarget()); + rel.setRelType(r.getRelType().toString()); + rel.setSubRelType(r.getSubRelType().toString()); + rel.setRelClass(r.getRelClass()); + rel + .setCollectedfrom( + r.getCollectedfromCount() > 0 + ? r.getCollectedfromList().stream().map(kv -> mapKV(kv)).collect(Collectors.toList()) + : null); + return rel; + } + + private static OafEntity convertEntity(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + + switch (oaf.getEntity().getType()) { + case result: + final Result r = convertResult(oaf); + r.setInstance(convertInstances(oaf)); + return r; + case project: + return convertProject(oaf); + case datasource: + return convertDataSource(oaf); + case organization: + return convertOrganization(oaf); + default: + throw new RuntimeException("received unknown type"); + } + } + + private static List convertInstances(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + + final ResultProtos.Result r = oaf.getEntity().getResult(); + if (r.getInstanceCount() > 0) { + return r.getInstanceList().stream().map(i -> convertInstance(i)).collect(Collectors.toList()); + } + return Lists.newArrayList(); + } + + private static Instance convertInstance(ResultProtos.Result.Instance ri) { + final Instance i = new Instance(); + i.setAccessright(mapQualifier(ri.getAccessright())); + i.setCollectedfrom(mapKV(ri.getCollectedfrom())); + i.setDateofacceptance(mapStringField(ri.getDateofacceptance())); + i.setDistributionlocation(ri.getDistributionlocation()); + i.setHostedby(mapKV(ri.getHostedby())); + i.setInstancetype(mapQualifier(ri.getInstancetype())); + i.setLicense(mapStringField(ri.getLicense())); + i.setUrl(ri.getUrlList()); + i.setRefereed(mapStringField(ri.getRefereed())); + i.setProcessingchargeamount(mapStringField(ri.getProcessingchargeamount())); + i.setProcessingchargecurrency(mapStringField(ri.getProcessingchargecurrency())); + return i; + } + + private static Organization convertOrganization(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + final OrganizationProtos.Organization.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getOrganization().getMetadata(); + final Organization org = setOaf(new Organization(), oaf); + setEntity(org, oaf); + org.setLegalshortname(mapStringField(m.getLegalshortname())); + org.setLegalname(mapStringField(m.getLegalname())); + org + .setAlternativeNames( + m + .getAlternativeNamesList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + org.setWebsiteurl(mapStringField(m.getWebsiteurl())); + org.setLogourl(mapStringField(m.getLogourl())); + org.setEclegalbody(mapStringField(m.getEclegalbody())); + org.setEclegalperson(mapStringField(m.getEclegalperson())); + org.setEcnonprofit(mapStringField(m.getEcnonprofit())); + org.setEcresearchorganization(mapStringField(m.getEcresearchorganization())); + org.setEchighereducation(mapStringField(m.getEchighereducation())); + org + .setEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests( + mapStringField(m.getEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests())); + org.setEcinternationalorganization(mapStringField(m.getEcinternationalorganization())); + org.setEcenterprise(mapStringField(m.getEcenterprise())); + org.setEcsmevalidated(mapStringField(m.getEcsmevalidated())); + org.setEcnutscode(mapStringField(m.getEcnutscode())); + org.setCountry(mapQualifier(m.getCountry())); + + return org; + } + + private static Datasource convertDataSource(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + final DatasourceProtos.Datasource.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getDatasource().getMetadata(); + final Datasource datasource = setOaf(new Datasource(), oaf); + setEntity(datasource, oaf); + datasource + .setAccessinfopackage( + m + .getAccessinfopackageList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + datasource.setCertificates(mapStringField(m.getCertificates())); + datasource.setCitationguidelineurl(mapStringField(m.getCitationguidelineurl())); + datasource.setContactemail(mapStringField(m.getContactemail())); + datasource.setDatabaseaccessrestriction(mapStringField(m.getDatabaseaccessrestriction())); + datasource.setDatabaseaccesstype(mapStringField(m.getDatabaseaccesstype())); + datasource.setDataprovider(mapBoolField(m.getDataprovider())); + datasource.setDatasourcetype(mapQualifier(m.getDatasourcetype())); + datasource.setDatauploadrestriction(mapStringField(m.getDatauploadrestriction())); + datasource.setCitationguidelineurl(mapStringField(m.getCitationguidelineurl())); + datasource.setDatauploadtype(mapStringField(m.getDatauploadtype())); + datasource.setDateofvalidation(mapStringField(m.getDateofvalidation())); + datasource.setDescription(mapStringField(m.getDescription())); + datasource.setEnglishname(mapStringField(m.getEnglishname())); + datasource.setLatitude(mapStringField(m.getLatitude())); + datasource.setLongitude(mapStringField(m.getLongitude())); + datasource.setLogourl(mapStringField(m.getLogourl())); + datasource.setMissionstatementurl(mapStringField(m.getMissionstatementurl())); + datasource.setNamespaceprefix(mapStringField(m.getNamespaceprefix())); + datasource + .setOdcontenttypes( + m + .getOdcontenttypesList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + datasource + .setOdlanguages( + m + .getOdlanguagesList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + datasource.setOdnumberofitems(mapStringField(m.getOdnumberofitems())); + datasource.setOdnumberofitemsdate(mapStringField(m.getOdnumberofitemsdate())); + datasource.setOdpolicies(mapStringField(m.getOdpolicies())); + datasource.setOfficialname(mapStringField(m.getOfficialname())); + datasource.setOpenairecompatibility(mapQualifier(m.getOpenairecompatibility())); + datasource.setPidsystems(mapStringField(m.getPidsystems())); + datasource + .setPolicies( + m.getPoliciesList().stream().map(ProtoConverter::mapKV).collect(Collectors.toList())); + datasource.setQualitymanagementkind(mapStringField(m.getQualitymanagementkind())); + datasource.setReleaseenddate(mapStringField(m.getReleaseenddate())); + datasource.setServiceprovider(mapBoolField(m.getServiceprovider())); + datasource.setReleasestartdate(mapStringField(m.getReleasestartdate())); + datasource + .setSubjects( + m + .getSubjectsList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + datasource.setVersioning(mapBoolField(m.getVersioning())); + datasource.setWebsiteurl(mapStringField(m.getWebsiteurl())); + datasource.setJournal(mapJournal(m.getJournal())); + + return datasource; + } + + private static Project convertProject(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + final ProjectProtos.Project.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getProject().getMetadata(); + final Project project = setOaf(new Project(), oaf); + setEntity(project, oaf); + project.setAcronym(mapStringField(m.getAcronym())); + project.setCallidentifier(mapStringField(m.getCallidentifier())); + project.setCode(mapStringField(m.getCode())); + project.setContactemail(mapStringField(m.getContactemail())); + project.setContactfax(mapStringField(m.getContactfax())); + project.setContactfullname(mapStringField(m.getContactfullname())); + project.setContactphone(mapStringField(m.getContactphone())); + project.setContracttype(mapQualifier(m.getContracttype())); + project.setCurrency(mapStringField(m.getCurrency())); + project.setDuration(mapStringField(m.getDuration())); + project.setEcarticle29_3(mapStringField(m.getEcarticle293())); + project.setEcsc39(mapStringField(m.getEcsc39())); + project.setOamandatepublications(mapStringField(m.getOamandatepublications())); + project.setStartdate(mapStringField(m.getStartdate())); + project.setEnddate(mapStringField(m.getEnddate())); + project.setFundedamount(m.getFundedamount()); + project.setTotalcost(m.getTotalcost()); + project.setKeywords(mapStringField(m.getKeywords())); + project + .setSubjects( + m + .getSubjectsList() + .stream() + .map(sp -> mapStructuredProperty(sp)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + project.setTitle(mapStringField(m.getTitle())); + project.setWebsiteurl(mapStringField(m.getWebsiteurl())); + project + .setFundingtree( + m.getFundingtreeList().stream().map(f -> mapStringField(f)).collect(Collectors.toList())); + project.setJsonextrainfo(mapStringField(m.getJsonextrainfo())); + project.setSummary(mapStringField(m.getSummary())); + project.setOptional1(mapStringField(m.getOptional1())); + project.setOptional2(mapStringField(m.getOptional2())); + return project; + } + + private static Result convertResult(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + switch (oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata().getResulttype().getClassid()) { + case "dataset": + return createDataset(oaf); + case "publication": + return createPublication(oaf); + case "software": + return createSoftware(oaf); + case "other": + return createORP(oaf); + default: + Result result = setOaf(new Result(), oaf); + setEntity(result, oaf); + return setResult(result, oaf); + } + } + + private static Software createSoftware(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); + Software software = setOaf(new Software(), oaf); + setEntity(software, oaf); + setResult(software, oaf); + + software + .setDocumentationUrl( + m + .getDocumentationUrlList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + software + .setLicense( + m + .getLicenseList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + software.setCodeRepositoryUrl(mapStringField(m.getCodeRepositoryUrl())); + software.setProgrammingLanguage(mapQualifier(m.getProgrammingLanguage())); + return software; + } + + private static OtherResearchProduct createORP(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); + OtherResearchProduct otherResearchProducts = setOaf(new OtherResearchProduct(), oaf); + setEntity(otherResearchProducts, oaf); + setResult(otherResearchProducts, oaf); + otherResearchProducts + .setContactperson( + m + .getContactpersonList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + otherResearchProducts + .setContactgroup( + m + .getContactgroupList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + otherResearchProducts + .setTool( + m.getToolList().stream().map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField).collect(Collectors.toList())); + + return otherResearchProducts; + } + + private static Publication createPublication(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + + ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); + Publication publication = setOaf(new Publication(), oaf); + setEntity(publication, oaf); + setResult(publication, oaf); + publication.setJournal(mapJournal(m.getJournal())); + return publication; + } + + private static Dataset createDataset(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + + ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); + Dataset dataset = setOaf(new Dataset(), oaf); + setEntity(dataset, oaf); + setResult(dataset, oaf); + dataset.setStoragedate(mapStringField(m.getStoragedate())); + dataset.setDevice(mapStringField(m.getDevice())); + dataset.setSize(mapStringField(m.getSize())); + dataset.setVersion(mapStringField(m.getVersion())); + dataset.setLastmetadataupdate(mapStringField(m.getLastmetadataupdate())); + dataset.setMetadataversionnumber(mapStringField(m.getMetadataversionnumber())); + dataset + .setGeolocation( + m + .getGeolocationList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapGeolocation) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + return dataset; + } + + public static T setOaf(T oaf, OafProtos.Oaf o) { + oaf.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(o.getDataInfo())); + oaf.setLastupdatetimestamp(o.getLastupdatetimestamp()); + return oaf; + } + + public static T setEntity(T entity, OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + // setting Entity fields + final OafProtos.OafEntity e = oaf.getEntity(); + entity.setId(e.getId()); + entity.setOriginalId(e.getOriginalIdList()); + entity + .setCollectedfrom( + e.getCollectedfromList().stream().map(ProtoConverter::mapKV).collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setPid( + e + .getPidList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity.setDateofcollection(e.getDateofcollection()); + entity.setDateoftransformation(e.getDateoftransformation()); + entity + .setExtraInfo( + e + .getExtraInfoList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapExtraInfo) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + return entity; + } + + public static T setResult(T entity, OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { + // setting Entity fields + final ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); + entity + .setAuthor( + m.getAuthorList().stream().map(ProtoConverter::mapAuthor).collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity.setResulttype(mapQualifier(m.getResulttype())); + entity.setLanguage(mapQualifier(m.getLanguage())); + entity + .setCountry( + m + .getCountryList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapQualifierAsCountry) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setSubject( + m + .getSubjectList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setTitle( + m + .getTitleList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setRelevantdate( + m + .getRelevantdateList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setDescription( + m + .getDescriptionList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity.setDateofacceptance(mapStringField(m.getDateofacceptance())); + entity.setPublisher(mapStringField(m.getPublisher())); + entity.setEmbargoenddate(mapStringField(m.getEmbargoenddate())); + entity + .setSource( + m + .getSourceList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setFulltext( + m + .getFulltextList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setFormat( + m + .getFormatList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setContributor( + m + .getContributorList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity.setResourcetype(mapQualifier(m.getResourcetype())); + entity + .setCoverage( + m + .getCoverageList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setContext( + m.getContextList().stream().map(ProtoConverter::mapContext).collect(Collectors.toList())); + + entity.setBestaccessright(getBestAccessRights(oaf.getEntity().getResult().getInstanceList())); + + return entity; + } + + private static Qualifier getBestAccessRights(List instanceList) { + if (instanceList != null) { + final Optional min = instanceList + .stream() + .map(i -> i.getAccessright()) + .min(new LicenseComparator()); + + final Qualifier rights = min.isPresent() ? mapQualifier(min.get()) : new Qualifier(); + + if (StringUtils.isBlank(rights.getClassid())) { + rights.setClassid(UNKNOWN); + } + if (StringUtils.isBlank(rights.getClassname()) + || UNKNOWN.equalsIgnoreCase(rights.getClassname())) { + rights.setClassname(NOT_AVAILABLE); + } + if (StringUtils.isBlank(rights.getSchemeid())) { + rights.setSchemeid(DNET_ACCESS_MODES); + } + if (StringUtils.isBlank(rights.getSchemename())) { + rights.setSchemename(DNET_ACCESS_MODES); + } + + return rights; + } + return null; + } + + private static Context mapContext(ResultProtos.Result.Context context) { + + final Context entity = new Context(); + entity.setId(context.getId()); + entity + .setDataInfo( + context + .getDataInfoList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapDataInfo) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + return entity; + } + + public static KeyValue mapKV(FieldTypeProtos.KeyValue kv) { + final KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue(); + keyValue.setKey(kv.getKey()); + keyValue.setValue(kv.getValue()); + keyValue.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(kv.getDataInfo())); + return keyValue; + } + + public static DataInfo mapDataInfo(FieldTypeProtos.DataInfo d) { + final DataInfo dataInfo = new DataInfo(); + dataInfo.setDeletedbyinference(d.getDeletedbyinference()); + dataInfo.setInferenceprovenance(d.getInferenceprovenance()); + dataInfo.setInferred(d.getInferred()); + dataInfo.setInvisible(d.getInvisible()); + dataInfo.setProvenanceaction(mapQualifier(d.getProvenanceaction())); + dataInfo.setTrust(d.getTrust()); + return dataInfo; + } + + public static Qualifier mapQualifier(FieldTypeProtos.Qualifier q) { + final Qualifier qualifier = new Qualifier(); + qualifier.setClassid(q.getClassid()); + qualifier.setClassname(q.getClassname()); + qualifier.setSchemeid(q.getSchemeid()); + qualifier.setSchemename(q.getSchemename()); + return qualifier; + } + + public static Country mapQualifierAsCountry(FieldTypeProtos.Qualifier q) { + final Country c = new Country(); + c.setClassid(q.getClassid()); + c.setClassname(q.getClassname()); + c.setSchemeid(q.getSchemeid()); + c.setSchemename(q.getSchemename()); + c.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(q.getDataInfo())); + return c; + } + + public static StructuredProperty mapStructuredProperty(FieldTypeProtos.StructuredProperty sp) { + final StructuredProperty structuredProperty = new StructuredProperty(); + structuredProperty.setValue(sp.getValue()); + structuredProperty.setQualifier(mapQualifier(sp.getQualifier())); + structuredProperty.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(sp.getDataInfo())); + return structuredProperty; + } + + public static ExtraInfo mapExtraInfo(FieldTypeProtos.ExtraInfo extraInfo) { + final ExtraInfo entity = new ExtraInfo(); + entity.setName(extraInfo.getName()); + entity.setTypology(extraInfo.getTypology()); + entity.setProvenance(extraInfo.getProvenance()); + entity.setTrust(extraInfo.getTrust()); + entity.setValue(extraInfo.getValue()); + return entity; + } + + public static OAIProvenance mapOAIProvenance(FieldTypeProtos.OAIProvenance oaiProvenance) { + final OAIProvenance entity = new OAIProvenance(); + entity.setOriginDescription(mapOriginalDescription(oaiProvenance.getOriginDescription())); + return entity; + } + + public static OriginDescription mapOriginalDescription( + FieldTypeProtos.OAIProvenance.OriginDescription originDescription) { + final OriginDescription originDescriptionResult = new OriginDescription(); + originDescriptionResult.setHarvestDate(originDescription.getHarvestDate()); + originDescriptionResult.setAltered(originDescription.getAltered()); + originDescriptionResult.setBaseURL(originDescription.getBaseURL()); + originDescriptionResult.setIdentifier(originDescription.getIdentifier()); + originDescriptionResult.setDatestamp(originDescription.getDatestamp()); + originDescriptionResult.setMetadataNamespace(originDescription.getMetadataNamespace()); + return originDescriptionResult; + } + + public static Field mapStringField(FieldTypeProtos.StringField s) { + final Field stringField = new Field<>(); + stringField.setValue(s.getValue()); + stringField.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(s.getDataInfo())); + return stringField; + } + + public static Field mapBoolField(FieldTypeProtos.BoolField b) { + final Field booleanField = new Field<>(); + booleanField.setValue(b.getValue()); + booleanField.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(b.getDataInfo())); + return booleanField; + } + + public static Field mapIntField(FieldTypeProtos.IntField b) { + final Field entity = new Field<>(); + entity.setValue(b.getValue()); + entity.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(b.getDataInfo())); + return entity; + } + + public static Journal mapJournal(FieldTypeProtos.Journal j) { + final Journal journal = new Journal(); + journal.setConferencedate(j.getConferencedate()); + journal.setConferenceplace(j.getConferenceplace()); + journal.setEdition(j.getEdition()); + journal.setEp(j.getEp()); + journal.setIss(j.getIss()); + journal.setIssnLinking(j.getIssnLinking()); + journal.setIssnOnline(j.getIssnOnline()); + journal.setIssnPrinted(j.getIssnPrinted()); + journal.setName(j.getName()); + journal.setSp(j.getSp()); + journal.setVol(j.getVol()); + journal.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(j.getDataInfo())); + return journal; + } + + public static Author mapAuthor(FieldTypeProtos.Author author) { + final Author entity = new Author(); + entity.setFullname(author.getFullname()); + entity.setName(author.getName()); + entity.setSurname(author.getSurname()); + entity.setRank(author.getRank()); + entity + .setPid( + author + .getPidList() + .stream() + .map( + kv -> { + final StructuredProperty sp = new StructuredProperty(); + sp.setValue(kv.getValue()); + final Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); + q.setClassid(kv.getKey()); + q.setClassname(kv.getKey()); + sp.setQualifier(q); + return sp; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + entity + .setAffiliation( + author + .getAffiliationList() + .stream() + .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + return entity; + } + + public static GeoLocation mapGeolocation(ResultProtos.Result.GeoLocation geoLocation) { + final GeoLocation entity = new GeoLocation(); + entity.setPoint(geoLocation.getPoint()); + entity.setBox(geoLocation.getBox()); + entity.setPlace(geoLocation.getPlace()); + return entity; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/TransformActions.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/TransformActions.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..490668606e --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/TransformActions.java @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.migration; + +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.util.LinkedList; +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.Optional; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; +import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; +import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.SequenceFileOutputFormat; +import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.google.common.base.Splitter; +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; +import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException; + +import eu.dnetlib.data.proto.OafProtos; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action.AtomicAction; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import scala.Tuple2; + +public class TransformActions implements Serializable { + + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransformActions.class); + + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + + private static final String SEPARATOR = "/"; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + MigrateActionSet.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/transform_actionsets_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + + final String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); + log.info("isLookupUrl: {}", isLookupUrl); + + final String inputPaths = parser.get("inputPaths"); + + if (StringUtils.isBlank(inputPaths)) { + throw new RuntimeException("empty inputPaths"); + } + log.info("inputPaths: {}", inputPaths); + + final String targetBaseDir = getTargetBaseDir(isLookupUrl); + + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + + runWithSparkSession( + conf, isSparkSessionManaged, spark -> transformActions(inputPaths, targetBaseDir, spark)); + } + + private static void transformActions(String inputPaths, String targetBaseDir, SparkSession spark) + throws IOException { + final JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + + for (String sourcePath : Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(",").split(inputPaths))) { + + LinkedList pathQ = Lists.newLinkedList(Splitter.on(SEPARATOR).split(sourcePath)); + + final String rawset = pathQ.pollLast(); + final String actionSetDirectory = pathQ.pollLast(); + + final Path targetDirectory = new Path(targetBaseDir + SEPARATOR + actionSetDirectory + SEPARATOR + rawset); + + if (fs.exists(targetDirectory)) { + log.info("found target directory '{}", targetDirectory); + fs.delete(targetDirectory, true); + log.info("deleted target directory '{}", targetDirectory); + } + + log.info("transforming actions from '{}' to '{}'", sourcePath, targetDirectory); + + sc + .sequenceFile(sourcePath, Text.class, Text.class) + .map(a -> eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.actions.AtomicAction.fromJSON(a._2().toString())) + .map(TransformActions::doTransform) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .mapToPair( + a -> new Tuple2<>(a.getClazz().toString(), OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(a))) + .mapToPair(t -> new Tuple2(new Text(t._1()), new Text(t._2()))) + .saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile( + targetDirectory.toString(), + Text.class, + Text.class, + SequenceFileOutputFormat.class, + sc.hadoopConfiguration()); + } + } + + private static AtomicAction doTransform(eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.actions.AtomicAction aa) + throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { + + // dedup similarity relations had empty target value, don't migrate them + if (aa.getTargetValue().length == 0) { + return null; + } + final OafProtos.Oaf proto_oaf = OafProtos.Oaf.parseFrom(aa.getTargetValue()); + final Oaf oaf = ProtoConverter.convert(proto_oaf); + switch (proto_oaf.getKind()) { + case entity: + switch (proto_oaf.getEntity().getType()) { + case datasource: + return new AtomicAction<>(Datasource.class, (Datasource) oaf); + case organization: + return new AtomicAction<>(Organization.class, (Organization) oaf); + case project: + return new AtomicAction<>(Project.class, (Project) oaf); + case result: + final String resulttypeid = proto_oaf + .getEntity() + .getResult() + .getMetadata() + .getResulttype() + .getClassid(); + switch (resulttypeid) { + case "publication": + return new AtomicAction<>(Publication.class, (Publication) oaf); + case "software": + return new AtomicAction<>(Software.class, (Software) oaf); + case "other": + return new AtomicAction<>(OtherResearchProduct.class, (OtherResearchProduct) oaf); + case "dataset": + return new AtomicAction<>(Dataset.class, (Dataset) oaf); + default: + // can be an update, where the resulttype is not specified + return new AtomicAction<>(Result.class, (Result) oaf); + } + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException( + "invalid entity type: " + proto_oaf.getEntity().getType()); + } + case relation: + return new AtomicAction<>(Relation.class, (Relation) oaf); + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid kind: " + proto_oaf.getKind()); + } + } + + private static String getTargetBaseDir(String isLookupUrl) throws ISLookUpException { + ISLookUpService isLookUp = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); + String XQUERY = "collection('/db/DRIVER/ServiceResources/ActionManagerServiceResourceType')//SERVICE_PROPERTIES/PROPERTY[@key = 'basePath']/@value/string()"; + return isLookUp.getResourceProfileByQuery(XQUERY); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob.java index 8ba3316267..af3ef0c12e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob.java @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.partition; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.ISClient; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote.PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; +import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*; + +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Optional; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; @@ -14,111 +18,127 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import java.util.Arrays; -import java.util.Collections; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Optional; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.ISClient; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote.PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; -import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*; - -/** - * Partitions given set of action sets by payload type. - */ +/** Partitions given set of action sets by payload type. */ public class PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob { - private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob.class); + private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob.class); - private static final StructType KV_SCHEMA = StructType$.MODULE$.apply( - Arrays.asList( - StructField$.MODULE$.apply("key", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()), - StructField$.MODULE$.apply("value", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()) - )); + private static final StructType KV_SCHEMA = StructType$.MODULE$ + .apply( + Arrays + .asList( + StructField$.MODULE$.apply("key", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()), + StructField$.MODULE$.apply("value", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()))); - private static final StructType ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA = StructType$.MODULE$.apply( - Arrays.asList( - StructField$.MODULE$.apply("clazz", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()), - StructField$.MODULE$.apply("payload", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()) - )); + private static final StructType ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA = StructType$.MODULE$ + .apply( + Arrays + .asList( + StructField$.MODULE$.apply("clazz", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()), + StructField$.MODULE$ + .apply( + "payload", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()))); - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils.toString( - PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/partition_action_sets_by_payload_type_input_parameters.json")); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); - parser.parseArgument(args); + private ISClient isClient; - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - logger.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + public PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob(String isLookupUrl) { + this.isClient = new ISClient(isLookupUrl); + } - String inputActionSetIds = parser.get("inputActionSetIds"); - logger.info("inputActionSetIds: {}", inputActionSetIds); + public PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob() { + } - String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); - logger.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils + .toString( + PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/partition_action_sets_by_payload_type_input_parameters.json")); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); + parser.parseArgument(args); - String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); - logger.info("isLookupUrl: {}", isLookupUrl); + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + logger.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - List inputActionSetPaths = ISClient.getLatestRawsetPaths(isLookupUrl, inputActionSetIds); - logger.info("inputActionSetPaths: {}", String.join(",", inputActionSetPaths)); + String inputActionSetIds = parser.get("inputActionSetIds"); + logger.info("inputActionSetIds: {}", inputActionSetIds); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); + logger.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); - readAndWriteActionSetsFromPaths(spark, inputActionSetPaths, outputPath); - }); - } + String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); + logger.info("isLookupUrl: {}", isLookupUrl); - private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, - String path) { - HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - } + new PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob(isLookupUrl) + .run(isSparkSessionManaged, inputActionSetIds, outputPath); + } - private static void readAndWriteActionSetsFromPaths(SparkSession spark, - List inputActionSetPaths, - String outputPath) { - inputActionSetPaths - .forEach(inputActionSetPath -> { - Dataset actionDS = readActionSetFromPath(spark, inputActionSetPath); - saveActions(actionDS, outputPath); - }); - } + protected void run(Boolean isSparkSessionManaged, String inputActionSetIds, String outputPath) { - private static Dataset readActionSetFromPath(SparkSession spark, - String path) { - logger.info("Reading actions from path: {}", path); + List inputActionSetPaths = getIsClient().getLatestRawsetPaths(inputActionSetIds); + logger.info("inputActionSetPaths: {}", String.join(",", inputActionSetPaths)); - List files = HdfsSupport.listFiles(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - logger.info("Found files: {}", String.join(",", files)); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); - JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - return files - .stream() - .map(file -> { - JavaRDD rdd = sc - .sequenceFile(file, Text.class, Text.class) - .map(x -> RowFactory.create(x._1().toString(), x._2().toString())); - return spark.createDataFrame(rdd, KV_SCHEMA) - .withColumn("atomic_action", from_json(col("value"), ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA)) - .select(expr("atomic_action.*")); - }) - .reduce(spark.createDataFrame(Collections.emptyList(), ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA), Dataset::union); - } + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); + readAndWriteActionSetsFromPaths(spark, inputActionSetPaths, outputPath); + }); + } - private static void saveActions(Dataset actionDS, - String path) { - logger.info("Saving actions to path: {}", path); - actionDS - .write() - .partitionBy("clazz") - .mode(SaveMode.Append) - .parquet(path); - } + private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { + HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + } + + private static void readAndWriteActionSetsFromPaths( + SparkSession spark, List inputActionSetPaths, String outputPath) { + inputActionSetPaths + .stream() + .filter(path -> HdfsSupport.exists(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration())) + .forEach( + inputActionSetPath -> { + Dataset actionDS = readActionSetFromPath(spark, inputActionSetPath); + saveActions(actionDS, outputPath); + }); + } + + private static Dataset readActionSetFromPath(SparkSession spark, String path) { + logger.info("Reading actions from path: {}", path); + + JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + + JavaRDD rdd = sc + .sequenceFile(path, Text.class, Text.class) + .map(x -> RowFactory.create(x._1().toString(), x._2().toString())); + + return spark + .createDataFrame(rdd, KV_SCHEMA) + .withColumn("atomic_action", from_json(col("value"), ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA)) + .select(expr("atomic_action.*")); + } + + private static void saveActions(Dataset actionDS, String path) { + logger.info("Saving actions to path: {}", path); + actionDS.write().partitionBy("clazz").mode(SaveMode.Append).parquet(path); + } + + public ISClient getIsClient() { + return isClient; + } + + public void setIsClient(ISClient isClient) { + this.isClient = isClient; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/MergeAndGet.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/MergeAndGet.java index 19b2104bcd..fbb0729571 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/MergeAndGet.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/MergeAndGet.java @@ -1,74 +1,87 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport.isSubClass; + +import java.util.function.BiFunction; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import java.util.function.BiFunction; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport.isSubClass; - -/** - * OAF model merging support. - */ +/** OAF model merging support. */ public class MergeAndGet { - private MergeAndGet() { - } + private MergeAndGet() { + } - /** - * Strategy for merging OAF model objects. - *

- * MERGE_FROM_AND_GET: use OAF 'mergeFrom' method - * SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET: use last update timestamp to return newer instance - */ - public enum Strategy { - MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET - } + /** + * Strategy for merging OAF model objects. + *

+ * MERGE_FROM_AND_GET: use OAF 'mergeFrom' method SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET: use last update timestamp to return newer + * instance + */ + public enum Strategy { + MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET + } - /** - * Returns a function for merging OAF model objects. - * - * @param strategy Strategy to be used to merge objects - * @param Graph table type - * @param Action payload type - * @return BiFunction to be used to merge OAF objects - */ - public static SerializableSupplier> functionFor(Strategy strategy) { - switch (strategy) { - case MERGE_FROM_AND_GET: - return () -> MergeAndGet::mergeFromAndGet; - case SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET: - return () -> MergeAndGet::selectNewerAndGet; - } - throw new RuntimeException(); - } + /** + * Returns a function for merging OAF model objects. + * + * @param strategy Strategy to be used to merge objects + * @param Graph table type + * @param Action payload type + * @return BiFunction to be used to merge OAF objects + */ + public static SerializableSupplier> functionFor( + Strategy strategy) { + switch (strategy) { + case MERGE_FROM_AND_GET: + return () -> MergeAndGet::mergeFromAndGet; + case SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET: + return () -> MergeAndGet::selectNewerAndGet; + } + throw new RuntimeException(); + } - private static G mergeFromAndGet(G x, A y) { - if (isSubClass(x, Relation.class) && isSubClass(y, Relation.class)) { - ((Relation) x).mergeFrom((Relation) y); - return x; - } else if (isSubClass(x, OafEntity.class) && isSubClass(y, OafEntity.class) && isSubClass(x, y)) { - ((OafEntity) x).mergeFrom((OafEntity) y); - return x; - } - throw new RuntimeException(String.format("MERGE_FROM_AND_GET incompatible types: %s, %s", - x.getClass().getCanonicalName(), y.getClass().getCanonicalName())); - } + private static G mergeFromAndGet(G x, A y) { + if (isSubClass(x, Relation.class) && isSubClass(y, Relation.class)) { + ((Relation) x).mergeFrom((Relation) y); + return x; + } else if (isSubClass(x, OafEntity.class) + && isSubClass(y, OafEntity.class) + && isSubClass(x, y)) { + ((OafEntity) x).mergeFrom((OafEntity) y); + return x; + } + throw new RuntimeException( + String + .format( + "MERGE_FROM_AND_GET incompatible types: %s, %s", + x.getClass().getCanonicalName(), y.getClass().getCanonicalName())); + } - private static G selectNewerAndGet(G x, A y) { - if (x.getClass().equals(y.getClass()) && x.getLastupdatetimestamp() > y.getLastupdatetimestamp()) { - return x; - } else if (x.getClass().equals(y.getClass()) && x.getLastupdatetimestamp() < y.getLastupdatetimestamp()) { - return (G) y; - } else if (isSubClass(x, y) && x.getLastupdatetimestamp() > y.getLastupdatetimestamp()) { - return x; - } else if (isSubClass(x, y) && x.getLastupdatetimestamp() < y.getLastupdatetimestamp()) { - throw new RuntimeException(String.format("SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET cannot return right type when it is not the same as left type: %s, %s", - x.getClass().getCanonicalName(), y.getClass().getCanonicalName())); - } - throw new RuntimeException(String.format("SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET cannot be used when left is not subtype of right: %s, %s", - x.getClass().getCanonicalName(), y.getClass().getCanonicalName())); - } + private static G selectNewerAndGet(G x, A y) { + if (x.getClass().equals(y.getClass()) + && x.getLastupdatetimestamp() > y.getLastupdatetimestamp()) { + return x; + } else if (x.getClass().equals(y.getClass()) + && x.getLastupdatetimestamp() < y.getLastupdatetimestamp()) { + return (G) y; + } else if (isSubClass(x, y) && x.getLastupdatetimestamp() > y.getLastupdatetimestamp()) { + return x; + } else if (isSubClass(x, y) && x.getLastupdatetimestamp() < y.getLastupdatetimestamp()) { + throw new RuntimeException( + String + .format( + "SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET cannot return right type when it is not the same as left type: %s, %s", + x.getClass().getCanonicalName(), y.getClass().getCanonicalName())); + } + throw new RuntimeException( + String + .format( + "SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET cannot be used when left is not subtype of right: %s, %s", + x.getClass().getCanonicalName(), y.getClass().getCanonicalName())); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.java index 68bb35c2bb..17bfc4af36 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.java @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport.isSubClass; + +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.Optional; +import java.util.function.BiFunction; +import java.util.function.Function; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; @@ -16,231 +19,207 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import java.util.Objects; -import java.util.Optional; -import java.util.function.BiFunction; -import java.util.function.Function; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport.isSubClass; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -/** - * Applies a given action payload file to graph table of compatible type. - */ +/** Applies a given action payload file to graph table of compatible type. */ public class PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob { - private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.class); + private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.class); - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils.toString( - PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/promote_action_payload_for_graph_table_input_parameters.json")); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); - parser.parseArgument(args); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils + .toString( + PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/promote_action_payload_for_graph_table_input_parameters.json")); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); + parser.parseArgument(args); - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - logger.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + logger.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - String inputGraphTablePath = parser.get("inputGraphTablePath"); - logger.info("inputGraphTablePath: {}", inputGraphTablePath); + String inputGraphTablePath = parser.get("inputGraphTablePath"); + logger.info("inputGraphTablePath: {}", inputGraphTablePath); - String graphTableClassName = parser.get("graphTableClassName"); - logger.info("graphTableClassName: {}", graphTableClassName); + String graphTableClassName = parser.get("graphTableClassName"); + logger.info("graphTableClassName: {}", graphTableClassName); - String inputActionPayloadPath = parser.get("inputActionPayloadPath"); - logger.info("inputActionPayloadPath: {}", inputActionPayloadPath); + String inputActionPayloadPath = parser.get("inputActionPayloadPath"); + logger.info("inputActionPayloadPath: {}", inputActionPayloadPath); - String actionPayloadClassName = parser.get("actionPayloadClassName"); - logger.info("actionPayloadClassName: {}", actionPayloadClassName); + String actionPayloadClassName = parser.get("actionPayloadClassName"); + logger.info("actionPayloadClassName: {}", actionPayloadClassName); - String outputGraphTablePath = parser.get("outputGraphTablePath"); - logger.info("outputGraphTablePath: {}", outputGraphTablePath); + String outputGraphTablePath = parser.get("outputGraphTablePath"); + logger.info("outputGraphTablePath: {}", outputGraphTablePath); - MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy = MergeAndGet.Strategy.valueOf(parser.get("mergeAndGetStrategy").toUpperCase()); - logger.info("strategy: {}", strategy); + MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy = MergeAndGet.Strategy.valueOf(parser.get("mergeAndGetStrategy").toUpperCase()); + logger.info("strategy: {}", strategy); - Class rowClazz = (Class) Class.forName(graphTableClassName); - Class actionPayloadClazz = (Class) Class.forName(actionPayloadClassName); + Class rowClazz = (Class) Class.forName(graphTableClassName); + Class actionPayloadClazz = (Class) Class.forName(actionPayloadClassName); - throwIfGraphTableClassIsNotSubClassOfActionPayloadClass(rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz); + throwIfGraphTableClassIsNotSubClassOfActionPayloadClass(rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); - conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, outputGraphTablePath); - promoteActionPayloadForGraphTable(spark, - inputGraphTablePath, - inputActionPayloadPath, - outputGraphTablePath, - strategy, - rowClazz, - actionPayloadClazz); - }); - } + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, outputGraphTablePath); + promoteActionPayloadForGraphTable( + spark, + inputGraphTablePath, + inputActionPayloadPath, + outputGraphTablePath, + strategy, + rowClazz, + actionPayloadClazz); + }); + } - private static void throwIfGraphTableClassIsNotSubClassOfActionPayloadClass(Class rowClazz, - Class actionPayloadClazz) { - if (!isSubClass(rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz)) { - String msg = String.format("graph table class is not a subclass of action payload class: graph=%s, action=%s", - rowClazz.getCanonicalName(), actionPayloadClazz.getCanonicalName()); - throw new RuntimeException(msg); - } - } + private static void throwIfGraphTableClassIsNotSubClassOfActionPayloadClass( + Class rowClazz, Class actionPayloadClazz) { + if (!isSubClass(rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz)) { + String msg = String + .format( + "graph table class is not a subclass of action payload class: graph=%s, action=%s", + rowClazz.getCanonicalName(), actionPayloadClazz.getCanonicalName()); + throw new RuntimeException(msg); + } + } - private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, - String path) { - HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - } + private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { + HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + } - private static void promoteActionPayloadForGraphTable(SparkSession spark, - String inputGraphTablePath, - String inputActionPayloadPath, - String outputGraphTablePath, - MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy, - Class rowClazz, - Class actionPayloadClazz) { - Dataset rowDS = readGraphTable(spark, inputGraphTablePath, rowClazz); - Dataset actionPayloadDS = readActionPayload(spark, inputActionPayloadPath, actionPayloadClazz); + private static void promoteActionPayloadForGraphTable( + SparkSession spark, + String inputGraphTablePath, + String inputActionPayloadPath, + String outputGraphTablePath, + MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy, + Class rowClazz, + Class actionPayloadClazz) { + Dataset rowDS = readGraphTable(spark, inputGraphTablePath, rowClazz); + Dataset actionPayloadDS = readActionPayload(spark, inputActionPayloadPath, actionPayloadClazz); - Dataset result = promoteActionPayloadForGraphTable(rowDS, actionPayloadDS, strategy, rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz) - .map((MapFunction) value -> value, Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); + Dataset result = promoteActionPayloadForGraphTable( + rowDS, actionPayloadDS, strategy, rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz) + .map((MapFunction) value -> value, Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); - saveGraphTable(result, outputGraphTablePath); - } + saveGraphTable(result, outputGraphTablePath); + } - private static Dataset readGraphTable(SparkSession spark, - String path, - Class rowClazz) { - logger.info("Reading graph table from path: {}", path); - return spark - .read() - .parquet(path) - .as(Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); - } + private static Dataset readGraphTable( + SparkSession spark, String path, Class rowClazz) { + logger.info("Reading graph table from path: {}", path); - private static Dataset readActionPayload(SparkSession spark, - String path, - Class actionPayloadClazz) { - logger.info("Reading action payload from path: {}", path); - return spark - .read() - .parquet(path) - .map((MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value.getAs("payload"), - actionPayloadClazz), Encoders.bean(actionPayloadClazz)); - } + return spark + .read() + .textFile(path) + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, rowClazz), + Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); - private static Dataset promoteActionPayloadForGraphTable(Dataset rowDS, - Dataset actionPayloadDS, - MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy, - Class rowClazz, - Class actionPayloadClazz) { - logger.info("Promoting action payload for graph table: payload={}, table={}", actionPayloadClazz.getSimpleName(), rowClazz.getSimpleName()); + /* + * return spark .read() .parquet(path) .as(Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); + */ + } - SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn = PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob::idFn; - SerializableSupplier> actionPayloadIdFn = PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob::idFn; - SerializableSupplier> mergeRowWithActionPayloadAndGetFn = MergeAndGet.functionFor(strategy); - SerializableSupplier> mergeRowsAndGetFn = MergeAndGet.functionFor(strategy); - SerializableSupplier zeroFn = zeroFn(rowClazz); - SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn = PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob::isNotZeroFnUsingIdOrSource; + private static Dataset readActionPayload( + SparkSession spark, String path, Class actionPayloadClazz) { + logger.info("Reading action payload from path: {}", path); + return spark + .read() + .parquet(path) + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER + .readValue(value. getAs("payload"), actionPayloadClazz), + Encoders.bean(actionPayloadClazz)); + } - Dataset joinedAndMerged = PromoteActionPayloadFunctions - .joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge( - rowDS, - actionPayloadDS, - rowIdFn, - actionPayloadIdFn, - mergeRowWithActionPayloadAndGetFn, - rowClazz, - actionPayloadClazz); + private static Dataset promoteActionPayloadForGraphTable( + Dataset rowDS, + Dataset actionPayloadDS, + MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy, + Class rowClazz, + Class actionPayloadClazz) { + logger + .info( + "Promoting action payload for graph table: payload={}, table={}", + actionPayloadClazz.getSimpleName(), + rowClazz.getSimpleName()); - return PromoteActionPayloadFunctions - .groupGraphTableByIdAndMerge( - joinedAndMerged, - rowIdFn, - mergeRowsAndGetFn, - zeroFn, - isNotZeroFn, - rowClazz); - } + SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn = ModelSupport::idFn; + SerializableSupplier> actionPayloadIdFn = ModelSupport::idFn; + SerializableSupplier> mergeRowWithActionPayloadAndGetFn = MergeAndGet.functionFor(strategy); + SerializableSupplier> mergeRowsAndGetFn = MergeAndGet.functionFor(strategy); + SerializableSupplier zeroFn = zeroFn(rowClazz); + SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn = PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob::isNotZeroFnUsingIdOrSource; - private static Function idFn() { - return x -> { - if (isSubClass(x, Relation.class)) { - return idFnForRelation(x); - } - return idFnForOafEntity(x); - }; - } + Dataset joinedAndMerged = PromoteActionPayloadFunctions + .joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge( + rowDS, + actionPayloadDS, + rowIdFn, + actionPayloadIdFn, + mergeRowWithActionPayloadAndGetFn, + rowClazz, + actionPayloadClazz); - private static String idFnForRelation(T t) { - Relation r = (Relation) t; - return Optional.ofNullable(r.getSource()) - .map(source -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getTarget()) - .map(target -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getRelType()) - .map(relType -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getSubRelType()) - .map(subRelType -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getRelClass()) - .map(relClass -> String.join(source, target, relType, subRelType, relClass)) - .orElse(String.join(source, target, relType, subRelType)) - ) - .orElse(String.join(source, target, relType)) - ) - .orElse(String.join(source, target)) - ) - .orElse(source) - ) - .orElse(null); - } + return PromoteActionPayloadFunctions + .groupGraphTableByIdAndMerge( + joinedAndMerged, rowIdFn, mergeRowsAndGetFn, zeroFn, isNotZeroFn, rowClazz); + } - private static String idFnForOafEntity(T t) { - return ((OafEntity) t).getId(); - } + private static SerializableSupplier zeroFn(Class clazz) { + switch (clazz.getCanonicalName()) { + case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset": + return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset()); + case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Datasource": + return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Datasource()); + case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Organization": + return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Organization()); + case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OtherResearchProduct": + return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OtherResearchProduct()); + case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Project": + return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Project()); + case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication": + return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication()); + case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation": + return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation()); + case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Software": + return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Software()); + default: + throw new RuntimeException("unknown class: " + clazz.getCanonicalName()); + } + } - private static SerializableSupplier zeroFn(Class clazz) { - switch (clazz.getCanonicalName()) { - case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset": - return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset()); - case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Datasource": - return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Datasource()); - case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Organization": - return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Organization()); - case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OtherResearchProduct": - return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OtherResearchProduct()); - case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Project": - return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Project()); - case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication": - return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication()); - case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation": - return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation()); - case "eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Software": - return () -> clazz.cast(new eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Software()); - default: - throw new RuntimeException("unknown class: " + clazz.getCanonicalName()); - } - } + private static Function isNotZeroFnUsingIdOrSource() { + return t -> { + if (isSubClass(t, Relation.class)) { + return Objects.nonNull(((Relation) t).getSource()); + } + return Objects.nonNull(((OafEntity) t).getId()); + }; + } - private static Function isNotZeroFnUsingIdOrSource() { - return t -> { - if (isSubClass(t, Relation.class)) { - return Objects.nonNull(((Relation) t).getSource()); - } - return Objects.nonNull(((OafEntity) t).getId()); - }; - } - - private static void saveGraphTable(Dataset result, - String path) { - logger.info("Saving graph table to path: {}", path); - result - .toJSON() - .write() - .option("compression", "gzip") - .text(path); - } + private static void saveGraphTable(Dataset result, String path) { + logger.info("Saving graph table to path: {}", path); + result.toJSON().write().option("compression", "gzip").text(path); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadFunctions.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadFunctions.java index fda86cb194..56c8dd05a1 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadFunctions.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadFunctions.java @@ -1,7 +1,13 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport.isSubClass; + +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.Optional; +import java.util.function.BiFunction; +import java.util.function.Function; + import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.FilterFunction; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; @@ -9,162 +15,170 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoder; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.TypedColumn; import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.Objects; -import java.util.Optional; -import java.util.function.BiFunction; -import java.util.function.Function; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport.isSubClass; - -/** - * Promote action payload functions. - */ +/** Promote action payload functions. */ public class PromoteActionPayloadFunctions { - private PromoteActionPayloadFunctions() { - } + private PromoteActionPayloadFunctions() { + } - /** - * Joins dataset representing graph table with dataset representing action payload using supplied functions. - * - * @param rowDS Dataset representing graph table - * @param actionPayloadDS Dataset representing action payload - * @param rowIdFn Function used to get the id of graph table row - * @param actionPayloadIdFn Function used to get id of action payload instance - * @param mergeAndGetFn Function used to merge graph table row and action payload instance - * @param rowClazz Class of graph table - * @param actionPayloadClazz Class of action payload - * @param Type of graph table row - * @param Type of action payload instance - * @return Dataset of merged graph table rows and action payload instances - */ - public static Dataset joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge(Dataset rowDS, - Dataset actionPayloadDS, - SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn, - SerializableSupplier> actionPayloadIdFn, - SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn, - Class rowClazz, - Class actionPayloadClazz) { - if (!isSubClass(rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz)) { - throw new RuntimeException("action payload type must be the same or be a super type of table row type"); - } + /** + * Joins dataset representing graph table with dataset representing action payload using supplied functions. + * + * @param rowDS Dataset representing graph table + * @param actionPayloadDS Dataset representing action payload + * @param rowIdFn Function used to get the id of graph table row + * @param actionPayloadIdFn Function used to get id of action payload instance + * @param mergeAndGetFn Function used to merge graph table row and action payload instance + * @param rowClazz Class of graph table + * @param actionPayloadClazz Class of action payload + * @param Type of graph table row + * @param Type of action payload instance + * @return Dataset of merged graph table rows and action payload instances + */ + public static Dataset joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge( + Dataset rowDS, + Dataset actionPayloadDS, + SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn, + SerializableSupplier> actionPayloadIdFn, + SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn, + Class rowClazz, + Class actionPayloadClazz) { + if (!isSubClass(rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz)) { + throw new RuntimeException( + "action payload type must be the same or be a super type of table row type"); + } - Dataset> rowWithIdDS = mapToTupleWithId(rowDS, rowIdFn, rowClazz); - Dataset> actionPayloadWithIdDS = mapToTupleWithId(actionPayloadDS, actionPayloadIdFn, actionPayloadClazz); + Dataset> rowWithIdDS = mapToTupleWithId(rowDS, rowIdFn, rowClazz); + Dataset> actionPayloadWithIdDS = mapToTupleWithId( + actionPayloadDS, actionPayloadIdFn, actionPayloadClazz); - return rowWithIdDS - .joinWith(actionPayloadWithIdDS, rowWithIdDS.col("_1").equalTo(actionPayloadWithIdDS.col("_1")), "full_outer") - .map((MapFunction, Tuple2>, G>) value -> { - Optional rowOpt = Optional.ofNullable(value._1()).map(Tuple2::_2); - Optional actionPayloadOpt = Optional.ofNullable(value._2()).map(Tuple2::_2); - return rowOpt - .map(row -> actionPayloadOpt - .map(actionPayload -> mergeAndGetFn.get().apply(row, actionPayload)) - .orElse(row)) - .orElseGet(() -> actionPayloadOpt - .filter(actionPayload -> actionPayload.getClass().equals(rowClazz)) - .map(rowClazz::cast) - .orElse(null)); - }, Encoders.kryo(rowClazz)) - .filter((FilterFunction) Objects::nonNull); - } + return rowWithIdDS + .joinWith( + actionPayloadWithIdDS, + rowWithIdDS.col("_1").equalTo(actionPayloadWithIdDS.col("_1")), + "full_outer") + .map( + (MapFunction, Tuple2>, G>) value -> { + Optional rowOpt = Optional.ofNullable(value._1()).map(Tuple2::_2); + Optional actionPayloadOpt = Optional.ofNullable(value._2()).map(Tuple2::_2); + return rowOpt + .map( + row -> actionPayloadOpt + .map( + actionPayload -> mergeAndGetFn.get().apply(row, actionPayload)) + .orElse(row)) + .orElseGet( + () -> actionPayloadOpt + .filter( + actionPayload -> actionPayload.getClass().equals(rowClazz)) + .map(rowClazz::cast) + .orElse(null)); + }, + Encoders.kryo(rowClazz)) + .filter((FilterFunction) Objects::nonNull); + } - private static Dataset> mapToTupleWithId(Dataset ds, - SerializableSupplier> idFn, - Class clazz) { - return ds - .map((MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>(idFn.get().apply(value), value), - Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))); - } + private static Dataset> mapToTupleWithId( + Dataset ds, SerializableSupplier> idFn, Class clazz) { + return ds + .map( + (MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>(idFn.get().apply(value), value), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))); + } - /** - * Groups graph table by id and aggregates using supplied functions. - * - * @param rowDS Dataset representing graph table - * @param rowIdFn Function used to get the id of graph table row - * @param mergeAndGetFn Function used to merge graph table rows - * @param zeroFn Function to create a zero/empty instance of graph table row - * @param isNotZeroFn Function to check if graph table row is not zero/empty - * @param rowClazz Class of graph table - * @param Type of graph table row - * @return Dataset of aggregated graph table rows - */ - public static Dataset groupGraphTableByIdAndMerge(Dataset rowDS, - SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn, - SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn, - SerializableSupplier zeroFn, - SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn, - Class rowClazz) { - TypedColumn aggregator = new TableAggregator<>(zeroFn, mergeAndGetFn, isNotZeroFn, rowClazz).toColumn(); - return rowDS - .groupByKey((MapFunction) x -> rowIdFn.get().apply(x), Encoders.STRING()) - .agg(aggregator) - .map((MapFunction, G>) Tuple2::_2, Encoders.kryo(rowClazz)); - } + /** + * Groups graph table by id and aggregates using supplied functions. + * + * @param rowDS Dataset representing graph table + * @param rowIdFn Function used to get the id of graph table row + * @param mergeAndGetFn Function used to merge graph table rows + * @param zeroFn Function to create a zero/empty instance of graph table row + * @param isNotZeroFn Function to check if graph table row is not zero/empty + * @param rowClazz Class of graph table + * @param Type of graph table row + * @return Dataset of aggregated graph table rows + */ + public static Dataset groupGraphTableByIdAndMerge( + Dataset rowDS, + SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn, + SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn, + SerializableSupplier zeroFn, + SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn, + Class rowClazz) { + TypedColumn aggregator = new TableAggregator<>(zeroFn, mergeAndGetFn, isNotZeroFn, rowClazz).toColumn(); + return rowDS + .groupByKey((MapFunction) x -> rowIdFn.get().apply(x), Encoders.STRING()) + .agg(aggregator) + .map((MapFunction, G>) Tuple2::_2, Encoders.kryo(rowClazz)); + } - /** - * Aggregator to be used for aggregating graph table rows during grouping. - * - * @param Type of graph table row - */ - public static class TableAggregator extends Aggregator { - private SerializableSupplier zeroFn; - private SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn; - private SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn; - private Class rowClazz; + /** + * Aggregator to be used for aggregating graph table rows during grouping. + * + * @param Type of graph table row + */ + public static class TableAggregator extends Aggregator { + private final SerializableSupplier zeroFn; + private final SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn; + private final SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn; + private final Class rowClazz; - public TableAggregator(SerializableSupplier zeroFn, - SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn, - SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn, - Class rowClazz) { - this.zeroFn = zeroFn; - this.mergeAndGetFn = mergeAndGetFn; - this.isNotZeroFn = isNotZeroFn; - this.rowClazz = rowClazz; - } + public TableAggregator( + SerializableSupplier zeroFn, + SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn, + SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn, + Class rowClazz) { + this.zeroFn = zeroFn; + this.mergeAndGetFn = mergeAndGetFn; + this.isNotZeroFn = isNotZeroFn; + this.rowClazz = rowClazz; + } - @Override - public G zero() { - return zeroFn.get(); - } + @Override + public G zero() { + return zeroFn.get(); + } - @Override - public G reduce(G b, G a) { - return zeroSafeMergeAndGet(b, a); - } + @Override + public G reduce(G b, G a) { + return zeroSafeMergeAndGet(b, a); + } - @Override - public G merge(G b1, G b2) { - return zeroSafeMergeAndGet(b1, b2); - } + @Override + public G merge(G b1, G b2) { + return zeroSafeMergeAndGet(b1, b2); + } - private G zeroSafeMergeAndGet(G left, G right) { - Function isNotZero = isNotZeroFn.get(); - if (isNotZero.apply(left) && isNotZero.apply(right)) { - return mergeAndGetFn.get().apply(left, right); - } else if (isNotZero.apply(left) && !isNotZero.apply(right)) { - return left; - } else if (!isNotZero.apply(left) && isNotZero.apply(right)) { - return right; - } - throw new RuntimeException("internal aggregation error: left and right objects are zero"); - } + private G zeroSafeMergeAndGet(G left, G right) { + Function isNotZero = isNotZeroFn.get(); + if (isNotZero.apply(left) && isNotZero.apply(right)) { + return mergeAndGetFn.get().apply(left, right); + } else if (isNotZero.apply(left) && !isNotZero.apply(right)) { + return left; + } else if (!isNotZero.apply(left) && isNotZero.apply(right)) { + return right; + } + throw new RuntimeException("internal aggregation error: left and right objects are zero"); + } - @Override - public G finish(G reduction) { - return reduction; - } + @Override + public G finish(G reduction) { + return reduction; + } - @Override - public Encoder bufferEncoder() { - return Encoders.kryo(rowClazz); - } + @Override + public Encoder bufferEncoder() { + return Encoders.kryo(rowClazz); + } - @Override - public Encoder outputEncoder() { - return Encoders.kryo(rowClazz); - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file + @Override + public Encoder outputEncoder() { + return Encoders.kryo(rowClazz); + } + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/migrate_actionsets_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/migrate_actionsets_parameters.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c7b931c44a --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/migrate_actionsets_parameters.json @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +[ + { + "paramName": "issm", + "paramLongName": "isSparkSessionManaged", + "paramDescription": "when true will stop SparkSession after job execution", + "paramRequired": false + }, + { + "paramName": "is", + "paramLongName": "isLookupUrl", + "paramDescription": "URL of the isLookUp Service", + "paramRequired": true + }, + { + "paramName": "sn", + "paramLongName": "sourceNameNode", + "paramDescription": "nameNode of the source cluster", + "paramRequired": true + }, + { + "paramName": "tn", + "paramLongName": "targetNameNode", + "paramDescription": "namoNode of the target cluster", + "paramRequired": true + }, + { + "paramName": "w", + "paramLongName": "workingDirectory", + "paramDescription": "working directory", + "paramRequired": true + }, + { + "paramName": "nm", + "paramLongName": "distcp_num_maps", + "paramDescription": "maximum number of map tasks used in the distcp process", + "paramRequired": true + }, + { + "paramName": "mm", + "paramLongName": "distcp_memory_mb", + "paramDescription": "memory for distcp action copying actionsets from remote cluster", + "paramRequired": true + }, + { + "paramName": "tt", + "paramLongName": "distcp_task_timeout", + "paramDescription": "timeout for distcp copying actions from remote cluster", + "paramRequired": true + }, + { + "paramName": "tr", + "paramLongName": "transform_only", + "paramDescription": "activate tranform-only mode. Only apply transformation step", + "paramRequired": true + } +] diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/transform_actionsets_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/transform_actionsets_parameters.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85c39c5b31 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/migration/transform_actionsets_parameters.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +[ + { + "paramName": "issm", + "paramLongName": "isSparkSessionManaged", + "paramDescription": "when true will stop SparkSession after job execution", + "paramRequired": false + }, + { + "paramName": "is", + "paramLongName": "isLookupUrl", + "paramDescription": "URL of the isLookUp Service", + "paramRequired": true + }, + { + "paramName": "i", + "paramLongName": "inputPaths", + "paramDescription": "URL of the isLookUp Service", + "paramRequired": true + } +] diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/dataset/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/dataset/oozie_app/workflow.xml index 27c272aea9..f95349935e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/dataset/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/dataset/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ + + + -pb ${inputGraphRootPath}/dataset ${workingDir}/dataset @@ -166,6 +169,9 @@ + + + -pb ${workingDir}/dataset ${outputGraphRootPath}/dataset diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/datasource/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/datasource/oozie_app/workflow.xml index 800f29b177..c85ba4ac1c 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/datasource/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/datasource/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ + + + -pb ${inputGraphRootPath}/datasource ${outputGraphRootPath}/datasource diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/wfs/actions/oozie_app/config-default.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/migration/oozie_app/config-default.xml similarity index 100% rename from dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/wfs/actions/oozie_app/config-default.xml rename to dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/migration/oozie_app/config-default.xml diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/wfs/actions/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/migration/oozie_app/workflow.xml similarity index 63% rename from dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/wfs/actions/oozie_app/workflow.xml rename to dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/migration/oozie_app/workflow.xml index ed01c8de4c..d8888de9df 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/wfs/actions/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/migration/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ workingDirectory - /tmp/actionsets working directory @@ -44,6 +43,20 @@ sparkExecutorCores number of cores used by single executor + + oozieActionShareLibForSpark2 + oozie action sharelib for spark 2.* + + + spark2ExtraListeners + com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener + spark 2.* extra listeners classname + + + spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners + com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener + spark 2.* sql query execution listeners classname + spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress spark 2.* yarn history server address @@ -66,23 +79,27 @@ oozie.launcher.mapred.job.queue.name ${oozieLauncherQueueName} + + oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark + ${oozieActionShareLibForSpark2} + - + - + - eu.dnetlib.dhp.migration.actions.MigrateActionSet + eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.migration.MigrateActionSet -Dmapred.task.timeout=${distcp_task_timeout} - -is${isLookupUrl} - -sn${sourceNN} - -tn${nameNode} - -w${workingDirectory} - -nm${distcp_num_maps} - -mm${distcp_memory_mb} - -tt${distcp_task_timeout} - -tr${transform_only} + --isLookupUrl${isLookupUrl} + --sourceNameNode${sourceNN} + --targetNameNode${nameNode} + --workingDirectory${workingDirectory} + --distcp_num_maps${distcp_num_maps} + --distcp_memory_mb${distcp_memory_mb} + --distcp_task_timeout${distcp_task_timeout} + --transform_only${transform_only} @@ -94,19 +111,18 @@ yarn cluster transform_actions - eu.dnetlib.dhp.migration.actions.TransformActions - dhp-aggregation-${projectVersion}.jar + eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.migration.TransformActions + dhp-actionmanager-${projectVersion}.jar - --executor-cores ${sparkExecutorCores} - --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} + --executor-cores=${sparkExecutorCores} + --executor-memory=${sparkExecutorMemory} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} - --conf spark.extraListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener" - --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener" + --conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners} + --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners} --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} - -mtyarn - -is${isLookupUrl} + --isLookupUrl${isLookupUrl} --inputPaths${wf:actionData('migrate_actionsets')['target_paths']} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/organization/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/organization/oozie_app/workflow.xml index a6c6220e43..412cad70bc 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/organization/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/organization/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ + + + -pb ${inputGraphRootPath}/organization ${outputGraphRootPath}/organization diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/otherresearchproduct/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/otherresearchproduct/oozie_app/workflow.xml index 4b65de3df5..0deb1b945c 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/otherresearchproduct/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/otherresearchproduct/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ + + + -pb ${inputGraphRootPath}/otherresearchproduct ${workingDir}/otherresearchproduct @@ -165,6 +168,9 @@ + + + -pb ${workingDir}/otherresearchproduct ${outputGraphRootPath}/otherresearchproduct diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/project/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/project/oozie_app/workflow.xml index c73fea96e3..daf48e9d78 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/project/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/project/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ + + + -pb ${inputGraphRootPath}/project ${outputGraphRootPath}/project diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/publication/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/publication/oozie_app/workflow.xml index 35be128da9..70400a123c 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/publication/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/publication/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ + + + -pb ${inputGraphRootPath}/publication ${workingDir}/publication @@ -166,6 +169,9 @@ + + + -pb ${workingDir}/publication ${outputGraphRootPath}/publication diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/relation/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/relation/oozie_app/workflow.xml index f64301c70d..a7dce8f2f7 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/relation/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/relation/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -114,6 +114,9 @@ + + + -pb ${inputGraphRootPath}/relation ${outputGraphRootPath}/relation diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/software/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/software/oozie_app/workflow.xml index 397184c915..396e277217 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/software/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/wf/software/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ + + + -pb ${inputGraphRootPath}/software ${workingDir}/software @@ -165,6 +168,9 @@ + + + -pb ${workingDir}/software ${outputGraphRootPath}/software diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJobTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJobTest.java index 2761a7c89f..f51c697f40 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJobTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJobTest.java @@ -1,8 +1,18 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.partition; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote.PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.ThrowingSupport.rethrowAsRuntimeException; +import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertIterableEquals; +import static scala.collection.JavaConversions.mutableSeqAsJavaList; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.nio.file.Files; +import java.nio.file.Path; +import java.nio.file.Paths; +import java.util.*; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; @@ -15,176 +25,217 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.Row; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.apache.spark.sql.types.*; import org.junit.jupiter.api.*; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith; import org.junit.jupiter.api.io.TempDir; +import org.mockito.Mock; +import org.mockito.Mockito; +import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.ISClient; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote.PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import scala.Tuple2; import scala.collection.mutable.Seq; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.nio.file.Files; -import java.nio.file.Path; -import java.nio.file.Paths; -import java.util.*; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.ThrowingSupport.rethrowAsRuntimeException; -import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertIterableEquals; -import static scala.collection.JavaConversions.mutableSeqAsJavaList; - +@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) public class PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJobTest { - private static final ClassLoader cl = PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJobTest.class.getClassLoader(); + private static final ClassLoader cl = PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJobTest.class.getClassLoader(); - private static Configuration configuration; - private static SparkSession spark; + private static Configuration configuration; + private static SparkSession spark; - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - private static final StructType ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA = StructType$.MODULE$.apply( - Arrays.asList( - StructField$.MODULE$.apply("clazz", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()), - StructField$.MODULE$.apply("payload", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()) - )); + private static final StructType ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA = StructType$.MODULE$ + .apply( + Arrays + .asList( + StructField$.MODULE$.apply("clazz", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()), + StructField$.MODULE$ + .apply( + "payload", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()))); - @BeforeAll - public static void beforeAll() throws IOException { - configuration = Job.getInstance().getConfiguration(); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.setAppName(PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); - conf.setMaster("local"); - conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); - spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); - } + @BeforeAll + public static void beforeAll() throws IOException { + configuration = Job.getInstance().getConfiguration(); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.setAppName(PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); + conf.setMaster("local"); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); + } - @AfterAll - public static void afterAll() { - spark.stop(); - } + @AfterAll + public static void afterAll() { + spark.stop(); + } - @DisplayName("Job") - @Nested - class Main { + @DisplayName("Job") + @Nested + class Main { - @Test - public void shouldPartitionActionSetsByPayloadType(@TempDir Path workingDir) throws Exception { - // given - Path inputActionSetsDir = workingDir.resolve("input").resolve("action_sets"); - Path outputDir = workingDir.resolve("output"); + @Mock + private ISClient isClient; - Map> oafsByClassName = createActionSets(inputActionSetsDir); + @Test + public void shouldPartitionActionSetsByPayloadType(@TempDir Path workingDir) throws Exception { + // given + Path inputActionSetsBaseDir = workingDir.resolve("input").resolve("action_sets"); + Path outputDir = workingDir.resolve("output"); - // when - PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob.main(new String[]{ - "-isSparkSessionManaged", Boolean.FALSE.toString(), - "-inputActionSetPaths", inputActionSetsDir.toString(), - "-outputPath", outputDir.toString() - }); + Map> oafsByClassName = createActionSets(inputActionSetsBaseDir); - // then - Files.exists(outputDir); + List inputActionSetsPaths = resolveInputActionSetPaths(inputActionSetsBaseDir); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Datasource.class); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Organization.class); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, OtherResearchProduct.class); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Project.class); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Publication.class); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Result.class); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Relation.class); - assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Software.class); - } - } + // when + Mockito + .when(isClient.getLatestRawsetPaths(Mockito.anyString())) + .thenReturn(inputActionSetsPaths); - private static Map> createActionSets(Path inputActionSetsDir) throws IOException { - Path inputActionSetJsonDumpsDir = Paths - .get(Objects.requireNonNull(cl.getResource("eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/input/")) - .getFile()); + PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob job = new PartitionActionSetsByPayloadTypeJob(); + job.setIsClient(isClient); + job + .run( + Boolean.FALSE, + "", // it can be empty we're mocking the response from isClient + // to + // resolve the + // paths + outputDir.toString()); - Map> oafsByType = new HashMap<>(); - Files - .list(inputActionSetJsonDumpsDir) - .forEach(inputActionSetJsonDumpFile -> { - String inputActionSetId = inputActionSetJsonDumpFile.getFileName().toString(); - Path inputActionSetDir = inputActionSetsDir.resolve(inputActionSetId); + // then + Files.exists(outputDir); - Dataset actionDS = readActionsFromJsonDump(inputActionSetJsonDumpFile.toString()) - .cache(); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Datasource.class); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Organization.class); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, OtherResearchProduct.class); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Project.class); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Publication.class); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Result.class); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Relation.class); + assertForOafType(outputDir, oafsByClassName, Software.class); + } + } - writeActionsAsJobInput(actionDS, inputActionSetId, inputActionSetDir.toString()); + private List resolveInputActionSetPaths(Path inputActionSetsBaseDir) throws IOException { + Path inputActionSetJsonDumpsDir = getInputActionSetJsonDumpsDir(); + return Files + .list(inputActionSetJsonDumpsDir) + .map( + path -> { + String inputActionSetId = path.getFileName().toString(); + return inputActionSetsBaseDir.resolve(inputActionSetId).toString(); + }) + .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); + } - Map> actionSetOafsByType = actionDS - .withColumn("atomic_action", from_json(col("value"), ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA)) - .select(expr("atomic_action.*")) - .groupBy(col("clazz")) - .agg(collect_list(col("payload")).as("payload_list")) - .collectAsList() - .stream() - .map(row -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(row.getAs("clazz"), - mutableSeqAsJavaList(row.>getAs("payload_list")))) - .collect(Collectors.toMap(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue)); + private static Map> createActionSets(Path inputActionSetsDir) + throws IOException { + Path inputActionSetJsonDumpsDir = getInputActionSetJsonDumpsDir(); - actionSetOafsByType.keySet() - .forEach(x -> { - if (oafsByType.containsKey(x)) { - List collected = new ArrayList<>(); - collected.addAll(oafsByType.get(x)); - collected.addAll(actionSetOafsByType.get(x)); - oafsByType.put(x, collected); - } else { - oafsByType.put(x, actionSetOafsByType.get(x)); - } - }); - }); + Map> oafsByType = new HashMap<>(); + Files + .list(inputActionSetJsonDumpsDir) + .forEach( + inputActionSetJsonDumpFile -> { + String inputActionSetId = inputActionSetJsonDumpFile.getFileName().toString(); + Path inputActionSetDir = inputActionSetsDir.resolve(inputActionSetId); - return oafsByType; - } + Dataset actionDS = readActionsFromJsonDump(inputActionSetJsonDumpFile.toString()).cache(); - private static Dataset readActionsFromJsonDump(String path) { - return spark - .read() - .textFile(path); - } + writeActionsAsJobInput(actionDS, inputActionSetId, inputActionSetDir.toString()); - private static void writeActionsAsJobInput(Dataset actionDS, - String inputActionSetId, - String path) { - actionDS - .javaRDD() - .mapToPair(json -> new Tuple2<>(new Text(inputActionSetId), new Text(json))) - .saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(path, - Text.class, - Text.class, - SequenceFileOutputFormat.class, - configuration); - } + Map> actionSetOafsByType = actionDS + .withColumn("atomic_action", from_json(col("value"), ATOMIC_ACTION_SCHEMA)) + .select(expr("atomic_action.*")) + .groupBy(col("clazz")) + .agg(collect_list(col("payload")).as("payload_list")) + .collectAsList() + .stream() + .map( + row -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>( + row. getAs("clazz"), + mutableSeqAsJavaList(row.> getAs("payload_list")))) + .collect( + Collectors + .toMap( + AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue)); - private static void assertForOafType(Path outputDir, Map> oafsByClassName, Class clazz) { - Path outputDatasetDir = outputDir.resolve(String.format("clazz=%s", clazz.getCanonicalName())); - Files.exists(outputDatasetDir); + actionSetOafsByType + .keySet() + .forEach( + x -> { + if (oafsByType.containsKey(x)) { + List collected = new ArrayList<>(); + collected.addAll(oafsByType.get(x)); + collected.addAll(actionSetOafsByType.get(x)); + oafsByType.put(x, collected); + } else { + oafsByType.put(x, actionSetOafsByType.get(x)); + } + }); + }); - List actuals = readActionPayloadFromJobOutput(outputDatasetDir.toString(), clazz).collectAsList(); - actuals.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(Object::hashCode)); + return oafsByType; + } - List expecteds = oafsByClassName.get(clazz.getCanonicalName()).stream() - .map(json -> mapToOaf(json, clazz)) - .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Object::hashCode)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); + private static Path getInputActionSetJsonDumpsDir() { + return Paths + .get( + Objects + .requireNonNull(cl.getResource("eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/partition/input/")) + .getFile()); + } - assertIterableEquals(expecteds, actuals); - } + private static Dataset readActionsFromJsonDump(String path) { + return spark.read().textFile(path); + } - private static Dataset readActionPayloadFromJobOutput(String path, - Class clazz) { - return spark - .read() - .parquet(path) - .map((MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value.getAs("payload"), clazz), - Encoders.bean(clazz)); - } + private static void writeActionsAsJobInput( + Dataset actionDS, String inputActionSetId, String path) { + actionDS + .javaRDD() + .mapToPair(json -> new Tuple2<>(new Text(inputActionSetId), new Text(json))) + .saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile( + path, Text.class, Text.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class, configuration); + } - private static T mapToOaf(String json, Class clazz) { - return rethrowAsRuntimeException( - () -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, clazz), - String.format("failed to map json to class: json=%s, class=%s", json, clazz.getCanonicalName()) - ); - } -} \ No newline at end of file + private static void assertForOafType( + Path outputDir, Map> oafsByClassName, Class clazz) { + Path outputDatasetDir = outputDir.resolve(String.format("clazz=%s", clazz.getCanonicalName())); + Files.exists(outputDatasetDir); + + List actuals = readActionPayloadFromJobOutput(outputDatasetDir.toString(), clazz).collectAsList(); + actuals.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(Object::hashCode)); + + List expecteds = oafsByClassName + .get(clazz.getCanonicalName()) + .stream() + .map(json -> mapToOaf(json, clazz)) + .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Object::hashCode)) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + + assertIterableEquals(expecteds, actuals); + } + + private static Dataset readActionPayloadFromJobOutput( + String path, Class clazz) { + return spark + .read() + .parquet(path) + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value. getAs("payload"), clazz), + Encoders.bean(clazz)); + } + + private static T mapToOaf(String json, Class clazz) { + return rethrowAsRuntimeException( + () -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, clazz), + String + .format( + "failed to map json to class: json=%s, class=%s", json, clazz.getCanonicalName())); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/MergeAndGetTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/MergeAndGetTest.java index 154e0a3311..b2248d77aa 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/MergeAndGetTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/MergeAndGetTest.java @@ -1,268 +1,257 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; - -import java.util.function.BiFunction; - import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote.MergeAndGet.Strategy; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote.MergeAndGet.functionFor; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; +import java.util.function.BiFunction; + +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; + public class MergeAndGetTest { - @Nested - class MergeFromAndGetStrategy { + @Nested + class MergeFromAndGetStrategy { - @Test - public void shouldThrowForOafAndOaf() { - // given - Oaf a = mock(Oaf.class); - Oaf b = mock(Oaf.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForOafAndOaf() { + // given + Oaf a = mock(Oaf.class); + Oaf b = mock(Oaf.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForOafAndRelation() { - // given - Oaf a = mock(Oaf.class); - Relation b = mock(Relation.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForOafAndRelation() { + // given + Oaf a = mock(Oaf.class); + Relation b = mock(Relation.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForOafAndOafEntity() { - // given - Oaf a = mock(Oaf.class); - OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForOafAndOafEntity() { + // given + Oaf a = mock(Oaf.class); + OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForRelationAndOaf() { - // given - Relation a = mock(Relation.class); - Oaf b = mock(Oaf.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForRelationAndOaf() { + // given + Relation a = mock(Relation.class); + Oaf b = mock(Oaf.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForRelationAndOafEntity() { - // given - Relation a = mock(Relation.class); - OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForRelationAndOafEntity() { + // given + Relation a = mock(Relation.class); + OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldBehaveProperlyForRelationAndRelation() { - // given - Relation a = mock(Relation.class); - Relation b = mock(Relation.class); + @Test + public void shouldBehaveProperlyForRelationAndRelation() { + // given + Relation a = mock(Relation.class); + Relation b = mock(Relation.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - Oaf x = fn.get().apply(a, b); - assertTrue(Relation.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())); - verify(a).mergeFrom(b); - assertEquals(a, x); - } + // then + Oaf x = fn.get().apply(a, b); + assertTrue(Relation.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())); + verify(a).mergeFrom(b); + assertEquals(a, x); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndOaf() { - // given - OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); - Oaf b = mock(Oaf.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndOaf() { + // given + OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); + Oaf b = mock(Oaf.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndRelation() { - // given - OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); - Relation b = mock(Relation.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndRelation() { + // given + OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); + Relation b = mock(Relation.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndOafEntityButNotSubclasses() { - // given - class OafEntitySub1 extends OafEntity { - } - class OafEntitySub2 extends OafEntity { - } + @Test + public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndOafEntityButNotSubclasses() { + // given + class OafEntitySub1 extends OafEntity { + } + class OafEntitySub2 extends OafEntity { + } - OafEntitySub1 a = mock(OafEntitySub1.class); - OafEntitySub2 b = mock(OafEntitySub2.class); + OafEntitySub1 a = mock(OafEntitySub1.class); + OafEntitySub2 b = mock(OafEntitySub2.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldBehaveProperlyForOafEntityAndOafEntity() { - // given - OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); - OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); + @Test + public void shouldBehaveProperlyForOafEntityAndOafEntity() { + // given + OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); + OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET); - // then - Oaf x = fn.get().apply(a, b); - assertTrue(OafEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())); - verify(a).mergeFrom(b); - assertEquals(a, x); - } - } + // then + Oaf x = fn.get().apply(a, b); + assertTrue(OafEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())); + verify(a).mergeFrom(b); + assertEquals(a, x); + } + } - @Nested - class SelectNewerAndGetStrategy { + @Nested + class SelectNewerAndGetStrategy { - @Test - public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndRelation() { - // given - OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); - Relation b = mock(Relation.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndRelation() { + // given + OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); + Relation b = mock(Relation.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForRelationAndOafEntity() { - // given - Relation a = mock(Relation.class); - OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForRelationAndOafEntity() { + // given + Relation a = mock(Relation.class); + OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndResult() { - // given - OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); - Result b = mock(Result.class); + @Test + public void shouldThrowForOafEntityAndResult() { + // given + OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); + Result b = mock(Result.class); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldThrowWhenSuperTypeIsNewerForResultAndOafEntity() { - // given - // real types must be used because subclass-superclass resolution does not work for mocks - Dataset a = new Dataset(); - a.setLastupdatetimestamp(1L); - Result b = new Result(); - b.setLastupdatetimestamp(2L); + @Test + public void shouldThrowWhenSuperTypeIsNewerForResultAndOafEntity() { + // given + // real types must be used because subclass-superclass resolution does not work for + // mocks + Dataset a = new Dataset(); + a.setLastupdatetimestamp(1L); + Result b = new Result(); + b.setLastupdatetimestamp(2L); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); - // then - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - fn.get().apply(a, b)); - } + // then + assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> fn.get().apply(a, b)); + } - @Test - public void shouldShouldReturnLeftForOafEntityAndOafEntity() { - // given - OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); - when(a.getLastupdatetimestamp()).thenReturn(1L); - OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); - when(b.getLastupdatetimestamp()).thenReturn(2L); + @Test + public void shouldShouldReturnLeftForOafEntityAndOafEntity() { + // given + OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); + when(a.getLastupdatetimestamp()).thenReturn(1L); + OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); + when(b.getLastupdatetimestamp()).thenReturn(2L); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = - functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); - // then - Oaf x = fn.get().apply(a, b); - assertTrue(OafEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())); - assertEquals(b, x); - } + // then + Oaf x = fn.get().apply(a, b); + assertTrue(OafEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())); + assertEquals(b, x); + } - @Test - public void shouldShouldReturnRightForOafEntityAndOafEntity() { - // given - OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); - when(a.getLastupdatetimestamp()).thenReturn(2L); - OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); - when(b.getLastupdatetimestamp()).thenReturn(1L); + @Test + public void shouldShouldReturnRightForOafEntityAndOafEntity() { + // given + OafEntity a = mock(OafEntity.class); + when(a.getLastupdatetimestamp()).thenReturn(2L); + OafEntity b = mock(OafEntity.class); + when(b.getLastupdatetimestamp()).thenReturn(1L); - // when - SerializableSupplier> fn = - functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); + // when + SerializableSupplier> fn = functionFor(Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET); - // then - Oaf x = fn.get().apply(a, b); - assertTrue(OafEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())); - assertEquals(a, x); - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file + // then + Oaf x = fn.get().apply(a, b); + assertTrue(OafEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())); + assertEquals(a, x); + } + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.java index 6f53fbec25..129daadcc8 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.java @@ -1,18 +1,8 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; -import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.*; -import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; -import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments; -import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; +import static org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments.arguments; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; @@ -24,216 +14,267 @@ import java.util.Objects; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; -import static org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments.arguments; +import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; +import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.*; +import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; +import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments; +import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; public class PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest { - private static final ClassLoader cl = PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.class.getClassLoader(); + private static final ClassLoader cl = PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.class.getClassLoader(); - private static SparkSession spark; + private static SparkSession spark; - private Path workingDir; - private Path inputDir; - private Path inputGraphRootDir; - private Path inputActionPayloadRootDir; - private Path outputDir; + private Path workingDir; + private Path inputDir; + private Path inputGraphRootDir; + private Path inputActionPayloadRootDir; + private Path outputDir; - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - @BeforeAll - public static void beforeAll() { - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.setAppName(PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); - conf.setMaster("local"); - conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); - conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); - } + @BeforeAll + public static void beforeAll() { + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.setAppName(PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); + conf.setMaster("local"); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); + spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); + } - @BeforeEach - public void beforeEach() throws IOException { - workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory(PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); - inputDir = workingDir.resolve("input"); - inputGraphRootDir = inputDir.resolve("graph"); - inputActionPayloadRootDir = inputDir.resolve("action_payload"); - outputDir = workingDir.resolve("output"); - } + @BeforeEach + public void beforeEach() throws IOException { + workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory(PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); + inputDir = workingDir.resolve("input"); + inputGraphRootDir = inputDir.resolve("graph"); + inputActionPayloadRootDir = inputDir.resolve("action_payload"); + outputDir = workingDir.resolve("output"); + } - @AfterEach - public void afterEach() throws IOException { - FileUtils.deleteDirectory(workingDir.toFile()); - } + @AfterEach + public void afterEach() throws IOException { + FileUtils.deleteDirectory(workingDir.toFile()); + } - @AfterAll - public static void afterAll() { - spark.stop(); - } + @AfterAll + public static void afterAll() { + spark.stop(); + } - @DisplayName("Job") - @Nested - class Main { + @DisplayName("Job") + @Nested + class Main { - @Test - public void shouldThrowWhenGraphTableClassIsNotASubClassOfActionPayloadClass() { - // given - Class rowClazz = Relation.class; - Class actionPayloadClazz = OafEntity.class; + @Test + public void shouldThrowWhenGraphTableClassIsNotASubClassOfActionPayloadClass() { + // given + Class rowClazz = Relation.class; + Class actionPayloadClazz = OafEntity.class; - // when - RuntimeException exception = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.main(new String[]{ - "-isSparkSessionManaged", Boolean.FALSE.toString(), - "-inputGraphTablePath", "", - "-graphTableClassName", rowClazz.getCanonicalName(), - "-inputActionPayloadPath", "", - "-actionPayloadClassName", actionPayloadClazz.getCanonicalName(), - "-outputGraphTablePath", "", - "-mergeAndGetStrategy", MergeAndGet.Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET.name() - })); + // when + RuntimeException exception = assertThrows( + RuntimeException.class, + () -> PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob + .main( + new String[] { + "-isSparkSessionManaged", + Boolean.FALSE.toString(), + "-inputGraphTablePath", + "", + "-graphTableClassName", + rowClazz.getCanonicalName(), + "-inputActionPayloadPath", + "", + "-actionPayloadClassName", + actionPayloadClazz.getCanonicalName(), + "-outputGraphTablePath", + "", + "-mergeAndGetStrategy", + MergeAndGet.Strategy.SELECT_NEWER_AND_GET.name() + })); - // then - String msg = String.format("graph table class is not a subclass of action payload class: graph=%s, action=%s", - rowClazz.getCanonicalName(), actionPayloadClazz.getCanonicalName()); - assertTrue(exception.getMessage().contains(msg)); - } + // then + String msg = String + .format( + "graph table class is not a subclass of action payload class: graph=%s, action=%s", + rowClazz.getCanonicalName(), actionPayloadClazz.getCanonicalName()); + assertTrue(exception.getMessage().contains(msg)); + } - @ParameterizedTest(name = "strategy: {0}, graph table: {1}, action payload: {2}") - @MethodSource("eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote.PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest#promoteJobTestParams") - public void shouldPromoteActionPayloadForGraphTable(MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy, - Class rowClazz, - Class actionPayloadClazz) throws Exception { - // given - Path inputGraphTableDir = createGraphTable(inputGraphRootDir, rowClazz); - Path inputActionPayloadDir = createActionPayload(inputActionPayloadRootDir, rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz); - Path outputGraphTableDir = outputDir.resolve("graph").resolve(rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); + @ParameterizedTest(name = "strategy: {0}, graph table: {1}, action payload: {2}") + @MethodSource("eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote.PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJobTest#promoteJobTestParams") + public void shouldPromoteActionPayloadForGraphTable( + MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy, + Class rowClazz, + Class actionPayloadClazz) + throws Exception { + // given + Path inputGraphTableDir = createGraphTable(inputGraphRootDir, rowClazz); + Path inputActionPayloadDir = createActionPayload(inputActionPayloadRootDir, rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz); + Path outputGraphTableDir = outputDir.resolve("graph").resolve(rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); - // when - PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob.main(new String[]{ - "-isSparkSessionManaged", Boolean.FALSE.toString(), - "-inputGraphTablePath", inputGraphTableDir.toString(), - "-graphTableClassName", rowClazz.getCanonicalName(), - "-inputActionPayloadPath", inputActionPayloadDir.toString(), - "-actionPayloadClassName", actionPayloadClazz.getCanonicalName(), - "-outputGraphTablePath", outputGraphTableDir.toString(), - "-mergeAndGetStrategy", strategy.name() - }); + // when + PromoteActionPayloadForGraphTableJob + .main( + new String[] { + "-isSparkSessionManaged", + Boolean.FALSE.toString(), + "-inputGraphTablePath", + inputGraphTableDir.toString(), + "-graphTableClassName", + rowClazz.getCanonicalName(), + "-inputActionPayloadPath", + inputActionPayloadDir.toString(), + "-actionPayloadClassName", + actionPayloadClazz.getCanonicalName(), + "-outputGraphTablePath", + outputGraphTableDir.toString(), + "-mergeAndGetStrategy", + strategy.name() + }); - // then - assertTrue(Files.exists(outputGraphTableDir)); + // then + assertTrue(Files.exists(outputGraphTableDir)); - List actualOutputRows = readGraphTableFromJobOutput(outputGraphTableDir.toString(), rowClazz) - .collectAsList() - .stream() - .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Object::hashCode)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); - String expectedOutputGraphTableJsonDumpPath = resultFileLocation(strategy, rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz); - Path expectedOutputGraphTableJsonDumpFile = Paths - .get(Objects.requireNonNull(cl.getResource(expectedOutputGraphTableJsonDumpPath)).getFile()); - List expectedOutputRows = readGraphTableFromJsonDump(expectedOutputGraphTableJsonDumpFile.toString(), rowClazz) - .collectAsList() - .stream() - .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Object::hashCode)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); - assertIterableEquals(expectedOutputRows, actualOutputRows); - } - } + List actualOutputRows = readGraphTableFromJobOutput(outputGraphTableDir.toString(), rowClazz) + .collectAsList() + .stream() + .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Object::hashCode)) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + String expectedOutputGraphTableJsonDumpPath = resultFileLocation(strategy, rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz); + Path expectedOutputGraphTableJsonDumpFile = Paths + .get( + Objects + .requireNonNull(cl.getResource(expectedOutputGraphTableJsonDumpPath)) + .getFile()); + List expectedOutputRows = readGraphTableFromJsonDump( + expectedOutputGraphTableJsonDumpFile.toString(), rowClazz) + .collectAsList() + .stream() + .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Object::hashCode)) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + assertIterableEquals(expectedOutputRows, actualOutputRows); + } + } - public static Stream promoteJobTestParams() { - return Stream.of( - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class, eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class, eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Datasource.class, Datasource.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Organization.class, Organization.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, OtherResearchProduct.class, OtherResearchProduct.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, OtherResearchProduct.class, Result.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Project.class, Project.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Publication.class, Publication.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Publication.class, Result.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Relation.class, Relation.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Software.class, Software.class), - arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Software.class, Result.class) - ); - } + public static Stream promoteJobTestParams() { + return Stream + .of( + arguments( + MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, + eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class, + eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class), + arguments( + MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, + eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class, + eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result.class), + arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Datasource.class, Datasource.class), + arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Organization.class, Organization.class), + arguments( + MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, + OtherResearchProduct.class, + OtherResearchProduct.class), + arguments( + MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, OtherResearchProduct.class, Result.class), + arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Project.class, Project.class), + arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Publication.class, Publication.class), + arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Publication.class, Result.class), + arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Relation.class, Relation.class), + arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Software.class, Software.class), + arguments(MergeAndGet.Strategy.MERGE_FROM_AND_GET, Software.class, Result.class)); + } - private static Path createGraphTable(Path inputGraphRootDir, - Class rowClazz) { - String inputGraphTableJsonDumpPath = inputGraphTableJsonDumpLocation(rowClazz); - Path inputGraphTableJsonDumpFile = Paths - .get(Objects.requireNonNull(cl.getResource(inputGraphTableJsonDumpPath)).getFile()); - Dataset rowDS = readGraphTableFromJsonDump(inputGraphTableJsonDumpFile.toString(), rowClazz); - String inputGraphTableName = rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); - Path inputGraphTableDir = inputGraphRootDir.resolve(inputGraphTableName); - writeGraphTableAaJobInput(rowDS, inputGraphTableDir.toString()); - return inputGraphTableDir; - } + private static Path createGraphTable(Path inputGraphRootDir, Class rowClazz) { + String inputGraphTableJsonDumpPath = inputGraphTableJsonDumpLocation(rowClazz); + Path inputGraphTableJsonDumpFile = Paths + .get(Objects.requireNonNull(cl.getResource(inputGraphTableJsonDumpPath)).getFile()); + Dataset rowDS = readGraphTableFromJsonDump(inputGraphTableJsonDumpFile.toString(), rowClazz); + String inputGraphTableName = rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); + Path inputGraphTableDir = inputGraphRootDir.resolve(inputGraphTableName); + writeGraphTableAaJobInput(rowDS, inputGraphTableDir.toString()); + return inputGraphTableDir; + } - private static String inputGraphTableJsonDumpLocation(Class rowClazz) { - return String.format( - "%s/%s.json", "eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/input/graph", rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); - } + private static String inputGraphTableJsonDumpLocation(Class rowClazz) { + return String + .format( + "%s/%s.json", + "eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/input/graph", rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); + } - private static Dataset readGraphTableFromJsonDump(String path, - Class rowClazz) { - return spark - .read() - .textFile(path) - .map((MapFunction) json -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, rowClazz), Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); - } + private static Dataset readGraphTableFromJsonDump( + String path, Class rowClazz) { + return spark + .read() + .textFile(path) + .map( + (MapFunction) json -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, rowClazz), + Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); + } - private static void writeGraphTableAaJobInput(Dataset rowDS, - String path) { - rowDS - .write() - .option("compression", "gzip") - .json(path); - } + private static void writeGraphTableAaJobInput(Dataset rowDS, String path) { + rowDS.write().option("compression", "gzip").json(path); + } - private static Path createActionPayload(Path inputActionPayloadRootDir, - Class rowClazz, - Class actionPayloadClazz) { - String inputActionPayloadJsonDumpPath = inputActionPayloadJsonDumpLocation(rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz); - Path inputActionPayloadJsonDumpFile = Paths - .get(Objects.requireNonNull(cl.getResource(inputActionPayloadJsonDumpPath)).getFile()); - Dataset actionPayloadDS = readActionPayloadFromJsonDump(inputActionPayloadJsonDumpFile.toString()); - Path inputActionPayloadDir = inputActionPayloadRootDir.resolve(actionPayloadClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); - writeActionPayloadAsJobInput(actionPayloadDS, inputActionPayloadDir.toString()); - return inputActionPayloadDir; - } + private static Path createActionPayload( + Path inputActionPayloadRootDir, Class rowClazz, Class actionPayloadClazz) { + String inputActionPayloadJsonDumpPath = inputActionPayloadJsonDumpLocation(rowClazz, actionPayloadClazz); + Path inputActionPayloadJsonDumpFile = Paths + .get(Objects.requireNonNull(cl.getResource(inputActionPayloadJsonDumpPath)).getFile()); + Dataset actionPayloadDS = readActionPayloadFromJsonDump(inputActionPayloadJsonDumpFile.toString()); + Path inputActionPayloadDir = inputActionPayloadRootDir + .resolve(actionPayloadClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); + writeActionPayloadAsJobInput(actionPayloadDS, inputActionPayloadDir.toString()); + return inputActionPayloadDir; + } - private static String inputActionPayloadJsonDumpLocation(Class rowClazz, - Class actionPayloadClazz) { + private static String inputActionPayloadJsonDumpLocation( + Class rowClazz, Class actionPayloadClazz) { - return String.format("eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/input/action_payload/%s_table/%s.json", - rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), actionPayloadClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); - } + return String + .format( + "eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/input/action_payload/%s_table/%s.json", + rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), actionPayloadClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); + } - private static Dataset readActionPayloadFromJsonDump(String path) { - return spark - .read() - .textFile(path); - } + private static Dataset readActionPayloadFromJsonDump(String path) { + return spark.read().textFile(path); + } - private static void writeActionPayloadAsJobInput(Dataset actionPayloadDS, - String path) { - actionPayloadDS - .withColumnRenamed("value", "payload") - .write() - .parquet(path); - } + private static void writeActionPayloadAsJobInput(Dataset actionPayloadDS, String path) { + actionPayloadDS.withColumnRenamed("value", "payload").write().parquet(path); + } - private static Dataset readGraphTableFromJobOutput(String path, - Class rowClazz) { - return spark - .read() - .textFile(path) - .map((MapFunction) json -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, rowClazz), Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); - } + private static Dataset readGraphTableFromJobOutput( + String path, Class rowClazz) { + return spark + .read() + .textFile(path) + .map( + (MapFunction) json -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, rowClazz), + Encoders.bean(rowClazz)); + } - private static String resultFileLocation(MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy, - Class rowClazz, - Class actionPayloadClazz) { - return String - .format("eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/output/graph/%s/%s/%s_action_payload/result.json", - strategy.name().toLowerCase(), rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), actionPayloadClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); - } -} \ No newline at end of file + private static String resultFileLocation( + MergeAndGet.Strategy strategy, + Class rowClazz, + Class actionPayloadClazz) { + return String + .format( + "eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/output/graph/%s/%s/%s_action_payload/result.json", + strategy.name().toLowerCase(), + rowClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), + actionPayloadClazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadFunctionsTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadFunctionsTest.java index e3fc7db485..477e4b204a 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadFunctionsTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/PromoteActionPayloadFunctionsTest.java @@ -1,7 +1,15 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.promote; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows; + +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.function.BiFunction; +import java.util.function.Function; + import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; @@ -11,304 +19,311 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; -import java.util.Arrays; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; -import java.util.function.BiFunction; -import java.util.function.Function; - -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.FunctionalInterfaceSupport.SerializableSupplier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; public class PromoteActionPayloadFunctionsTest { - private static SparkSession spark; + private static SparkSession spark; - @BeforeAll - public static void beforeAll() { - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.setMaster("local"); - conf.setAppName(PromoteActionPayloadFunctionsTest.class.getSimpleName()); - conf.set("spark.driver.host", "localhost"); - spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); - } + @BeforeAll + public static void beforeAll() { + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.setMaster("local"); + conf.setAppName(PromoteActionPayloadFunctionsTest.class.getSimpleName()); + conf.set("spark.driver.host", "localhost"); + spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); + } - @AfterAll - public static void afterAll() { - spark.stop(); - } + @AfterAll + public static void afterAll() { + spark.stop(); + } - @Nested - class JoinTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge { + @Nested + class JoinTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge { - @Test - public void shouldThrowWhenTableTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActionPayloadType() { - // given - class OafImpl extends Oaf { - } + @Test + public void shouldThrowWhenTableTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActionPayloadType() { + // given + class OafImpl extends Oaf { + } - // when - assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> - PromoteActionPayloadFunctions - .joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge(null, - null, - null, - null, - null, - OafImplSubSub.class, - OafImpl.class - )); - } + // when + assertThrows( + RuntimeException.class, + () -> PromoteActionPayloadFunctions + .joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge( + null, null, null, null, null, OafImplSubSub.class, OafImpl.class)); + } - @Test - public void shouldRunProperlyWhenActionPayloadTypeAndTableTypeAreTheSame() { - // given - String id0 = "id0"; - String id1 = "id1"; - String id2 = "id2"; - String id3 = "id3"; - String id4 = "id4"; - List rowData = Arrays.asList( - createOafImplSubSub(id0), - createOafImplSubSub(id1), - createOafImplSubSub(id2), - createOafImplSubSub(id3) - ); - Dataset rowDS = spark.createDataset(rowData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSubSub.class)); + @Test + public void shouldRunProperlyWhenActionPayloadTypeAndTableTypeAreTheSame() { + // given + String id0 = "id0"; + String id1 = "id1"; + String id2 = "id2"; + String id3 = "id3"; + String id4 = "id4"; + List rowData = Arrays + .asList( + createOafImplSubSub(id0), + createOafImplSubSub(id1), + createOafImplSubSub(id2), + createOafImplSubSub(id3)); + Dataset rowDS = spark.createDataset(rowData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSubSub.class)); - List actionPayloadData = Arrays.asList( - createOafImplSubSub(id1), - createOafImplSubSub(id2), createOafImplSubSub(id2), - createOafImplSubSub(id3), createOafImplSubSub(id3), createOafImplSubSub(id3), - createOafImplSubSub(id4), createOafImplSubSub(id4), createOafImplSubSub(id4), createOafImplSubSub(id4) - ); - Dataset actionPayloadDS = spark.createDataset(actionPayloadData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSubSub.class)); + List actionPayloadData = Arrays + .asList( + createOafImplSubSub(id1), + createOafImplSubSub(id2), + createOafImplSubSub(id2), + createOafImplSubSub(id3), + createOafImplSubSub(id3), + createOafImplSubSub(id3), + createOafImplSubSub(id4), + createOafImplSubSub(id4), + createOafImplSubSub(id4), + createOafImplSubSub(id4)); + Dataset actionPayloadDS = spark + .createDataset(actionPayloadData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSubSub.class)); - SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; - SerializableSupplier> actionPayloadIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; - SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn = () -> (x, y) -> { - x.merge(y); - return x; - }; + SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; + SerializableSupplier> actionPayloadIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; + SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn = () -> (x, + y) -> { + x.merge(y); + return x; + }; - // when - List results = PromoteActionPayloadFunctions - .joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge(rowDS, - actionPayloadDS, - rowIdFn, - actionPayloadIdFn, - mergeAndGetFn, - OafImplSubSub.class, - OafImplSubSub.class - ) - .collectAsList(); + // when + List results = PromoteActionPayloadFunctions + .joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge( + rowDS, + actionPayloadDS, + rowIdFn, + actionPayloadIdFn, + mergeAndGetFn, + OafImplSubSub.class, + OafImplSubSub.class) + .collectAsList(); - // then - assertEquals(11, results.size()); - assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id0)).count()); - assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id1)).count()); - assertEquals(2, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id2)).count()); - assertEquals(3, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id3)).count()); - assertEquals(4, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id4)).count()); + // then + assertEquals(11, results.size()); + assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id0)).count()); + assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id1)).count()); + assertEquals(2, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id2)).count()); + assertEquals(3, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id3)).count()); + assertEquals(4, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id4)).count()); - results.forEach(result -> { - switch (result.getId()) { - case "id0": - assertEquals(1, result.getMerged()); - break; - case "id1": - case "id2": - case "id3": - assertEquals(2, result.getMerged()); - break; - case "id4": - assertEquals(1, result.getMerged()); - break; - default: - throw new RuntimeException(); - } - }); - } + results + .forEach( + result -> { + switch (result.getId()) { + case "id0": + assertEquals(1, result.getMerged()); + break; + case "id1": + case "id2": + case "id3": + assertEquals(2, result.getMerged()); + break; + case "id4": + assertEquals(1, result.getMerged()); + break; + default: + throw new RuntimeException(); + } + }); + } - @Test - public void shouldRunProperlyWhenActionPayloadTypeIsSuperTypeOfTableType() { - // given - String id0 = "id0"; - String id1 = "id1"; - String id2 = "id2"; - String id3 = "id3"; - String id4 = "id4"; - List rowData = Arrays.asList( - createOafImplSubSub(id0), - createOafImplSubSub(id1), - createOafImplSubSub(id2), - createOafImplSubSub(id3) - ); - Dataset rowDS = spark.createDataset(rowData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSubSub.class)); + @Test + public void shouldRunProperlyWhenActionPayloadTypeIsSuperTypeOfTableType() { + // given + String id0 = "id0"; + String id1 = "id1"; + String id2 = "id2"; + String id3 = "id3"; + String id4 = "id4"; + List rowData = Arrays + .asList( + createOafImplSubSub(id0), + createOafImplSubSub(id1), + createOafImplSubSub(id2), + createOafImplSubSub(id3)); + Dataset rowDS = spark.createDataset(rowData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSubSub.class)); - List actionPayloadData = Arrays.asList( - createOafImplSub(id1), - createOafImplSub(id2), createOafImplSub(id2), - createOafImplSub(id3), createOafImplSub(id3), createOafImplSub(id3), - createOafImplSub(id4), createOafImplSub(id4), createOafImplSub(id4), createOafImplSub(id4) - ); - Dataset actionPayloadDS = spark.createDataset(actionPayloadData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSub.class)); + List actionPayloadData = Arrays + .asList( + createOafImplSub(id1), + createOafImplSub(id2), + createOafImplSub(id2), + createOafImplSub(id3), + createOafImplSub(id3), + createOafImplSub(id3), + createOafImplSub(id4), + createOafImplSub(id4), + createOafImplSub(id4), + createOafImplSub(id4)); + Dataset actionPayloadDS = spark + .createDataset(actionPayloadData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSub.class)); - SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; - SerializableSupplier> actionPayloadIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; - SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn = () -> (x, y) -> { - x.merge(y); - return x; - }; + SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; + SerializableSupplier> actionPayloadIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; + SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn = () -> (x, y) -> { + x.merge(y); + return x; + }; - // when - List results = PromoteActionPayloadFunctions - .joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge(rowDS, - actionPayloadDS, - rowIdFn, - actionPayloadIdFn, - mergeAndGetFn, - OafImplSubSub.class, - OafImplSub.class - ) - .collectAsList(); + // when + List results = PromoteActionPayloadFunctions + .joinGraphTableWithActionPayloadAndMerge( + rowDS, + actionPayloadDS, + rowIdFn, + actionPayloadIdFn, + mergeAndGetFn, + OafImplSubSub.class, + OafImplSub.class) + .collectAsList(); - // then - assertEquals(7, results.size()); - assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id0)).count()); - assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id1)).count()); - assertEquals(2, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id2)).count()); - assertEquals(3, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id3)).count()); - assertEquals(0, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id4)).count()); + // then + assertEquals(7, results.size()); + assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id0)).count()); + assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id1)).count()); + assertEquals(2, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id2)).count()); + assertEquals(3, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id3)).count()); + assertEquals(0, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id4)).count()); - results.forEach(result -> { - switch (result.getId()) { - case "id0": - assertEquals(1, result.getMerged()); - break; - case "id1": - case "id2": - case "id3": - assertEquals(2, result.getMerged()); - break; - default: - throw new RuntimeException(); - } - }); - } + results + .forEach( + result -> { + switch (result.getId()) { + case "id0": + assertEquals(1, result.getMerged()); + break; + case "id1": + case "id2": + case "id3": + assertEquals(2, result.getMerged()); + break; + default: + throw new RuntimeException(); + } + }); + } + } - } + @Nested + class GroupTableByIdAndMerge { - @Nested - class GroupTableByIdAndMerge { + @Test + public void shouldRunProperly() { + // given + String id1 = "id1"; + String id2 = "id2"; + String id3 = "id3"; + List rowData = Arrays + .asList( + createOafImplSubSub(id1), + createOafImplSubSub(id2), + createOafImplSubSub(id2), + createOafImplSubSub(id3), + createOafImplSubSub(id3), + createOafImplSubSub(id3)); + Dataset rowDS = spark.createDataset(rowData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSubSub.class)); - @Test - public void shouldRunProperly() { - // given - String id1 = "id1"; - String id2 = "id2"; - String id3 = "id3"; - List rowData = Arrays.asList( - createOafImplSubSub(id1), - createOafImplSubSub(id2), createOafImplSubSub(id2), - createOafImplSubSub(id3), createOafImplSubSub(id3), createOafImplSubSub(id3) - ); - Dataset rowDS = spark.createDataset(rowData, Encoders.bean(OafImplSubSub.class)); + SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; + SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn = () -> (x, + y) -> { + x.merge(y); + return x; + }; + SerializableSupplier zeroFn = OafImplSubSub::new; + SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn = () -> x -> Objects.nonNull(x.getId()); - SerializableSupplier> rowIdFn = () -> OafImplRoot::getId; - SerializableSupplier> mergeAndGetFn = () -> (x, y) -> { - x.merge(y); - return x; - }; - SerializableSupplier zeroFn = OafImplSubSub::new; - SerializableSupplier> isNotZeroFn = () -> x -> Objects.nonNull(x.getId()); + // when + List results = PromoteActionPayloadFunctions + .groupGraphTableByIdAndMerge( + rowDS, rowIdFn, mergeAndGetFn, zeroFn, isNotZeroFn, OafImplSubSub.class) + .collectAsList(); - // when - List results = PromoteActionPayloadFunctions - .groupGraphTableByIdAndMerge(rowDS, - rowIdFn, - mergeAndGetFn, - zeroFn, - isNotZeroFn, - OafImplSubSub.class) - .collectAsList(); + // then + assertEquals(3, results.size()); + assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id1)).count()); + assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id2)).count()); + assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id3)).count()); - // then - assertEquals(3, results.size()); - assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id1)).count()); - assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id2)).count()); - assertEquals(1, results.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().equals(id3)).count()); + results + .forEach( + result -> { + switch (result.getId()) { + case "id1": + assertEquals(1, result.getMerged()); + break; + case "id2": + assertEquals(2, result.getMerged()); + break; + case "id3": + assertEquals(3, result.getMerged()); + break; + default: + throw new RuntimeException(); + } + }); + } + } - results.forEach(result -> { - switch (result.getId()) { - case "id1": - assertEquals(1, result.getMerged()); - break; - case "id2": - assertEquals(2, result.getMerged()); - break; - case "id3": - assertEquals(3, result.getMerged()); - break; - default: - throw new RuntimeException(); - } - }); - } + public static class OafImplRoot extends Oaf { + private String id; + private int merged = 1; - } + public void merge(OafImplRoot e) { + merged += e.merged; + } - public static class OafImplRoot extends Oaf { - private String id; - private int merged = 1; + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void merge(OafImplRoot e) { - merged += e.merged; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public int getMerged() { + return merged; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setMerged(int merged) { + this.merged = merged; + } + } - public int getMerged() { - return merged; - } + public static class OafImplSub extends OafImplRoot { - public void setMerged(int merged) { - this.merged = merged; - } - } + @Override + public void merge(OafImplRoot e) { + super.merge(e); + } + } - public static class OafImplSub extends OafImplRoot { + private static OafImplSub createOafImplSub(String id) { + OafImplSub x = new OafImplSub(); + x.setId(id); + return x; + } - @Override - public void merge(OafImplRoot e) { - super.merge(e); - } - } + public static class OafImplSubSub extends OafImplSub { - private static OafImplSub createOafImplSub(String id) { - OafImplSub x = new OafImplSub(); - x.setId(id); - return x; - } - - public static class OafImplSubSub extends OafImplSub { - - @Override - public void merge(OafImplRoot e) { - super.merge(e); - } - } - - private static OafImplSubSub createOafImplSubSub(String id) { - OafImplSubSub x = new OafImplSubSub(); - x.setId(id); - return x; - } + @Override + public void merge(OafImplRoot e) { + super.merge(e); + } + } + private static OafImplSubSub createOafImplSubSub(String id) { + OafImplSubSub x = new OafImplSubSub(); + x.setId(id); + return x; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/output/graph/merge_from_and_get/relation/relation_action_payload/result.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/output/graph/merge_from_and_get/relation/relation_action_payload/result.json index bc65230a84..36d3fdd272 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/output/graph/merge_from_and_get/relation/relation_action_payload/result.json +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-actionmanager/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/promote/output/graph/merge_from_and_get/relation/relation_action_payload/result.json @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -{"collectedFrom":[],"dataInfo":{"deletedbyinference":true,"inferenceprovenance":"","inferred":false,"invisible":false,"provenanceaction":{"classid":"UNKNOWN","classname":"UNKNOWN","schemeid":"dnet:provenanceActions","schemename":"dnet:provenanceActions"},"trust":"0.9"},"lastupdatetimestamp":0,"relClass":"provides","relType":"datasourceOrganization","source":"10|CRIS_UNS____::f66f1bd369679b5b077dcdf006089556","subRelType":"provision","target":"20|openaire____::d0bbea1f5bed5864d1904eb602e608a6"} 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+{"collectedfrom":[],"dataInfo":{"deletedbyinference":false,"inferenceprovenance":"","inferred":false,"invisible":false,"provenanceaction":{"classid":"UNKNOWN","classname":"UNKNOWN","schemeid":"dnet:provenanceActions","schemename":"dnet:provenanceActions"},"trust":"0.9"},"lastupdatetimestamp":0,"relClass":"provides","relType":"datasourceOrganization","source":"10|CSC_________::a2b9ce8435390bcbfc05f3cae3948747","subRelType":"provision","target":"20|openaire____::c24a458004a31f9687089ea3d249de51"} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob.java index f4da193a1c..9811fb7073 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob.java @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.MetadataRecord; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.Provenance; -import eu.dnetlib.message.Message; -import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; -import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageType; +import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; +import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Objects; + import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; @@ -24,94 +24,138 @@ import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; -import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; -import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; -import java.util.HashMap; -import java.util.Map; -import java.util.Objects; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.MetadataRecord; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.Provenance; +import eu.dnetlib.message.Message; +import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; +import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageType; public class GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob { + public static MetadataRecord parseRecord( + final String input, + final String xpath, + final String encoding, + final Provenance provenance, + final Long dateOfCollection, + final LongAccumulator totalItems, + final LongAccumulator invalidRecords) { - public static MetadataRecord parseRecord (final String input, final String xpath, final String encoding, final Provenance provenance, final Long dateOfCollection, final LongAccumulator totalItems, final LongAccumulator invalidRecords) { + if (totalItems != null) + totalItems.add(1); + try { + SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); + Document document = reader.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); + Node node = document.selectSingleNode(xpath); + final String originalIdentifier = node.getText(); + if (StringUtils.isBlank(originalIdentifier)) { + if (invalidRecords != null) + invalidRecords.add(1); + return null; + } + return new MetadataRecord(originalIdentifier, encoding, provenance, input, dateOfCollection); + } catch (Throwable e) { + if (invalidRecords != null) + invalidRecords.add(1); + e.printStackTrace(); + return null; + } + } - if(totalItems != null) - totalItems.add(1); - try { - SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); - Document document = reader.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); - Node node = document.selectSingleNode(xpath); - final String originalIdentifier = node.getText(); - if (StringUtils.isBlank(originalIdentifier)) { - if (invalidRecords!= null) - invalidRecords.add(1); - return null; - } - return new MetadataRecord(originalIdentifier, encoding, provenance, input, dateOfCollection); - } catch (Throwable e) { - if (invalidRecords!= null) - invalidRecords.add(1); - e.printStackTrace(); - return null; + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - } - } + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/collection_input_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); + final Provenance provenance = jsonMapper.readValue(parser.get("provenance"), Provenance.class); + final long dateOfCollection = new Long(parser.get("dateOfCollection")); - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName("GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob") + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/collection_input_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); - final Provenance provenance = jsonMapper.readValue(parser.get("provenance"), Provenance.class); - final long dateOfCollection = new Long(parser.get("dateOfCollection")); + final Map ongoingMap = new HashMap<>(); + final Map reportMap = new HashMap<>(); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName("GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob") - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); + final boolean test = parser.get("isTest") == null ? false : Boolean.valueOf(parser.get("isTest")); - final Map ongoingMap = new HashMap<>(); - final Map reportMap = new HashMap<>(); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final boolean test = parser.get("isTest") == null ? false : Boolean.valueOf(parser.get("isTest")); + final JavaPairRDD inputRDD = sc + .sequenceFile(parser.get("input"), IntWritable.class, Text.class); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final LongAccumulator totalItems = sc.sc().longAccumulator("TotalItems"); - final JavaPairRDD inputRDD = sc.sequenceFile(parser.get("input"), IntWritable.class, Text.class); + final LongAccumulator invalidRecords = sc.sc().longAccumulator("InvalidRecords"); - final LongAccumulator totalItems = sc.sc().longAccumulator("TotalItems"); + final MessageManager manager = new MessageManager( + parser.get("rabbitHost"), + parser.get("rabbitUser"), + parser.get("rabbitPassword"), + false, + false, + null); - final LongAccumulator invalidRecords = sc.sc().longAccumulator("InvalidRecords"); + final JavaRDD mappeRDD = inputRDD + .map( + item -> parseRecord( + item._2().toString(), + parser.get("xpath"), + parser.get("encoding"), + provenance, + dateOfCollection, + totalItems, + invalidRecords)) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .distinct(); - final MessageManager manager = new MessageManager(parser.get("rabbitHost"), parser.get("rabbitUser"), parser.get("rabbitPassword"), false, false, null); + ongoingMap.put("ongoing", "0"); + if (!test) { + manager + .sendMessage( + new Message( + parser.get("workflowId"), "DataFrameCreation", MessageType.ONGOING, ongoingMap), + parser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), + true, + false); + } - final JavaRDD mappeRDD = inputRDD.map(item -> parseRecord(item._2().toString(), parser.get("xpath"), parser.get("encoding"), provenance, dateOfCollection, totalItems, invalidRecords)) - .filter(Objects::nonNull).distinct(); - - ongoingMap.put("ongoing", "0"); - if (!test) { - manager.sendMessage(new Message(parser.get("workflowId"),"DataFrameCreation", MessageType.ONGOING, ongoingMap ), parser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), true, false); - } - - - final Encoder encoder = Encoders.bean(MetadataRecord.class); - final Dataset mdstore = spark.createDataset(mappeRDD.rdd(), encoder); - final LongAccumulator mdStoreRecords = sc.sc().longAccumulator("MDStoreRecords"); - mdStoreRecords.add(mdstore.count()); - ongoingMap.put("ongoing", ""+ totalItems.value()); - if (!test) { - manager.sendMessage(new Message(parser.get("workflowId"), "DataFrameCreation", MessageType.ONGOING, ongoingMap), parser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), true, false); - - } - mdstore.write().format("parquet").save(parser.get("output")); - reportMap.put("inputItem" , ""+ totalItems.value()); - reportMap.put("invalidRecords", "" + invalidRecords.value()); - reportMap.put("mdStoreSize", "" + mdStoreRecords.value()); - if (!test) { - manager.sendMessage(new Message(parser.get("workflowId"), "Collection", MessageType.REPORT, reportMap), parser.get("rabbitReportQueue"), true, false); - manager.close(); - } - - } + final Encoder encoder = Encoders.bean(MetadataRecord.class); + final Dataset mdstore = spark.createDataset(mappeRDD.rdd(), encoder); + final LongAccumulator mdStoreRecords = sc.sc().longAccumulator("MDStoreRecords"); + mdStoreRecords.add(mdstore.count()); + ongoingMap.put("ongoing", "" + totalItems.value()); + if (!test) { + manager + .sendMessage( + new Message( + parser.get("workflowId"), "DataFrameCreation", MessageType.ONGOING, ongoingMap), + parser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), + true, + false); + } + mdstore.write().format("parquet").save(parser.get("output")); + reportMap.put("inputItem", "" + totalItems.value()); + reportMap.put("invalidRecords", "" + invalidRecords.value()); + reportMap.put("mdStoreSize", "" + mdStoreRecords.value()); + if (!test) { + manager + .sendMessage( + new Message(parser.get("workflowId"), "Collection", MessageType.REPORT, reportMap), + parser.get("rabbitReportQueue"), + true, + false); + manager.close(); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/CollectorPlugin.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/CollectorPlugin.java index cfa0e417b4..4a0c70c459 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/CollectorPlugin.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/CollectorPlugin.java @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin; +import java.util.stream.Stream; + import eu.dnetlib.collector.worker.model.ApiDescriptor; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.DnetCollectorException; -import java.util.stream.Stream; - public interface CollectorPlugin { Stream collect(ApiDescriptor api) throws DnetCollectorException; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiCollectorPlugin.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiCollectorPlugin.java index ad893ce528..7f71f401d9 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiCollectorPlugin.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiCollectorPlugin.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.oai; import java.util.ArrayList; @@ -7,16 +8,15 @@ import java.util.Spliterator; import java.util.Spliterators; import java.util.stream.Stream; import java.util.stream.StreamSupport; + import com.google.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.common.collect.Iterators; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; - import eu.dnetlib.collector.worker.model.ApiDescriptor; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.CollectorPlugin; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.DnetCollectorException; - public class OaiCollectorPlugin implements CollectorPlugin { private static final String FORMAT_PARAM = "format"; @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ public class OaiCollectorPlugin implements CollectorPlugin { private static final Object OAI_FROM_DATE_PARAM = "fromDate"; private static final Object OAI_UNTIL_DATE_PARAM = "untilDate"; - private OaiIteratorFactory oaiIteratorFactory; @Override @@ -37,30 +36,45 @@ public class OaiCollectorPlugin implements CollectorPlugin { final List sets = new ArrayList<>(); if (setParam != null) { - sets.addAll(Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(",").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().split(setParam))); + sets + .addAll( + Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(",").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().split(setParam))); } if (sets.isEmpty()) { // If no set is defined, ALL the sets must be harvested sets.add(""); } - if (baseUrl == null || baseUrl.isEmpty()) { throw new DnetCollectorException("Param 'baseurl' is null or empty"); } + if (baseUrl == null || baseUrl.isEmpty()) { + throw new DnetCollectorException("Param 'baseurl' is null or empty"); + } - if (mdFormat == null || mdFormat.isEmpty()) { throw new DnetCollectorException("Param 'mdFormat' is null or empty"); } + if (mdFormat == null || mdFormat.isEmpty()) { + throw new DnetCollectorException("Param 'mdFormat' is null or empty"); + } - if (fromDate != null && !fromDate.matches("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}")) { throw new DnetCollectorException("Invalid date (YYYY-MM-DD): " + fromDate); } + if (fromDate != null && !fromDate.matches("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}")) { + throw new DnetCollectorException("Invalid date (YYYY-MM-DD): " + fromDate); + } - if (untilDate != null && !untilDate.matches("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}")) { throw new DnetCollectorException("Invalid date (YYYY-MM-DD): " + untilDate); } + if (untilDate != null && !untilDate.matches("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}")) { + throw new DnetCollectorException("Invalid date (YYYY-MM-DD): " + untilDate); + } - final Iterator> iters = sets.stream() - .map(set -> getOaiIteratorFactory().newIterator(baseUrl, mdFormat, set, fromDate, untilDate)) - .iterator(); + final Iterator> iters = sets + .stream() + .map( + set -> getOaiIteratorFactory() + .newIterator(baseUrl, mdFormat, set, fromDate, untilDate)) + .iterator(); - return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(Iterators.concat(iters), Spliterator.ORDERED), false); + return StreamSupport + .stream( + Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(Iterators.concat(iters), Spliterator.ORDERED), false); } public OaiIteratorFactory getOaiIteratorFactory() { - if (oaiIteratorFactory == null){ + if (oaiIteratorFactory == null) { oaiIteratorFactory = new OaiIteratorFactory(); } return oaiIteratorFactory; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiIterator.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiIterator.java index cd093ed2d1..d61f13fb5f 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiIterator.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiIterator.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.oai; import java.io.StringReader; @@ -7,9 +8,6 @@ import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.DnetCollectorException; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.HttpConnector; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.XmlCleaner; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; @@ -18,10 +16,14 @@ import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.DnetCollectorException; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.HttpConnector; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.XmlCleaner; public class OaiIterator implements Iterator { - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OaiIterator.class); // NOPMD by marko on 11/24/08 5:02 PM + private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OaiIterator.class); // NOPMD by marko on + // 11/24/08 5:02 PM private final Queue queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<>(); private final SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); @@ -35,8 +37,13 @@ public class OaiIterator implements Iterator { private boolean started; private final HttpConnector httpConnector; - public OaiIterator(final String baseUrl, final String mdFormat, final String set, final String fromDate, final String untilDate, - final HttpConnector httpConnector) { + public OaiIterator( + final String baseUrl, + final String mdFormat, + final String set, + final String fromDate, + final String untilDate, + final HttpConnector httpConnector) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.mdFormat = mdFormat; this.set = set; @@ -82,7 +89,8 @@ public class OaiIterator implements Iterator { } @Override - public void remove() {} + public void remove() { + } private String firstPage() throws DnetCollectorException { try { @@ -107,17 +115,23 @@ public class OaiIterator implements Iterator { private String extractResumptionToken(final String xml) { final String s = StringUtils.substringAfter(xml, "", " { doc = reader.read(new StringReader(cleaned)); } catch (final DocumentException e1) { final String resumptionToken = extractResumptionToken(xml); - if (resumptionToken == null) { throw new DnetCollectorException("Error parsing cleaned document:" + cleaned, e1); } + if (resumptionToken == null) { + throw new DnetCollectorException("Error parsing cleaned document:" + cleaned, e1); + } return resumptionToken; } } @@ -157,7 +173,5 @@ public class OaiIterator implements Iterator { } return doc.valueOf("//*[local-name()='resumptionToken']"); - } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiIteratorFactory.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiIteratorFactory.java index fc8dba5687..4a6ea7f67b 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiIteratorFactory.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/plugin/oai/OaiIteratorFactory.java @@ -1,25 +1,26 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.oai; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.HttpConnector; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.oai; import java.util.Iterator; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.HttpConnector; public class OaiIteratorFactory { - private HttpConnector httpConnector; - public Iterator newIterator(final String baseUrl, final String mdFormat, final String set, final String fromDate, final String untilDate) { + public Iterator newIterator( + final String baseUrl, + final String mdFormat, + final String set, + final String fromDate, + final String untilDate) { return new OaiIterator(baseUrl, mdFormat, set, fromDate, untilDate, getHttpConnector()); } private HttpConnector getHttpConnector() { - if (httpConnector== null) + if (httpConnector == null) httpConnector = new HttpConnector(); return httpConnector; } - - - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorException.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorException.java index 75ccc4d91c..f40962c217 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorException.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorException.java @@ -1,17 +1,20 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker; public class DnetCollectorException extends Exception { - /** - * - */ + /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -290723075076039757L; public DnetCollectorException() { super(); } - public DnetCollectorException(final String message, final Throwable cause, final boolean enableSuppression, final boolean writableStackTrace) { + public DnetCollectorException( + final String message, + final Throwable cause, + final boolean enableSuppression, + final boolean writableStackTrace) { super(message, cause, enableSuppression, writableStackTrace); } @@ -26,5 +29,4 @@ public class DnetCollectorException extends Exception { public DnetCollectorException(final Throwable cause) { super(cause); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorWorker.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorWorker.java index c76536b3a9..e686ad5180 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorWorker.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorWorker.java @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.collector.worker.model.ApiDescriptor; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.net.URI; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.CollectorPlugin; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.CollectorPluginFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.message.Message; -import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; -import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageType; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; @@ -18,96 +16,124 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.net.URI; -import java.util.HashMap; -import java.util.Map; -import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.collector.worker.model.ApiDescriptor; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.CollectorPlugin; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.CollectorPluginFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.message.Message; +import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; +import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageType; public class DnetCollectorWorker { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DnetCollectorWorker.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DnetCollectorWorker.class); + private final CollectorPluginFactory collectorPluginFactory; - private final CollectorPluginFactory collectorPluginFactory; + private final ArgumentApplicationParser argumentParser; - private final ArgumentApplicationParser argumentParser; + private final MessageManager manager; - private final MessageManager manager; + public DnetCollectorWorker( + final CollectorPluginFactory collectorPluginFactory, + final ArgumentApplicationParser argumentParser, + final MessageManager manager) + throws DnetCollectorException { + this.collectorPluginFactory = collectorPluginFactory; + this.argumentParser = argumentParser; + this.manager = manager; + } + public void collect() throws DnetCollectorException { + try { + final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); + final ApiDescriptor api = jsonMapper.readValue(argumentParser.get("apidescriptor"), ApiDescriptor.class); - public DnetCollectorWorker(final CollectorPluginFactory collectorPluginFactory, final ArgumentApplicationParser argumentParser, final MessageManager manager) throws DnetCollectorException { - this.collectorPluginFactory = collectorPluginFactory; - this.argumentParser = argumentParser; - this.manager = manager; - } - - - public void collect() throws DnetCollectorException { - try { - final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); - final ApiDescriptor api = jsonMapper.readValue(argumentParser.get("apidescriptor"), ApiDescriptor.class); - - final CollectorPlugin plugin = collectorPluginFactory.getPluginByProtocol(api.getProtocol()); - - final String hdfsuri = argumentParser.get("namenode"); - - // ====== Init HDFS File System Object - Configuration conf = new Configuration(); - // Set FileSystem URI - conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsuri); - // Because of Maven - conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName()); - conf.set("fs.file.impl", org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem.class.getName()); - - System.setProperty("HADOOP_USER_NAME", argumentParser.get("userHDFS")); - System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "/"); - //Get the filesystem - HDFS - FileSystem.get(URI.create(hdfsuri), conf); - Path hdfswritepath = new Path(argumentParser.get("hdfsPath")); - - log.info("Created path " + hdfswritepath.toString()); - - final Map ongoingMap = new HashMap<>(); - final Map reportMap = new HashMap<>(); - final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); - try (SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(conf, - SequenceFile.Writer.file(hdfswritepath), SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(IntWritable.class), - SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(Text.class))) { - final IntWritable key = new IntWritable(counter.get()); - final Text value = new Text(); - plugin.collect(api).forEach(content -> { - - key.set(counter.getAndIncrement()); - value.set(content); - if (counter.get() % 10 == 0) { - try { - ongoingMap.put("ongoing", "" + counter.get()); - log.debug("Sending message: "+ manager.sendMessage(new Message(argumentParser.get("workflowId"), "Collection", MessageType.ONGOING, ongoingMap), argumentParser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), true, false)); - } catch (Exception e) { - log.error("Error on sending message ", e); - } - } - try { - writer.append(key, value); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - - }); - } - ongoingMap.put("ongoing", "" + counter.get()); - manager.sendMessage(new Message(argumentParser.get("workflowId"), "Collection", MessageType.ONGOING, ongoingMap), argumentParser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), true, false); - reportMap.put("collected", "" + counter.get()); - manager.sendMessage(new Message(argumentParser.get("workflowId"), "Collection", MessageType.REPORT, reportMap), argumentParser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), true, false); - manager.close(); - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new DnetCollectorException("Error on collecting ",e); - } - } + final CollectorPlugin plugin = collectorPluginFactory.getPluginByProtocol(api.getProtocol()); + final String hdfsuri = argumentParser.get("namenode"); + // ====== Init HDFS File System Object + Configuration conf = new Configuration(); + // Set FileSystem URI + conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsuri); + // Because of Maven + conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName()); + conf.set("fs.file.impl", org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem.class.getName()); + System.setProperty("HADOOP_USER_NAME", argumentParser.get("userHDFS")); + System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "/"); + // Get the filesystem - HDFS + FileSystem.get(URI.create(hdfsuri), conf); + Path hdfswritepath = new Path(argumentParser.get("hdfsPath")); + log.info("Created path " + hdfswritepath.toString()); + final Map ongoingMap = new HashMap<>(); + final Map reportMap = new HashMap<>(); + final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); + try (SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile + .createWriter( + conf, + SequenceFile.Writer.file(hdfswritepath), + SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(IntWritable.class), + SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(Text.class))) { + final IntWritable key = new IntWritable(counter.get()); + final Text value = new Text(); + plugin + .collect(api) + .forEach( + content -> { + key.set(counter.getAndIncrement()); + value.set(content); + if (counter.get() % 10 == 0) { + try { + ongoingMap.put("ongoing", "" + counter.get()); + log + .debug( + "Sending message: " + + manager + .sendMessage( + new Message( + argumentParser.get("workflowId"), + "Collection", + MessageType.ONGOING, + ongoingMap), + argumentParser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), + true, + false)); + } catch (Exception e) { + log.error("Error on sending message ", e); + } + } + try { + writer.append(key, value); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + }); + } + ongoingMap.put("ongoing", "" + counter.get()); + manager + .sendMessage( + new Message( + argumentParser.get("workflowId"), "Collection", MessageType.ONGOING, ongoingMap), + argumentParser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), + true, + false); + reportMap.put("collected", "" + counter.get()); + manager + .sendMessage( + new Message( + argumentParser.get("workflowId"), "Collection", MessageType.REPORT, reportMap), + argumentParser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue"), + true, + false); + manager.close(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new DnetCollectorException("Error on collecting ", e); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorWorkerApplication.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorWorkerApplication.java index d4bd22817c..da30e87937 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorWorkerApplication.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/DnetCollectorWorkerApplication.java @@ -1,47 +1,49 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker; - -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.CollectorPluginFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.CollectorPluginFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; /** - * DnetCollectortWorkerApplication is the main class responsible to start - * the Dnet Collection into HDFS. - * This module will be executed on the hadoop cluster and taking in input some parameters - * that tells it which is the right collector plugin to use and where store the data into HDFS path + * DnetCollectortWorkerApplication is the main class responsible to start the Dnet Collection into HDFS. This module + * will be executed on the hadoop cluster and taking in input some parameters that tells it which is the right collector + * plugin to use and where store the data into HDFS path * * @author Sandro La Bruzzo */ - public class DnetCollectorWorkerApplication { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DnetCollectorWorkerApplication.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DnetCollectorWorkerApplication.class); - private static CollectorPluginFactory collectorPluginFactory = new CollectorPluginFactory(); + private static final CollectorPluginFactory collectorPluginFactory = new CollectorPluginFactory(); - private static ArgumentApplicationParser argumentParser; - - - /** - * @param args - */ - public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { - - argumentParser= new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(DnetCollectorWorker.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/collector/worker/collector_parameter.json"))); - argumentParser.parseArgument(args); - log.info("hdfsPath =" + argumentParser.get("hdfsPath")); - log.info("json = " + argumentParser.get("apidescriptor")); - final MessageManager manager = new MessageManager(argumentParser.get("rabbitHost"), argumentParser.get("rabbitUser"), argumentParser.get("rabbitPassword"), false, false, null); - final DnetCollectorWorker worker = new DnetCollectorWorker(collectorPluginFactory, argumentParser, manager); - worker.collect(); - - - } + private static ArgumentApplicationParser argumentParser; + /** @param args */ + public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { + argumentParser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + DnetCollectorWorker.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/collector/worker/collector_parameter.json"))); + argumentParser.parseArgument(args); + log.info("hdfsPath =" + argumentParser.get("hdfsPath")); + log.info("json = " + argumentParser.get("apidescriptor")); + final MessageManager manager = new MessageManager( + argumentParser.get("rabbitHost"), + argumentParser.get("rabbitUser"), + argumentParser.get("rabbitPassword"), + false, + false, + null); + final DnetCollectorWorker worker = new DnetCollectorWorker(collectorPluginFactory, argumentParser, manager); + worker.collect(); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/CollectorPluginErrorLogList.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/CollectorPluginErrorLogList.java index 807479c5da..dcaf0ea562 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/CollectorPluginErrorLogList.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/CollectorPluginErrorLogList.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils; import java.util.LinkedList; @@ -8,12 +9,11 @@ public class CollectorPluginErrorLogList extends LinkedList { @Override public String toString() { - String log = new String(); + String log = ""; int index = 0; for (final String errorMessage : this) { log += String.format("Retry #%s: %s / ", index++, errorMessage); } return log; } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/CollectorPluginFactory.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/CollectorPluginFactory.java index cc2eaaddc8..7a0028e793 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/CollectorPluginFactory.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/CollectorPluginFactory.java @@ -1,22 +1,20 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.CollectorPlugin; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.plugin.oai.OaiCollectorPlugin; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.DnetCollectorException; -; - - public class CollectorPluginFactory { - public CollectorPlugin getPluginByProtocol(final String protocol) throws DnetCollectorException { - if (protocol==null) throw new DnetCollectorException("protocol cannot be null"); - switch (protocol.toLowerCase().trim()){ - case "oai": - return new OaiCollectorPlugin(); - default: - throw new DnetCollectorException("UNknown protocol"); - } - - } + public CollectorPlugin getPluginByProtocol(final String protocol) throws DnetCollectorException { + if (protocol == null) + throw new DnetCollectorException("protocol cannot be null"); + switch (protocol.toLowerCase().trim()) { + case "oai": + return new OaiCollectorPlugin(); + default: + throw new DnetCollectorException("UNknown protocol"); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/HttpConnector.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/HttpConnector.java index 24e9f1ac15..5d6108fad8 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/HttpConnector.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/HttpConnector.java @@ -1,15 +1,6 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.DnetCollectorException; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; - -import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection; -import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext; -import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager; -import javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.*; @@ -18,6 +9,17 @@ import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; +import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection; +import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext; +import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager; +import javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; +import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; +import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.DnetCollectorException; public class HttpConnector { @@ -38,11 +40,9 @@ public class HttpConnector { /** * Given the URL returns the content via HTTP GET * - * @param requestUrl - * the URL + * @param requestUrl the URL * @return the content of the downloaded resource - * @throws DnetCollectorException - * when retrying more than maxNumberOfRetry times + * @throws DnetCollectorException when retrying more than maxNumberOfRetry times */ public String getInputSource(final String requestUrl) throws DnetCollectorException { return attemptDownlaodAsString(requestUrl, 1, new CollectorPluginErrorLogList()); @@ -51,18 +51,17 @@ public class HttpConnector { /** * Given the URL returns the content as a stream via HTTP GET * - * @param requestUrl - * the URL + * @param requestUrl the URL * @return the content of the downloaded resource as InputStream - * @throws DnetCollectorException - * when retrying more than maxNumberOfRetry times + * @throws DnetCollectorException when retrying more than maxNumberOfRetry times */ public InputStream getInputSourceAsStream(final String requestUrl) throws DnetCollectorException { return attemptDownload(requestUrl, 1, new CollectorPluginErrorLogList()); } - private String attemptDownlaodAsString(final String requestUrl, final int retryNumber, final CollectorPluginErrorLogList errorList) - throws DnetCollectorException { + private String attemptDownlaodAsString( + final String requestUrl, final int retryNumber, final CollectorPluginErrorLogList errorList) + throws DnetCollectorException { try { final InputStream s = attemptDownload(requestUrl, 1, new CollectorPluginErrorLogList()); try { @@ -80,10 +79,13 @@ public class HttpConnector { } } - private InputStream attemptDownload(final String requestUrl, final int retryNumber, final CollectorPluginErrorLogList errorList) - throws DnetCollectorException { + private InputStream attemptDownload( + final String requestUrl, final int retryNumber, final CollectorPluginErrorLogList errorList) + throws DnetCollectorException { - if (retryNumber > maxNumberOfRetry) { throw new DnetCollectorException("Max number of retries exceeded. Cause: \n " + errorList); } + if (retryNumber > maxNumberOfRetry) { + throw new DnetCollectorException("Max number of retries exceeded. Cause: \n " + errorList); + } log.debug("Downloading " + requestUrl + " - try: " + retryNumber); try { @@ -106,16 +108,28 @@ public class HttpConnector { errorList.add("503 Service Unavailable"); urlConn.disconnect(); return attemptDownload(requestUrl, retryNumber + 1, errorList); - } else if (urlConn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM || urlConn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP) { + } else if (urlConn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM + || urlConn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP) { final String newUrl = obtainNewLocation(urlConn.getHeaderFields()); log.debug("The requested url has been moved to " + newUrl); - errorList.add(String.format("%s %s. Moved to: %s", urlConn.getResponseCode(), urlConn.getResponseMessage(), newUrl)); + errorList + .add( + String + .format( + "%s %s. Moved to: %s", + urlConn.getResponseCode(), urlConn.getResponseMessage(), newUrl)); urlConn.disconnect(); return attemptDownload(newUrl, retryNumber + 1, errorList); } else if (urlConn.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { - log.error(String.format("HTTP error: %s %s", urlConn.getResponseCode(), urlConn.getResponseMessage())); + log + .error( + String + .format( + "HTTP error: %s %s", urlConn.getResponseCode(), urlConn.getResponseMessage())); Thread.sleep(defaultDelay * 1000); - errorList.add(String.format("%s %s", urlConn.getResponseCode(), urlConn.getResponseMessage())); + errorList + .add( + String.format("%s %s", urlConn.getResponseCode(), urlConn.getResponseMessage())); urlConn.disconnect(); return attemptDownload(requestUrl, retryNumber + 1, errorList); } else { @@ -148,17 +162,25 @@ public class HttpConnector { private int obtainRetryAfter(final Map> headerMap) { for (final String key : headerMap.keySet()) { - if (key != null && key.toLowerCase().equals("retry-after") && headerMap.get(key).size() > 0 - && NumberUtils.isNumber(headerMap.get(key).get(0))) { return Integer.parseInt(headerMap.get(key).get(0)) + 10; } + if (key != null + && key.toLowerCase().equals("retry-after") + && headerMap.get(key).size() > 0 + && NumberUtils.isNumber(headerMap.get(key).get(0))) { + return Integer.parseInt(headerMap.get(key).get(0)) + 10; + } } return -1; } - private String obtainNewLocation(final Map> headerMap) throws DnetCollectorException { + private String obtainNewLocation(final Map> headerMap) + throws DnetCollectorException { for (final String key : headerMap.keySet()) { - if (key != null && key.toLowerCase().equals("location") && headerMap.get(key).size() > 0) { return headerMap.get(key).get(0); } + if (key != null && key.toLowerCase().equals("location") && headerMap.get(key).size() > 0) { + return headerMap.get(key).get(0); + } } - throw new DnetCollectorException("The requested url has been MOVED, but 'location' param is MISSING"); + throw new DnetCollectorException( + "The requested url has been MOVED, but 'location' param is MISSING"); } /** @@ -168,10 +190,12 @@ public class HttpConnector { final X509TrustManager tm = new X509TrustManager() { @Override - public void checkClientTrusted(final X509Certificate[] xcs, final String string) {} + public void checkClientTrusted(final X509Certificate[] xcs, final String string) { + } @Override - public void checkServerTrusted(final X509Certificate[] xcs, final String string) {} + public void checkServerTrusted(final X509Certificate[] xcs, final String string) { + } @Override public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { @@ -180,7 +204,9 @@ public class HttpConnector { }; try { final SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); - ctx.init(null, new TrustManager[] { tm }, null); + ctx.init(null, new TrustManager[] { + tm + }, null); HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(ctx.getSocketFactory()); } catch (final GeneralSecurityException e) { log.fatal(e); @@ -215,5 +241,4 @@ public class HttpConnector { public String getResponseType() { return responseType; } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/XmlCleaner.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/XmlCleaner.java index 8c8ee629f3..44aeb4d029 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/XmlCleaner.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/worker/utils/XmlCleaner.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils; import java.util.HashMap; @@ -6,186 +7,305 @@ import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; -/** - * @author jochen, Andreas Czerniak - * - */ +/** @author jochen, Andreas Czerniak */ public class XmlCleaner { - /** - * Pattern for numeric entities. - */ - private static Pattern validCharacterEntityPattern = Pattern.compile("^&#x?\\d{2,4};"); //$NON-NLS-1$ - // private static Pattern validCharacterEntityPattern = Pattern.compile("^&#?\\d{2,4};"); //$NON-NLS-1$ + /** Pattern for numeric entities. */ + private static final Pattern validCharacterEntityPattern = Pattern.compile("^&#x?\\d{2,4};"); // $NON-NLS-1$ + // private static Pattern validCharacterEntityPattern = Pattern.compile("^&#?\\d{2,4};"); + // //$NON-NLS-1$ // see https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets , not only limited to - private static Pattern invalidControlCharPattern = Pattern.compile("&#x?1[0-9a-fA-F];"); + private static final Pattern invalidControlCharPattern = Pattern.compile("&#x?1[0-9a-fA-F];"); /** - * Pattern that negates the allowable XML 4 byte unicode characters. Valid are: #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | - * [#x10000-#x10FFFF] + * Pattern that negates the allowable XML 4 byte unicode characters. Valid are: #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | + * [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] */ - private static Pattern invalidCharacterPattern = Pattern.compile("[^\t\r\n\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ + private static final Pattern invalidCharacterPattern = Pattern.compile("[^\t\r\n\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD]"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // Map entities to their unicode equivalent - private static Set goodEntities = new HashSet<>(); - private static Map badEntities = new HashMap<>(); + private static final Set goodEntities = new HashSet<>(); + private static final Map badEntities = new HashMap<>(); static { // pre-defined XML entities - goodEntities.add("""); //$NON-NLS-1$ // quotation mark - goodEntities.add("&"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // ampersand - goodEntities.add("<"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // less-than sign - goodEntities.add(">"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // greater-than sign + goodEntities.add("""); // $NON-NLS-1$ // quotation mark + goodEntities.add("&"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // ampersand + goodEntities.add("<"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // less-than sign + goodEntities.add(">"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // greater-than sign // control entities // badEntities.put(" ", ""); - badEntities.put("", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("€", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("‚", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("ƒ", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("„", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("…", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("†", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("‡", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("ˆ", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("‰", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("Š", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("‹", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("Œ", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("Ž", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("‘", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("’", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("“", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("”", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("•", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("–", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("—", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("˜", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("™", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("š", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("›", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("œ", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("ž", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character - badEntities.put("Ÿ", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("€", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("‚", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("ƒ", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("„", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("…", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("†", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("‡", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("ˆ", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("‰", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("Š", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("‹", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("Œ", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("Ž", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("‘", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("’", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("“", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("”", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("•", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("–", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("—", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("˜", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("™", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("š", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("›", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("œ", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("ž", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character + badEntities.put("Ÿ", " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // illegal HTML character // misc entities - badEntities.put("€", "\u20AC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // euro - badEntities.put("‘", "\u2018"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // left single quotation mark - badEntities.put("’", "\u2019"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // right single quotation mark + badEntities.put("€", "\u20AC"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // euro + badEntities.put("‘", "\u2018"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // left single quotation + // mark + badEntities.put("’", "\u2019"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // right single quotation + // mark // Latin 1 entities - badEntities.put(" ", "\u00A0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // no-break space - badEntities.put("¡", "\u00A1"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // inverted exclamation mark - badEntities.put("¢", "\u00A2"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // cent sign - badEntities.put("£", "\u00A3"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // pound sign - badEntities.put("¤", "\u00A4"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // currency sign - badEntities.put("¥", "\u00A5"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // yen sign - badEntities.put("¦", "\u00A6"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // broken vertical bar - badEntities.put("§", "\u00A7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // section sign - badEntities.put("¨", "\u00A8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // diaeresis - badEntities.put("©", "\u00A9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // copyright sign - badEntities.put("ª", "\u00AA"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // feminine ordinal indicator - badEntities.put("«", "\u00AB"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // left-pointing double angle quotation mark - badEntities.put("¬", "\u00AC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // not sign - badEntities.put("­", "\u00AD"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // soft hyphen - badEntities.put("®", "\u00AE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // registered sign - badEntities.put("¯", "\u00AF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // macron - badEntities.put("°", "\u00B0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // degree sign - badEntities.put("±", "\u00B1"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // plus-minus sign - badEntities.put("²", "\u00B2"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // superscript two - badEntities.put("³", "\u00B3"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // superscript three - badEntities.put("´", "\u00B4"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // acute accent - badEntities.put("µ", "\u00B5"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // micro sign - badEntities.put("¶", "\u00B6"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // pilcrow sign - badEntities.put("·", "\u00B7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // middle dot - badEntities.put("¸", "\u00B8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // cedilla - badEntities.put("¹", "\u00B9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // superscript one - badEntities.put("º", "\u00BA"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // masculine ordinal indicator - badEntities.put("»", "\u00BB"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // right-pointing double angle quotation mark - badEntities.put("¼", "\u00BC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // vulgar fraction one quarter - badEntities.put("½", "\u00BD"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // vulgar fraction one half - badEntities.put("¾", "\u00BE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // vulgar fraction three quarters - badEntities.put("¿", "\u00BF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // inverted question mark - badEntities.put("À", "\u00C0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A with grave - badEntities.put("Á", "\u00C1"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A with acute - badEntities.put("Â", "\u00C2"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A with circumflex - badEntities.put("Ã", "\u00C3"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A with tilde - badEntities.put("Ä", "\u00C4"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A with diaeresis - badEntities.put("Å", "\u00C5"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A with ring above - badEntities.put("Æ", "\u00C6"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter AE - badEntities.put("Ç", "\u00C7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter C with cedilla - badEntities.put("È", "\u00C8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter E with grave - badEntities.put("É", "\u00C9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter E with acute - badEntities.put("Ê", "\u00CA"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter E with circumflex - badEntities.put("Ë", "\u00CB"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter E with diaeresis - badEntities.put("Ì", "\u00CC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter I with grave - badEntities.put("Í", "\u00CD"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter I with acute - badEntities.put("Î", "\u00CE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter I with circumflex - badEntities.put("Ï", "\u00CF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter I with diaeresis - badEntities.put("Ð", "\u00D0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter ETH - badEntities.put("Ñ", "\u00D1"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter N with tilde - badEntities.put("Ò", "\u00D2"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter O with grave - badEntities.put("Ó", "\u00D3"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter O with acute - badEntities.put("Ô", "\u00D4"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter O with circumflex - badEntities.put("Õ", "\u00D5"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter O with tilde - badEntities.put("Ö", "\u00D6"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter O with diaeresis - badEntities.put("×", "\u00D7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // multiplication sign - badEntities.put("Ø", "\u00D8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter O with stroke - badEntities.put("Ù", "\u00D9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter U with grave - badEntities.put("Ú", "\u00DA"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter U with acute - badEntities.put("Û", "\u00DB"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter U with circumflex - badEntities.put("Ü", "\u00DC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter U with diaeresis - badEntities.put("Ý", "\u00DD"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter Y with acute - badEntities.put("Þ", "\u00DE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter THORN - badEntities.put("ß", "\u00DF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter sharp s - badEntities.put("à", "\u00E0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a with grave - badEntities.put("á", "\u00E1"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a with acute - badEntities.put("â", "\u00E2"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a with circumflex - badEntities.put("ã", "\u00E3"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a with tilde - badEntities.put("ä", "\u00E4"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a with diaeresis - badEntities.put("å", "\u00E5"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a with ring above - badEntities.put("æ", "\u00E6"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter ae - badEntities.put("ç", "\u00E7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter c with cedilla - badEntities.put("è", "\u00E8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter e with grave - badEntities.put("é", "\u00E9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter e with acute - badEntities.put("ê", "\u00EA"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter e with circumflex - badEntities.put("ë", "\u00EB"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter e with diaeresis - badEntities.put("ì", "\u00EC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter i with grave - badEntities.put("í", "\u00ED"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter i with acute - badEntities.put("î", "\u00EE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter i with circumflex - badEntities.put("ï", "\u00EF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter i with diaeresis - badEntities.put("ð", "\u00F0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter eth - badEntities.put("ñ", "\u00F1"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter n with tilde - badEntities.put("ò", "\u00F2"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o with grave - badEntities.put("ó", "\u00F3"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o with acute - badEntities.put("ô", "\u00F4"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o with circumflex - badEntities.put("õ", "\u00F5"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o with tilde - badEntities.put("ö", "\u00F6"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o with diaeresis - badEntities.put("÷", "\u00F7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // division sign - badEntities.put("ø", "\u00F8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o with stroke - badEntities.put("ù", "\u00F9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter u with grave - badEntities.put("ú", "\u00FA"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter u with acute - badEntities.put("û", "\u00FB"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter u with circumflex - badEntities.put("ü", "\u00FC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter u with diaeresis - badEntities.put("ý", "\u00FD"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter y with acute - badEntities.put("þ", "\u00FE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter thorn - badEntities.put("ÿ", "\u00FF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter y with diaeresis + badEntities.put(" ", "\u00A0"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // no-break space + badEntities.put("¡", "\u00A1"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // inverted exclamation + // mark + badEntities.put("¢", "\u00A2"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // cent sign + badEntities.put("£", "\u00A3"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // pound sign + badEntities.put("¤", "\u00A4"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // currency sign + badEntities.put("¥", "\u00A5"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // yen sign + badEntities.put("¦", "\u00A6"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // broken vertical bar + badEntities.put("§", "\u00A7"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // section sign + badEntities.put("¨", "\u00A8"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // diaeresis + badEntities.put("©", "\u00A9"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // copyright sign + badEntities.put("ª", "\u00AA"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // feminine ordinal + // indicator + badEntities.put("«", "\u00AB"); // $NON-NLS-2$ // left-pointing double angle + // quotation mark + badEntities.put("¬", "\u00AC"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // not sign + badEntities.put("­", "\u00AD"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // soft hyphen + badEntities.put("®", "\u00AE"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // registered sign + badEntities.put("¯", "\u00AF"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // macron + badEntities.put("°", "\u00B0"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // degree sign + badEntities.put("±", "\u00B1"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // plus-minus sign + badEntities.put("²", "\u00B2"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // superscript two + badEntities.put("³", "\u00B3"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // superscript three + badEntities.put("´", "\u00B4"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // acute accent + badEntities.put("µ", "\u00B5"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // micro sign + badEntities.put("¶", "\u00B6"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // pilcrow sign + badEntities.put("·", "\u00B7"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // middle dot + badEntities.put("¸", "\u00B8"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // cedilla + badEntities.put("¹", "\u00B9"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // superscript one + badEntities.put("º", "\u00BA"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // masculine ordinal + // indicator + badEntities.put("»", "\u00BB"); // $NON-NLS-2$ // right-pointing double + // angle quotation + // mark + badEntities.put("¼", "\u00BC"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // vulgar fraction one + // quarter + badEntities.put("½", "\u00BD"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // vulgar fraction one + // half + badEntities.put("¾", "\u00BE"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // vulgar fraction three + // quarters + badEntities.put("¿", "\u00BF"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // inverted question + // mark + badEntities.put("À", "\u00C0"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // A + // with grave + badEntities.put("Á", "\u00C1"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // A + // with acute + badEntities.put("Â", "\u00C2"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A + // with circumflex + badEntities.put("Ã", "\u00C3"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // A + // with tilde + badEntities.put("Ä", "\u00C4"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("Å", "\u00C5"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter A + // with ring above + badEntities.put("Æ", "\u00C6"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // AE + badEntities.put("Ç", "\u00C7"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // C + // with cedilla + badEntities.put("È", "\u00C8"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // E + // with grave + badEntities.put("É", "\u00C9"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // E + // with acute + badEntities.put("Ê", "\u00CA"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter E + // with circumflex + badEntities.put("Ë", "\u00CB"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter E + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("Ì", "\u00CC"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // I + // with grave + badEntities.put("Í", "\u00CD"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // I + // with acute + badEntities.put("Î", "\u00CE"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter I + // with circumflex + badEntities.put("Ï", "\u00CF"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter I + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("Ð", "\u00D0"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter ETH + badEntities.put("Ñ", "\u00D1"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // N + // with tilde + badEntities.put("Ò", "\u00D2"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // O + // with grave + badEntities.put("Ó", "\u00D3"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // O + // with acute + badEntities.put("Ô", "\u00D4"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter O + // with circumflex + badEntities.put("Õ", "\u00D5"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // O + // with tilde + badEntities.put("Ö", "\u00D6"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter O + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("×", "\u00D7"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // multiplication sign + badEntities.put("Ø", "\u00D8"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // O + // with stroke + badEntities.put("Ù", "\u00D9"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // U + // with grave + badEntities.put("Ú", "\u00DA"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // U + // with acute + badEntities.put("Û", "\u00DB"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter U + // with circumflex + badEntities.put("Ü", "\u00DC"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter U + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("Ý", "\u00DD"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // Y + // with acute + badEntities.put("Þ", "\u00DE"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin capital letter + // THORN + badEntities.put("ß", "\u00DF"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter + // sharp s + badEntities.put("à", "\u00E0"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a + // with + // grave + badEntities.put("á", "\u00E1"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a + // with + // acute + badEntities.put("â", "\u00E2"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a + // with + // circumflex + badEntities.put("ã", "\u00E3"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a + // with + // tilde + badEntities.put("ä", "\u00E4"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("å", "\u00E5"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter a + // with + // ring above + badEntities.put("æ", "\u00E6"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter ae + badEntities.put("ç", "\u00E7"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter c + // with + // cedilla + badEntities.put("è", "\u00E8"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter e + // with + // grave + badEntities.put("é", "\u00E9"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter e + // with + // acute + badEntities.put("ê", "\u00EA"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter e + // with + // circumflex + badEntities.put("ë", "\u00EB"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter e + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("ì", "\u00EC"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter i + // with + // grave + badEntities.put("í", "\u00ED"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter i + // with + // acute + badEntities.put("î", "\u00EE"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter i + // with + // circumflex + badEntities.put("ï", "\u00EF"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter i + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("ð", "\u00F0"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter eth + badEntities.put("ñ", "\u00F1"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter n + // with + // tilde + badEntities.put("ò", "\u00F2"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o + // with + // grave + badEntities.put("ó", "\u00F3"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o + // with + // acute + badEntities.put("ô", "\u00F4"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o + // with + // circumflex + badEntities.put("õ", "\u00F5"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o + // with + // tilde + badEntities.put("ö", "\u00F6"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("÷", "\u00F7"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // division sign + badEntities.put("ø", "\u00F8"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter o + // with + // stroke + badEntities.put("ù", "\u00F9"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter u + // with + // grave + badEntities.put("ú", "\u00FA"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter u + // with + // acute + badEntities.put("û", "\u00FB"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter u + // with + // circumflex + badEntities.put("ü", "\u00FC"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter u + // with + // diaeresis + badEntities.put("ý", "\u00FD"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter y + // with + // acute + badEntities.put("þ", "\u00FE"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter + // thorn + badEntities.put("ÿ", "\u00FF"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // latin small letter y + // with + // diaeresis } /** - * For each entity in the input that is not allowed in XML, replace the entity with its unicode equivalent or remove it. For each - * instance of a bare {@literal &}, replace it with {@literal &
- * } XML only allows 4 entities: {@literal &amp;}, {@literal &quot;}, {@literal &lt;} and {@literal &gt;}. + * For each entity in the input that is not allowed in XML, replace the entity with its unicode equivalent or remove + * it. For each instance of a bare {@literal &}, replace it with {@literal + * &
+ } XML only allows 4 entities: {@literal &amp;}, {@literal &quot;}, {@literal + * &lt;} and {@literal &gt;}. * - * @param broken - * the string to handle entities + * @param broken the string to handle entities * @return the string with entities appropriately fixed up */ - static public String cleanAllEntities(final String broken) { - if (broken == null) { return null; } + public static String cleanAllEntities(final String broken) { + if (broken == null) { + return null; + } String working = invalidControlCharPattern.matcher(broken).replaceAll(""); working = invalidCharacterPattern.matcher(working).replaceAll(""); @@ -206,7 +326,8 @@ public class XmlCleaner { int i = amp + 1; while (true) { // if we are at the end of the string then just escape the '&'; - if (i >= working.length()) { return working.substring(0, amp) + "&" + working.substring(amp + 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ + if (i >= working.length()) { + return working.substring(0, amp) + "&" + working.substring(amp + 1); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // if we have come to a ; then we have an entity // If it is something that xml can't handle then replace it. @@ -220,7 +341,7 @@ public class XmlCleaner { // Did we end an entity without finding a closing ; // Then treat it as an '&' that needs to be replaced with & if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { - working = working.substring(0, amp) + "&" + working.substring(amp + 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ + working = working.substring(0, amp) + "&" + working.substring(amp + 1); // $NON-NLS-1$ amp = i + 4; // account for the 4 extra characters break; } @@ -241,18 +362,21 @@ public class XmlCleaner { } /** - * Replace entity with its unicode equivalent, if it is not a valid XML entity. Otherwise strip it out. XML only allows 4 entities: - * &amp;, &quot;, &lt; and &gt;. + * Replace entity with its unicode equivalent, if it is not a valid XML entity. Otherwise strip it out. XML only + * allows 4 entities: &amp;, &quot;, &lt; and &gt;. * - * @param entity - * the entity to be replaced + * @param entity the entity to be replaced * @return the substitution for the entity, either itself, the unicode equivalent or an empty string. */ private static String handleEntity(final String entity) { - if (goodEntities.contains(entity)) { return entity; } + if (goodEntities.contains(entity)) { + return entity; + } final String replace = badEntities.get(entity); - if (replace != null) { return replace; } + if (replace != null) { + return replace; + } return replace != null ? replace : ""; } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/LicenseComparator.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/LicenseComparator.java deleted file mode 100644 index 9d0e82aca9..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/LicenseComparator.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.migration.actions; - -import eu.dnetlib.data.proto.FieldTypeProtos.Qualifier; - -import java.util.Comparator; - -public class LicenseComparator implements Comparator { - - @Override - public int compare(Qualifier left, Qualifier right) { - - if (left == null && right == null) return 0; - if (left == null) return 1; - if (right == null) return -1; - - String lClass = left.getClassid(); - String rClass = right.getClassid(); - - if (lClass.equals(rClass)) return 0; - - if (lClass.equals("OPEN SOURCE")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("OPEN SOURCE")) return 1; - - if (lClass.equals("OPEN")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("OPEN")) return 1; - - if (lClass.equals("6MONTHS")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("6MONTHS")) return 1; - - if (lClass.equals("12MONTHS")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("12MONTHS")) return 1; - - if (lClass.equals("EMBARGO")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("EMBARGO")) return 1; - - if (lClass.equals("RESTRICTED")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("RESTRICTED")) return 1; - - if (lClass.equals("CLOSED")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("CLOSED")) return 1; - - if (lClass.equals("UNKNOWN")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("UNKNOWN")) return 1; - - // Else (but unlikely), lexicographical ordering will do. - return lClass.compareTo(rClass); - } - -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/MigrateActionSet.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/MigrateActionSet.java deleted file mode 100644 index 487fac359c..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/MigrateActionSet.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.migration.actions; - -import com.google.common.base.Splitter; -import com.google.common.collect.Lists; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; -import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; -import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; -import org.apache.hadoop.tools.DistCp; -import org.apache.hadoop.tools.DistCpOptions; -import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; - -import java.io.File; -import java.io.FileOutputStream; -import java.io.OutputStream; -import java.util.*; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -public class MigrateActionSet { - - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MigrateActionSet.class); - - private static final String SEPARATOR = "/"; - private static final String TARGET_PATHS = "target_paths"; - private static final String RAWSET_PREFIX = "rawset_"; - - private static Boolean DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_ONLY = false; - - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString(MigrateActionSet.class.getResourceAsStream( - "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/migrate_actionsets_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - - new MigrateActionSet().run(parser); - } - - private void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) throws Exception { - - final String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); - final String sourceNN = parser.get("sourceNameNode"); - final String targetNN = parser.get("targetNameNode"); - final String workDir = parser.get("workingDirectory"); - final Integer distcp_num_maps = Integer.parseInt(parser.get("distcp_num_maps")); - - final String distcp_memory_mb = parser.get("distcp_memory_mb"); - final String distcp_task_timeout = parser.get("distcp_task_timeout"); - - final String transform_only_s = parser.get("transform_only"); - - log.info("transform only param: " + transform_only_s); - - final Boolean transformOnly = Boolean.valueOf(parser.get("transform_only")); - - log.info("transform only: " + transformOnly); - - ISLookUpService isLookUp = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); - - Configuration conf = getConfiguration(distcp_task_timeout, distcp_memory_mb, distcp_num_maps); - FileSystem targetFS = FileSystem.get(conf); - - Configuration sourceConf = getConfiguration(distcp_task_timeout, distcp_memory_mb, distcp_num_maps); - sourceConf.set(FileSystem.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, sourceNN); - FileSystem sourceFS = FileSystem.get(sourceConf); - - Properties props = new Properties(); - - List targetPaths = new ArrayList<>(); - - final List sourcePaths = getSourcePaths(sourceNN, isLookUp); - log.info(String.format("paths to process:\n%s", sourcePaths.stream().map(p -> p.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining("\n")))); - for(Path source : sourcePaths) { - - if (!sourceFS.exists(source)) { - log.warn(String.format("skipping unexisting path: %s", source)); - } else { - - LinkedList pathQ = Lists.newLinkedList(Splitter.on(SEPARATOR).split(source.toUri().getPath())); - - final String rawSet = pathQ.pollLast(); - log.info(String.format("got RAWSET: %s", rawSet)); - - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rawSet) && rawSet.startsWith(RAWSET_PREFIX)) { - - final String actionSetDirectory = pathQ.pollLast(); - - final Path targetPath = new Path(targetNN + workDir + SEPARATOR + actionSetDirectory + SEPARATOR + rawSet); - - log.info(String.format("using TARGET PATH: %s", targetPath)); - - if (!transformOnly) { - if (targetFS.exists(targetPath)) { - targetFS.delete(targetPath, true); - } - runDistcp(distcp_num_maps, distcp_memory_mb, distcp_task_timeout, conf, source, targetPath); - } - - targetPaths.add(targetPath); - } - } - } - - props.setProperty(TARGET_PATHS, targetPaths - .stream() - .map(p -> p.toString()) - .collect(Collectors.joining(","))); - File file = new File(System.getProperty("oozie.action.output.properties")); - - try(OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file)) { - props.store(os, ""); - } - System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); - } - - private void runDistcp(Integer distcp_num_maps, String distcp_memory_mb, String distcp_task_timeout, Configuration conf, Path source, Path targetPath) throws Exception { - - final DistCpOptions op = new DistCpOptions(source, targetPath); - op.setMaxMaps(distcp_num_maps); - op.preserve(DistCpOptions.FileAttribute.BLOCKSIZE); - op.preserve(DistCpOptions.FileAttribute.REPLICATION); - op.preserve(DistCpOptions.FileAttribute.CHECKSUMTYPE); - - int res = ToolRunner.run(new DistCp(conf, op), new String[]{ - "-Dmapred.task.timeout=" + distcp_task_timeout, - "-Dmapreduce.map.memory.mb=" + distcp_memory_mb, - "-pb", - "-m " + distcp_num_maps, - source.toString(), - targetPath.toString()}); - - if (res != 0) { - throw new RuntimeException(String.format("distcp exited with code %s", res)); - } - } - - private Configuration getConfiguration(String distcp_task_timeout, String distcp_memory_mb, Integer distcp_num_maps) { - final Configuration conf = new Configuration(); - conf.set("dfs.webhdfs.socket.connect-timeout", distcp_task_timeout); - conf.set("dfs.webhdfs.socket.read-timeout", distcp_task_timeout); - conf.set("dfs.http.client.retry.policy.enabled", "true"); - conf.set("mapred.task.timeout", distcp_task_timeout); - conf.set("mapreduce.map.memory.mb", distcp_memory_mb); - conf.set("mapred.map.tasks", String.valueOf(distcp_num_maps)); - return conf; - } - - private List getSourcePaths(String sourceNN, ISLookUpService isLookUp) throws ISLookUpException { - String XQUERY = "distinct-values(\n" + - "let $basePath := collection('/db/DRIVER/ServiceResources/ActionManagerServiceResourceType')//SERVICE_PROPERTIES/PROPERTY[@key = 'basePath']/@value/string()\n" + - "for $x in collection('/db/DRIVER/ActionManagerSetDSResources/ActionManagerSetDSResourceType') \n" + - "let $setDir := $x//SET/@directory/string()\n" + - "let $rawSet := $x//RAW_SETS/LATEST/@id/string()\n" + - "return concat($basePath, '/', $setDir, '/', $rawSet))"; - - log.info(String.format("running xquery:\n%s", XQUERY)); - return isLookUp.quickSearchProfile(XQUERY) - .stream() - .map(p -> sourceNN + p) - .map(Path::new) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); - } - -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/ProtoConverter.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/ProtoConverter.java deleted file mode 100644 index a7e70ee813..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/ProtoConverter.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,580 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.migration.actions; - -import com.google.common.collect.Lists; -import com.googlecode.protobuf.format.JsonFormat; -import eu.dnetlib.data.proto.*; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; - -import java.io.Serializable; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Optional; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -public class ProtoConverter implements Serializable { - - public static final String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"; - public static final String NOT_AVAILABLE = "not available"; - public static final String DNET_ACCESS_MODES = "dnet:access_modes"; - - public static Oaf convert(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - try { - switch (oaf.getKind()) { - case entity: - return convertEntity(oaf); - case relation: - return convertRelation(oaf); - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid kind " + oaf.getKind()); - } - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException("error on getting " + JsonFormat.printToString(oaf), e); - } - } - - private static Relation convertRelation(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - final OafProtos.OafRel r = oaf.getRel(); - final Relation rel = new Relation(); - rel.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(oaf.getDataInfo())); - rel.setLastupdatetimestamp(oaf.getLastupdatetimestamp()); - rel.setSource(r.getSource()); - rel.setTarget(r.getTarget()); - rel.setRelType(r.getRelType().toString()); - rel.setSubRelType(r.getSubRelType().toString()); - rel.setRelClass(r.getRelClass()); - rel.setCollectedFrom(r.getCollectedfromCount() > 0 ? - r.getCollectedfromList().stream() - .map(kv -> mapKV(kv)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) : null); - return rel; - } - - private static OafEntity convertEntity(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - - switch (oaf.getEntity().getType()) { - case result: - final Result r = convertResult(oaf); - r.setInstance(convertInstances(oaf)); - return r; - case project: - return convertProject(oaf); - case datasource: - return convertDataSource(oaf); - case organization: - return convertOrganization(oaf); - default: - throw new RuntimeException("received unknown type"); - } - } - - private static List convertInstances(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - - final ResultProtos.Result r = oaf.getEntity().getResult(); - if (r.getInstanceCount() > 0) { - return r.getInstanceList() - .stream() - .map(i -> convertInstance(i)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); - } - return Lists.newArrayList(); - } - - private static Instance convertInstance(ResultProtos.Result.Instance ri) { - final Instance i = new Instance(); - i.setAccessright(mapQualifier(ri.getAccessright())); - i.setCollectedfrom(mapKV(ri.getCollectedfrom())); - i.setDateofacceptance(mapStringField(ri.getDateofacceptance())); - i.setDistributionlocation(ri.getDistributionlocation()); - i.setHostedby(mapKV(ri.getHostedby())); - i.setInstancetype(mapQualifier(ri.getInstancetype())); - i.setLicense(mapStringField(ri.getLicense())); - i.setUrl(ri.getUrlList()); - i.setRefereed(mapStringField(ri.getRefereed())); - i.setProcessingchargeamount(mapStringField(ri.getProcessingchargeamount())); - i.setProcessingchargecurrency(mapStringField(ri.getProcessingchargecurrency())); - return i; - } - - private static Organization convertOrganization(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - final OrganizationProtos.Organization.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getOrganization().getMetadata(); - final Organization org = setOaf(new Organization(), oaf); - setEntity(org, oaf); - org.setLegalshortname(mapStringField(m.getLegalshortname())); - org.setLegalname(mapStringField(m.getLegalname())); - org.setAlternativeNames(m.getAlternativeNamesList(). - stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - org.setWebsiteurl(mapStringField(m.getWebsiteurl())); - org.setLogourl(mapStringField(m.getLogourl())); - org.setEclegalbody(mapStringField(m.getEclegalbody())); - org.setEclegalperson(mapStringField(m.getEclegalperson())); - org.setEcnonprofit(mapStringField(m.getEcnonprofit())); - org.setEcresearchorganization(mapStringField(m.getEcresearchorganization())); - org.setEchighereducation(mapStringField(m.getEchighereducation())); - org.setEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests(mapStringField(m.getEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests())); - org.setEcinternationalorganization(mapStringField(m.getEcinternationalorganization())); - org.setEcenterprise(mapStringField(m.getEcenterprise())); - org.setEcsmevalidated(mapStringField(m.getEcsmevalidated())); - org.setEcnutscode(mapStringField(m.getEcnutscode())); - org.setCountry(mapQualifier(m.getCountry())); - - return org; - } - - private static Datasource convertDataSource(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - final DatasourceProtos.Datasource.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getDatasource().getMetadata(); - final Datasource datasource = setOaf(new Datasource(), oaf); - setEntity(datasource, oaf); - datasource.setAccessinfopackage(m.getAccessinfopackageList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - datasource.setCertificates(mapStringField(m.getCertificates())); - datasource.setCitationguidelineurl(mapStringField(m.getCitationguidelineurl())); - datasource.setContactemail(mapStringField(m.getContactemail())); - datasource.setDatabaseaccessrestriction(mapStringField(m.getDatabaseaccessrestriction())); - datasource.setDatabaseaccesstype(mapStringField(m.getDatabaseaccesstype())); - datasource.setDataprovider(mapBoolField(m.getDataprovider())); - datasource.setDatasourcetype(mapQualifier(m.getDatasourcetype())); - datasource.setDatauploadrestriction(mapStringField(m.getDatauploadrestriction())); - datasource.setCitationguidelineurl(mapStringField(m.getCitationguidelineurl())); - datasource.setDatauploadtype(mapStringField(m.getDatauploadtype())); - datasource.setDateofvalidation(mapStringField(m.getDateofvalidation())); - datasource.setDescription(mapStringField(m.getDescription())); - datasource.setEnglishname(mapStringField(m.getEnglishname())); - datasource.setLatitude(mapStringField(m.getLatitude())); - datasource.setLongitude(mapStringField(m.getLongitude())); - datasource.setLogourl(mapStringField(m.getLogourl())); - datasource.setMissionstatementurl(mapStringField(m.getMissionstatementurl())); - datasource.setNamespaceprefix(mapStringField(m.getNamespaceprefix())); - datasource.setOdcontenttypes(m.getOdcontenttypesList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - datasource.setOdlanguages(m.getOdlanguagesList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - datasource.setOdnumberofitems(mapStringField(m.getOdnumberofitems())); - datasource.setOdnumberofitemsdate(mapStringField(m.getOdnumberofitemsdate())); - datasource.setOdpolicies(mapStringField(m.getOdpolicies())); - datasource.setOfficialname(mapStringField(m.getOfficialname())); - datasource.setOpenairecompatibility(mapQualifier(m.getOpenairecompatibility())); - datasource.setPidsystems(mapStringField(m.getPidsystems())); - datasource.setPolicies(m.getPoliciesList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapKV) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - datasource.setQualitymanagementkind(mapStringField(m.getQualitymanagementkind())); - datasource.setReleaseenddate(mapStringField(m.getReleaseenddate())); - datasource.setServiceprovider(mapBoolField(m.getServiceprovider())); - datasource.setReleasestartdate(mapStringField(m.getReleasestartdate())); - datasource.setSubjects(m.getSubjectsList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - datasource.setVersioning(mapBoolField(m.getVersioning())); - datasource.setWebsiteurl(mapStringField(m.getWebsiteurl())); - datasource.setJournal(mapJournal(m.getJournal())); - - - return datasource; - } - - private static Project convertProject(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - final ProjectProtos.Project.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getProject().getMetadata(); - final Project project = setOaf(new Project(), oaf); - setEntity(project, oaf); - project.setAcronym(mapStringField(m.getAcronym())); - project.setCallidentifier(mapStringField(m.getCallidentifier())); - project.setCode(mapStringField(m.getCode())); - project.setContactemail(mapStringField(m.getContactemail())); - project.setContactfax(mapStringField(m.getContactfax())); - project.setContactfullname(mapStringField(m.getContactfullname())); - project.setContactphone(mapStringField(m.getContactphone())); - project.setContracttype(mapQualifier(m.getContracttype())); - project.setCurrency(mapStringField(m.getCurrency())); - project.setDuration(mapStringField(m.getDuration())); - project.setEcarticle29_3(mapStringField(m.getEcarticle293())); - project.setEcsc39(mapStringField(m.getEcsc39())); - project.setOamandatepublications(mapStringField(m.getOamandatepublications())); - project.setStartdate(mapStringField(m.getStartdate())); - project.setEnddate(mapStringField(m.getEnddate())); - project.setFundedamount(m.getFundedamount()); - project.setTotalcost(m.getTotalcost()); - project.setKeywords(mapStringField(m.getKeywords())); - project.setSubjects(m.getSubjectsList().stream() - .map(sp -> mapStructuredProperty(sp)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - project.setTitle(mapStringField(m.getTitle())); - project.setWebsiteurl(mapStringField(m.getWebsiteurl())); - project.setFundingtree(m.getFundingtreeList().stream() - .map(f -> mapStringField(f)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - project.setJsonextrainfo(mapStringField(m.getJsonextrainfo())); - project.setSummary(mapStringField(m.getSummary())); - project.setOptional1(mapStringField(m.getOptional1())); - project.setOptional2(mapStringField(m.getOptional2())); - return project; - } - - private static Result convertResult(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - switch (oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata().getResulttype().getClassid()) { - case "dataset": - return createDataset(oaf); - case "publication": - return createPublication(oaf); - case "software": - return createSoftware(oaf); - case "other": - return createORP(oaf); - default: - Result result = setOaf(new Result(), oaf); - setEntity(result, oaf); - return setResult(result, oaf); - } - } - - private static Software createSoftware(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); - Software software = setOaf(new Software(), oaf); - setEntity(software, oaf); - setResult(software, oaf); - - software.setDocumentationUrl(m.getDocumentationUrlList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - software.setLicense(m.getLicenseList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - software.setCodeRepositoryUrl(mapStringField(m.getCodeRepositoryUrl())); - software.setProgrammingLanguage(mapQualifier(m.getProgrammingLanguage())); - return software; - } - - private static OtherResearchProduct createORP(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); - OtherResearchProduct otherResearchProducts = setOaf(new OtherResearchProduct(), oaf); - setEntity(otherResearchProducts, oaf); - setResult(otherResearchProducts, oaf); - otherResearchProducts.setContactperson(m.getContactpersonList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - otherResearchProducts.setContactgroup(m.getContactgroupList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - otherResearchProducts.setTool(m.getToolList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - - return otherResearchProducts; - } - - private static Publication createPublication(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - - ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); - Publication publication = setOaf(new Publication(), oaf); - setEntity(publication, oaf); - setResult(publication, oaf); - publication.setJournal(mapJournal(m.getJournal())); - return publication; - } - - private static Dataset createDataset(OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - - ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); - Dataset dataset = setOaf(new Dataset(), oaf); - setEntity(dataset, oaf); - setResult(dataset, oaf); - dataset.setStoragedate(mapStringField(m.getStoragedate())); - dataset.setDevice(mapStringField(m.getDevice())); - dataset.setSize(mapStringField(m.getSize())); - dataset.setVersion(mapStringField(m.getVersion())); - dataset.setLastmetadataupdate(mapStringField(m.getLastmetadataupdate())); - dataset.setMetadataversionnumber(mapStringField(m.getMetadataversionnumber())); - dataset.setGeolocation(m.getGeolocationList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapGeolocation) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - return dataset; - - } - - public static T setOaf(T oaf, OafProtos.Oaf o) { - oaf.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(o.getDataInfo())); - oaf.setLastupdatetimestamp(o.getLastupdatetimestamp()); - return oaf; - } - - public static T setEntity(T entity, OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - //setting Entity fields - final OafProtos.OafEntity e = oaf.getEntity(); - entity.setId(e.getId()); - entity.setOriginalId(e.getOriginalIdList()); - entity.setCollectedfrom(e.getCollectedfromList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapKV) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setPid(e.getPidList().stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setDateofcollection(e.getDateofcollection()); - entity.setDateoftransformation(e.getDateoftransformation()); - entity.setExtraInfo(e.getExtraInfoList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapExtraInfo) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - return entity; - } - - public static T setResult(T entity, OafProtos.Oaf oaf) { - //setting Entity fields - final ResultProtos.Result.Metadata m = oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata(); - entity.setAuthor(m.getAuthorList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapAuthor) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setResulttype(mapQualifier(m.getResulttype())); - entity.setLanguage(mapQualifier(m.getLanguage())); - entity.setCountry(m.getCountryList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapQualifierAsCountry) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setSubject(m.getSubjectList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setTitle(m.getTitleList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setRelevantdate(m.getRelevantdateList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStructuredProperty) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setDescription(m.getDescriptionList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setDateofacceptance(mapStringField(m.getDateofacceptance())); - entity.setPublisher(mapStringField(m.getPublisher())); - entity.setEmbargoenddate(mapStringField(m.getEmbargoenddate())); - entity.setSource(m.getSourceList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setFulltext(m.getFulltextList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setFormat(m.getFormatList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setContributor(m.getContributorList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setResourcetype(mapQualifier(m.getResourcetype())); - entity.setCoverage(m.getCoverageList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setContext(m.getContextList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapContext) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - - entity.setBestaccessright(getBestAccessRights(oaf.getEntity().getResult().getInstanceList())); - - return entity; - } - - private static Qualifier getBestAccessRights(List instanceList) { - if (instanceList != null) { - final Optional min = instanceList.stream() - .map(i -> i.getAccessright()).min(new LicenseComparator()); - - final Qualifier rights = min.isPresent() ? mapQualifier(min.get()) : new Qualifier(); - - if (StringUtils.isBlank(rights.getClassid())) { - rights.setClassid(UNKNOWN); - } - if (StringUtils.isBlank(rights.getClassname()) || UNKNOWN.equalsIgnoreCase(rights.getClassname())) { - rights.setClassname(NOT_AVAILABLE); - } - if (StringUtils.isBlank(rights.getSchemeid())) { - rights.setSchemeid(DNET_ACCESS_MODES); - } - if (StringUtils.isBlank(rights.getSchemename())) { - rights.setSchemename(DNET_ACCESS_MODES); - } - - return rights; - } - return null; - } - - private static Context mapContext(ResultProtos.Result.Context context) { - - final Context entity = new Context(); - entity.setId(context.getId()); - entity.setDataInfo(context.getDataInfoList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapDataInfo) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - return entity; - } - - - public static KeyValue mapKV(FieldTypeProtos.KeyValue kv) { - final KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue(); - keyValue.setKey(kv.getKey()); - keyValue.setValue(kv.getValue()); - keyValue.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(kv.getDataInfo())); - return keyValue; - } - - public static DataInfo mapDataInfo(FieldTypeProtos.DataInfo d) { - final DataInfo dataInfo = new DataInfo(); - dataInfo.setDeletedbyinference(d.getDeletedbyinference()); - dataInfo.setInferenceprovenance(d.getInferenceprovenance()); - dataInfo.setInferred(d.getInferred()); - dataInfo.setInvisible(d.getInvisible()); - dataInfo.setProvenanceaction(mapQualifier(d.getProvenanceaction())); - dataInfo.setTrust(d.getTrust()); - return dataInfo; - } - - public static Qualifier mapQualifier(FieldTypeProtos.Qualifier q) { - final Qualifier qualifier = new Qualifier(); - qualifier.setClassid(q.getClassid()); - qualifier.setClassname(q.getClassname()); - qualifier.setSchemeid(q.getSchemeid()); - qualifier.setSchemename(q.getSchemename()); - return qualifier; - } - - public static Country mapQualifierAsCountry(FieldTypeProtos.Qualifier q) { - final Country c = new Country(); - c.setClassid(q.getClassid()); - c.setClassname(q.getClassname()); - c.setSchemeid(q.getSchemeid()); - c.setSchemename(q.getSchemename()); - c.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(q.getDataInfo())); - return c; - } - - public static StructuredProperty mapStructuredProperty(FieldTypeProtos.StructuredProperty sp) { - final StructuredProperty structuredProperty = new StructuredProperty(); - structuredProperty.setValue(sp.getValue()); - structuredProperty.setQualifier(mapQualifier(sp.getQualifier())); - structuredProperty.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(sp.getDataInfo())); - return structuredProperty; - } - - public static ExtraInfo mapExtraInfo(FieldTypeProtos.ExtraInfo extraInfo) { - final ExtraInfo entity = new ExtraInfo(); - entity.setName(extraInfo.getName()); - entity.setTypology(extraInfo.getTypology()); - entity.setProvenance(extraInfo.getProvenance()); - entity.setTrust(extraInfo.getTrust()); - entity.setValue(extraInfo.getValue()); - return entity; - } - - public static OAIProvenance mapOAIProvenance(FieldTypeProtos.OAIProvenance oaiProvenance) { - final OAIProvenance entity = new OAIProvenance(); - entity.setOriginDescription(mapOriginalDescription(oaiProvenance.getOriginDescription())); - return entity; - } - - public static OriginDescription mapOriginalDescription(FieldTypeProtos.OAIProvenance.OriginDescription originDescription) { - final OriginDescription originDescriptionResult = new OriginDescription(); - originDescriptionResult.setHarvestDate(originDescription.getHarvestDate()); - originDescriptionResult.setAltered(originDescription.getAltered()); - originDescriptionResult.setBaseURL(originDescription.getBaseURL()); - originDescriptionResult.setIdentifier(originDescription.getIdentifier()); - originDescriptionResult.setDatestamp(originDescription.getDatestamp()); - originDescriptionResult.setMetadataNamespace(originDescription.getMetadataNamespace()); - return originDescriptionResult; - } - - public static Field mapStringField(FieldTypeProtos.StringField s) { - final Field stringField = new Field<>(); - stringField.setValue(s.getValue()); - stringField.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(s.getDataInfo())); - return stringField; - } - - public static Field mapBoolField(FieldTypeProtos.BoolField b) { - final Field booleanField = new Field<>(); - booleanField.setValue(b.getValue()); - booleanField.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(b.getDataInfo())); - return booleanField; - } - - public static Field mapIntField(FieldTypeProtos.IntField b) { - final Field entity = new Field<>(); - entity.setValue(b.getValue()); - entity.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(b.getDataInfo())); - return entity; - } - - public static Journal mapJournal(FieldTypeProtos.Journal j) { - final Journal journal = new Journal(); - journal.setConferencedate(j.getConferencedate()); - journal.setConferenceplace(j.getConferenceplace()); - journal.setEdition(j.getEdition()); - journal.setEp(j.getEp()); - journal.setIss(j.getIss()); - journal.setIssnLinking(j.getIssnLinking()); - journal.setIssnOnline(j.getIssnOnline()); - journal.setIssnPrinted(j.getIssnPrinted()); - journal.setName(j.getName()); - journal.setSp(j.getSp()); - journal.setVol(j.getVol()); - journal.setDataInfo(mapDataInfo(j.getDataInfo())); - return journal; - } - - public static Author mapAuthor(FieldTypeProtos.Author author) { - final Author entity = new Author(); - entity.setFullname(author.getFullname()); - entity.setName(author.getName()); - entity.setSurname(author.getSurname()); - entity.setRank(author.getRank()); - entity.setPid(author.getPidList() - .stream() - .map(kv -> { - final StructuredProperty sp = new StructuredProperty(); - sp.setValue(kv.getValue()); - final Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); - q.setClassid(kv.getKey()); - q.setClassname(kv.getKey()); - sp.setQualifier(q); - return sp; - }) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - entity.setAffiliation(author.getAffiliationList() - .stream() - .map(ProtoConverter::mapStringField) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - return entity; - - } - - public static GeoLocation mapGeolocation(ResultProtos.Result.GeoLocation geoLocation) { - final GeoLocation entity = new GeoLocation(); - entity.setPoint(geoLocation.getPoint()); - entity.setBox(geoLocation.getBox()); - entity.setPlace(geoLocation.getPlace()); - return entity; - } -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/TransformActions.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/TransformActions.java deleted file mode 100644 index 65dec7b7f6..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/actions/TransformActions.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.migration.actions; - -import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import com.google.common.base.Splitter; -import com.google.common.collect.Lists; -import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action.AtomicAction; -import eu.dnetlib.data.proto.OafProtos; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; - -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; -import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; -import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat; -import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; -import scala.Tuple2; - -import java.io.IOException; -import java.io.Serializable; -import java.util.LinkedList; -import java.util.Objects; - -public class TransformActions implements Serializable { - - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TransformActions.class); - private static final String SEPARATOR = "/"; - - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString(MigrateActionSet.class.getResourceAsStream( - "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/transform_actionsets_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - - new TransformActions().run(parser); - } - - private void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) throws ISLookUpException, IOException { - - final String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); - log.info("isLookupUrl: " + isLookupUrl); - - final String inputPaths = parser.get("inputPaths"); - - if (StringUtils.isBlank(inputPaths)) { - throw new RuntimeException("empty inputPaths"); - } - log.info("inputPaths: " + inputPaths); - - final String targetBaseDir = getTargetBaseDir(isLookupUrl); - - try(SparkSession spark = getSparkSession(parser)) { - final JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - - for(String sourcePath : Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(",").split(inputPaths))) { - - LinkedList pathQ = Lists.newLinkedList(Splitter.on(SEPARATOR).split(sourcePath)); - - final String rawset = pathQ.pollLast(); - final String actionSetDirectory = pathQ.pollLast(); - - final Path targetDirectory = new Path(targetBaseDir + SEPARATOR + actionSetDirectory + SEPARATOR + rawset); - - if (fs.exists(targetDirectory)) { - log.info(String.format("found target directory '%s", targetDirectory)); - fs.delete(targetDirectory, true); - log.info(String.format("deleted target directory '%s", targetDirectory)); - } - - log.info(String.format("transforming actions from '%s' to '%s'", sourcePath, targetDirectory)); - - sc.sequenceFile(sourcePath, Text.class, Text.class) - .map(a -> eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.actions.AtomicAction.fromJSON(a._2().toString())) - .map(a -> doTransform(a)) - .filter(Objects::isNull) - .filter(a -> a.getPayload() == null) - .map(a -> new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(a)) - .saveAsTextFile(targetDirectory.toString(), GzipCodec.class); - } - } - } - - private Text transformAction(eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.actions.AtomicAction aa) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException, JsonProcessingException { - final Text out = new Text(); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - if (aa.getTargetValue() != null && aa.getTargetValue().length > 0) { - out.set(mapper.writeValueAsString(doTransform(aa))); - } - return out; - } - - private AtomicAction getRelationAtomicAction(String atomicaActionId) { - final String[] splitId = atomicaActionId.split("@"); - - String source = splitId[0]; - String target = splitId[2]; - - String[] relSemantic = splitId[1].split("_"); - - Relation rel = new Relation(); - rel.setSource(source); - rel.setTarget(target); - rel.setRelType(relSemantic[0]); - rel.setSubRelType(relSemantic[1]); - rel.setRelClass(relSemantic[2]); - - DataInfo d = new DataInfo(); - d.setDeletedbyinference(false); - d.setInferenceprovenance("deduplication"); - d.setInferred(true); - d.setInvisible(false); - Qualifier provenanceaction = new Qualifier(); - - provenanceaction.setClassid("deduplication"); - provenanceaction.setClassname("deduplication"); - provenanceaction.setSchemeid("dnet:provenanceActions"); - provenanceaction.setSchemename("dnet:provenanceActions"); - - d.setProvenanceaction(provenanceaction); - - rel.setDataInfo(d); - - return new AtomicAction<>(Relation.class, rel); - } - - private AtomicAction doTransform(eu.dnetlib.actionmanager.actions.AtomicAction aa) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { - final OafProtos.Oaf proto_oaf = OafProtos.Oaf.parseFrom(aa.getTargetValue()); - final Oaf oaf = ProtoConverter.convert(proto_oaf); - switch (proto_oaf.getKind()) { - case entity: - switch (proto_oaf.getEntity().getType()) { - case datasource: - return new AtomicAction<>(Datasource.class, (Datasource) oaf); - case organization: - return new AtomicAction<>(Organization.class, (Organization) oaf); - case project: - return new AtomicAction<>(Project.class, (Project) oaf); - case result: - final String resulttypeid = proto_oaf.getEntity().getResult().getMetadata().getResulttype().getClassid(); - switch (resulttypeid) { - case "publication": - return new AtomicAction<>(Publication.class, (Publication) oaf); - case "software": - return new AtomicAction<>(Software.class, (Software) oaf); - case "other": - return new AtomicAction<>(OtherResearchProduct.class, (OtherResearchProduct) oaf); - case "dataset": - return new AtomicAction<>(Dataset.class, (Dataset) oaf); - default: - // can be an update, where the resulttype is not specified - return new AtomicAction<>(Result.class, (Result) oaf); - } - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid entity type: " + proto_oaf.getEntity().getType()); - } - case relation: - return new AtomicAction<>(Relation.class, (Relation) oaf); - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid kind: " + proto_oaf.getKind()); - } - } - - private String getTargetBaseDir(String isLookupUrl) throws ISLookUpException { - ISLookUpService isLookUp = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); - String XQUERY = "collection('/db/DRIVER/ServiceResources/ActionManagerServiceResourceType')//SERVICE_PROPERTIES/PROPERTY[@key = 'basePath']/@value/string()"; - return isLookUp.getResourceProfileByQuery(XQUERY); - } - - private static SparkSession getSparkSession(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) { - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - - return SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(TransformActions.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .config(conf) - .enableHiveSupport() - .getOrCreate(); - } -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformFunction.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformFunction.java index 5cd78491b8..f4bf78e189 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformFunction.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformFunction.java @@ -1,67 +1,74 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation; +import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; +import java.io.StringWriter; +import java.util.Map; + +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; + +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; +import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.MetadataRecord; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.functions.Cleaner; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.Vocabulary; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.*; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; -import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; - -import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; -import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; -import java.io.StringWriter; -import java.util.Map; public class TransformFunction implements MapFunction { + private final LongAccumulator totalItems; + private final LongAccumulator errorItems; + private final LongAccumulator transformedItems; + private final String transformationRule; + private final Cleaner cleanFunction; - private final LongAccumulator totalItems; - private final LongAccumulator errorItems; - private final LongAccumulator transformedItems; - private final String transformationRule; - private final Cleaner cleanFunction; + private final long dateOfTransformation; + public TransformFunction( + LongAccumulator totalItems, + LongAccumulator errorItems, + LongAccumulator transformedItems, + final String transformationRule, + long dateOfTransformation, + final Map vocabularies) + throws Exception { + this.totalItems = totalItems; + this.errorItems = errorItems; + this.transformedItems = transformedItems; + this.transformationRule = transformationRule; + this.dateOfTransformation = dateOfTransformation; + cleanFunction = new Cleaner(vocabularies); + } - private final long dateOfTransformation; - - - public TransformFunction(LongAccumulator totalItems, LongAccumulator errorItems, LongAccumulator transformedItems, final String transformationRule, long dateOfTransformation, final Map vocabularies) throws Exception { - this.totalItems= totalItems; - this.errorItems = errorItems; - this.transformedItems = transformedItems; - this.transformationRule = transformationRule; - this.dateOfTransformation = dateOfTransformation; - cleanFunction = new Cleaner(vocabularies); - } - - @Override - public MetadataRecord call(MetadataRecord value) { - totalItems.add(1); - try { - Processor processor = new Processor(false); - processor.registerExtensionFunction(cleanFunction); - final XsltCompiler comp = processor.newXsltCompiler(); - XsltExecutable xslt = comp.compile(new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(transformationRule.getBytes()))); - XdmNode source = processor.newDocumentBuilder().build(new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(value.getBody().getBytes()))); - XsltTransformer trans = xslt.load(); - trans.setInitialContextNode(source); - final StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); - Serializer out = processor.newSerializer(output); - out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.METHOD,"xml"); - out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.INDENT, "yes"); - trans.setDestination(out); - trans.transform(); - final String xml = output.toString(); - value.setBody(xml); - value.setDateOfTransformation(dateOfTransformation); - transformedItems.add(1); - return value; - }catch (Throwable e) { - errorItems.add(1); - return null; - } - } - - - -} \ No newline at end of file + @Override + public MetadataRecord call(MetadataRecord value) { + totalItems.add(1); + try { + Processor processor = new Processor(false); + processor.registerExtensionFunction(cleanFunction); + final XsltCompiler comp = processor.newXsltCompiler(); + XsltExecutable xslt = comp + .compile(new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(transformationRule.getBytes()))); + XdmNode source = processor + .newDocumentBuilder() + .build(new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(value.getBody().getBytes()))); + XsltTransformer trans = xslt.load(); + trans.setInitialContextNode(source); + final StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); + Serializer out = processor.newSerializer(output); + out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.METHOD, "xml"); + out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.INDENT, "yes"); + trans.setDestination(out); + trans.transform(); + final String xml = output.toString(); + value.setBody(xml); + value.setDateOfTransformation(dateOfTransformation); + transformedItems.add(1); + return value; + } catch (Throwable e) { + errorItems.add(1); + return null; + } + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformSparkJobNode.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformSparkJobNode.java index 1a8c641f8f..5f39717d05 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformSparkJobNode.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformSparkJobNode.java @@ -1,14 +1,11 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.MetadataRecord; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.Vocabulary; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.VocabularyHelper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import eu.dnetlib.message.Message; -import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; -import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageType; +import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Objects; + import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; @@ -21,73 +18,87 @@ import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; -import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; -import java.util.Arrays; -import java.util.HashMap; -import java.util.Map; -import java.util.Objects; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.MetadataRecord; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.Vocabulary; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.VocabularyHelper; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +import eu.dnetlib.message.Message; +import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; +import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageType; public class TransformSparkJobNode { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + TransformSparkJobNode.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/transformation_input_parameters.json"))); - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + parser.parseArgument(args); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(TransformSparkJobNode.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/transformation_input_parameters.json"))); + final String inputPath = parser.get("input"); + final String outputPath = parser.get("output"); + final String workflowId = parser.get("workflowId"); + final String trasformationRule = extractXSLTFromTR( + Objects.requireNonNull(DHPUtils.decompressString(parser.get("transformationRule")))); + final String master = parser.get("master"); + final String rabbitUser = parser.get("rabbitUser"); + final String rabbitPassword = parser.get("rabbitPassword"); + final String rabbitHost = parser.get("rabbitHost"); + final String rabbitReportQueue = parser.get("rabbitReportQueue"); + final long dateOfCollection = new Long(parser.get("dateOfCollection")); + final boolean test = parser.get("isTest") == null ? false : Boolean.valueOf(parser.get("isTest")); - parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName("TransformStoreSparkJob") + .master(master) + .getOrCreate(); - final String inputPath = parser.get("input"); - final String outputPath = parser.get("output"); - final String workflowId = parser.get("workflowId"); - final String trasformationRule = extractXSLTFromTR(Objects.requireNonNull(DHPUtils.decompressString(parser.get("transformationRule")))); - final String master = parser.get("master"); - final String rabbitUser = parser.get("rabbitUser"); - final String rabbitPassword = parser.get("rabbitPassword"); - final String rabbitHost = parser.get("rabbitHost"); - final String rabbitReportQueue = parser.get("rabbitReportQueue"); - final long dateOfCollection = new Long(parser.get("dateOfCollection")); - final boolean test = parser.get("isTest") == null?false: Boolean.valueOf(parser.get("isTest")); + final Encoder encoder = Encoders.bean(MetadataRecord.class); + final Dataset mdstoreInput = spark.read().format("parquet").load(inputPath).as(encoder); + final LongAccumulator totalItems = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("TotalItems"); + final LongAccumulator errorItems = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("errorItems"); + final LongAccumulator transformedItems = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("transformedItems"); + final Map vocabularies = new HashMap<>(); + vocabularies.put("dnet:languages", VocabularyHelper.getVocabularyFromAPI("dnet:languages")); + final TransformFunction transformFunction = new TransformFunction( + totalItems, + errorItems, + transformedItems, + trasformationRule, + dateOfCollection, + vocabularies); + mdstoreInput.map(transformFunction, encoder).write().format("parquet").save(outputPath); + if (rabbitHost != null) { + System.out.println("SEND FINAL REPORT"); + final Map reportMap = new HashMap<>(); + reportMap.put("inputItem", "" + totalItems.value()); + reportMap.put("invalidRecords", "" + errorItems.value()); + reportMap.put("mdStoreSize", "" + transformedItems.value()); + System.out.println(new Message(workflowId, "Transform", MessageType.REPORT, reportMap)); + if (!test) { + final MessageManager manager = new MessageManager(rabbitHost, rabbitUser, rabbitPassword, false, false, + null); + manager + .sendMessage( + new Message(workflowId, "Transform", MessageType.REPORT, reportMap), + rabbitReportQueue, + true, + false); + manager.close(); + } + } + } - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName("TransformStoreSparkJob") - .master(master) - .getOrCreate(); - - - - - - final Encoder encoder = Encoders.bean(MetadataRecord.class); - final Dataset mdstoreInput = spark.read().format("parquet").load(inputPath).as(encoder); - final LongAccumulator totalItems = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("TotalItems"); - final LongAccumulator errorItems = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("errorItems"); - final LongAccumulator transformedItems = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("transformedItems"); - final Map vocabularies = new HashMap<>(); - vocabularies.put("dnet:languages", VocabularyHelper.getVocabularyFromAPI("dnet:languages")); - final TransformFunction transformFunction = new TransformFunction(totalItems, errorItems, transformedItems, trasformationRule, dateOfCollection, vocabularies) ; - mdstoreInput.map(transformFunction, encoder).write().format("parquet").save(outputPath); - if (rabbitHost != null) { - System.out.println("SEND FINAL REPORT"); - final Map reportMap = new HashMap<>(); - reportMap.put("inputItem" , ""+ totalItems.value()); - reportMap.put("invalidRecords", "" + errorItems.value()); - reportMap.put("mdStoreSize", "" + transformedItems.value()); - System.out.println(new Message(workflowId, "Transform", MessageType.REPORT, reportMap)); - if (!test) { - final MessageManager manager = new MessageManager(rabbitHost, rabbitUser, rabbitPassword, false, false, null); - manager.sendMessage(new Message(workflowId, "Transform", MessageType.REPORT, reportMap), rabbitReportQueue, true, false); - manager.close(); - } - } - } - - - private static String extractXSLTFromTR(final String tr) throws DocumentException { - SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); - Document document = reader.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(tr.getBytes())); - Node node = document.selectSingleNode("//CODE/*[local-name()='stylesheet']"); - return node.asXML(); - } -} \ No newline at end of file + private static String extractXSLTFromTR(final String tr) throws DocumentException { + SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); + Document document = reader.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(tr.getBytes())); + Node node = document.selectSingleNode("//CODE/*[local-name()='stylesheet']"); + return node.asXML(); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/functions/Cleaner.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/functions/Cleaner.java index 47f33a342a..7f9b6646c3 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/functions/Cleaner.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/functions/Cleaner.java @@ -1,49 +1,52 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.functions; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Optional; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.Term; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.Vocabulary; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.*; import scala.Serializable; -import java.util.Map; -import java.util.Optional; - public class Cleaner implements ExtensionFunction, Serializable { + private final Map vocabularies; - private final Map vocabularies; + public Cleaner(Map vocabularies) { + this.vocabularies = vocabularies; + } + @Override + public QName getName() { + return new QName("http://eu/dnetlib/trasform/extension", "clean"); + } - public Cleaner(Map vocabularies) { - this.vocabularies = vocabularies; - } + @Override + public SequenceType getResultType() { + return SequenceType.makeSequenceType(ItemType.STRING, OccurrenceIndicator.ONE_OR_MORE); + } - @Override - public QName getName() { - return new QName("http://eu/dnetlib/trasform/extension", "clean"); - } + @Override + public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() { + return new SequenceType[] { + SequenceType.makeSequenceType(ItemType.STRING, OccurrenceIndicator.ONE), + SequenceType.makeSequenceType(ItemType.STRING, OccurrenceIndicator.ONE) + }; + } - @Override - public SequenceType getResultType() { - return SequenceType.makeSequenceType(ItemType.STRING, OccurrenceIndicator.ONE_OR_MORE); - } + @Override + public XdmValue call(XdmValue[] xdmValues) throws SaxonApiException { + final String currentValue = xdmValues[0].itemAt(0).getStringValue(); + final String vocabularyName = xdmValues[1].itemAt(0).getStringValue(); + Optional cleanedValue = vocabularies + .get(vocabularyName) + .getTerms() + .stream() + .filter(it -> it.getNativeName().equalsIgnoreCase(currentValue)) + .findAny(); - @Override - public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() { - return new SequenceType[] - { - SequenceType.makeSequenceType(ItemType.STRING, OccurrenceIndicator.ONE), - SequenceType.makeSequenceType(ItemType.STRING, OccurrenceIndicator.ONE) - - }; - } - - @Override - public XdmValue call(XdmValue[] xdmValues) throws SaxonApiException { - final String currentValue = xdmValues[0].itemAt(0).getStringValue(); - final String vocabularyName =xdmValues[1].itemAt(0).getStringValue(); - Optional cleanedValue = vocabularies.get(vocabularyName).getTerms().stream().filter(it -> it.getNativeName().equalsIgnoreCase(currentValue)).findAny(); - - return new XdmAtomicValue(cleanedValue.isPresent()?cleanedValue.get().getCode():currentValue); - } + return new XdmAtomicValue( + cleanedValue.isPresent() ? cleanedValue.get().getCode() : currentValue); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/Term.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/Term.java index f93c2a1207..b5ac18169e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/Term.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/Term.java @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary; import java.io.Serializable; public class Term implements Serializable { - private String englishName; - private String nativeName; - private String encoding; - private String code; - private String synonyms; + private String englishName; + private String nativeName; + private String encoding; + private String code; + private String synonyms; + public String getEnglishName() { + return englishName; + } - public String getEnglishName() { - return englishName; - } + public void setEnglishName(String englishName) { + this.englishName = englishName; + } - public void setEnglishName(String englishName) { - this.englishName = englishName; - } + public String getNativeName() { + return nativeName; + } - public String getNativeName() { - return nativeName; - } + public void setNativeName(String nativeName) { + this.nativeName = nativeName; + } - public void setNativeName(String nativeName) { - this.nativeName = nativeName; - } + public String getEncoding() { + return encoding; + } - public String getEncoding() { - return encoding; - } + public void setEncoding(String encoding) { + this.encoding = encoding; + } - public void setEncoding(String encoding) { - this.encoding = encoding; - } + public String getCode() { + return code; + } - public String getCode() { - return code; - } + public void setCode(String code) { + this.code = code; + } - public void setCode(String code) { - this.code = code; - } + public String getSynonyms() { + return synonyms; + } - public String getSynonyms() { - return synonyms; - } - - public void setSynonyms(String synonyms) { - this.synonyms = synonyms; - } + public void setSynonyms(String synonyms) { + this.synonyms = synonyms; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/Vocabulary.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/Vocabulary.java index 58e9cb95c8..a9da6b7256 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/Vocabulary.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/Vocabulary.java @@ -1,57 +1,54 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Map; public class Vocabulary implements Serializable { - private String id; - private String name; - private String description; - private String code; - private List terms; + private String id; + private String name; + private String description; + private String code; + private List terms; - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public String getName() { - return name; - } + public String getName() { + return name; + } - public void setName(String name) { - this.name = name; - } + public void setName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } - public String getDescription() { - return description; - } + public String getDescription() { + return description; + } - public void setDescription(String description) { - this.description = description; - } + public void setDescription(String description) { + this.description = description; + } - public String getCode() { - return code; - } - - public void setCode(String code) { - this.code = code; - } - - public List getTerms() { - return terms; - } - - public void setTerms(List terms) { - this.terms = terms; - } + public String getCode() { + return code; + } + public void setCode(String code) { + this.code = code; + } + public List getTerms() { + return terms; + } + public void setTerms(List terms) { + this.terms = terms; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/VocabularyHelper.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/VocabularyHelper.java index b6ecf795c8..10e959be05 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/VocabularyHelper.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/VocabularyHelper.java @@ -1,23 +1,24 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary; import java.io.Serializable; import java.net.URL; import java.nio.charset.Charset; +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + public class VocabularyHelper implements Serializable { - private final static String OPENAIRE_URL ="http://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/%s.json"; + private static final String OPENAIRE_URL = "http://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/%s.json"; - public static Vocabulary getVocabularyFromAPI(final String vocabularyName) throws Exception { - final URL url = new URL(String.format(OPENAIRE_URL, vocabularyName)); - - final String response = IOUtils.toString(url, Charset.defaultCharset()); - final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); - final Vocabulary vocabulary = jsonMapper.readValue(response, Vocabulary.class); - return vocabulary; - } + public static Vocabulary getVocabularyFromAPI(final String vocabularyName) throws Exception { + final URL url = new URL(String.format(OPENAIRE_URL, vocabularyName)); + final String response = IOUtils.toString(url, Charset.defaultCharset()); + final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); + final Vocabulary vocabulary = jsonMapper.readValue(response, Vocabulary.class); + return vocabulary; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/migrate_actionsets_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/migrate_actionsets_parameters.json deleted file mode 100644 index c4910ec61b..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/migrate_actionsets_parameters.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[ - {"paramName":"is", "paramLongName":"isLookupUrl", "paramDescription": "URL of the isLookUp Service", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"sn", "paramLongName":"sourceNameNode", "paramDescription": "nameNode of the source cluster", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"tn", "paramLongName":"targetNameNode", "paramDescription": "namoNode of the target cluster", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"w", "paramLongName":"workingDirectory", "paramDescription": "working directory", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"nm", "paramLongName":"distcp_num_maps", "paramDescription": "maximum number of map tasks used in the distcp process", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"mm", "paramLongName":"distcp_memory_mb", "paramDescription": "memory for distcp action copying actionsets from remote cluster", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"tt", "paramLongName":"distcp_task_timeout", "paramDescription": "timeout for distcp copying actions from remote cluster", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"tr", "paramLongName":"transform_only", "paramDescription": "activate tranform-only mode. Only apply transformation step", "paramRequired": true} -] diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/transform_actionsets_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/transform_actionsets_parameters.json deleted file mode 100644 index ce72f53ca6..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/migration/transform_actionsets_parameters.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -[ - {"paramName":"mt", "paramLongName":"master", "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"is", "paramLongName":"isLookupUrl", "paramDescription": "URL of the isLookUp Service", "paramRequired": true}, - {"paramName":"i", "paramLongName":"inputPaths", "paramDescription": "URL of the isLookUp Service", "paramRequired": true} -] diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/CollectionJobTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/CollectionJobTest.java index fde928a8b6..44364b30a5 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/CollectionJobTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/CollectionJobTest.java @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; + import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; @@ -7,7 +10,6 @@ import java.nio.file.Path; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach; - import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; @@ -16,8 +18,6 @@ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.MetadataRecord; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.Provenance; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; - public class CollectionJobTest { private Path testDir; @@ -35,21 +35,38 @@ public class CollectionJobTest { @Test public void tesCollection() throws Exception { final Provenance provenance = new Provenance("pippo", "puppa", "ns_prefix"); - GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob.main(new String[] { - "-mt", "local", - "-w", "wid", - "-e", "XML", - "-d", "" + System.currentTimeMillis(), - "-p", new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(provenance), - "-x", "./*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='header']/*[local-name()='identifier']", - "-i", this.getClass().getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/native.seq").toString(), - "-o", testDir.toString() + "/store", - "-t", "true", - "-ru", "", - "-rp", "", - "-rh", "", - "-ro", "", - "-rr", "" }); + GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob + .main( + new String[] { + "-mt", + "local", + "-w", + "wid", + "-e", + "XML", + "-d", + "" + System.currentTimeMillis(), + "-p", + new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(provenance), + "-x", + "./*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='header']/*[local-name()='identifier']", + "-i", + this.getClass().getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/native.seq").toString(), + "-o", + testDir.toString() + "/store", + "-t", + "true", + "-ru", + "", + "-rp", + "", + "-rh", + "", + "-ro", + "", + "-rr", + "" + }); System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(provenance)); } @@ -59,13 +76,18 @@ public class CollectionJobTest { final String xml = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("./record.xml")); final MetadataRecord record = GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob - .parseRecord(xml, "./*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='header']/*[local-name()='identifier']", "XML", new Provenance("foo", "bar", - "ns_prefix"), System.currentTimeMillis(), null, null); + .parseRecord( + xml, + "./*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='header']/*[local-name()='identifier']", + "XML", + new Provenance("foo", "bar", "ns_prefix"), + System.currentTimeMillis(), + null, + null); assert record != null; System.out.println(record.getId()); System.out.println(record.getOriginalId()); - } @Test @@ -73,17 +95,27 @@ public class CollectionJobTest { final String xml = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("./record.xml")); final MetadataRecord record = GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob - .parseRecord(xml, "./*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='header']/*[local-name()='identifier']", "XML", new Provenance("foo", "bar", - "ns_prefix"), System.currentTimeMillis(), null, null); + .parseRecord( + xml, + "./*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='header']/*[local-name()='identifier']", + "XML", + new Provenance("foo", "bar", "ns_prefix"), + System.currentTimeMillis(), + null, + null); final MetadataRecord record1 = GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob - .parseRecord(xml, "./*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='header']/*[local-name()='identifier']", "XML", new Provenance("foo", "bar", - "ns_prefix"), System.currentTimeMillis(), null, null); + .parseRecord( + xml, + "./*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='header']/*[local-name()='identifier']", + "XML", + new Provenance("foo", "bar", "ns_prefix"), + System.currentTimeMillis(), + null, + null); assert record != null; record.setBody("ciao"); assert record1 != null; record1.setBody("mondo"); assertEquals(record, record1); - } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collector/worker/DnetCollectorWorkerApplicationTests.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collector/worker/DnetCollectorWorkerApplicationTests.java index 665e989d83..87bd3be3d8 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collector/worker/DnetCollectorWorkerApplicationTests.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collector/worker/DnetCollectorWorkerApplicationTests.java @@ -1,90 +1,92 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collector.worker; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; +import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; + +import java.io.File; + +import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + import eu.dnetlib.collector.worker.model.ApiDescriptor; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.DnetCollectorWorker; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.worker.utils.CollectorPluginFactory; import eu.dnetlib.message.Message; import eu.dnetlib.message.MessageManager; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; - -import java.io.File; - -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; -import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; - public class DnetCollectorWorkerApplicationTests { + private final ArgumentApplicationParser argumentParser = mock(ArgumentApplicationParser.class); + private final MessageManager messageManager = mock(MessageManager.class); - private ArgumentApplicationParser argumentParser = mock(ArgumentApplicationParser.class); - private MessageManager messageManager = mock(MessageManager.class); + private DnetCollectorWorker worker; - private DnetCollectorWorker worker; - @BeforeEach - public void setup() throws Exception { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - final String apiJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(getApi()); - when(argumentParser.get("apidescriptor")).thenReturn(apiJson); - when(argumentParser.get("namenode")).thenReturn("file://tmp/test.seq"); - when(argumentParser.get("hdfsPath")).thenReturn("/tmp/file.seq"); - when(argumentParser.get("userHDFS")).thenReturn("sandro"); - when(argumentParser.get("workflowId")).thenReturn("sandro"); - when(argumentParser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue")).thenReturn("sandro"); + @BeforeEach + public void setup() throws Exception { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + final String apiJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(getApi()); + when(argumentParser.get("apidescriptor")).thenReturn(apiJson); + when(argumentParser.get("namenode")).thenReturn("file://tmp/test.seq"); + when(argumentParser.get("hdfsPath")).thenReturn("/tmp/file.seq"); + when(argumentParser.get("userHDFS")).thenReturn("sandro"); + when(argumentParser.get("workflowId")).thenReturn("sandro"); + when(argumentParser.get("rabbitOngoingQueue")).thenReturn("sandro"); - when(messageManager.sendMessage(any(Message.class), anyString(), anyBoolean(),anyBoolean())).thenAnswer(a -> { - System.out.println("sent message: "+a.getArguments()[0]); - return true; - }); - when(messageManager.sendMessage(any(Message.class), anyString())).thenAnswer(a -> { - System.out.println("Called"); - return true; - }); - worker = new DnetCollectorWorker(new CollectorPluginFactory(), argumentParser, messageManager); - } + when(messageManager.sendMessage(any(Message.class), anyString(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())) + .thenAnswer( + a -> { + System.out.println("sent message: " + a.getArguments()[0]); + return true; + }); + when(messageManager.sendMessage(any(Message.class), anyString())) + .thenAnswer( + a -> { + System.out.println("Called"); + return true; + }); + worker = new DnetCollectorWorker(new CollectorPluginFactory(), argumentParser, messageManager); + } + @AfterEach + public void dropDown() { + File f = new File("/tmp/file.seq"); + f.delete(); + } - @AfterEach - public void dropDown(){ - File f = new File("/tmp/file.seq"); - f.delete(); - } + @Test + public void testFindPlugin() throws Exception { + final CollectorPluginFactory collectorPluginEnumerator = new CollectorPluginFactory(); + assertNotNull(collectorPluginEnumerator.getPluginByProtocol("oai")); + assertNotNull(collectorPluginEnumerator.getPluginByProtocol("OAI")); + } + @Test + public void testCollectionOAI() throws Exception { + final ApiDescriptor api = new ApiDescriptor(); + api.setId("oai"); + api.setProtocol("oai"); + api.setBaseUrl("http://www.revista.vocesdelaeducacion.com.mx/index.php/index/oai"); + api.getParams().put("format", "oai_dc"); + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + assertNotNull(mapper.writeValueAsString(api)); + } - @Test - public void testFindPlugin() throws Exception { - final CollectorPluginFactory collectorPluginEnumerator = new CollectorPluginFactory(); - assertNotNull(collectorPluginEnumerator.getPluginByProtocol("oai")); - assertNotNull(collectorPluginEnumerator.getPluginByProtocol("OAI")); - } - - - @Test - public void testCollectionOAI() throws Exception { - final ApiDescriptor api = new ApiDescriptor(); - api.setId("oai"); - api.setProtocol("oai"); - api.setBaseUrl("http://www.revista.vocesdelaeducacion.com.mx/index.php/index/oai"); - api.getParams().put("format", "oai_dc"); - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - assertNotNull(mapper.writeValueAsString(api)); - } - - @Test - public void testFeeding() throws Exception { - worker.collect(); - } - - private ApiDescriptor getApi() { - final ApiDescriptor api = new ApiDescriptor(); - api.setId("oai"); - api.setProtocol("oai"); - api.setBaseUrl("http://www.revista.vocesdelaeducacion.com.mx/index.php/index/oai"); - api.getParams().put("format", "oai_dc"); - return api; - } + @Test + public void testFeeding() throws Exception { + worker.collect(); + } + private ApiDescriptor getApi() { + final ApiDescriptor api = new ApiDescriptor(); + api.setId("oai"); + api.setProtocol("oai"); + api.setBaseUrl("http://www.revista.vocesdelaeducacion.com.mx/index.php/index/oai"); + api.getParams().put("format", "oai_dc"); + return api; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformationJobTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformationJobTest.java index dfa0c37203..01c9e31030 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformationJobTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/TransformationJobTest.java @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.MetadataRecord; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.functions.Cleaner; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.Vocabulary; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.VocabularyHelper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import net.sf.saxon.s9api.*; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; + +import java.io.StringWriter; +import java.nio.file.Files; +import java.nio.file.Path; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; + +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; import org.dom4j.Document; @@ -18,108 +23,133 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.io.TempDir; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension; -import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; -import java.io.StringWriter; -import java.nio.file.Files; -import java.nio.file.Path; -import java.util.HashMap; -import java.util.Map; - -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.model.mdstore.MetadataRecord; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.functions.Cleaner; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.Vocabulary; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary.VocabularyHelper; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +import net.sf.saxon.s9api.*; @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) public class TransformationJobTest { - @Mock - private LongAccumulator accumulator; + @Mock + private LongAccumulator accumulator; - @Test - public void testTransformSaxonHE() throws Exception { + @Test + public void testTransformSaxonHE() throws Exception { - Map vocabularies = new HashMap<>(); - vocabularies.put("dnet:languages", VocabularyHelper.getVocabularyFromAPI("dnet:languages")); - Cleaner cleanFunction = new Cleaner(vocabularies); - Processor proc = new Processor(false); - proc.registerExtensionFunction(cleanFunction); - final XsltCompiler comp = proc.newXsltCompiler(); - XsltExecutable exp = comp.compile(new StreamSource(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/ext_simple.xsl"))); - XdmNode source = proc.newDocumentBuilder().build(new StreamSource(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/input.xml"))); - XsltTransformer trans = exp.load(); - trans.setInitialContextNode(source); - final StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); - Serializer out = proc.newSerializer(output); - out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.METHOD,"xml"); - out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.INDENT, "yes"); - trans.setDestination(out); - trans.transform(); - System.out.println(output.toString()); - } + Map vocabularies = new HashMap<>(); + vocabularies.put("dnet:languages", VocabularyHelper.getVocabularyFromAPI("dnet:languages")); + Cleaner cleanFunction = new Cleaner(vocabularies); + Processor proc = new Processor(false); + proc.registerExtensionFunction(cleanFunction); + final XsltCompiler comp = proc.newXsltCompiler(); + XsltExecutable exp = comp + .compile( + new StreamSource( + this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/ext_simple.xsl"))); + XdmNode source = proc + .newDocumentBuilder() + .build( + new StreamSource( + this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/input.xml"))); + XsltTransformer trans = exp.load(); + trans.setInitialContextNode(source); + final StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); + Serializer out = proc.newSerializer(output); + out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.METHOD, "xml"); + out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.INDENT, "yes"); + trans.setDestination(out); + trans.transform(); + System.out.println(output.toString()); + } - @DisplayName("Test TransformSparkJobNode.main") - @Test - public void transformTest(@TempDir Path testDir) throws Exception { - final String mdstore_input = this.getClass().getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/mdstorenative").getFile(); - final String mdstore_output = testDir.toString()+"/version"; - final String xslt = DHPUtils.compressString(IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/tr.xml"))); - TransformSparkJobNode.main(new String[]{ - "-mt", "local", - "-i", mdstore_input, - "-o", mdstore_output, - "-d", "1", - "-w", "1", - "-tr", xslt, - "-t", "true", - "-ru", "", - "-rp", "", - "-rh", "", - "-ro", "", - "-rr", ""}); - } + @DisplayName("Test TransformSparkJobNode.main") + @Test + public void transformTest(@TempDir Path testDir) throws Exception { + final String mdstore_input = this.getClass().getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/mdstorenative").getFile(); + final String mdstore_output = testDir.toString() + "/version"; + final String xslt = DHPUtils + .compressString( + IOUtils + .toString( + this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/tr.xml"))); + TransformSparkJobNode + .main( + new String[] { + "-mt", + "local", + "-i", + mdstore_input, + "-o", + mdstore_output, + "-d", + "1", + "-w", + "1", + "-tr", + xslt, + "-t", + "true", + "-ru", + "", + "-rp", + "", + "-rh", + "", + "-ro", + "", + "-rr", + "" + }); + } - @Test - public void tryLoadFolderOnCP() throws Exception { - final String path = this.getClass().getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/mdstorenative").getFile(); - System.out.println("path = " + path); + @Test + public void tryLoadFolderOnCP() throws Exception { + final String path = this.getClass().getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/mdstorenative").getFile(); + System.out.println("path = " + path); - Path tempDirWithPrefix = Files.createTempDirectory("mdstore_output"); + Path tempDirWithPrefix = Files.createTempDirectory("mdstore_output"); - System.out.println(tempDirWithPrefix.toFile().getAbsolutePath()); + System.out.println(tempDirWithPrefix.toFile().getAbsolutePath()); - Files.deleteIfExists(tempDirWithPrefix); - } + Files.deleteIfExists(tempDirWithPrefix); + } + @Test + public void testTransformFunction() throws Exception { + SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); + Document document = reader.read(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/tr.xml")); + Node node = document.selectSingleNode("//CODE/*[local-name()='stylesheet']"); + final String xslt = node.asXML(); + Map vocabularies = new HashMap<>(); + vocabularies.put("dnet:languages", VocabularyHelper.getVocabularyFromAPI("dnet:languages")); - @Test - public void testTransformFunction() throws Exception { - SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); - Document document = reader.read(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/tr.xml")); - Node node = document.selectSingleNode("//CODE/*[local-name()='stylesheet']"); - final String xslt = node.asXML(); - Map vocabularies = new HashMap<>(); - vocabularies.put("dnet:languages", VocabularyHelper.getVocabularyFromAPI("dnet:languages")); + TransformFunction tf = new TransformFunction(accumulator, accumulator, accumulator, xslt, 1, vocabularies); - TransformFunction tf = new TransformFunction(accumulator, accumulator, accumulator, xslt, 1, vocabularies); + MetadataRecord record = new MetadataRecord(); + record + .setBody( + IOUtils + .toString( + this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/input.xml"))); - MetadataRecord record = new MetadataRecord(); - record.setBody(IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/input.xml"))); + final MetadataRecord result = tf.call(record); + assertNotNull(result.getBody()); - final MetadataRecord result = tf.call(record); - assertNotNull(result.getBody()); + System.out.println(result.getBody()); + } - System.out.println(result.getBody()); - } + @Test + public void extractTr() throws Exception { + final String xmlTr = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/tr.xml")); - @Test - public void extractTr() throws Exception { - - final String xmlTr = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/tr.xml")); - - SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); - Document document = reader.read(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/tr.xml")); - Node node = document.selectSingleNode("//CODE/*[local-name()='stylesheet']"); - - System.out.println(node.asXML()); - } + SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); + Document document = reader.read(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transform/tr.xml")); + Node node = document.selectSingleNode("//CODE/*[local-name()='stylesheet']"); + System.out.println(node.asXML()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/VocabularyTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/VocabularyTest.java index c2db17a9d7..1ae942a6b8 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/VocabularyTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-aggregation/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/transformation/vocabulary/VocabularyTest.java @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.transformation.vocabulary; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; + +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + public class VocabularyTest { + @Test + public void testLoadVocabulary() throws Exception { - - @Test - public void testLoadVocabulary() throws Exception { - - final Vocabulary vocabulary = VocabularyHelper.getVocabularyFromAPI("dnet:languages"); - assertEquals("dnet:languages",vocabulary.getName()); - - - } + final Vocabulary vocabulary = VocabularyHelper.getVocabularyFromAPI("dnet:languages"); + assertEquals("dnet:languages", vocabulary.getName()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/AbstractSparkAction.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/AbstractSparkAction.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2120da0808 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/AbstractSparkAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.io.StringReader; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import org.dom4j.Document; +import org.dom4j.DocumentException; +import org.dom4j.Element; +import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; + +abstract class AbstractSparkAction implements Serializable { + + protected static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper() + .configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + + public ArgumentApplicationParser parser; // parameters for the spark action + public SparkSession spark; // the spark session + + public AbstractSparkAction(ArgumentApplicationParser parser, SparkSession spark) { + + this.parser = parser; + this.spark = spark; + } + + public List getConfigurations(ISLookUpService isLookUpService, String orchestrator) + throws ISLookUpException, DocumentException, IOException { + + final String xquery = String.format("/RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//DEDUPLICATION/ACTION_SET/@id = '%s']", orchestrator); + + String orchestratorProfile = isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(xquery); + + final Document doc = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(orchestratorProfile)); + + final String actionSetId = doc.valueOf("//DEDUPLICATION/ACTION_SET/@id"); + + final List configurations = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//SCAN_SEQUENCE/SCAN")) { + configurations.add(loadConfig(isLookUpService, actionSetId, o)); + } + + return configurations; + } + + private DedupConfig loadConfig( + final ISLookUpService isLookUpService, final String actionSetId, final Object o) + throws ISLookUpException, IOException { + final Element s = (Element) o; + final String configProfileId = s.attributeValue("id"); + final String conf = isLookUpService + .getResourceProfileByQuery( + String + .format( + "for $x in /RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER/@value = '%s'] return $x//DEDUPLICATION/text()", + configProfileId)); + + DedupConfig dedupConfig = new ObjectMapper().readValue(conf, DedupConfig.class); + dedupConfig.getPace().initModel(); + dedupConfig.getPace().initTranslationMap(); + dedupConfig.getWf().setConfigurationId(actionSetId); + + return dedupConfig; + } + + abstract void run(ISLookUpService isLookUpService) + throws DocumentException, IOException, ISLookUpException; + + protected static SparkSession getSparkSession(SparkConf conf) { + return SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); + } + + protected static void save(Dataset dataset, String outPath, SaveMode mode) { + dataset.write().option("compression", "gzip").mode(mode).json(outPath); + } + + protected static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { + HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DatePicker.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DatePicker.java index b4d0e268a7..70fb2cc5b6 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DatePicker.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DatePicker.java @@ -1,119 +1,121 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; -import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; +import static java.util.Collections.reverseOrder; +import static java.util.Map.Entry.comparingByValue; +import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap; + +import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.endsWith; +import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.substringBefore; import java.time.Year; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; -import static java.util.Collections.reverseOrder; -import static java.util.Map.Entry.comparingByValue; -import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap; -import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.endsWith; -import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.substringBefore; +import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; public class DatePicker { - private static final String DATE_PATTERN = "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"; - private static final String DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "01-01"; - private static final int YEAR_LB = 1300; - private static final int YEAR_UB = Year.now().getValue() + 5; + private static final String DATE_PATTERN = "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"; + private static final String DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "01-01"; + private static final int YEAR_LB = 1300; + private static final int YEAR_UB = Year.now().getValue() + 5; - public static Field pick(final Collection dateofacceptance) { + public static Field pick(final Collection dateofacceptance) { - final Map frequencies = dateofacceptance - .parallelStream() - .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) - .collect( - Collectors.toConcurrentMap( - w -> w, w -> 1, Integer::sum)); + final Map frequencies = dateofacceptance + .parallelStream() + .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) + .collect(Collectors.toConcurrentMap(w -> w, w -> 1, Integer::sum)); - if (frequencies.isEmpty()) { - return new Field<>(); - } + if (frequencies.isEmpty()) { + return new Field<>(); + } - final Field date = new Field<>(); - date.setValue(frequencies.keySet().iterator().next()); + final Field date = new Field<>(); + date.setValue(frequencies.keySet().iterator().next()); - // let's sort this map by values first, filtering out invalid dates - final Map sorted = frequencies - .entrySet() - .stream() - .filter(d -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(d.getKey())) - .filter(d -> d.getKey().matches(DATE_PATTERN)) - .filter(d -> inRange(d.getKey())) - .sorted(reverseOrder(comparingByValue())) - .collect( - toMap( - Map.Entry::getKey, - Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e2, - LinkedHashMap::new)); + // let's sort this map by values first, filtering out invalid dates + final Map sorted = frequencies + .entrySet() + .stream() + .filter(d -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(d.getKey())) + .filter(d -> d.getKey().matches(DATE_PATTERN)) + .filter(d -> inRange(d.getKey())) + .sorted(reverseOrder(comparingByValue())) + .collect( + toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e2, LinkedHashMap::new)); - // shortcut - if (sorted.size() == 0) { - return date; - } + // shortcut + if (sorted.size() == 0) { + return date; + } - // voting method (1/3 + 1) wins - if (sorted.size() >= 3) { - final int acceptThreshold = (sorted.size() / 3) + 1; - final List accepted = sorted.entrySet().stream() - .filter(e -> e.getValue() >= acceptThreshold) - .map(e -> e.getKey()) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); + // voting method (1/3 + 1) wins + if (sorted.size() >= 3) { + final int acceptThreshold = (sorted.size() / 3) + 1; + final List accepted = sorted + .entrySet() + .stream() + .filter(e -> e.getValue() >= acceptThreshold) + .map(e -> e.getKey()) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); - // cannot find strong majority - if (accepted.isEmpty()) { - final int max = sorted.values().iterator().next(); - Optional first = sorted.entrySet().stream() - .filter(e -> e.getValue() == max && !endsWith(e.getKey(), DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) - .map(Map.Entry::getKey) - .findFirst(); - if (first.isPresent()) { - date.setValue(first.get()); - return date; - } + // cannot find strong majority + if (accepted.isEmpty()) { + final int max = sorted.values().iterator().next(); + Optional first = sorted + .entrySet() + .stream() + .filter(e -> e.getValue() == max && !endsWith(e.getKey(), DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) + .map(Map.Entry::getKey) + .findFirst(); + if (first.isPresent()) { + date.setValue(first.get()); + return date; + } - date.setValue(sorted.keySet().iterator().next()); - return date; - } + date.setValue(sorted.keySet().iterator().next()); + return date; + } - if (accepted.size() == 1) { - date.setValue(accepted.get(0)); - return date; - } else { - final Optional first = accepted.stream() - .filter(d -> !endsWith(d, DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) - .findFirst(); - if (first.isPresent()) { - date.setValue(first.get()); - return date; - } + if (accepted.size() == 1) { + date.setValue(accepted.get(0)); + return date; + } else { + final Optional first = accepted + .stream() + .filter(d -> !endsWith(d, DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) + .findFirst(); + if (first.isPresent()) { + date.setValue(first.get()); + return date; + } - return date; - } + return date; + } - //1st non YYYY-01-01 is returned - } else { - if (sorted.size() == 2) { - for (Map.Entry e : sorted.entrySet()) { - if (!endsWith(e.getKey(), DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) { - date.setValue(e.getKey()); - return date; - } - } - } + // 1st non YYYY-01-01 is returned + } else { + if (sorted.size() == 2) { + for (Map.Entry e : sorted.entrySet()) { + if (!endsWith(e.getKey(), DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) { + date.setValue(e.getKey()); + return date; + } + } + } - // none of the dates seems good enough, return the 1st one - date.setValue(sorted.keySet().iterator().next()); - return date; - } - } + // none of the dates seems good enough, return the 1st one + date.setValue(sorted.keySet().iterator().next()); + return date; + } + } - private static boolean inRange(final String date) { - final int year = Integer.parseInt(substringBefore(date, "-")); - return year >= YEAR_LB && year <= YEAR_UB; - } - -} \ No newline at end of file + private static boolean inRange(final String date) { + final int year = Integer.parseInt(substringBefore(date, "-")); + return year >= YEAR_LB && year <= YEAR_UB; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DedupRecordFactory.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DedupRecordFactory.java index df64d1011f..fa06424d7a 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DedupRecordFactory.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DedupRecordFactory.java @@ -1,274 +1,106 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; -import com.google.common.collect.Lists; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.Iterator; + +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapGroupsFunction; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; -import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; -import scala.Tuple2; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import java.util.Collection; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import scala.Tuple2; public class DedupRecordFactory { - public static JavaRDD createDedupRecord(final JavaSparkContext sc, final SparkSession spark, final String mergeRelsInputPath, final String entitiesInputPath, final OafEntityType entityType, final DedupConfig dedupConf) { - long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); - // - final JavaPairRDD inputJsonEntities = sc.textFile(entitiesInputPath) - .mapToPair((PairFunction) it -> - new Tuple2(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(dedupConf.getWf().getIdPath(), it), it) - ); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DedupRecordFactory.class); - //: source is the dedup_id, target is the id of the mergedIn - JavaPairRDD mergeRels = spark - .read().load(mergeRelsInputPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) - .where("relClass=='merges'") - .javaRDD() - .mapToPair( - (PairFunction) r -> - new Tuple2(r.getTarget(), r.getSource()) - ); + protected static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper() + .configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - // - final JavaPairRDD joinResult = mergeRels.join(inputJsonEntities).mapToPair((PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); + public static Dataset createDedupRecord( + final SparkSession spark, + final DataInfo dataInfo, + final String mergeRelsInputPath, + final String entitiesInputPath, + final Class clazz) { - JavaPairRDD> sortedJoinResult = joinResult.groupByKey(); + long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); - switch (entityType) { - case publication: - return sortedJoinResult.map(p -> DedupRecordFactory.publicationMerger(p, ts)); - case dataset: - return sortedJoinResult.map(d -> DedupRecordFactory.datasetMerger(d, ts)); - case project: - return sortedJoinResult.map(p -> DedupRecordFactory.projectMerger(p, ts)); - case software: - return sortedJoinResult.map(s -> DedupRecordFactory.softwareMerger(s, ts)); - case datasource: - return sortedJoinResult.map(d -> DedupRecordFactory.datasourceMerger(d, ts)); - case organization: - return sortedJoinResult.map(o -> DedupRecordFactory.organizationMerger(o, ts)); - case otherresearchproduct: - return sortedJoinResult.map(o -> DedupRecordFactory.otherresearchproductMerger(o, ts)); - default: - return null; - } + // + Dataset> entities = spark + .read() + .textFile(entitiesInputPath) + .map( + (MapFunction>) it -> { + T entity = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(it, clazz); + return new Tuple2<>(entity.getId(), entity); + }, + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))); - } + // : source is the dedup_id, target is the id of the mergedIn + Dataset> mergeRels = spark + .read() + .load(mergeRelsInputPath) + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .where("relClass == 'merges'") + .map( + (MapFunction>) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getSource(), r.getTarget()), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.STRING())); - private static Publication publicationMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { + return mergeRels + .joinWith(entities, mergeRels.col("_2").equalTo(entities.col("_1")), "inner") + .map( + (MapFunction, Tuple2>, Tuple2>) value -> new Tuple2<>( + value._1()._1(), value._2()._2()), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))) + .groupByKey( + (MapFunction, String>) entity -> entity._1(), Encoders.STRING()) + .mapGroups( + (MapGroupsFunction, T>) (key, + values) -> entityMerger(key, values, ts, dataInfo), + Encoders.bean(clazz)); + } - Publication p = new Publication(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end + private static T entityMerger( + String id, Iterator> entities, long ts, DataInfo dataInfo) { - p.setId(e._1()); + T entity = entities.next()._2(); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + final Collection dates = Lists.newArrayList(); + entities + .forEachRemaining( + t -> { + T duplicate = t._2(); + entity.mergeFrom(duplicate); + if (ModelSupport.isSubClass(duplicate, Result.class)) { + Result r1 = (Result) duplicate; + Result er = (Result) entity; + er.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(er.getAuthor(), r1.getAuthor())); - final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); + if (r1.getDateofacceptance() != null) { + dates.add(r1.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); + } + } + }); - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(pub -> { - try { - Publication publication = mapper.readValue(pub, Publication.class); + if (ModelSupport.isSubClass(entity, Result.class)) { + ((Result) entity).setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dates)); + } - p.mergeFrom(publication); - p.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(p.getAuthor(), publication.getAuthor())); - //add to the list if they are not null - if (publication.getDateofacceptance() != null) - dateofacceptance.add(publication.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - p.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); - if (p.getDataInfo() == null) - p.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - p.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - p.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return p; - } - - private static Dataset datasetMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - - Dataset d = new Dataset(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - - d.setId(e._1()); - - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - - final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); - - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(dat -> { - try { - Dataset dataset = mapper.readValue(dat, Dataset.class); - - d.mergeFrom(dataset); - d.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(d.getAuthor(), dataset.getAuthor())); - //add to the list if they are not null - if (dataset.getDateofacceptance() != null) - dateofacceptance.add(dataset.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - d.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); - if (d.getDataInfo() == null) - d.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - d.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - d.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return d; - } - - private static Project projectMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - - Project p = new Project(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - - p.setId(e._1()); - - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(proj -> { - try { - Project project = mapper.readValue(proj, Project.class); - - p.mergeFrom(project); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - if (p.getDataInfo() == null) - p.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - p.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - p.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return p; - } - - private static Software softwareMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - - Software s = new Software(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - - s.setId(e._1()); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(soft -> { - try { - Software software = mapper.readValue(soft, Software.class); - - s.mergeFrom(software); - s.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(s.getAuthor(), software.getAuthor())); - //add to the list if they are not null - if (software.getDateofacceptance() != null) - dateofacceptance.add(software.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - s.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); - if (s.getDataInfo() == null) - s.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - s.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - s.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return s; - } - - private static Datasource datasourceMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - Datasource d = new Datasource(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - d.setId(e._1()); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(dat -> { - try { - Datasource datasource = mapper.readValue(dat, Datasource.class); - - d.mergeFrom(datasource); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - if (d.getDataInfo() == null) - d.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - d.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - d.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return d; - } - - private static Organization organizationMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - - Organization o = new Organization(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - - o.setId(e._1()); - - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - - - StringBuilder trust = new StringBuilder("0.0"); - - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(pub -> { - try { - Organization organization = mapper.readValue(pub, Organization.class); - - final String currentTrust = organization.getDataInfo().getTrust(); - if (!"1.0".equals(currentTrust)) { - trust.setLength(0); - trust.append(currentTrust); - } - o.mergeFrom(organization); - - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - - if (o.getDataInfo() == null) - { - o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - } - if (o.getDataInfo() == null) - o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - o.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - o.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - - return o; - } - - private static OtherResearchProduct otherresearchproductMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - - OtherResearchProduct o = new OtherResearchProduct(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - - o.setId(e._1()); - - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - - final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); - - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(orp -> { - try { - OtherResearchProduct otherResearchProduct = mapper.readValue(orp, OtherResearchProduct.class); - - o.mergeFrom(otherResearchProduct); - o.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(o.getAuthor(), otherResearchProduct.getAuthor())); - //add to the list if they are not null - if (otherResearchProduct.getDateofacceptance() != null) - dateofacceptance.add(otherResearchProduct.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - if (o.getDataInfo() == null) - o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - o.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); - o.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - o.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return o; - } + entity.setId(id); + entity.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); + entity.setDataInfo(dataInfo); + return entity; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DedupUtility.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DedupUtility.java index 39f52151ab..d3ae8ee4f9 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DedupUtility.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/DedupUtility.java @@ -1,17 +1,13 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; -import com.google.common.collect.Sets; -import com.wcohen.ss.JaroWinkler; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.clustering.BlacklistAwareClusteringCombiner; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import java.io.StringReader; +import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; +import java.security.MessageDigest; +import java.text.Normalizer; +import java.util.*; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.Person; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkContext; @@ -20,202 +16,235 @@ import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; + +import com.google.common.collect.Sets; +import com.wcohen.ss.JaroWinkler; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.clustering.BlacklistAwareClusteringCombiner; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.Person; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.io.StringReader; -import java.security.MessageDigest; -import java.text.Normalizer; -import java.util.*; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - public class DedupUtility { - private static final Double THRESHOLD = 0.95; + private static final Double THRESHOLD = 0.95; - public static Map constructAccumulator(final DedupConfig dedupConf, final SparkContext context) { + public static Map constructAccumulator( + final DedupConfig dedupConf, final SparkContext context) { - Map accumulators = new HashMap<>(); + Map accumulators = new HashMap<>(); - String acc1 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "records per hash key = 1"); - accumulators.put(acc1, context.longAccumulator(acc1)); - String acc2 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "missing " + dedupConf.getWf().getOrderField()); - accumulators.put(acc2, context.longAccumulator(acc2)); - String acc3 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), String.format("Skipped records for count(%s) >= %s", dedupConf.getWf().getOrderField(), dedupConf.getWf().getGroupMaxSize())); - accumulators.put(acc3, context.longAccumulator(acc3)); - String acc4 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "skip list"); - accumulators.put(acc4, context.longAccumulator(acc4)); - String acc5 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "dedupSimilarity (x2)"); - accumulators.put(acc5, context.longAccumulator(acc5)); - String acc6 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "d < " + dedupConf.getWf().getThreshold()); - accumulators.put(acc6, context.longAccumulator(acc6)); + String acc1 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "records per hash key = 1"); + accumulators.put(acc1, context.longAccumulator(acc1)); + String acc2 = String + .format( + "%s::%s", + dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "missing " + dedupConf.getWf().getOrderField()); + accumulators.put(acc2, context.longAccumulator(acc2)); + String acc3 = String + .format( + "%s::%s", + dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), + String + .format( + "Skipped records for count(%s) >= %s", + dedupConf.getWf().getOrderField(), dedupConf.getWf().getGroupMaxSize())); + accumulators.put(acc3, context.longAccumulator(acc3)); + String acc4 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "skip list"); + accumulators.put(acc4, context.longAccumulator(acc4)); + String acc5 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "dedupSimilarity (x2)"); + accumulators.put(acc5, context.longAccumulator(acc5)); + String acc6 = String + .format( + "%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "d < " + dedupConf.getWf().getThreshold()); + accumulators.put(acc6, context.longAccumulator(acc6)); - return accumulators; - } + return accumulators; + } - static Set getGroupingKeys(DedupConfig conf, MapDocument doc) { - return Sets.newHashSet(BlacklistAwareClusteringCombiner.filterAndCombine(doc, conf)); - } + static Set getGroupingKeys(DedupConfig conf, MapDocument doc) { + return Sets.newHashSet(BlacklistAwareClusteringCombiner.filterAndCombine(doc, conf)); + } - public static String md5(final String s) { - try { - final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); - md.update(s.getBytes("UTF-8")); - return new String(Hex.encodeHex(md.digest())); - } catch (final Exception e) { - System.err.println("Error creating id"); - return null; - } - } + public static String md5(final String s) { + try { + final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); + md.update(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); + return new String(Hex.encodeHex(md.digest())); + } catch (final Exception e) { + System.err.println("Error creating id"); + return null; + } + } + public static List mergeAuthor(final List a, final List b) { + int pa = countAuthorsPids(a); + int pb = countAuthorsPids(b); + List base, enrich; + int sa = authorsSize(a); + int sb = authorsSize(b); - public static List mergeAuthor(final List a, final List b) { - int pa = countAuthorsPids(a); - int pb = countAuthorsPids(b); - List base, enrich; - int sa = authorsSize(a); - int sb = authorsSize(b); + if (pa == pb) { + base = sa > sb ? a : b; + enrich = sa > sb ? b : a; + } else { + base = pa > pb ? a : b; + enrich = pa > pb ? b : a; + } + enrichPidFromList(base, enrich); + return base; + } - if (pa == pb) { - base = sa > sb ? a : b; - enrich = sa > sb ? b : a; - } else { - base = pa > pb ? a : b; - enrich = pa > pb ? b : a; - } - enrichPidFromList(base, enrich); - return base; - } + private static void enrichPidFromList(List base, List enrich) { + if (base == null || enrich == null) + return; + final Map basePidAuthorMap = base + .stream() + .filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0) + .flatMap(a -> a.getPid().stream().map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p.toComparableString(), a))) + .collect(Collectors.toMap(Tuple2::_1, Tuple2::_2, (x1, x2) -> x1)); - private static void enrichPidFromList(List base, List enrich) { - if (base == null || enrich == null) - return; - final Map basePidAuthorMap = base.stream() - .filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0) - .flatMap(a -> a.getPid() - .stream() - .map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p.toComparableString(), a)) - ).collect(Collectors.toMap(Tuple2::_1, Tuple2::_2, (x1, x2) -> x1)); + final List> pidToEnrich = enrich + .stream() + .filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0) + .flatMap( + a -> a + .getPid() + .stream() + .filter(p -> !basePidAuthorMap.containsKey(p.toComparableString())) + .map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p, a))) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); - final List> pidToEnrich = enrich - .stream() - .filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0) - .flatMap(a -> a.getPid().stream().filter(p -> !basePidAuthorMap.containsKey(p.toComparableString())).map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p, a))) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); + pidToEnrich + .forEach( + a -> { + Optional> simAuhtor = base + .stream() + .map(ba -> new Tuple2<>(sim(ba, a._2()), ba)) + .max(Comparator.comparing(Tuple2::_1)); + if (simAuhtor.isPresent() && simAuhtor.get()._1() > THRESHOLD) { + Author r = simAuhtor.get()._2(); + r.getPid().add(a._1()); + } + }); + } + public static String createDedupRecordPath( + final String basePath, final String actionSetId, final String entityType) { + return String.format("%s/%s/%s_deduprecord", basePath, actionSetId, entityType); + } - pidToEnrich.forEach(a -> { - Optional> simAuhtor = base.stream().map(ba -> new Tuple2<>(sim(ba, a._2()), ba)).max(Comparator.comparing(Tuple2::_1)); - if (simAuhtor.isPresent() && simAuhtor.get()._1() > THRESHOLD) { - Author r = simAuhtor.get()._2(); - r.getPid().add(a._1()); - } - }); - } + public static String createEntityPath(final String basePath, final String entityType) { + return String.format("%s/%s", basePath, entityType); + } - public static String createDedupRecordPath(final String basePath, final String actionSetId, final String entityType) { - return String.format("%s/%s/%s_deduprecord", basePath, actionSetId, entityType); - } + public static String createSimRelPath( + final String basePath, final String actionSetId, final String entityType) { + return String.format("%s/%s/%s_simrel", basePath, actionSetId, entityType); + } - public static String createEntityPath(final String basePath, final String entityType) { - return String.format("%s/%s", basePath, entityType); - } + public static String createMergeRelPath( + final String basePath, final String actionSetId, final String entityType) { + return String.format("%s/%s/%s_mergerel", basePath, actionSetId, entityType); + } - public static String createSimRelPath(final String basePath, final String actionSetId,final String entityType) { - return String.format("%s/%s/%s_simrel", basePath, actionSetId, entityType); - } + private static Double sim(Author a, Author b) { - public static String createMergeRelPath(final String basePath, final String actionSetId, final String entityType) { - return String.format("%s/%s/%s_mergerel", basePath, actionSetId, entityType); - } + final Person pa = parse(a); + final Person pb = parse(b); - private static Double sim(Author a, Author b) { + if (pa.isAccurate() & pb.isAccurate()) { + return new JaroWinkler() + .score(normalize(pa.getSurnameString()), normalize(pb.getSurnameString())); + } else { + return new JaroWinkler() + .score(normalize(pa.getNormalisedFullname()), normalize(pb.getNormalisedFullname())); + } + } - final Person pa = parse(a); - final Person pb = parse(b); + private static String normalize(final String s) { + return nfd(s) + .toLowerCase() + // do not compact the regexes in a single expression, would cause StackOverflowError + // in case + // of large input strings + .replaceAll("(\\W)+", " ") + .replaceAll("(\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks})+", " ") + .replaceAll("(\\p{Punct})+", " ") + .replaceAll("(\\d)+", " ") + .replaceAll("(\\n)+", " ") + .trim(); + } - if (pa.isAccurate() & pb.isAccurate()) { - return new JaroWinkler().score( - normalize(pa.getSurnameString()), - normalize(pb.getSurnameString())); - } else { - return new JaroWinkler().score( - normalize(pa.getNormalisedFullname()), - normalize(pb.getNormalisedFullname())); - } - } + private static String nfd(final String s) { + return Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD); + } - private static String normalize(final String s) { - return nfd(s).toLowerCase() - // do not compact the regexes in a single expression, would cause StackOverflowError in case of large input strings - .replaceAll("(\\W)+", " ") - .replaceAll("(\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks})+", " ") - .replaceAll("(\\p{Punct})+", " ") - .replaceAll("(\\d)+", " ") - .replaceAll("(\\n)+", " ") - .trim(); - } + private static Person parse(Author author) { + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(author.getSurname())) { + return new Person(author.getSurname() + ", " + author.getName(), false); + } else { + return new Person(author.getFullname(), false); + } + } - private static String nfd(final String s) { - return Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD); - } + private static int countAuthorsPids(List authors) { + if (authors == null) + return 0; - private static Person parse(Author author) { - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(author.getSurname())) { - return new Person(author.getSurname() + ", " + author.getName(), false); - } else { - return new Person(author.getFullname(), false); - } - } + return (int) authors.stream().filter(DedupUtility::hasPid).count(); + } + private static int authorsSize(List authors) { + if (authors == null) + return 0; + return authors.size(); + } - private static int countAuthorsPids(List authors) { - if (authors == null) - return 0; + private static boolean hasPid(Author a) { + if (a == null || a.getPid() == null || a.getPid().size() == 0) + return false; + return a.getPid().stream().anyMatch(p -> p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue())); + } - return (int) authors.stream().filter(DedupUtility::hasPid).count(); - } + public static List getConfigurations(String isLookUpUrl, String orchestrator) + throws ISLookUpException, DocumentException { + final ISLookUpService isLookUpService = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookUpUrl); - private static int authorsSize(List authors) { - if (authors == null) - return 0; - return authors.size(); - } + final String xquery = String.format("/RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//DEDUPLICATION/ACTION_SET/@id = '%s']", orchestrator); - private static boolean hasPid(Author a) { - if (a == null || a.getPid() == null || a.getPid().size() == 0) - return false; - return a.getPid().stream().anyMatch(p -> p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue())); - } + String orchestratorProfile = isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(xquery); - public static List getConfigurations(String isLookUpUrl, String orchestrator) throws ISLookUpException, DocumentException { - final ISLookUpService isLookUpService = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookUpUrl); + final Document doc = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(orchestratorProfile)); - final String xquery = String.format("/RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//DEDUPLICATION/ACTION_SET/@id = '%s']", orchestrator); + final String actionSetId = doc.valueOf("//DEDUPLICATION/ACTION_SET/@id"); + final List configurations = new ArrayList<>(); - String orchestratorProfile = isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(xquery); + for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//SCAN_SEQUENCE/SCAN")) { + configurations.add(loadConfig(isLookUpService, actionSetId, o)); + } - final Document doc = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(orchestratorProfile)); + return configurations; + } - final String actionSetId = doc.valueOf("//DEDUPLICATION/ACTION_SET/@id"); - final List configurations = new ArrayList<>(); - - for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//SCAN_SEQUENCE/SCAN")) { - configurations.add(loadConfig(isLookUpService, actionSetId, o)); - } - - return configurations; - - } - - private static DedupConfig loadConfig(final ISLookUpService isLookUpService, final String actionSetId, final Object o) - throws ISLookUpException { - final Element s = (Element) o; - final String configProfileId = s.attributeValue("id"); - final String conf = - isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(String.format( - "for $x in /RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER/@value = '%s'] return $x//DEDUPLICATION/text()", - configProfileId)); - final DedupConfig dedupConfig = DedupConfig.load(conf); - dedupConfig.getWf().setConfigurationId(actionSetId); - return dedupConfig; - } + private static DedupConfig loadConfig( + final ISLookUpService isLookUpService, final String actionSetId, final Object o) + throws ISLookUpException { + final Element s = (Element) o; + final String configProfileId = s.attributeValue("id"); + final String conf = isLookUpService + .getResourceProfileByQuery( + String + .format( + "for $x in /RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER/@value = '%s'] return $x//DEDUPLICATION/text()", + configProfileId)); + final DedupConfig dedupConfig = DedupConfig.load(conf); + dedupConfig.getWf().setConfigurationId(actionSetId); + return dedupConfig; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/Deduper.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/Deduper.java index d8de489469..c72940deb8 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/Deduper.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/Deduper.java @@ -1,161 +1,57 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.model.Block; import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.BlockProcessor; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function2; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFlatMapFunction; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; -import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; import scala.Serializable; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.*; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - public class Deduper implements Serializable { - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Deduper.class); + public static JavaPairRDD computeRelations( + JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD blocks, DedupConfig config) { + Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); - /** - * @return the list of relations generated by the deduplication - * @param: the spark context - * @param: list of JSON entities to be deduped - * @param: the dedup configuration - */ - public static JavaPairRDD dedup(JavaSparkContext context, JavaRDD entities, DedupConfig config) { + return blocks + .flatMapToPair( + it -> { + final SparkReporter reporter = new SparkReporter(accumulators); + new BlockProcessor(config) + .processSortedBlock(it._1(), it._2().getDocuments(), reporter); + return reporter.getRelations().iterator(); + }) + .mapToPair(it -> new Tuple2<>(it._1() + it._2(), it)) + .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) + .mapToPair(Tuple2::_2); + } - Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); + public static JavaPairRDD createSortedBlocks( + JavaPairRDD mapDocs, DedupConfig config) { + final String of = config.getWf().getOrderField(); + final int maxQueueSize = config.getWf().getGroupMaxSize(); - //create vertexes of the graph: - JavaPairRDD mapDocs = mapToVertexes(context, entities, config); - - - //create blocks for deduplication - JavaPairRDD> blocks = createBlocks(context, mapDocs, config); - - //create relations by comparing only elements in the same group - return computeRelations(context, blocks, config); - -// final RDD> edgeRdd = relationRDD.map(it -> new Edge<>(it._1().hashCode(), it._2().hashCode(), "equalTo")).rdd(); -// -// RDD> vertexes = mapDocs.mapToPair((PairFunction, Object, MapDocument>) t -> new Tuple2((long) t._1().hashCode(), t._2())).rdd(); -// accumulators.forEach((name, acc) -> log.info(name + " -> " + acc.value())); -// -// return GraphProcessor.findCCs(vertexes, edgeRdd, 20).toJavaRDD(); - } - - /** - * @return the list of relations generated by the deduplication - * @param: the spark context - * @param: list of blocks - * @param: the dedup configuration - */ - public static JavaPairRDD computeRelations(JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD> blocks, DedupConfig config) { - - Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); - - return blocks.flatMapToPair((PairFlatMapFunction>, String, String>) it -> { - final SparkReporter reporter = new SparkReporter(accumulators); - new BlockProcessor(config).process(it._1(), it._2(), reporter); - return reporter.getRelations().iterator(); - - }).mapToPair( - (PairFunction, String, Tuple2>) item -> - new Tuple2>(item._1() + item._2(), item)) - .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) - .mapToPair((PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); - } - - - /** - * @return the list of blocks based on clustering of dedup configuration - * @param: the spark context - * @param: list of entities: - * @param: the dedup configuration - */ - public static JavaPairRDD> createBlocks(JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD mapDocs, DedupConfig config) { - return mapDocs - //the reduce is just to be sure that we haven't document with same id - .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) - .map(Tuple2::_2) - //Clustering: from to List - .flatMapToPair((PairFlatMapFunction) a -> - DedupUtility.getGroupingKeys(config, a) - .stream() - .map(it -> new Tuple2<>(it, a)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - .iterator()) - .groupByKey(); - } - - - public static JavaPairRDD> createsortedBlocks(JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD mapDocs, DedupConfig config) { - final String of = config.getWf().getOrderField(); - final int maxQueueSize = config.getWf().getGroupMaxSize(); - return mapDocs - //the reduce is just to be sure that we haven't document with same id - .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) - .map(Tuple2::_2) - //Clustering: from to List - .flatMapToPair((PairFlatMapFunction>) a -> - DedupUtility.getGroupingKeys(config, a) - .stream() - .map(it -> { - List tmp = new ArrayList<>(); - tmp.add(a); - return new Tuple2<>(it, tmp); - } - ) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - .iterator()) - .reduceByKey((Function2, List, List>) (v1, v2) -> { - v1.addAll(v2); - v1.sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.getFieldMap().get(of).stringValue())); - if (v1.size() > maxQueueSize) - return new ArrayList<>(v1.subList(0, maxQueueSize)); - return v1; - }); - } - - /** - * @return the list of vertexes: - * @param: the spark context - * @param: list of JSON entities - * @param: the dedup configuration - */ - public static JavaPairRDD mapToVertexes(JavaSparkContext context, JavaRDD entities, DedupConfig config) { - - return entities.mapToPair((PairFunction) s -> { - - MapDocument mapDocument = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(config, s); - return new Tuple2(mapDocument.getIdentifier(), mapDocument); - - - }); - } - - public static JavaPairRDD computeRelations2(JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD> blocks, DedupConfig config) { - Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); - - return blocks.flatMapToPair((PairFlatMapFunction>, String, String>) it -> { - try { - final SparkReporter reporter = new SparkReporter(accumulators); - new BlockProcessor(config).processSortedBlock(it._1(), it._2(), reporter); - return reporter.getRelations().iterator(); - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(it._2().get(0).getIdentifier(), e); - } - }).mapToPair( - (PairFunction, String, Tuple2>) item -> - new Tuple2>(item._1() + item._2(), item)) - .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) - .mapToPair((PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); - } -} \ No newline at end of file + return mapDocs + // the reduce is just to be sure that we haven't document with same id + .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) + .map(Tuple2::_2) + // Clustering: from to List + .flatMap( + a -> DedupUtility + .getGroupingKeys(config, a) + .stream() + .map(it -> Block.from(it, a)) + .collect(Collectors.toList()) + .iterator()) + .mapToPair(block -> new Tuple2<>(block.getKey(), block)) + .reduceByKey((b1, b2) -> Block.from(b1, b2, of, maxQueueSize)); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/OafEntityType.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/OafEntityType.java deleted file mode 100644 index da2bc3a370..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/OafEntityType.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; - -public enum OafEntityType { - - datasource, - organization, - project, - dataset, - otherresearchproduct, - software, - publication - - - -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateConnectedComponent.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateConnectedComponent.java deleted file mode 100644 index 9d8d5944d7..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateConnectedComponent.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; - -import com.google.common.hash.Hashing; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.graph.ConnectedComponent; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.graph.GraphProcessor; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.FlatMapFunction; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; -import org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge; -import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; -import org.dom4j.DocumentException; -import scala.Tuple2; - -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.List; - -public class SparkCreateConnectedComponent { - - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - SparkCreateConnectedComponent.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createCC_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - - new SparkCreateConnectedComponent().run(parser); - } - - private void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) throws ISLookUpException, DocumentException { - - final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); - final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); - final String isLookUpUrl = parser.get("isLookUpUrl"); - final String actionSetId = parser.get("actionSetId"); - - try (SparkSession spark = getSparkSession(parser)) { - - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - - for (DedupConfig dedupConf: DedupUtility.getConfigurations(isLookUpUrl, actionSetId)) { - - final String entity = dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(); - final String subEntity = dedupConf.getWf().getSubEntityValue(); - - final JavaPairRDD vertexes = sc.textFile(graphBasePath + "/" + subEntity) - .map(s -> MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(dedupConf.getWf().getIdPath(), s)) - .mapToPair((PairFunction) - s -> new Tuple2(getHashcode(s), s) - ); - - final Dataset similarityRelations = spark.read().load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity)).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - final RDD> edgeRdd = similarityRelations.javaRDD().map(it -> new Edge<>(getHashcode(it.getSource()), getHashcode(it.getTarget()), it.getRelClass())).rdd(); - final JavaRDD cc = GraphProcessor.findCCs(vertexes.rdd(), edgeRdd, dedupConf.getWf().getMaxIterations()).toJavaRDD(); - final Dataset mergeRelation = spark.createDataset(cc.filter(k -> k.getDocIds().size() > 1).flatMap((FlatMapFunction) c -> - c.getDocIds() - .stream() - .flatMap(id -> { - List tmp = new ArrayList<>(); - Relation r = new Relation(); - r.setSource(c.getCcId()); - r.setTarget(id); - r.setRelClass("merges"); - tmp.add(r); - r = new Relation(); - r.setTarget(c.getCcId()); - r.setSource(id); - r.setRelClass("isMergedIn"); - tmp.add(r); - return tmp.stream(); - }).iterator()).rdd(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - mergeRelation.write().mode("overwrite").save(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, entity)); - } - } - } - - public static long getHashcode(final String id) { - return Hashing.murmur3_128().hashString(id).asLong(); - } - - private static SparkSession getSparkSession(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) { - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - - return SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkCreateSimRels.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .config(conf) - .getOrCreate(); - } -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateDedupRecord.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateDedupRecord.java index 3271f2b4cc..d870f6256e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateDedupRecord.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateDedupRecord.java @@ -1,64 +1,104 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import java.io.IOException; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -public class SparkCreateDedupRecord { +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.EntityType; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - SparkCreateDedupRecord.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createDedupRecord_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); +public class SparkCreateDedupRecord extends AbstractSparkAction { - new SparkCreateDedupRecord().run(parser); - } + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkCreateDedupRecord.class); - private void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) throws ISLookUpException, DocumentException { + public static final String ROOT_TRUST = "0.8"; + public static final String PROVENANCE_ACTION_CLASS = "sysimport:dedup"; + public static final String PROVENANCE_ACTIONS = "dnet:provenanceActions"; - final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); - final String isLookUpUrl = parser.get("isLookUpUrl"); - final String actionSetId = parser.get("actionSetId"); - final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); + public SparkCreateDedupRecord(ArgumentApplicationParser parser, SparkSession spark) { + super(parser, spark); + } - try (SparkSession spark = getSparkSession(parser)) { - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateSimRels.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createDedupRecord_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); - for (DedupConfig dedupConf: DedupUtility.getConfigurations(isLookUpUrl, actionSetId)) { - String subEntity = dedupConf.getWf().getSubEntityValue(); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - final String mergeRelPath = DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity); - final String entityPath = DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, subEntity); - final OafEntityType entityType = OafEntityType.valueOf(subEntity); - final JavaRDD dedupRecord = - DedupRecordFactory.createDedupRecord(sc, spark, mergeRelPath, entityPath, entityType, dedupConf); - dedupRecord.map(r -> { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(r); - }).saveAsTextFile(DedupUtility.createDedupRecordPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity)); - } - } - } + new SparkCreateDedupRecord(parser, getSparkSession(conf)) + .run(ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(parser.get("isLookUpUrl"))); + } - private static SparkSession getSparkSession(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) { - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + @Override + public void run(ISLookUpService isLookUpService) + throws ISLookUpException, DocumentException, IOException { - return SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkCreateDedupRecord.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .config(conf) - .enableHiveSupport() - .getOrCreate(); - } + final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); + final String isLookUpUrl = parser.get("isLookUpUrl"); + final String actionSetId = parser.get("actionSetId"); + final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); + + log.info("graphBasePath: '{}'", graphBasePath); + log.info("isLookUpUrl: '{}'", isLookUpUrl); + log.info("actionSetId: '{}'", actionSetId); + log.info("workingPath: '{}'", workingPath); + + for (DedupConfig dedupConf : getConfigurations(isLookUpService, actionSetId)) { + String subEntity = dedupConf.getWf().getSubEntityValue(); + log.info("Creating deduprecords for: '{}'", subEntity); + + final String outputPath = DedupUtility.createDedupRecordPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity); + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); + + final String mergeRelPath = DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity); + final String entityPath = DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, subEntity); + + final Class clazz = ModelSupport.entityTypes.get(EntityType.valueOf(subEntity)); + final DataInfo dataInfo = getDataInfo(dedupConf); + DedupRecordFactory + .createDedupRecord(spark, dataInfo, mergeRelPath, entityPath, clazz) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .option("compression", "gzip") + .json(outputPath); + } + } + + private static DataInfo getDataInfo(DedupConfig dedupConf) { + DataInfo info = new DataInfo(); + info.setDeletedbyinference(false); + info.setInferred(true); + info.setInvisible(false); + info.setTrust(ROOT_TRUST); + info.setInferenceprovenance(dedupConf.getWf().getConfigurationId()); + Qualifier provenance = new Qualifier(); + provenance.setClassid(PROVENANCE_ACTION_CLASS); + provenance.setClassname(PROVENANCE_ACTION_CLASS); + provenance.setSchemeid(PROVENANCE_ACTIONS); + provenance.setSchemename(PROVENANCE_ACTIONS); + info.setProvenanceaction(provenance); + return info; + } } - diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateMergeRels.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateMergeRels.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a446508233 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateMergeRels.java @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.List; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; +import org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge; +import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import org.dom4j.DocumentException; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.google.common.hash.Hashing; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.graph.ConnectedComponent; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.graph.GraphProcessor; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import scala.Tuple2; + +public class SparkCreateMergeRels extends AbstractSparkAction { + + public static final String PROVENANCE_ACTION_CLASS = "sysimport:dedup"; + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkCreateMergeRels.class); + public static final String DNET_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS = "dnet:provenanceActions"; + + public SparkCreateMergeRels(ArgumentApplicationParser parser, SparkSession spark) { + super(parser, spark); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateSimRels.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createCC_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + + final String isLookUpUrl = parser.get("isLookUpUrl"); + log.info("isLookupUrl {}", isLookUpUrl); + + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); + + new SparkCreateMergeRels(parser, getSparkSession(conf)) + .run(ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookUpUrl)); + } + + @Override + public void run(ISLookUpService isLookUpService) + throws ISLookUpException, DocumentException, IOException { + + final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); + final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); + final String isLookUpUrl = parser.get("isLookUpUrl"); + final String actionSetId = parser.get("actionSetId"); + + log.info("graphBasePath: '{}'", graphBasePath); + log.info("isLookUpUrl: '{}'", isLookUpUrl); + log.info("actionSetId: '{}'", actionSetId); + log.info("workingPath: '{}'", workingPath); + + final JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + + for (DedupConfig dedupConf : getConfigurations(isLookUpService, actionSetId)) { + final String subEntity = dedupConf.getWf().getSubEntityValue(); + + log.info("Creating mergerels for: '{}'", subEntity); + + final int maxIterations = dedupConf.getWf().getMaxIterations(); + log.info("Max iterations {}", maxIterations); + + final String mergeRelPath = DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity); + + final JavaPairRDD vertexes = sc + .textFile(graphBasePath + "/" + subEntity) + .map(s -> MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(dedupConf.getWf().getIdPath(), s)) + .mapToPair((PairFunction) s -> new Tuple2<>(hash(s), s)); + + final RDD> edgeRdd = spark + .read() + .load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity)) + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .javaRDD() + .map(it -> new Edge<>(hash(it.getSource()), hash(it.getTarget()), it.getRelClass())) + .rdd(); + + final Dataset mergeRels = spark + .createDataset( + GraphProcessor + .findCCs(vertexes.rdd(), edgeRdd, maxIterations) + .toJavaRDD() + .filter(k -> k.getDocIds().size() > 1) + .flatMap(cc -> ccToMergeRel(cc, dedupConf)) + .rdd(), + Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + + mergeRels.write().mode(SaveMode.Append).parquet(mergeRelPath); + } + } + + public Iterator ccToMergeRel(ConnectedComponent cc, DedupConfig dedupConf) { + return cc + .getDocIds() + .stream() + .flatMap( + id -> { + List tmp = new ArrayList<>(); + + tmp.add(rel(cc.getCcId(), id, "merges", dedupConf)); + tmp.add(rel(id, cc.getCcId(), "isMergedIn", dedupConf)); + + return tmp.stream(); + }) + .iterator(); + } + + private Relation rel(String source, String target, String relClass, DedupConfig dedupConf) { + Relation r = new Relation(); + r.setSource(source); + r.setTarget(target); + r.setRelClass(relClass); + r.setSubRelType("dedup"); + + DataInfo info = new DataInfo(); + info.setDeletedbyinference(false); + info.setInferred(true); + info.setInvisible(false); + info.setInferenceprovenance(dedupConf.getWf().getConfigurationId()); + Qualifier provenanceAction = new Qualifier(); + provenanceAction.setClassid(PROVENANCE_ACTION_CLASS); + provenanceAction.setClassname(PROVENANCE_ACTION_CLASS); + provenanceAction.setSchemeid(DNET_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS); + provenanceAction.setSchemename(DNET_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS); + info.setProvenanceaction(provenanceAction); + + // TODO calculate the trust value based on the similarity score of the elements in the CC + // info.setTrust(); + + r.setDataInfo(info); + return r; + } + + public static long hash(final String id) { + return Hashing.murmur3_128().hashString(id).asLong(); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateSimRels.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateSimRels.java index e1c1f581c3..2cfe2e0801 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateSimRels.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkCreateSimRels.java @@ -1,134 +1,134 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action.AtomicAction; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import java.io.IOException; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.model.Block; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.FieldListImpl; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.FieldValueImpl; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.io.Serializable; -import java.util.List; +public class SparkCreateSimRels extends AbstractSparkAction { -public class SparkCreateSimRels implements Serializable { + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkCreateSimRels.class); - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SparkCreateSimRels.class); + public SparkCreateSimRels(ArgumentApplicationParser parser, SparkSession spark) { + super(parser, spark); + } - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - SparkCreateSimRels.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createSimRels_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateSimRels.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createSimRels_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); - new SparkCreateSimRels().run(parser); - } + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf + .registerKryoClasses( + new Class[] { + MapDocument.class, FieldListImpl.class, FieldValueImpl.class, Block.class + }); - private void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) throws ISLookUpException, DocumentException { + new SparkCreateSimRels(parser, getSparkSession(conf)) + .run(ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(parser.get("isLookUpUrl"))); + } - //read oozie parameters - final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); - final String isLookUpUrl = parser.get("isLookUpUrl"); - final String actionSetId = parser.get("actionSetId"); - final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); + @Override + public void run(ISLookUpService isLookUpService) + throws DocumentException, IOException, ISLookUpException { - System.out.println(String.format("graphBasePath: '%s'", graphBasePath)); - System.out.println(String.format("isLookUpUrl: '%s'", isLookUpUrl)); - System.out.println(String.format("actionSetId: '%s'", actionSetId)); - System.out.println(String.format("workingPath: '%s'", workingPath)); + // read oozie parameters + final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); + final String isLookUpUrl = parser.get("isLookUpUrl"); + final String actionSetId = parser.get("actionSetId"); + final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); - try (SparkSession spark = getSparkSession(parser)) { - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + log.info("graphBasePath: '{}'", graphBasePath); + log.info("isLookUpUrl: '{}'", isLookUpUrl); + log.info("actionSetId: '{}'", actionSetId); + log.info("workingPath: '{}'", workingPath); - //for each dedup configuration - for (DedupConfig dedupConf: DedupUtility.getConfigurations(isLookUpUrl, actionSetId)) { - final String entity = dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(); - final String subEntity = dedupConf.getWf().getSubEntityValue(); + // for each dedup configuration + for (DedupConfig dedupConf : getConfigurations(isLookUpService, actionSetId)) { - JavaPairRDD mapDocument = sc.textFile(DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, subEntity)) - .mapToPair(s -> { - MapDocument d = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(dedupConf, s); - return new Tuple2<>(d.getIdentifier(), d); - }); + final String entity = dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(); + final String subEntity = dedupConf.getWf().getSubEntityValue(); + log.info("Creating simrels for: '{}'", subEntity); - //create blocks for deduplication - JavaPairRDD> blocks = Deduper.createsortedBlocks(sc, mapDocument, dedupConf); + final String outputPath = DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity); + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); - //create relations by comparing only elements in the same group - final JavaPairRDD dedupRels = Deduper.computeRelations2(sc, blocks, dedupConf); + JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - JavaRDD relationsRDD = dedupRels.map(r -> createSimRel(r._1(), r._2(), entity)); + JavaPairRDD mapDocuments = sc + .textFile(DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, subEntity)) + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) s -> { + MapDocument d = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(dedupConf, s); + return new Tuple2<>(d.getIdentifier(), d); + }); - //save the simrel in the workingdir - spark.createDataset(relationsRDD.rdd(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) - .write() - .mode("overwrite") - .save(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity)); - } - } - } + // create blocks for deduplication + JavaPairRDD blocks = Deduper.createSortedBlocks(mapDocuments, dedupConf); - /** - * Utility method used to create an atomic action from a Relation object - * @param relation input relation - * @return A tuple2 with [id, json serialization of the atomic action] - * @throws JsonProcessingException - */ - public Tuple2 createSequenceFileRow(Relation relation) throws JsonProcessingException { + // create relations by comparing only elements in the same group + JavaRDD relations = Deduper + .computeRelations(sc, blocks, dedupConf) + .map(t -> createSimRel(t._1(), t._2(), entity)); - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + // save the simrel in the workingdir + spark + .createDataset(relations.rdd(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Append) + .save(outputPath); + } + } - String id = relation.getSource() + "@" + relation.getRelClass() + "@" + relation.getTarget(); - AtomicAction aa = new AtomicAction<>(Relation.class, relation); - - return new Tuple2<>( - new Text(id), - new Text(mapper.writeValueAsString(aa)) - ); - } - - public Relation createSimRel(String source, String target, String entity){ - final Relation r = new Relation(); - r.setSource(source); - r.setTarget(target); - - switch(entity){ - case "result": - r.setRelClass("resultResult_dedupSimilarity_isSimilarTo"); - break; - case "organization": - r.setRelClass("organizationOrganization_dedupSimilarity_isSimilarTo"); - break; - default: - r.setRelClass("isSimilarTo"); - break; - } - return r; - } - - private static SparkSession getSparkSession(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) { - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - - return SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkCreateSimRels.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .config(conf) - .getOrCreate(); - } + private Relation createSimRel(String source, String target, String entity) { + final Relation r = new Relation(); + r.setSource(source); + r.setTarget(target); + r.setSubRelType("dedupSimilarity"); + r.setRelClass("isSimilarTo"); + r.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + switch (entity) { + case "result": + r.setRelType("resultResult"); + break; + case "organization": + r.setRelType("organizationOrganization"); + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("unmanaged entity type: " + entity); + } + return r; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkPropagateRelation.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkPropagateRelation.java index 18fb199f62..2d18c9a612 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkPropagateRelation.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkPropagateRelation.java @@ -1,171 +1,178 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.Optional; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Row; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; +import org.apache.spark.sql.*; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.io.IOException; +public class SparkPropagateRelation extends AbstractSparkAction { -public class SparkPropagateRelation { + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkPropagateRelation.class); - enum FieldType { - SOURCE, - TARGET - } + enum FieldType { + SOURCE, TARGET + } - final static String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; - final static String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; + public SparkPropagateRelation(ArgumentApplicationParser parser, SparkSession spark) + throws Exception { + super(parser, spark); + } - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - SparkPropagateRelation.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/propagateRelation_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateSimRels.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/propagateRelation_parameters.json"))); - new SparkPropagateRelation().run(parser); - } + parser.parseArgument(args); - public void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) { + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); - final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); - final String dedupGraphPath = parser.get("dedupGraphPath"); + new SparkPropagateRelation(parser, getSparkSession(conf)) + .run(ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(parser.get("isLookUpUrl"))); + } - try (SparkSession spark = getSparkSession(parser)) { - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + @Override + public void run(ISLookUpService isLookUpService) { - final Dataset mergeRels = spark.read().load(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(workingPath, "*", "*")).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); + final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); + final String dedupGraphPath = parser.get("dedupGraphPath"); - final JavaPairRDD mergedIds = mergeRels - .where("relClass == 'merges'") - .select(mergeRels.col("source"), mergeRels.col("target")) - .distinct() - .toJavaRDD() - .mapToPair((PairFunction) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getString(1), r.getString(0))); + log.info("graphBasePath: '{}'", graphBasePath); + log.info("workingPath: '{}'", workingPath); + log.info("dedupGraphPath: '{}'", dedupGraphPath); - JavaRDD relations = sc.textFile(DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, "relation")); + final String outputRelationPath = DedupUtility.createEntityPath(dedupGraphPath, "relation"); + removeOutputDir(spark, outputRelationPath); - JavaRDD newRels = relations.mapToPair( - (PairFunction) s -> - new Tuple2<>(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, s), s)) - .leftOuterJoin(mergedIds) - .map((Function>>, String>) v1 -> { - if (v1._2()._2().isPresent()) { - return replaceField(v1._2()._1(), v1._2()._2().get(), FieldType.SOURCE); - } - return v1._2()._1(); - }) - .mapToPair( - (PairFunction) s -> - new Tuple2<>(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, s), s)) - .leftOuterJoin(mergedIds) - .map((Function>>, String>) v1 -> { - if (v1._2()._2().isPresent()) { - return replaceField(v1._2()._1(), v1._2()._2().get(), FieldType.TARGET); - } - return v1._2()._1(); - }).filter(SparkPropagateRelation::containsDedup) - .repartition(500); + Dataset mergeRels = spark + .read() + .load(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(workingPath, "*", "*")) + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - //update deleted by inference - relations = relations.mapToPair( - (PairFunction) s -> - new Tuple2<>(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, s), s)) - .leftOuterJoin(mergedIds) - .map((Function>>, String>) v1 -> { - if (v1._2()._2().isPresent()) { - return updateDeletedByInference(v1._2()._1(), Relation.class); - } - return v1._2()._1(); - }) - .mapToPair( - (PairFunction) s -> - new Tuple2<>(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, s), s)) - .leftOuterJoin(mergedIds) - .map((Function>>, String>) v1 -> { - if (v1._2()._2().isPresent()) { - return updateDeletedByInference(v1._2()._1(), Relation.class); - } - return v1._2()._1(); - }) - .repartition(500); + Dataset> mergedIds = mergeRels + .where(col("relClass").equalTo("merges")) + .select(col("source"), col("target")) + .distinct() + .map( + (MapFunction>) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getString(1), r.getString(0)), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.STRING())) + .cache(); - newRels.union(relations).repartition(1000) - .saveAsTextFile(DedupUtility.createEntityPath(dedupGraphPath, "relation"), GzipCodec.class); - } - } + final String relationPath = DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, "relation"); - private static boolean containsDedup(final String json) { - final String source = MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, json); - final String target = MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, json); + Dataset rels = spark.read().textFile(relationPath).map(patchRelFn(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - return source.toLowerCase().contains("dedup") || target.toLowerCase().contains("dedup"); - } + Dataset newRels = processDataset( + processDataset(rels, mergedIds, FieldType.SOURCE, getFixRelFn(FieldType.SOURCE)), + mergedIds, + FieldType.TARGET, + getFixRelFn(FieldType.TARGET)) + .filter(SparkPropagateRelation::containsDedup); - private static String replaceField(final String json, final String id, final FieldType type) { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - try { - Relation relation = mapper.readValue(json, Relation.class); - if (relation.getDataInfo() == null) - relation.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - relation.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(false); - switch (type) { - case SOURCE: - relation.setSource(id); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(relation); - case TARGET: - relation.setTarget(id); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(relation); - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); - } - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("unable to deserialize json relation: " + json, e); - } - } + Dataset updated = processDataset( + processDataset(rels, mergedIds, FieldType.SOURCE, getDeletedFn()), + mergedIds, + FieldType.TARGET, + getDeletedFn()); - private static SparkSession getSparkSession(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) { - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + save(newRels.union(updated).union(mergeRels), outputRelationPath, SaveMode.Overwrite); + } - return SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkPropagateRelation.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .config(conf) - .enableHiveSupport() - .getOrCreate(); - } + private static Dataset processDataset( + Dataset rels, + Dataset> mergedIds, + FieldType type, + MapFunction, Tuple2>, Relation> mapFn) { + final Dataset> mapped = rels + .map( + (MapFunction>) r -> new Tuple2<>(getId(r, type), r), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(Relation.class))); + return mapped + .joinWith(mergedIds, mapped.col("_1").equalTo(mergedIds.col("_1")), "left_outer") + .map(mapFn, Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + } - private static String updateDeletedByInference(final String json, final Class clazz) { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - try { - Oaf entity = mapper.readValue(json, clazz); - if (entity.getDataInfo()== null) - entity.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - entity.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(true); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(entity); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert json", e); - } - } + private static MapFunction patchRelFn() { + return value -> { + final Relation rel = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, Relation.class); + if (rel.getDataInfo() == null) { + rel.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + } + return rel; + }; + } + + private static String getId(Relation r, FieldType type) { + switch (type) { + case SOURCE: + return r.getSource(); + case TARGET: + return r.getTarget(); + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); + } + } + + private static MapFunction, Tuple2>, Relation> getFixRelFn( + FieldType type) { + return value -> { + if (value._2() != null) { + Relation r = value._1()._2(); + String id = value._2()._2(); + if (r.getDataInfo() == null) { + r.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + } + r.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(false); + switch (type) { + case SOURCE: + r.setSource(id); + return r; + case TARGET: + r.setTarget(id); + return r; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); + } + } + return value._1()._2(); + }; + } + + private static MapFunction, Tuple2>, Relation> getDeletedFn() { + return value -> { + if (value._2() != null) { + Relation r = value._1()._2(); + if (r.getDataInfo() == null) { + r.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + } + r.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(true); + return r; + } + return value._1()._2(); + }; + } + + private static boolean containsDedup(final Relation r) { + return r.getSource().toLowerCase().contains("dedup") + || r.getTarget().toLowerCase().contains("dedup"); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkReporter.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkReporter.java index cc03db3856..005e65ddf0 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkReporter.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkReporter.java @@ -1,47 +1,50 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.Reporter; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; -import scala.Serializable; -import scala.Tuple2; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; +import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; + +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.Reporter; +import scala.Serializable; +import scala.Tuple2; + public class SparkReporter implements Serializable, Reporter { - final List> relations = new ArrayList<>(); - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SparkReporter.class); - Map accumulators; + private final List> relations = new ArrayList<>(); - public SparkReporter(Map accumulators){ - this.accumulators = accumulators; - } + private final Map accumulators; - public void incrementCounter(String counterGroup, String counterName, long delta, Map accumulators) { + public SparkReporter(Map accumulators) { + this.accumulators = accumulators; + } - final String accumulatorName = String.format("%s::%s", counterGroup, counterName); - if (accumulators.containsKey(accumulatorName)){ - accumulators.get(accumulatorName).add(delta); - } + public void incrementCounter( + String counterGroup, + String counterName, + long delta, + Map accumulators) { - } + final String accumulatorName = String.format("%s::%s", counterGroup, counterName); + if (accumulators.containsKey(accumulatorName)) { + accumulators.get(accumulatorName).add(delta); + } + } - @Override - public void incrementCounter(String counterGroup, String counterName, long delta) { + @Override + public void incrementCounter(String counterGroup, String counterName, long delta) { - incrementCounter(counterGroup, counterName, delta, accumulators); - } + incrementCounter(counterGroup, counterName, delta, accumulators); + } - @Override - public void emit(String type, String from, String to) { - relations.add(new Tuple2<>(from, to)); - } + @Override + public void emit(String type, String from, String to) { + relations.add(new Tuple2<>(from, to)); + } - public List> getRelations() { - return relations; - } + public List> getRelations() { + return relations; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkUpdateEntity.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkUpdateEntity.java index c490101f48..779fb91d69 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkUpdateEntity.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkUpdateEntity.java @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import java.io.IOException; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; -import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; @@ -18,126 +18,135 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.Row; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.io.Serializable; +public class SparkUpdateEntity extends AbstractSparkAction { -public class SparkUpdateEntity implements Serializable { + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkUpdateEntity.class); - final String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; + private static final String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - SparkUpdateEntity.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/updateEntity_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); + public SparkUpdateEntity(ArgumentApplicationParser parser, SparkSession spark) { + super(parser, spark); + } - new SparkUpdateEntity().run(parser); - } + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkUpdateEntity.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/updateEntity_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); - public boolean mergeRelExists(String basePath, String entity) throws IOException { + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - boolean result = false; + new SparkUpdateEntity(parser, getSparkSession(conf)) + .run(ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(parser.get("isLookUpUrl"))); + } - FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(new Configuration()); + public void run(ISLookUpService isLookUpService) throws IOException { - FileStatus[] fileStatuses = fileSystem.listStatus(new Path(basePath)); + final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); + final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); + final String dedupGraphPath = parser.get("dedupGraphPath"); - for (FileStatus fs : fileStatuses) { - if (fs.isDirectory()) - if (fileSystem.exists(new Path(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(basePath, fs.getPath().getName(), entity)))) - result = true; - } + log.info("graphBasePath: '{}'", graphBasePath); + log.info("workingPath: '{}'", workingPath); + log.info("dedupGraphPath: '{}'", dedupGraphPath); - return result; - } + final JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - public void run(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) throws IOException { + // for each entity + ModelSupport.entityTypes + .forEach( + (type, clazz) -> { + final String outputPath = dedupGraphPath + "/" + type; + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); - final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath"); - final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath"); - final String dedupGraphPath = parser.get("dedupGraphPath"); + JavaRDD sourceEntity = sc + .textFile(DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, type.toString())); - try (SparkSession spark = getSparkSession(parser)) { + if (mergeRelExists(workingPath, type.toString())) { - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String mergeRelPath = DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(workingPath, "*", type.toString()); + final String dedupRecordPath = DedupUtility + .createDedupRecordPath(workingPath, "*", type.toString()); - //for each entity - for (OafEntityType entity: OafEntityType.values()) { + final Dataset rel = spark.read().load(mergeRelPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - JavaRDD sourceEntity = sc.textFile(DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, entity.toString())); + final JavaPairRDD mergedIds = rel + .where("relClass == 'merges'") + .select(rel.col("target")) + .distinct() + .toJavaRDD() + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getString(0), "d")); - if (mergeRelExists(workingPath, entity.toString())) { + JavaPairRDD entitiesWithId = sourceEntity + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) s -> new Tuple2<>( + MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, s), s)); + JavaRDD map = entitiesWithId + .leftOuterJoin(mergedIds) + .map( + k -> k._2()._2().isPresent() + ? updateDeletedByInference(k._2()._1(), clazz) + : k._2()._1()); - final Dataset rel = spark.read().load(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(workingPath, "*", entity.toString())).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + sourceEntity = map.union(sc.textFile(dedupRecordPath)); + } - final JavaPairRDD mergedIds = rel - .where("relClass == 'merges'") - .select(rel.col("target")) - .distinct() - .toJavaRDD() - .mapToPair((PairFunction) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getString(0), "d")); + sourceEntity.saveAsTextFile(outputPath, GzipCodec.class); + }); + } - final JavaRDD dedupEntity = sc.textFile(DedupUtility.createDedupRecordPath(workingPath, "*", entity.toString())); + public boolean mergeRelExists(String basePath, String entity) { - JavaPairRDD entitiesWithId = sourceEntity.mapToPair((PairFunction) s -> new Tuple2<>(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, s), s)); + boolean result = false; + try { + FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(new Configuration()); - JavaRDD map = entitiesWithId.leftOuterJoin(mergedIds).map(k -> k._2()._2().isPresent() ? updateDeletedByInference(k._2()._1(), getOafClass(entity)) : k._2()._1()); - sourceEntity = map.union(dedupEntity); + FileStatus[] fileStatuses = fileSystem.listStatus(new Path(basePath)); - } + for (FileStatus fs : fileStatuses) { + if (fs.isDirectory()) + if (fileSystem + .exists( + new Path(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(basePath, fs.getPath().getName(), entity)))) + result = true; + } - sourceEntity.saveAsTextFile(dedupGraphPath + "/" + entity, GzipCodec.class); + return result; + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } - } - } - } - - public Class getOafClass(OafEntityType className) { - switch (className.toString()) { - case "publication": - return Publication.class; - case "dataset": - return eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class; - case "datasource": - return Datasource.class; - case "software": - return Software.class; - case "organization": - return Organization.class; - case "otherresearchproduct": - return OtherResearchProduct.class; - case "project": - return Project.class; - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal type " + className); - } - } - - private static String updateDeletedByInference(final String json, final Class clazz) { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - try { - Oaf entity = mapper.readValue(json, clazz); - if (entity.getDataInfo()== null) - entity.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - entity.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(true); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(entity); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert json", e); - } - } - - private static SparkSession getSparkSession(ArgumentApplicationParser parser) { - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - - return SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkUpdateEntity.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .config(conf) - .enableHiveSupport() - .getOrCreate(); - } + private static String updateDeletedByInference( + final String json, final Class clazz) { + try { + Oaf entity = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, clazz); + if (entity.getDataInfo() == null) + entity.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + entity.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(true); + return OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(entity); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert json", e); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/graph/ConnectedComponent.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/graph/ConnectedComponent.java index 7bfa5dc3dc..bfd2c25e21 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/graph/ConnectedComponent.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/graph/ConnectedComponent.java @@ -1,80 +1,84 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.graph; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.DedupUtility; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.PaceException; -import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; -import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.graph; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Set; +import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; +import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.DedupUtility; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.PaceException; + public class ConnectedComponent implements Serializable { - private Set docIds; - private String ccId; + private Set docIds; + private String ccId; + public ConnectedComponent() { + } - public ConnectedComponent() { - } + public ConnectedComponent(Set docIds) { + this.docIds = docIds; + createID(); + } - public ConnectedComponent(Set docIds) { - this.docIds = docIds; - createID(); - } + public String createID() { + if (docIds.size() > 1) { + final String s = getMin(); + String prefix = s.split("\\|")[0]; + ccId = prefix + "|dedup_wf_001::" + DedupUtility.md5(s); + return ccId; + } else { + return docIds.iterator().next(); + } + } - public String createID() { - if (docIds.size() > 1) { - final String s = getMin(); - String prefix = s.split("\\|")[0]; - ccId =prefix + "|dedup_______::" + DedupUtility.md5(s); - return ccId; - } else { - return docIds.iterator().next(); - } - } + @JsonIgnore + public String getMin() { - @JsonIgnore - public String getMin(){ + final StringBuilder min = new StringBuilder(); + docIds + .forEach( + i -> { + if (StringUtils.isBlank(min.toString())) { + min.append(i); + } else { + if (min.toString().compareTo(i) > 0) { + min.setLength(0); + min.append(i); + } + } + }); + return min.toString(); + } - final StringBuilder min = new StringBuilder(); - docIds.forEach(i -> { - if (StringUtils.isBlank(min.toString())) { - min.append(i); - } else { - if (min.toString().compareTo(i) > 0) { - min.setLength(0); - min.append(i); - } - } - }); - return min.toString(); - } + @Override + public String toString() { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + try { + return mapper.writeValueAsString(this); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new PaceException("Failed to create Json: ", e); + } + } - @Override - public String toString(){ - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - try { - return mapper.writeValueAsString(this); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new PaceException("Failed to create Json: ", e); - } - } + public Set getDocIds() { + return docIds; + } - public Set getDocIds() { - return docIds; - } + public void setDocIds(Set docIds) { + this.docIds = docIds; + } - public void setDocIds(Set docIds) { - this.docIds = docIds; - } + public String getCcId() { + return ccId; + } - public String getCcId() { - return ccId; - } - - public void setCcId(String ccId) { - this.ccId = ccId; - } + public void setCcId(String ccId) { + this.ccId = ccId; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/model/Block.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/model/Block.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f0d95c8f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/model/Block.java @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.model; + +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Comparator; +import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import java.util.stream.Stream; +import java.util.stream.StreamSupport; + +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; + +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; + +public class Block implements Serializable { + + private String key; + + private List documents; + + public Block() { + super(); + } + + public static Block from(String key, MapDocument doc) { + Block block = new Block(); + block.setKey(key); + block.setDocuments(Lists.newArrayList(doc)); + return block; + } + + public static Block from(String key, Iterator blocks, String orderField, int maxSize) { + Block block = new Block(); + block.setKey(key); + + Iterable it = () -> blocks; + + block + .setDocuments( + StreamSupport + .stream(it.spliterator(), false) + .flatMap(b -> b.getDocuments().stream()) + .sorted(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.getFieldMap().get(orderField).stringValue())) + .limit(maxSize) + .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new))); + return block; + } + + public static Block from(Block b1, Block b2, String orderField, int maxSize) { + Block block = new Block(); + block.setKey(b1.getKey()); + block + .setDocuments( + Stream + .concat(b1.getDocuments().stream(), b2.getDocuments().stream()) + .sorted(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.getFieldMap().get(orderField).stringValue())) + .limit(maxSize) + .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new))); + + return block; + } + + public String getKey() { + return key; + } + + public void setKey(String key) { + this.key = key; + } + + public List getDocuments() { + return documents; + } + + public void setDocuments(List documents) { + this.documents = documents; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/consistency/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/consistency/oozie_app/workflow.xml index 32f4e7db01..9262870324 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/consistency/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/consistency/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -24,6 +24,29 @@ sparkExecutorCores number of cores used by single executor + + + oozieActionShareLibForSpark2 + oozie action sharelib for spark 2.* + + + spark2ExtraListeners + com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener + spark 2.* extra listeners classname + + + spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners + com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener + spark 2.* sql query execution listeners classname + + + spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress + spark 2.* yarn history server address + + + spark2EventLogDir + spark 2.* event log dir location + @@ -38,68 +61,146 @@ oozie.launcher.mapred.job.queue.name ${oozieLauncherQueueName} + + oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark + ${oozieActionShareLibForSpark2} + - + Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}] - - - - - - yarn - cluster - Update Entity - eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkUpdateEntity - dhp-dedup-openaire-${projectVersion}.jar - - --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} - --executor-cores ${sparkExecutorCores} - --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} - --conf spark.extraListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener" - --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener" - --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir="/user/hive/warehouse" - - -mtyarn - --i${graphBasePath} - --w${workingPath} - --o${dedupGraphPath} - - - - - - - - yarn cluster Update Relations eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkPropagateRelation dhp-dedup-openaire-${projectVersion}.jar - --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} - --executor-cores ${sparkExecutorCores} + --executor-memory=${sparkExecutorMemory} + --executor-cores=${sparkExecutorCores} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} - --conf spark.extraListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener" - --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener" - --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir="/user/hive/warehouse" + --conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners} + --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners} + --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} + --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} + --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=7680 - -mtyarn --i${graphBasePath} --o${dedupGraphPath} --w${workingPath} - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -pb + ${graphBasePath}/datasource + ${dedupGraphPath}/datasource + + + + + + + + + + + -pb + ${graphBasePath}/project + ${dedupGraphPath}/project + + + + + + + + + + + -pb + ${graphBasePath}/organization + ${dedupGraphPath}/organization + + + + + + + + + + + -pb + ${graphBasePath}/publication + ${dedupGraphPath}/publication + + + + + + + + + + + -pb + ${graphBasePath}/dataset + ${dedupGraphPath}/dataset + + + + + + + + + + + -pb + ${graphBasePath}/software + ${dedupGraphPath}/software + + + + + + + + + + + -pb + ${graphBasePath}/otherresearchproduct + ${dedupGraphPath}/otherresearchproduct + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createCC_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createCC_parameters.json index 42ef2b78e3..6eedd54321 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createCC_parameters.json +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createCC_parameters.json @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ [ - { - "paramName": "mt", - "paramLongName": "master", - "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", - "paramRequired": true - }, { "paramName": "asi", "paramLongName": "actionSetId", diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createDedupRecord_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createDedupRecord_parameters.json index f7bf5e518a..3d48cb2d8d 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createDedupRecord_parameters.json +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createDedupRecord_parameters.json @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ [ - { - "paramName": "mt", - "paramLongName": "master", - "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", - "paramRequired": true - }, { "paramName": "i", "paramLongName": "graphBasePath", diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createSimRels_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createSimRels_parameters.json index 8cffa86dc8..ce38dc6f00 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createSimRels_parameters.json +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createSimRels_parameters.json @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ [ - { - "paramName": "mt", - "paramLongName": "master", - "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", - "paramRequired": true - }, { "paramName": "la", "paramLongName": "isLookUpUrl", diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedupRecord_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedupRecord_parameters.json deleted file mode 100644 index de744dfb63..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedupRecord_parameters.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "paramName": "mt", - "paramLongName": "master", - "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", - "paramRequired": true - }, - { - "paramName": "s", - "paramLongName": "sourcePath", - "paramDescription": "the path of the sequential file to read", - "paramRequired": true - }, - { - "paramName": "e", - "paramLongName": "entity", - "paramDescription": "the type of entity to be deduped", - "paramRequired": true - }, - { - "paramName": "c", - "paramLongName": "dedupConf", - "paramDescription": "dedup configuration to be used", - "compressed": true, - "paramRequired": true - }, - { - "paramName": "d", - "paramLongName": "dedupPath", - "paramDescription": "dedup path to load mergeRelation", - "paramRequired": true - } -] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/propagateRelation_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/propagateRelation_parameters.json index 721a783e12..6a2a48746b 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/propagateRelation_parameters.json +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/propagateRelation_parameters.json @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ [ - { - "paramName": "mt", - "paramLongName": "master", - "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", - "paramRequired": true - }, { "paramName": "i", "paramLongName": "graphBasePath", diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/scan/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/scan/oozie_app/workflow.xml index 25596bc2ff..2451947a18 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/scan/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/scan/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ workingPath path for the working directory + + dedupGraphPath + path for the output graph + sparkDriverMemory memory for driver process @@ -28,6 +32,28 @@ sparkExecutorCores number of cores used by single executor + + oozieActionShareLibForSpark2 + oozie action sharelib for spark 2.* + + + spark2ExtraListeners + com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener + spark 2.* extra listeners classname + + + spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners + com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener + spark 2.* sql query execution listeners classname + + + spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress + spark 2.* yarn history server address + + + spark2EventLogDir + spark 2.* event log dir location + @@ -42,6 +68,10 @@ oozie.launcher.mapred.job.queue.name ${oozieLauncherQueueName} + + oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark + ${oozieActionShareLibForSpark2} + @@ -53,22 +83,21 @@ - - - yarn cluster Create Similarity Relations eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkCreateSimRels dhp-dedup-openaire-${projectVersion}.jar - --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} - --executor-cores ${sparkExecutorCores} + --executor-memory=${sparkExecutorMemory} + --executor-cores=${sparkExecutorCores} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} - --conf spark.extraListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener" - --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener" + --conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners} + --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners} + --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} + --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} + --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=3840 - -mtyarn --i${graphBasePath} --la${isLookUpUrl} --asi${actionSetId} @@ -80,23 +109,21 @@ - - - yarn cluster Create Merge Relations - eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkCreateConnectedComponent + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkCreateMergeRels dhp-dedup-openaire-${projectVersion}.jar - --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} - --executor-cores ${sparkExecutorCores} + --executor-memory=${sparkExecutorMemory} + --executor-cores=${sparkExecutorCores} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} - --conf spark.extraListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener" - --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener" - --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir="/user/hive/warehouse" + --conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners} + --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners} + --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} + --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} + --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=3840 - -mtyarn --i${graphBasePath} --w${workingPath} --la${isLookUpUrl} @@ -108,28 +135,64 @@ - - - yarn cluster Create Dedup Record eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkCreateDedupRecord dhp-dedup-openaire-${projectVersion}.jar - --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} - --executor-cores ${sparkExecutorCores} + --executor-memory=${sparkExecutorMemory} + --executor-cores=${sparkExecutorCores} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} - --conf spark.extraListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener" - --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener" - --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir="/user/hive/warehouse" + --conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners} + --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners} + --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} + --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} + --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=3840 - -mtyarn --i${graphBasePath} --w${workingPath} --la${isLookUpUrl} --asi${actionSetId} + + + + + + + yarn + cluster + Update Entity + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkUpdateEntity + dhp-dedup-openaire-${projectVersion}.jar + + --executor-memory=${sparkExecutorMemory} + --executor-cores=${sparkExecutorCores} + --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} + --conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners} + --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners} + --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} + --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} + --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=3840 + + --i${graphBasePath} + --w${workingPath} + --o${dedupGraphPath} + + + + + + + + + + + -pb + ${graphBasePath}/relation + ${dedupGraphPath}/relation + diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/updateEntity_parameters.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/updateEntity_parameters.json index 06b67f7322..c91f3c04bc 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/updateEntity_parameters.json +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/updateEntity_parameters.json @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ [ -{ - "paramName": "mt", - "paramLongName": "master", - "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", - "paramRequired": true -}, { "paramName": "i", "paramLongName": "graphBasePath", diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/MergeAuthorTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/MergeAuthorTest.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a217a2657f --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/MergeAuthorTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication; + +public class MergeAuthorTest { + + private List publicationsToMerge; + private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + + @BeforeEach + public void setUp() throws Exception { + final String json = IOUtils + .toString( + this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/json/authors_merge.json")); + + publicationsToMerge = Arrays + .asList(json.split("\n")) + .stream() + .map( + s -> { + try { + return mapper.readValue(s, Publication.class); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + } + + // FIX ME Michele DB this tests doesn't work + // @Test + public void test() throws Exception { + Publication dedup = new Publication(); + + publicationsToMerge + .forEach( + p -> { + dedup.mergeFrom(p); + dedup.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(dedup.getAuthor(), p.getAuthor())); + }); + + System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(dedup)); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkDedupTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkDedupTest.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..990ac04c03 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/SparkDedupTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; + +import static java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory; + +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; +import static org.mockito.Mockito.lenient; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.net.URISyntaxException; +import java.nio.file.Paths; + +import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Row; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.*; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith; +import org.mockito.Mock; +import org.mockito.Mockito; +import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import scala.Tuple2; + +@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) +@TestMethodOrder(MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation.class) +public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable { + + @Mock(serializable = true) + ISLookUpService isLookUpService; + + private static SparkSession spark; + private static JavaSparkContext jsc; + + private static String testGraphBasePath; + private static String testOutputBasePath; + private static String testDedupGraphBasePath; + private static final String testActionSetId = "test-orchestrator"; + + @BeforeAll + public static void cleanUp() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { + + testGraphBasePath = Paths + .get(SparkDedupTest.class.getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities").toURI()) + .toFile() + .getAbsolutePath(); + testOutputBasePath = createTempDirectory(SparkDedupTest.class.getSimpleName() + "-") + .toAbsolutePath() + .toString(); + testDedupGraphBasePath = createTempDirectory(SparkDedupTest.class.getSimpleName() + "-") + .toAbsolutePath() + .toString(); + + FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testOutputBasePath)); + FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testDedupGraphBasePath)); + + spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkDedupTest.class.getSimpleName()) + .master("local[*]") + .config(new SparkConf()) + .getOrCreate(); + + jsc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + } + + @BeforeEach + public void setUp() throws IOException, ISLookUpException { + + lenient() + .when(isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(Mockito.contains(testActionSetId))) + .thenReturn( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkDedupTest.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/profiles/mock_orchestrator.xml"))); + + lenient() + .when(isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(Mockito.contains("organization"))) + .thenReturn( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkDedupTest.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/org.curr.conf.json"))); + + lenient() + .when(isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(Mockito.contains("publication"))) + .thenReturn( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkDedupTest.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/pub.curr.conf.json"))); + + lenient() + .when(isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(Mockito.contains("software"))) + .thenReturn( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkDedupTest.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/sw.curr.conf.json"))); + + lenient() + .when(isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(Mockito.contains("dataset"))) + .thenReturn( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkDedupTest.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/ds.curr.conf.json"))); + + lenient() + .when(isLookUpService.getResourceProfileByQuery(Mockito.contains("otherresearchproduct"))) + .thenReturn( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkDedupTest.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/orp.curr.conf.json"))); + } + + @Test + @Order(1) + public void createSimRelsTest() throws Exception { + + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateSimRels.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createSimRels_parameters.json"))); + parser + .parseArgument( + new String[] { + "-i", + testGraphBasePath, + "-asi", + testActionSetId, + "-la", + "lookupurl", + "-w", + testOutputBasePath + }); + + new SparkCreateSimRels(parser, spark).run(isLookUpService); + + long orgs_simrel = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/organization_simrel") + .count(); + long pubs_simrel = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/publication_simrel") + .count(); + long sw_simrel = spark.read().load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/software_simrel").count(); + + long ds_simrel = spark.read().load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/dataset_simrel").count(); + + long orp_simrel = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/otherresearchproduct_simrel") + .count(); + + assertEquals(3432, orgs_simrel); + assertEquals(7152, pubs_simrel); + assertEquals(344, sw_simrel); + assertEquals(458, ds_simrel); + assertEquals(6750, orp_simrel); + } + + @Test + @Order(2) + public void createMergeRelsTest() throws Exception { + + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateMergeRels.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createCC_parameters.json"))); + parser + .parseArgument( + new String[] { + "-i", + testGraphBasePath, + "-asi", + testActionSetId, + "-la", + "lookupurl", + "-w", + testOutputBasePath + }); + + new SparkCreateMergeRels(parser, spark).run(isLookUpService); + + long orgs_mergerel = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/organization_mergerel") + .count(); + long pubs_mergerel = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/publication_mergerel") + .count(); + long sw_mergerel = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/software_mergerel") + .count(); + + long ds_mergerel = spark.read().load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/dataset_mergerel").count(); + + long orp_mergerel = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/otherresearchproduct_mergerel") + .count(); + + assertEquals(1276, orgs_mergerel); + assertEquals(1442, pubs_mergerel); + assertEquals(288, sw_mergerel); + assertEquals(472, ds_mergerel); + assertEquals(718, orp_mergerel); + } + + @Test + @Order(3) + public void createDedupRecordTest() throws Exception { + + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateDedupRecord.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/createDedupRecord_parameters.json"))); + parser + .parseArgument( + new String[] { + "-i", + testGraphBasePath, + "-asi", + testActionSetId, + "-la", + "lookupurl", + "-w", + testOutputBasePath + }); + + new SparkCreateDedupRecord(parser, spark).run(isLookUpService); + + long orgs_deduprecord = jsc + .textFile(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/organization_deduprecord") + .count(); + long pubs_deduprecord = jsc + .textFile(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/publication_deduprecord") + .count(); + long sw_deduprecord = jsc + .textFile(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/software_deduprecord") + .count(); + long ds_deduprecord = jsc.textFile(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/dataset_deduprecord").count(); + long orp_deduprecord = jsc + .textFile( + testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/otherresearchproduct_deduprecord") + .count(); + + assertEquals(82, orgs_deduprecord); + assertEquals(66, pubs_deduprecord); + assertEquals(51, sw_deduprecord); + assertEquals(96, ds_deduprecord); + assertEquals(89, orp_deduprecord); + } + + @Test + @Order(4) + public void updateEntityTest() throws Exception { + + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkUpdateEntity.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/updateEntity_parameters.json"))); + parser + .parseArgument( + new String[] { + "-i", testGraphBasePath, "-w", testOutputBasePath, "-o", testDedupGraphBasePath + }); + + new SparkUpdateEntity(parser, spark).run(isLookUpService); + + long organizations = jsc.textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/organization").count(); + long publications = jsc.textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/publication").count(); + long projects = jsc.textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/project").count(); + long datasource = jsc.textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/datasource").count(); + long softwares = jsc.textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/software").count(); + long dataset = jsc.textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/dataset").count(); + long otherresearchproduct = jsc.textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/otherresearchproduct").count(); + + long mergedOrgs = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/organization_mergerel") + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .where("relClass=='merges'") + .javaRDD() + .map(Relation::getTarget) + .distinct() + .count(); + + long mergedPubs = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/publication_mergerel") + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .where("relClass=='merges'") + .javaRDD() + .map(Relation::getTarget) + .distinct() + .count(); + + long mergedSw = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/software_mergerel") + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .where("relClass=='merges'") + .javaRDD() + .map(Relation::getTarget) + .distinct() + .count(); + + long mergedDs = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/dataset_mergerel") + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .where("relClass=='merges'") + .javaRDD() + .map(Relation::getTarget) + .distinct() + .count(); + + long mergedOrp = spark + .read() + .load(testOutputBasePath + "/" + testActionSetId + "/otherresearchproduct_mergerel") + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .where("relClass=='merges'") + .javaRDD() + .map(Relation::getTarget) + .distinct() + .count(); + + assertEquals(897, publications); + assertEquals(835, organizations); + assertEquals(100, projects); + assertEquals(100, datasource); + assertEquals(200, softwares); + assertEquals(388, dataset); + assertEquals(517, otherresearchproduct); + + long deletedOrgs = jsc + .textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/organization") + .filter(this::isDeletedByInference) + .count(); + + long deletedPubs = jsc + .textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/publication") + .filter(this::isDeletedByInference) + .count(); + + long deletedSw = jsc + .textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/software") + .filter(this::isDeletedByInference) + .count(); + + long deletedDs = jsc + .textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/dataset") + .filter(this::isDeletedByInference) + .count(); + + long deletedOrp = jsc + .textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/otherresearchproduct") + .filter(this::isDeletedByInference) + .count(); + + assertEquals(mergedOrgs, deletedOrgs); + assertEquals(mergedPubs, deletedPubs); + assertEquals(mergedSw, deletedSw); + assertEquals(mergedDs, deletedDs); + assertEquals(mergedOrp, deletedOrp); + } + + @Test + @Order(5) + public void propagateRelationTest() throws Exception { + + ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkPropagateRelation.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/propagateRelation_parameters.json"))); + parser + .parseArgument( + new String[] { + "-i", testGraphBasePath, "-w", testOutputBasePath, "-o", testDedupGraphBasePath + }); + + new SparkPropagateRelation(parser, spark).run(isLookUpService); + + long relations = jsc.textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/relation").count(); + + assertEquals(5022, relations); + + // check deletedbyinference + final Dataset mergeRels = spark + .read() + .load(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(testOutputBasePath, "*", "*")) + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + final JavaPairRDD mergedIds = mergeRels + .where("relClass == 'merges'") + .select(mergeRels.col("target")) + .distinct() + .toJavaRDD() + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) r -> new Tuple2(r.getString(0), "d")); + + JavaRDD toCheck = jsc + .textFile(testDedupGraphBasePath + "/relation") + .mapToPair(json -> new Tuple2<>(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString("$.source", json), json)) + .join(mergedIds) + .map(t -> t._2()._1()) + .mapToPair(json -> new Tuple2<>(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString("$.target", json), json)) + .join(mergedIds) + .map(t -> t._2()._1()); + + long deletedbyinference = toCheck.filter(this::isDeletedByInference).count(); + long updated = toCheck.count(); + + assertEquals(updated, deletedbyinference); + } + + @AfterAll + public static void finalCleanUp() throws IOException { + FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testOutputBasePath)); + FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testDedupGraphBasePath)); + } + + public boolean isDeletedByInference(String s) { + return s.contains("\"deletedbyinference\":true"); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/MergeAuthorTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/MergeAuthorTest.java deleted file mode 100644 index a729eaa9d9..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/MergeAuthorTest.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.dedup; - -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.DedupUtility; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; - -import java.io.IOException; -import java.util.Arrays; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -public class MergeAuthorTest { - - private List publicationsToMerge; - private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - - @BeforeEach - public void setUp() throws Exception { - final String json = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/json/authors_merge.json")); - - - publicationsToMerge = Arrays.asList(json.split("\n")).stream().map(s-> { - try { - return mapper.readValue(s, Publication.class); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - }).collect(Collectors.toList()); - } - - //FIX ME Michele DB this tests doesn't work - //@Test - public void test() throws Exception { - Publication dedup = new Publication(); - - publicationsToMerge.forEach(p-> { - dedup.mergeFrom(p); - dedup.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(dedup.getAuthor(),p.getAuthor())); - }); - - System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(dedup)); - } - -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/SparkCreateDedupTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/SparkCreateDedupTest.java deleted file mode 100644 index d7fc3f6949..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/SparkCreateDedupTest.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.dedup; - -import com.google.common.hash.HashFunction; -import com.google.common.hash.Hashing; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkCreateConnectedComponent; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkCreateDedupRecord; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.SparkCreateSimRels; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled; - -import java.io.IOException; - -public class SparkCreateDedupTest { - - String configuration; - String entity = "organization"; - - @BeforeEach - public void setUp() throws IOException { -// configuration = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dedup/conf/org.curr.conf.json")); - configuration = ""; - } - - @Disabled("must be parametrized to run locally") - public void createSimRelsTest() throws Exception { - SparkCreateSimRels.main(new String[]{ - "-mt", "local[*]", - "-i", "/Users/miconis/dumps", - "-o", "/tmp/dedup/rawset_test", - "-asi", "dedup-similarity-result-levenstein", - "-la", "lookupurl", - "-w", "workingPath" - }); - } - - @Disabled("must be parametrized to run locally") - public void createCCTest() throws Exception { - - SparkCreateConnectedComponent.main(new String[]{ - "-mt", "local[*]", - "-s", "/Users/miconis/dumps", - "-e", entity, - "-c", ArgumentApplicationParser.compressArgument(configuration), - "-t", "/tmp/dedup", - }); - } - - @Disabled("must be parametrized to run locally") - public void dedupRecordTest() throws Exception { - SparkCreateDedupRecord.main(new String[]{ - "-mt", "local[*]", - "-s", "/Users/miconis/dumps", - "-e", entity, - "-c", ArgumentApplicationParser.compressArgument(configuration), - "-d", "/tmp/dedup", - }); - } - - @Disabled("must be parametrized to run locally") - public void printConfiguration() throws Exception { - System.out.println(ArgumentApplicationParser.compressArgument(configuration)); - } - - @Disabled("must be parametrized to run locally") - public void testHashCode() { - final String s1 = "20|grid________::6031f94bef015a37783268ec1e75f17f"; - final String s2 = "20|nsf_________::b12be9edf414df8ee66b4c52a2d8da46"; - - final HashFunction hashFunction = Hashing.murmur3_128(); - - System.out.println(s1.hashCode()); - System.out.println(hashFunction.hashString(s1).asLong()); - System.out.println(s2.hashCode()); - System.out.println(hashFunction.hashString(s2).asLong()); - } -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/jpath/JsonPathTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/jpath/JsonPathTest.java deleted file mode 100644 index e1f92d867a..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/dedup/dedup/jpath/JsonPathTest.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,289 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup.dedup.jpath; - -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; - -public class JsonPathTest { - - String json = "{\t\"dataInfo\":{\t\t\"invisible\":false,\t\t\"inferred\":false,\t\t\"deletedbyinference\":false,\t\t\"trust\":\"0.810000002384185791\",\t\t\"inferenceprovenance\":\"\",\t\t\"provenanceaction\":{\t\t\t\"classid\":\"sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry\",\t\t\t\"classname\":\"sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry\",\t\t\t\"schemeid\":\"dnet:provenance_actions\",\t\t\t\"schemename\":\"dnet:provenance_actions\"\t\t}\t},\t\"lastupdatetimestamp\":1584960968152,\t\"id\":\"20|corda__h2020::9faf23721249f26ac2c16eb857ea1fb9\",\t\"originalId\":[\t\t\"corda__h2020::927957582\"\t],\t\"collectedfrom\":[\t\t{\t\t\t\"key\":\"openaire____::corda_h2020\",\t\t\t\"value\":\"CORDA - COmmon Research DAta Warehouse - Horizon 2020\",\t\t\t\"dataInfo\":null\t\t}\t],\t\"pid\":[\t],\t\"dateofcollection\":\"2016-06-05\",\t\"dateoftransformation\":\"2019-11-19\",\t\"extraInfo\":[\t],\t\"oaiprovenance\":null,\t\"legalshortname\":{\t\t\"value\":\"Comentor 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\"catholique\", \"katholische\", \"catolica\", \"cattolica\", \"catolico\"]\n" + + " }\n" + + " }\n" + + "}"); + + @Test + public void testJPath() throws Exception { + + MapDocument d = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(conf, json); + + System.out.println("d = " + d); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/ds.curr.conf.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/ds.curr.conf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13b18e1c35 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/ds.curr.conf.json @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +{ + "wf" : { + "threshold" : "0.99", + "dedupRun" : "001", + "entityType" : "result", + "subEntityType" : "resulttype", + "subEntityValue" : "dataset", + "orderField" : "title", + "queueMaxSize" : "2000", + "groupMaxSize" : "100", + "maxChildren" : "100", + "slidingWindowSize" : "200", + "rootBuilder" : ["result", "resultProject_outcome_isProducedBy", "resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo", "resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", "resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", "resultOrganization_affiliation_hasAuthorInstitution", "resultResult_part_hasPart", "resultResult_part_isPartOf", "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementTo", "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementedBy", "resultResult_version_isVersionOf" ], + "includeChildren" : "true", + "idPath" : "$.id", + "maxIterations" : 20 + }, + "pace" : { + "clustering" : [ + { "name" : "ngrampairs", "fields" : [ "title" ], "params" : { "max" : "1", "ngramLen" : "3"} }, + { "name" : "suffixprefix", "fields" : [ "title" ], "params" : { "max" : "1", "len" : "3" } }, + { "name" : "lowercase", "fields" : [ "doi" ], "params" : { } } + ], + "decisionTree" : { + "start" : { + "fields": [ + { + "field": "pid", + "comparator": "jsonListMatch", + "weight": 1.0, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": { + "jpath_value": "$.value", + "jpath_classid": "$.qualifier.classid" + } + } + ], + "threshold": 0.5, + "aggregation": "AVG", + "positive": "MATCH", + "negative": "layer2", + "undefined": "layer2", + "ignoreUndefined": "true" + }, + "layer2" : { + "fields": [ + { + "field": "title", + "comparator": "titleVersionMatch", + "weight": 1.0, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": {} + }, + { + "field": "authors", + "comparator": "sizeMatch", + "weight": 1.0, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": {} + } + ], + "threshold": 1.0, + "aggregation": "AND", + "positive": "layer3", + "negative": "NO_MATCH", + "undefined": "layer3", + "ignoreUndefined": "false" + }, + "layer3" : { + "fields": [ + { + "field": "title", + "comparator": "levensteinTitle", + "weight": 1.0, + "countIfUndefined": "true", + "params": {} + } + ], + "threshold": 0.99, + "aggregation": "AVG", + "positive": "MATCH", + "negative": "NO_MATCH", + "undefined": "NO_MATCH", + "ignoreUndefined": "true" + } + }, + "model" : [ + { + "name" : "doi", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.pid[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'doi')].value" + }, + { + "name" : "pid", + "type" : "JSON", + "path" : "$.pid", + "overrideMatch" : "true" + }, + { + "name" : "title", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.title[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'main title')].value", + "length" : 250, + "size" : 5 + }, + { + "name" : "authors", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.author[*].fullname", + "size" : 200 + }, + { + "name" : "resulttype", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.resulttype.classid" + } + ], + "blacklists" : {}, + "synonyms" : {} + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/orp.curr.conf.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/orp.curr.conf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5fb2a171ac --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/orp.curr.conf.json @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +{ + "wf" : { + "threshold" : "0.99", + "dedupRun" : "001", + "entityType" : "result", + "subEntityType" : "resulttype", + "subEntityValue" : "otherresearchproduct", + "orderField" : "title", + "queueMaxSize" : "2000", + "groupMaxSize" : "100", + "maxChildren" : "100", + "slidingWindowSize" : "200", + "rootBuilder" : [ "result", "resultProject_outcome_isProducedBy", "resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo", "resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", "resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", "resultOrganization_affiliation_hasAuthorInstitution", "resultResult_part_hasPart", "resultResult_part_isPartOf", "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementTo", "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementedBy", "resultResult_version_isVersionOf" ], + "includeChildren" : "true", + "idPath" : "$.id", + "maxIterations" : 20 + }, + "pace" : { + "clustering" : [ + { "name" : "ngrampairs", "fields" : [ "title" ], "params" : { "max" : "1", "ngramLen" : "3"} }, + { "name" : "suffixprefix", "fields" : [ "title" ], "params" : { "max" : "1", "len" : "3" } }, + { "name" : "lowercase", "fields" : [ "doi" ], "params" : { } } + ], + "decisionTree" : { + "start" : { + "fields": [ + { + "field": "pid", + "comparator": "jsonListMatch", + "weight": 1.0, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": { + "jpath_value": "$.value", + "jpath_classid": "$.qualifier.classid" + } + } + ], + "threshold": 0.5, + "aggregation": "AVG", + "positive": "MATCH", + "negative": "layer2", + "undefined": "layer2", + "ignoreUndefined": "true" + }, + "layer2" : { + "fields": [ + { + "field": "title", + "comparator": "titleVersionMatch", + "weight": 1.0, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": {} + }, + { + "field": "authors", + "comparator": "sizeMatch", + "weight": 1.0, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": {} + } + ], + "threshold": 1.0, + "aggregation": "AND", + "positive": "layer3", + "negative": "NO_MATCH", + "undefined": "layer3", + "ignoreUndefined": "false" + }, + "layer3" : { + "fields": [ + { + "field": "title", + "comparator": "levensteinTitle", + "weight": 1.0, + "countIfUndefined": "true", + "params": {} + } + ], + "threshold": 0.99, + "aggregation": "AVG", + "positive": "MATCH", + "negative": "NO_MATCH", + "undefined": "NO_MATCH", + "ignoreUndefined": "true" + } + }, + "model" : [ + { + "name" : "doi", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.pid[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'doi')].value" + }, + { + "name" : "pid", + "type" : "JSON", + "path" : "$.pid", + "overrideMatch" : "true" + }, + { + "name" : "title", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.title[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'main title')].value", + "length" : 250, + "size" : 5 + }, + { + "name" : "authors", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.author[*].fullname", + "size" : 200 + }, + { + "name" : "resulttype", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.resulttype.classid" + } + ], + "blacklists" : {}, + "synonyms" : {} + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/sw.curr.conf.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/sw.curr.conf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f4a107c745 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/sw.curr.conf.json @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ + { + "wf" : { + "threshold" : "0.99", + "dedupRun" : "001", + "entityType" : "result", + "subEntityType" : "resulttype", + "subEntityValue" : "software", + "orderField" : "title", + "queueMaxSize" : "2000", + "groupMaxSize" : "100", + "maxChildren" : "100", + "slidingWindowSize" : "200", + "rootBuilder" : [ "result", "resultProject_outcome_isProducedBy", "resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo", "resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", "resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", "resultOrganization_affiliation_hasAuthorInstitution", "resultResult_part_hasPart", "resultResult_part_isPartOf", "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementTo", "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementedBy", "resultResult_version_isVersionOf" ], + "includeChildren" : "true", + "idPath" : "$.id", + "maxIterations" : 20 + }, + "pace" : { + "clustering" : [ + { "name" : "ngrampairs", "fields" : [ "title" ], "params" : { "max" : "1", "ngramLen" : "3"} }, + { "name" : "suffixprefix", "fields" : [ "title" ], "params" : { "max" : "1", "len" : "3" } }, + { "name" : "lowercase", "fields" : [ "doi", "url" ], "params" : { } } + ], + "decisionTree": { + "start": { + "fields": [ + { + "field": "doi", + "comparator": "exactMatch", + "weight": 1, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": {} + }, + { + "field": "url", + "comparator": "exactMatch", + "weight": 1, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": {} + } + ], + "threshold": 1, + "aggregation": "OR", + "positive": "MATCH", + "negative": "layer2", + "undefined": "layer2", + "ignoreUndefined": "false" + }, + "layer2": { + "fields": [ + { + "field": "title", + "comparator": "levensteinTitleIgnoreVersion", + "weight": 1, + "countIfUndefined": "false", + "params": {} + } + ], + "threshold": 0.99, + "aggregation": "AVG", + "positive": "MATCH", + "negative": "NO_MATCH", + "undefined": "NO_MATCH", + "ignoreUndefined": "false" + } + }, + "model" : [ + { + "name" : "doi", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.pid[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'doi')].value" + }, + { + "name" : "title", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.title[?(@.qualifier.classid == 'main title')].value", + "length" : 250, + "size" : 5 + }, + { + "name" : "url", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.instance.url" + }, + { + "name" : "resulttype", + "type" : "String", + "path" : "$.resulttype.classid" + } + ], + "blacklists" : {}, + "synonyms": {} + } + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/dataset/dataset.gz b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/dataset/dataset.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65df69a93e Binary files /dev/null and b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/dataset/dataset.gz differ diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/datasource/datasource.gz b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/datasource/datasource.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4052918417 Binary files /dev/null and b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/datasource/datasource.gz differ diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/organization/organization.gz b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/organization/organization.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1b42608d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/organization/organization.gz differ diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/otherresearchproduct/otherresearchproduct.gz b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/otherresearchproduct/otherresearchproduct.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c095efffd Binary files /dev/null and b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/otherresearchproduct/otherresearchproduct.gz differ diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/project/project.gz b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/project/project.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1080f79e35 Binary files /dev/null and b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/project/project.gz differ diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/publication/publication.gz b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/publication/publication.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf513d7302 Binary files /dev/null and b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/publication/publication.gz differ diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/relation/relation.gz b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/relation/relation.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4500b5ff25 Binary files /dev/null and b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/relation/relation.gz differ diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/software/software.gz b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/software/software.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17dcabd6a2 Binary files /dev/null and b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/entities/software/software.gz differ diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/profiles/mock_orchestrator.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/profiles/mock_orchestrator.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dbac007bce --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-openaire/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/profiles/mock_orchestrator.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + +

+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SECURITY_PARAMETERS + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DatePicker.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DatePicker.java index 73f178edce..db55434d87 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DatePicker.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DatePicker.java @@ -1,119 +1,121 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; -import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; +import static java.util.Collections.reverseOrder; +import static java.util.Map.Entry.comparingByValue; +import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap; + +import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.endsWith; +import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.substringBefore; import java.time.Year; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; -import static java.util.Collections.reverseOrder; -import static java.util.Map.Entry.comparingByValue; -import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap; -import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.endsWith; -import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.substringBefore; +import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; public class DatePicker { - private static final String DATE_PATTERN = "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"; - private static final String DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "01-01"; - private static final int YEAR_LB = 1300; - private static final int YEAR_UB = Year.now().getValue() + 5; + private static final String DATE_PATTERN = "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"; + private static final String DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "01-01"; + private static final int YEAR_LB = 1300; + private static final int YEAR_UB = Year.now().getValue() + 5; - public static Field pick(final Collection dateofacceptance) { + public static Field pick(final Collection dateofacceptance) { - final Map frequencies = dateofacceptance - .parallelStream() - .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) - .collect( - Collectors.toConcurrentMap( - w -> w, w -> 1, Integer::sum)); + final Map frequencies = dateofacceptance + .parallelStream() + .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) + .collect(Collectors.toConcurrentMap(w -> w, w -> 1, Integer::sum)); - if (frequencies.isEmpty()) { - return new Field<>(); - } + if (frequencies.isEmpty()) { + return new Field<>(); + } - final Field date = new Field<>(); - date.setValue(frequencies.keySet().iterator().next()); + final Field date = new Field<>(); + date.setValue(frequencies.keySet().iterator().next()); - // let's sort this map by values first, filtering out invalid dates - final Map sorted = frequencies - .entrySet() - .stream() - .filter(d -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(d.getKey())) - .filter(d -> d.getKey().matches(DATE_PATTERN)) - .filter(d -> inRange(d.getKey())) - .sorted(reverseOrder(comparingByValue())) - .collect( - toMap( - Map.Entry::getKey, - Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e2, - LinkedHashMap::new)); + // let's sort this map by values first, filtering out invalid dates + final Map sorted = frequencies + .entrySet() + .stream() + .filter(d -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(d.getKey())) + .filter(d -> d.getKey().matches(DATE_PATTERN)) + .filter(d -> inRange(d.getKey())) + .sorted(reverseOrder(comparingByValue())) + .collect( + toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e2, LinkedHashMap::new)); - // shortcut - if (sorted.size() == 0) { - return date; - } + // shortcut + if (sorted.size() == 0) { + return date; + } - // voting method (1/3 + 1) wins - if (sorted.size() >= 3) { - final int acceptThreshold = (sorted.size() / 3) + 1; - final List accepted = sorted.entrySet().stream() - .filter(e -> e.getValue() >= acceptThreshold) - .map(e -> e.getKey()) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); + // voting method (1/3 + 1) wins + if (sorted.size() >= 3) { + final int acceptThreshold = (sorted.size() / 3) + 1; + final List accepted = sorted + .entrySet() + .stream() + .filter(e -> e.getValue() >= acceptThreshold) + .map(e -> e.getKey()) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); - // cannot find strong majority - if (accepted.isEmpty()) { - final int max = sorted.values().iterator().next(); - Optional first = sorted.entrySet().stream() - .filter(e -> e.getValue() == max && !endsWith(e.getKey(), DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) - .map(Map.Entry::getKey) - .findFirst(); - if (first.isPresent()) { - date.setValue(first.get()); - return date; - } + // cannot find strong majority + if (accepted.isEmpty()) { + final int max = sorted.values().iterator().next(); + Optional first = sorted + .entrySet() + .stream() + .filter(e -> e.getValue() == max && !endsWith(e.getKey(), DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) + .map(Map.Entry::getKey) + .findFirst(); + if (first.isPresent()) { + date.setValue(first.get()); + return date; + } - date.setValue(sorted.keySet().iterator().next()); - return date; - } + date.setValue(sorted.keySet().iterator().next()); + return date; + } - if (accepted.size() == 1) { - date.setValue(accepted.get(0)); - return date; - } else { - final Optional first = accepted.stream() - .filter(d -> !endsWith(d, DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) - .findFirst(); - if (first.isPresent()) { - date.setValue(first.get()); - return date; - } + if (accepted.size() == 1) { + date.setValue(accepted.get(0)); + return date; + } else { + final Optional first = accepted + .stream() + .filter(d -> !endsWith(d, DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) + .findFirst(); + if (first.isPresent()) { + date.setValue(first.get()); + return date; + } - return date; - } + return date; + } - //1st non YYYY-01-01 is returned - } else { - if (sorted.size() == 2) { - for (Map.Entry e : sorted.entrySet()) { - if (!endsWith(e.getKey(), DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) { - date.setValue(e.getKey()); - return date; - } - } - } + // 1st non YYYY-01-01 is returned + } else { + if (sorted.size() == 2) { + for (Map.Entry e : sorted.entrySet()) { + if (!endsWith(e.getKey(), DATE_DEFAULT_SUFFIX)) { + date.setValue(e.getKey()); + return date; + } + } + } - // none of the dates seems good enough, return the 1st one - date.setValue(sorted.keySet().iterator().next()); - return date; - } - } + // none of the dates seems good enough, return the 1st one + date.setValue(sorted.keySet().iterator().next()); + return date; + } + } - private static boolean inRange(final String date) { - final int year = Integer.parseInt(substringBefore(date, "-")); - return year >= YEAR_LB && year <= YEAR_UB; - } - -} \ No newline at end of file + private static boolean inRange(final String date) { + final int year = Integer.parseInt(substringBefore(date, "-")); + return year >= YEAR_LB && year <= YEAR_UB; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DedupRecordFactory.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DedupRecordFactory.java index ebb5040781..d03cc25895 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DedupRecordFactory.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DedupRecordFactory.java @@ -1,283 +1,318 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; -import com.google.common.collect.Lists; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import java.util.Collection; + import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.Collection; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import scala.Tuple2; public class DedupRecordFactory { - public static JavaRDD createDedupRecord(final JavaSparkContext sc, final SparkSession spark, final String mergeRelsInputPath, final String entitiesInputPath, final OafEntityType entityType, final DedupConfig dedupConf) { - long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); - // - final JavaPairRDD inputJsonEntities = sc.textFile(entitiesInputPath) - .mapToPair((PairFunction) it -> - new Tuple2(MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(dedupConf.getWf().getIdPath(), it), it) - ); + public static JavaRDD createDedupRecord( + final JavaSparkContext sc, + final SparkSession spark, + final String mergeRelsInputPath, + final String entitiesInputPath, + final OafEntityType entityType, + final DedupConfig dedupConf) { + long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); + // + final JavaPairRDD inputJsonEntities = sc + .textFile(entitiesInputPath) + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) it -> new Tuple2( + MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(dedupConf.getWf().getIdPath(), it), it)); - //: source is the dedup_id, target is the id of the mergedIn - JavaPairRDD mergeRels = spark - .read().load(mergeRelsInputPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) - .where("relClass=='merges'") - .javaRDD() - .mapToPair( - (PairFunction) r -> - new Tuple2(r.getTarget(), r.getSource()) - ); + // : source is the dedup_id, target is the id of the mergedIn + JavaPairRDD mergeRels = spark + .read() + .load(mergeRelsInputPath) + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .where("relClass=='merges'") + .javaRDD() + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) r -> new Tuple2(r.getTarget(), r.getSource())); - // - final JavaPairRDD joinResult = mergeRels.join(inputJsonEntities).mapToPair((PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); + // + final JavaPairRDD joinResult = mergeRels + .join(inputJsonEntities) + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); - JavaPairRDD> sortedJoinResult = joinResult.groupByKey(); + JavaPairRDD> sortedJoinResult = joinResult.groupByKey(); - switch (entityType) { - case publication: - return sortedJoinResult.map(p -> DedupRecordFactory.publicationMerger(p, ts)); - case dataset: - return sortedJoinResult.map(d -> DedupRecordFactory.datasetMerger(d, ts)); - case project: - return sortedJoinResult.map(p -> DedupRecordFactory.projectMerger(p, ts)); - case software: - return sortedJoinResult.map(s -> DedupRecordFactory.softwareMerger(s, ts)); - case datasource: - return sortedJoinResult.map(d -> DedupRecordFactory.datasourceMerger(d, ts)); - case organization: - return sortedJoinResult.map(o -> DedupRecordFactory.organizationMerger(o, ts)); - case otherresearchproduct: - return sortedJoinResult.map(o -> DedupRecordFactory.otherresearchproductMerger(o, ts)); - default: - return null; - } + switch (entityType) { + case publication: + return sortedJoinResult.map(p -> DedupRecordFactory.publicationMerger(p, ts)); + case dataset: + return sortedJoinResult.map(d -> DedupRecordFactory.datasetMerger(d, ts)); + case project: + return sortedJoinResult.map(p -> DedupRecordFactory.projectMerger(p, ts)); + case software: + return sortedJoinResult.map(s -> DedupRecordFactory.softwareMerger(s, ts)); + case datasource: + return sortedJoinResult.map(d -> DedupRecordFactory.datasourceMerger(d, ts)); + case organization: + return sortedJoinResult.map(o -> DedupRecordFactory.organizationMerger(o, ts)); + case otherresearchproduct: + return sortedJoinResult.map(o -> DedupRecordFactory.otherresearchproductMerger(o, ts)); + default: + return null; + } + } - } + private static Publication publicationMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - private static Publication publicationMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { + Publication p = new Publication(); // the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - Publication p = new Publication(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end + p.setId(e._1()); - p.setId(e._1()); + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); + if (e._2() != null) + e + ._2() + .forEach( + pub -> { + try { + Publication publication = mapper.readValue(pub, Publication.class); - final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); + p.mergeFrom(publication); + p.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(p.getAuthor(), publication.getAuthor())); + // add to the list if they are not null + if (publication.getDateofacceptance() != null) + dateofacceptance.add(publication.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); + } catch (Exception exc) { + throw new RuntimeException(exc); + } + }); + p.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); + if (p.getDataInfo() == null) + p.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + p.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); + p.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); + return p; + } - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(pub -> { - try { - Publication publication = mapper.readValue(pub, Publication.class); + private static Dataset datasetMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - p.mergeFrom(publication); - p.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(p.getAuthor(), publication.getAuthor())); - //add to the list if they are not null - if (publication.getDateofacceptance() != null) - dateofacceptance.add(publication.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - p.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); - if (p.getDataInfo() == null) - p.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - p.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - p.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return p; - } + Dataset d = new Dataset(); // the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - private static Dataset datasetMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { + d.setId(e._1()); - Dataset d = new Dataset(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - d.setId(e._1()); + final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + if (e._2() != null) + e + ._2() + .forEach( + dat -> { + try { + Dataset dataset = mapper.readValue(dat, Dataset.class); - final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); + d.mergeFrom(dataset); + d.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(d.getAuthor(), dataset.getAuthor())); + // add to the list if they are not null + if (dataset.getDateofacceptance() != null) + dateofacceptance.add(dataset.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); + } catch (Exception exc) { + throw new RuntimeException(exc); + } + }); + d.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); + if (d.getDataInfo() == null) + d.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + d.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); + d.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); + return d; + } - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(dat -> { - try { - Dataset dataset = mapper.readValue(dat, Dataset.class); + private static Project projectMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - d.mergeFrom(dataset); - d.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(d.getAuthor(), dataset.getAuthor())); - //add to the list if they are not null - if (dataset.getDateofacceptance() != null) - dateofacceptance.add(dataset.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - d.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); - if (d.getDataInfo() == null) - d.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - d.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - d.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return d; - } + Project p = new Project(); // the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - private static Project projectMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { + p.setId(e._1()); - Project p = new Project(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + if (e._2() != null) + e + ._2() + .forEach( + proj -> { + try { + Project project = mapper.readValue(proj, Project.class); - p.setId(e._1()); + p.mergeFrom(project); + } catch (Exception exc) { + throw new RuntimeException(exc); + } + }); + if (p.getDataInfo() == null) + p.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + p.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); + p.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); + return p; + } - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(proj -> { - try { - Project project = mapper.readValue(proj, Project.class); + private static Software softwareMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - p.mergeFrom(project); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - if (p.getDataInfo() == null) - p.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - p.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - p.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return p; - } + Software s = new Software(); // the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - private static Software softwareMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { + s.setId(e._1()); + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); + if (e._2() != null) + e + ._2() + .forEach( + soft -> { + try { + Software software = mapper.readValue(soft, Software.class); - Software s = new Software(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end + s.mergeFrom(software); + s.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(s.getAuthor(), software.getAuthor())); + // add to the list if they are not null + if (software.getDateofacceptance() != null) + dateofacceptance.add(software.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); + } catch (Exception exc) { + throw new RuntimeException(exc); + } + }); + s.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); + if (s.getDataInfo() == null) + s.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + s.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); + s.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); + return s; + } - s.setId(e._1()); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(soft -> { - try { - Software software = mapper.readValue(soft, Software.class); + private static Datasource datasourceMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { + Datasource d = new Datasource(); // the result of the merge, to be returned at the end + d.setId(e._1()); + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + if (e._2() != null) + e + ._2() + .forEach( + dat -> { + try { + Datasource datasource = mapper.readValue(dat, Datasource.class); - s.mergeFrom(software); - s.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(s.getAuthor(), software.getAuthor())); - //add to the list if they are not null - if (software.getDateofacceptance() != null) - dateofacceptance.add(software.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - s.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); - if (s.getDataInfo() == null) - s.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - s.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - s.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return s; - } + d.mergeFrom(datasource); + } catch (Exception exc) { + throw new RuntimeException(exc); + } + }); + if (d.getDataInfo() == null) + d.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + d.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); + d.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); + return d; + } - private static Datasource datasourceMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - Datasource d = new Datasource(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - d.setId(e._1()); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(dat -> { - try { - Datasource datasource = mapper.readValue(dat, Datasource.class); + private static Organization organizationMerger( + Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - d.mergeFrom(datasource); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - if (d.getDataInfo() == null) - d.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - d.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - d.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return d; - } + Organization o = new Organization(); // the result of the merge, to be returned at the end - private static Organization organizationMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { + o.setId(e._1()); - Organization o = new Organization(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - o.setId(e._1()); + StringBuilder trust = new StringBuilder("0.0"); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + if (e._2() != null) + e + ._2() + .forEach( + pub -> { + try { + Organization organization = mapper.readValue(pub, Organization.class); + final String currentTrust = organization.getDataInfo().getTrust(); + if (!"1.0".equals(currentTrust)) { + trust.setLength(0); + trust.append(currentTrust); + } + o.mergeFrom(organization); - StringBuilder trust = new StringBuilder("0.0"); + } catch (Exception exc) { + throw new RuntimeException(exc); + } + }); - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(pub -> { - try { - Organization organization = mapper.readValue(pub, Organization.class); + if (o.getDataInfo() == null) { + o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + } + if (o.getDataInfo() == null) + o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + o.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); + o.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - final String currentTrust = organization.getDataInfo().getTrust(); - if (!"1.0".equals(currentTrust)) { - trust.setLength(0); - trust.append(currentTrust); - } - o.mergeFrom(organization); + return o; + } - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); + private static OtherResearchProduct otherresearchproductMerger( + Tuple2> e, final long ts) { - if (o.getDataInfo() == null) - { - o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - } - if (o.getDataInfo() == null) - o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - o.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - o.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); + OtherResearchProduct o = new OtherResearchProduct(); // the result of the merge, to be + // returned at the end - return o; - } + o.setId(e._1()); - private static OtherResearchProduct otherresearchproductMerger(Tuple2> e, final long ts) { + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - OtherResearchProduct o = new OtherResearchProduct(); //the result of the merge, to be returned at the end + final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); - o.setId(e._1()); - - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - - final Collection dateofacceptance = Lists.newArrayList(); - - if (e._2() != null) - e._2().forEach(orp -> { - try { - OtherResearchProduct otherResearchProduct = mapper.readValue(orp, OtherResearchProduct.class); - - o.mergeFrom(otherResearchProduct); - o.setAuthor(DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(o.getAuthor(), otherResearchProduct.getAuthor())); - //add to the list if they are not null - if (otherResearchProduct.getDateofacceptance() != null) - dateofacceptance.add(otherResearchProduct.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); - } catch (Exception exc) { - throw new RuntimeException(exc); - } - }); - if (o.getDataInfo() == null) - o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - o.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); - o.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); - o.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); - return o; - } + if (e._2() != null) + e + ._2() + .forEach( + orp -> { + try { + OtherResearchProduct otherResearchProduct = mapper + .readValue(orp, OtherResearchProduct.class); + o.mergeFrom(otherResearchProduct); + o + .setAuthor( + DedupUtility.mergeAuthor(o.getAuthor(), otherResearchProduct.getAuthor())); + // add to the list if they are not null + if (otherResearchProduct.getDateofacceptance() != null) + dateofacceptance.add(otherResearchProduct.getDateofacceptance().getValue()); + } catch (Exception exc) { + throw new RuntimeException(exc); + } + }); + if (o.getDataInfo() == null) + o.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + o.setDateofacceptance(DatePicker.pick(dateofacceptance)); + o.getDataInfo().setTrust("0.9"); + o.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts); + return o; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DedupUtility.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DedupUtility.java index 7ed102e031..364b49c16e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DedupUtility.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/DedupUtility.java @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup; -import com.google.common.collect.Sets; -import com.wcohen.ss.JaroWinkler; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.clustering.BlacklistAwareClusteringCombiner; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.Person; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.StringWriter; +import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; +import java.security.MessageDigest; +import java.text.Normalizer; +import java.util.*; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; @@ -19,199 +20,220 @@ import org.apache.spark.SparkContext; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; + +import com.google.common.collect.Sets; +import com.wcohen.ss.JaroWinkler; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.clustering.BlacklistAwareClusteringCombiner; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.Person; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.io.StringWriter; -import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; -import java.security.MessageDigest; -import java.text.Normalizer; -import java.util.*; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - public class DedupUtility { - private static final Double THRESHOLD = 0.95; + private static final Double THRESHOLD = 0.95; - public static Map constructAccumulator(final DedupConfig dedupConf, final SparkContext context) { + public static Map constructAccumulator( + final DedupConfig dedupConf, final SparkContext context) { - Map accumulators = new HashMap<>(); + Map accumulators = new HashMap<>(); - String acc1 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "records per hash key = 1"); - accumulators.put(acc1, context.longAccumulator(acc1)); - String acc2 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "missing " + dedupConf.getWf().getOrderField()); - accumulators.put(acc2, context.longAccumulator(acc2)); - String acc3 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), String.format("Skipped records for count(%s) >= %s", dedupConf.getWf().getOrderField(), dedupConf.getWf().getGroupMaxSize())); - accumulators.put(acc3, context.longAccumulator(acc3)); - String acc4 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "skip list"); - accumulators.put(acc4, context.longAccumulator(acc4)); - String acc5 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "dedupSimilarity (x2)"); - accumulators.put(acc5, context.longAccumulator(acc5)); - String acc6 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "d < " + dedupConf.getWf().getThreshold()); - accumulators.put(acc6, context.longAccumulator(acc6)); + String acc1 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "records per hash key = 1"); + accumulators.put(acc1, context.longAccumulator(acc1)); + String acc2 = String + .format( + "%s::%s", + dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "missing " + dedupConf.getWf().getOrderField()); + accumulators.put(acc2, context.longAccumulator(acc2)); + String acc3 = String + .format( + "%s::%s", + dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), + String + .format( + "Skipped records for count(%s) >= %s", + dedupConf.getWf().getOrderField(), dedupConf.getWf().getGroupMaxSize())); + accumulators.put(acc3, context.longAccumulator(acc3)); + String acc4 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "skip list"); + accumulators.put(acc4, context.longAccumulator(acc4)); + String acc5 = String.format("%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "dedupSimilarity (x2)"); + accumulators.put(acc5, context.longAccumulator(acc5)); + String acc6 = String + .format( + "%s::%s", dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType(), "d < " + dedupConf.getWf().getThreshold()); + accumulators.put(acc6, context.longAccumulator(acc6)); - return accumulators; - } + return accumulators; + } - public static JavaRDD loadDataFromHDFS(String path, JavaSparkContext context) { - return context.textFile(path); - } + public static JavaRDD loadDataFromHDFS(String path, JavaSparkContext context) { + return context.textFile(path); + } - public static void deleteIfExists(String path) throws IOException { - Configuration conf = new Configuration(); - FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(conf); - if (fileSystem.exists(new Path(path))) { - fileSystem.delete(new Path(path), true); - } - } + public static void deleteIfExists(String path) throws IOException { + Configuration conf = new Configuration(); + FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(conf); + if (fileSystem.exists(new Path(path))) { + fileSystem.delete(new Path(path), true); + } + } - public static DedupConfig loadConfigFromHDFS(String path) throws IOException { + public static DedupConfig loadConfigFromHDFS(String path) throws IOException { - Configuration conf = new Configuration(); - FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(conf); - FSDataInputStream inputStream = new FSDataInputStream(fileSystem.open(new Path(path))); + Configuration conf = new Configuration(); + FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(conf); + FSDataInputStream inputStream = new FSDataInputStream(fileSystem.open(new Path(path))); - return DedupConfig.load(IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name())); + return DedupConfig.load(IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name())); + } - } + static String readFromClasspath(final String filename, final Class clazz) { + final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); + try { + IOUtils.copy(clazz.getResourceAsStream(filename), sw); + return sw.toString(); + } catch (final IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("cannot load resource from classpath: " + filename); + } + } - static String readFromClasspath(final String filename, final Class clazz) { - final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); - try { - IOUtils.copy(clazz.getResourceAsStream(filename), sw); - return sw.toString(); - } catch (final IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("cannot load resource from classpath: " + filename); - } - } + static Set getGroupingKeys(DedupConfig conf, MapDocument doc) { + return Sets.newHashSet(BlacklistAwareClusteringCombiner.filterAndCombine(doc, conf)); + } - static Set getGroupingKeys(DedupConfig conf, MapDocument doc) { - return Sets.newHashSet(BlacklistAwareClusteringCombiner.filterAndCombine(doc, conf)); - } + public static String md5(final String s) { + try { + final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); + md.update(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); + return new String(Hex.encodeHex(md.digest())); + } catch (final Exception e) { + System.err.println("Error creating id"); + return null; + } + } - public static String md5(final String s) { - try { - final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); - md.update(s.getBytes("UTF-8")); - return new String(Hex.encodeHex(md.digest())); - } catch (final Exception e) { - System.err.println("Error creating id"); - return null; - } - } + public static List mergeAuthor(final List a, final List b) { + int pa = countAuthorsPids(a); + int pb = countAuthorsPids(b); + List base, enrich; + int sa = authorsSize(a); + int sb = authorsSize(b); + if (pa == pb) { + base = sa > sb ? a : b; + enrich = sa > sb ? b : a; + } else { + base = pa > pb ? a : b; + enrich = pa > pb ? b : a; + } + enrichPidFromList(base, enrich); + return base; + } - public static List mergeAuthor(final List a, final List b) { - int pa = countAuthorsPids(a); - int pb = countAuthorsPids(b); - List base, enrich; - int sa = authorsSize(a); - int sb = authorsSize(b); + private static void enrichPidFromList(List base, List enrich) { + if (base == null || enrich == null) + return; + final Map basePidAuthorMap = base + .stream() + .filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0) + .flatMap(a -> a.getPid().stream().map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p.toComparableString(), a))) + .collect(Collectors.toMap(Tuple2::_1, Tuple2::_2, (x1, x2) -> x1)); - if (pa == pb) { - base = sa > sb ? a : b; - enrich = sa > sb ? b : a; - } else { - base = pa > pb ? a : b; - enrich = pa > pb ? b : a; - } - enrichPidFromList(base, enrich); - return base; - } + final List> pidToEnrich = enrich + .stream() + .filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0) + .flatMap( + a -> a + .getPid() + .stream() + .filter(p -> !basePidAuthorMap.containsKey(p.toComparableString())) + .map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p, a))) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); - private static void enrichPidFromList(List base, List enrich) { - if (base == null || enrich == null) - return; - final Map basePidAuthorMap = base.stream() - .filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0) - .flatMap(a -> a.getPid() - .stream() - .map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p.toComparableString(), a)) - ).collect(Collectors.toMap(Tuple2::_1, Tuple2::_2, (x1, x2) -> x1)); + pidToEnrich + .forEach( + a -> { + Optional> simAuhtor = base + .stream() + .map(ba -> new Tuple2<>(sim(ba, a._2()), ba)) + .max(Comparator.comparing(Tuple2::_1)); + if (simAuhtor.isPresent() && simAuhtor.get()._1() > THRESHOLD) { + Author r = simAuhtor.get()._2(); + r.getPid().add(a._1()); + } + }); + } - final List> pidToEnrich = enrich - .stream() - .filter(a -> a.getPid() != null && a.getPid().size() > 0) - .flatMap(a -> a.getPid().stream().filter(p -> !basePidAuthorMap.containsKey(p.toComparableString())).map(p -> new Tuple2<>(p, a))) - .collect(Collectors.toList()); + public static String createEntityPath(final String basePath, final String entityType) { + return String.format("%s/%s", basePath, entityType); + } + public static String createSimRelPath(final String basePath, final String entityType) { + return String.format("%s/%s/simRel", basePath, entityType); + } - pidToEnrich.forEach(a -> { - Optional> simAuhtor = base.stream().map(ba -> new Tuple2<>(sim(ba, a._2()), ba)).max(Comparator.comparing(Tuple2::_1)); - if (simAuhtor.isPresent() && simAuhtor.get()._1() > THRESHOLD) { - Author r = simAuhtor.get()._2(); - r.getPid().add(a._1()); - } - }); - } + public static String createMergeRelPath(final String basePath, final String entityType) { + return String.format("%s/%s/mergeRel", basePath, entityType); + } - public static String createEntityPath(final String basePath, final String entityType) { - return String.format("%s/%s", basePath, entityType); - } + private static Double sim(Author a, Author b) { - public static String createSimRelPath(final String basePath, final String entityType) { - return String.format("%s/%s/simRel", basePath, entityType); - } + final Person pa = parse(a); + final Person pb = parse(b); - public static String createMergeRelPath(final String basePath, final String entityType) { - return String.format("%s/%s/mergeRel", basePath, entityType); - } + if (pa.isAccurate() & pb.isAccurate()) { + return new JaroWinkler() + .score(normalize(pa.getSurnameString()), normalize(pb.getSurnameString())); + } else { + return new JaroWinkler() + .score(normalize(pa.getNormalisedFullname()), normalize(pb.getNormalisedFullname())); + } + } - private static Double sim(Author a, Author b) { + private static String normalize(final String s) { + return nfd(s) + .toLowerCase() + // do not compact the regexes in a single expression, would cause StackOverflowError + // in case + // of large input strings + .replaceAll("(\\W)+", " ") + .replaceAll("(\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks})+", " ") + .replaceAll("(\\p{Punct})+", " ") + .replaceAll("(\\d)+", " ") + .replaceAll("(\\n)+", " ") + .trim(); + } - final Person pa = parse(a); - final Person pb = parse(b); + private static String nfd(final String s) { + return Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD); + } - if (pa.isAccurate() & pb.isAccurate()) { - return new JaroWinkler().score( - normalize(pa.getSurnameString()), - normalize(pb.getSurnameString())); - } else { - return new JaroWinkler().score( - normalize(pa.getNormalisedFullname()), - normalize(pb.getNormalisedFullname())); - } - } + private static Person parse(Author author) { + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(author.getSurname())) { + return new Person(author.getSurname() + ", " + author.getName(), false); + } else { + return new Person(author.getFullname(), false); + } + } - private static String normalize(final String s) { - return nfd(s).toLowerCase() - // do not compact the regexes in a single expression, would cause StackOverflowError in case of large input strings - .replaceAll("(\\W)+", " ") - .replaceAll("(\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks})+", " ") - .replaceAll("(\\p{Punct})+", " ") - .replaceAll("(\\d)+", " ") - .replaceAll("(\\n)+", " ") - .trim(); - } + private static int countAuthorsPids(List authors) { + if (authors == null) + return 0; - private static String nfd(final String s) { - return Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD); - } + return (int) authors.stream().filter(DedupUtility::hasPid).count(); + } - private static Person parse(Author author) { - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(author.getSurname())) { - return new Person(author.getSurname() + ", " + author.getName(), false); - } else { - return new Person(author.getFullname(), false); - } - } + private static int authorsSize(List authors) { + if (authors == null) + return 0; + return authors.size(); + } - - private static int countAuthorsPids(List authors) { - if (authors == null) - return 0; - - return (int) authors.stream().filter(DedupUtility::hasPid).count(); - } - - private static int authorsSize(List authors) { - if (authors == null) - return 0; - return authors.size(); - } - - private static boolean hasPid(Author a) { - if (a == null || a.getPid() == null || a.getPid().size() == 0) - return false; - return a.getPid().stream().anyMatch(p -> p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue())); - } + private static boolean hasPid(Author a) { + if (a == null || a.getPid() == null || a.getPid().size() == 0) + return false; + return a.getPid().stream().anyMatch(p -> p != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue())); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/Deduper.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/Deduper.java index 7206f892f7..e7d49be988 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/Deduper.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/Deduper.java @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.Field; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.BlockProcessor; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import java.util.*; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; @@ -14,149 +13,170 @@ import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function2; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFlatMapFunction; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; + +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.BlockProcessor; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; import scala.Serializable; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.*; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - public class Deduper implements Serializable { - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Deduper.class); + private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Deduper.class); - /** - * @return the list of relations generated by the deduplication - * @param: the spark context - * @param: list of JSON entities to be deduped - * @param: the dedup configuration - */ - public static JavaPairRDD dedup(JavaSparkContext context, JavaRDD entities, DedupConfig config) { + /** + * @return the list of relations generated by the deduplication + * @param: the spark context + * @param: list of JSON entities to be deduped + * @param: the dedup configuration + */ + public static JavaPairRDD dedup( + JavaSparkContext context, JavaRDD entities, DedupConfig config) { - Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); + Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); - //create vertexes of the graph: - JavaPairRDD mapDocs = mapToVertexes(context, entities, config); + // create vertexes of the graph: + JavaPairRDD mapDocs = mapToVertexes(context, entities, config); + // create blocks for deduplication + JavaPairRDD> blocks = createBlocks(context, mapDocs, config); - //create blocks for deduplication - JavaPairRDD> blocks = createBlocks(context, mapDocs, config); + // create relations by comparing only elements in the same group + return computeRelations(context, blocks, config); - //create relations by comparing only elements in the same group - return computeRelations(context, blocks, config); + // final RDD> edgeRdd = relationRDD.map(it -> new + // Edge<>(it._1().hashCode(), + // it._2().hashCode(), "equalTo")).rdd(); + // + // RDD> vertexes = + // mapDocs.mapToPair((PairFunction, Object, MapDocument>) t -> + // new + // Tuple2((long) t._1().hashCode(), t._2())).rdd(); + // accumulators.forEach((name, acc) -> log.info(name + " -> " + acc.value())); + // + // return GraphProcessor.findCCs(vertexes, edgeRdd, 20).toJavaRDD(); + } -// final RDD> edgeRdd = relationRDD.map(it -> new Edge<>(it._1().hashCode(), it._2().hashCode(), "equalTo")).rdd(); -// -// RDD> vertexes = mapDocs.mapToPair((PairFunction, Object, MapDocument>) t -> new Tuple2((long) t._1().hashCode(), t._2())).rdd(); -// accumulators.forEach((name, acc) -> log.info(name + " -> " + acc.value())); -// -// return GraphProcessor.findCCs(vertexes, edgeRdd, 20).toJavaRDD(); - } + /** + * @return the list of relations generated by the deduplication + * @param: the spark context + * @param: list of blocks + * @param: the dedup configuration + */ + public static JavaPairRDD computeRelations( + JavaSparkContext context, + JavaPairRDD> blocks, + DedupConfig config) { - /** - * @return the list of relations generated by the deduplication - * @param: the spark context - * @param: list of blocks - * @param: the dedup configuration - */ - public static JavaPairRDD computeRelations(JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD> blocks, DedupConfig config) { + Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); - Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); + return blocks + .flatMapToPair( + (PairFlatMapFunction>, String, String>) it -> { + final SparkReporter reporter = new SparkReporter(accumulators); + new BlockProcessor(config).process(it._1(), it._2(), reporter); + return reporter.getRelations().iterator(); + }) + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction, String, Tuple2>) item -> new Tuple2>( + item._1() + item._2(), item)) + .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); + } - return blocks.flatMapToPair((PairFlatMapFunction>, String, String>) it -> { - final SparkReporter reporter = new SparkReporter(accumulators); - new BlockProcessor(config).process(it._1(), it._2(), reporter); - return reporter.getRelations().iterator(); + /** + * @return the list of blocks based on clustering of dedup configuration + * @param: the spark context + * @param: list of entities: + * @param: the dedup configuration + */ + public static JavaPairRDD> createBlocks( + JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD mapDocs, DedupConfig config) { + return mapDocs + // the reduce is just to be sure that we haven't document with same id + .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) + .map(Tuple2::_2) + // Clustering: from to List + .flatMapToPair( + (PairFlatMapFunction) a -> DedupUtility + .getGroupingKeys(config, a) + .stream() + .map(it -> new Tuple2<>(it, a)) + .collect(Collectors.toList()) + .iterator()) + .groupByKey(); + } - }).mapToPair( - (PairFunction, String, Tuple2>) item -> - new Tuple2>(item._1() + item._2(), item)) - .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) - .mapToPair((PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); - } + public static JavaPairRDD> createsortedBlocks( + JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD mapDocs, DedupConfig config) { + final String of = config.getWf().getOrderField(); + final int maxQueueSize = config.getWf().getGroupMaxSize(); + return mapDocs + // the reduce is just to be sure that we haven't document with same id + .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) + .map(Tuple2::_2) + // Clustering: from to List + .flatMapToPair( + (PairFlatMapFunction>) a -> DedupUtility + .getGroupingKeys(config, a) + .stream() + .map( + it -> { + List tmp = new ArrayList<>(); + tmp.add(a); + return new Tuple2<>(it, tmp); + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList()) + .iterator()) + .reduceByKey( + (Function2, List, List>) (v1, v2) -> { + v1.addAll(v2); + v1.sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.getFieldMap().get(of).stringValue())); + if (v1.size() > maxQueueSize) + return new ArrayList<>(v1.subList(0, maxQueueSize)); + return v1; + }); + } + /** + * @return the list of vertexes: + * @param: the spark context + * @param: list of JSON entities + * @param: the dedup configuration + */ + public static JavaPairRDD mapToVertexes( + JavaSparkContext context, JavaRDD entities, DedupConfig config) { - /** - * @return the list of blocks based on clustering of dedup configuration - * @param: the spark context - * @param: list of entities: - * @param: the dedup configuration - */ - public static JavaPairRDD> createBlocks(JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD mapDocs, DedupConfig config) { - return mapDocs - //the reduce is just to be sure that we haven't document with same id - .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) - .map(Tuple2::_2) - //Clustering: from to List - .flatMapToPair((PairFlatMapFunction) a -> - DedupUtility.getGroupingKeys(config, a) - .stream() - .map(it -> new Tuple2<>(it, a)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - .iterator()) - .groupByKey(); - } + return entities + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) s -> { + MapDocument mapDocument = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(config, s); + return new Tuple2(mapDocument.getIdentifier(), mapDocument); + }); + } + public static JavaPairRDD computeRelations2( + JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD> blocks, DedupConfig config) { + Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); - public static JavaPairRDD> createsortedBlocks(JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD mapDocs, DedupConfig config) { - final String of = config.getWf().getOrderField(); - final int maxQueueSize = config.getWf().getGroupMaxSize(); - return mapDocs - //the reduce is just to be sure that we haven't document with same id - .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) - .map(Tuple2::_2) - //Clustering: from to List - .flatMapToPair((PairFlatMapFunction>) a -> - DedupUtility.getGroupingKeys(config, a) - .stream() - .map(it -> { - List tmp = new ArrayList<>(); - tmp.add(a); - return new Tuple2<>(it, tmp); - } - ) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - .iterator()) - .reduceByKey((Function2, List, List>) (v1, v2) -> { - v1.addAll(v2); - v1.sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.getFieldMap().get(of).stringValue())); - if (v1.size() > maxQueueSize) - return new ArrayList<>(v1.subList(0, maxQueueSize)); - return v1; - }); - } - - /** - * @return the list of vertexes: - * @param: the spark context - * @param: list of JSON entities - * @param: the dedup configuration - */ - public static JavaPairRDD mapToVertexes(JavaSparkContext context, JavaRDD entities, DedupConfig config) { - - return entities.mapToPair((PairFunction) s -> { - - MapDocument mapDocument = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(config, s); - return new Tuple2(mapDocument.getIdentifier(), mapDocument); - - - }); - } - - public static JavaPairRDD computeRelations2(JavaSparkContext context, JavaPairRDD> blocks, DedupConfig config) { - Map accumulators = DedupUtility.constructAccumulator(config, context.sc()); - - return blocks.flatMapToPair((PairFlatMapFunction>, String, String>) it -> { - try { - final SparkReporter reporter = new SparkReporter(accumulators); - new BlockProcessor(config).processSortedBlock(it._1(), it._2(), reporter); - return reporter.getRelations().iterator(); - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(it._2().get(0).getIdentifier(), e); - } - }).mapToPair( - (PairFunction, String, Tuple2>) item -> - new Tuple2>(item._1() + item._2(), item)) - .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) - .mapToPair((PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); - } -} \ No newline at end of file + return blocks + .flatMapToPair( + (PairFlatMapFunction>, String, String>) it -> { + try { + final SparkReporter reporter = new SparkReporter(accumulators); + new BlockProcessor(config).processSortedBlock(it._1(), it._2(), reporter); + return reporter.getRelations().iterator(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException(it._2().get(0).getIdentifier(), e); + } + }) + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction, String, Tuple2>) item -> new Tuple2>( + item._1() + item._2(), item)) + .reduceByKey((a, b) -> a) + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction>, String, String>) Tuple2::_2); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/OafEntityType.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/OafEntityType.java index fb347ed516..bc99481901 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/OafEntityType.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/OafEntityType.java @@ -1,15 +1,6 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup; public enum OafEntityType { - - datasource, - organization, - project, - dataset, - otherresearchproduct, - software, - publication - - - + datasource, organization, project, dataset, otherresearchproduct, software, publication } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateConnectedComponent.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateConnectedComponent.java index d3020b92c3..f86410d292 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateConnectedComponent.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateConnectedComponent.java @@ -1,15 +1,9 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup; -import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; -import com.google.common.collect.Lists; -import com.google.common.hash.HashFunction; -import com.google.common.hash.Hashing; -import eu.dnetlib.dedup.graph.ConnectedComponent; -import eu.dnetlib.dedup.graph.GraphProcessor; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; @@ -21,60 +15,93 @@ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; -import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.List; +import com.google.common.hash.Hashing; + +import eu.dnetlib.dedup.graph.ConnectedComponent; +import eu.dnetlib.dedup.graph.GraphProcessor; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; +import scala.Tuple2; public class SparkCreateConnectedComponent { - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkCreateConnectedComponent.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedup_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkCreateConnectedComponent.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateConnectedComponent.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedup_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkCreateConnectedComponent.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); - final String entity = parser.get("entity"); - final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath"); -// final DedupConfig dedupConf = DedupConfig.load(IOUtils.toString(SparkCreateConnectedComponent.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/org.curr.conf2.json"))); - final DedupConfig dedupConf = DedupConfig.load(parser.get("dedupConf")); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); + final String entity = parser.get("entity"); + final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath"); + // final DedupConfig dedupConf = + // DedupConfig.load(IOUtils.toString(SparkCreateConnectedComponent.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/org.curr.conf2.json"))); + final DedupConfig dedupConf = DedupConfig.load(parser.get("dedupConf")); - final JavaPairRDD vertexes = sc.textFile(inputPath + "/" + entity) - .map(s -> MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(dedupConf.getWf().getIdPath(), s)) - .mapToPair((PairFunction) - s -> new Tuple2(getHashcode(s), s) - ); + final JavaPairRDD vertexes = sc + .textFile(inputPath + "/" + entity) + .map(s -> MapDocumentUtil.getJPathString(dedupConf.getWf().getIdPath(), s)) + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) s -> new Tuple2(getHashcode(s), s)); - final Dataset similarityRelations = spark.read().load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(targetPath,entity)).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - final RDD> edgeRdd = similarityRelations.javaRDD().map(it -> new Edge<>(getHashcode(it.getSource()), getHashcode(it.getTarget()), it.getRelClass())).rdd(); - final JavaRDD cc = GraphProcessor.findCCs(vertexes.rdd(), edgeRdd, dedupConf.getWf().getMaxIterations()).toJavaRDD(); - final Dataset mergeRelation = spark.createDataset(cc.filter(k->k.getDocIds().size()>1).flatMap((FlatMapFunction) c -> - c.getDocIds() - .stream() - .flatMap(id -> { - List tmp = new ArrayList<>(); - Relation r = new Relation(); - r.setSource(c.getCcId()); - r.setTarget(id); - r.setRelClass("merges"); - tmp.add(r); - r = new Relation(); - r.setTarget(c.getCcId()); - r.setSource(id); - r.setRelClass("isMergedIn"); - tmp.add(r); - return tmp.stream(); - }).iterator()).rdd(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - mergeRelation.write().mode("overwrite").save(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(targetPath,entity)); - } - - public static long getHashcode(final String id) { - return Hashing.murmur3_128().hashString(id).asLong(); - } + final Dataset similarityRelations = spark + .read() + .load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(targetPath, entity)) + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + final RDD> edgeRdd = similarityRelations + .javaRDD() + .map( + it -> new Edge<>( + getHashcode(it.getSource()), getHashcode(it.getTarget()), it.getRelClass())) + .rdd(); + final JavaRDD cc = GraphProcessor + .findCCs(vertexes.rdd(), edgeRdd, dedupConf.getWf().getMaxIterations()) + .toJavaRDD(); + final Dataset mergeRelation = spark + .createDataset( + cc + .filter(k -> k.getDocIds().size() > 1) + .flatMap( + (FlatMapFunction) c -> c + .getDocIds() + .stream() + .flatMap( + id -> { + List tmp = new ArrayList<>(); + Relation r = new Relation(); + r.setSource(c.getCcId()); + r.setTarget(id); + r.setRelClass("merges"); + tmp.add(r); + r = new Relation(); + r.setTarget(c.getCcId()); + r.setSource(id); + r.setRelClass("isMergedIn"); + tmp.add(r); + return tmp.stream(); + }) + .iterator()) + .rdd(), + Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + mergeRelation + .write() + .mode("overwrite") + .save(DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(targetPath, entity)); + } + public static long getHashcode(final String id) { + return Hashing.murmur3_128().hashString(id).asLong(); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateDedupRecord.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateDedupRecord.java index 09c0ba89be..d87269f033 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateDedupRecord.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateDedupRecord.java @@ -1,34 +1,52 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; + public class SparkCreateDedupRecord { - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkCreateDedupRecord.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedupRecord_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkCreateDedupRecord.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateDedupRecord.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedupRecord_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkCreateDedupRecord.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath"); - final String entity = parser.get("entity"); - final String dedupPath = parser.get("dedupPath"); - final DedupConfig dedupConf = DedupConfig.load(parser.get("dedupConf")); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath"); + final String entity = parser.get("entity"); + final String dedupPath = parser.get("dedupPath"); + final DedupConfig dedupConf = DedupConfig.load(parser.get("dedupConf")); - final JavaRDD dedupRecord = DedupRecordFactory.createDedupRecord(sc, spark, DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(dedupPath,entity), DedupUtility.createEntityPath(sourcePath,entity), OafEntityType.valueOf(entity), dedupConf); - dedupRecord.map(r-> { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(r); - }).saveAsTextFile(dedupPath+"/"+entity+"/dedup_records"); - } + final JavaRDD dedupRecord = DedupRecordFactory + .createDedupRecord( + sc, + spark, + DedupUtility.createMergeRelPath(dedupPath, entity), + DedupUtility.createEntityPath(sourcePath, entity), + OafEntityType.valueOf(entity), + dedupConf); + dedupRecord + .map( + r -> { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(r); + }) + .saveAsTextFile(dedupPath + "/" + entity + "/dedup_records"); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateSimRels.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateSimRels.java index b847c80dc4..41fe911e7e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateSimRels.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkCreateSimRels.java @@ -1,73 +1,83 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup; -import com.google.common.hash.Hashing; +import java.util.List; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig; import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument; import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.List; - - /** * This Spark class creates similarity relations between entities, saving result - * - * param request: - * sourcePath - * entityType - * target Path + *

+ * param request: sourcePath entityType target Path */ public class SparkCreateSimRels { - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkCreateSimRels.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedup_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkCreateSimRels.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkCreateSimRels.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedup_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkCreateSimRels.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); - final String entity = parser.get("entity"); - final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath"); -// final DedupConfig dedupConf = DedupConfig.load(IOUtils.toString(SparkCreateSimRels.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/org.curr.conf.json"))); - final DedupConfig dedupConf = DedupConfig.load(parser.get("dedupConf")); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); + final String entity = parser.get("entity"); + final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath"); + // final DedupConfig dedupConf = + // DedupConfig.load(IOUtils.toString(SparkCreateSimRels.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/conf/org.curr.conf.json"))); + final DedupConfig dedupConf = DedupConfig.load(parser.get("dedupConf")); + JavaPairRDD mapDocument = sc + .textFile(inputPath + "/" + entity) + .mapToPair( + s -> { + MapDocument d = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(dedupConf, s); + return new Tuple2<>(d.getIdentifier(), d); + }); + // create blocks for deduplication + JavaPairRDD> blocks = Deduper.createsortedBlocks(sc, mapDocument, dedupConf); + // JavaPairRDD> blocks = Deduper.createBlocks(sc, + // mapDocument, dedupConf); - JavaPairRDD mapDocument = sc.textFile(inputPath + "/" + entity) - .mapToPair(s->{ - MapDocument d = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(dedupConf,s); - return new Tuple2<>(d.getIdentifier(), d);}); + // create relations by comparing only elements in the same group + final JavaPairRDD dedupRels = Deduper.computeRelations2(sc, blocks, dedupConf); + // final JavaPairRDD dedupRels = Deduper.computeRelations(sc, blocks, + // dedupConf); - //create blocks for deduplication - JavaPairRDD> blocks = Deduper.createsortedBlocks(sc, mapDocument, dedupConf); -// JavaPairRDD> blocks = Deduper.createBlocks(sc, mapDocument, dedupConf); + final JavaRDD isSimilarToRDD = dedupRels + .map( + simRel -> { + final Relation r = new Relation(); + r.setSource(simRel._1()); + r.setTarget(simRel._2()); + r.setRelClass("isSimilarTo"); + return r; + }); - //create relations by comparing only elements in the same group - final JavaPairRDD dedupRels = Deduper.computeRelations2(sc, blocks, dedupConf); -// final JavaPairRDD dedupRels = Deduper.computeRelations(sc, blocks, dedupConf); - - final JavaRDD isSimilarToRDD = dedupRels.map(simRel -> { - final Relation r = new Relation(); - r.setSource(simRel._1()); - r.setTarget(simRel._2()); - r.setRelClass("isSimilarTo"); - return r; - }); - - spark.createDataset(isSimilarToRDD.rdd(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)).write().mode("overwrite").save( DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(targetPath,entity)); - - } + spark + .createDataset(isSimilarToRDD.rdd(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .write() + .mode("overwrite") + .save(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(targetPath, entity)); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkReporter.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkReporter.java index 165a10b25a..21e72b5b8d 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkReporter.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/SparkReporter.java @@ -1,47 +1,52 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dedup; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.Reporter; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; -import scala.Serializable; -import scala.Tuple2; +package eu.dnetlib.dedup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; +import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; +import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; +import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; + +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.Reporter; +import scala.Serializable; +import scala.Tuple2; + public class SparkReporter implements Serializable, Reporter { - final List> relations = new ArrayList<>(); - private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SparkReporter.class); - Map accumulators; + final List> relations = new ArrayList<>(); + private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SparkReporter.class); + Map accumulators; - public SparkReporter(Map accumulators){ - this.accumulators = accumulators; - } + public SparkReporter(Map accumulators) { + this.accumulators = accumulators; + } - public void incrementCounter(String counterGroup, String counterName, long delta, Map accumulators) { + public void incrementCounter( + String counterGroup, + String counterName, + long delta, + Map accumulators) { - final String accumulatorName = String.format("%s::%s", counterGroup, counterName); - if (accumulators.containsKey(accumulatorName)){ - accumulators.get(accumulatorName).add(delta); - } + final String accumulatorName = String.format("%s::%s", counterGroup, counterName); + if (accumulators.containsKey(accumulatorName)) { + accumulators.get(accumulatorName).add(delta); + } + } - } + @Override + public void incrementCounter(String counterGroup, String counterName, long delta) { - @Override - public void incrementCounter(String counterGroup, String counterName, long delta) { + incrementCounter(counterGroup, counterName, delta, accumulators); + } - incrementCounter(counterGroup, counterName, delta, accumulators); - } + @Override + public void emit(String type, String from, String to) { + relations.add(new Tuple2<>(from, to)); + } - @Override - public void emit(String type, String from, String to) { - relations.add(new Tuple2<>(from, to)); - } - - public List> getRelations() { - return relations; - } + public List> getRelations() { + return relations; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/graph/ConnectedComponent.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/graph/ConnectedComponent.java index 27a61c02d7..79a3114fda 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/graph/ConnectedComponent.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/graph/ConnectedComponent.java @@ -1,80 +1,84 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dedup.graph; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dedup.DedupUtility; -import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.PaceException; -import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; -import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore; +package eu.dnetlib.dedup.graph; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Set; +import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; +import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dedup.DedupUtility; +import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.PaceException; + public class ConnectedComponent implements Serializable { - private Set docIds; - private String ccId; + private Set docIds; + private String ccId; + public ConnectedComponent() { + } - public ConnectedComponent() { - } + public ConnectedComponent(Set docIds) { + this.docIds = docIds; + createID(); + } - public ConnectedComponent(Set docIds) { - this.docIds = docIds; - createID(); - } + public String createID() { + if (docIds.size() > 1) { + final String s = getMin(); + String prefix = s.split("\\|")[0]; + ccId = prefix + "|dedup_wf_001::" + DedupUtility.md5(s); + return ccId; + } else { + return docIds.iterator().next(); + } + } - public String createID() { - if (docIds.size() > 1) { - final String s = getMin(); - String prefix = s.split("\\|")[0]; - ccId =prefix + "|dedup_______::" + DedupUtility.md5(s); - return ccId; - } else { - return docIds.iterator().next(); - } - } + @JsonIgnore + public String getMin() { - @JsonIgnore - public String getMin(){ + final StringBuilder min = new StringBuilder(); + docIds + .forEach( + i -> { + if (StringUtils.isBlank(min.toString())) { + min.append(i); + } else { + if (min.toString().compareTo(i) > 0) { + min.setLength(0); + min.append(i); + } + } + }); + return min.toString(); + } - final StringBuilder min = new StringBuilder(); - docIds.forEach(i -> { - if (StringUtils.isBlank(min.toString())) { - min.append(i); - } else { - if (min.toString().compareTo(i) > 0) { - min.setLength(0); - min.append(i); - } - } - }); - return min.toString(); - } + @Override + public String toString() { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + try { + return mapper.writeValueAsString(this); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new PaceException("Failed to create Json: ", e); + } + } - @Override - public String toString(){ - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - try { - return mapper.writeValueAsString(this); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new PaceException("Failed to create Json: ", e); - } - } + public Set getDocIds() { + return docIds; + } - public Set getDocIds() { - return docIds; - } + public void setDocIds(Set docIds) { + this.docIds = docIds; + } - public void setDocIds(Set docIds) { - this.docIds = docIds; - } + public String getCcId() { + return ccId; + } - public String getCcId() { - return ccId; - } - - public void setCcId(String ccId) { - this.ccId = ccId; - } + public void setCcId(String ccId) { + this.ccId = ccId; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/sx/SparkPropagateRelationsJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/sx/SparkPropagateRelationsJob.java index a725294430..e3d4fdbe36 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/sx/SparkPropagateRelationsJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/sx/SparkPropagateRelationsJob.java @@ -1,97 +1,112 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup.sx; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +import java.io.IOException; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.*; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.io.IOException; - public class SparkPropagateRelationsJob { - enum FieldType { - SOURCE, - TARGET - } - final static String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; - final static String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; + enum FieldType { + SOURCE, TARGET + } - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkPropagateRelationsJob.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedup_propagate_relation_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkUpdateEntityJob.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); + static final String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; + static final String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String relationPath = parser.get("relationPath"); - final String mergeRelPath = parser.get("mergeRelPath"); - final String targetRelPath = parser.get("targetRelPath"); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkPropagateRelationsJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedup_propagate_relation_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkUpdateEntityJob.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String relationPath = parser.get("relationPath"); + final String mergeRelPath = parser.get("mergeRelPath"); + final String targetRelPath = parser.get("targetRelPath"); - final Dataset merge = spark.read().load(mergeRelPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)).where("relClass == 'merges'"); + final Dataset merge = spark + .read() + .load(mergeRelPath) + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) + .where("relClass == 'merges'"); - final Dataset rels= spark.read().load(relationPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + final Dataset rels = spark.read().load(relationPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + final Dataset firstJoin = rels + .joinWith(merge, merge.col("target").equalTo(rels.col("source")), "left_outer") + .map( + (MapFunction, Relation>) r -> { + final Relation mergeRelation = r._2(); + final Relation relation = r._1(); - final Dataset firstJoin = rels.joinWith(merge, merge.col("target").equalTo(rels.col("source")), "left_outer") - .map((MapFunction, Relation>) r -> { - final Relation mergeRelation = r._2(); - final Relation relation = r._1(); + if (mergeRelation != null) + relation.setSource(mergeRelation.getSource()); + return relation; + }, + Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - if(mergeRelation!= null) - relation.setSource(mergeRelation.getSource()); - return relation; - }, Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + final Dataset secondJoin = firstJoin + .joinWith(merge, merge.col("target").equalTo(firstJoin.col("target")), "left_outer") + .map( + (MapFunction, Relation>) r -> { + final Relation mergeRelation = r._2(); + final Relation relation = r._1(); + if (mergeRelation != null) + relation.setTarget(mergeRelation.getSource()); + return relation; + }, + Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - final Dataset secondJoin = firstJoin.joinWith(merge, merge.col("target").equalTo(firstJoin.col("target")), "left_outer") - .map((MapFunction, Relation>) r -> { - final Relation mergeRelation = r._2(); - final Relation relation = r._1(); - if (mergeRelation != null ) - relation.setTarget(mergeRelation.getSource()); - return relation; - }, Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + secondJoin.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(targetRelPath); + } - secondJoin.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(targetRelPath); - } + private static boolean containsDedup(final String json) { + final String source = DHPUtils.getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, json); + final String target = DHPUtils.getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, json); - private static boolean containsDedup(final String json) { - final String source = DHPUtils.getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, json); - final String target = DHPUtils.getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, json); + return source.toLowerCase().contains("dedup") || target.toLowerCase().contains("dedup"); + } - return source.toLowerCase().contains("dedup") || target.toLowerCase().contains("dedup"); - } - - - private static String replaceField(final String json, final String id, final FieldType type) { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - try { - Relation relation = mapper.readValue(json, Relation.class); - if (relation.getDataInfo() == null) - relation.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - relation.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(false); - switch (type) { - case SOURCE: - relation.setSource(id); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(relation); - case TARGET: - relation.setTarget(id); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(relation); - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); - } - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("unable to deserialize json relation: " + json, e); - } - } + private static String replaceField(final String json, final String id, final FieldType type) { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + try { + Relation relation = mapper.readValue(json, Relation.class); + if (relation.getDataInfo() == null) + relation.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + relation.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(false); + switch (type) { + case SOURCE: + relation.setSource(id); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(relation); + case TARGET: + relation.setTarget(id); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(relation); + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); + } + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("unable to deserialize json relation: " + json, e); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/sx/SparkUpdateEntityJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/sx/SparkUpdateEntityJob.java index 44f7c551e5..a847ad6125 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/sx/SparkUpdateEntityJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-dedup-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dedup/sx/SparkUpdateEntityJob.java @@ -1,7 +1,19 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dedup.sx; +import java.io.IOException; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; +import org.apache.spark.sql.*; + import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; @@ -10,83 +22,81 @@ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIDataset; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIPublication; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIUnknown; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; -import org.apache.spark.sql.*; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.io.IOException; - public class SparkUpdateEntityJob { - final static String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; + static final String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkUpdateEntityJob.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedup_delete_by_inference_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkUpdateEntityJob.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkUpdateEntityJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/dedup/dedup_delete_by_inference_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkUpdateEntityJob.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String entityPath = parser.get("entityPath"); - final String mergeRelPath = parser.get("mergeRelPath"); - final String dedupRecordPath = parser.get("dedupRecordPath"); - final String entity = parser.get("entity"); - final String destination = parser.get("targetPath"); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String entityPath = parser.get("entityPath"); + final String mergeRelPath = parser.get("mergeRelPath"); + final String dedupRecordPath = parser.get("dedupRecordPath"); + final String entity = parser.get("entity"); + final String destination = parser.get("targetPath"); - final Dataset df = spark.read().load(mergeRelPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - final JavaPairRDD mergedIds = df - .where("relClass == 'merges'") - .select(df.col("target")) - .distinct() - .toJavaRDD() - .mapToPair((PairFunction) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getString(0), "d")); - final JavaRDD sourceEntity = sc.textFile(entityPath); - - final JavaRDD dedupEntity = sc.textFile(dedupRecordPath); - JavaPairRDD entitiesWithId = sourceEntity.mapToPair((PairFunction) s -> new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, s), s)); - Class mainClass; - switch (entity) { - case "publication": - mainClass = DLIPublication.class; - break; - case "dataset": - mainClass = DLIDataset.class; - break; - case "unknown": - mainClass = DLIUnknown.class; - break; - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal type " + entity); - - } - JavaRDD map = entitiesWithId.leftOuterJoin(mergedIds).map(k -> k._2()._2().isPresent() ? updateDeletedByInference(k._2()._1(), mainClass) : k._2()._1()); - map.union(dedupEntity).saveAsTextFile(destination, GzipCodec.class); - - } - - private static String updateDeletedByInference(final String json, final Class clazz) { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - try { - Oaf entity = mapper.readValue(json, clazz); - if (entity.getDataInfo()== null) - entity.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); - entity.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(true); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(entity); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert json", e); - } - - - } + final Dataset df = spark.read().load(mergeRelPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + final JavaPairRDD mergedIds = df + .where("relClass == 'merges'") + .select(df.col("target")) + .distinct() + .toJavaRDD() + .mapToPair((PairFunction) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getString(0), "d")); + final JavaRDD sourceEntity = sc.textFile(entityPath); + final JavaRDD dedupEntity = sc.textFile(dedupRecordPath); + JavaPairRDD entitiesWithId = sourceEntity + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) s -> new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, s), s)); + Class mainClass; + switch (entity) { + case "publication": + mainClass = DLIPublication.class; + break; + case "dataset": + mainClass = DLIDataset.class; + break; + case "unknown": + mainClass = DLIUnknown.class; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal type " + entity); + } + JavaRDD map = entitiesWithId + .leftOuterJoin(mergedIds) + .map( + k -> k._2()._2().isPresent() + ? updateDeletedByInference(k._2()._1(), mainClass) + : k._2()._1()); + map.union(dedupEntity).saveAsTextFile(destination, GzipCodec.class); + } + private static String updateDeletedByInference( + final String json, final Class clazz) { + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + try { + Oaf entity = mapper.readValue(json, clazz); + if (entity.getDataInfo() == null) + entity.setDataInfo(new DataInfo()); + entity.getDataInfo().setDeletedbyinference(true); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(entity); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert json", e); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/GraphHiveImporterJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/GraphHiveImporterJob.java deleted file mode 100644 index 0270076dd4..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/GraphHiveImporterJob.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph; - -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; -import org.slf4j.Logger; -import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; - -import java.util.Optional; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkHiveSession; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; - -public class GraphHiveImporterJob { - - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphHiveImporterJob.class); - - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString(GraphHiveImporterJob.class.getResourceAsStream( - "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/input_graph_hive_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - - String inputPath = parser.get("inputPath"); - log.info("inputPath: {}", inputPath); - - String hiveMetastoreUris = parser.get("hiveMetastoreUris"); - log.info("hiveMetastoreUris: {}", hiveMetastoreUris); - - String hiveDbName = parser.get("hiveDbName"); - log.info("hiveDbName: {}", hiveDbName); - - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.set("hive.metastore.uris", hiveMetastoreUris); - - runWithSparkHiveSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> loadGraphAsHiveDB(spark, inputPath, hiveDbName)); - } - - // protected for testing - private static void loadGraphAsHiveDB(SparkSession spark, String inputPath, String hiveDbName) { - - spark.sql(String.format("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s CASCADE", hiveDbName)); - spark.sql(String.format("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s", hiveDbName)); - - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - // Read the input file and convert it into RDD of serializable object - ModelSupport.oafTypes.forEach((name, clazz) -> spark.createDataset(sc.textFile(inputPath + "/" + name) - .map(s -> new ObjectMapper().readValue(s, clazz)) - .rdd(), Encoders.bean(clazz)) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .saveAsTable(hiveDbName + "." + name)); - } - -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/GraphHiveImporterJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/GraphHiveImporterJob.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f74c63430 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/GraphHiveImporterJob.java @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.hive; + +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkHiveSession; + +import java.util.Optional; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; +import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; + +public class GraphHiveImporterJob { + + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphHiveImporterJob.class); + + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + GraphHiveImporterJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/input_graph_hive_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + + String inputPath = parser.get("inputPath"); + log.info("inputPath: {}", inputPath); + + String hiveDbName = parser.get("hiveDbName"); + log.info("hiveDbName: {}", hiveDbName); + + String hiveMetastoreUris = parser.get("hiveMetastoreUris"); + log.info("hiveMetastoreUris: {}", hiveMetastoreUris); + + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("hive.metastore.uris", hiveMetastoreUris); + + runWithSparkHiveSession( + conf, isSparkSessionManaged, spark -> loadGraphAsHiveDB(spark, inputPath, hiveDbName)); + } + + // protected for testing + private static void loadGraphAsHiveDB(SparkSession spark, String inputPath, String hiveDbName) { + + spark.sql(String.format("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s CASCADE", hiveDbName)); + spark.sql(String.format("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s", hiveDbName)); + + final JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + // Read the input file and convert it into RDD of serializable object + ModelSupport.oafTypes + .forEach( + (name, clazz) -> spark + .createDataset( + sc + .textFile(inputPath + "/" + name) + .map(s -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(s, clazz)) + .rdd(), + Encoders.bean(clazz)) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .saveAsTable(hiveDbName + "." + name)); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper.java index 7d99a4774e..82f5cbfd0d 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper.java @@ -1,27 +1,55 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.createOpenaireId; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.dataInfo; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.field; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.journal; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.keyValue; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.listFields; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.oaiIProvenance; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.qualifier; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.structuredProperty; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.Date; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Node; -import java.util.*; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.MigrationConstants; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Context; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.GeoLocation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Instance; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Journal; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.KeyValue; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OAIProvenance; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OtherResearchProduct; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Software; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { protected final Map code2name; - protected static final Qualifier MAIN_TITLE_QUALIFIER = qualifier("main title", "main title", "dnet:dataCite_title", "dnet:dataCite_title"); - - protected static final Qualifier PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER = - qualifier("publication", "publication", "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"); - protected static final Qualifier DATASET_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER = qualifier("dataset", "dataset", "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"); - protected static final Qualifier SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER = qualifier("software", "software", "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"); - protected static final Qualifier OTHER_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER = qualifier("other", "other", "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"); + protected static final Qualifier MAIN_TITLE_QUALIFIER = qualifier( + "main title", "main title", "dnet:dataCite_title", "dnet:dataCite_title"); protected AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper(final Map code2name) { this.code2name = code2name; @@ -39,12 +67,21 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { nsContext.put("datacite", "http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3"); DocumentFactory.getInstance().setXPathNamespaceURIs(nsContext); - final Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml.replaceAll("http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4", "http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3")); + final Document doc = DocumentHelper + .parseText( + xml + .replaceAll( + "http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4", "http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3")); final String type = doc.valueOf("//dr:CobjCategory/@type"); - final KeyValue collectedFrom = keyValue(doc.valueOf("//oaf:collectedFrom/@id"), doc.valueOf("//oaf:collectedFrom/@name")); - final KeyValue hostedBy = StringUtils.isBlank(doc.valueOf("//oaf:hostedBy/@id")) ? collectedFrom - : keyValue(doc.valueOf("//oaf:hostedBy/@id"), doc.valueOf("//oaf:hostedBy/@name")); + final KeyValue collectedFrom = keyValue( + createOpenaireId(10, doc.valueOf("//oaf:collectedFrom/@id"), true), + doc.valueOf("//oaf:collectedFrom/@name")); + final KeyValue hostedBy = StringUtils.isBlank(doc.valueOf("//oaf:hostedBy/@id")) + ? collectedFrom + : keyValue( + createOpenaireId(10, doc.valueOf("//oaf:hostedBy/@id"), true), + doc.valueOf("//oaf:hostedBy/@name")); final DataInfo info = prepareDataInfo(doc); final long lastUpdateTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); @@ -55,57 +92,58 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { } } - protected List createOafs(final Document doc, - final String type, - final KeyValue collectedFrom, - final KeyValue hostedBy, - final DataInfo info, - final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { + protected List createOafs( + final Document doc, + final String type, + final KeyValue collectedFrom, + final KeyValue hostedBy, + final DataInfo info, + final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { final List oafs = new ArrayList<>(); switch (type.toLowerCase()) { - case "": - case "publication": - final Publication p = new Publication(); - populateResultFields(p, doc, collectedFrom, hostedBy, info, lastUpdateTimestamp); - p.setResulttype(PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); - p.setJournal(prepareJournal(doc, info)); - oafs.add(p); - break; - case "dataset": - final Dataset d = new Dataset(); - populateResultFields(d, doc, collectedFrom, hostedBy, info, lastUpdateTimestamp); - d.setResulttype(DATASET_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); - d.setStoragedate(prepareDatasetStorageDate(doc, info)); - d.setDevice(prepareDatasetDevice(doc, info)); - d.setSize(prepareDatasetSize(doc, info)); - d.setVersion(prepareDatasetVersion(doc, info)); - d.setLastmetadataupdate(prepareDatasetLastMetadataUpdate(doc, info)); - d.setMetadataversionnumber(prepareDatasetMetadataVersionNumber(doc, info)); - d.setGeolocation(prepareDatasetGeoLocations(doc, info)); - oafs.add(d); - break; - case "software": - final Software s = new Software(); - populateResultFields(s, doc, collectedFrom, hostedBy, info, lastUpdateTimestamp); - s.setResulttype(SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); - s.setDocumentationUrl(prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls(doc, info)); - s.setLicense(prepareSoftwareLicenses(doc, info)); - s.setCodeRepositoryUrl(prepareSoftwareCodeRepositoryUrl(doc, info)); - s.setProgrammingLanguage(prepareSoftwareProgrammingLanguage(doc, info)); - oafs.add(s); - break; - case "otherresearchproducts": - default: - final OtherResearchProduct o = new OtherResearchProduct(); - populateResultFields(o, doc, collectedFrom, hostedBy, info, lastUpdateTimestamp); - o.setResulttype(OTHER_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); - o.setContactperson(prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons(doc, info)); - o.setContactgroup(prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups(doc, info)); - o.setTool(prepareOtherResearchProductTools(doc, info)); - oafs.add(o); - break; + case "": + case "publication": + final Publication p = new Publication(); + populateResultFields(p, doc, collectedFrom, hostedBy, info, lastUpdateTimestamp); + p.setResulttype(MigrationConstants.PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); + p.setJournal(prepareJournal(doc, info)); + oafs.add(p); + break; + case "dataset": + final Dataset d = new Dataset(); + populateResultFields(d, doc, collectedFrom, hostedBy, info, lastUpdateTimestamp); + d.setResulttype(MigrationConstants.DATASET_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); + d.setStoragedate(prepareDatasetStorageDate(doc, info)); + d.setDevice(prepareDatasetDevice(doc, info)); + d.setSize(prepareDatasetSize(doc, info)); + d.setVersion(prepareDatasetVersion(doc, info)); + d.setLastmetadataupdate(prepareDatasetLastMetadataUpdate(doc, info)); + d.setMetadataversionnumber(prepareDatasetMetadataVersionNumber(doc, info)); + d.setGeolocation(prepareDatasetGeoLocations(doc, info)); + oafs.add(d); + break; + case "software": + final Software s = new Software(); + populateResultFields(s, doc, collectedFrom, hostedBy, info, lastUpdateTimestamp); + s.setResulttype(MigrationConstants.SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); + s.setDocumentationUrl(prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls(doc, info)); + s.setLicense(prepareSoftwareLicenses(doc, info)); + s.setCodeRepositoryUrl(prepareSoftwareCodeRepositoryUrl(doc, info)); + s.setProgrammingLanguage(prepareSoftwareProgrammingLanguage(doc, info)); + oafs.add(s); + break; + case "otherresearchproducts": + default: + final OtherResearchProduct o = new OtherResearchProduct(); + populateResultFields(o, doc, collectedFrom, hostedBy, info, lastUpdateTimestamp); + o.setResulttype(MigrationConstants.OTHER_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); + o.setContactperson(prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons(doc, info)); + o.setContactgroup(prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups(doc, info)); + o.setTool(prepareOtherResearchProductTools(doc, info)); + oafs.add(o); + break; } if (!oafs.isEmpty()) { @@ -116,61 +154,72 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { return oafs; } - private List addProjectRels(final Document doc, - final KeyValue collectedFrom, - final DataInfo info, - final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { + private List addProjectRels( + final Document doc, + final KeyValue collectedFrom, + final DataInfo info, + final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); final String docId = createOpenaireId(50, doc.valueOf("//dri:objIdentifier"), false); for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//oaf:projectid")) { - final String projectId = createOpenaireId(40, ((Node) o).getText(), true); - final Relation r1 = new Relation(); - r1.setRelType("resultProject"); - r1.setSubRelType("outcome"); - r1.setRelClass("isProducedBy"); - r1.setSource(docId); - r1.setTarget(projectId); - r1.setCollectedFrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); - r1.setDataInfo(info); - r1.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); - res.add(r1); + final String originalId = ((Node) o).getText(); - final Relation r2 = new Relation(); - r2.setRelType("resultProject"); - r2.setSubRelType("outcome"); - r2.setRelClass("produces"); - r2.setSource(projectId); - r2.setTarget(docId); - r2.setCollectedFrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); - r2.setDataInfo(info); - r2.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); - res.add(r2); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(originalId)) { + final String projectId = createOpenaireId(40, originalId, true); + + final Relation r1 = new Relation(); + r1.setRelType("resultProject"); + r1.setSubRelType("outcome"); + r1.setRelClass("isProducedBy"); + r1.setSource(docId); + r1.setTarget(projectId); + r1.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); + r1.setDataInfo(info); + r1.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); + res.add(r1); + + final Relation r2 = new Relation(); + r2.setRelType("resultProject"); + r2.setSubRelType("outcome"); + r2.setRelClass("produces"); + r2.setSource(projectId); + r2.setTarget(docId); + r2.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); + r2.setDataInfo(info); + r2.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); + res.add(r2); + } } return res; } - protected abstract List addOtherResultRels(final Document doc, - final KeyValue collectedFrom, - final DataInfo info, - final long lastUpdateTimestamp); + protected abstract List addOtherResultRels( + final Document doc, + final KeyValue collectedFrom, + final DataInfo info, + final long lastUpdateTimestamp); - private void populateResultFields(final Result r, - final Document doc, - final KeyValue collectedFrom, - final KeyValue hostedBy, - final DataInfo info, - final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { + private void populateResultFields( + final Result r, + final Document doc, + final KeyValue collectedFrom, + final KeyValue hostedBy, + final DataInfo info, + final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { r.setDataInfo(info); r.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); r.setId(createOpenaireId(50, doc.valueOf("//dri:objIdentifier"), false)); r.setOriginalId(Arrays.asList(doc.valueOf("//dri:objIdentifier"))); r.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); - r.setPid(prepareListStructProps(doc, "//oaf:identifier", "@identifierType", "dnet:pid_types", "dnet:pid_types", info)); + r + .setPid( + prepareListStructProps( + doc, "//oaf:identifier", "@identifierType", "dnet:pid_types", "dnet:pid_types", info)); r.setDateofcollection(doc.valueOf("//dr:dateOfCollection")); r.setDateoftransformation(doc.valueOf("//dr:dateOfTransformation")); r.setExtraInfo(new ArrayList<>()); // NOT PRESENT IN MDSTORES @@ -191,14 +240,29 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { r.setContributor(prepareContributors(doc, info)); r.setResourcetype(prepareResourceType(doc, info)); r.setCoverage(prepareCoverages(doc, info)); - r.setContext(new ArrayList<>()); // NOT PRESENT IN MDSTORES + r.setContext(prepareContexts(doc, info)); r.setExternalReference(new ArrayList<>()); // NOT PRESENT IN MDSTORES r.setInstance(prepareInstances(doc, info, collectedFrom, hostedBy)); } + private List prepareContexts(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + final List list = new ArrayList<>(); + for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//oaf:concept")) { + final String cid = ((Node) o).valueOf("@id"); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cid)) { + final Context c = new Context(); + c.setId(cid); + c.setDataInfo(Arrays.asList(info)); + list.add(c); + } + } + return list; + } + protected abstract Qualifier prepareResourceType(Document doc, DataInfo info); - protected abstract List prepareInstances(Document doc, DataInfo info, KeyValue collectedfrom, KeyValue hostedby); + protected abstract List prepareInstances( + Document doc, DataInfo info, KeyValue collectedfrom, KeyValue hostedby); protected abstract List> prepareSources(Document doc, DataInfo info); @@ -222,11 +286,14 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { protected abstract List prepareAuthors(Document doc, DataInfo info); - protected abstract List> prepareOtherResearchProductTools(Document doc, DataInfo info); + protected abstract List> prepareOtherResearchProductTools( + Document doc, DataInfo info); - protected abstract List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups(Document doc, DataInfo info); + protected abstract List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups( + Document doc, DataInfo info); - protected abstract List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons(Document doc, DataInfo info); + protected abstract List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons( + Document doc, DataInfo info); protected abstract Qualifier prepareSoftwareProgrammingLanguage(Document doc, DataInfo info); @@ -234,7 +301,8 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { protected abstract List prepareSoftwareLicenses(Document doc, DataInfo info); - protected abstract List> prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls(Document doc, DataInfo info); + protected abstract List> prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls( + Document doc, DataInfo info); protected abstract List prepareDatasetGeoLocations(Document doc, DataInfo info); @@ -262,23 +330,39 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { final String sp = n.valueOf("@sp"); final String vol = n.valueOf("@vol"); final String edition = n.valueOf("@edition"); - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { return journal(name, issnPrinted, issnOnline, issnLinking, ep, iss, sp, vol, edition, null, null, info); } + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { + return journal( + name, + issnPrinted, + issnOnline, + issnLinking, + ep, + iss, + sp, + vol, + edition, + null, + null, + info); + } } return null; } - protected Qualifier prepareQualifier(final Node node, final String xpath, final String schemeId, final String schemeName) { + protected Qualifier prepareQualifier( + final Node node, final String xpath, final String schemeId, final String schemeName) { final String classId = node.valueOf(xpath); final String className = code2name.get(classId); return qualifier(classId, className, schemeId, schemeName); } - protected List prepareListStructProps(final Node node, - final String xpath, - final String xpathClassId, - final String schemeId, - final String schemeName, - final DataInfo info) { + protected List prepareListStructProps( + final Node node, + final String xpath, + final String xpathClassId, + final String schemeId, + final String schemeName, + final DataInfo info) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : node.selectNodes(xpath)) { final Node n = (Node) o; @@ -289,7 +373,8 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { return res; } - protected List prepareListStructProps(final Node node, final String xpath, final Qualifier qualifier, final DataInfo info) { + protected List prepareListStructProps( + final Node node, final String xpath, final Qualifier qualifier, final DataInfo info) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : node.selectNodes(xpath)) { final Node n = (Node) o; @@ -298,12 +383,20 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { return res; } - protected List prepareListStructProps(final Node node, final String xpath, final DataInfo info) { + protected List prepareListStructProps( + final Node node, final String xpath, final DataInfo info) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : node.selectNodes(xpath)) { final Node n = (Node) o; - res.add(structuredProperty(n.getText(), n.valueOf("@classid"), n.valueOf("@classname"), n.valueOf("@schemeid"), n - .valueOf("@schemename"), info)); + res + .add( + structuredProperty( + n.getText(), + n.valueOf("@classid"), + n.valueOf("@classname"), + n.valueOf("@schemeid"), + n.valueOf("@schemename"), + info)); } return res; } @@ -311,23 +404,27 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { protected OAIProvenance prepareOAIprovenance(final Document doc) { final Node n = doc.selectSingleNode("//*[local-name()='provenance']/*[local-name()='originDescription']"); - if (n == null) { return null; } + if (n == null) { + return null; + } final String identifier = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='identifier']"); - final String baseURL = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='baseURL']");; - final String metadataNamespace = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='metadataNamespace']");; + final String baseURL = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='baseURL']"); + final String metadataNamespace = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='metadataNamespace']"); final boolean altered = n.valueOf("@altered").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); - final String datestamp = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='datestamp']");; - final String harvestDate = n.valueOf("@harvestDate");; + final String datestamp = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='datestamp']"); + final String harvestDate = n.valueOf("@harvestDate"); return oaiIProvenance(identifier, baseURL, metadataNamespace, altered, datestamp, harvestDate); - } protected DataInfo prepareDataInfo(final Document doc) { final Node n = doc.selectSingleNode("//oaf:datainfo"); - if (n == null) { return null; } + if (n == null) { + return dataInfo( + false, null, false, false, MigrationConstants.REPOSITORY_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS, "0.9"); + } final String paClassId = n.valueOf("./oaf:provenanceaction/@classid"); final String paClassName = n.valueOf("./oaf:provenanceaction/@classname"); @@ -339,14 +436,21 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { final Boolean inferred = Boolean.parseBoolean(n.valueOf("./oaf:inferred")); final String trust = n.valueOf("./oaf:trust"); - return dataInfo(deletedbyinference, inferenceprovenance, inferred, false, qualifier(paClassId, paClassName, paSchemeId, paSchemeName), trust); + return dataInfo( + deletedbyinference, + inferenceprovenance, + inferred, + false, + qualifier(paClassId, paClassName, paSchemeId, paSchemeName), + trust); } protected Field prepareField(final Node node, final String xpath, final DataInfo info) { return field(node.valueOf(xpath), info); } - protected List> prepareListFields(final Node node, final String xpath, final DataInfo info) { + protected List> prepareListFields( + final Node node, final String xpath, final DataInfo info) { return listFields(info, prepareListString(node, xpath)); } @@ -360,5 +464,4 @@ public abstract class AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { } return res; } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/DispatchEntitiesApplication.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/DispatchEntitiesApplication.java index 0b47db588b..1aab78afe1 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/DispatchEntitiesApplication.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/DispatchEntitiesApplication.java @@ -1,16 +1,13 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.util.Optional; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.FilterFunction; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; @@ -19,68 +16,65 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import java.util.Optional; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; public class DispatchEntitiesApplication { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DispatchEntitiesApplication.class); - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString(MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/dispatch_entities_parameters.json"))); + IOUtils + .toString( + MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/dispatch_entities_parameters.json"))); parser.parseArgument(args); Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); final String sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath"); final String targetPath = parser.get("graphRawPath"); SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, targetPath); - - processEntity(spark, Publication.class, sourcePath, targetPath); - processEntity(spark, Dataset.class, sourcePath, targetPath); - processEntity(spark, Software.class, sourcePath, targetPath); - processEntity(spark, OtherResearchProduct.class, sourcePath, targetPath); - processEntity(spark, Datasource.class, sourcePath, targetPath); - processEntity(spark, Organization.class, sourcePath, targetPath); - processEntity(spark, Project.class, sourcePath, targetPath); - processEntity(spark, Relation.class, sourcePath, targetPath); - }); + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, targetPath); + ModelSupport.oafTypes + .values() + .forEach(clazz -> processEntity(spark, clazz, sourcePath, targetPath)); + }); } - private static void processEntity(final SparkSession spark, final Class clazz, final String sourcePath, final String targetPath) { + private static void processEntity( + final SparkSession spark, + final Class clazz, + final String sourcePath, + final String targetPath) { final String type = clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); - log.info(String.format("Processing entities (%s) in file: %s", type, sourcePath)); + log.info("Processing entities ({}) in file: {}", type, sourcePath); - spark.read() - .textFile(sourcePath) - .filter((FilterFunction) value -> isEntityType(value, type)) - .map((MapFunction) value -> StringUtils.substringAfter(value, "|"), Encoders.STRING()) - .map((MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, clazz), Encoders.bean(clazz)) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .parquet(targetPath + "/" + type); - - /* - JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()) - .textFile(sourcePath) - .filter(l -> isEntityType(l, type)) - .map(l -> StringUtils.substringAfter(l, "|")) - .saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/" + type, GzipCodec.class); // use repartition(XXX) ??? - - */ + spark + .read() + .textFile(sourcePath) + .filter((FilterFunction) value -> isEntityType(value, type)) + .map( + (MapFunction) l -> StringUtils.substringAfter(l, "|"), + Encoders.STRING()) + .write() + .option("compression", "gzip") + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .text(targetPath + "/" + type); } private static boolean isEntityType(final String line, final String type) { @@ -90,5 +84,4 @@ public class DispatchEntitiesApplication { private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/GenerateEntitiesApplication.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/GenerateEntitiesApplication.java index a9f331f537..ccc9f8a890 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/GenerateEntitiesApplication.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/GenerateEntitiesApplication.java @@ -1,14 +1,15 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.DbClient; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.sql.SQLException; +import java.util.*; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; @@ -19,30 +20,36 @@ import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.DbClient; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.sql.SQLException; -import java.util.*; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; - public class GenerateEntitiesApplication { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenerateEntitiesApplication.class); + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString(MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/generate_entities_parameters.json"))); + IOUtils + .toString( + MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/generate_entities_parameters.json"))); parser.parseArgument(args); Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); final String sourcePaths = parser.get("sourcePaths"); @@ -55,100 +62,122 @@ public class GenerateEntitiesApplication { final Map code2name = loadClassNames(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword); SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, targetPath); - generateEntities(spark, code2name, sourcePaths, targetPath); - }); + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, targetPath); + generateEntities(spark, code2name, sourcePaths, targetPath); + }); } - private static void generateEntities(final SparkSession spark, - final Map code2name, - final String sourcePaths, - final String targetPath) { + private static void generateEntities( + final SparkSession spark, + final Map code2name, + final String sourcePaths, + final String targetPath) { JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final List existingSourcePaths = Arrays.stream(sourcePaths.split(",")).filter(p -> exists(sc, p)).collect(Collectors.toList()); + final List existingSourcePaths = Arrays + .stream(sourcePaths.split(",")) + .filter(p -> exists(sc, p)) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); log.info("Generate entities from files:"); existingSourcePaths.forEach(log::info); - JavaRDD inputRdd = sc.emptyRDD(); + JavaRDD inputRdd = sc.emptyRDD(); for (final String sp : existingSourcePaths) { - inputRdd = inputRdd.union(sc.sequenceFile(sp, Text.class, Text.class) - .map(k -> new Tuple2<>(k._1().toString(), k._2().toString())) - .map(k -> convertToListOaf(k._1(), k._2(), code2name)) - .flatMap(list -> list.iterator()) - .map(oaf -> oaf.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + "|" + convertToJson(oaf))); + inputRdd = inputRdd + .union( + sc + .sequenceFile(sp, Text.class, Text.class) + .map(k -> new Tuple2<>(k._1().toString(), k._2().toString())) + .map(k -> convertToListOaf(k._1(), k._2(), code2name)) + .flatMap(list -> list.iterator())); } inputRdd - .saveAsTextFile(targetPath, GzipCodec.class); - + .mapToPair(oaf -> new Tuple2<>(ModelSupport.idFn().apply(oaf), oaf)) + .reduceByKey((o1, o2) -> merge(o1, o2)) + .map(Tuple2::_2) + .map( + oaf -> oaf.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + + "|" + + OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(oaf)) + .saveAsTextFile(targetPath, GzipCodec.class); } - private static List convertToListOaf(final String id, final String s, final Map code2name) { + private static Oaf merge(Oaf o1, Oaf o2) { + if (ModelSupport.isSubClass(o1, OafEntity.class)) { + ((OafEntity) o1).mergeFrom((OafEntity) o2); + } else if (ModelSupport.isSubClass(o1, Relation.class)) { + ((Relation) o1).mergeFrom((Relation) o2); + } else { + throw new RuntimeException("invalid Oaf type:" + o1.getClass().getCanonicalName()); + } + return o1; + } + + private static List convertToListOaf( + final String id, final String s, final Map code2name) { final String type = StringUtils.substringAfter(id, ":"); switch (type.toLowerCase()) { - case "native_oaf": - return new OafToOafMapper(code2name).processMdRecord(s); - case "native_odf": - return new OdfToOafMapper(code2name).processMdRecord(s); - case "datasource": - return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Datasource.class)); - case "organization": - return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Organization.class)); - case "project": - return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Project.class)); - case "relation": - return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Relation.class)); - case "publication": - return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Publication.class)); - case "dataset": - return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Dataset.class)); - case "software": - return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Software.class)); - case "otherresearchproducts": - default: - return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, OtherResearchProduct.class)); + case "native_oaf": + return new OafToOafMapper(code2name).processMdRecord(s); + case "native_odf": + return new OdfToOafMapper(code2name).processMdRecord(s); + case "datasource": + return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Datasource.class)); + case "organization": + return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Organization.class)); + case "project": + return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Project.class)); + case "relation": + return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Relation.class)); + case "publication": + return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Publication.class)); + case "dataset": + return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Dataset.class)); + case "software": + return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, Software.class)); + case "otherresearchproduct": + return Arrays.asList(convertFromJson(s, OtherResearchProduct.class)); + default: + throw new RuntimeException("type not managed: " + type.toLowerCase()); } - } - private static Map loadClassNames(final String dbUrl, final String dbUser, final String dbPassword) throws IOException { + private static Map loadClassNames( + final String dbUrl, final String dbUser, final String dbPassword) throws IOException { log.info("Loading vocabulary terms from db..."); final Map map = new HashMap<>(); try (DbClient dbClient = new DbClient(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword)) { - dbClient.processResults("select code, name from class", rs -> { - try { - map.put(rs.getString("code"), rs.getString("name")); - } catch (final SQLException e) { - e.printStackTrace(); - } - }); + dbClient + .processResults( + "select code, name from class", + rs -> { + try { + map.put(rs.getString("code"), rs.getString("name")); + } catch (final SQLException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + }); } log.info("Found " + map.size() + " terms."); return map; - - } - - private static String convertToJson(final Oaf oaf) { - try { - return new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(oaf); - } catch (final Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } } private static Oaf convertFromJson(final String s, final Class clazz) { try { - return new ObjectMapper().readValue(s, clazz); + return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(s, clazz); } catch (final Exception e) { log.error("Error parsing object of class: " + clazz); log.error(s); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MergeClaimsApplication.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MergeClaimsApplication.java index 85e4f3663b..9b99097ce3 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MergeClaimsApplication.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MergeClaimsApplication.java @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.Optional; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.FilterFunction; @@ -18,16 +17,14 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import scala.Tuple2; -import scala.reflect.ClassTag; -import scala.reflect.ClassTag$; - -import java.util.Objects; -import java.util.Optional; -import java.util.function.Function; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport.isSubClass; public class MergeClaimsApplication { @@ -37,14 +34,17 @@ public class MergeClaimsApplication { public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString(MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/merge_claims_parameters.json"))); + IOUtils + .toString( + MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/merge_claims_parameters.json"))); parser.parseArgument(args); Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); final String rawGraphPath = parser.get("rawGraphPath"); @@ -65,87 +65,70 @@ public class MergeClaimsApplication { conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, spark -> { - String type = clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + String type = clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); - String rawPath = rawGraphPath + "/" + type; - String claimPath = claimsGraphPath + "/" + type; - String outPath = outputRawGaphPath + "/" + type; + String rawPath = rawGraphPath + "/" + type; + String claimPath = claimsGraphPath + "/" + type; + String outPath = outputRawGaphPath + "/" + type; - removeOutputDir(spark, outPath); - mergeByType(spark, rawPath, claimPath, outPath, clazz); - }); + removeOutputDir(spark, outPath); + mergeByType(spark, rawPath, claimPath, outPath, clazz); + }); } - private static void mergeByType(SparkSession spark, String rawPath, String claimPath, String outPath, Class clazz) { + private static void mergeByType( + SparkSession spark, String rawPath, String claimPath, String outPath, Class clazz) { Dataset> raw = readFromPath(spark, rawPath, clazz) - .map((MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>(idFn().apply(value), value), Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))); + .map( + (MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>(ModelSupport.idFn().apply(value), value), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))); final JavaSparkContext jsc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - Dataset> claim = jsc.broadcast(readFromPath(spark, claimPath, clazz)) - .getValue() - .map((MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>(idFn().apply(value), value), Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))); - - /* - Dataset> claim = readFromPath(spark, claimPath, clazz) - .map((MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>(idFn().apply(value), value), Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))); - */ - - raw.joinWith(claim, raw.col("_1").equalTo(claim.col("_1")), "full_outer") - .map((MapFunction, Tuple2>, T>) value -> { + Dataset> claim = jsc + .broadcast(readFromPath(spark, claimPath, clazz)) + .getValue() + .map( + (MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>(ModelSupport.idFn().apply(value), value), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(clazz))); + raw + .joinWith(claim, raw.col("_1").equalTo(claim.col("_1")), "full_outer") + .map( + (MapFunction, Tuple2>, T>) value -> { Optional> opRaw = Optional.ofNullable(value._1()); Optional> opClaim = Optional.ofNullable(value._2()); - return opRaw.isPresent() ? opRaw.get()._2() : opClaim.isPresent() ? opClaim.get()._2() : null; - }, Encoders.bean(clazz)) - .filter(Objects::nonNull) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .parquet(outPath); + return opRaw.isPresent() + ? opRaw.get()._2() + : opClaim.isPresent() ? opClaim.get()._2() : null; + }, + Encoders.bean(clazz)) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(value), + Encoders.STRING()) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .option("compression", "gzip") + .text(outPath); } - private static Dataset readFromPath(SparkSession spark, String path, Class clazz) { - return spark.read() - .load(path) - .as(Encoders.bean(clazz)) - .filter((FilterFunction) value -> Objects.nonNull(idFn().apply(value))); + private static Dataset readFromPath( + SparkSession spark, String path, Class clazz) { + return spark + .read() + .textFile(path) + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, clazz), + Encoders.bean(clazz)) + .filter((FilterFunction) value -> Objects.nonNull(ModelSupport.idFn().apply(value))); } private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); } - - private static Function idFn() { - return x -> { - if (isSubClass(x, Relation.class)) { - return idFnForRelation(x); - } - return idFnForOafEntity(x); - }; - } - - private static String idFnForRelation(T t) { - Relation r = (Relation) t; - return Optional.ofNullable(r.getSource()) - .map(source -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getTarget()) - .map(target -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getRelType()) - .map(relType -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getSubRelType()) - .map(subRelType -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getRelClass()) - .map(relClass -> String.join(source, target, relType, subRelType, relClass)) - .orElse(String.join(source, target, relType, subRelType)) - ) - .orElse(String.join(source, target, relType)) - ) - .orElse(String.join(source, target)) - ) - .orElse(source) - ) - .orElse(null); - } - - private static String idFnForOafEntity(T t) { - return ((OafEntity) t).getId(); - } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateDbEntitiesApplication.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateDbEntitiesApplication.java index f8f6b58cca..58339fdc5e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateDbEntitiesApplication.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateDbEntitiesApplication.java @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.AbstractMigrationApplication; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.DbClient; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.asString; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.createOpenaireId; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.dataInfo; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.field; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.journal; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.listFields; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.listKeyValues; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.qualifier; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.structuredProperty; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; @@ -21,12 +23,35 @@ import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.*; +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; +import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication implements Closeable { +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.AbstractMigrationApplication; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.DbClient; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.MigrationConstants; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Context; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Datasource; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Journal; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.KeyValue; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Organization; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OtherResearchProduct; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Project; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Software; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; - private static final Qualifier ENTITYREGISTRY_PROVENANCE_ACTION = - qualifier("sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry", "sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry", "dnet:provenance_actions", "dnet:provenance_actions"); +public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication + implements Closeable { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MigrateDbEntitiesApplication.class); @@ -36,7 +61,9 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString(MigrateDbEntitiesApplication.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/migrate_db_entities_parameters.json"))); + IOUtils + .toString(MigrateDbEntitiesApplication.class + .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/migrate_db_entities_parameters.json"))); parser.parseArgument(args); @@ -48,7 +75,8 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i final boolean processClaims = parser.get("action") != null && parser.get("action").equalsIgnoreCase("claims"); - try (final MigrateDbEntitiesApplication smdbe = new MigrateDbEntitiesApplication(hdfsPath, dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword)) { + try (final MigrateDbEntitiesApplication smdbe = new MigrateDbEntitiesApplication(hdfsPath, dbUrl, dbUser, + dbPassword)) { if (processClaims) { log.info("Processing claims..."); smdbe.execute("queryClaims.sql", smdbe::processClaims); @@ -78,14 +106,16 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i this.lastUpdateTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); } - public MigrateDbEntitiesApplication(final String hdfsPath, final String dbUrl, final String dbUser, - final String dbPassword) throws Exception { + public MigrateDbEntitiesApplication( + final String hdfsPath, final String dbUrl, final String dbUser, final String dbPassword) + throws Exception { super(hdfsPath); this.dbClient = new DbClient(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword); this.lastUpdateTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); } - public void execute(final String sqlFile, final Function> producer) throws Exception { + public void execute(final String sqlFile, final Function> producer) + throws Exception { final String sql = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/sql/" + sqlFile)); final Consumer consumer = rs -> producer.apply(rs).forEach(oaf -> emitOaf(oaf)); @@ -103,11 +133,12 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i ds.setId(createOpenaireId(10, rs.getString("datasourceid"), true)); ds.setOriginalId(Arrays.asList(rs.getString("datasourceid"))); - ds.setCollectedfrom(listKeyValues(rs.getString("collectedfromid"), rs.getString("collectedfromname"))); + ds + .setCollectedfrom(listKeyValues(createOpenaireId(10, rs.getString("collectedfromid"), true), rs.getString("collectedfromname"))); ds.setPid(new ArrayList<>()); ds.setDateofcollection(asString(rs.getDate("dateofcollection"))); - ds.setDateoftransformation(null); // Value not returned by the SQL query - ds.setExtraInfo(new ArrayList<>()); // Values not present in the DB + ds.setDateoftransformation(null); // Value not returned by the SQL query + ds.setExtraInfo(new ArrayList<>()); // Values not present in the DB ds.setOaiprovenance(null); // Values not present in the DB ds.setDatasourcetype(prepareQualifierSplitting(rs.getString("datasourcetype"))); ds.setOpenairecompatibility(prepareQualifierSplitting(rs.getString("openairecompatibility"))); @@ -143,7 +174,8 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i ds.setPidsystems(field(rs.getString("pidsystems"), info)); ds.setCertificates(field(rs.getString("certificates"), info)); ds.setPolicies(new ArrayList<>()); // The sql query returns an empty array - ds.setJournal(prepareJournal(rs.getString("officialname"), rs.getString("journal"), info)); // Journal + ds + .setJournal(prepareJournal(rs.getString("officialname"), rs.getString("journal"), info)); // Journal ds.setDataInfo(info); ds.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); @@ -162,11 +194,12 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i p.setId(createOpenaireId(40, rs.getString("projectid"), true)); p.setOriginalId(Arrays.asList(rs.getString("projectid"))); - p.setCollectedfrom(listKeyValues(rs.getString("collectedfromid"), rs.getString("collectedfromname"))); + p + .setCollectedfrom(listKeyValues(createOpenaireId(10, rs.getString("collectedfromid"), true), rs.getString("collectedfromname"))); p.setPid(new ArrayList<>()); p.setDateofcollection(asString(rs.getDate("dateofcollection"))); p.setDateoftransformation(asString(rs.getDate("dateoftransformation"))); - p.setExtraInfo(new ArrayList<>()); // Values not present in the DB + p.setExtraInfo(new ArrayList<>()); // Values not present in the DB p.setOaiprovenance(null); // Values not present in the DB p.setWebsiteurl(field(rs.getString("websiteurl"), info)); p.setCode(field(rs.getString("code"), info)); @@ -178,7 +211,8 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i p.setKeywords(field(rs.getString("keywords"), info)); p.setDuration(field(Integer.toString(rs.getInt("duration")), info)); p.setEcsc39(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecsc39")), info)); - p.setOamandatepublications(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("oamandatepublications")), info)); + p + .setOamandatepublications(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("oamandatepublications")), info)); p.setEcarticle29_3(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecarticle29_3")), info)); p.setSubjects(prepareListOfStructProps(rs.getArray("subjects"), info)); p.setFundingtree(prepareListFields(rs.getArray("fundingtree"), info)); @@ -214,24 +248,28 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i o.setId(createOpenaireId(20, rs.getString("organizationid"), true)); o.setOriginalId(Arrays.asList(rs.getString("organizationid"))); - o.setCollectedfrom(listKeyValues(rs.getString("collectedfromid"), rs.getString("collectedfromname"))); + o + .setCollectedfrom(listKeyValues(createOpenaireId(10, rs.getString("collectedfromid"), true), rs.getString("collectedfromname"))); o.setPid(new ArrayList<>()); o.setDateofcollection(asString(rs.getDate("dateofcollection"))); o.setDateoftransformation(asString(rs.getDate("dateoftransformation"))); - o.setExtraInfo(new ArrayList<>()); // Values not present in the DB + o.setExtraInfo(new ArrayList<>()); // Values not present in the DB o.setOaiprovenance(null); // Values not present in the DB o.setLegalshortname(field(rs.getString("legalshortname"), info)); o.setLegalname(field(rs.getString("legalname"), info)); - o.setAlternativeNames(new ArrayList<>()); // Values not returned by the SQL query + o.setAlternativeNames(new ArrayList<>()); // Values not returned by the SQL query o.setWebsiteurl(field(rs.getString("websiteurl"), info)); o.setLogourl(field(rs.getString("logourl"), info)); o.setEclegalbody(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("eclegalbody")), info)); o.setEclegalperson(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("eclegalperson")), info)); o.setEcnonprofit(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecnonprofit")), info)); - o.setEcresearchorganization(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecresearchorganization")), info)); + o + .setEcresearchorganization(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecresearchorganization")), info)); o.setEchighereducation(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("echighereducation")), info)); - o.setEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests")), info)); - o.setEcinternationalorganization(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecinternationalorganization")), info)); + o + .setEcinternationalorganizationeurinterests(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests")), info)); + o + .setEcinternationalorganization(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecinternationalorganization")), info)); o.setEcenterprise(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecenterprise")), info)); o.setEcsmevalidated(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecsmevalidated")), info)); o.setEcnutscode(field(Boolean.toString(rs.getBoolean("ecnutscode")), info)); @@ -250,7 +288,7 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i final DataInfo info = prepareDataInfo(rs); final String orgId = createOpenaireId(20, rs.getString("organization"), true); final String dsId = createOpenaireId(10, rs.getString("datasource"), true); - final List collectedFrom = listKeyValues(rs.getString("collectedfromid"), rs.getString("collectedfromname")); + final List collectedFrom = listKeyValues(createOpenaireId(10, rs.getString("collectedfromid"), true), rs.getString("collectedfromname")); final Relation r1 = new Relation(); r1.setRelType("datasourceOrganization"); @@ -258,7 +296,7 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i r1.setRelClass("isProvidedBy"); r1.setSource(dsId); r1.setTarget(orgId); - r1.setCollectedFrom(collectedFrom); + r1.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); r1.setDataInfo(info); r1.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); @@ -268,7 +306,7 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i r2.setRelClass("provides"); r2.setSource(orgId); r2.setTarget(dsId); - r2.setCollectedFrom(collectedFrom); + r2.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); r2.setDataInfo(info); r2.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); @@ -283,25 +321,25 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i final DataInfo info = prepareDataInfo(rs); final String orgId = createOpenaireId(20, rs.getString("resporganization"), true); final String projectId = createOpenaireId(40, rs.getString("project"), true); - final List collectedFrom = listKeyValues(rs.getString("collectedfromid"), rs.getString("collectedfromname")); + final List collectedFrom = listKeyValues(createOpenaireId(10, rs.getString("collectedfromid"), true), rs.getString("collectedfromname")); final Relation r1 = new Relation(); r1.setRelType("projectOrganization"); r1.setSubRelType("participation"); - r1.setRelClass("isParticipant"); + r1.setRelClass("hasParticipant"); r1.setSource(projectId); r1.setTarget(orgId); - r1.setCollectedFrom(collectedFrom); + r1.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); r1.setDataInfo(info); r1.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); final Relation r2 = new Relation(); r2.setRelType("projectOrganization"); r2.setSubRelType("participation"); - r2.setRelClass("hasParticipant"); + r2.setRelClass("isParticipant"); r2.setSource(orgId); r2.setTarget(projectId); - r2.setCollectedFrom(collectedFrom); + r2.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); r2.setDataInfo(info); r2.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); @@ -316,6 +354,8 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i final DataInfo info = dataInfo(false, null, false, false, qualifier("user:claim", "user:claim", "dnet:provenanceActions", "dnet:provenanceActions"), "0.9"); + final List collectedFrom = listKeyValues(createOpenaireId(10, "infrastruct_::openaire", true), "OpenAIRE"); + try { if (rs.getString("source_type").equals("context")) { @@ -323,17 +363,22 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i if (rs.getString("target_type").equals("dataset")) { r = new Dataset(); + r.setResulttype(MigrationConstants.DATASET_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); } else if (rs.getString("target_type").equals("software")) { r = new Software(); + r.setResulttype(MigrationConstants.SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); } else if (rs.getString("target_type").equals("other")) { r = new OtherResearchProduct(); + r.setResulttype(MigrationConstants.OTHER_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); } else { r = new Publication(); + r.setResulttype(MigrationConstants.PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER); } r.setId(createOpenaireId(50, rs.getString("target_id"), false)); r.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); r.setContext(prepareContext(rs.getString("source_id"), info)); r.setDataInfo(info); + r.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); return Arrays.asList(r); } else { @@ -344,18 +389,22 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i final Relation r2 = new Relation(); if (rs.getString("source_type").equals("project")) { + r1.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); r1.setRelType("resultProject"); r1.setSubRelType("outcome"); r1.setRelClass("produces"); + r2.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); r2.setRelType("resultProject"); r2.setSubRelType("outcome"); r2.setRelClass("isProducedBy"); } else { + r1.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); r1.setRelType("resultResult"); r1.setSubRelType("relationship"); r1.setRelClass("isRelatedTo"); + r2.setCollectedfrom(collectedFrom); r2.setRelType("resultResult"); r2.setSubRelType("relationship"); r2.setRelClass("isRelatedTo"); @@ -391,7 +440,7 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i final String inferenceprovenance = rs.getString("inferenceprovenance"); final Boolean inferred = rs.getBoolean("inferred"); final String trust = rs.getString("trust"); - return dataInfo(deletedbyinference, inferenceprovenance, inferred, false, ENTITYREGISTRY_PROVENANCE_ACTION, trust); + return dataInfo(deletedbyinference, inferenceprovenance, inferred, false, MigrationConstants.ENTITYREGISTRY_PROVENANCE_ACTION, trust); } private Qualifier prepareQualifierSplitting(final String s) { @@ -419,7 +468,9 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i return null; } - private List prepareListOfStructProps(final Array array, final DataInfo dataInfo) throws SQLException { + private List prepareListOfStructProps( + final Array array, + final DataInfo dataInfo) throws SQLException { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); if (array != null) { for (final String s : (String[]) array.getArray()) { @@ -437,11 +488,12 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sj)) { final String[] arr = sj.split("@@@"); if (arr.length == 3) { - final String issn = StringUtils.isNotBlank(arr[0]) ? arr[0] : null; - final String eissn = StringUtils.isNotBlank(arr[1]) ? arr[1] : null;; - final String lissn = StringUtils.isNotBlank(arr[2]) ? arr[2] : null;; - if (issn != null || eissn != null - || lissn != null) { return journal(name, issn, eissn, eissn, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, info); } + final String issn = StringUtils.isNotBlank(arr[0]) ? arr[0].trim() : null; + final String eissn = StringUtils.isNotBlank(arr[1]) ? arr[1].trim() : null;; + final String lissn = StringUtils.isNotBlank(arr[2]) ? arr[2].trim() : null;; + if (issn != null || eissn != null || lissn != null) { + return journal(name, issn, eissn, eissn, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, info); + } } } return null; @@ -452,5 +504,4 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication i super.close(); dbClient.close(); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.java index 585209ac9c..00c1dc4bb4 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.java @@ -1,18 +1,21 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.AbstractMigrationApplication; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.MdstoreClient; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; -public class MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication implements Closeable { +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; +import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.AbstractMigrationApplication; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.MdstoreClient; + +public class MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplication + implements Closeable { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class); @@ -20,7 +23,11 @@ public class MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplicatio public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString(MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/migrate_mongo_mstores_parameters.json"))); + IOUtils + .toString( + MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/migrate_mongo_mstores_parameters.json"))); parser.parseArgument(args); final String mongoBaseUrl = parser.get("mongoBaseUrl"); @@ -32,13 +39,14 @@ public class MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplicatio final String hdfsPath = parser.get("hdfsPath"); - try (MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication app = new MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication(hdfsPath, mongoBaseUrl, mongoDb)) { + try (MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication app = new MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication(hdfsPath, mongoBaseUrl, + mongoDb)) { app.execute(mdFormat, mdLayout, mdInterpretation); } - } - public MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication(final String hdfsPath, final String mongoBaseUrl, final String mongoDb) throws Exception { + public MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication( + final String hdfsPath, final String mongoBaseUrl, final String mongoDb) throws Exception { super(hdfsPath); this.mdstoreClient = new MdstoreClient(mongoBaseUrl, mongoDb); } @@ -62,5 +70,4 @@ public class MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication extends AbstractMigrationApplicatio super.close(); mdstoreClient.close(); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/OafToOafMapper.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/OafToOafMapper.java index aed582d8f4..286656149f 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/OafToOafMapper.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/OafToOafMapper.java @@ -1,17 +1,29 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.PacePerson; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import org.dom4j.Document; -import org.dom4j.Node; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.createOpenaireId; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.createOpenaireId; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.field; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.dom4j.Document; +import org.dom4j.Node; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.PacePerson; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.GeoLocation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Instance; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.KeyValue; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; public class OafToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { @@ -79,23 +91,39 @@ public class OafToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { } @Override - protected List prepareInstances(final Document doc, final DataInfo info, final KeyValue collectedfrom, final KeyValue hostedby) { + protected List prepareInstances( + final Document doc, + final DataInfo info, + final KeyValue collectedfrom, + final KeyValue hostedby) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//dc:identifier")) { final String url = ((Node) o).getText().trim(); if (url.startsWith("http")) { final Instance instance = new Instance(); instance.setUrl(Arrays.asList(url)); - instance.setInstancetype(prepareQualifier(doc, "//dr:CobjCategory", "dnet:publication_resource", "dnet:publication_resource")); + instance + .setInstancetype( + prepareQualifier( + doc, + "//dr:CobjCategory", + "dnet:publication_resource", + "dnet:publication_resource")); instance.setCollectedfrom(collectedfrom); instance.setHostedby(hostedby); instance.setDateofacceptance(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:dateAccepted"), info)); instance.setDistributionlocation(doc.valueOf("//oaf:distributionlocation")); - instance.setAccessright(prepareQualifier(doc, "//oaf:accessrights", "dnet:access_modes", "dnet:access_modes")); + instance + .setAccessright( + prepareQualifier(doc, "//oaf:accessrights", "dnet:access_modes", "dnet:access_modes")); instance.setLicense(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:license"), info)); instance.setRefereed(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:refereed"), info)); - instance.setProcessingchargeamount(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount"), info)); - instance.setProcessingchargecurrency(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount/@currency"), info)); + instance + .setProcessingchargeamount( + field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount"), info)); + instance + .setProcessingchargecurrency( + field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount/@currency"), info)); res.add(instance); } } @@ -120,17 +148,20 @@ public class OafToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { } @Override - protected Field prepareSoftwareCodeRepositoryUrl(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected Field prepareSoftwareCodeRepositoryUrl( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return null; // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } @Override - protected List prepareSoftwareLicenses(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected List prepareSoftwareLicenses( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } @Override - protected List> prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected List> prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } @@ -141,12 +172,14 @@ public class OafToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { } @Override - protected Field prepareDatasetMetadataVersionNumber(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected Field prepareDatasetMetadataVersionNumber( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return null; // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } @Override - protected Field prepareDatasetLastMetadataUpdate(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected Field prepareDatasetLastMetadataUpdate( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return null; // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } @@ -173,53 +206,63 @@ public class OafToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { // OTHER PRODUCTS @Override - protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductTools(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductTools( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } @Override - protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } @Override - protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } @Override - protected List addOtherResultRels(final Document doc, - final KeyValue collectedFrom, - final DataInfo info, - final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { + protected List addOtherResultRels( + final Document doc, + final KeyValue collectedFrom, + final DataInfo info, + final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { final String docId = createOpenaireId(50, doc.valueOf("//dri:objIdentifier"), false); final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//*[local-name()='relatedDataset']")) { - final String otherId = createOpenaireId(50, ((Node) o).getText(), false); - final Relation r1 = new Relation(); - r1.setRelType("resultResult"); - r1.setSubRelType("publicationDataset"); - r1.setRelClass("isRelatedTo"); - r1.setSource(docId); - r1.setTarget(otherId); - r1.setCollectedFrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); - r1.setDataInfo(info); - r1.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); - res.add(r1); + final String originalId = ((Node) o).getText(); - final Relation r2 = new Relation(); - r2.setRelType("resultResult"); - r2.setSubRelType("publicationDataset"); - r2.setRelClass("isRelatedTo"); - r2.setSource(otherId); - r2.setTarget(docId); - r2.setCollectedFrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); - r2.setDataInfo(info); - r2.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); - res.add(r2); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(originalId)) { + + final String otherId = createOpenaireId(50, originalId, false); + + final Relation r1 = new Relation(); + r1.setRelType("resultResult"); + r1.setSubRelType("publicationDataset"); + r1.setRelClass("isRelatedTo"); + r1.setSource(docId); + r1.setTarget(otherId); + r1.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); + r1.setDataInfo(info); + r1.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); + res.add(r1); + + final Relation r2 = new Relation(); + r2.setRelType("resultResult"); + r2.setSubRelType("publicationDataset"); + r2.setRelClass("isRelatedTo"); + r2.setSource(otherId); + r2.setTarget(docId); + r2.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); + r2.setDataInfo(info); + r2.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); + res.add(r2); + } } return res; } @@ -228,5 +271,4 @@ public class OafToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { protected Qualifier prepareResourceType(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return null; // NOT PRESENT IN OAF } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/OdfToOafMapper.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/OdfToOafMapper.java index 6a6def9777..93b0eb29ce 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/OdfToOafMapper.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/OdfToOafMapper.java @@ -1,16 +1,29 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.dom4j.Document; -import org.dom4j.Node; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.createOpenaireId; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.field; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.structuredProperty; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.*; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.dom4j.Document; +import org.dom4j.Node; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.GeoLocation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Instance; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.KeyValue; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; public class OdfToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { @@ -44,30 +57,57 @@ public class OdfToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { private List preparePids(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("./datacite:nameIdentifier")) { - res.add(structuredProperty(((Node) o).getText(), prepareQualifier((Node) o, "./@nameIdentifierScheme", "dnet:pid_types", "dnet:pid_types"), info)); + res + .add( + structuredProperty( + ((Node) o).getText(), + prepareQualifier( + (Node) o, "./@nameIdentifierScheme", "dnet:pid_types", "dnet:pid_types"), + info)); } return res; } @Override - protected List prepareInstances(final Document doc, final DataInfo info, final KeyValue collectedfrom, final KeyValue hostedby) { - final List res = new ArrayList<>(); + protected List prepareInstances( + final Document doc, + final DataInfo info, + final KeyValue collectedfrom, + final KeyValue hostedby) { + + final Instance instance = new Instance(); + instance.setUrl(new ArrayList<>()); + instance + .setInstancetype( + prepareQualifier( + doc, "//dr:CobjCategory", "dnet:publication_resource", "dnet:publication_resource")); + instance.setCollectedfrom(collectedfrom); + instance.setHostedby(hostedby); + instance.setDateofacceptance(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:dateAccepted"), info)); + instance.setDistributionlocation(doc.valueOf("//oaf:distributionlocation")); + instance + .setAccessright( + prepareQualifier(doc, "//oaf:accessrights", "dnet:access_modes", "dnet:access_modes")); + instance.setLicense(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:license"), info)); + instance.setRefereed(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:refereed"), info)); + instance.setProcessingchargeamount(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount"), info)); + instance + .setProcessingchargecurrency( + field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount/@currency"), info)); + for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//datacite:alternateIdentifier[@alternateIdentifierType='URL']")) { - final Instance instance = new Instance(); - instance.setUrl(Arrays.asList(((Node) o).getText().trim())); - instance.setInstancetype(prepareQualifier(doc, "//dr:CobjCategory", "dnet:publication_resource", "dnet:publication_resource")); - instance.setCollectedfrom(collectedfrom); - instance.setHostedby(hostedby); - instance.setDateofacceptance(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:dateAccepted"), info)); - instance.setDistributionlocation(doc.valueOf("//oaf:distributionlocation")); - instance.setAccessright(prepareQualifier(doc, "//oaf:accessrights", "dnet:access_modes", "dnet:access_modes")); - instance.setLicense(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:license"), info)); - instance.setRefereed(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:refereed"), info)); - instance.setProcessingchargeamount(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount"), info)); - instance.setProcessingchargecurrency(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount/@currency"), info)); - res.add(instance); + instance.getUrl().add(((Node) o).getText().trim()); } - return res; + for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//datacite:identifier[@identifierType='URL']")) { + instance.getUrl().add(((Node) o).getText().trim()); + } + for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//datacite:alternateIdentifier[@alternateIdentifierType='DOI']")) { + instance.getUrl().add("http://dx.doi.org/" + ((Node) o).getText().trim()); + } + for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//datacite:identifier[@identifierType='DOI']")) { + instance.getUrl().add("http://dx.doi.org/" + ((Node) o).getText().trim()); + } + return Arrays.asList(instance); } @Override @@ -80,9 +120,20 @@ public class OdfToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//datacite:date")) { final String dateType = ((Node) o).valueOf("@dateType"); - if (StringUtils.isBlank(dateType) && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Accepted") && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Issued") - && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Updated") && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Available")) { - res.add(structuredProperty(((Node) o).getText(), "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", "dnet:dataCite_date", "dnet:dataCite_date", info)); + if (StringUtils.isBlank(dateType) + && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Accepted") + && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Issued") + && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Updated") + && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Available")) { + res + .add( + structuredProperty( + ((Node) o).getText(), + "UNKNOWN", + "UNKNOWN", + "dnet:dataCite_date", + "dnet:dataCite_date", + info)); } } return res; @@ -124,38 +175,54 @@ public class OdfToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { } @Override - protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductTools(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductTools( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override - protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { - return prepareListFields(doc, "//datacite:contributor[@contributorType='ContactGroup']/datacite:contributorName", info); + protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + return prepareListFields( + doc, + "//datacite:contributor[@contributorType='ContactGroup']/datacite:contributorName", + info); } @Override - protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { - return prepareListFields(doc, "//datacite:contributor[@contributorType='ContactPerson']/datacite:contributorName", info); + protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + return prepareListFields( + doc, + "//datacite:contributor[@contributorType='ContactPerson']/datacite:contributorName", + info); } @Override protected Qualifier prepareSoftwareProgrammingLanguage(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { - return prepareQualifier(doc, "//datacite:format", "dnet:programming_languages", "dnet:programming_languages"); + return prepareQualifier( + doc, "//datacite:format", "dnet:programming_languages", "dnet:programming_languages"); } @Override - protected Field prepareSoftwareCodeRepositoryUrl(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected Field prepareSoftwareCodeRepositoryUrl( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return null; // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override - protected List prepareSoftwareLicenses(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { - return new ArrayList<>(); // Not present in ODF ??? + protected List prepareSoftwareLicenses( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + return new ArrayList<>(); // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override - protected List> prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { - return prepareListFields(doc, "//datacite:relatedIdentifier[@relatedIdentifierType='URL' and @relationType='IsDocumentedBy']", info); + protected List> prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + return prepareListFields( + doc, + "//datacite:relatedIdentifier[@relatedIdentifierType='URL' and @relationType='IsDocumentedBy']", + info); } // DATASETS @@ -175,12 +242,14 @@ public class OdfToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { } @Override - protected Field prepareDatasetMetadataVersionNumber(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { - return null; // Not present in ODF ??? + protected Field prepareDatasetMetadataVersionNumber( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + return null; // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override - protected Field prepareDatasetLastMetadataUpdate(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { + protected Field prepareDatasetLastMetadataUpdate( + final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareField(doc, "//datacite:date[@dateType='Updated']", info); } @@ -205,41 +274,76 @@ public class OdfToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { } @Override - protected List addOtherResultRels(final Document doc, final KeyValue collectedFrom, final DataInfo info, final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { + protected List addOtherResultRels( + final Document doc, + final KeyValue collectedFrom, + final DataInfo info, + final long lastUpdateTimestamp) { final String docId = createOpenaireId(50, doc.valueOf("//dri:objIdentifier"), false); final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//datacite:relatedIdentifier[@relatedIdentifierType='OPENAIRE']")) { - final String otherId = createOpenaireId(50, ((Node) o).getText(), false); - final String type = ((Node) o).valueOf("@relationType"); - if (type.equals("IsSupplementTo")) { - res.add(prepareOtherResultRel(collectedFrom, info, lastUpdateTimestamp, docId, otherId, "supplement", "isSupplementTo")); - res.add(prepareOtherResultRel(collectedFrom, info, lastUpdateTimestamp, otherId, docId, "supplement", "isSupplementedBy")); - } else if (type.equals("IsPartOf")) { - res.add(prepareOtherResultRel(collectedFrom, info, lastUpdateTimestamp, docId, otherId, "part", "IsPartOf")); - res.add(prepareOtherResultRel(collectedFrom, info, lastUpdateTimestamp, otherId, docId, "part", "HasParts")); - } else {} + final String originalId = ((Node) o).getText(); + + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(originalId)) { + final String otherId = createOpenaireId(50, originalId, false); + final String type = ((Node) o).valueOf("@relationType"); + + if (type.equals("IsSupplementTo")) { + res + .add( + prepareOtherResultRel( + collectedFrom, + info, + lastUpdateTimestamp, + docId, + otherId, + "supplement", + "isSupplementTo")); + res + .add( + prepareOtherResultRel( + collectedFrom, + info, + lastUpdateTimestamp, + otherId, + docId, + "supplement", + "isSupplementedBy")); + } else if (type.equals("IsPartOf")) { + res + .add( + prepareOtherResultRel( + collectedFrom, info, lastUpdateTimestamp, docId, otherId, "part", "IsPartOf")); + res + .add( + prepareOtherResultRel( + collectedFrom, info, lastUpdateTimestamp, otherId, docId, "part", "HasParts")); + } else { + } + } } return res; } - private Relation prepareOtherResultRel(final KeyValue collectedFrom, - final DataInfo info, - final long lastUpdateTimestamp, - final String source, - final String target, - final String subRelType, - final String relClass) { + private Relation prepareOtherResultRel( + final KeyValue collectedFrom, + final DataInfo info, + final long lastUpdateTimestamp, + final String source, + final String target, + final String subRelType, + final String relClass) { final Relation r = new Relation(); r.setRelType("resultResult"); r.setSubRelType(subRelType); r.setRelClass(relClass); r.setSource(source); r.setTarget(target); - r.setCollectedFrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); + r.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(collectedFrom)); r.setDataInfo(info); r.setLastupdatetimestamp(lastUpdateTimestamp); return r; @@ -247,7 +351,10 @@ public class OdfToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { @Override protected Qualifier prepareResourceType(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { - return prepareQualifier(doc, "//*[local-name() = 'resource']//*[local-name() = 'resourceType']", "dnet:dataCite_resource", "dnet:dataCite_resource"); + return prepareQualifier( + doc, + "//*[local-name() = 'resource']//*[local-name() = 'resourceType']", + "dnet:dataCite_resource", + "dnet:dataCite_resource"); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/AbstractMigrationApplication.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/AbstractMigrationApplication.java index aec1ea50dd..f7579c0a08 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/AbstractMigrationApplication.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/AbstractMigrationApplication.java @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import java.io.Closeable; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; + import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; @@ -9,9 +13,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; -import java.io.Closeable; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; public class AbstractMigrationApplication implements Closeable { @@ -35,15 +37,20 @@ public class AbstractMigrationApplication implements Closeable { log.info(String.format("Creating SequenceFile Writer, hdfsPath=%s", hdfsPath)); - this.writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(getConf(), SequenceFile.Writer.file(new Path(hdfsPath)), SequenceFile.Writer - .keyClass(Text.class), SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(Text.class)); + this.writer = SequenceFile + .createWriter( + getConf(), + SequenceFile.Writer.file(new Path(hdfsPath)), + SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(Text.class), + SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(Text.class)); } private Configuration getConf() throws IOException { final Configuration conf = new Configuration(); /* - * conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsNameNode); conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName()); - * conf.set("fs.file.impl", org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem.class.getName()); System.setProperty("HADOOP_USER_NAME", hdfsUser); + * conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsNameNode); conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", + * org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName()); conf.set("fs.file.impl", + * org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem.class.getName()); System.setProperty("HADOOP_USER_NAME", hdfsUser); * System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "/"); FileSystem.get(URI.create(hdfsNameNode), conf); */ return conf; @@ -76,5 +83,4 @@ public class AbstractMigrationApplication implements Closeable { writer.hflush(); writer.close(); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/DbClient.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/DbClient.java index 9c0562946e..94f17aad52 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/DbClient.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/DbClient.java @@ -1,27 +1,29 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; +import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; + public class DbClient implements Closeable { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DbClient.class); - private Connection connection; + private final Connection connection; public DbClient(final String address, final String login, final String password) { try { Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); - this.connection = - StringUtils.isNoneBlank(login, password) ? DriverManager.getConnection(address, login, password) : DriverManager.getConnection(address); + this.connection = StringUtils.isNoneBlank(login, password) + ? DriverManager.getConnection(address, login, password) + : DriverManager.getConnection(address); this.connection.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (final Exception e) { log.error("Connection to postgresDB failed"); @@ -57,5 +59,4 @@ public class DbClient implements Closeable { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/MdstoreClient.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/MdstoreClient.java index ac700ef63e..a2177935ad 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/MdstoreClient.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/MdstoreClient.java @@ -1,14 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; -import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; -import com.mongodb.MongoClient; -import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI; -import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; -import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; -import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import org.bson.Document; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; @@ -17,6 +8,17 @@ import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.stream.StreamSupport; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; +import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; +import org.bson.Document; + +import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; +import com.mongodb.MongoClient; +import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI; +import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; +import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; + public class MdstoreClient implements Closeable { private final MongoClient client; @@ -32,7 +34,8 @@ public class MdstoreClient implements Closeable { this.db = getDb(client, dbName); } - public Map validCollections(final String mdFormat, final String mdLayout, final String mdInterpretation) { + public Map validCollections( + final String mdFormat, final String mdLayout, final String mdInterpretation) { final Map transactions = new HashMap<>(); for (final Document entry : getColl(db, COLL_METADATA_MANAGER, true).find()) { @@ -45,8 +48,10 @@ public class MdstoreClient implements Closeable { final Map res = new HashMap<>(); for (final Document entry : getColl(db, COLL_METADATA, true).find()) { - if (entry.getString("format").equals(mdFormat) && entry.getString("layout").equals(mdLayout) - && entry.getString("interpretation").equals(mdInterpretation) && transactions.containsKey(entry.getString("mdId"))) { + if (entry.getString("format").equals(mdFormat) + && entry.getString("layout").equals(mdLayout) + && entry.getString("interpretation").equals(mdInterpretation) + && transactions.containsKey(entry.getString("mdId"))) { res.put(entry.getString("mdId"), transactions.get(entry.getString("mdId"))); } } @@ -63,9 +68,12 @@ public class MdstoreClient implements Closeable { return client.getDatabase(dbName); } - private MongoCollection getColl(final MongoDatabase db, final String collName, final boolean abortIfMissing) { + private MongoCollection getColl( + final MongoDatabase db, final String collName, final boolean abortIfMissing) { if (!Iterables.contains(db.listCollectionNames(), collName)) { - final String err = String.format(String.format("Missing collection '%s' in database '%s'", collName, db.getName())); + final String err = String + .format( + String.format("Missing collection '%s' in database '%s'", collName, db.getName())); log.warn(err); if (abortIfMissing) { throw new RuntimeException(err); @@ -78,16 +86,17 @@ public class MdstoreClient implements Closeable { public Iterable listRecords(final String collName) { final MongoCollection coll = getColl(db, collName, false); - return coll == null ? new ArrayList<>() - : () -> StreamSupport.stream(coll.find().spliterator(), false) - .filter(e -> e.containsKey("body")) - .map(e -> e.getString("body")) - .iterator(); + return coll == null + ? new ArrayList<>() + : () -> StreamSupport + .stream(coll.find().spliterator(), false) + .filter(e -> e.containsKey("body")) + .map(e -> e.getString("body")) + .iterator(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { client.close(); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/MigrationConstants.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/MigrationConstants.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15bff95650 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/MigrationConstants.java @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; + +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common.OafMapperUtils.qualifier; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; + +public class MigrationConstants { + + public static final Qualifier PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER = qualifier( + "publication", "publication", "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"); + public static final Qualifier DATASET_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER = qualifier( + "dataset", "dataset", + "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"); + public static final Qualifier SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER = qualifier( + "software", "software", + "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"); + public static final Qualifier OTHER_RESULTTYPE_QUALIFIER = qualifier( + "other", "other", + "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"); + public static final Qualifier REPOSITORY_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS = qualifier( + "sysimport:crosswalk:repository", "sysimport:crosswalk:repository", + "dnet:provenanceActions", "dnet:provenanceActions"); + public static final Qualifier ENTITYREGISTRY_PROVENANCE_ACTION = qualifier( + "sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry", "sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry", + "dnet:provenanceActions", "dnet:provenanceActions"); +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/OafMapperUtils.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/OafMapperUtils.java index d02070a8b6..9beed28371 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/OafMapperUtils.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/OafMapperUtils.java @@ -1,8 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; @@ -10,6 +7,11 @@ import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; + public class OafMapperUtils { public static KeyValue keyValue(final String k, final String v) { @@ -20,7 +22,9 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { } public static List listKeyValues(final String... s) { - if (s.length % 2 > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid number of parameters (k,v,k,v,....)"); } + if (s.length % 2 > 0) { + throw new RuntimeException("Invalid number of parameters (k,v,k,v,....)"); + } final List list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i += 2) { @@ -30,7 +34,9 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { } public static Field field(final T value, final DataInfo info) { - if (value == null || StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) { return null; } + if (value == null || StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) { + return null; + } final Field field = new Field<>(); field.setValue(value); @@ -39,14 +45,26 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { } public static List> listFields(final DataInfo info, final String... values) { - return Arrays.stream(values).map(v -> field(v, info)).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList()); + return Arrays + .stream(values) + .map(v -> field(v, info)) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public static List> listFields(final DataInfo info, final List values) { - return values.stream().map(v -> field(v, info)).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList()); + return values + .stream() + .map(v -> field(v, info)) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); } - public static Qualifier qualifier(final String classid, final String classname, final String schemeid, final String schemename) { + public static Qualifier qualifier( + final String classid, + final String classname, + final String schemeid, + final String schemename) { final Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); q.setClassid(classid); q.setClassname(classname); @@ -55,18 +73,22 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { return q; } - public static StructuredProperty structuredProperty(final String value, - final String classid, - final String classname, - final String schemeid, - final String schemename, - final DataInfo dataInfo) { + public static StructuredProperty structuredProperty( + final String value, + final String classid, + final String classname, + final String schemeid, + final String schemename, + final DataInfo dataInfo) { return structuredProperty(value, qualifier(classid, classname, schemeid, schemename), dataInfo); } - public static StructuredProperty structuredProperty(final String value, final Qualifier qualifier, final DataInfo dataInfo) { - if (value == null) { return null; } + public static StructuredProperty structuredProperty( + final String value, final Qualifier qualifier, final DataInfo dataInfo) { + if (value == null) { + return null; + } final StructuredProperty sp = new StructuredProperty(); sp.setValue(value); sp.setQualifier(qualifier); @@ -74,7 +96,12 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { return sp; } - public static ExtraInfo extraInfo(final String name, final String value, final String typology, final String provenance, final String trust) { + public static ExtraInfo extraInfo( + final String name, + final String value, + final String typology, + final String provenance, + final String trust) { final ExtraInfo info = new ExtraInfo(); info.setName(name); info.setValue(value); @@ -84,12 +111,13 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { return info; } - public static OAIProvenance oaiIProvenance(final String identifier, - final String baseURL, - final String metadataNamespace, - final Boolean altered, - final String datestamp, - final String harvestDate) { + public static OAIProvenance oaiIProvenance( + final String identifier, + final String baseURL, + final String metadataNamespace, + final Boolean altered, + final String datestamp, + final String harvestDate) { final OriginDescription desc = new OriginDescription(); desc.setIdentifier(identifier); @@ -105,20 +133,24 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { return p; } - public static Journal journal(final String name, - final String issnPrinted, - final String issnOnline, - final String issnLinking, - final String ep, - final String iss, - final String sp, - final String vol, - final String edition, - final String conferenceplace, - final String conferencedate, - final DataInfo dataInfo) { + public static Journal journal( + final String name, + final String issnPrinted, + final String issnOnline, + final String issnLinking, + final String ep, + final String iss, + final String sp, + final String vol, + final String edition, + final String conferenceplace, + final String conferencedate, + final DataInfo dataInfo) { - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(issnPrinted) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(issnOnline) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(issnLinking)) { + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name) + || StringUtils.isNotBlank(issnPrinted) + || StringUtils.isNotBlank(issnOnline) + || StringUtils.isNotBlank(issnLinking)) { final Journal j = new Journal(); j.setName(name); j.setIssnPrinted(issnPrinted); @@ -138,12 +170,13 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { } } - public static DataInfo dataInfo(final Boolean deletedbyinference, - final String inferenceprovenance, - final Boolean inferred, - final Boolean invisible, - final Qualifier provenanceaction, - final String trust) { + public static DataInfo dataInfo( + final Boolean deletedbyinference, + final String inferenceprovenance, + final Boolean inferred, + final Boolean invisible, + final Qualifier provenanceaction, + final String trust) { final DataInfo d = new DataInfo(); d.setDeletedbyinference(deletedbyinference); d.setInferenceprovenance(inferenceprovenance); @@ -154,7 +187,8 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { return d; } - public static String createOpenaireId(final int prefix, final String originalId, final boolean to_md5) { + public static String createOpenaireId( + final int prefix, final String originalId, final boolean to_md5) { if (to_md5) { final String nsPrefix = StringUtils.substringBefore(originalId, "::"); final String rest = StringUtils.substringAfter(originalId, "::"); @@ -164,23 +198,23 @@ public class OafMapperUtils { } } - public static String createOpenaireId(final String type, final String originalId, final boolean to_md5) { + public static String createOpenaireId( + final String type, final String originalId, final boolean to_md5) { switch (type) { - case "datasource": - return createOpenaireId(10, originalId, to_md5); - case "organization": - return createOpenaireId(20, originalId, to_md5); - case "person": - return createOpenaireId(30, originalId, to_md5); - case "project": - return createOpenaireId(40, originalId, to_md5); - default: - return createOpenaireId(50, originalId, to_md5); + case "datasource": + return createOpenaireId(10, originalId, to_md5); + case "organization": + return createOpenaireId(20, originalId, to_md5); + case "person": + return createOpenaireId(30, originalId, to_md5); + case "project": + return createOpenaireId(40, originalId, to_md5); + default: + return createOpenaireId(50, originalId, to_md5); } } public static String asString(final Object o) { return o == null ? "" : o.toString(); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/PacePerson.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/PacePerson.java index a72788728c..d1c615dcdd 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/PacePerson.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/common/PacePerson.java @@ -1,18 +1,21 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.common; +import java.nio.charset.Charset; +import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; +import java.text.Normalizer; +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Set; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; + import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.hash.Hashing; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; - -import java.nio.charset.Charset; -import java.text.Normalizer; -import java.util.HashSet; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Set; public class PacePerson { @@ -137,7 +140,10 @@ public class PacePerson { } public String hash() { - return Hashing.murmur3_128().hashString(getNormalisedFullname(), Charset.forName(UTF8)).toString(); + return Hashing + .murmur3_128() + .hashString(getNormalisedFullname(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) + .toString(); } public String getNormalisedFirstName() { @@ -153,11 +159,15 @@ public class PacePerson { } public String getNormalisedFullname() { - return isAccurate() ? getNormalisedSurname() + ", " + getNormalisedFirstName() : Joiner.on(" ").join(fullname); + return isAccurate() + ? getNormalisedSurname() + ", " + getNormalisedFirstName() + : Joiner.on(" ").join(fullname); } public List getCapitalFirstnames() { - return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.transform(getNameWithAbbreviations(), PacePerson::capitalize)); + return Lists + .newArrayList( + Iterables.transform(getNameWithAbbreviations(), PacePerson::capitalize)); } public List getCapitalSurname() { @@ -171,5 +181,4 @@ public class PacePerson { public boolean isAccurate() { return name != null && surname != null && !name.isEmpty() && !surname.isEmpty(); } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ImportDataFromMongo.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ImportDataFromMongo.java index c313c139ec..bc40afbfd6 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ImportDataFromMongo.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ImportDataFromMongo.java @@ -1,21 +1,6 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph; -import com.mongodb.DBObject; -import com.mongodb.MongoClient; -import com.mongodb.QueryBuilder; -import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable; -import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; -import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; -import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; -import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; -import org.bson.Document; -import org.bson.conversions.Bson; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; @@ -25,122 +10,144 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; +import org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable; +import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile; +import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; +import org.bson.Document; +import org.bson.conversions.Bson; + +import com.mongodb.DBObject; +import com.mongodb.MongoClient; +import com.mongodb.QueryBuilder; +import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable; +import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; +import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; + /** - * This job is responsible to collect - * data from mongoDatabase and store in a sequence File on HDFS - * Mongo database contains information of each MDSTore in two collections: - * -metadata - * That contains info like: - * ID, format, layout, interpretation - * -metadataManager: - * that contains info : - * ID, mongoCollectionName - * from the metadata collection we filter the ids with Format, layout, and Interpretation - * from the metadataManager we get the current MONGO collection name which contains metadata XML - * see function getCurrentId - * - * This Job will be called different times in base at the triple we want import, - * and generates for each triple a sequence file of XML - * + * This job is responsible to collect data from mongoDatabase and store in a sequence File on HDFS Mongo database + * contains information of each MDSTore in two collections: -metadata That contains info like: ID, format, layout, + * interpretation -metadataManager: that contains info : ID, mongoCollectionName from the metadata collection we filter + * the ids with Format, layout, and Interpretation from the metadataManager we get the current MONGO collection name + * which contains metadata XML see function getCurrentId + *

+ * This Job will be called different times in base at the triple we want import, and generates for each triple a + * sequence file of XML */ - public class ImportDataFromMongo { - /** - * It requires in input some parameters described on a file eu/dnetlib/dhp/graph/sx/import_from_mongo_parameters.json - * - * - the name node - * - the paht where store HDFS File - * - the mongo host - * - the mongo port - * - the metadata format to import - * - the metadata layout to import - * - the metadata interpretation to import - * - the mongo database Name - * - * This params are encoded into args - * - * + /** + * It requires in input some parameters described on a file + * eu/dnetlib/dhp/graph/sx/import_from_mongo_parameters.json + *

+ * - the name node - the paht where store HDFS File - the mongo host - the mongo port - the metadata format to + * import - the metadata layout to import - the metadata interpretation to import - the mongo database Name + *

+ * This params are encoded into args + * + * @param args + * @throws Exception + */ + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + ImportDataFromMongo.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/argumentparser/import_from_mongo_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final int port = Integer.parseInt(parser.get("dbport")); + final String host = parser.get("dbhost"); - * - * - * @param args - * @throws Exception - */ - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - ImportDataFromMongo.class.getResourceAsStream( - "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/argumentparser/import_from_mongo_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final int port = Integer.parseInt(parser.get("dbport")); - final String host = parser.get("dbhost"); + final String format = parser.get("format"); + final String layout = parser.get("layout"); + final String interpretation = parser.get("interpretation"); - final String format = parser.get("format"); - final String layout = parser.get("layout"); - final String interpretation = parser.get("interpretation"); + final String dbName = parser.get("dbName"); + final MongoClient client = new MongoClient(host, port); + MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(dbName); - final String dbName = parser.get("dbName"); - final MongoClient client = new MongoClient(host, port); - MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(dbName); + MongoCollection metadata = database.getCollection("metadata"); + MongoCollection metadataManager = database.getCollection("metadataManager"); + final DBObject query = QueryBuilder + .start("format") + .is(format) + .and("layout") + .is(layout) + .and("interpretation") + .is(interpretation) + .get(); + final List ids = new ArrayList<>(); + metadata + .find((Bson) query) + .forEach((Consumer) document -> ids.add(document.getString("mdId"))); + List databaseId = ids + .stream() + .map(it -> getCurrentId(it, metadataManager)) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); - MongoCollection metadata = database.getCollection("metadata"); - MongoCollection metadataManager = database.getCollection("metadataManager"); - final DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("format").is(format).and("layout").is(layout).and("interpretation").is(interpretation).get(); - final List ids = new ArrayList<>(); - metadata.find((Bson) query).forEach((Consumer) document -> ids.add(document.getString("mdId"))); - List databaseId = ids.stream().map(it -> getCurrentId(it, metadataManager)).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList()); + final String hdfsuri = parser.get("namenode"); + // ====== Init HDFS File System Object + Configuration conf = new Configuration(); + // Set FileSystem URI + conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsuri); + // Because of Maven + conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName()); + conf.set("fs.file.impl", org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem.class.getName()); + FileSystem.get(URI.create(hdfsuri), conf); + Path hdfswritepath = new Path(parser.get("targetPath")); - final String hdfsuri = parser.get("namenode"); - // ====== Init HDFS File System Object - Configuration conf = new Configuration(); - // Set FileSystem URI - conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsuri); - // Because of Maven - conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName()); - conf.set("fs.file.impl", org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem.class.getName()); + final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); + try (SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile + .createWriter( + conf, + SequenceFile.Writer.file(hdfswritepath), + SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(IntWritable.class), + SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(Text.class))) { + final IntWritable key = new IntWritable(counter.get()); + final Text value = new Text(); + databaseId + .forEach( + id -> { + System.out.println("Reading :" + id); + MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(id); + collection + .find() + .forEach( + (Consumer) document -> { + key.set(counter.getAndIncrement()); + value.set(document.getString("body")); - FileSystem.get(URI.create(hdfsuri), conf); - Path hdfswritepath = new Path(parser.get("targetPath")); - - final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); - try (SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(conf, - SequenceFile.Writer.file(hdfswritepath), SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(IntWritable.class), - SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(Text.class))) { - final IntWritable key = new IntWritable(counter.get()); - final Text value = new Text(); - databaseId.forEach(id -> { - System.out.println("Reading :"+id); - MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(id); - collection.find().forEach((Consumer) document -> - { - key.set(counter.getAndIncrement()); - value.set(document.getString("body")); - - if (counter.get() % 10000 == 0) { - System.out.println("Added "+counter.get()); - } - try { - writer.append(key, value); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } - ); - }); - } - } - - /** - * Return the name of mongo collection giving an MdStore ID - * @param mdId The id of the MDStore - * @param metadataManager The collection metadataManager on mongo which contains this information - * @return - */ - private static String getCurrentId(final String mdId, final MongoCollection metadataManager) { - FindIterable result = metadataManager.find((Bson) QueryBuilder.start("mdId").is(mdId).get()); - final Document item = result.first(); - return item == null ? null : item.getString("currentId"); - } + if (counter.get() % 10000 == 0) { + System.out.println("Added " + counter.get()); + } + try { + writer.append(key, value); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + }); + }); + } + } + /** + * Return the name of mongo collection giving an MdStore ID + * + * @param mdId The id of the MDStore + * @param metadataManager The collection metadataManager on mongo which contains this information + * @return + */ + private static String getCurrentId( + final String mdId, final MongoCollection metadataManager) { + FindIterable result = metadataManager.find((Bson) QueryBuilder.start("mdId").is(mdId).get()); + final Document item = result.first(); + return item == null ? null : item.getString("currentId"); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkExtractEntitiesJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkExtractEntitiesJob.java index f2a1aa4d71..4f015a9ad8 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkExtractEntitiesJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkExtractEntitiesJob.java @@ -1,124 +1,126 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph; -import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; + +import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; import net.minidev.json.JSONArray; -import java.util.Arrays; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - - /** - * This Job extracts a typology of entity and stores it in a new RDD - * This job is called different times, for each file generated by the Job {@link ImportDataFromMongo} - * and store the new RDD in a path that should be under a folder: - * extractedEntities/entity/version1 - * - * at the end of this process we will have : - * extractedEntities/dataset/version1 - * extractedEntities/dataset/version2 - * extractedEntities/dataset/... - * extractedEntities/publication/version1 - * extractedEntities/publication/version2 - * extractedEntities/publication/... - * extractedEntities/unknown/version1 - * extractedEntities/unknown/version2 - * extractedEntities/unknown/... - * extractedEntities/relation/version1 - * extractedEntities/relation/version2 - * extractedEntities/relation/... + * This Job extracts a typology of entity and stores it in a new RDD This job is called different times, for each file + * generated by the Job {@link ImportDataFromMongo} and store the new RDD in a path that should be under a folder: + * extractedEntities/entity/version1 + *

+ * at the end of this process we will have : extractedEntities/dataset/version1 extractedEntities/dataset/version2 + * extractedEntities/dataset/... extractedEntities/publication/version1 extractedEntities/publication/version2 + * extractedEntities/publication/... extractedEntities/unknown/version1 extractedEntities/unknown/version2 + * extractedEntities/unknown/... extractedEntities/relation/version1 extractedEntities/relation/version2 + * extractedEntities/relation/... */ - public class SparkExtractEntitiesJob { - final static String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; - final static String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; - final static String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; + static final String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; + static final String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; + static final String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkExtractEntitiesJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/argumentparser/input_extract_entities_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkExtractEntitiesJob.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); + final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath"); + final String tdir = parser.get("targetDir"); + final JavaRDD inputRDD = sc.textFile(inputPath); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - SparkExtractEntitiesJob.class.getResourceAsStream( - "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/argumentparser/input_extract_entities_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkExtractEntitiesJob.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); - final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath"); - final String tdir =parser.get("targetDir"); - final JavaRDD inputRDD = sc.textFile(inputPath); + List entities = Arrays + .stream(parser.get("entities").split(",")) + .map(String::trim) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + if (entities.stream().anyMatch("dataset"::equalsIgnoreCase)) { + // Extract Dataset + inputRDD + .filter(SparkExtractEntitiesJob::isDataset) + .saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/dataset/" + tdir, GzipCodec.class); + } + if (entities.stream().anyMatch("unknown"::equalsIgnoreCase)) { + // Extract Unknown + inputRDD + .filter(SparkExtractEntitiesJob::isUnknown) + .saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/unknown/" + tdir, GzipCodec.class); + } - List entities = Arrays.stream(parser.get("entities").split(",")).map(String::trim).collect(Collectors.toList()); - if (entities.stream().anyMatch("dataset"::equalsIgnoreCase)) { - //Extract Dataset - inputRDD.filter(SparkExtractEntitiesJob::isDataset).saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/dataset/"+tdir, GzipCodec.class); - } - if (entities.stream().anyMatch("unknown"::equalsIgnoreCase)) { - //Extract Unknown - inputRDD.filter(SparkExtractEntitiesJob::isUnknown).saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/unknown/"+tdir, GzipCodec.class); - } + if (entities.stream().anyMatch("relation"::equalsIgnoreCase)) { + // Extract Relation + inputRDD + .filter(SparkExtractEntitiesJob::isRelation) + .saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/relation/" + tdir, GzipCodec.class); + } + if (entities.stream().anyMatch("publication"::equalsIgnoreCase)) { + // Extract Relation + inputRDD + .filter(SparkExtractEntitiesJob::isPublication) + .saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/publication/" + tdir, GzipCodec.class); + } + } - if (entities.stream().anyMatch("relation"::equalsIgnoreCase)) { - //Extract Relation - inputRDD.filter(SparkExtractEntitiesJob::isRelation).saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/relation/"+tdir, GzipCodec.class); - } - if (entities.stream().anyMatch("publication"::equalsIgnoreCase)) { - //Extract Relation - inputRDD.filter(SparkExtractEntitiesJob::isPublication).saveAsTextFile(targetPath + "/publication/"+tdir, GzipCodec.class); - } - } + public static boolean isDataset(final String json) { + final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, json); + if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) + return false; + return id.startsWith("60|"); + } + public static boolean isPublication(final String json) { + final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, json); + if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) + return false; + return id.startsWith("50|"); + } - public static boolean isDataset(final String json) { - final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, json); - if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) return false; - return id.startsWith("60|"); - } - - - public static boolean isPublication(final String json) { - final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, json); - if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) return false; - return id.startsWith("50|"); - } - - public static boolean isUnknown(final String json) { - final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, json); - if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) return false; - return id.startsWith("70|"); - } - - public static boolean isRelation(final String json) { - final String source = getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, json); - final String target = getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, json); - return StringUtils.isNotBlank(source) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(target); - } - - - public static String getJPathString(final String jsonPath, final String json) { - try { - Object o = JsonPath.read(json, jsonPath); - if (o instanceof String) - return (String) o; - if (o instanceof JSONArray && ((JSONArray) o).size() > 0) - return (String) ((JSONArray) o).get(0); - return ""; - } catch (Exception e) { - return ""; - } - } + public static boolean isUnknown(final String json) { + final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, json); + if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) + return false; + return id.startsWith("70|"); + } + public static boolean isRelation(final String json) { + final String source = getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, json); + final String target = getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, json); + return StringUtils.isNotBlank(source) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(target); + } + public static String getJPathString(final String jsonPath, final String json) { + try { + Object o = JsonPath.read(json, jsonPath); + if (o instanceof String) + return (String) o; + if (o instanceof JSONArray && ((JSONArray) o).size() > 0) + return (String) ((JSONArray) o).get(0); + return ""; + } catch (Exception e) { + return ""; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity.java index 8061401602..f3d7fd40ff 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity.java @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; @@ -10,54 +9,67 @@ import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIRelation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import scala.Tuple2; - /** - * In some case the identifier generated for the Entity in @{@link SparkExtractEntitiesJob} is different from the identifier - * * associated by the aggregator, this means that some relation points to missing identifier - * To avoid this problem we store in the model the Id and the OriginalObJIdentifier - * This jobs extract this pair and creates a Similar relation that will be used in SparkMergeEntities - * + * In some case the identifier generated for the Entity in @{@link SparkExtractEntitiesJob} is different from the + * identifier * associated by the aggregator, this means that some relation points to missing identifier To avoid this + * problem we store in the model the Id and the OriginalObJIdentifier This jobs extract this pair and creates a Similar + * relation that will be used in SparkMergeEntities */ - public class SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity { - final static String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; - final static String OBJIDPATH = "$.originalObjIdentifier"; + static final String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; + static final String OBJIDPATH = "$.originalObjIdentifier"; + public static void generateDataFrame( + final SparkSession spark, + final JavaSparkContext sc, + final String inputPath, + final String targetPath) { + final JavaPairRDD datasetSimRel = sc + .textFile(inputPath + "/dataset/*") + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) k -> new Tuple2<>( + DHPUtils.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, k), + DHPUtils.getJPathString(OBJIDPATH, k))) + .filter( + t -> !StringUtils + .substringAfter(t._1(), "|") + .equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.substringAfter(t._2(), "::"))) + .distinct(); + final JavaPairRDD publicationSimRel = sc + .textFile(inputPath + "/publication/*") + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) k -> new Tuple2<>( + DHPUtils.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, k), + DHPUtils.getJPathString(OBJIDPATH, k))) + .filter( + t -> !StringUtils + .substringAfter(t._1(), "|") + .equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.substringAfter(t._2(), "::"))) + .distinct(); - - public static void generateDataFrame(final SparkSession spark, final JavaSparkContext sc, final String inputPath, final String targetPath) { - - - final JavaPairRDD datasetSimRel = sc.textFile(inputPath+"/dataset/*") - .mapToPair((PairFunction) k -> - new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, k),DHPUtils.getJPathString(OBJIDPATH, k))) - .filter(t -> - !StringUtils.substringAfter(t._1(), "|") - .equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.substringAfter(t._2(), "::"))) - .distinct(); - - final JavaPairRDD publicationSimRel = sc.textFile(inputPath+"/publication/*") - .mapToPair((PairFunction) k -> - new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, k),DHPUtils.getJPathString(OBJIDPATH, k))) - .filter(t -> - !StringUtils.substringAfter(t._1(), "|") - .equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.substringAfter(t._2(), "::"))) - .distinct(); - - JavaRDD simRel = datasetSimRel.union(publicationSimRel).map(s -> { - final Relation r = new Relation(); - r.setSource(s._1()); - r.setTarget(s._2()); - r.setRelType("similar"); - return r; - } - ); - spark.createDataset(simRel.rdd(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)).distinct().write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(targetPath+"/pid_simRel"); - } + JavaRDD simRel = datasetSimRel + .union(publicationSimRel) + .map( + s -> { + final DLIRelation r = new DLIRelation(); + r.setSource(s._1()); + r.setTarget(s._2()); + r.setRelType("similar"); + return r; + }); + spark + .createDataset(simRel.rdd(), Encoders.bean(DLIRelation.class)) + .distinct() + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .save(targetPath + "/pid_simRel"); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob.java index 36d3cf5401..385ac4d1a2 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob.java @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIDataset; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIPublication; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIUnknown; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import net.minidev.json.JSONArray; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; @@ -26,186 +22,236 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIDataset; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIPublication; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIRelation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIUnknown; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +import net.minidev.json.JSONArray; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.Arrays; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - - /** - * This job is responsible of the creation of RAW Graph - * It is applied to the different entities generated from {@link SparkExtractEntitiesJob} - * In case of dataset, publication and Unknown Entities - * we group all the entities of the same type by their identifier, - * and then in the reduce phase we merge all the entities. - * Merge means: - * -merge all the metadata - * -merge the collected From values - * - * In case of relation we need to make a different work: - * -Phase 1: Map reduce jobs - * Map: Get all Relation and emit a key constructed by (source, relType, Target) and the relation itself - * Reduce: Merge all relations - * Looking at the javadoc of {@link SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity} we take the dataset of pid relation - * and joining by source and target we replace the wrong identifier in the relation with the correct ones. - * At the end we replace the new Dataset of Relation + * This job is responsible of the creation of RAW Graph It is applied to the different entities generated from + * {@link SparkExtractEntitiesJob} In case of dataset, publication and Unknown Entities we group all the entities of the + * same type by their identifier, and then in the reduce phase we merge all the entities. Merge means: -merge all the + * metadata -merge the collected From values + *

+ * In case of relation we need to make a different work: -Phase 1: Map reduce jobs Map: Get all Relation and emit a key + * constructed by (source, relType, Target) and the relation itself Reduce: Merge all relations Looking at the javadoc + * of {@link SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity} we take the dataset of pid relation and joining by source and target we + * replace the wrong identifier in the relation with the correct ones. At the end we replace the new Dataset of Relation */ - public class SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob { - final static String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; - final static String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; - final static String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; - final static String RELJSONPATH = "$.relType"; + static final String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; + static final String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; + static final String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; + static final String RELJSONPATH = "$.relType"; - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/argumentparser/merge_entities_scholix_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .config( + new SparkConf() + .set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")) + .appName(SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); + final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath"); + final String entity = parser.get("entity"); + FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(sc.sc().hadoopConfiguration()); + List subFolder = Arrays + .stream(fs.listStatus(new Path(inputPath))) + .filter(FileStatus::isDirectory) + .map(FileStatus::getPath) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + List> inputRdd = new ArrayList<>(); + subFolder.forEach(p -> inputRdd.add(sc.textFile(p.toUri().getRawPath()))); + JavaRDD union = sc.emptyRDD(); + for (JavaRDD item : inputRdd) { + union = union.union(item); + } + switch (entity) { + case "dataset": + union + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) f -> { + final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, f); + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + return new Tuple2<>(id, mapper.readValue(f, DLIDataset.class)); + }) + .reduceByKey( + (a, b) -> { + a.mergeFrom(b); + return a; + }) + .map( + item -> { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(item._2()); + }) + .saveAsTextFile(targetPath, GzipCodec.class); + break; + case "publication": + union + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) f -> { + final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, f); + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + return new Tuple2<>(id, mapper.readValue(f, DLIPublication.class)); + }) + .reduceByKey( + (a, b) -> { + a.mergeFrom(b); + return a; + }) + .map( + item -> { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(item._2()); + }) + .saveAsTextFile(targetPath, GzipCodec.class); + break; + case "unknown": + union + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) f -> { + final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, f); + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + return new Tuple2<>(id, mapper.readValue(f, DLIUnknown.class)); + }) + .reduceByKey( + (a, b) -> { + a.mergeFrom(b); + return a; + }) + .map( + item -> { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(item._2()); + }) + .saveAsTextFile(targetPath, GzipCodec.class); + break; + case "relation": + SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity + .generateDataFrame( + spark, sc, inputPath.replace("/relation", ""), targetPath.replace("/relation", "")); + RDD rdd = union + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) f -> { + final String source = getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, f); + final String target = getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, f); + final String reltype = getJPathString(RELJSONPATH, f); + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper + .configure( + DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + return new Tuple2<>( + DHPUtils + .md5( + String + .format( + "%s::%s::%s", + source.toLowerCase(), + reltype.toLowerCase(), + target.toLowerCase())), + mapper.readValue(f, DLIRelation.class)); + }) + .reduceByKey( + (a, b) -> { + a.mergeFrom(b); + return a; + }) + .map(Tuple2::_2) + .rdd(); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob.class.getResourceAsStream( - "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/argumentparser/merge_entities_scholix_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .config(new SparkConf() - .set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")) - .appName(SparkScholexplorerCreateRawGraphJob.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); - final String targetPath = parser.get("targetPath"); - final String entity = parser.get("entity"); - FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(sc.sc().hadoopConfiguration()); - List subFolder = Arrays.stream(fs.listStatus(new Path(inputPath))).filter(FileStatus::isDirectory).map(FileStatus::getPath).collect(Collectors.toList()); - List> inputRdd = new ArrayList<>(); - subFolder.forEach(p -> inputRdd.add(sc.textFile(p.toUri().getRawPath()))); - JavaRDD union = sc.emptyRDD(); - for (JavaRDD item : inputRdd) { - union = union.union(item); - } - switch (entity) { - case "dataset": - union.mapToPair((PairFunction) f -> { - final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, f); - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - return new Tuple2<>(id, mapper.readValue(f, DLIDataset.class)); - }).reduceByKey((a, b) -> { - a.mergeFrom(b); - return a; - }).map(item -> { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(item._2()); - }).saveAsTextFile(targetPath, GzipCodec.class); - break; - case "publication": - union.mapToPair((PairFunction) f -> { - final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, f); - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - return new Tuple2<>(id, mapper.readValue(f, DLIPublication.class)); - }).reduceByKey((a, b) -> { - a.mergeFrom(b); - return a; - }).map(item -> { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(item._2()); - }).saveAsTextFile(targetPath, GzipCodec.class); - break; - case "unknown": - union.mapToPair((PairFunction) f -> { - final String id = getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, f); - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - return new Tuple2<>(id, mapper.readValue(f, DLIUnknown.class)); - }).reduceByKey((a, b) -> { - a.mergeFrom(b); - return a; - }).map(item -> { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(item._2()); - }).saveAsTextFile(targetPath, GzipCodec.class); - break; - case "relation": + spark + .createDataset(rdd, Encoders.bean(DLIRelation.class)) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .save(targetPath); + Dataset rel_ds = spark.read().load(targetPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + System.out.println("LOADING PATH :" + targetPath.replace("/relation", "") + "/pid_simRel"); + Dataset sim_ds = spark + .read() + .load(targetPath.replace("/relation", "") + "/pid_simRel") + .as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + Dataset ids = sim_ds + .map( + (MapFunction) relation -> { + final String type = StringUtils.substringBefore(relation.getSource(), "|"); + relation + .setTarget( + String + .format( + "%s|%s", + type, StringUtils.substringAfter(relation.getTarget(), "::"))); + return relation; + }, + Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity.generateDataFrame(spark, sc, inputPath.replace("/relation",""),targetPath.replace("/relation","") ); - RDD rdd = union.mapToPair((PairFunction) f -> { - final String source = getJPathString(SOURCEJSONPATH, f); - final String target = getJPathString(TARGETJSONPATH, f); - final String reltype = getJPathString(RELJSONPATH, f); - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - return new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.md5(String.format("%s::%s::%s", source.toLowerCase(), reltype.toLowerCase(), target.toLowerCase())), mapper.readValue(f, Relation.class)); - }).reduceByKey((a, b) -> { - a.mergeFrom(b); - return a; - }).map(Tuple2::_2).rdd(); + final Dataset firstJoin = rel_ds + .joinWith(ids, ids.col("target").equalTo(rel_ds.col("source")), "left_outer") + .map( + (MapFunction, Relation>) s -> { + if (s._2() != null) { + s._1().setSource(s._2().getSource()); + } + return s._1(); + }, + Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - spark.createDataset(rdd, Encoders.bean(Relation.class)).write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(targetPath); - Dataset rel_ds =spark.read().load(targetPath).as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + Dataset secondJoin = firstJoin + .joinWith(ids, ids.col("target").equalTo(firstJoin.col("target")), "left_outer") + .map( + (MapFunction, Relation>) s -> { + if (s._2() != null) { + s._1().setTarget(s._2().getSource()); + } + return s._1(); + }, + Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + secondJoin.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(targetPath + "_fixed"); - System.out.println("LOADING PATH :"+targetPath.replace("/relation","")+"/pid_simRel"); - Datasetsim_ds =spark.read().load(targetPath.replace("/relation","")+"/pid_simRel").as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(sc.hadoopConfiguration()); - Dataset ids = sim_ds.map((MapFunction) relation-> - { - final String type = StringUtils.substringBefore(relation.getSource(), "|"); - relation.setTarget(String.format("%s|%s", type, StringUtils.substringAfter(relation.getTarget(),"::"))); - return relation; - } - , Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + fileSystem.delete(new Path(targetPath), true); + fileSystem.rename(new Path(targetPath + "_fixed"), new Path(targetPath)); + } + } - - final Dataset firstJoin = rel_ds - .joinWith(ids, ids.col("target") - .equalTo(rel_ds.col("source")), "left_outer") - .map((MapFunction, Relation>) s -> - { - if (s._2() != null) { - s._1().setSource(s._2().getSource()); - } - return s._1(); - } - , Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - - - Dataset secondJoin = firstJoin.joinWith(ids, ids.col("target").equalTo(firstJoin.col("target")),"left_outer") - .map((MapFunction, Relation>) s -> - { - if (s._2() != null) { - s._1().setTarget(s._2().getSource()); - } - return s._1(); - } - , Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - secondJoin.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(targetPath+"_fixed"); - - - FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(sc.hadoopConfiguration()); - - - fileSystem.delete(new Path(targetPath), true); - fileSystem.rename(new Path(targetPath+"_fixed"),new Path(targetPath)); - - } - } - - public static String getJPathString(final String jsonPath, final String json) { - try { - Object o = JsonPath.read(json, jsonPath); - if (o instanceof String) - return (String) o; - if (o instanceof JSONArray && ((JSONArray) o).size() > 0) - return (String) ((JSONArray) o).get(0); - return ""; - } catch (Exception e) { - return ""; - } - } + public static String getJPathString(final String jsonPath, final String json) { + try { + Object o = JsonPath.read(json, jsonPath); + if (o instanceof String) + return (String) o; + if (o instanceof JSONArray && ((JSONArray) o).size() > 0) + return (String) ((JSONArray) o).get(0); + return ""; + } catch (Exception e) { + return ""; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter.java index 90606f1b81..97f1251f0a 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter.java @@ -1,11 +1,6 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser.DatasetScholexplorerParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser.PublicationScholexplorerParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; @@ -13,49 +8,65 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.FlatMapFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser.DatasetScholexplorerParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser.PublicationScholexplorerParser; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; import scala.Tuple2; - /** - * This Job read a sequential File containing XML stored in the aggregator - * and generates an RDD of heterogeneous entities like Dataset, Relation, Publication and Unknown + * This Job read a sequential File containing XML stored in the aggregator and generates an RDD of heterogeneous + * entities like Dataset, Relation, Publication and Unknown */ - public class SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter { - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter.class.getResourceAsStream( - "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/argumentparser/input_graph_scholix_parameters.json"))); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/argumentparser/input_graph_scholix_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkScholexplorerGraphImporter.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final String inputPath = parser.get("sourcePath"); - RelationMapper relationMapper = RelationMapper.load(); + RelationMapper relationMapper = RelationMapper.load(); - sc.sequenceFile(inputPath, IntWritable.class, Text.class).map(Tuple2::_2).map(Text::toString).repartition(500) - .flatMap((FlatMapFunction) record -> { - switch (parser.get("entity")) { - case "dataset": - final DatasetScholexplorerParser d = new DatasetScholexplorerParser(); - return d.parseObject(record,relationMapper).iterator(); - case "publication": - final PublicationScholexplorerParser p = new PublicationScholexplorerParser(); - return p.parseObject(record,relationMapper).iterator(); - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong values of entities"); - } - }).map(k -> { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(k); - }).saveAsTextFile(parser.get("targetPath"), GzipCodec.class); - } + sc + .sequenceFile(inputPath, IntWritable.class, Text.class) + .map(Tuple2::_2) + .map(Text::toString) + .repartition(500) + .flatMap( + (FlatMapFunction) record -> { + switch (parser.get("entity")) { + case "dataset": + final DatasetScholexplorerParser d = new DatasetScholexplorerParser(); + return d.parseObject(record, relationMapper).iterator(); + case "publication": + final PublicationScholexplorerParser p = new PublicationScholexplorerParser(); + return p.parseObject(record, relationMapper).iterator(); + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong values of entities"); + } + }) + .map( + k -> { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(k); + }) + .saveAsTextFile(parser.get("targetPath"), GzipCodec.class); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/AbstractScholexplorerParser.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/AbstractScholexplorerParser.java index ca20c0abab..0db2b26884 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/AbstractScholexplorerParser.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/AbstractScholexplorerParser.java @@ -1,113 +1,214 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser; +import java.util.*; +import java.util.regex.Matcher; +import java.util.regex.Pattern; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + +import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; -import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader; -import java.util.*; -import java.util.regex.Matcher; -import java.util.regex.Pattern; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIRelation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIUnknown; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.ProvenaceInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; public abstract class AbstractScholexplorerParser { - protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractScholexplorerParser.class); - final static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("10\\.\\d{4,9}/[-._;()/:A-Z0-9]+$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); - private List datasetSubTypes = Arrays.asList("dataset", "software", "film", "sound", "physicalobject", "audiovisual", "collection", "other", "study", "metadata"); + protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractScholexplorerParser.class); + static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("10\\.\\d{4,9}/[-._;()/:A-Z0-9]+$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); + private final List datasetSubTypes = Arrays + .asList( + "dataset", + "software", + "film", + "sound", + "physicalobject", + "audiovisual", + "collection", + "other", + "study", + "metadata"); - public abstract List parseObject(final String record, final RelationMapper relMapper); + public abstract List parseObject(final String record, final RelationMapper relMapper); - protected Map getAttributes(final XMLStreamReader parser) { - final Map attributesMap = new HashMap<>(); - for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { - attributesMap.put(parser.getAttributeLocalName(i), parser.getAttributeValue(i)); - } - return attributesMap; - } + protected Map getAttributes(final XMLStreamReader parser) { + final Map attributesMap = new HashMap<>(); + for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { + attributesMap.put(parser.getAttributeLocalName(i), parser.getAttributeValue(i)); + } + return attributesMap; + } + protected List extractSubject(List subjects) { + final List subjectResult = new ArrayList<>(); + if (subjects != null && subjects.size() > 0) { + subjects + .forEach( + subjectMap -> { + final StructuredProperty subject = new StructuredProperty(); + subject.setValue(subjectMap.getTextValue()); + final Qualifier schema = new Qualifier(); + schema.setClassid("dnet:subject"); + schema.setClassname("dnet:subject"); + schema.setSchemeid(subjectMap.getAttributes().get("subjectScheme")); + schema.setSchemename(subjectMap.getAttributes().get("subjectScheme")); + subject.setQualifier(schema); + subjectResult.add(subject); + }); + } + return subjectResult; + } - protected List extractSubject(List subjects) { - final List subjectResult = new ArrayList<>(); - if (subjects != null && subjects.size() > 0) { - subjects.forEach(subjectMap -> { - final StructuredProperty subject = new StructuredProperty(); - subject.setValue(subjectMap.getTextValue()); - final Qualifier schema = new Qualifier(); - schema.setClassid("dnet:subject"); - schema.setClassname("dnet:subject"); - schema.setSchemeid(subjectMap.getAttributes().get("subjectScheme")); - schema.setSchemename(subjectMap.getAttributes().get("subjectScheme")); - subject.setQualifier(schema); - subjectResult.add(subject); - }); - } - return subjectResult; - } + protected StructuredProperty extractIdentifier( + List identifierType, final String fieldName) { + final StructuredProperty pid = new StructuredProperty(); + if (identifierType != null && identifierType.size() > 0) { + final VtdUtilityParser.Node result = identifierType.get(0); + pid.setValue(result.getTextValue()); + final Qualifier pidType = new Qualifier(); + pidType.setClassname(result.getAttributes().get(fieldName)); + pidType.setClassid(result.getAttributes().get(fieldName)); + pidType.setSchemename("dnet:pid_types"); + pidType.setSchemeid("dnet:pid_types"); + pid.setQualifier(pidType); + return pid; + } + return null; + } + protected void inferPid(final StructuredProperty input) { + final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input.getValue()); + if (matcher.find()) { + input.setValue(matcher.group()); + if (input.getQualifier() == null) { + input.setQualifier(new Qualifier()); + input.getQualifier().setSchemename("dnet:pid_types"); + input.getQualifier().setSchemeid("dnet:pid_types"); + } + input.getQualifier().setClassid("doi"); + input.getQualifier().setClassname("doi"); + } + } - protected StructuredProperty extractIdentifier(List identifierType, final String fieldName) { - final StructuredProperty pid = new StructuredProperty(); - if (identifierType != null && identifierType.size() > 0) { - final VtdUtilityParser.Node result = identifierType.get(0); - pid.setValue(result.getTextValue()); - final Qualifier pidType = new Qualifier(); - pidType.setClassname(result.getAttributes().get(fieldName)); - pidType.setClassid(result.getAttributes().get(fieldName)); - pidType.setSchemename("dnet:pid_types"); - pidType.setSchemeid("dnet:pid_types"); - pid.setQualifier(pidType); - return pid; - } - return null; - } - - protected void inferPid(final StructuredProperty input) { - final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input.getValue()); - if (matcher.find()) { - input.setValue(matcher.group()); - if (input.getQualifier() == null) { - input.setQualifier(new Qualifier()); - input.getQualifier().setSchemename("dnet:pid_types"); - input.getQualifier().setSchemeid("dnet:pid_types"); - } - input.getQualifier().setClassid("doi"); - input.getQualifier().setClassname("doi"); - } - } - - protected String generateId(final String pid, final String pidType, final String entityType) { - String type; - switch (entityType){ - case "publication": - type = "50|"; - break; - case "dataset": - type = "60|"; - break; - case "unknown": - type = "70|"; - break; - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected value "+entityType); - - } - if ("dnet".equalsIgnoreCase(pidType)) - return type+StringUtils.substringAfter(pid, "::"); - - return type+ DHPUtils.md5(String.format("%s::%s", pid.toLowerCase().trim(), pidType.toLowerCase().trim())); - } - + protected String generateId(final String pid, final String pidType, final String entityType) { + String type; + switch (entityType) { + case "publication": + type = "50|"; + break; + case "dataset": + type = "60|"; + break; + case "unknown": + type = "70|"; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected value " + entityType); + } + if ("dnet".equalsIgnoreCase(pidType)) + return type + StringUtils.substringAfter(pid, "::"); + return type + + DHPUtils + .md5( + String.format("%s::%s", pid.toLowerCase().trim(), pidType.toLowerCase().trim())); + } + protected DLIUnknown createUnknownObject( + final String pid, + final String pidType, + final KeyValue cf, + final DataInfo di, + final String dateOfCollection) { + final DLIUnknown uk = new DLIUnknown(); + uk.setId(generateId(pid, pidType, "unknown")); + ProvenaceInfo pi = new ProvenaceInfo(); + pi.setId(cf.getKey()); + pi.setName(cf.getValue()); + pi.setCompletionStatus("incomplete"); + uk.setDataInfo(di); + uk.setDlicollectedfrom(Collections.singletonList(pi)); + final StructuredProperty sourcePid = new StructuredProperty(); + sourcePid.setValue(pid); + final Qualifier pt = new Qualifier(); + pt.setClassname(pidType); + pt.setClassid(pidType); + pt.setSchemename("dnet:pid_types"); + pt.setSchemeid("dnet:pid_types"); + sourcePid.setQualifier(pt); + uk.setPid(Collections.singletonList(sourcePid)); + uk.setDateofcollection(dateOfCollection); + return uk; + } + protected void generateRelations( + RelationMapper relationMapper, + Result parsedObject, + List result, + DataInfo di, + String dateOfCollection, + List relatedIdentifiers) { + if (relatedIdentifiers != null) { + result + .addAll( + relatedIdentifiers + .stream() + .flatMap( + n -> { + final List rels = new ArrayList<>(); + DLIRelation r = new DLIRelation(); + r.setSource(parsedObject.getId()); + final String relatedPid = n.getTextValue(); + final String relatedPidType = n.getAttributes().get("relatedIdentifierType"); + final String relatedType = n.getAttributes().getOrDefault("entityType", "unknown"); + String relationSemantic = n.getAttributes().get("relationType"); + String inverseRelation; + final String targetId = generateId(relatedPid, relatedPidType, relatedType); + r.setDateOfCollection(dateOfCollection); + if (relationMapper.containsKey(relationSemantic.toLowerCase())) { + RelInfo relInfo = relationMapper.get(relationSemantic.toLowerCase()); + relationSemantic = relInfo.getOriginal(); + inverseRelation = relInfo.getInverse(); + } else { + relationSemantic = "Unknown"; + inverseRelation = "Unknown"; + } + r.setTarget(targetId); + r.setRelType(relationSemantic); + r.setRelClass("datacite"); + r.setCollectedfrom(parsedObject.getCollectedfrom()); + r.setDataInfo(di); + rels.add(r); + r = new DLIRelation(); + r.setDataInfo(di); + r.setSource(targetId); + r.setTarget(parsedObject.getId()); + r.setRelType(inverseRelation); + r.setRelClass("datacite"); + r.setCollectedfrom(parsedObject.getCollectedfrom()); + r.setDateOfCollection(dateOfCollection); + rels.add(r); + if ("unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(relatedType)) + result + .add( + createUnknownObject( + relatedPid, + relatedPidType, + parsedObject.getCollectedfrom().get(0), + di, + dateOfCollection)); + return rels.stream(); + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + } } - - - diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/DatasetScholexplorerParser.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/DatasetScholexplorerParser.java index 2ba2bd519b..f49163c87a 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/DatasetScholexplorerParser.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/DatasetScholexplorerParser.java @@ -1,288 +1,292 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser; -import com.ximpleware.AutoPilot; -import com.ximpleware.VTDGen; -import com.ximpleware.VTDNav; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIDataset; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIUnknown; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.ProvenaceInfo; - -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser.Node; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelInfo; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; - import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import com.ximpleware.AutoPilot; +import com.ximpleware.VTDGen; +import com.ximpleware.VTDNav; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser.Node; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIDataset; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.ProvenaceInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; + public class DatasetScholexplorerParser extends AbstractScholexplorerParser { - @Override - public List parseObject(String record, final RelationMapper relationMapper) { - try { - final DLIDataset parsedObject = new DLIDataset(); - final VTDGen vg = new VTDGen(); - vg.setDoc(record.getBytes()); - final List result = new ArrayList<>(); - vg.parse(true); + @Override + public List parseObject(String record, final RelationMapper relationMapper) { + try { + final DLIDataset parsedObject = new DLIDataset(); + final VTDGen vg = new VTDGen(); + vg.setDoc(record.getBytes()); + final List result = new ArrayList<>(); + vg.parse(true); - final VTDNav vn = vg.getNav(); - final AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn); + final VTDNav vn = vg.getNav(); + final AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn); - DataInfo di = new DataInfo(); - di.setTrust("0.9"); - di.setDeletedbyinference(false); - di.setInvisible(false); - parsedObject.setDataInfo(di); + DataInfo di = new DataInfo(); + di.setTrust("0.9"); + di.setDeletedbyinference(false); + di.setInvisible(false); + parsedObject.setDataInfo(di); - parsedObject.setOriginalId(Collections.singletonList(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='recordIdentifier']"))); + parsedObject + .setOriginalId( + Collections + .singletonList( + VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='recordIdentifier']"))); - parsedObject.setOriginalObjIdentifier(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='objIdentifier']")); - parsedObject.setDateofcollection(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='dateOfCollection']")); + parsedObject + .setOriginalObjIdentifier( + VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='objIdentifier']")); + String dateOfCollection = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='dateOfCollection']"); + parsedObject.setDateofcollection(dateOfCollection); - final String resolvedDate = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resolvedDate']"); + final String resolvedDate = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resolvedDate']"); - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resolvedDate)) { - StructuredProperty currentDate = new StructuredProperty(); - currentDate.setValue(resolvedDate); - final Qualifier dateQualifier = new Qualifier(); - dateQualifier.setClassname("resolvedDate"); - dateQualifier.setClassid("resolvedDate"); - dateQualifier.setSchemename("dnet::date"); - dateQualifier.setSchemeid("dnet::date"); - currentDate.setQualifier(dateQualifier); - parsedObject.setRelevantdate(Collections.singletonList(currentDate)); - } + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resolvedDate)) { + StructuredProperty currentDate = new StructuredProperty(); + currentDate.setValue(resolvedDate); + final Qualifier dateQualifier = new Qualifier(); + dateQualifier.setClassname("resolvedDate"); + dateQualifier.setClassid("resolvedDate"); + dateQualifier.setSchemename("dnet::date"); + dateQualifier.setSchemeid("dnet::date"); + currentDate.setQualifier(dateQualifier); + parsedObject.setRelevantdate(Collections.singletonList(currentDate)); + } - final String completionStatus = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='completionStatus']"); - final String provisionMode = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='provisionMode']"); + final String completionStatus = VtdUtilityParser + .getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='completionStatus']"); + final String provisionMode = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='provisionMode']"); - final String publisher = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resource']/*[local-name()='publisher']"); + final String publisher = VtdUtilityParser + .getSingleValue( + ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resource']/*[local-name()='publisher']"); - List collectedFromNodes = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='collectedFrom']", Arrays.asList("name", "id", "mode", "completionStatus")); + List collectedFromNodes = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='collectedFrom']", + Arrays.asList("name", "id", "mode", "completionStatus")); - List resolvededFromNodes = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resolvedFrom']", Arrays.asList("name", "id", "mode", "completionStatus")); + List resolvededFromNodes = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='resolvedFrom']", + Arrays.asList("name", "id", "mode", "completionStatus")); - Field pf = new Field<>(); - pf.setValue(publisher); + Field pf = new Field<>(); + pf.setValue(publisher); - parsedObject.setPublisher(pf); - final List provenances = new ArrayList<>(); - if (collectedFromNodes != null && collectedFromNodes.size() > 0) { - collectedFromNodes.forEach(it -> { - final ProvenaceInfo provenance = new ProvenaceInfo(); - provenance.setId(it.getAttributes().get("id")); - provenance.setName(it.getAttributes().get("name")); - provenance.setCollectionMode(provisionMode); - provenance.setCompletionStatus(it.getAttributes().get("completionStatus")); - provenances.add(provenance); - }); - } + parsedObject.setPublisher(pf); + final List provenances = new ArrayList<>(); + if (collectedFromNodes != null && collectedFromNodes.size() > 0) { + collectedFromNodes + .forEach( + it -> { + final ProvenaceInfo provenance = new ProvenaceInfo(); + provenance.setId(it.getAttributes().get("id")); + provenance.setName(it.getAttributes().get("name")); + provenance.setCollectionMode(provisionMode); + provenance.setCompletionStatus(it.getAttributes().get("completionStatus")); + provenances.add(provenance); + }); + } - if (resolvededFromNodes != null && resolvededFromNodes.size() > 0) { - resolvededFromNodes.forEach(it -> { - final ProvenaceInfo provenance = new ProvenaceInfo(); - provenance.setId(it.getAttributes().get("id")); - provenance.setName(it.getAttributes().get("name")); - provenance.setCollectionMode("resolved"); - provenance.setCompletionStatus(it.getAttributes().get("completionStatus")); - provenances.add(provenance); - }); - } + if (resolvededFromNodes != null && resolvededFromNodes.size() > 0) { + resolvededFromNodes + .forEach( + it -> { + final ProvenaceInfo provenance = new ProvenaceInfo(); + provenance.setId(it.getAttributes().get("id")); + provenance.setName(it.getAttributes().get("name")); + provenance.setCollectionMode("resolved"); + provenance.setCompletionStatus(it.getAttributes().get("completionStatus")); + provenances.add(provenance); + }); + } - parsedObject.setDlicollectedfrom(provenances); - parsedObject.setCollectedfrom(parsedObject.getDlicollectedfrom().stream().map( - p-> { - final KeyValue cf = new KeyValue(); - cf.setKey(p.getId()); - cf.setValue(p.getName()); - return cf; - } - ).collect(Collectors.toList())); - parsedObject.setCompletionStatus(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='completionStatus']")); + parsedObject.setDlicollectedfrom(provenances); + parsedObject + .setCollectedfrom( + parsedObject + .getDlicollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map( + p -> { + final KeyValue cf = new KeyValue(); + cf.setKey(p.getId()); + cf.setValue(p.getName()); + return cf; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + parsedObject + .setCompletionStatus( + VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='completionStatus']")); - final List identifierType = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resource']/*[local-name()='identifier']", Collections.singletonList("identifierType")); + final List identifierType = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='resource']/*[local-name()='identifier']", + Collections.singletonList("identifierType")); - StructuredProperty currentPid = extractIdentifier(identifierType, "identifierType"); - if (currentPid == null) return null; - inferPid(currentPid); - parsedObject.setPid(Collections.singletonList(currentPid)); + StructuredProperty currentPid = extractIdentifier(identifierType, "identifierType"); + if (currentPid == null) + return null; + inferPid(currentPid); + parsedObject.setPid(Collections.singletonList(currentPid)); + final String sourceId = generateId( + currentPid.getValue(), currentPid.getQualifier().getClassid(), "dataset"); + parsedObject.setId(sourceId); - final String sourceId = generateId(currentPid.getValue(), currentPid.getQualifier().getClassid(), "dataset"); - parsedObject.setId(sourceId); + List descs = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='description']"); + if (descs != null && descs.size() > 0) + parsedObject + .setDescription( + descs + .stream() + .map(it -> it.length() < 10000 ? it : it.substring(0, 10000)) + .map( + it -> { + final Field d = new Field<>(); + d.setValue(it); + return d; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + final List relatedIdentifiers = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='relatedIdentifier']", + Arrays + .asList( + "relatedIdentifierType", "relationType", "entityType", "inverseRelationType")); - List descs = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='description']"); - if (descs != null && descs.size() > 0) - parsedObject.setDescription(descs.stream() - .map(it -> it.length() < 512 ? it : it.substring(0, 512)) - .map(it -> { - final Field d = new Field<>(); - d.setValue(it); - return d; - }) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); + generateRelations( + relationMapper, parsedObject, result, di, dateOfCollection, relatedIdentifiers); + final List hostedBy = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='hostedBy']", Arrays.asList("id", "name")); - final List relatedIdentifiers = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='relatedIdentifier']", - Arrays.asList("relatedIdentifierType", "relationType", "entityType", "inverseRelationType")); + if (hostedBy != null) { + parsedObject + .setInstance( + hostedBy + .stream() + .map( + it -> { + final Instance i = new Instance(); + i.setUrl(Collections.singletonList(currentPid.getValue())); + KeyValue h = new KeyValue(); + i.setHostedby(h); + h.setKey(it.getAttributes().get("id")); + h.setValue(it.getAttributes().get("name")); + return i; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + List subjects = extractSubject( + VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='resource']//*[local-name()='subject']", + Collections.singletonList("subjectScheme"))); - if(relatedIdentifiers!= null) { - result.addAll(relatedIdentifiers.stream() - .flatMap(n -> { - final List rels = new ArrayList<>(); - Relation r = new Relation(); - r.setSource(parsedObject.getId()); - final String relatedPid = n.getTextValue(); - final String relatedPidType = n.getAttributes().get("relatedIdentifierType"); - final String relatedType = n.getAttributes().getOrDefault("entityType", "unknown"); - String relationSemantic = n.getAttributes().get("relationType"); - String inverseRelation = n.getAttributes().get("inverseRelationType"); - final String targetId = generateId(relatedPid, relatedPidType, relatedType); + parsedObject.setSubject(subjects); - if (relationMapper.containsKey(relationSemantic.toLowerCase())) - { - RelInfo relInfo = relationMapper.get(relationSemantic.toLowerCase()); - relationSemantic = relInfo.getOriginal(); - inverseRelation = relInfo.getInverse(); - } - else { - relationSemantic = "Unknown"; - inverseRelation = "Unknown"; - } - r.setTarget(targetId); - r.setRelType(relationSemantic); - r.setRelClass("datacite"); - r.setCollectedFrom(parsedObject.getCollectedfrom()); - r.setDataInfo(di); - rels.add(r); - r = new Relation(); - r.setDataInfo(di); - r.setSource(targetId); - r.setTarget(parsedObject.getId()); - r.setRelType(inverseRelation); - r.setRelClass("datacite"); - r.setCollectedFrom(parsedObject.getCollectedfrom()); - rels.add(r); - if("unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(relatedType)) - result.add(createUnknownObject(relatedPid, relatedPidType, parsedObject.getCollectedfrom().get(0), di)); - return rels.stream(); - }).collect(Collectors.toList())); - } + Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); + q.setClassname("dataset"); + q.setClassid("dataset"); + q.setSchemename("dataset"); + q.setSchemeid("dataset"); + parsedObject.setResulttype(q); + parsedObject.setCompletionStatus(completionStatus); - final List hostedBy = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='hostedBy']", Arrays.asList("id", "name")); + final List creators = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValue( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='resource']//*[local-name()='creator']/*[local-name()='creatorName']"); + if (creators != null && creators.size() > 0) { + parsedObject + .setAuthor( + creators + .stream() + .map( + a -> { + final Author author = new Author(); + author.setFullname(a); + return author; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + final List titles = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValue( + ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resource']//*[local-name()='title']"); + if (titles != null && titles.size() > 0) { + parsedObject + .setTitle( + titles + .stream() + .map( + t -> { + final StructuredProperty st = new StructuredProperty(); + st.setValue(t); + return st; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + final List dates = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValue( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='resource']/*[local-name()='dates']/*[local-name()='date']"); - if (hostedBy != null) { - parsedObject.setInstance(hostedBy.stream().map(it -> - { - final Instance i = new Instance(); - i.setUrl(Collections.singletonList(currentPid.getValue())); - KeyValue h = new KeyValue(); - i.setHostedby(h); - h.setKey(it.getAttributes().get("id")); - h.setValue(it.getAttributes().get("name")); - return i; - }).collect(Collectors.toList())); - } + if (dates != null && dates.size() > 0) { + parsedObject + .setRelevantdate( + dates + .stream() + .map( + cd -> { + StructuredProperty date = new StructuredProperty(); + date.setValue(cd); + final Qualifier dq = new Qualifier(); + dq.setClassname("date"); + dq.setClassid("date"); + dq.setSchemename("dnet::date"); + dq.setSchemeid("dnet::date"); + date.setQualifier(dq); + return date; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } - - List subjects = extractSubject(VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resource']//*[local-name()='subject']", Arrays.asList("subjectScheme"))); - - parsedObject.setSubject(subjects); - - Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); - q.setClassname("dataset"); - q.setClassid("dataset"); - q.setSchemename("dataset"); - q.setSchemeid("dataset"); - parsedObject.setResulttype(q); - - parsedObject.setCompletionStatus(completionStatus); - - final List creators = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resource']//*[local-name()='creator']/*[local-name()='creatorName']"); - if (creators != null && creators.size() > 0) { - parsedObject.setAuthor(creators - .stream() - .map(a -> { - final Author author = new Author(); - author.setFullname(a); - return author; - }).collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); - } - final List titles = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resource']//*[local-name()='title']"); - if (titles != null && titles.size() > 0) { - parsedObject.setTitle(titles.stream() - .map(t -> { - final StructuredProperty st = new StructuredProperty(); - st.setValue(t); - return st; - } - ).collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); - } - - final List dates = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resource']/*[local-name()='dates']/*[local-name()='date']"); - - - if (dates != null && dates.size() > 0) { - parsedObject.setRelevantdate(dates.stream().map( - cd -> { - StructuredProperty date = new StructuredProperty(); - date.setValue(cd); - final Qualifier dq = new Qualifier(); - dq.setClassname("date"); - dq.setClassid("date"); - dq.setSchemename("dnet::date"); - dq.setSchemeid("dnet::date"); - date.setQualifier(dq); - return date; - } - ).collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - - - - result.add(parsedObject); - return result; - } catch (Throwable e) { - log.error("Error on parsing record " + record, e); - return null; - } - } - - - private DLIUnknown createUnknownObject(final String pid, final String pidType, final KeyValue cf, final DataInfo di) { - final DLIUnknown uk = new DLIUnknown(); - uk.setId(generateId(pid, pidType, "unknown")); - ProvenaceInfo pi = new ProvenaceInfo(); - pi.setId(cf.getKey()); - pi.setName(cf.getValue()); - pi.setCompletionStatus("incomplete"); - uk.setDataInfo(di); - uk.setDlicollectedfrom(Collections.singletonList(pi)); - final StructuredProperty sourcePid = new StructuredProperty(); - sourcePid.setValue(pid); - final Qualifier pt = new Qualifier(); - pt.setClassname(pidType); - pt.setClassid(pidType); - pt.setSchemename("dnet:pid_types"); - pt.setSchemeid("dnet:pid_types"); - sourcePid.setQualifier(pt); - uk.setPid(Collections.singletonList(sourcePid)); - return uk; - } + result.add(parsedObject); + return result; + } catch (Throwable e) { + log.error("Error on parsing record " + record, e); + return null; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/PublicationScholexplorerParser.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/PublicationScholexplorerParser.java index b8b38515b5..edbb444db7 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/PublicationScholexplorerParser.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/parser/PublicationScholexplorerParser.java @@ -1,16 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser; -import com.ximpleware.AutoPilot; -import com.ximpleware.VTDGen; -import com.ximpleware.VTDNav; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser.Node; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIPublication; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.ProvenaceInfo; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelInfo; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; @@ -18,235 +7,253 @@ import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import com.ximpleware.AutoPilot; +import com.ximpleware.VTDGen; +import com.ximpleware.VTDNav; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.parser.utility.VtdUtilityParser.Node; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIPublication; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.ProvenaceInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; + public class PublicationScholexplorerParser extends AbstractScholexplorerParser { - @Override - public List parseObject(final String record, final RelationMapper relationMapper) { - try { - final List result = new ArrayList<>(); - final DLIPublication parsedObject = new DLIPublication(); - final VTDGen vg = new VTDGen(); - vg.setDoc(record.getBytes()); - vg.parse(true); + @Override + public List parseObject(final String record, final RelationMapper relationMapper) { + try { + final List result = new ArrayList<>(); + final DLIPublication parsedObject = new DLIPublication(); + final VTDGen vg = new VTDGen(); + vg.setDoc(record.getBytes()); + vg.parse(true); + final VTDNav vn = vg.getNav(); + final AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn); - final VTDNav vn = vg.getNav(); - final AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn); + final DataInfo di = new DataInfo(); + di.setTrust("0.9"); + di.setDeletedbyinference(false); + di.setInvisible(false); - final DataInfo di = new DataInfo(); - di.setTrust("0.9"); - di.setDeletedbyinference(false); - di.setInvisible(false); + String dateOfCollection = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='dateOfCollection']"); + parsedObject.setDateofcollection(dateOfCollection); - parsedObject.setDateofcollection(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='dateOfCollection']")); + final String resolvedDate = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resolvedDate']"); + parsedObject + .setOriginalId( + Collections + .singletonList( + VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='recordIdentifier']"))); - final String resolvedDate = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resolvedDate']"); - parsedObject.setOriginalId(Collections.singletonList(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='recordIdentifier']"))); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resolvedDate)) { + StructuredProperty currentDate = new StructuredProperty(); + currentDate.setValue(resolvedDate); + final Qualifier dateQualifier = new Qualifier(); + dateQualifier.setClassname("resolvedDate"); + dateQualifier.setClassid("resolvedDate"); + dateQualifier.setSchemename("dnet::date"); + dateQualifier.setSchemeid("dnet::date"); + currentDate.setQualifier(dateQualifier); + parsedObject.setRelevantdate(Collections.singletonList(currentDate)); + } - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resolvedDate)) { - StructuredProperty currentDate = new StructuredProperty(); - currentDate.setValue(resolvedDate); - final Qualifier dateQualifier = new Qualifier(); - dateQualifier.setClassname("resolvedDate"); - dateQualifier.setClassid("resolvedDate"); - dateQualifier.setSchemename("dnet::date"); - dateQualifier.setSchemeid("dnet::date"); - currentDate.setQualifier(dateQualifier); - parsedObject.setRelevantdate(Collections.singletonList(currentDate)); - } + final List pid = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='pid']", Arrays.asList("type")); + StructuredProperty currentPid = extractIdentifier(pid, "type"); + if (currentPid == null) + return null; + inferPid(currentPid); + parsedObject.setPid(Collections.singletonList(currentPid)); + final String sourceId = generateId( + currentPid.getValue(), currentPid.getQualifier().getClassid(), "publication"); + parsedObject.setId(sourceId); - final List pid = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='pid']", Arrays.asList("type")); + parsedObject + .setOriginalObjIdentifier( + VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='objIdentifier']")); - StructuredProperty currentPid = extractIdentifier(pid, "type"); - if (currentPid == null) return null; - inferPid(currentPid); - parsedObject.setPid(Collections.singletonList(currentPid)); - final String sourceId = generateId(currentPid.getValue(), currentPid.getQualifier().getClassid(), "publication"); - parsedObject.setId(sourceId); + String provisionMode = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='provisionMode']"); - parsedObject.setOriginalObjIdentifier(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='objIdentifier']")); + List collectedFromNodes = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='collectedFrom']", + Arrays.asList("name", "id", "mode", "completionStatus")); - String provisionMode = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='provisionMode']"); + List resolvededFromNodes = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='resolvedFrom']", + Arrays.asList("name", "id", "mode", "completionStatus")); - List collectedFromNodes = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='collectedFrom']", Arrays.asList("name", "id", "mode", "completionStatus")); + final String publisher = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='publisher']"); + Field pf = new Field<>(); + pf.setValue(publisher); - List resolvededFromNodes = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='resolvedFrom']", Arrays.asList("name", "id", "mode", "completionStatus")); + parsedObject.setPublisher(pf); + final List provenances = new ArrayList<>(); + if (collectedFromNodes != null && collectedFromNodes.size() > 0) { + collectedFromNodes + .forEach( + it -> { + final ProvenaceInfo provenance = new ProvenaceInfo(); + provenance.setId(it.getAttributes().get("id")); + provenance.setName(it.getAttributes().get("name")); + provenance.setCollectionMode(provisionMode); + provenance.setCompletionStatus(it.getAttributes().get("completionStatus")); + provenances.add(provenance); + }); + } - final String publisher = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='publisher']"); - Field pf = new Field<>(); - pf.setValue(publisher); + if (resolvededFromNodes != null && resolvededFromNodes.size() > 0) { + resolvededFromNodes + .forEach( + it -> { + final ProvenaceInfo provenance = new ProvenaceInfo(); + provenance.setId(it.getAttributes().get("id")); + provenance.setName(it.getAttributes().get("name")); + provenance.setCollectionMode("resolved"); + provenance.setCompletionStatus(it.getAttributes().get("completionStatus")); + provenances.add(provenance); + }); + } - parsedObject.setPublisher(pf); - final List provenances = new ArrayList<>(); - if (collectedFromNodes != null && collectedFromNodes.size() > 0) { - collectedFromNodes.forEach(it -> { - final ProvenaceInfo provenance = new ProvenaceInfo(); - provenance.setId(it.getAttributes().get("id")); - provenance.setName(it.getAttributes().get("name")); - provenance.setCollectionMode(provisionMode); - provenance.setCompletionStatus(it.getAttributes().get("completionStatus")); - provenances.add(provenance); - }); - } + parsedObject.setDlicollectedfrom(provenances); + parsedObject + .setCompletionStatus( + VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='completionStatus']")); - if (resolvededFromNodes != null && resolvededFromNodes.size() > 0) { - resolvededFromNodes.forEach(it -> { - final ProvenaceInfo provenance = new ProvenaceInfo(); - provenance.setId(it.getAttributes().get("id")); - provenance.setName(it.getAttributes().get("name")); - provenance.setCollectionMode("resolved"); - provenance.setCompletionStatus(it.getAttributes().get("completionStatus")); - provenances.add(provenance); - }); - } + parsedObject + .setCollectedfrom( + parsedObject + .getDlicollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map( + p -> { + final KeyValue cf = new KeyValue(); + cf.setKey(p.getId()); + cf.setValue(p.getName()); + return cf; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - parsedObject.setDlicollectedfrom(provenances); - parsedObject.setCompletionStatus(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='completionStatus']")); + final List relatedIdentifiers = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, + vn, + "//*[local-name()='relatedIdentifier']", + Arrays + .asList( + "relatedIdentifierType", "relationType", "entityType", "inverseRelationType")); + generateRelations( + relationMapper, parsedObject, result, di, dateOfCollection, relatedIdentifiers); - parsedObject.setCollectedfrom(parsedObject.getDlicollectedfrom().stream().map( - p -> { - final KeyValue cf = new KeyValue(); - cf.setKey(p.getId()); - cf.setValue(p.getName()); - return cf; - } - ).collect(Collectors.toList())); + final List hostedBy = VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='hostedBy']", Arrays.asList("id", "name")); - final List relatedIdentifiers = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='relatedIdentifier']", - Arrays.asList("relatedIdentifierType", "relationType", "entityType", "inverseRelationType")); + if (hostedBy != null) { + parsedObject + .setInstance( + hostedBy + .stream() + .map( + it -> { + final Instance i = new Instance(); + i.setUrl(Collections.singletonList(currentPid.getValue())); + KeyValue h = new KeyValue(); + i.setHostedby(h); + h.setKey(it.getAttributes().get("id")); + h.setValue(it.getAttributes().get("name")); + return i; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + final List authorsNode = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='creator']"); + if (authorsNode != null) + parsedObject + .setAuthor( + authorsNode + .stream() + .map( + a -> { + final Author author = new Author(); + author.setFullname(a); + return author; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - if (relatedIdentifiers != null) { - result.addAll(relatedIdentifiers.stream() - .flatMap(n -> { - final List rels = new ArrayList<>(); - Relation r = new Relation(); - r.setSource(parsedObject.getId()); - final String relatedPid = n.getTextValue(); - final String relatedPidType = n.getAttributes().get("relatedIdentifierType"); - final String relatedType = n.getAttributes().getOrDefault("entityType", "unknown"); - String relationSemantic = n.getAttributes().get("relationType"); - String inverseRelation = "Unknown"; - final String targetId = generateId(relatedPid, relatedPidType, relatedType); + final List titles = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='title']"); + if (titles != null) { + parsedObject + .setTitle( + titles + .stream() + .map( + t -> { + final StructuredProperty st = new StructuredProperty(); + st.setValue(t); + return st; + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } - if (relationMapper.containsKey(relationSemantic.toLowerCase())) - { - RelInfo relInfo = relationMapper.get(relationSemantic.toLowerCase()); - relationSemantic = relInfo.getOriginal(); - inverseRelation = relInfo.getInverse(); - } - else { - relationSemantic = "Unknown"; - } - r.setTarget(targetId); - r.setRelType(relationSemantic); - r.setCollectedFrom(parsedObject.getCollectedfrom()); - r.setRelClass("datacite"); - r.setDataInfo(di); - rels.add(r); - r = new Relation(); - r.setDataInfo(di); - r.setSource(targetId); - r.setTarget(parsedObject.getId()); - r.setRelType(inverseRelation); - r.setRelClass("datacite"); - r.setCollectedFrom(parsedObject.getCollectedfrom()); - rels.add(r); + Field description = new Field<>(); - return rels.stream(); - }).collect(Collectors.toList())); - } + description + .setValue( + VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='description']")); - final List hostedBy = - VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='hostedBy']", Arrays.asList("id", "name")); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(description.getValue()) + && description.getValue().length() > 10000) { + description.setValue(description.getValue().substring(0, 10000)); + } + parsedObject.setDescription(Collections.singletonList(description)); - if (hostedBy != null) { - parsedObject.setInstance(hostedBy.stream().map(it -> - { - final Instance i = new Instance(); - i.setUrl(Collections.singletonList(currentPid.getValue())); - KeyValue h = new KeyValue(); - i.setHostedby(h); - h.setKey(it.getAttributes().get("id")); - h.setValue(it.getAttributes().get("name")); - return i; - }).collect(Collectors.toList())); - } + final String cd = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='date']"); - final List authorsNode = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='creator']"); - if (authorsNode != null) - parsedObject.setAuthor(authorsNode - .stream() - .map(a -> { - final Author author = new Author(); - author.setFullname(a); - return author; - }).collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); + StructuredProperty date = new StructuredProperty(); + date.setValue(cd); + final Qualifier dq = new Qualifier(); + dq.setClassname("date"); + dq.setClassid("date"); + dq.setSchemename("dnet::date"); + dq.setSchemeid("dnet::date"); + date.setQualifier(dq); + parsedObject.setRelevantdate(Collections.singletonList(date)); - final List titles = VtdUtilityParser.getTextValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='title']"); - if (titles != null) { - parsedObject.setTitle(titles.stream() - .map(t -> { - final StructuredProperty st = new StructuredProperty(); - st.setValue(t); - return st; - } - ).collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); - } + List subjects = extractSubject( + VtdUtilityParser + .getTextValuesWithAttributes( + ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='subject']", Collections.singletonList("scheme"))); + parsedObject.setSubject(subjects); + parsedObject.setDataInfo(di); - Field description = new Field<>(); - - description.setValue(VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='description']")); - - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(description.getValue()) && description.getValue().length() > 512) { - description.setValue(description.getValue().substring(0, 512)); - } - - parsedObject.setDescription(Collections.singletonList(description)); - - - final String cd = VtdUtilityParser.getSingleValue(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='date']"); - - StructuredProperty date = new StructuredProperty(); - date.setValue(cd); - final Qualifier dq = new Qualifier(); - dq.setClassname("date"); - dq.setClassid("date"); - dq.setSchemename("dnet::date"); - dq.setSchemeid("dnet::date"); - date.setQualifier(dq); - parsedObject.setRelevantdate(Collections.singletonList(date)); - - List subjects = extractSubject(VtdUtilityParser.getTextValuesWithAttributes(ap, vn, "//*[local-name()='subject']", Collections.singletonList("scheme"))); - parsedObject.setSubject(subjects); - - parsedObject.setDataInfo(di); - - parsedObject.setSubject(subjects); - Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); - q.setClassname("publication"); - q.setClassid("publication"); - q.setSchemename("publication"); - q.setSchemeid("publication"); - parsedObject.setResulttype(q); - result.add(parsedObject); - return result; - - } catch (Throwable e) { - log.error("Input record: " + record); - log.error("Error on parsing record ", e); - return null; - } - - } - + parsedObject.setSubject(subjects); + Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); + q.setClassname("publication"); + q.setClassid("publication"); + q.setSchemename("publication"); + q.setSchemeid("publication"); + parsedObject.setResulttype(q); + result.add(parsedObject); + return result; + } catch (Throwable e) { + log.error("Input record: " + record); + log.error("Error on parsing record ", e); + return null; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/config-default.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/config-default.xml index 8d8766283f..9608732eda 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/config-default.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/config-default.xml @@ -12,19 +12,15 @@ true - oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark - spark2 - - - hive_metastore_uris + hiveMetastoreUris thrift://iis-cdh5-test-m3.ocean.icm.edu.pl:9083 - hive_jdbc_url + hiveJdbcUrl jdbc:hive2://iis-cdh5-test-m3.ocean.icm.edu.pl:10000 - hive_db_name + hiveDbName openaire \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/lib/scripts/postprocessing.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/lib/scripts/postprocessing.sql index c92f8d1af0..6c49679cdf 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/lib/scripts/postprocessing.sql +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/lib/scripts/postprocessing.sql @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ${hive_db_name}.result; +DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ${hiveDbName}.result; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS result as - select id, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, instance from ${hive_db_name}.publication p + select id, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, instance from ${hiveDbName}.publication p union all - select id, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, instance from ${hive_db_name}.dataset d + select id, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, instance from ${hiveDbName}.dataset d union all - select id, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, instance from ${hive_db_name}.software s + select id, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, instance from ${hiveDbName}.software s union all - select id, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, instance from ${hive_db_name}.otherresearchproduct o; + select id, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, instance from ${hiveDbName}.otherresearchproduct o; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/workflow.xml index 271c7040fb..e837ac6b31 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/hive/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -2,13 +2,21 @@ - sourcePath + inputPath the source path - hive_db_name + hiveDbName the target hive database name + + hiveJdbcUrl + hive server jdbc url + + + hiveMetastoreUris + hive server metastore URIs + sparkDriverMemory memory for driver process @@ -21,6 +29,28 @@ sparkExecutorCores number of cores used by single executor + + oozieActionShareLibForSpark2 + oozie action sharelib for spark 2.* + + + spark2ExtraListeners + com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener + spark 2.* extra listeners classname + + + spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners + com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener + spark 2.* sql query execution listeners classname + + + spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress + spark 2.* yarn history server address + + + spark2EventLogDir + spark 2.* event log dir location + @@ -35,6 +65,10 @@ oozie.launcher.mapred.job.queue.name ${oozieLauncherQueueName} + + oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark + ${oozieActionShareLibForSpark2} + @@ -49,20 +83,21 @@ yarn cluster MapGraphAsHiveDB - eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.GraphHiveImporterJob + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.hive.GraphHiveImporterJob dhp-graph-mapper-${projectVersion}.jar - --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} - --executor-cores ${sparkExecutorCores} + --executor-memory=${sparkExecutorMemory} + --executor-cores=${sparkExecutorCores} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} - --conf spark.extraListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener" - --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners="com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener" - --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir="/user/hive/warehouse" + --conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners} + --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners} + --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} + --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} + --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=${sparkSqlWarehouseDir} - -mt yarn-cluster - --sourcePath${sourcePath} - --hive_db_name${hive_db_name} - --hive_metastore_uris${hive_metastore_uris} + --inputPath${inputPath} + --hiveDbName${hiveDbName} + --hiveMetastoreUris${hiveMetastoreUris} @@ -75,12 +110,12 @@ hive.metastore.uris - ${hive_metastore_uris} + ${hiveMetastoreUris} - ${hive_jdbc_url}/${hive_db_name} + ${hiveJdbcUrl}/${hiveDbName} - hive_db_name=${hive_db_name} + hiveDbName=${hiveDbName} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw_all/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw_all/oozie_app/workflow.xml index d33bb0211c..9f91380abb 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw_all/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw_all/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ false should import content from the aggregator or reuse a previous version + + contentPath + path location to store (or reuse) content from the aggregator + postgresURL the postgres URL to access to the database @@ -108,10 +112,10 @@ - + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.MigrateDbEntitiesApplication - -p${workingDir}/db_claims + -p${contentPath}/db_claims -pgurl${postgresURL} -pguser${postgresUser} -pgpasswd${postgresPassword} @@ -124,10 +128,10 @@ - + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication - -p${workingDir}/odf_claims + -p${contentPath}/odf_claims -mongourl${mongoURL} -mongodb${mongoDb} -fODF @@ -141,10 +145,10 @@ - + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication - -p${workingDir}/oaf_claims + -p${contentPath}/oaf_claims -mongourl${mongoURL} -mongodb${mongoDb} -fOAF @@ -158,10 +162,10 @@ - + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.MigrateDbEntitiesApplication - -p${workingDir}/db_records + -p${contentPath}/db_records -pgurl${postgresURL} -pguser${postgresUser} -pgpasswd${postgresPassword} @@ -173,10 +177,10 @@ - + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication - -p${workingDir}/odf_records + -p${contentPath}/odf_records -mongourl${mongoURL} -mongodb${mongoDb} -fODF @@ -190,10 +194,10 @@ - + eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw.MigrateMongoMdstoresApplication - -p${workingDir}/oaf_records + -p${contentPath}/oaf_records -mongourl${mongoURL} -mongodb${mongoDb} -fOAF @@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} - -s${workingDir}/db_claims,${workingDir}/oaf_claims,${workingDir}/odf_claims + -s${contentPath}/db_claims,${contentPath}/oaf_claims,${contentPath}/odf_claims -t${workingDir}/entities_claim -pgurl${postgresURL} -pguser${postgresUser} @@ -276,7 +280,7 @@ --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} - -s${workingDir}/db_records,${workingDir}/oaf_records,${workingDir}/odf_records + -s${contentPath}/db_records,${contentPath}/oaf_records,${contentPath}/odf_records -t${workingDir}/entities -pgurl${postgresURL} -pguser${postgresUser} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/sql/queryDatasources.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/sql/queryDatasources.sql index 8c587f34ee..ff1178c711 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/sql/queryDatasources.sql +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/sql/queryDatasources.sql @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ SELECT WHEN (array_agg(DISTINCT COALESCE (a.compatibility_override, a.compatibility):: TEXT) @> ARRAY ['openaire-cris_1.1']) THEN 'openaire-cris_1.1@@@OpenAIRE CRIS v1.1@@@dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel@@@dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel' + WHEN (array_agg(DISTINCT COALESCE (a.compatibility_override, a.compatibility):: TEXT) @> ARRAY ['openaire4.0']) + THEN + 'openaire4.0@@@OpenAIRE 4.0@@@dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel@@@dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel' WHEN (array_agg(DISTINCT COALESCE (a.compatibility_override, a.compatibility):: TEXT) @> ARRAY ['driver', 'openaire2.0']) THEN 'driver-openaire2.0@@@OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)@@@dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel@@@dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel' @@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ SELECT ELSE 'Other' END || '@@@dnet:datasource_typologies@@@dnet:datasource_typologies' AS datasourcetype, 'sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry@@@sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry@@@dnet:provenance_actions@@@dnet:provenance_actions' AS provenanceaction, - CONCAT(d.issn, '@@@', d.eissn, '@@@', d.lissn) AS journal + CONCAT(d.issn, ' @@@ ', d.eissn, ' @@@ ', d.lissn) AS journal FROM dsm_datasources d diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/GraphHiveImporterJobTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/GraphHiveImporterJobTest.java index ecadbe9813..e951746703 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/GraphHiveImporterJobTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/GraphHiveImporterJobTest.java @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.nio.file.Files; +import java.nio.file.Path; + import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; @@ -12,72 +16,82 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.nio.file.Files; -import java.nio.file.Path; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.hive.GraphHiveImporterJob; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; public class GraphHiveImporterJobTest { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphHiveImporterJobTest.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphHiveImporterJobTest.class); - public static final String JDBC_DERBY_TEMPLATE = "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=%s/junit_metastore_db;create=true"; + public static final String JDBC_DERBY_TEMPLATE = "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=%s/junit_metastore_db;create=true"; - private static SparkSession spark; + private static SparkSession spark; - private static Path workingDir; + private static Path workingDir; - private static String dbName; + private static String dbName; - @BeforeAll - public static void beforeAll() throws IOException { - workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory(GraphHiveImporterJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); - log.info("using work dir {}", workingDir); + @BeforeAll + public static void beforeAll() throws IOException { + workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory(GraphHiveImporterJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); + log.info("using work dir {}", workingDir); - dbName = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(5); - log.info("using DB name {}", "test_" + dbName); + dbName = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(5); + log.info("using DB name {}", "test_" + dbName); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.setAppName(GraphHiveImporterJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.setAppName(GraphHiveImporterJobTest.class.getSimpleName()); - conf.setMaster("local[*]"); - conf.set("spark.driver.host", "localhost"); - conf.set("hive.metastore.local", "true"); - conf.set("spark.ui.enabled", "false"); - conf.set("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", workingDir.toString()); - conf.set("hive.metastore.warehouse.dir", workingDir.resolve("warehouse").toString()); - conf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", String.format(JDBC_DERBY_TEMPLATE, workingDir.resolve("warehouse").toString())); + conf.setMaster("local[*]"); + conf.set("spark.driver.host", "localhost"); + conf.set("hive.metastore.local", "true"); + conf.set("spark.ui.enabled", "false"); + conf.set("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", workingDir.toString()); + conf.set("hive.metastore.warehouse.dir", workingDir.resolve("warehouse").toString()); + conf + .set( + "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", + String.format(JDBC_DERBY_TEMPLATE, workingDir.resolve("warehouse").toString())); - spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(GraphHiveImporterJobTest.class.getSimpleName()) - .config(conf) - .enableHiveSupport() - .getOrCreate(); - } + spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(GraphHiveImporterJobTest.class.getSimpleName()) + .config(conf) + .enableHiveSupport() + .getOrCreate(); + } - @AfterAll - public static void afterAll() throws IOException { - FileUtils.deleteDirectory(workingDir.toFile()); - spark.stop(); - } + @AfterAll + public static void afterAll() throws IOException { + FileUtils.deleteDirectory(workingDir.toFile()); + spark.stop(); + } - @Test - public void testImportGraphAsHiveDB() throws Exception { + @Test + public void testImportGraphAsHiveDB() throws Exception { - GraphHiveImporterJob.main(new String[]{ - "-isSparkSessionManaged", Boolean.FALSE.toString(), - "-inputPath", getClass().getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/sample").getPath(), - "-hiveMetastoreUris", "", - "-hiveDbName", dbName - }); + GraphHiveImporterJob + .main( + new String[] { + "-isSparkSessionManaged", + Boolean.FALSE.toString(), + "-inputPath", + getClass().getResource("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/sample").getPath(), + "-hiveMetastoreUris", + "", + "-hiveDbName", + dbName + }); - ModelSupport.oafTypes.forEach((name, clazz) -> { - long count = spark.read().table(dbName + "." + name).count(); - int expected = name.equals("relation") ? 100 : 10; - - Assertions.assertEquals(expected, count, String.format("%s should be %s", name, expected)); - }); - - } + ModelSupport.oafTypes + .forEach( + (name, clazz) -> { + long count = spark.read().table(dbName + "." + name).count(); + int expected = name.equals("relation") ? 100 : 10; + Assertions + .assertEquals( + expected, count, String.format("%s should be %s", name, expected)); + }); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MappersTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MappersTest.java index 63d7d50db3..951c97d9de 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MappersTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MappersTest.java @@ -1,24 +1,29 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import com.google.common.collect.Maps; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue; +import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString; +import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Map; - -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue; -import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString; -import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Software; @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) public class MappersTest { @@ -47,20 +52,33 @@ public class MappersTest { final Relation r2 = (Relation) list.get(2); assertValidId(p.getId()); + assertValidId(p.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getTitle().get(0).getValue())); assertTrue(p.getAuthor().size() > 0); assertTrue(p.getSubject().size() > 0); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getJournal().getIssnOnline())); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getJournal().getName())); + assertTrue(p.getInstance().size() > 0); assertValidId(r1.getSource()); + assertValidId(r1.getTarget()); assertValidId(r2.getSource()); + assertValidId(r2.getTarget()); + assertValidId(r1.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); + assertValidId(r2.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); + assertNotNull(r1.getDataInfo()); + assertNotNull(r2.getDataInfo()); + assertNotNull(r1.getDataInfo().getTrust()); + assertNotNull(r2.getDataInfo().getTrust()); assertEquals(r1.getSource(), r2.getTarget()); assertEquals(r2.getSource(), r1.getTarget()); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r1.getRelClass())); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r2.getRelClass())); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r1.getRelType())); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r2.getRelType())); + + // System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(r1)); + // System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(r2)); } @Test @@ -69,15 +87,38 @@ public class MappersTest { final List list = new OdfToOafMapper(code2name).processMdRecord(xml); - assertEquals(1, list.size()); + assertEquals(3, list.size()); assertTrue(list.get(0) instanceof Dataset); + assertTrue(list.get(1) instanceof Relation); + assertTrue(list.get(2) instanceof Relation); final Dataset d = (Dataset) list.get(0); + final Relation r1 = (Relation) list.get(1); + final Relation r2 = (Relation) list.get(2); assertValidId(d.getId()); + assertValidId(d.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(d.getTitle().get(0).getValue())); assertTrue(d.getAuthor().size() > 0); assertTrue(d.getSubject().size() > 0); + assertTrue(d.getInstance().size() > 0); + assertTrue(d.getContext().size() > 0); + assertTrue(d.getContext().get(0).getId().length() > 0); + + assertValidId(r1.getSource()); + assertValidId(r1.getTarget()); + assertValidId(r2.getSource()); + assertValidId(r2.getTarget()); + assertNotNull(r1.getDataInfo()); + assertNotNull(r2.getDataInfo()); + assertNotNull(r1.getDataInfo().getTrust()); + assertNotNull(r2.getDataInfo().getTrust()); + assertEquals(r1.getSource(), r2.getTarget()); + assertEquals(r2.getSource(), r1.getTarget()); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r1.getRelClass())); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r2.getRelClass())); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r1.getRelType())); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r2.getRelType())); } @Test @@ -92,9 +133,11 @@ public class MappersTest { final Software s = (Software) list.get(0); assertValidId(s.getId()); + assertValidId(s.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(s.getTitle().get(0).getValue())); assertTrue(s.getAuthor().size() > 0); assertTrue(s.getSubject().size() > 0); + assertTrue(s.getInstance().size() > 0); } private void assertValidId(final String id) { diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest.java index b1fc9131fb..1bbe57ee83 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest.java @@ -1,15 +1,9 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith; -import org.mockito.Mock; -import org.mockito.Mockito; -import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Array; @@ -19,7 +13,24 @@ import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; -import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith; +import org.mockito.Mock; +import org.mockito.Mockito; +import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Datasource; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Organization; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Project; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result; @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { @@ -44,13 +55,14 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { final Datasource ds = (Datasource) list.get(0); assertValidId(ds.getId()); + assertValidId(ds.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); assertEquals(ds.getOfficialname().getValue(), getValueAsString("officialname", fields)); assertEquals(ds.getEnglishname().getValue(), getValueAsString("englishname", fields)); assertEquals(ds.getContactemail().getValue(), getValueAsString("contactemail", fields)); assertEquals(ds.getWebsiteurl().getValue(), getValueAsString("websiteurl", fields)); assertEquals(ds.getNamespaceprefix().getValue(), getValueAsString("namespaceprefix", fields)); - assertEquals(ds.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey(), getValueAsString("collectedfromid", fields)); - assertEquals(ds.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getValue(), getValueAsString("collectedfromname", fields)); + assertEquals( + ds.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getValue(), getValueAsString("collectedfromname", fields)); } @Test @@ -63,10 +75,11 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { final Project p = (Project) list.get(0); assertValidId(p.getId()); + assertValidId(p.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); assertEquals(p.getAcronym().getValue(), getValueAsString("acronym", fields)); assertEquals(p.getTitle().getValue(), getValueAsString("title", fields)); - assertEquals(p.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey(), getValueAsString("collectedfromid", fields)); - assertEquals(p.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getValue(), getValueAsString("collectedfromname", fields)); + assertEquals( + p.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getValue(), getValueAsString("collectedfromname", fields)); } @Test @@ -81,15 +94,18 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { final Organization o = (Organization) list.get(0); assertValidId(o.getId()); + assertValidId(o.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); assertEquals(o.getLegalshortname().getValue(), getValueAsString("legalshortname", fields)); assertEquals(o.getLegalname().getValue(), getValueAsString("legalname", fields)); assertEquals(o.getWebsiteurl().getValue(), getValueAsString("websiteurl", fields)); assertEquals(o.getCountry().getClassid(), getValueAsString("country", fields).split("@@@")[0]); - assertEquals(o.getCountry().getClassname(), getValueAsString("country", fields).split("@@@")[1]); + assertEquals( + o.getCountry().getClassname(), getValueAsString("country", fields).split("@@@")[1]); assertEquals(o.getCountry().getSchemeid(), getValueAsString("country", fields).split("@@@")[2]); - assertEquals(o.getCountry().getSchemename(), getValueAsString("country", fields).split("@@@")[3]); - assertEquals(o.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey(), getValueAsString("collectedfromid", fields)); - assertEquals(o.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getValue(), getValueAsString("collectedfromname", fields)); + assertEquals( + o.getCountry().getSchemename(), getValueAsString("country", fields).split("@@@")[3]); + assertEquals( + o.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getValue(), getValueAsString("collectedfromname", fields)); } @Test @@ -124,6 +140,8 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { assertValidId(r2.getSource()); assertEquals(r1.getSource(), r2.getTarget()); assertEquals(r2.getSource(), r1.getTarget()); + assertValidId(r1.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); + assertValidId(r2.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); } @Test @@ -133,7 +151,12 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { final List list = app.processClaims(rs); assertEquals(1, list.size()); + assertTrue(list.get(0) instanceof Result); + final Result r = (Result) list.get(0); + verifyMocks(fields); + + assertValidId(r.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); } @Test @@ -144,68 +167,105 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { assertEquals(2, list.size()); verifyMocks(fields); + + assertTrue(list.get(0) instanceof Relation); + assertTrue(list.get(1) instanceof Relation); + + final Relation r1 = (Relation) list.get(0); + final Relation r2 = (Relation) list.get(1); + + assertValidId(r1.getSource()); + assertValidId(r1.getTarget()); + assertValidId(r2.getSource()); + assertValidId(r2.getTarget()); + assertNotNull(r1.getDataInfo()); + assertNotNull(r2.getDataInfo()); + assertNotNull(r1.getDataInfo().getTrust()); + assertNotNull(r2.getDataInfo().getTrust()); + assertEquals(r1.getSource(), r2.getTarget()); + assertEquals(r2.getSource(), r1.getTarget()); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r1.getRelClass())); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r2.getRelClass())); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r1.getRelType())); + assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(r2.getRelType())); + + assertValidId(r1.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); + assertValidId(r2.getCollectedfrom().get(0).getKey()); + + // System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(r1)); + // System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(r2)); } private List prepareMocks(final String jsonFile) throws IOException, SQLException { final String json = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream(jsonFile)); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - final List list = mapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference>() {}); + final List list = mapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference>() { + }); for (final TypedField tf : list) { if (tf.getValue() == null) { switch (tf.getType()) { - case "not_used": - break; - case "boolean": - Mockito.when(rs.getBoolean(tf.getField())).thenReturn(false); - break; - case "date": - Mockito.when(rs.getDate(tf.getField())).thenReturn(null); - break; - case "int": - Mockito.when(rs.getInt(tf.getField())).thenReturn(0); - break; - case "double": - Mockito.when(rs.getDouble(tf.getField())).thenReturn(0.0); - break; - case "array": - Mockito.when(rs.getArray(tf.getField())).thenReturn(null); - break; - case "string": - default: - Mockito.when(rs.getString(tf.getField())).thenReturn(null); - break; + case "not_used": + break; + case "boolean": + Mockito.when(rs.getBoolean(tf.getField())).thenReturn(false); + break; + case "date": + Mockito.when(rs.getDate(tf.getField())).thenReturn(null); + break; + case "int": + Mockito.when(rs.getInt(tf.getField())).thenReturn(0); + break; + case "double": + Mockito.when(rs.getDouble(tf.getField())).thenReturn(0.0); + break; + case "array": + Mockito.when(rs.getArray(tf.getField())).thenReturn(null); + break; + case "string": + default: + Mockito.when(rs.getString(tf.getField())).thenReturn(null); + break; } } else { switch (tf.getType()) { - case "not_used": - break; - case "boolean": - Mockito.when(rs.getBoolean(tf.getField())).thenReturn(Boolean.parseBoolean(tf.getValue().toString())); - break; - case "date": - Mockito.when(rs.getDate(tf.getField())).thenReturn(Date.valueOf(tf.getValue().toString())); - break; - case "int": - Mockito.when(rs.getInt(tf.getField())).thenReturn(new Integer(tf.getValue().toString())); - break; - case "double": - Mockito.when(rs.getDouble(tf.getField())).thenReturn(new Double(tf.getValue().toString())); - break; - case "array": - final Array arr = Mockito.mock(Array.class); - final String[] values = ((List) tf.getValue()).stream() + case "not_used": + break; + case "boolean": + Mockito + .when(rs.getBoolean(tf.getField())) + .thenReturn(Boolean.parseBoolean(tf.getValue().toString())); + break; + case "date": + Mockito + .when(rs.getDate(tf.getField())) + .thenReturn(Date.valueOf(tf.getValue().toString())); + break; + case "int": + Mockito + .when(rs.getInt(tf.getField())) + .thenReturn(new Integer(tf.getValue().toString())); + break; + case "double": + Mockito + .when(rs.getDouble(tf.getField())) + .thenReturn(new Double(tf.getValue().toString())); + break; + case "array": + final Array arr = Mockito.mock(Array.class); + final String[] values = ((List) tf.getValue()) + .stream() .filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(o -> o.toString()) .toArray(String[]::new); - Mockito.when(arr.getArray()).thenReturn(values); - Mockito.when(rs.getArray(tf.getField())).thenReturn(arr); - break; - case "string": - default: - Mockito.when(rs.getString(tf.getField())).thenReturn(tf.getValue().toString()); - break; + Mockito.when(arr.getArray()).thenReturn(values); + Mockito.when(rs.getArray(tf.getField())).thenReturn(arr); + break; + case "string": + default: + Mockito.when(rs.getString(tf.getField())).thenReturn(tf.getValue().toString()); + break; } } } @@ -217,27 +277,27 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { for (final TypedField tf : list) { switch (tf.getType()) { - case "not_used": - break; - case "boolean": - Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getBoolean(tf.getField()); - break; - case "date": - Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getDate(tf.getField()); - break; - case "int": - Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getInt(tf.getField()); - break; - case "double": - Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getDouble(tf.getField()); - break; - case "array": - Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getArray(tf.getField()); - break; - case "string": - default: - Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getString(tf.getField()); - break; + case "not_used": + break; + case "boolean": + Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getBoolean(tf.getField()); + break; + case "date": + Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getDate(tf.getField()); + break; + case "int": + Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getInt(tf.getField()); + break; + case "double": + Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getDouble(tf.getField()); + break; + case "array": + Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getArray(tf.getField()); + break; + case "string": + default: + Mockito.verify(rs, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).getString(tf.getField()); + break; } } } @@ -250,13 +310,14 @@ public class MigrateDbEntitiesApplicationTest { } private String getValueAsString(final String name, final List fields) { - return fields.stream() - .filter(f -> f.getField().equals(name)) - .map(TypedField::getValue) - .filter(Objects::nonNull) - .map(o -> o.toString()) - .findFirst() - .get(); + return fields + .stream() + .filter(f -> f.getField().equals(name)) + .map(TypedField::getValue) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .map(o -> o.toString()) + .findFirst() + .get(); } } @@ -289,5 +350,4 @@ class TypedField { public void setValue(final Object value) { this.value = value; } - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ScholexplorerParserTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ScholexplorerParserTest.java index 5741dd628e..d418da594d 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ScholexplorerParserTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/ScholexplorerParserTest.java @@ -1,38 +1,40 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph; +import java.util.List; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser.DatasetScholexplorerParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; -import java.util.List; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Oaf; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.parser.DatasetScholexplorerParser; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; public class ScholexplorerParserTest { + @Test + public void testDataciteParser() throws Exception { + String xml = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("dmf.xml")); - @Test - public void testDataciteParser() throws Exception { - String xml = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("dmf.xml")); + DatasetScholexplorerParser p = new DatasetScholexplorerParser(); + List oaves = p.parseObject(xml, RelationMapper.load()); - DatasetScholexplorerParser p = new DatasetScholexplorerParser(); - List oaves = p.parseObject(xml, RelationMapper.load()); + ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); + m.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT); - ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); - m.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT); + oaves + .forEach( + oaf -> { + try { + System.out.println(m.writeValueAsString(oaf)); + System.out.println("----------------------------"); + } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { - - oaves.forEach(oaf -> { - try { - System.out.println(m.writeValueAsString(oaf)); - System.out.println("----------------------------"); - } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { - - } - }); - - } + } + }); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerGraphImporterTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerGraphImporterTest.java index 4c4d5372cc..ed3b6efdcc 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerGraphImporterTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerGraphImporterTest.java @@ -1,11 +1,5 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph; - - - public class SparkScholexplorerGraphImporterTest { - - - - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerMergeEntitiesJobTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerMergeEntitiesJobTest.java index f080b36cbd..348a2b030b 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerMergeEntitiesJobTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/SparkScholexplorerMergeEntitiesJobTest.java @@ -1,8 +1,5 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph; - - public class SparkScholexplorerMergeEntitiesJobTest { - - } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/odf_dataset.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/odf_dataset.xml index 0c36e8686f..94dc802fac 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/odf_dataset.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-mapper/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/raw/odf_dataset.xml @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ und + corda_______::226852 + + org.apache.httpcomponents + httpclient + + diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/ProvisionUtil.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/ProvisionUtil.java index aed4446604..1b0cb4d055 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/ProvisionUtil.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/ProvisionUtil.java @@ -1,47 +1,48 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.Typology; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class ProvisionUtil { - public final static String deletedByInferenceJPATH = "$.dataInfo.deletedbyinference"; - public final static String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; - public final static String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; + public static final String deletedByInferenceJPATH = "$.dataInfo.deletedbyinference"; + public static final String TARGETJSONPATH = "$.target"; + public static final String SOURCEJSONPATH = "$.source"; -// public static RelatedItemInfo getItemType(final String item, final String idPath) { -// String targetId = DHPUtils.getJPathString(idPath, item); -// switch (StringUtils.substringBefore(targetId, "|")) { -// case "50": -// return new RelatedItemInfo(null,0,1,0); -// case "60": -// return new RelatedItemInfo(null,1,0,0); -// case "70": -// return new RelatedItemInfo(null,0,0,1); -// default: -// throw new RuntimeException("Unknonw target ID"); -// -// } -// -// } + // public static RelatedItemInfo getItemType(final String item, final String idPath) { + // String targetId = DHPUtils.getJPathString(idPath, item); + // switch (StringUtils.substringBefore(targetId, "|")) { + // case "50": + // return new RelatedItemInfo(null,0,1,0); + // case "60": + // return new RelatedItemInfo(null,1,0,0); + // case "70": + // return new RelatedItemInfo(null,0,0,1); + // default: + // throw new RuntimeException("Unknonw target ID"); + // + // } + // + // } - public static Boolean isNotDeleted(final String item) { - return !"true".equalsIgnoreCase(DHPUtils.getJPathString(deletedByInferenceJPATH, item)); - } + public static Boolean isNotDeleted(final String item) { + return !"true".equalsIgnoreCase(DHPUtils.getJPathString(deletedByInferenceJPATH, item)); + } - public static Typology getItemTypeFromId(String id) { + public static Typology getItemTypeFromId(String id) { - switch (StringUtils.substringBefore(id, "|")) { - case "50": - return Typology.publication; - case "60": - return Typology.dataset; - case "70": - return Typology.unknown; - default: - throw new RuntimeException("Unknonw ID type"); - - } - } + switch (StringUtils.substringBefore(id, "|")) { + case "50": + return Typology.publication; + case "60": + return Typology.dataset; + case "70": + return Typology.unknown; + default: + throw new RuntimeException("Unknonw ID type"); + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/RelatedItemInfo.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/RelatedItemInfo.java index 3b07aab8d0..28826612d7 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/RelatedItemInfo.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/RelatedItemInfo.java @@ -1,60 +1,59 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision; import java.io.Serializable; -/** - * This class models the information of related items - */ - +/** This class models the information of related items */ public class RelatedItemInfo implements Serializable { - private String source; + private String source; - private long relatedDataset = 0; + private long relatedDataset = 0; - private long relatedPublication = 0; + private long relatedPublication = 0; - private long relatedUnknown = 0; + private long relatedUnknown = 0; - public RelatedItemInfo() { - } + public RelatedItemInfo() { + } - public RelatedItemInfo(String source, long relatedDataset, long relatedPublication, long relatedUnknown) { - this.source = source; - this.relatedDataset = relatedDataset; - this.relatedPublication = relatedPublication; - this.relatedUnknown = relatedUnknown; - } + public RelatedItemInfo( + String source, long relatedDataset, long relatedPublication, long relatedUnknown) { + this.source = source; + this.relatedDataset = relatedDataset; + this.relatedPublication = relatedPublication; + this.relatedUnknown = relatedUnknown; + } - public String getSource() { - return source; - } + public String getSource() { + return source; + } - public void setSource(String source) { - this.source = source; - } + public void setSource(String source) { + this.source = source; + } - public long getRelatedDataset() { - return relatedDataset; - } + public long getRelatedDataset() { + return relatedDataset; + } - public void setRelatedDataset(long relatedDataset) { - this.relatedDataset = relatedDataset; - } + public void setRelatedDataset(long relatedDataset) { + this.relatedDataset = relatedDataset; + } - public long getRelatedPublication() { - return relatedPublication; - } + public long getRelatedPublication() { + return relatedPublication; + } - public void setRelatedPublication(long relatedPublication) { - this.relatedPublication = relatedPublication; - } + public void setRelatedPublication(long relatedPublication) { + this.relatedPublication = relatedPublication; + } - public long getRelatedUnknown() { - return relatedUnknown; - } + public long getRelatedUnknown() { + return relatedUnknown; + } - public void setRelatedUnknown(int relatedUnknown) { - this.relatedUnknown = relatedUnknown; - } + public void setRelatedUnknown(int relatedUnknown) { + this.relatedUnknown = relatedUnknown; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkExtractRelationCount.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkExtractRelationCount.java index 2c96427940..df167f104f 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkExtractRelationCount.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkExtractRelationCount.java @@ -1,57 +1,34 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function2; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.*; -import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression; -import scala.Tuple2; - -import java.util.Arrays; -import java.util.HashMap; -import java.util.Map; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; /** - * SparkExtractRelationCount is a spark job that takes in input relation RDD - * and retrieve for each item in relation which are the number of - * - Related Dataset - * - Related Publication - * - Related Unknown + * SparkExtractRelationCount is a spark job that takes in input relation RDD and retrieve for each item in relation + * which are the number of - Related Dataset - Related Publication - Related Unknown */ public class SparkExtractRelationCount { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkExtractRelationCount.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_related_entities_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkExtractRelationCount.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); + final String workingDirPath = parser.get("workingDirPath"); - - - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkExtractRelationCount.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_related_entities_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkExtractRelationCount.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); - - - final String workingDirPath = parser.get("workingDirPath"); - - final String relationPath = parser.get("relationPath"); - DatasetJoiner.startJoin(spark, relationPath,workingDirPath + "/relatedItemCount"); - - } - - - - - - - + final String relationPath = parser.get("relationPath"); + DatasetJoiner.startJoin(spark, relationPath, workingDirPath + "/relatedItemCount"); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkGenerateScholix.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkGenerateScholix.java index 58a98e4903..f9f3a58ce6 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkGenerateScholix.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkGenerateScholix.java @@ -1,10 +1,6 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.*; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; @@ -14,71 +10,100 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; import scala.Tuple2; public class SparkGenerateScholix { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkGenerateScholix.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_generate_summary_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "4000"); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .config(conf) + .appName(SparkExtractRelationCount.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkGenerateScholix.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_generate_summary_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions","4000"); - conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .config(conf) - .appName(SparkExtractRelationCount.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); + conf + .registerKryoClasses( + new Class[] { + Scholix.class, ScholixCollectedFrom.class, ScholixEntityId.class, + ScholixIdentifier.class, ScholixRelationship.class, ScholixResource.class + }); - conf.registerKryoClasses(new Class[]{ - Scholix.class, - ScholixCollectedFrom.class, - ScholixEntityId.class, - ScholixIdentifier.class, - ScholixRelationship.class, - ScholixResource.class - }); + final String graphPath = parser.get("graphPath"); + final String workingDirPath = parser.get("workingDirPath"); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + final Dataset scholixSummary = spark + .read() + .load(workingDirPath + "/summary") + .as(Encoders.bean(ScholixSummary.class)); + final Dataset rels = spark.read().load(graphPath + "/relation").as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); - final String graphPath = parser.get("graphPath"); - final String workingDirPath = parser.get("workingDirPath"); + Dataset firstJoin = scholixSummary + .joinWith(rels, scholixSummary.col("id").equalTo(rels.col("source"))) + .map( + (MapFunction, Scholix>) f -> Scholix + .generateScholixWithSource(f._1(), f._2()), + Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + firstJoin.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(workingDirPath + "/scholix_1"); - final Dataset scholixSummary = spark.read().load(workingDirPath + "/summary").as(Encoders.bean(ScholixSummary.class)); - final Dataset rels = spark.read().load(graphPath + "/relation").as(Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); + Dataset scholix_final = spark + .read() + .load(workingDirPath + "/scholix_1") + .as(Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)); + scholixSummary + .map( + (MapFunction) ScholixResource::fromSummary, + Encoders.bean(ScholixResource.class)) + .repartition(1000) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .save(workingDirPath + "/scholix_target"); - Dataset firstJoin = scholixSummary.joinWith(rels, scholixSummary.col("id").equalTo(rels.col("source"))) - .map((MapFunction, Scholix>) f -> Scholix.generateScholixWithSource(f._1(), f._2()), Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)); + Dataset target = spark + .read() + .load(workingDirPath + "/scholix_target") + .as(Encoders.bean(ScholixResource.class)); - firstJoin.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(workingDirPath+"/scholix_1"); - - Dataset scholix_final = spark.read().load(workingDirPath+"/scholix_1").as(Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)); - - scholixSummary - .map((MapFunction) ScholixResource::fromSummary, Encoders.bean(ScholixResource.class)) - .repartition(1000) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .save(workingDirPath+"/scholix_target"); - - Dataset target = spark.read().load(workingDirPath+"/scholix_target").as(Encoders.bean(ScholixResource.class)); - - scholix_final.joinWith(target, scholix_final.col("identifier").equalTo(target.col("dnetIdentifier")), "inner") - .map((MapFunction, Scholix>) f -> { - final Scholix scholix = f._1(); - final ScholixResource scholixTarget = f._2(); - scholix.setTarget(scholixTarget); - scholix.generateIdentifier(); - scholix.generatelinkPublisher(); - return scholix; - }, Encoders.kryo(Scholix.class)).javaRDD().map(s-> { - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(s); - }).saveAsTextFile(workingDirPath+"/scholix_json", GzipCodec.class); - } + scholix_final + .joinWith( + target, scholix_final.col("identifier").equalTo(target.col("dnetIdentifier")), "inner") + .map( + (MapFunction, Scholix>) f -> { + final Scholix scholix = f._1(); + final ScholixResource scholixTarget = f._2(); + scholix.setTarget(scholixTarget); + scholix.generateIdentifier(); + scholix.generatelinkPublisher(); + return scholix; + }, + Encoders.kryo(Scholix.class)) + .javaRDD() + .map( + s -> { + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(s); + }) + .saveAsTextFile(workingDirPath + "/scholix_json", GzipCodec.class); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkGenerateSummary.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkGenerateSummary.java index 39b7a9468e..04bde10996 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkGenerateSummary.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkGenerateSummary.java @@ -1,88 +1,106 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import scala.Tuple2; public class SparkGenerateSummary { - private static final String jsonIDPath = "$.id"; + private static final String jsonIDPath = "$.id"; + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkGenerateSummary.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_generate_summary_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession + .builder() + .appName(SparkExtractRelationCount.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(parser.get("master")) + .getOrCreate(); - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkGenerateSummary.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_generate_summary_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession - .builder() - .appName(SparkExtractRelationCount.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(parser.get("master")) - .getOrCreate(); + final String graphPath = parser.get("graphPath"); + final String workingDirPath = parser.get("workingDirPath"); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - final String graphPath = parser.get("graphPath"); - final String workingDirPath = parser.get("workingDirPath"); + Dataset rInfo = spark + .read() + .load(workingDirPath + "/relatedItemCount") + .as(Encoders.bean(RelatedItemInfo.class)); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + Dataset entity = spark + .createDataset( + sc + .textFile( + graphPath + "/publication," + graphPath + "/dataset," + graphPath + "/unknown") + .map( + s -> ScholixSummary + .fromJsonOAF( + ProvisionUtil.getItemTypeFromId(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, s)), + s)) + .rdd(), + Encoders.bean(ScholixSummary.class)); - Dataset rInfo = spark.read().load(workingDirPath + "/relatedItemCount").as(Encoders.bean(RelatedItemInfo.class)); + Dataset summaryComplete = rInfo + .joinWith(entity, rInfo.col("source").equalTo(entity.col("id"))) + .map( + (MapFunction, ScholixSummary>) t -> { + ScholixSummary scholixSummary = t._2(); + RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo = t._1(); + scholixSummary.setRelatedDatasets(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedDataset()); + scholixSummary + .setRelatedPublications( + relatedItemInfo.getRelatedPublication()); + scholixSummary.setRelatedUnknown(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedUnknown()); + return scholixSummary; + }, + Encoders.bean(ScholixSummary.class)); + summaryComplete.write().save(workingDirPath + "/summary"); - Dataset entity = spark.createDataset(sc.textFile(graphPath + "/publication," + graphPath + "/dataset," + graphPath + "/unknown") - .map(s -> - ScholixSummary.fromJsonOAF(ProvisionUtil.getItemTypeFromId(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, s)), s) + // JavaPairRDD relationCount = + // sc.textFile(workingDirPath+"/relatedItemCount").mapToPair((PairFunction) i -> new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, i), i)); + // + // JavaPairRDD entities = + // sc.textFile(graphPath + "/publication") + // .filter(ProvisionUtil::isNotDeleted) + // .mapToPair((PairFunction) i -> new + // Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, i), i)) + // .union( + // sc.textFile(graphPath + "/dataset") + // .filter(ProvisionUtil::isNotDeleted) + // .mapToPair((PairFunction) + // i -> + // new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, i), i)) + // ) + // .union( + // sc.textFile(graphPath + "/unknown") + // .filter(ProvisionUtil::isNotDeleted) + // .mapToPair((PairFunction) + // i -> + // new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, i), i)) + // ); + // entities.join(relationCount).map((Function>, + // String>) k -> + // ScholixSummary.fromJsonOAF(ProvisionUtil.getItemTypeFromId(k._1()), + // k._2()._1(), k._2()._2())).saveAsTextFile(workingDirPath+"/summary", GzipCodec.class); + // + // + // ; - - ).rdd(), Encoders.bean(ScholixSummary.class)); - - - Dataset summaryComplete = rInfo.joinWith(entity, rInfo.col("source").equalTo(entity.col("id"))).map((MapFunction, ScholixSummary>) t -> - { - ScholixSummary scholixSummary = t._2(); - RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo = t._1(); - scholixSummary.setRelatedDatasets(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedDataset()); - scholixSummary.setRelatedPublications(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedPublication()); - scholixSummary.setRelatedUnknown(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedUnknown()); - return scholixSummary; - }, Encoders.bean(ScholixSummary.class) - ); - - summaryComplete.write().save(workingDirPath+"/summary"); - - -// JavaPairRDD relationCount = sc.textFile(workingDirPath+"/relatedItemCount").mapToPair((PairFunction) i -> new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, i), i)); -// -// JavaPairRDD entities = -// sc.textFile(graphPath + "/publication") -// .filter(ProvisionUtil::isNotDeleted) -// .mapToPair((PairFunction) i -> new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, i), i)) -// .union( -// sc.textFile(graphPath + "/dataset") -// .filter(ProvisionUtil::isNotDeleted) -// .mapToPair((PairFunction) i -> new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, i), i)) -// ) -// .union( -// sc.textFile(graphPath + "/unknown") -// .filter(ProvisionUtil::isNotDeleted) -// .mapToPair((PairFunction) i -> new Tuple2<>(DHPUtils.getJPathString(jsonIDPath, i), i)) -// ); -// entities.join(relationCount).map((Function>, String>) k -> -// ScholixSummary.fromJsonOAF(ProvisionUtil.getItemTypeFromId(k._1()), k._2()._1(), k._2()._2())).saveAsTextFile(workingDirPath+"/summary", GzipCodec.class); -// -// -// ; - - } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkIndexCollectionOnES.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkIndexCollectionOnES.java index ce3c6315c1..e79dad8d3e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkIndexCollectionOnES.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/SparkIndexCollectionOnES.java @@ -1,66 +1,74 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.Scholix; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; -import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.elasticsearch.spark.rdd.api.java.JavaEsSpark; -import java.nio.file.attribute.AclFileAttributeView; -import java.util.HashMap; -import java.util.Map; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; public class SparkIndexCollectionOnES { - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkIndexCollectionOnES.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/index_on_es.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkIndexCollectionOnES.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/index_on_es.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(SparkIndexCollectionOnES.class.getSimpleName()) - .setMaster(parser.get("master")); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf() + .setAppName(SparkIndexCollectionOnES.class.getSimpleName()) + .setMaster(parser.get("master")); - conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions","4000"); + conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "4000"); + final String sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath"); + final String index = parser.get("index"); + final String idPath = parser.get("idPath"); + final String type = parser.get("type"); - final String sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath"); - final String index = parser.get("index"); - final String idPath = parser.get("idPath"); - final String type = parser.get("type"); + final SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); - final SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate(); + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + JavaRDD inputRdd; - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + if ("summary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) + inputRdd = spark + .read() + .load(sourcePath) + .as(Encoders.bean(ScholixSummary.class)) + .map( + (MapFunction) f -> { + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + return mapper.writeValueAsString(f); + }, + Encoders.STRING()) + .javaRDD(); + else + inputRdd = sc.textFile(sourcePath); - JavaRDD inputRdd; - - - if("summary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) - inputRdd = spark.read().load(sourcePath).as(Encoders.bean(ScholixSummary.class)).map((MapFunction) f -> { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - return mapper.writeValueAsString(f); - }, Encoders.STRING()).javaRDD(); - - else - inputRdd = sc.textFile(sourcePath); - - Map esCfg = new HashMap<>(); - esCfg.put("es.nodes", ",,,"); - esCfg.put("es.mapping.id", idPath); - esCfg.put("es.batch.write.retry.count", "8"); - esCfg.put("es.batch.write.retry.wait", "60s"); - esCfg.put("es.batch.size.entries", "200"); - esCfg.put("es.nodes.wan.only", "true"); - JavaEsSpark.saveJsonToEs(inputRdd,index, esCfg); - - } + Map esCfg = new HashMap<>(); + esCfg.put("es.nodes", ",,,"); + esCfg.put("es.mapping.id", idPath); + esCfg.put("es.batch.write.retry.count", "8"); + esCfg.put("es.batch.write.retry.wait", "60s"); + esCfg.put("es.batch.size.entries", "200"); + esCfg.put("es.nodes.wan.only", "true"); + JavaEsSpark.saveJsonToEs(inputRdd, index, esCfg); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/Scholix.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/Scholix.java index c3ccf6899e..d714155131 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/Scholix.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/Scholix.java @@ -1,163 +1,200 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; + public class Scholix implements Serializable { - private String publicationDate; + private String publicationDate; - private List publisher; + private List publisher; - private List linkprovider; + private List linkprovider; - private ScholixRelationship relationship; + private ScholixRelationship relationship; - private ScholixResource source; + private ScholixResource source; - private ScholixResource target; + private ScholixResource target; - private String identifier; + private String identifier; + public Scholix clone(final ScholixResource t) { + final Scholix clone = new Scholix(); + clone.setPublicationDate(publicationDate); + clone.setPublisher(publisher); + clone.setLinkprovider(linkprovider); + clone.setRelationship(relationship); + clone.setSource(source); + clone.setTarget(t); + clone.generatelinkPublisher(); + clone.generateIdentifier(); + return clone; + } - public Scholix clone(final ScholixResource t) { - final Scholix clone = new Scholix(); - clone.setPublicationDate(publicationDate); - clone.setPublisher(publisher); - clone.setLinkprovider(linkprovider); - clone.setRelationship(relationship); - clone.setSource(source); - clone.setTarget(t); - clone.generatelinkPublisher(); - clone.generateIdentifier(); - return clone; - } + public static Scholix generateScholixWithSource( + final String sourceSummaryJson, final String relation) { + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + try { + ScholixSummary scholixSummary = mapper.readValue(sourceSummaryJson, ScholixSummary.class); + Relation rel = mapper.readValue(relation, Relation.class); + final Scholix s = new Scholix(); + if (scholixSummary.getDate() != null && scholixSummary.getDate().size() > 0) + s.setPublicationDate(scholixSummary.getDate().get(0)); + s + .setLinkprovider( + rel + .getCollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map( + cf -> new ScholixEntityId( + cf.getValue(), + Collections + .singletonList( + new ScholixIdentifier(cf.getKey(), "dnet_identifier")))) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + s.setRelationship(new ScholixRelationship(rel.getRelType(), rel.getRelClass(), null)); + s.setSource(ScholixResource.fromSummary(scholixSummary)); + return s; + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException( + String.format("Summary: %s \n relation:%s", sourceSummaryJson, relation), e); + } + } - public static Scholix generateScholixWithSource(final String sourceSummaryJson, final String relation) { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + public static Scholix generateScholixWithSource( + final ScholixSummary scholixSummary, final Relation rel) { + final Scholix s = new Scholix(); + if (scholixSummary.getDate() != null && scholixSummary.getDate().size() > 0) + s.setPublicationDate(scholixSummary.getDate().get(0)); + s + .setLinkprovider( + rel + .getCollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map( + cf -> new ScholixEntityId( + cf.getValue(), + Collections + .singletonList( + new ScholixIdentifier(cf.getKey(), "dnet_identifier")))) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + s.setRelationship(new ScholixRelationship(rel.getRelType(), rel.getRelClass(), null)); + s.setSource(ScholixResource.fromSummary(scholixSummary)); - try { - ScholixSummary scholixSummary = mapper.readValue(sourceSummaryJson, ScholixSummary.class); - Relation rel = mapper.readValue(relation, Relation.class); - final Scholix s = new Scholix(); - if (scholixSummary.getDate() != null && scholixSummary.getDate().size()>0) - s.setPublicationDate(scholixSummary.getDate().get(0)); - s.setLinkprovider(rel.getCollectedFrom().stream().map(cf -> - new ScholixEntityId(cf.getValue(), Collections.singletonList( - new ScholixIdentifier(cf.getKey(), "dnet_identifier") - ))).collect(Collectors.toList())); - s.setRelationship(new ScholixRelationship(rel.getRelType(),rel.getRelClass(),null )); - s.setSource(ScholixResource.fromSummary(scholixSummary)); - return s; - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Summary: %s \n relation:%s",sourceSummaryJson, relation), e); - } - } + s.setIdentifier(rel.getTarget()); + // ScholixResource mockTarget = new ScholixResource(); + // mockTarget.setDnetIdentifier(rel.getTarget()); + // s.setTarget(mockTarget); + // s.generateIdentifier(); + return s; + } - public static Scholix generateScholixWithSource(final ScholixSummary scholixSummary, final Relation rel) { - final Scholix s = new Scholix(); - if (scholixSummary.getDate() != null && scholixSummary.getDate().size()>0) - s.setPublicationDate(scholixSummary.getDate().get(0)); - s.setLinkprovider(rel.getCollectedFrom().stream().map(cf -> - new ScholixEntityId(cf.getValue(), Collections.singletonList( - new ScholixIdentifier(cf.getKey(), "dnet_identifier") - ))).collect(Collectors.toList())); - s.setRelationship(new ScholixRelationship(rel.getRelType(),rel.getRelClass(),null )); - s.setSource(ScholixResource.fromSummary(scholixSummary)); + public void generatelinkPublisher() { + Set publisher = new HashSet<>(); + if (source.getPublisher() != null) + publisher + .addAll( + source + .getPublisher() + .stream() + .map(ScholixEntityId::getName) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + if (target.getPublisher() != null) + publisher + .addAll( + target + .getPublisher() + .stream() + .map(ScholixEntityId::getName) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + this.publisher = publisher.stream().map(k -> new ScholixEntityId(k, null)).collect(Collectors.toList()); + } - s.setIdentifier(rel.getTarget()); -// ScholixResource mockTarget = new ScholixResource(); -// mockTarget.setDnetIdentifier(rel.getTarget()); -// s.setTarget(mockTarget); -// s.generateIdentifier(); - return s; - } + public void generateIdentifier() { + setIdentifier( + DHPUtils + .md5( + String + .format( + "%s::%s::%s", + source.getDnetIdentifier(), relationship.getName(), target.getDnetIdentifier()))); + } + public Scholix addTarget(final String targetSummaryJson) { + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - public void generatelinkPublisher() { - Set publisher = new HashSet<>(); - if (source.getPublisher() != null) - publisher.addAll(source.getPublisher().stream().map(ScholixEntityId::getName).collect(Collectors.toList())); - if (target.getPublisher() != null) - publisher.addAll(target.getPublisher().stream().map(ScholixEntityId::getName).collect(Collectors.toList())); - this.publisher = publisher.stream().map(k -> new ScholixEntityId(k ,null)).collect(Collectors.toList()); - } + try { + ScholixSummary targetSummary = mapper.readValue(targetSummaryJson, ScholixSummary.class); + setTarget(ScholixResource.fromSummary(targetSummary)); + generateIdentifier(); + return this; + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } - public void generateIdentifier( ) { - setIdentifier(DHPUtils.md5(String.format("%s::%s::%s",source.getDnetIdentifier(),relationship.getName(), target.getDnetIdentifier()))); + public String getPublicationDate() { + return publicationDate; + } - } + public void setPublicationDate(String publicationDate) { + this.publicationDate = publicationDate; + } - public Scholix addTarget(final String targetSummaryJson) { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + public List getPublisher() { + return publisher; + } - try { - ScholixSummary targetSummary = mapper.readValue(targetSummaryJson, ScholixSummary.class); - setTarget(ScholixResource.fromSummary(targetSummary)); - generateIdentifier(); - return this; - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } + public void setPublisher(List publisher) { + this.publisher = publisher; + } - public String getPublicationDate() { - return publicationDate; - } + public List getLinkprovider() { + return linkprovider; + } - public void setPublicationDate(String publicationDate) { - this.publicationDate = publicationDate; - } + public void setLinkprovider(List linkprovider) { + this.linkprovider = linkprovider; + } - public List getPublisher() { - return publisher; - } + public ScholixRelationship getRelationship() { + return relationship; + } - public void setPublisher(List publisher) { - this.publisher = publisher; - } + public void setRelationship(ScholixRelationship relationship) { + this.relationship = relationship; + } - public List getLinkprovider() { - return linkprovider; - } + public ScholixResource getSource() { + return source; + } - public void setLinkprovider(List linkprovider) { - this.linkprovider = linkprovider; - } + public void setSource(ScholixResource source) { + this.source = source; + } - public ScholixRelationship getRelationship() { - return relationship; - } + public ScholixResource getTarget() { + return target; + } - public void setRelationship(ScholixRelationship relationship) { - this.relationship = relationship; - } + public void setTarget(ScholixResource target) { + this.target = target; + } - public ScholixResource getSource() { - return source; - } + public String getIdentifier() { + return identifier; + } - public void setSource(ScholixResource source) { - this.source = source; - } - - public ScholixResource getTarget() { - return target; - } - - public void setTarget(ScholixResource target) { - this.target = target; - } - - public String getIdentifier() { - return identifier; - } - public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { - this.identifier = identifier; - } + public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { + this.identifier = identifier; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixCollectedFrom.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixCollectedFrom.java index 2ba84188da..9ce071fbc2 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixCollectedFrom.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixCollectedFrom.java @@ -1,43 +1,45 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix; import java.io.Serializable; public class ScholixCollectedFrom implements Serializable { - private ScholixEntityId provider; - private String provisionMode; - private String completionStatus; + private ScholixEntityId provider; + private String provisionMode; + private String completionStatus; - public ScholixCollectedFrom() { - } + public ScholixCollectedFrom() { + } - public ScholixCollectedFrom(ScholixEntityId provider, String provisionMode, String completionStatus) { - this.provider = provider; - this.provisionMode = provisionMode; - this.completionStatus = completionStatus; - } + public ScholixCollectedFrom( + ScholixEntityId provider, String provisionMode, String completionStatus) { + this.provider = provider; + this.provisionMode = provisionMode; + this.completionStatus = completionStatus; + } - public ScholixEntityId getProvider() { - return provider; - } + public ScholixEntityId getProvider() { + return provider; + } - public void setProvider(ScholixEntityId provider) { - this.provider = provider; - } + public void setProvider(ScholixEntityId provider) { + this.provider = provider; + } - public String getProvisionMode() { - return provisionMode; - } + public String getProvisionMode() { + return provisionMode; + } - public void setProvisionMode(String provisionMode) { - this.provisionMode = provisionMode; - } + public void setProvisionMode(String provisionMode) { + this.provisionMode = provisionMode; + } - public String getCompletionStatus() { - return completionStatus; - } + public String getCompletionStatus() { + return completionStatus; + } - public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { - this.completionStatus = completionStatus; - } + public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { + this.completionStatus = completionStatus; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixEntityId.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixEntityId.java index 0f43a8d44a..e797017bc7 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixEntityId.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixEntityId.java @@ -1,33 +1,34 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; public class ScholixEntityId implements Serializable { - private String name; - private List identifiers; + private String name; + private List identifiers; - public ScholixEntityId() { - } + public ScholixEntityId() { + } - public ScholixEntityId(String name, List identifiers) { - this.name = name; - this.identifiers = identifiers; - } + public ScholixEntityId(String name, List identifiers) { + this.name = name; + this.identifiers = identifiers; + } - public String getName() { - return name; - } + public String getName() { + return name; + } - public void setName(String name) { - this.name = name; - } + public void setName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } - public List getIdentifiers() { - return identifiers; - } + public List getIdentifiers() { + return identifiers; + } - public void setIdentifiers(List identifiers) { - this.identifiers = identifiers; - } + public void setIdentifiers(List identifiers) { + this.identifiers = identifiers; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixIdentifier.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixIdentifier.java index f354ef10a2..0dd15336a4 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixIdentifier.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixIdentifier.java @@ -1,32 +1,33 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix; import java.io.Serializable; public class ScholixIdentifier implements Serializable { - private String identifier; - private String schema; + private String identifier; + private String schema; - public ScholixIdentifier() { - } + public ScholixIdentifier() { + } - public ScholixIdentifier(String identifier, String schema) { - this.identifier = identifier; - this.schema = schema; - } + public ScholixIdentifier(String identifier, String schema) { + this.identifier = identifier; + this.schema = schema; + } - public String getIdentifier() { - return identifier; - } + public String getIdentifier() { + return identifier; + } - public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { - this.identifier = identifier; - } + public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { + this.identifier = identifier; + } - public String getSchema() { - return schema; - } + public String getSchema() { + return schema; + } - public void setSchema(String schema) { - this.schema = schema; - } + public void setSchema(String schema) { + this.schema = schema; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixRelationship.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixRelationship.java index 1a35038b9a..0cbdf43e79 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixRelationship.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixRelationship.java @@ -1,42 +1,43 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix; import java.io.Serializable; public class ScholixRelationship implements Serializable { - private String name; - private String schema; - private String inverse; + private String name; + private String schema; + private String inverse; - public ScholixRelationship() { - } + public ScholixRelationship() { + } - public ScholixRelationship(String name, String schema, String inverse) { - this.name = name; - this.schema = schema; - this.inverse = inverse; - } + public ScholixRelationship(String name, String schema, String inverse) { + this.name = name; + this.schema = schema; + this.inverse = inverse; + } - public String getName() { - return name; - } + public String getName() { + return name; + } - public void setName(String name) { - this.name = name; - } + public void setName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } - public String getSchema() { - return schema; - } + public String getSchema() { + return schema; + } - public void setSchema(String schema) { - this.schema = schema; - } + public void setSchema(String schema) { + this.schema = schema; + } - public String getInverse() { - return inverse; - } + public String getInverse() { + return inverse; + } - public void setInverse(String inverse) { - this.inverse = inverse; - } + public void setInverse(String inverse) { + this.inverse = inverse; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixResource.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixResource.java index 49b891e658..6de30c7481 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixResource.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/ScholixResource.java @@ -1,139 +1,151 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; - import java.io.Serializable; -import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; + public class ScholixResource implements Serializable { - private List identifier; - private String dnetIdentifier; - private String objectType; - private String objectSubType; - private String title; - private List creator; - private String publicationDate; - private List publisher; - private List collectedFrom; + private List identifier; + private String dnetIdentifier; + private String objectType; + private String objectSubType; + private String title; + private List creator; + private String publicationDate; + private List publisher; + private List collectedFrom; + public static ScholixResource fromSummary(ScholixSummary summary) { + final ScholixResource resource = new ScholixResource(); + resource.setDnetIdentifier(summary.getId()); + resource + .setIdentifier( + summary + .getLocalIdentifier() + .stream() + .map(i -> new ScholixIdentifier(i.getId(), i.getType())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - public static ScholixResource fromSummary(ScholixSummary summary) { + resource.setObjectType(summary.getTypology().toString()); - final ScholixResource resource = new ScholixResource(); + if (summary.getTitle() != null && summary.getTitle().size() > 0) + resource.setTitle(summary.getTitle().get(0)); - resource.setDnetIdentifier(summary.getId()); + if (summary.getAuthor() != null) + resource + .setCreator( + summary + .getAuthor() + .stream() + .map(c -> new ScholixEntityId(c, null)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - resource.setIdentifier(summary.getLocalIdentifier().stream() - .map(i -> - new ScholixIdentifier(i.getId(), i.getType())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); + if (summary.getDate() != null && summary.getDate().size() > 0) + resource.setPublicationDate(summary.getDate().get(0)); + if (summary.getPublisher() != null) + resource + .setPublisher( + summary + .getPublisher() + .stream() + .map(p -> new ScholixEntityId(p, null)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + if (summary.getDatasources() != null) + resource + .setCollectedFrom( + summary + .getDatasources() + .stream() + .map( + d -> new ScholixCollectedFrom( + new ScholixEntityId( + d.getDatasourceName(), + Collections + .singletonList( + new ScholixIdentifier(d.getDatasourceId(), "dnet_identifier"))), + "collected", + d.getCompletionStatus())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + return resource; + } - resource.setObjectType(summary.getTypology().toString()); + public List getIdentifier() { + return identifier; + } + public void setIdentifier(List identifier) { + this.identifier = identifier; + } - if (summary.getTitle() != null && summary.getTitle().size()>0) - resource.setTitle(summary.getTitle().get(0)); + public String getDnetIdentifier() { + return dnetIdentifier; + } - if (summary.getAuthor() != null) - resource.setCreator(summary.getAuthor().stream() - .map(c -> new ScholixEntityId(c, null)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); + public void setDnetIdentifier(String dnetIdentifier) { + this.dnetIdentifier = dnetIdentifier; + } - if (summary.getDate() != null && summary.getDate().size()>0) - resource.setPublicationDate(summary.getDate().get(0)); - if (summary.getPublisher() != null) - resource.setPublisher(summary.getPublisher().stream() - .map(p -> new ScholixEntityId(p, null)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); - if (summary.getDatasources() != null) - resource.setCollectedFrom(summary.getDatasources().stream() - .map(d -> - new ScholixCollectedFrom(new ScholixEntityId(d.getDatasourceName(), - Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(d.getDatasourceId(), "dnet_identifier")) - ), "collected", d.getCompletionStatus())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - return resource; + public String getObjectType() { + return objectType; + } - } + public void setObjectType(String objectType) { + this.objectType = objectType; + } - public List getIdentifier() { - return identifier; - } + public String getObjectSubType() { + return objectSubType; + } - public void setIdentifier(List identifier) { - this.identifier = identifier; - } + public void setObjectSubType(String objectSubType) { + this.objectSubType = objectSubType; + } - public String getDnetIdentifier() { - return dnetIdentifier; - } + public String getTitle() { + return title; + } - public void setDnetIdentifier(String dnetIdentifier) { - this.dnetIdentifier = dnetIdentifier; - } + public void setTitle(String title) { + this.title = title; + } - public String getObjectType() { - return objectType; - } + public List getCreator() { + return creator; + } - public void setObjectType(String objectType) { - this.objectType = objectType; - } + public void setCreator(List creator) { + this.creator = creator; + } - public String getObjectSubType() { - return objectSubType; - } + public String getPublicationDate() { + return publicationDate; + } - public void setObjectSubType(String objectSubType) { - this.objectSubType = objectSubType; - } + public void setPublicationDate(String publicationDate) { + this.publicationDate = publicationDate; + } - public String getTitle() { - return title; - } + public List getPublisher() { + return publisher; + } - public void setTitle(String title) { - this.title = title; - } + public void setPublisher(List publisher) { + this.publisher = publisher; + } - public List getCreator() { - return creator; - } + public List getCollectedFrom() { + return collectedFrom; + } - public void setCreator(List creator) { - this.creator = creator; - } - - public String getPublicationDate() { - return publicationDate; - } - - public void setPublicationDate(String publicationDate) { - this.publicationDate = publicationDate; - } - - public List getPublisher() { - return publisher; - } - - public void setPublisher(List publisher) { - this.publisher = publisher; - } - - public List getCollectedFrom() { - return collectedFrom; - } - - public void setCollectedFrom(List collectedFrom) { - this.collectedFrom = collectedFrom; - } + public void setCollectedFrom(List collectedFrom) { + this.collectedFrom = collectedFrom; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/CollectedFromType.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/CollectedFromType.java index 6fc0c7b293..6d6f46f544 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/CollectedFromType.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/CollectedFromType.java @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary; import java.io.Serializable; public class CollectedFromType implements Serializable { - private String datasourceName; - private String datasourceId; - private String completionStatus; + private String datasourceName; + private String datasourceId; + private String completionStatus; + public CollectedFromType() { + } - public CollectedFromType() { - } + public CollectedFromType(String datasourceName, String datasourceId, String completionStatus) { + this.datasourceName = datasourceName; + this.datasourceId = datasourceId; + this.completionStatus = completionStatus; + } - public CollectedFromType(String datasourceName, String datasourceId, String completionStatus) { - this.datasourceName = datasourceName; - this.datasourceId = datasourceId; - this.completionStatus = completionStatus; - } + public String getDatasourceName() { + return datasourceName; + } - public String getDatasourceName() { - return datasourceName; - } + public void setDatasourceName(String datasourceName) { + this.datasourceName = datasourceName; + } - public void setDatasourceName(String datasourceName) { - this.datasourceName = datasourceName; - } + public String getDatasourceId() { + return datasourceId; + } - public String getDatasourceId() { - return datasourceId; - } + public void setDatasourceId(String datasourceId) { + this.datasourceId = datasourceId; + } - public void setDatasourceId(String datasourceId) { - this.datasourceId = datasourceId; - } + public String getCompletionStatus() { + return completionStatus; + } - public String getCompletionStatus() { - return completionStatus; - } - - public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { - this.completionStatus = completionStatus; - } + public void setCompletionStatus(String completionStatus) { + this.completionStatus = completionStatus; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/SchemeValue.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/SchemeValue.java index 95a292b9df..e9d94fccf9 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/SchemeValue.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/SchemeValue.java @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary; import java.io.Serializable; public class SchemeValue implements Serializable { - private String scheme; - private String value; + private String scheme; + private String value; - public SchemeValue() { + public SchemeValue() { + } - } + public SchemeValue(String scheme, String value) { + this.scheme = scheme; + this.value = value; + } - public SchemeValue(String scheme, String value) { - this.scheme = scheme; - this.value = value; - } + public String getScheme() { + return scheme; + } - public String getScheme() { - return scheme; - } + public void setScheme(String scheme) { + this.scheme = scheme; + } - public void setScheme(String scheme) { - this.scheme = scheme; - } + public String getValue() { + return value; + } - public String getValue() { - return value; - } - - public void setValue(String value) { - this.value = value; - } + public void setValue(String value) { + this.value = value; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/ScholixSummary.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/ScholixSummary.java index 26538d1569..e5ea8b9f5a 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/ScholixSummary.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/ScholixSummary.java @@ -1,8 +1,15 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary; +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.RelatedItemInfo; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Author; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; @@ -10,300 +17,337 @@ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIDataset; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIPublication; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIUnknown; -import java.io.Serializable; -import java.util.Collections; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - public class ScholixSummary implements Serializable { - private String id; - private List localIdentifier; - private Typology typology; - private List title; - private List author; - private List date; - private String description; - private List subject; - private List publisher; - private long relatedPublications; - private long relatedDatasets; - private long relatedUnknown; - private List datasources; + private String id; + private List localIdentifier; + private Typology typology; + private List title; + private List author; + private List date; + private String description; + private List subject; + private List publisher; + private long relatedPublications; + private long relatedDatasets; + private long relatedUnknown; + private List datasources; + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public List getLocalIdentifier() { + return localIdentifier; + } - public List getLocalIdentifier() { - return localIdentifier; - } + public void setLocalIdentifier(List localIdentifier) { + this.localIdentifier = localIdentifier; + } - public void setLocalIdentifier(List localIdentifier) { - this.localIdentifier = localIdentifier; - } + public Typology getTypology() { + return typology; + } - public Typology getTypology() { - return typology; - } + public void setTypology(Typology typology) { + this.typology = typology; + } - public void setTypology(Typology typology) { - this.typology = typology; - } + public List getTitle() { + return title; + } - public List getTitle() { - return title; - } + public void setTitle(List title) { + this.title = title; + } - public void setTitle(List title) { - this.title = title; - } + public List getAuthor() { + return author; + } - public List getAuthor() { - return author; - } + public void setAuthor(List author) { + this.author = author; + } - public void setAuthor(List author) { - this.author = author; - } + public List getDate() { + return date; + } - public List getDate() { - return date; - } + public void setDate(List date) { + this.date = date; + } - public void setDate(List date) { - this.date = date; - } + @JsonProperty("abstract") + public String getDescription() { + return description; + } - @JsonProperty("abstract") - public String getDescription() { - return description; - } + @JsonProperty("abstract") + public void setDescription(String description) { + this.description = description; + } - @JsonProperty("abstract") - public void setDescription(String description) { - this.description = description; - } + public List getSubject() { + return subject; + } - public List getSubject() { - return subject; - } + public void setSubject(List subject) { + this.subject = subject; + } - public void setSubject(List subject) { - this.subject = subject; - } + public List getPublisher() { + return publisher; + } - public List getPublisher() { - return publisher; - } + public void setPublisher(List publisher) { + this.publisher = publisher; + } - public void setPublisher(List publisher) { - this.publisher = publisher; - } + public long getRelatedPublications() { + return relatedPublications; + } - public long getRelatedPublications() { - return relatedPublications; - } + public void setRelatedPublications(long relatedPublications) { + this.relatedPublications = relatedPublications; + } - public void setRelatedPublications(long relatedPublications) { - this.relatedPublications = relatedPublications; - } + public long getRelatedDatasets() { + return relatedDatasets; + } - public long getRelatedDatasets() { - return relatedDatasets; - } + public void setRelatedDatasets(long relatedDatasets) { + this.relatedDatasets = relatedDatasets; + } - public void setRelatedDatasets(long relatedDatasets) { - this.relatedDatasets = relatedDatasets; - } + public long getRelatedUnknown() { + return relatedUnknown; + } - public long getRelatedUnknown() { - return relatedUnknown; - } + public void setRelatedUnknown(long relatedUnknown) { + this.relatedUnknown = relatedUnknown; + } - public void setRelatedUnknown(long relatedUnknown) { - this.relatedUnknown = relatedUnknown; - } + public List getDatasources() { + return datasources; + } - public List getDatasources() { - return datasources; - } + public void setDatasources(List datasources) { + this.datasources = datasources; + } - public void setDatasources(List datasources) { - this.datasources = datasources; - } + public static ScholixSummary fromJsonOAF(final Typology oafType, final String oafJson) { + try { + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + final RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo = new RelatedItemInfo(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + switch (oafType) { + case dataset: + return summaryFromDataset(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIDataset.class), relatedItemInfo); + case publication: + return summaryFromPublication( + mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIPublication.class), relatedItemInfo); + case unknown: + return summaryFromUnknown(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIUnknown.class), relatedItemInfo); + } + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + return null; + } + public static String fromJsonOAF( + final Typology oafType, final String oafJson, final String relEntityJson) { + try { + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - public static ScholixSummary fromJsonOAF(final Typology oafType, final String oafJson) { - try { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - final RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo = new RelatedItemInfo(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); - switch (oafType) { - case dataset: - return summaryFromDataset(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIDataset.class), relatedItemInfo); - case publication: - return summaryFromPublication(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIPublication.class), relatedItemInfo); - case unknown: - return summaryFromUnknown(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIUnknown.class), relatedItemInfo); - } - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - return null; - } + RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo = mapper.readValue(relEntityJson, RelatedItemInfo.class); - public static String fromJsonOAF(final Typology oafType, final String oafJson, final String relEntityJson) { - try { - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); + switch (oafType) { + case dataset: + return mapper + .writeValueAsString( + summaryFromDataset(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIDataset.class), relatedItemInfo)); + case publication: + return mapper + .writeValueAsString( + summaryFromPublication( + mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIPublication.class), relatedItemInfo)); + case unknown: + return mapper + .writeValueAsString( + summaryFromUnknown(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIUnknown.class), relatedItemInfo)); + } - RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo = mapper.readValue(relEntityJson, RelatedItemInfo.class); + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } - switch (oafType) { - case dataset: - return mapper.writeValueAsString(summaryFromDataset(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIDataset.class), relatedItemInfo)); - case publication: - return mapper.writeValueAsString(summaryFromPublication(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIPublication.class), relatedItemInfo)); - case unknown: - return mapper.writeValueAsString(summaryFromUnknown(mapper.readValue(oafJson, DLIUnknown.class), relatedItemInfo)); - } + return null; + } + private static ScholixSummary summaryFromDataset( + final DLIDataset item, final RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo) { + ScholixSummary summary = new ScholixSummary(); + summary.setId(item.getId()); - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } + if (item.getPid() != null) + summary + .setLocalIdentifier( + item + .getPid() + .stream() + .map(p -> new TypedIdentifier(p.getValue(), p.getQualifier().getClassid())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - return null; - } + summary.setTypology(Typology.dataset); + if (item.getTitle() != null) + summary + .setTitle( + item.getTitle().stream().map(StructuredProperty::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList())); + if (item.getAuthor() != null) { + summary + .setAuthor( + item.getAuthor().stream().map(Author::getFullname).collect(Collectors.toList())); + } - private static ScholixSummary summaryFromDataset(final DLIDataset item, final RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo) { - ScholixSummary summary = new ScholixSummary(); - summary.setId(item.getId()); + if (item.getRelevantdate() != null) + summary + .setDate( + item + .getRelevantdate() + .stream() + .filter(d -> "date".equalsIgnoreCase(d.getQualifier().getClassname())) + .map(StructuredProperty::getValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - if (item.getPid() != null) - summary.setLocalIdentifier(item.getPid().stream() - .map(p -> new TypedIdentifier(p.getValue(), p.getQualifier().getClassid())) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); + if (item.getDescription() != null && item.getDescription().size() > 0) + summary.setDescription(item.getDescription().get(0).getValue()); - summary.setTypology(Typology.dataset); - if (item.getTitle() != null) - summary.setTitle(item.getTitle().stream().map(StructuredProperty::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList())); + if (item.getSubject() != null) { + summary + .setSubject( + item + .getSubject() + .stream() + .map(s -> new SchemeValue(s.getQualifier().getClassid(), s.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (item.getPublisher() != null) + summary.setPublisher(Collections.singletonList(item.getPublisher().getValue())); - if (item.getAuthor() != null) { - summary.setAuthor(item.getAuthor().stream().map(Author::getFullname).collect(Collectors.toList())); - } + summary.setRelatedDatasets(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedDataset()); + summary.setRelatedPublications(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedPublication()); + summary.setRelatedUnknown(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedUnknown()); - if (item.getRelevantdate() != null) - summary.setDate( - item.getRelevantdate().stream() - .filter(d -> "date".equalsIgnoreCase(d.getQualifier().getClassname())) - .map(StructuredProperty::getValue) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); + if (item.getDlicollectedfrom() != null) + summary + .setDatasources( + item + .getDlicollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map(c -> new CollectedFromType(c.getName(), c.getId(), c.getCompletionStatus())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + return summary; + } - if (item.getDescription() != null && item.getDescription().size() > 0) - summary.setDescription(item.getDescription().get(0).getValue()); + private static ScholixSummary summaryFromPublication( + final DLIPublication item, final RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo) { + ScholixSummary summary = new ScholixSummary(); + summary.setId(item.getId()); - if (item.getSubject() != null) { - summary.setSubject(item.getSubject().stream() - .map(s -> new SchemeValue(s.getQualifier().getClassid(), s.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); - } - if (item.getPublisher()!= null) - summary.setPublisher(Collections.singletonList(item.getPublisher().getValue())); + if (item.getPid() != null) + summary + .setLocalIdentifier( + item + .getPid() + .stream() + .map(p -> new TypedIdentifier(p.getValue(), p.getQualifier().getClassid())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - summary.setRelatedDatasets(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedDataset()); - summary.setRelatedPublications(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedPublication()); - summary.setRelatedUnknown(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedUnknown()); + summary.setTypology(Typology.publication); + if (item.getTitle() != null) + summary + .setTitle( + item.getTitle().stream().map(StructuredProperty::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList())); - if (item.getDlicollectedfrom() != null) - summary.setDatasources(item.getDlicollectedfrom().stream() - .map( - c -> new CollectedFromType(c.getName(), c.getId(), c.getCompletionStatus()) - ).collect(Collectors.toList())); - return summary; - } + if (item.getAuthor() != null) { + summary + .setAuthor( + item.getAuthor().stream().map(Author::getFullname).collect(Collectors.toList())); + } - private static ScholixSummary summaryFromPublication(final DLIPublication item, final RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo) { - ScholixSummary summary = new ScholixSummary(); - summary.setId(item.getId()); + if (item.getRelevantdate() != null) + summary + .setDate( + item + .getRelevantdate() + .stream() + .filter(d -> "date".equalsIgnoreCase(d.getQualifier().getClassname())) + .map(StructuredProperty::getValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - if (item.getPid() != null) - summary.setLocalIdentifier(item.getPid().stream() - .map(p -> new TypedIdentifier(p.getValue(), p.getQualifier().getClassid())) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); + if (item.getDescription() != null && item.getDescription().size() > 0) + summary.setDescription(item.getDescription().get(0).getValue()); - summary.setTypology(Typology.publication); - if (item.getTitle() != null) - summary.setTitle(item.getTitle().stream().map(StructuredProperty::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList())); + if (item.getSubject() != null) { + summary + .setSubject( + item + .getSubject() + .stream() + .map(s -> new SchemeValue(s.getQualifier().getClassid(), s.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } - if (item.getAuthor() != null) { - summary.setAuthor(item.getAuthor().stream().map(Author::getFullname).collect(Collectors.toList())); - } + if (item.getPublisher() != null) + summary.setPublisher(Collections.singletonList(item.getPublisher().getValue())); - if (item.getRelevantdate() != null) - summary.setDate( - item.getRelevantdate().stream() - .filter(d -> "date".equalsIgnoreCase(d.getQualifier().getClassname())) - .map(StructuredProperty::getValue) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); + summary.setRelatedDatasets(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedDataset()); + summary.setRelatedPublications(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedPublication()); + summary.setRelatedUnknown(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedUnknown()); - if (item.getDescription() != null && item.getDescription().size() > 0) - summary.setDescription(item.getDescription().get(0).getValue()); + if (item.getDlicollectedfrom() != null) + summary + .setDatasources( + item + .getDlicollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map(c -> new CollectedFromType(c.getName(), c.getId(), c.getCompletionStatus())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - if (item.getSubject() != null) { - summary.setSubject(item.getSubject().stream() - .map(s -> new SchemeValue(s.getQualifier().getClassid(), s.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); - } + return summary; + } - if (item.getPublisher()!= null) - summary.setPublisher(Collections.singletonList(item.getPublisher().getValue())); + private static ScholixSummary summaryFromUnknown( + final DLIUnknown item, final RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo) { + ScholixSummary summary = new ScholixSummary(); + summary.setId(item.getId()); + if (item.getPid() != null) + summary + .setLocalIdentifier( + item + .getPid() + .stream() + .map(p -> new TypedIdentifier(p.getValue(), p.getQualifier().getClassid())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); - - summary.setRelatedDatasets(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedDataset()); - summary.setRelatedPublications(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedPublication()); - summary.setRelatedUnknown(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedUnknown()); - - if (item.getDlicollectedfrom() != null) - summary.setDatasources(item.getDlicollectedfrom().stream() - .map( - c -> new CollectedFromType(c.getName(), c.getId(), c.getCompletionStatus()) - ).collect(Collectors.toList())); - - - return summary; - } - - private static ScholixSummary summaryFromUnknown(final DLIUnknown item, final RelatedItemInfo relatedItemInfo) { - ScholixSummary summary = new ScholixSummary(); - summary.setId(item.getId()); - if (item.getPid() != null) - summary.setLocalIdentifier(item.getPid().stream() - .map(p -> new TypedIdentifier(p.getValue(), p.getQualifier().getClassid())) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) - ); - - summary.setRelatedDatasets(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedDataset()); - summary.setRelatedPublications(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedPublication()); - summary.setRelatedUnknown(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedUnknown()); - summary.setTypology(Typology.unknown); - if (item.getDlicollectedfrom() != null) - summary.setDatasources(item.getDlicollectedfrom().stream() - .map( - c -> new CollectedFromType(c.getName(), c.getId(), c.getCompletionStatus()) - ).collect(Collectors.toList())); - return summary; - } + summary.setRelatedDatasets(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedDataset()); + summary.setRelatedPublications(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedPublication()); + summary.setRelatedUnknown(relatedItemInfo.getRelatedUnknown()); + summary.setTypology(Typology.unknown); + if (item.getDlicollectedfrom() != null) + summary + .setDatasources( + item + .getDlicollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map(c -> new CollectedFromType(c.getName(), c.getId(), c.getCompletionStatus())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + return summary; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/TypedIdentifier.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/TypedIdentifier.java index fd6c05ce30..c4148ad242 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/TypedIdentifier.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/TypedIdentifier.java @@ -1,32 +1,33 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary; import java.io.Serializable; public class TypedIdentifier implements Serializable { - private String id; - private String type; + private String id; + private String type; - public TypedIdentifier() { - } + public TypedIdentifier() { + } - public TypedIdentifier(String id, String type) { - this.id = id; - this.type = type; - } + public TypedIdentifier(String id, String type) { + this.id = id; + this.type = type; + } - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public String getType() { - return type; - } + public String getType() { + return type; + } - public void setType(String type) { - this.type = type; - } -} \ No newline at end of file + public void setType(String type) { + this.type = type; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/Typology.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/Typology.java index bba4b6ddfc..effa32b6bc 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/Typology.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/scholix/summary/Typology.java @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary; import java.io.Serializable; public enum Typology implements Serializable { - dataset, - publication, - unknown + dataset, publication, unknown } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/CrossRefParserJSON.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/CrossRefParserJSON.java index 828d8f9b52..a172ef698c 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/CrossRefParserJSON.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/CrossRefParserJSON.java @@ -1,108 +1,131 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.List; + import com.google.gson.JsonArray; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixCollectedFrom; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixEntityId; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixIdentifier; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixResource; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.Collections; -import java.util.List; - public class CrossRefParserJSON { - private static List collectedFrom =generateCrossrefCollectedFrom("complete"); + private static final List collectedFrom = generateCrossrefCollectedFrom("complete"); - public static ScholixResource parseRecord(final String record) { - if (record == null) return null; - JsonElement jElement = new JsonParser().parse(record); - JsonElement source = null; - if (jElement.getAsJsonObject().has("_source")) { - source = jElement.getAsJsonObject().get("_source"); - if (source == null || !source.isJsonObject()) - return null; - } - else if(jElement.getAsJsonObject().has("DOI")){ - source = jElement; - } else { - return null; - } + public static ScholixResource parseRecord(final String record) { + if (record == null) + return null; + JsonElement jElement = new JsonParser().parse(record); + JsonElement source = null; + if (jElement.getAsJsonObject().has("_source")) { + source = jElement.getAsJsonObject().get("_source"); + if (source == null || !source.isJsonObject()) + return null; + } else if (jElement.getAsJsonObject().has("DOI")) { + source = jElement; + } else { + return null; + } - final JsonObject message = source.getAsJsonObject(); - ScholixResource currentObject = new ScholixResource(); + final JsonObject message = source.getAsJsonObject(); + ScholixResource currentObject = new ScholixResource(); - if (message.get("DOI") != null) { - final String doi = message.get("DOI").getAsString(); - currentObject.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(doi, "doi"))); - } + if (message.get("DOI") != null) { + final String doi = message.get("DOI").getAsString(); + currentObject.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(doi, "doi"))); + } - if ((!message.get("created").isJsonNull()) && (message.getAsJsonObject("created").get("date-time") != null)) { - currentObject.setPublicationDate(message.getAsJsonObject("created").get("date-time").getAsString()); - } + if ((!message.get("created").isJsonNull()) + && (message.getAsJsonObject("created").get("date-time") != null)) { + currentObject + .setPublicationDate( + message.getAsJsonObject("created").get("date-time").getAsString()); + } - if (message.get("title")!= null && !message.get("title").isJsonNull() && message.get("title").isJsonArray() ) { + if (message.get("title") != null + && !message.get("title").isJsonNull() + && message.get("title").isJsonArray()) { - JsonArray array = message.get("title").getAsJsonArray(); - currentObject.setTitle(array.get(0).getAsString()); - } - if (message.get("author") != null && !message.get("author").isJsonNull()) { - JsonArray author = message.getAsJsonArray("author"); - List authorList = new ArrayList<>(); - for (JsonElement anAuthor : author) { - JsonObject currentAuth = anAuthor.getAsJsonObject(); + JsonArray array = message.get("title").getAsJsonArray(); + currentObject.setTitle(array.get(0).getAsString()); + } + if (message.get("author") != null && !message.get("author").isJsonNull()) { + JsonArray author = message.getAsJsonArray("author"); + List authorList = new ArrayList<>(); + for (JsonElement anAuthor : author) { + JsonObject currentAuth = anAuthor.getAsJsonObject(); - String family = ""; - String given = ""; - if (currentAuth != null && currentAuth.get("family") != null && !currentAuth.get("family").isJsonNull()) { - family = currentAuth.get("family").getAsString(); - } - if (currentAuth != null && currentAuth.get("given") != null && !currentAuth.get("given").isJsonNull()) { - given = currentAuth.get("given").getAsString(); - } - authorList.add(new ScholixEntityId(String.format("%s %s", family, given), null)); - } - currentObject.setCreator(authorList); - } - if (message.get("publisher") != null && !message.get("publisher").isJsonNull()) { - currentObject.setPublisher(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixEntityId(message.get("publisher").getAsString(), null))); - } - currentObject.setCollectedFrom(collectedFrom); - currentObject.setObjectType("publication"); - currentObject.setDnetIdentifier(generateId(message.get("DOI").getAsString(), "doi", "publication")); + String family = ""; + String given = ""; + if (currentAuth != null + && currentAuth.get("family") != null + && !currentAuth.get("family").isJsonNull()) { + family = currentAuth.get("family").getAsString(); + } + if (currentAuth != null + && currentAuth.get("given") != null + && !currentAuth.get("given").isJsonNull()) { + given = currentAuth.get("given").getAsString(); + } + authorList.add(new ScholixEntityId(String.format("%s %s", family, given), null)); + } + currentObject.setCreator(authorList); + } + if (message.get("publisher") != null && !message.get("publisher").isJsonNull()) { + currentObject + .setPublisher( + Collections + .singletonList( + new ScholixEntityId(message.get("publisher").getAsString(), null))); + } + currentObject.setCollectedFrom(collectedFrom); + currentObject.setObjectType("publication"); + currentObject + .setDnetIdentifier( + generateId(message.get("DOI").getAsString(), "doi", "publication")); - return currentObject; - } - - private static List generateCrossrefCollectedFrom(final String completionStatus) { - final ScholixEntityId scholixEntityId = new ScholixEntityId("Crossref", - Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier("dli_________::crossref", "dnet_identifier"))); - return Collections.singletonList( - new ScholixCollectedFrom( - scholixEntityId,"resolved", completionStatus)); - } - - private static String generateId(final String pid, final String pidType, final String entityType) { - String type; - switch (entityType){ - case "publication": - type = "50|"; - break; - case "dataset": - type = "60|"; - break; - case "unknown": - type = "70|"; - break; - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected value "+entityType); - } - return type+ DHPUtils.md5(String.format("%s::%s", pid.toLowerCase().trim(), pidType.toLowerCase().trim())); - } + return currentObject; + } + private static List generateCrossrefCollectedFrom( + final String completionStatus) { + final ScholixEntityId scholixEntityId = new ScholixEntityId( + "Crossref", + Collections + .singletonList( + new ScholixIdentifier("dli_________::crossref", "dnet_identifier"))); + return Collections + .singletonList( + new ScholixCollectedFrom(scholixEntityId, "resolved", completionStatus)); + } + private static String generateId( + final String pid, final String pidType, final String entityType) { + String type; + switch (entityType) { + case "publication": + type = "50|"; + break; + case "dataset": + type = "60|"; + break; + case "unknown": + type = "70|"; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected value " + entityType); + } + return type + + DHPUtils + .md5( + String.format("%s::%s", pid.toLowerCase().trim(), pidType.toLowerCase().trim())); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/CrossrefClient.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/CrossrefClient.java index 3190ee5168..fac1da2539 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/CrossrefClient.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/CrossrefClient.java @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update; -import com.google.gson.JsonElement; -import com.google.gson.JsonParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixResource; +import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; +import java.util.zip.Inflater; + import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; @@ -10,79 +11,81 @@ import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; -import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; -import java.util.zip.Inflater; +import com.google.gson.JsonElement; +import com.google.gson.JsonParser; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixResource; public class CrossrefClient { - private String host; - private String index ="crossref"; - private String indexType = "item"; + private String host; + private String index = "crossref"; + private String indexType = "item"; + public CrossrefClient(String host) { + this.host = host; + } - public CrossrefClient(String host) { - this.host = host; - } + public String getHost() { + return host; + } - public String getHost() { - return host; - } + public void setHost(String host) { + this.host = host; + } - public void setHost(String host) { - this.host = host; - } + public String getIndex() { + return index; + } - public String getIndex() { - return index; - } + public void setIndex(String index) { + this.index = index; + } - public void setIndex(String index) { - this.index = index; - } + public String getIndexType() { + return indexType; + } - public String getIndexType() { - return indexType; - } + public void setIndexType(String indexType) { + this.indexType = indexType; + } - public void setIndexType(String indexType) { - this.indexType = indexType; - } + private static String decompressBlob(final String blob) { + try { + byte[] byteArray = Base64.decodeBase64(blob.getBytes()); + final Inflater decompresser = new Inflater(); + decompresser.setInput(byteArray); + final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteArray.length); + byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; + while (!decompresser.finished()) { + int size = decompresser.inflate(buffer); + bos.write(buffer, 0, size); + } + byte[] unzippeddata = bos.toByteArray(); + decompresser.end(); + return new String(unzippeddata); + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Wrong record:" + blob, e); + } + } - private static String decompressBlob(final String blob) { - try { - byte[] byteArray = Base64.decodeBase64(blob.getBytes()); - final Inflater decompresser = new Inflater(); - decompresser.setInput(byteArray); - final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteArray.length); - byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; - while (!decompresser.finished()) { - int size = decompresser.inflate(buffer); - bos.write(buffer, 0, size); - } - byte[] unzippeddata = bos.toByteArray(); - decompresser.end(); - return new String(unzippeddata); - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Wrong record:" + blob,e); - } - } - - - - public ScholixResource getResourceByDOI(final String doi) { - try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault()) { - HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(String.format("http://%s:9200/%s/%s/%s", host, index,indexType, doi.replaceAll("/","%2F"))); - CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); - String json = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); - if (json.contains("blob")) { - JsonParser p = new JsonParser(); - final JsonElement root = p.parse(json); - json =decompressBlob(root.getAsJsonObject().get("_source").getAsJsonObject().get("blob").getAsString()); - } - return CrossRefParserJSON.parseRecord(json); - } catch (Throwable e) { - return null; - } - - } + public ScholixResource getResourceByDOI(final String doi) { + try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault()) { + HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet( + String + .format( + "http://%s:9200/%s/%s/%s", host, index, indexType, doi.replaceAll("/", "%2F"))); + CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); + String json = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); + if (json.contains("blob")) { + JsonParser p = new JsonParser(); + final JsonElement root = p.parse(json); + json = decompressBlob( + root.getAsJsonObject().get("_source").getAsJsonObject().get("blob").getAsString()); + } + return CrossRefParserJSON.parseRecord(json); + } catch (Throwable e) { + return null; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/Datacite2Scholix.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/Datacite2Scholix.java index c6617a8238..10426b29c8 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/Datacite2Scholix.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/Datacite2Scholix.java @@ -1,11 +1,5 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update; -import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.*; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelInfo; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; @@ -13,173 +7,223 @@ import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; + +import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; + public class Datacite2Scholix { - private String rootPath = "$.attributes"; - final RelationMapper relationMapper; + private String rootPath = "$.attributes"; + final RelationMapper relationMapper; - public Datacite2Scholix(RelationMapper relationMapper) { - this.relationMapper = relationMapper; - } + public Datacite2Scholix(RelationMapper relationMapper) { + this.relationMapper = relationMapper; + } - public List generateScholixFromJson(final String dJson) { - List> relIds = getRelatedIendtifiers(dJson); - relIds = relIds!= null ? relIds.stream().filter(m-> - m.containsKey("relatedIdentifierType") && m.containsKey("relationType" ) && m.containsKey( "relatedIdentifier") - ).collect(Collectors.toList()) : null; - if(relIds== null || relIds.size() ==0 ) - return null; + public List generateScholixFromJson(final String dJson) { + List> relIds = getRelatedIendtifiers(dJson); + relIds = relIds != null + ? relIds + .stream() + .filter( + m -> m.containsKey("relatedIdentifierType") + && m.containsKey("relationType") + && m.containsKey("relatedIdentifier")) + .collect(Collectors.toList()) + : null; + if (relIds == null || relIds.size() == 0) + return null; - final String updated = JsonPath.read(dJson, rootPath + ".updated"); - ScholixResource resource = generateDataciteScholixResource(dJson); + final String updated = JsonPath.read(dJson, rootPath + ".updated"); + ScholixResource resource = generateDataciteScholixResource(dJson); - return relIds.stream().flatMap(s-> { - final List result = generateScholix(resource, s.get("relatedIdentifier"), s.get("relatedIdentifierType"), s.get("relationType"), updated); - return result.stream(); - }).collect(Collectors.toList()); - } + return relIds + .stream() + .flatMap( + s -> { + try { + final List result = generateScholix( + resource, + "" + s.get("relatedIdentifier"), + s.get("relatedIdentifierType"), + s.get("relationType"), + updated); + return result.stream(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + return new ArrayList().stream(); + } + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + } - public String getRootPath() { - return rootPath; - } + public String getRootPath() { + return rootPath; + } - public void setRootPath(String rootPath) { - this.rootPath = rootPath; - } + public void setRootPath(String rootPath) { + this.rootPath = rootPath; + } - private List generateScholix(ScholixResource source, final String pid, final String pidtype, final String relType, final String updated) { - if ("doi".equalsIgnoreCase(pidtype)) { - ScholixResource target = new ScholixResource(); - target.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(pid, pidtype))); - final RelInfo relInfo = relationMapper.get(relType.toLowerCase()); - final ScholixRelationship rel = new ScholixRelationship(relInfo.getOriginal(), "datacite", relInfo.getInverse()); - final ScholixEntityId provider = source.getCollectedFrom().get(0).getProvider(); - final Scholix s = new Scholix(); - s.setSource(source); - s.setTarget(target); - s.setLinkprovider(Collections.singletonList(provider)); - s.setPublisher(source.getPublisher()); - s.setRelationship(rel); - s.setPublicationDate(updated); - return Collections.singletonList(s); - } else { - final List result = new ArrayList<>(); - ScholixResource target = new ScholixResource(); - target.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(pid, pidtype))); - target.setDnetIdentifier(generateId(pid, pidtype, "unknown")); - target.setObjectType("unknown"); - target.setCollectedFrom(generateDataciteCollectedFrom("incomplete")); - final RelInfo relInfo = relationMapper.get(relType.toLowerCase()); - final ScholixRelationship rel = new ScholixRelationship(relInfo.getOriginal(), "datacite", relInfo.getInverse()); - final ScholixEntityId provider = source.getCollectedFrom().get(0).getProvider(); - final Scholix s = new Scholix(); - s.setSource(source); - s.setTarget(target); - s.setLinkprovider(Collections.singletonList(provider)); - s.setPublisher(source.getPublisher()); - s.setRelationship(rel); - s.setPublicationDate(updated); - s.generateIdentifier(); - result.add(s); - final Scholix s2 = new Scholix(); - s2.setSource(target); - s2.setTarget(source); - s2.setLinkprovider(Collections.singletonList(provider)); - s2.setPublisher(source.getPublisher()); - s2.setRelationship(new ScholixRelationship(relInfo.getInverse(), "datacite", relInfo.getOriginal())); - s2.setPublicationDate(updated); - s2.generateIdentifier(); - result.add(s2); - return result; - } - } + private List generateScholix( + ScholixResource source, + final String pid, + final String pidtype, + final String relType, + final String updated) { - public ScholixResource generateDataciteScholixResource(String dJson) { - ScholixResource resource = new ScholixResource(); - String DOI_PATH = rootPath + ".doi"; - final String doi = JsonPath.read(dJson, DOI_PATH); - resource.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(doi, "doi"))); - resource.setObjectType(getType(dJson)); - resource.setDnetIdentifier(generateId(doi, "doi", resource.getObjectType())); - resource.setCollectedFrom(generateDataciteCollectedFrom("complete")); - final String publisher = JsonPath.read(dJson, rootPath + ".publisher"); - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(publisher)) - resource.setPublisher(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixEntityId(publisher, null))); - final String date = getDate(dJson); - if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(date)) - resource.setPublicationDate(date); - final String title = getTitle(dJson); - if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(title)) - resource.setTitle(title); - resource.setCreator(getCreators(dJson)); - return resource; - } + if ("doi".equalsIgnoreCase(pidtype)) { + ScholixResource target = new ScholixResource(); + target.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(pid, pidtype))); + final RelInfo relInfo = relationMapper.get(relType.toLowerCase()); + final ScholixRelationship rel = new ScholixRelationship(relInfo.getOriginal(), "datacite", + relInfo.getInverse()); + final ScholixEntityId provider = source.getCollectedFrom().get(0).getProvider(); + final Scholix s = new Scholix(); + s.setSource(source); + s.setTarget(target); + s.setLinkprovider(Collections.singletonList(provider)); + s.setPublisher(source.getPublisher()); + s.setRelationship(rel); + s.setPublicationDate(updated); + return Collections.singletonList(s); + } else { + final List result = new ArrayList<>(); + ScholixResource target = new ScholixResource(); + target.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(pid, pidtype))); + target.setDnetIdentifier(generateId(pid, pidtype, "unknown")); + target.setObjectType("unknown"); + target.setCollectedFrom(generateDataciteCollectedFrom("incomplete")); + final RelInfo relInfo = relationMapper.get(relType.toLowerCase()); + final ScholixRelationship rel = new ScholixRelationship(relInfo.getOriginal(), "datacite", + relInfo.getInverse()); + final ScholixEntityId provider = source.getCollectedFrom().get(0).getProvider(); + final Scholix s = new Scholix(); + s.setSource(source); + s.setTarget(target); + s.setLinkprovider(Collections.singletonList(provider)); + s.setPublisher(source.getPublisher()); + s.setRelationship(rel); + s.setPublicationDate(updated); + s.generateIdentifier(); + result.add(s); + final Scholix s2 = new Scholix(); + s2.setSource(target); + s2.setTarget(source); + s2.setLinkprovider(Collections.singletonList(provider)); + s2.setPublisher(source.getPublisher()); + s2 + .setRelationship( + new ScholixRelationship(relInfo.getInverse(), "datacite", relInfo.getOriginal())); + s2.setPublicationDate(updated); + s2.generateIdentifier(); + result.add(s2); + return result; + } + } - private List getCreators(final String json) { - final List creatorName = JsonPath.read(json, rootPath + ".creators[*].name"); - if (creatorName!= null && creatorName.size() >0) { - return creatorName.stream().map(s-> new ScholixEntityId(s, null)).collect(Collectors.toList()); - } - return null; - } + public ScholixResource generateDataciteScholixResource(String dJson) { + ScholixResource resource = new ScholixResource(); + String DOI_PATH = rootPath + ".doi"; + final String doi = JsonPath.read(dJson, DOI_PATH); + resource.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(doi, "doi"))); + resource.setObjectType(getType(dJson)); + resource.setDnetIdentifier(generateId(doi, "doi", resource.getObjectType())); + resource.setCollectedFrom(generateDataciteCollectedFrom("complete")); + final String publisher = JsonPath.read(dJson, rootPath + ".publisher"); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(publisher)) + resource.setPublisher(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixEntityId(publisher, null))); + final String date = getDate(dJson); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(date)) + resource.setPublicationDate(date); + final String title = getTitle(dJson); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title)) + resource.setTitle(title); + resource.setCreator(getCreators(dJson)); + return resource; + } - private String getTitle(final String json){ - final List titles = JsonPath.read(json, rootPath + ".titles[*].title"); - return titles!= null && titles.size()>0?titles.get(0): null; - } + private List getCreators(final String json) { + final List creatorName = JsonPath.read(json, rootPath + ".creators[*].name"); + if (creatorName != null && creatorName.size() > 0) { + return creatorName + .stream() + .map(s -> new ScholixEntityId(s, null)) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + } + return null; + } - private String getDate(final String json) { - final List> dates = JsonPath.read(json, rootPath + ".dates"); - if(dates!= null && dates.size()>0){ + private String getTitle(final String json) { + final List titles = JsonPath.read(json, rootPath + ".titles[*].title"); + return titles != null && titles.size() > 0 ? titles.get(0) : null; + } - List> issued = dates.stream().filter(s -> "issued".equalsIgnoreCase(s.get("dateType"))).collect(Collectors.toList()); - if (issued.size()>0) - return issued.get(0).get("date"); - } - return null; - } + private String getDate(final String json) { + final List> dates = JsonPath.read(json, rootPath + ".dates"); + if (dates != null && dates.size() > 0) { - private List generateDataciteCollectedFrom(final String completionStatus) { - final ScholixEntityId scholixEntityId = new ScholixEntityId("Datasets in Datacite", - Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier("dli_________::datacite", "dnet_identifier"))); - return Collections.singletonList( - new ScholixCollectedFrom( - scholixEntityId,"collected", completionStatus)); - } + List> issued = dates + .stream() + .filter(s -> "issued".equalsIgnoreCase(s.get("dateType"))) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + if (issued.size() > 0) + return issued.get(0).get("date"); + } + return null; + } - private String getType(final String json) { - try { - final String bibtext = JsonPath.read(json, rootPath + ".types.bibtex"); - if ("article".equalsIgnoreCase(bibtext)) { - return "publication"; - } - return "dataset"; - } catch (Throwable e) { - return "dataset"; - } - } + private List generateDataciteCollectedFrom(final String completionStatus) { + final ScholixEntityId scholixEntityId = new ScholixEntityId( + "Datasets in Datacite", + Collections + .singletonList( + new ScholixIdentifier("dli_________::datacite", "dnet_identifier"))); + return Collections + .singletonList( + new ScholixCollectedFrom(scholixEntityId, "collected", completionStatus)); + } - private List> getRelatedIendtifiers(final String json) { - String REL_IDENTIFIER_PATH = rootPath + ".relatedIdentifiers[*]"; - List> res = JsonPath.read(json, REL_IDENTIFIER_PATH); - return res; - } + private String getType(final String json) { + try { + final String bibtext = JsonPath.read(json, rootPath + ".types.bibtex"); + if ("article".equalsIgnoreCase(bibtext)) { + return "publication"; + } + return "dataset"; + } catch (Throwable e) { + return "dataset"; + } + } - protected String generateId(final String pid, final String pidType, final String entityType) { - String type; - switch (entityType){ - case "publication": - type = "50|"; - break; - case "dataset": - type = "60|"; - break; - case "unknown": - type = "70|"; - break; - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected value "+entityType); - } - return type+ DHPUtils.md5(String.format("%s::%s", pid.toLowerCase().trim(), pidType.toLowerCase().trim())); - } + private List> getRelatedIendtifiers(final String json) { + String REL_IDENTIFIER_PATH = rootPath + ".relatedIdentifiers[*]"; + List> res = JsonPath.read(json, REL_IDENTIFIER_PATH); + return res; + } + + public static String generateId(final String pid, final String pidType, final String entityType) { + String type; + switch (entityType) { + case "publication": + type = "50|"; + break; + case "dataset": + type = "60|"; + break; + case "unknown": + type = "70|"; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected value " + entityType); + } + return type + + DHPUtils + .md5( + String.format("%s::%s", pid.toLowerCase().trim(), pidType.toLowerCase().trim())); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/DataciteClient.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/DataciteClient.java index e1d25bf2e2..9e9f0d5c99 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/DataciteClient.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/DataciteClient.java @@ -1,75 +1,75 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixResource; +import java.io.IOException; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; -import java.io.IOException; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixResource; public class DataciteClient { + private String host; + private String index = "datacite"; + private String indexType = "dump"; + private final Datacite2Scholix d2s; - private String host; - private String index ="datacite"; - private String indexType = "dump"; - private Datacite2Scholix d2s; + public DataciteClient(String host) { + this.host = host; - public DataciteClient(String host) { - this.host = host; + d2s = new Datacite2Scholix(null); + d2s.setRootPath("$._source.attributes"); + } - d2s = new Datacite2Scholix(null); - d2s.setRootPath("$._source.attributes"); - } + public Iterable getDatasetsFromTs(final Long timestamp) { + return () -> { + try { + return new DataciteClientIterator(host, index, timestamp); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + }; + } - public Iterable getDatasetsFromTs(final Long timestamp) { - return ()-> { - try { - return new DataciteClientIterator(host, index, timestamp); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - }; + public String getHost() { + return host; + } + public void setHost(String host) { + this.host = host; + } - } + public String getIndex() { + return index; + } - public String getHost() { - return host; - } + public void setIndex(String index) { + this.index = index; + } - public void setHost(String host) { - this.host = host; - } - - public String getIndex() { - return index; - } - - public void setIndex(String index) { - this.index = index; - } - - public String getIndexType() { - return indexType; - } - - public void setIndexType(String indexType) { - this.indexType = indexType; - } - - public ScholixResource getDatasetByDOI(final String doi) { - try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault()) { - HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(String.format("http://%s:9200/%s/%s/%s", host, index,indexType, doi.replaceAll("/","%2F"))); - CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); - final String json =IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); - return d2s.generateDataciteScholixResource(json); - } catch (Throwable e) { - return null; - } - } + public String getIndexType() { + return indexType; + } + public void setIndexType(String indexType) { + this.indexType = indexType; + } + public ScholixResource getDatasetByDOI(final String doi) { + try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault()) { + HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet( + String + .format( + "http://%s:9200/%s/%s/%s", host, index, indexType, doi.replaceAll("/", "%2F"))); + CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); + final String json = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); + return d2s.generateDataciteScholixResource(json); + } catch (Throwable e) { + return null; + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/DataciteClientIterator.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/DataciteClientIterator.java index e823945aec..2c70c8b091 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/DataciteClientIterator.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/DataciteClientIterator.java @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; -import net.minidev.json.JSONArray; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; @@ -9,106 +13,108 @@ import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.util.Iterator; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; + +import net.minidev.json.JSONArray; public class DataciteClientIterator implements Iterator { - final static String blobPath = "$.hits.hits[*]._source"; - final static String scrollIdPath = "$._scroll_id"; + static final String blobPath = "$.hits.hits[*]._source"; + static final String scrollIdPath = "$._scroll_id"; - String scrollId; + String scrollId; - List buffer; + List buffer; - final String esHost; - final String esIndex; - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + final String esHost; + final String esIndex; + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - public DataciteClientIterator(final String esHost, final String esIndex, final long timestamp) throws IOException { + public DataciteClientIterator(final String esHost, final String esIndex, long timestamp) + throws IOException { - this.esHost = esHost; - this.esIndex = esIndex; - final String body =getResponse(String.format("http://%s:9200/%s/_search?scroll=1m", esHost, esIndex), String.format("{\"size\":1000, \"query\":{\"range\":{\"timestamp\":{\"gte\":%d}}}}", timestamp)); - scrollId= getJPathString(scrollIdPath, body); - buffer = getBlobs(body); + this.esHost = esHost; + this.esIndex = esIndex; + // THIS FIX IS NECESSARY to avoid different timezone + timestamp -= (60 * 60 * 2); + final String body = getResponse( + String.format("http://%s:9200/%s/_search?scroll=1m", esHost, esIndex), + String + .format( + "{\"size\":1000, \"query\":{\"range\":{\"timestamp\":{\"gte\":%d}}}}", timestamp)); + scrollId = getJPathString(scrollIdPath, body); + buffer = getBlobs(body); + } - } + public String getResponse(final String url, final String json) { + CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault(); + try { + HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url); + if (json != null) { + StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(json); + httpPost.setEntity(entity); + httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); + httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); + } + CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost); - public String getResponse(final String url,final String json ) { - CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault(); - try { + return IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error on executing request ", e); + } finally { + try { + client.close(); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Unable to close client ", e); + } + } + } - HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url); - if (json!= null) { - StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(json); - httpPost.setEntity(entity); - httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); - httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); - } - CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost); + private String getJPathString(final String jsonPath, final String json) { + try { + Object o = JsonPath.read(json, jsonPath); + if (o instanceof String) + return (String) o; + return null; + } catch (Exception e) { + return ""; + } + } - return IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Error on executing request ",e); - } finally { - try { - client.close(); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Unable to close client ",e); - } - } + private List getBlobs(final String body) { + JSONArray array = JsonPath.read(body, blobPath); + return array + .stream() + .map( + o -> { + try { + return mapper.writeValueAsString(o); + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + } - } + @Override + public boolean hasNext() { + return (buffer != null && !buffer.isEmpty()); + } - private String getJPathString(final String jsonPath, final String json) { - try { - Object o = JsonPath.read(json, jsonPath); - if (o instanceof String) - return (String) o; - return null; - } catch (Exception e) { - return ""; - } - } - - private List getBlobs(final String body) { - JSONArray array = JsonPath.read(body, blobPath); - return array.stream().map( - o -> { - try { - return mapper.writeValueAsString(o); - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } - ).collect(Collectors.toList()); - } - - - @Override - public boolean hasNext() { - return (buffer!= null && !buffer.isEmpty()); - - } - - @Override - public String next() { - final String nextItem = buffer.remove(0); - if (buffer.isEmpty()) { - final String json_param = String.format("{\"scroll_id\":\"%s\",\"scroll\" : \"1m\"}", scrollId); - final String body =getResponse(String.format("http://%s:9200/_search/scroll", esHost), json_param); - try { - buffer = getBlobs(body); - } catch (Throwable e) { - System.out.println(body); - - } - - } - return nextItem; - } + @Override + public String next() { + final String nextItem = buffer.remove(0); + if (buffer.isEmpty()) { + final String json_param = String.format("{\"scroll_id\":\"%s\",\"scroll\" : \"1m\"}", scrollId); + final String body = getResponse(String.format("http://%s:9200/_search/scroll", esHost), json_param); + try { + buffer = getBlobs(body); + } catch (Throwable e) { + System.out.println(body); + } + } + return nextItem; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite.java index ea659dbb1b..e876d05a12 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite.java @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.Scholix; -import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; +import java.net.URI; +import java.util.List; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; @@ -12,52 +12,61 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; -import java.net.URI; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.Scholix; +import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; public class RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite { - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_retrieve_update_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); - final String hdfsuri = parser.get("namenode"); - Path hdfswritepath = new Path(parser.get("targetPath")); - final long timestamp = Long.parseLong(parser.get("timestamp")); - final String host = parser.get("indexHost"); - final String index = parser.get("indexName"); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_retrieve_update_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); + final String hdfsuri = parser.get("namenode"); + Path hdfswritepath = new Path(parser.get("targetPath")); + final long timestamp = Long.parseLong(parser.get("timestamp")); + final String host = parser.get("indexHost"); + final String index = parser.get("indexName"); - // ====== Init HDFS File System Object - Configuration conf = new Configuration(); - // Set FileSystem URI - conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsuri); - // Because of Maven - conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName()); - conf.set("fs.file.impl", org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem.class.getName()); + // ====== Init HDFS File System Object + Configuration conf = new Configuration(); + // Set FileSystem URI + conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsuri); + // Because of Maven + conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName()); + conf.set("fs.file.impl", org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem.class.getName()); - FileSystem.get(URI.create(hdfsuri), conf); - final Datacite2Scholix d2s = new Datacite2Scholix(RelationMapper.load()); - final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - try (SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(conf, - SequenceFile.Writer.file(hdfswritepath), SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(IntWritable.class), - SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(Text.class))) { - final Text value = new Text(); - final IntWritable key = new IntWritable(); - int i = 0; - for(String dataset: new DataciteClient(host).getDatasetsFromTs(timestamp)) { - i++; - List scholix = d2s.generateScholixFromJson(dataset); - if (scholix!= null) - for(Scholix s: scholix) { - key.set(i); - value.set(mapper.writeValueAsString(s)); - writer.append(key, value); - if (i % 10000 == 0) { - System.out.println("wrote "+i); - } - } - } - - } - } + FileSystem.get(URI.create(hdfsuri), conf); + final Datacite2Scholix d2s = new Datacite2Scholix(RelationMapper.load()); + final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + try (SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile + .createWriter( + conf, + SequenceFile.Writer.file(hdfswritepath), + SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(IntWritable.class), + SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(Text.class))) { + final Text value = new Text(); + final IntWritable key = new IntWritable(); + int i = 0; + for (String dataset : new DataciteClient(host).getDatasetsFromTs(timestamp)) { + i++; + List scholix = d2s.generateScholixFromJson(dataset); + if (scholix != null) + for (Scholix s : scholix) { + key.set(i); + value.set(mapper.writeValueAsString(s)); + writer.append(key, value); + if (i % 10000 == 0) { + System.out.println("wrote " + i); + } + } + } + } + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/SparkResolveScholixTarget.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/SparkResolveScholixTarget.java index 4628c46845..981c471aea 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/SparkResolveScholixTarget.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/update/SparkResolveScholixTarget.java @@ -1,81 +1,184 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.Scholix; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixIdentifier; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixResource; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; +import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.FlatMapFunction; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.*; -import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.Collections; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.Scholix; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixIdentifier; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixRelationship; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixResource; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; +import scala.Tuple2; public class SparkResolveScholixTarget { - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(IOUtils.toString(SparkResolveScholixTarget.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_resolve_scholix_parameters.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + SparkResolveScholixTarget.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/input_resolve_scholix_parameters.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); - final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - final String master = parser.get("master"); - final String sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath"); - final String workingDirPath= parser.get("workingDirPath"); - final String indexHost= parser.get("indexHost"); + final String master = parser.get("master"); + final String sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath"); + final String workingDirPath = parser.get("workingDirPath"); + final String indexHost = parser.get("indexHost"); + try (SparkSession spark = getSession(conf, master)) { + final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - try (SparkSession spark = getSession(conf, master)){ + spark + .createDataset( + sc + .sequenceFile(sourcePath, IntWritable.class, Text.class) + .map(Tuple2::_2) + .map(s -> new ObjectMapper().readValue(s.toString(), Scholix.class)) + .rdd(), + Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)) + .write() + .save(workingDirPath + "/stepA"); - final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + Dataset s1 = spark.read().load(workingDirPath + "/stepA").as(Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)); + s1 + .where(s1.col("target.dnetIdentifier").isNull()) + .select(s1.col("target.identifier")) + .distinct() + .map( + (MapFunction) f -> { + final String pid = ((Row) f.getList(0).get(0)).getString(0); + ScholixResource publication = new CrossrefClient(indexHost).getResourceByDOI(pid); + if (publication != null) { + return publication; + } + ScholixResource dataset = new DataciteClient(indexHost).getDatasetByDOI(pid); + if (dataset != null) { + return dataset; + } + ScholixResource r = new ScholixResource(); + r.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(pid, "doi"))); + r.setObjectType("unknown"); + r + .setDnetIdentifier( + "70|" + DHPUtils.md5(String.format("%s::doi", pid.toLowerCase().trim()))); - spark.createDataset(sc.sequenceFile(sourcePath, IntWritable.class,Text.class) - .map(Tuple2::_2) - .map(s-> new ObjectMapper().readValue(s.toString(), Scholix.class)).rdd(), Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)) - .write().save(workingDirPath+"/stepA"); + return r; + }, + Encoders.bean(ScholixResource.class)) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .save(workingDirPath + "/stepB"); + Dataset s2 = spark + .read() + .load(workingDirPath + "/stepB") + .as(Encoders.bean(ScholixResource.class)); + s1 + .joinWith( + s2, + s1.col("target.identifier.identifier").equalTo(s2.col("identifier.identifier")), + "left") + .flatMap( + (FlatMapFunction, Scholix>) f -> { + final List res = new ArrayList<>(); + final Scholix s = f._1(); + final ScholixResource target = f._2(); + if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(s.getIdentifier())) + res.add(s); + else if (target == null) { + ScholixResource currentTarget = s.getTarget(); + currentTarget.setObjectType("unknown"); + currentTarget + .setDnetIdentifier( + Datacite2Scholix + .generateId( + currentTarget.getIdentifier().get(0).getIdentifier(), + currentTarget.getIdentifier().get(0).getSchema(), + currentTarget.getObjectType())); - Dataset s1 = spark.read().load(workingDirPath+"/stepA").as(Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)); + s.generateIdentifier(); + res.add(s); + final Scholix inverse = new Scholix(); + inverse.setTarget(s.getSource()); + inverse.setSource(s.getTarget()); + inverse.setLinkprovider(s.getLinkprovider()); + inverse.setPublicationDate(s.getPublicationDate()); + inverse.setPublisher(s.getPublisher()); + inverse + .setRelationship( + new ScholixRelationship( + s.getRelationship().getInverse(), + s.getRelationship().getSchema(), + s.getRelationship().getName())); + inverse.generateIdentifier(); + res.add(inverse); - s1.where(s1.col("target.dnetIdentifier").isNull()).select(s1.col("target.identifier")).distinct() - .map((MapFunction) f-> { - final String pid = ((Row) f.getList(0).get(0)).getString(0); - ScholixResource publication = new CrossrefClient(indexHost).getResourceByDOI(pid); - if (publication != null) { - return publication; - } - ScholixResource dataset = new DataciteClient(indexHost).getDatasetByDOI(pid); - if (dataset!= null) { - return dataset; - } - ScholixResource r = new ScholixResource(); - r.setIdentifier(Collections.singletonList(new ScholixIdentifier(pid, "doi"))); - r.setObjectType("unknown"); - r.setDnetIdentifier("70|"+DHPUtils.md5(String.format("%s::doi", pid.toLowerCase().trim()))); + } else { + target + .setIdentifier( + target + .getIdentifier() + .stream() + .map( + d -> new ScholixIdentifier( + d.getIdentifier().toLowerCase(), + d.getSchema().toLowerCase())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + s.setTarget(target); + s.generateIdentifier(); + res.add(s); + final Scholix inverse = new Scholix(); + inverse.setTarget(s.getSource()); + inverse.setSource(s.getTarget()); + inverse.setLinkprovider(s.getLinkprovider()); + inverse.setPublicationDate(s.getPublicationDate()); + inverse.setPublisher(s.getPublisher()); + inverse + .setRelationship( + new ScholixRelationship( + s.getRelationship().getInverse(), + s.getRelationship().getSchema(), + s.getRelationship().getName())); + inverse.generateIdentifier(); + res.add(inverse); + } - return r; - }, Encoders.bean(ScholixResource.class)).write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(workingDirPath+"/stepB"); - - - - } - } - - private static SparkSession getSession(SparkConf conf, String master) { - return SparkSession - .builder() - .config(conf) - .appName(SparkResolveScholixTarget.class.getSimpleName()) - .master(master) - .getOrCreate(); - } + return res.iterator(); + }, + Encoders.bean(Scholix.class)) + .javaRDD() + .map(s -> new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(s)) + .saveAsTextFile(workingDirPath + "/resolved_json"); + } + } + private static SparkSession getSession(SparkConf conf, String master) { + return SparkSession + .builder() + .config(conf) + .appName(SparkResolveScholixTarget.class.getSimpleName()) + .master(master) + .getOrCreate(); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/index/oozie_app/config-default.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/index/oozie_app/config-default.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fb2a1253c --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/index/oozie_app/config-default.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + oozie.use.system.libpath + true + + + oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark + spark2 + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/index/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/index/oozie_app/workflow.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9fc86e0146 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/index/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ + + + + workingDirPath + the source path + + + sparkDriverMemory + memory for driver process + + + sparkExecutorMemory + memory for individual executor + + + index + index name + + + + + + + Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}] + + + + + ${jobTracker} + ${nameNode} + yarn-cluster + cluster + index Summary + eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.SparkIndexCollectionOnES + dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer-${projectVersion}.jar + --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} ${sparkExtraOPT} --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors="32" + -mt yarn-cluster + --sourcePath${workingDirPath}/summary + --index${index}_object + --idPathid + --typesummary + + + + + + + + ${jobTracker} + ${nameNode} + yarn-cluster + cluster + index scholix + eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.SparkIndexCollectionOnES + dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer-${projectVersion}.jar + --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} ${sparkExtraOPT} --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors="8" + -mt yarn-cluster + --sourcePath${workingDirPath}/scholix_json + --index${index}_scholix + --idPathidentifier + --typescholix + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/synch/oozie_app/config-default.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/synch/oozie_app/config-default.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c1a43e513 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/synch/oozie_app/config-default.xml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + + + oozie.use.system.libpath + true + + + oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark + spark2 + + + oozie.launcher.mapreduce.user.classpath.first + true + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/synch/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/synch/oozie_app/workflow.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c004eafe69 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/synch/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ + + + + workingDirPath + the source path + + + sparkDriverMemory + memory for driver process + + + sparkExecutorMemory + memory for individual executor + + + index + index name + + + timestamp + timestamp from incremental harvesting + + + + + + + Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}] + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ${jobTracker} + ${nameNode} + eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update.RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite + -t${workingDirPath}/synch/input_json + -n${nameNode} + -ts${timestamp} + -ihip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it + -indatacite + + + + + + + + ${jobTracker} + ${nameNode} + yarn-cluster + cluster + resolve and generate Scholix + eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update.SparkResolveScholixTarget + dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer-${projectVersion}.jar + --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} ${sparkExtraOPT} --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors="32" + -m yarn-cluster + -s${workingDirPath}/synch/input_json + -w${workingDirPath}/synch + -hip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it + + + + + + + + ${jobTracker} + ${nameNode} + yarn-cluster + cluster + index scholix + eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.SparkIndexCollectionOnES + dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer-${projectVersion}.jar + --executor-memory ${sparkExecutorMemory} --driver-memory=${sparkDriverMemory} ${sparkExtraOPT} --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors="8" + -mt yarn-cluster + --sourcePath${workingDirPath}/synch/resolved_json + --index${index}_scholix + --idPathidentifier + --typescholix + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/DataciteClientTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/DataciteClientTest.java index e008d72be5..d9cbd22f3f 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/DataciteClientTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/DataciteClientTest.java @@ -1,97 +1,50 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision; +import java.util.List; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.Scholix; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.ScholixResource; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.update.*; import eu.dnetlib.scholexplorer.relation.RelationMapper; -import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; -import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; -import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; -import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; -import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions; -import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; - -import java.io.IOException; -import java.util.List; - public class DataciteClientTest { + @Test + public void dataciteSCholixTest() throws Exception { + final String json = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("datacite.json")); + final RelationMapper mapper = RelationMapper.load(); + Datacite2Scholix ds = new Datacite2Scholix(mapper); + final List s = ds.generateScholixFromJson(json); + System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(s)); + } - @Test - public void dataciteSCholixTest() throws Exception { - final String json = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("datacite.json")); - final RelationMapper mapper = RelationMapper.load(); + // public void testS() throws Exception { + // RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite.main(new String[]{ + // "-n", "file:///data/new_s2.txt", + // "-t", "/data/new_s2.txt", + // "-ts", "1586974078", + // "-ih", "ip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it", + // "-in", "datacite", + // }); + // + // } - Datacite2Scholix ds = new Datacite2Scholix(mapper); - final List s = ds.generateScholixFromJson(json); - System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(s)); - } + public void testResolveDataset() throws Exception { + DataciteClient dc = new DataciteClient("ip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it"); + ScholixResource datasetByDOI = dc.getDatasetByDOI("10.17182/hepdata.15392.v1/t5"); + Assertions.assertNotNull(datasetByDOI); + System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(datasetByDOI)); - - - public void testClient() throws Exception { - RetrieveUpdateFromDatacite.main(new String[]{ - "-n", "file:///data/new_s2.txt", - "-t", "/data/new_s2.txt", - "-ts", "1585760736", - "-ih", "ip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it", - "-in", "datacite", - }); - - - SparkResolveScholixTarget.main(new String[]{ - "-s", "file:///data/new_s.txt", - "-m", "local[*]", - "-w", "/data/scholix/provision", - "-h", "ip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it", - - }); - } - - - public void testResolveDataset() throws Exception { - DataciteClient dc = new DataciteClient("ip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it"); - ScholixResource datasetByDOI = dc.getDatasetByDOI("10.17182/hepdata.15392.v1/t5"); - Assertions.assertNotNull(datasetByDOI); - System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(datasetByDOI)); - - - CrossrefClient cr = new CrossrefClient("ip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it"); - ScholixResource crossrefByDOI = cr.getResourceByDOI("10.26850/1678-4618eqj.v35.1.2010.p41-46"); - Assertions.assertNotNull(crossrefByDOI); - System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(crossrefByDOI)); - - - - } - - private String getResponse(final String url,final String json ) { - CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault(); - try { - - HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url); - if (json!= null) { - StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(json); - httpPost.setEntity(entity); - httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); - httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); - } - CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost); - - return IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); - } catch (Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Error on executing request ",e); - } finally { - try { - client.close(); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Unable to close client ",e); - } - } - - } + CrossrefClient cr = new CrossrefClient("ip-90-147-167-25.ct1.garrservices.it"); + ScholixResource crossrefByDOI = cr.getResourceByDOI("10.26850/1678-4618eqj.v35.1.2010.p41-46"); + Assertions.assertNotNull(crossrefByDOI); + System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(crossrefByDOI)); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/ExtractInfoTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/ExtractInfoTest.java index b5142447d1..be97072b57 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/ExtractInfoTest.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/ExtractInfoTest.java @@ -1,28 +1,30 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.Scholix; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.Scholix; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.provision.scholix.summary.ScholixSummary; + public class ExtractInfoTest { - @Test - public void testSerialization() throws Exception { + @Test + public void testSerialization() throws Exception { - ScholixSummary summary = new ScholixSummary(); - summary.setDescription("descrizione"); - ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); - String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(summary); - System.out.println(json); - System.out.println(mapper.readValue(json, ScholixSummary.class).getDescription()); - } - - @Test - public void testScholix() throws Exception { - final String jsonSummary = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("summary.json")); - final String jsonRelation = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("relation.json")); - Scholix.generateScholixWithSource(jsonSummary, jsonRelation); - } + ScholixSummary summary = new ScholixSummary(); + summary.setDescription("descrizione"); + ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); + String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(summary); + System.out.println(json); + System.out.println(mapper.readValue(json, ScholixSummary.class).getDescription()); + } + @Test + public void testScholix() throws Exception { + final String jsonSummary = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("summary.json")); + final String jsonRelation = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("relation.json")); + Scholix.generateScholixWithSource(jsonSummary, jsonRelation); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/relation.json b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/relation.json index e029ddf625..3cca6e370f 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/relation.json +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/provision/relation.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"dataInfo":{"invisible":false,"inferred":null,"deletedbyinference":false,"trust":"0.9","inferenceprovenance":null,"provenanceaction":null},"lastupdatetimestamp":null,"relType":"IsReferencedBy","subRelType":null,"relClass":"datacite","source":"50|dedup_______::4f00e4f0e82bb4cbb35261478e55568e","target":"60|97519e00ee2cddfa1f5bcb5220429b8f","collectedFrom":[{"key":"dli_________::europe_pmc__","value":"Europe PMC","dataInfo":null}]} \ No newline at end of file +{"dataInfo":{"invisible":false,"inferred":null,"deletedbyinference":false,"trust":"0.9","inferenceprovenance":null,"provenanceaction":null},"lastupdatetimestamp":null,"relType":"IsReferencedBy","subRelType":null,"relClass":"datacite","source":"50|dedup_______::4f00e4f0e82bb4cbb35261478e55568e","target":"60|97519e00ee2cddfa1f5bcb5220429b8f","collectedfrom":[{"key":"dli_________::europe_pmc__","value":"Europe PMC","dataInfo":null}]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/AdjacencyListBuilderJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/AdjacencyListBuilderJob.java index 8162927b80..99247b7562 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/AdjacencyListBuilderJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/AdjacencyListBuilderJob.java @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.EntityRelEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.JoinedEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.Tuple2; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Optional; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; @@ -16,107 +17,108 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Optional; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.EntityRelEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.JoinedEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.Tuple2; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; /** - * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. - * The operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, - * and all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). - * - * The operation is implemented by sequentially joining one entity type at time (E) with the relationships (R), and again - * by E, finally grouped by E.id; - * - * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation - * 1) PrepareRelationsJob: - * only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == false), each entity - * can be linked at most to 100 other objects - * - * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: - * (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): - * for each entity type E_i - * map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information - * join (R.target = T_i.id) - * save the tuples (R_i, T_i) - * (phase 2): - * create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id - * read the tuples (R, T), hash by R.source - * join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S - * save the tuples (S, R, T) - * - * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: - * given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the result as JoinedEntity - * - * 4) XmlConverterJob: - * convert the JoinedEntities as XML records + * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. The + * operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, and + * all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). + *

+ * The operation is implemented by sequentially joining one entity type at time (E) with the relationships (R), and + * again by E, finally grouped by E.id; + *

+ * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation 1) + * PrepareRelationsJob: only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == + * false), each entity can be linked at most to 100 other objects + *

+ * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): for each entity type + * E_i map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information join (R.target = + * T_i.id) save the tuples (R_i, T_i) (phase 2): create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id read the tuples + * (R, T), hash by R.source join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S save the tuples (S, R, T) + *

+ * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the + * result as JoinedEntity + *

+ * 4) XmlConverterJob: convert the JoinedEntities as XML records */ public class AdjacencyListBuilderJob { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdjacencyListBuilderJob.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdjacencyListBuilderJob.class); - public static final int MAX_LINKS = 100; + public static final int MAX_LINKS = 100; - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - AdjacencyListBuilderJob.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_build_adjacency_lists.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + AdjacencyListBuilderJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_build_adjacency_lists.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - String inputPath = parser.get("inputPath"); - log.info("inputPath: {}", inputPath); + String inputPath = parser.get("inputPath"); + log.info("inputPath: {}", inputPath); - String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); - log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); + String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); + log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); - conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); - createAdjacencyLists(spark, inputPath, outputPath); - }); - } + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); + createAdjacencyLists(spark, inputPath, outputPath); + }); + } - private static void createAdjacencyLists(SparkSession spark, String inputPath, String outputPath) { + private static void createAdjacencyLists( + SparkSession spark, String inputPath, String outputPath) { - log.info("Reading joined entities from: {}", inputPath); - spark.read() - .load(inputPath) - .as(Encoders.bean(EntityRelEntity.class)) - .groupByKey((MapFunction) value -> value.getEntity().getId(), Encoders.STRING()) - .mapGroups((MapGroupsFunction) (key, values) -> { - JoinedEntity j = new JoinedEntity(); - List links = new ArrayList<>(); - while (values.hasNext() && links.size() < MAX_LINKS) { - EntityRelEntity curr = values.next(); - if (j.getEntity() == null) { - j.setEntity(curr.getEntity()); - } - links.add(new Tuple2(curr.getRelation(), curr.getTarget())); - } - j.setLinks(links); - return j; - }, Encoders.bean(JoinedEntity.class)) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .parquet(outputPath); - } - - private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { - HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - } + log.info("Reading joined entities from: {}", inputPath); + spark + .read() + .load(inputPath) + .as(Encoders.bean(EntityRelEntity.class)) + .groupByKey( + (MapFunction) value -> value.getEntity().getId(), + Encoders.STRING()) + .mapGroups( + (MapGroupsFunction) (key, values) -> { + JoinedEntity j = new JoinedEntity(); + List links = new ArrayList<>(); + while (values.hasNext() && links.size() < MAX_LINKS) { + EntityRelEntity curr = values.next(); + if (j.getEntity() == null) { + j.setEntity(curr.getEntity()); + } + links.add(new Tuple2(curr.getRelation(), curr.getTarget())); + } + j.setLinks(links); + return j; + }, + Encoders.bean(JoinedEntity.class)) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .parquet(outputPath); + } + private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { + HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase1.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase1.java index d0035fa78a..606fa4cc0c 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase1.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase1.java @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.EntityRelEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.RelatedEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.EntityType; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.GraphMappingUtils.*; + +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.Optional; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.FilterFunction; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; @@ -19,140 +18,228 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.EntityRelEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.RelatedEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.EntityType; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.Optional; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.GraphMappingUtils.*; - /** - * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. - * The operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, - * and all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). - * - * The operation is implemented by sequentially joining one entity type at time (E) with the relationships (R), and again - * by E, finally grouped by E.id; - * - * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation - * 1) PrepareRelationsJob: - * only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == false), each entity - * can be linked at most to 100 other objects - * - * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: - * (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): - * for each entity type E_i - * map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information - * join (R.target = T_i.id) - * save the tuples (R_i, T_i) - * (phase 2): - * create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id - * read the tuples (R, T), hash by R.source - * join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S - * save the tuples (S, R, T) - * - * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: - * given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the result as JoinedEntity - * - * 4) XmlConverterJob: - * convert the JoinedEntities as XML records + * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. The + * operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, and + * all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). + *

+ * The operation is implemented by sequentially joining one entity type at time (E) with the relationships (R), and + * again by E, finally grouped by E.id; + *

+ * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation 1) + * PrepareRelationsJob: only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == + * false), each entity can be linked at most to 100 other objects + *

+ * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): for each entity type + * E_i map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information join (R.target = + * T_i.id) save the tuples (R_i, T_i) (phase 2): create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id read the tuples + * (R, T), hash by R.source join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S save the tuples (S, R, T) + *

+ * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the + * result as JoinedEntity + *

+ * 4) XmlConverterJob: convert the JoinedEntities as XML records */ public class CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase1 { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase1.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase1.class); - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils.toString( - PrepareRelationsJob.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_related_entities_pahase1.json")); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); - parser.parseArgument(args); + String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils + .toString( + PrepareRelationsJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_related_entities_pahase1.json")); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); + parser.parseArgument(args); - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - String inputRelationsPath = parser.get("inputRelationsPath"); - log.info("inputRelationsPath: {}", inputRelationsPath); + String inputRelationsPath = parser.get("inputRelationsPath"); + log.info("inputRelationsPath: {}", inputRelationsPath); - String inputEntityPath = parser.get("inputEntityPath"); - log.info("inputEntityPath: {}", inputEntityPath); + String inputEntityPath = parser.get("inputEntityPath"); + log.info("inputEntityPath: {}", inputEntityPath); - String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); - log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); + String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); + log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); - String graphTableClassName = parser.get("graphTableClassName"); - log.info("graphTableClassName: {}", graphTableClassName); + String graphTableClassName = parser.get("graphTableClassName"); + log.info("graphTableClassName: {}", graphTableClassName); - Class entityClazz = (Class) Class.forName(graphTableClassName); + Class entityClazz = (Class) Class.forName(graphTableClassName); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); - conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); - joinRelationEntity(spark, inputRelationsPath, inputEntityPath, entityClazz, outputPath); - }); - } + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); + joinRelationEntity(spark, inputRelationsPath, inputEntityPath, entityClazz, outputPath); + }); + } - private static void joinRelationEntity(SparkSession spark, String inputRelationsPath, String inputEntityPath, Class entityClazz, String outputPath) { + private static void joinRelationEntity( + SparkSession spark, + String inputRelationsPath, + String inputEntityPath, + Class clazz, + String outputPath) { - Dataset> relsByTarget = readPathRelation(spark, inputRelationsPath) - .filter((FilterFunction) value -> value.getDataInfo().getDeletedbyinference() == false) - .map((MapFunction>) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getTarget(), r), - Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(SortableRelation.class))) - .cache(); + Dataset> relsByTarget = readPathRelation(spark, inputRelationsPath) + .filter("dataInfo.deletedbyinference == false") + .map( + (MapFunction>) r -> new Tuple2<>(r.getTarget(), r), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(SortableRelation.class))) + .cache(); - Dataset> entities = readPathEntity(spark, inputEntityPath, entityClazz) - .map((MapFunction) value -> asRelatedEntity(value, entityClazz), Encoders.bean(RelatedEntity.class)) - .map((MapFunction>) e -> new Tuple2<>(e.getId(), e), - Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(RelatedEntity.class))) - .cache(); + Dataset> entities = readPathEntity(spark, inputEntityPath, clazz) + .filter("dataInfo.invisible == false") + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> asRelatedEntity(value, clazz), + Encoders.bean(RelatedEntity.class)) + .map( + (MapFunction>) e -> new Tuple2<>(e.getId(), e), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(RelatedEntity.class))) + .cache(); - relsByTarget - .joinWith(entities, entities.col("_1").equalTo(relsByTarget.col("_1")), "inner") - .map((MapFunction, Tuple2>, EntityRelEntity>) - t -> new EntityRelEntity(t._1()._2(), t._2()._2()), - Encoders.bean(EntityRelEntity.class)) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .parquet(outputPath + "/" + EntityType.fromClass(entityClazz)); - } + relsByTarget + .joinWith(entities, entities.col("_1").equalTo(relsByTarget.col("_1")), "inner") + .map( + (MapFunction, Tuple2>, EntityRelEntity>) t -> new EntityRelEntity( + t._1()._2(), t._2()._2()), + Encoders.bean(EntityRelEntity.class)) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .parquet(outputPath + "/" + EntityType.fromClass(clazz)); + } - private static Dataset readPathEntity(SparkSession spark, String inputEntityPath, Class entityClazz) { + private static Dataset readPathEntity( + SparkSession spark, String inputEntityPath, Class entityClazz) { - log.info("Reading Graph table from: {}", inputEntityPath); - return spark - .read() - .textFile(inputEntityPath) - .map((MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, entityClazz), Encoders.bean(entityClazz)); - } + log.info("Reading Graph table from: {}", inputEntityPath); + return spark + .read() + .textFile(inputEntityPath) + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, entityClazz), + Encoders.bean(entityClazz)); + } - /** - * Reads a Dataset of eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation objects from a newline delimited json text file, - * - * @param spark - * @param relationPath - * @return the Dataset containing all the relationships - */ - private static Dataset readPathRelation(SparkSession spark, final String relationPath) { + public static RelatedEntity asRelatedEntity(E entity, Class clazz) { - log.info("Reading relations from: {}", relationPath); - return spark.read() - .load(relationPath) - .as(Encoders.bean(SortableRelation.class)); - } + final RelatedEntity re = new RelatedEntity(); + re.setId(entity.getId()); + re.setType(EntityType.fromClass(clazz).name()); - private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { - HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - } + re.setPid(entity.getPid()); + re.setCollectedfrom(entity.getCollectedfrom()); + switch (EntityType.fromClass(clazz)) { + case publication: + case dataset: + case otherresearchproduct: + case software: + Result result = (Result) entity; + if (result.getTitle() != null && !result.getTitle().isEmpty()) { + re.setTitle(result.getTitle().stream().findFirst().get()); + } + + re.setDateofacceptance(getValue(result.getDateofacceptance())); + re.setPublisher(getValue(result.getPublisher())); + re.setResulttype(result.getResulttype()); + re.setInstances(result.getInstance()); + + // TODO still to be mapped + // re.setCodeRepositoryUrl(j.read("$.coderepositoryurl")); + + break; + case datasource: + Datasource d = (Datasource) entity; + + re.setOfficialname(getValue(d.getOfficialname())); + re.setWebsiteurl(getValue(d.getWebsiteurl())); + re.setDatasourcetype(d.getDatasourcetype()); + re.setOpenairecompatibility(d.getOpenairecompatibility()); + + break; + case organization: + Organization o = (Organization) entity; + + re.setLegalname(getValue(o.getLegalname())); + re.setLegalshortname(getValue(o.getLegalshortname())); + re.setCountry(o.getCountry()); + re.setWebsiteurl(getValue(o.getWebsiteurl())); + break; + case project: + Project p = (Project) entity; + + re.setProjectTitle(getValue(p.getTitle())); + re.setCode(getValue(p.getCode())); + re.setAcronym(getValue(p.getAcronym())); + re.setContracttype(p.getContracttype()); + + List> f = p.getFundingtree(); + if (!f.isEmpty()) { + re.setFundingtree(f.stream().map(s -> s.getValue()).collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + break; + } + return re; + } + + private static String getValue(Field field) { + return getFieldValueWithDefault(field, ""); + } + + private static T getFieldValueWithDefault(Field f, T defaultValue) { + return Optional + .ofNullable(f) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .map(x -> x.getValue()) + .orElse(defaultValue); + } + + /** + * Reads a Dataset of eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation objects from a newline delimited json text + * file, + * + * @param spark + * @param relationPath + * @return the Dataset containing all the relationships + */ + private static Dataset readPathRelation( + SparkSession spark, final String relationPath) { + + log.info("Reading relations from: {}", relationPath); + return spark.read().load(relationPath).as(Encoders.bean(SortableRelation.class)); + } + + private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { + HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase2.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase2.java index 0a9235cc99..403817019e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase2.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase2.java @@ -1,13 +1,11 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.EntityRelEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.TypedRow; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Optional; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; @@ -19,176 +17,200 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.EntityRelEntity; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.TypedRow; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import scala.Tuple2; import scala.collection.JavaConverters; import scala.collection.Seq; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Optional; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; - /** - * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. - * The operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, - * and all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). - * - * The operation is implemented by sequentially joining one entity type at time (E) with the relationships (R), and again - * by E, finally grouped by E.id; - * - * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation - * 1) PrepareRelationsJob: - * only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == false), each entity - * can be linked at most to 100 other objects - * - * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: - * (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): - * for each entity type E_i - * map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information - * join (R.target = T_i.id) - * save the tuples (R_i, T_i) - * (phase 2): - * create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id - * read the tuples (R, T), hash by R.source - * join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S - * save the tuples (S, R, T) - * - * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: - * given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the result as JoinedEntity - * - * 4) XmlConverterJob: - * convert the JoinedEntities as XML records + * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. The + * operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, and + * all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). + *

+ * The operation is implemented by sequentially joining one entity type at time (E) with the relationships (R), and + * again by E, finally grouped by E.id; + *

+ * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation 1) + * PrepareRelationsJob: only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == + * false), each entity can be linked at most to 100 other objects + *

+ * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): for each entity type + * E_i map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information join (R.target = + * T_i.id) save the tuples (R_i, T_i) (phase 2): create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id read the tuples + * (R, T), hash by R.source join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S save the tuples (S, R, T) + *

+ * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the + * result as JoinedEntity + *

+ * 4) XmlConverterJob: convert the JoinedEntities as XML records */ public class CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase2 { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase2.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateRelatedEntitiesJob_phase2.class); - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils.toString( - PrepareRelationsJob.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_related_entities_pahase2.json")); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); - parser.parseArgument(args); + String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils + .toString( + PrepareRelationsJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_related_entities_pahase2.json")); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); + parser.parseArgument(args); - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - String inputRelatedEntitiesPath = parser.get("inputRelatedEntitiesPath"); - log.info("inputRelatedEntitiesPath: {}", inputRelatedEntitiesPath); + String inputRelatedEntitiesPath = parser.get("inputRelatedEntitiesPath"); + log.info("inputRelatedEntitiesPath: {}", inputRelatedEntitiesPath); - String inputGraphRootPath = parser.get("inputGraphRootPath"); - log.info("inputGraphRootPath: {}", inputGraphRootPath); + String inputGraphRootPath = parser.get("inputGraphRootPath"); + log.info("inputGraphRootPath: {}", inputGraphRootPath); - String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); - log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); + String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); + log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); - int numPartitions = Integer.parseInt(parser.get("numPartitions")); - log.info("numPartitions: {}", numPartitions); + int numPartitions = Integer.parseInt(parser.get("numPartitions")); + log.info("numPartitions: {}", numPartitions); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); - conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); + conf.registerKryoClasses(ModelSupport.getOafModelClasses()); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); - joinAllEntities(spark, inputRelatedEntitiesPath, inputGraphRootPath, outputPath, numPartitions); - }); - } + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); + joinAllEntities( + spark, inputRelatedEntitiesPath, inputGraphRootPath, outputPath, numPartitions); + }); + } - private static void joinAllEntities(SparkSession spark, String inputRelatedEntitiesPath, String inputGraphRootPath, String outputPath, int numPartitions) { + private static void joinAllEntities( + SparkSession spark, + String inputRelatedEntitiesPath, + String inputGraphRootPath, + String outputPath, + int numPartitions) { - Dataset> entities = readAllEntities(spark, inputGraphRootPath, numPartitions); - Dataset> relsBySource = readRelatedEntities(spark, inputRelatedEntitiesPath); + Dataset> entities = readAllEntities(spark, inputGraphRootPath, numPartitions); + Dataset> relsBySource = readRelatedEntities(spark, inputRelatedEntitiesPath); - entities - .joinWith(relsBySource, entities.col("_1").equalTo(relsBySource.col("_1")), "left_outer") - .map((MapFunction, Tuple2>, EntityRelEntity>) value -> { - EntityRelEntity re = new EntityRelEntity(); - re.setEntity(value._1()._2()); - Optional related = Optional.ofNullable(value._2()).map(Tuple2::_2); - if (related.isPresent()) { - re.setRelation(related.get().getRelation()); - re.setTarget(related.get().getTarget()); - } - return re; - }, Encoders.bean(EntityRelEntity.class)) - .repartition(numPartitions) - .filter((FilterFunction) value -> value.getEntity() != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value.getEntity().getId())) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .parquet(outputPath); - } + entities + .joinWith(relsBySource, entities.col("_1").equalTo(relsBySource.col("_1")), "left_outer") + .map( + (MapFunction, Tuple2>, EntityRelEntity>) value -> { + EntityRelEntity re = new EntityRelEntity(); + re.setEntity(value._1()._2()); + Optional related = Optional.ofNullable(value._2()).map(Tuple2::_2); + if (related.isPresent()) { + re.setRelation(related.get().getRelation()); + re.setTarget(related.get().getTarget()); + } + return re; + }, + Encoders.bean(EntityRelEntity.class)) + .repartition(numPartitions) + .filter( + (FilterFunction) value -> value.getEntity() != null + && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value.getEntity().getId())) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .parquet(outputPath); + } - private static Dataset> readAllEntities(SparkSession spark, String inputGraphPath, int numPartitions) { - Dataset publication = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/publication", Publication.class); - Dataset dataset = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/dataset", eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class); - Dataset other = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/otherresearchproduct", OtherResearchProduct.class); - Dataset software = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/software", Software.class); - Dataset datasource = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/datasource", Datasource.class); - Dataset organization = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/organization", Organization.class); - Dataset project = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/project", Project.class); + private static Dataset> readAllEntities( + SparkSession spark, String inputGraphPath, int numPartitions) { + Dataset publication = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/publication", Publication.class); + Dataset dataset = readPathEntity( + spark, inputGraphPath + "/dataset", eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Dataset.class); + Dataset other = readPathEntity( + spark, inputGraphPath + "/otherresearchproduct", OtherResearchProduct.class); + Dataset software = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/software", Software.class); + Dataset datasource = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/datasource", Datasource.class); + Dataset organization = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/organization", Organization.class); + Dataset project = readPathEntity(spark, inputGraphPath + "/project", Project.class); - return publication - .union(dataset) - .union(other) - .union(software) - .union(datasource) - .union(organization) - .union(project) - .map((MapFunction>) - value -> new Tuple2<>(value.getId(), value), - Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(TypedRow.class))) - .repartition(numPartitions); - } + return publication + .union(dataset) + .union(other) + .union(software) + .union(datasource) + .union(organization) + .union(project) + .map( + (MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>(value.getId(), value), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(TypedRow.class))) + .repartition(numPartitions); + } - private static Dataset> readRelatedEntities(SparkSession spark, String inputRelatedEntitiesPath) { + private static Dataset> readRelatedEntities( + SparkSession spark, String inputRelatedEntitiesPath) { - log.info("Reading related entities from: {}", inputRelatedEntitiesPath); + log.info("Reading related entities from: {}", inputRelatedEntitiesPath); - final List paths = HdfsSupport.listFiles(inputRelatedEntitiesPath, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + final List paths = HdfsSupport + .listFiles(inputRelatedEntitiesPath, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - log.info("Found paths: {}", String.join(",", paths)); + log.info("Found paths: {}", String.join(",", paths)); - return spark.read() - .load(toSeq(paths)) - .as(Encoders.bean(EntityRelEntity.class)) - .map((MapFunction>) - value -> new Tuple2<>(value.getRelation().getSource(), value), - Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(EntityRelEntity.class))); - } + return spark + .read() + .load(toSeq(paths)) + .as(Encoders.bean(EntityRelEntity.class)) + .map( + (MapFunction>) value -> new Tuple2<>( + value.getRelation().getSource(), value), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.kryo(EntityRelEntity.class))); + } - private static Dataset readPathEntity(SparkSession spark, String inputEntityPath, Class entityClazz) { + private static Dataset readPathEntity( + SparkSession spark, String inputEntityPath, Class entityClazz) { - log.info("Reading Graph table from: {}", inputEntityPath); - return spark - .read() - .textFile(inputEntityPath) - .map((MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, entityClazz), Encoders.bean(entityClazz)) - .map((MapFunction) value -> getTypedRow(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(inputEntityPath, "/"), value), Encoders.bean(TypedRow.class)); - } + log.info("Reading Graph table from: {}", inputEntityPath); + return spark + .read() + .textFile(inputEntityPath) + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, entityClazz), + Encoders.bean(entityClazz)) + .filter("dataInfo.invisible == false") + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> getTypedRow( + StringUtils.substringAfterLast(inputEntityPath, "/"), value), + Encoders.bean(TypedRow.class)); + } - private static TypedRow getTypedRow(String type, OafEntity entity) throws JsonProcessingException { - TypedRow t = new TypedRow(); - t.setType(type); - t.setDeleted(entity.getDataInfo().getDeletedbyinference()); - t.setId(entity.getId()); - t.setOaf(OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(entity)); - return t; - } + private static TypedRow getTypedRow(String type, OafEntity entity) + throws JsonProcessingException { + TypedRow t = new TypedRow(); + t.setType(type); + t.setDeleted(entity.getDataInfo().getDeletedbyinference()); + t.setId(entity.getId()); + t.setOaf(OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(entity)); + return t; + } - private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { - HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - } - - private static Seq toSeq(List list) { - return JavaConverters.asScalaIteratorConverter(list.iterator()).asScala().toSeq(); - } + private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { + HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + } + private static Seq toSeq(List list) { + return JavaConverters.asScalaIteratorConverter(list.iterator()).asScala().toSeq(); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/PrepareRelationsJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/PrepareRelationsJob.java index 95d2263b5e..dbdc54fc04 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/PrepareRelationsJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/PrepareRelationsJob.java @@ -1,14 +1,11 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; -import com.google.common.collect.Iterators; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.RelationPartitioner; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.util.Optional; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; @@ -20,133 +17,144 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; +import com.google.common.collect.Iterators; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.RelationPartitioner; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.Optional; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; - /** - * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. - * The operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, - * and all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). - * - * The operation is implemented by sequentially joining one entity type at time (E) with the relationships (R), and again - * by E, finally grouped by E.id; - * - * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation - * 1) PrepareRelationsJob: - * only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == false), each entity - * can be linked at most to 100 other objects - * - * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: - * (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): - * for each entity type E_i - * map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information - * join (R.target = T_i.id) - * save the tuples (R_i, T_i) - * (phase 2): - * create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id - * read the tuples (R, T), hash by R.source - * join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S - * save the tuples (S, R, T) - * - * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: - * given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the result as JoinedEntity - * - * 4) XmlConverterJob: - * convert the JoinedEntities as XML records + * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. The + * operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, and + * all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). + *

+ * The operation is implemented by sequentially joining one entity type at time (E) with the relationships (R), and + * again by E, finally grouped by E.id; + *

+ * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation 1) + * PrepareRelationsJob: only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == + * false), each entity can be linked at most to 100 other objects + *

+ * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): for each entity type + * E_i map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information join (R.target = + * T_i.id) save the tuples (R_i, T_i) (phase 2): create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id read the tuples + * (R, T), hash by R.source join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S save the tuples (S, R, T) + *

+ * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the + * result as JoinedEntity + *

+ * 4) XmlConverterJob: convert the JoinedEntities as XML records */ public class PrepareRelationsJob { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PrepareRelationsJob.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PrepareRelationsJob.class); - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - public static final int MAX_RELS = 100; + public static final int MAX_RELS = 100; - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils.toString( - PrepareRelationsJob.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_prepare_relations.json")); - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); - parser.parseArgument(args); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils + .toString( + PrepareRelationsJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_prepare_relations.json")); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); + parser.parseArgument(args); - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - String inputRelationsPath = parser.get("inputRelationsPath"); - log.info("inputRelationsPath: {}", inputRelationsPath); + String inputRelationsPath = parser.get("inputRelationsPath"); + log.info("inputRelationsPath: {}", inputRelationsPath); - String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); - log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); + String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); + log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); - int numPartitions = Integer.parseInt(parser.get("relPartitions")); - log.info("relPartitions: {}", numPartitions); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); + prepareRelationsFromPaths(spark, inputRelationsPath, outputPath); + }); + } - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); - prepareRelationsFromPaths(spark, inputRelationsPath, outputPath, numPartitions); - }); - } + private static void prepareRelationsFromPaths( + SparkSession spark, String inputRelationsPath, String outputPath) { + readPathRelation(spark, inputRelationsPath) + .filter("dataInfo.deletedbyinference == false") + .groupByKey( + (MapFunction) value -> value.getSource(), Encoders.STRING()) + .flatMapGroups( + (FlatMapGroupsFunction) (key, values) -> Iterators + .limit(values, MAX_RELS), + Encoders.bean(SortableRelation.class)) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .parquet(outputPath); + } - private static void prepareRelationsFromPaths(SparkSession spark, String inputRelationsPath, String outputPath, int numPartitions) { - readPathRelation(spark, inputRelationsPath) - .filter((FilterFunction) value -> value.getDataInfo().getDeletedbyinference() == false) - .groupByKey((MapFunction) value -> value.getSource(), Encoders.STRING()) - .flatMapGroups((FlatMapGroupsFunction) (key, values) -> Iterators.limit(values, MAX_RELS), Encoders.bean(SortableRelation.class)) - .repartition(numPartitions) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .parquet(outputPath); - } + /** + * Reads a Dataset of eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation objects from a newline delimited json text + * file, + * + * @param spark + * @param inputPath + * @return the Dataset containing all the relationships + */ + private static Dataset readPathRelation( + SparkSession spark, final String inputPath) { + return spark + .read() + .textFile(inputPath) + .map( + (MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, SortableRelation.class), + Encoders.bean(SortableRelation.class)); + } - /** - * Reads a Dataset of eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation objects from a newline delimited json text file, - * - * @param spark - * @param inputPath - * @return the Dataset containing all the relationships - */ - private static Dataset readPathRelation(SparkSession spark, final String inputPath) { - return spark.read() - .textFile(inputPath) - .map((MapFunction) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, SortableRelation.class), Encoders.bean(SortableRelation.class)); - } + // TODO work in progress + private static void prepareRelationsRDDFromPaths( + SparkSession spark, String inputRelationsPath, String outputPath, int numPartitions) { + JavaRDD rels = readPathRelationRDD(spark, inputRelationsPath).repartition(numPartitions); - //TODO work in progress - private static void prepareRelationsRDDFromPaths(SparkSession spark, String inputRelationsPath, String outputPath, int numPartitions) { - JavaRDD rels = readPathRelationRDD(spark, inputRelationsPath) - .repartition(numPartitions); + RDD d = rels + .filter(rel -> !rel.getDataInfo().getDeletedbyinference()) // only + // consider + // those + // that are not virtually + // deleted + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction) rel -> new Tuple2<>(rel, rel)) + .groupByKey(new RelationPartitioner(rels.getNumPartitions())) + .map(p -> Iterables.limit(p._2(), MAX_RELS)) + .flatMap(p -> p.iterator()) + .rdd(); - RDD d = rels - .filter(rel -> !rel.getDataInfo().getDeletedbyinference()) //only consider those that are not virtually deleted - .mapToPair((PairFunction) rel -> new Tuple2<>(rel, rel)) - .groupByKey(new RelationPartitioner(rels.getNumPartitions())) - .map(p -> Iterables.limit(p._2(), MAX_RELS)) - .flatMap(p -> p.iterator()) - .rdd(); + spark + .createDataset(d, Encoders.bean(SortableRelation.class)) + .write() + .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) + .parquet(outputPath); + } - spark.createDataset(d, Encoders.bean(SortableRelation.class)) - .write() - .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) - .parquet(outputPath); - } - - private static JavaRDD readPathRelationRDD(SparkSession spark, final String inputPath) { - JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - return sc.textFile(inputPath) - .map(s -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(s, SortableRelation.class)); - } - - private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { - HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - } + private static JavaRDD readPathRelationRDD( + SparkSession spark, final String inputPath) { + JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + return sc.textFile(inputPath).map(s -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(s, SortableRelation.class)); + } + private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { + HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/XmlConverterJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/XmlConverterJob.java index 059cb31f25..a88b28592e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/XmlConverterJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/XmlConverterJob.java @@ -1,166 +1,225 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision; -import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; -import com.google.common.collect.Maps; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.*; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.ContextMapper; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.GraphMappingUtils; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.XmlRecordFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Optional; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.SparkContext; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function; -import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function2; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction; -import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; -import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.google.common.collect.Maps; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.*; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.ContextMapper; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.XmlRecordFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import scala.Tuple2; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Map; -import java.util.Optional; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; - /** - * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. - * The operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, - * and all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). - * - * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation - * 1) PrepareRelationsJob: - * only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == false), each entity - * can be linked at most to 100 other objects - * - * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: - * (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): - * for each entity type E_i - * map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information - * join (R.target = T_i.id) - * save the tuples (R_i, T_i) - * (phase 2): - * create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id - * read the tuples (R, T), hash by R.source - * join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S - * save the tuples (S, R, T) - * - * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: - * given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the result as JoinedEntity - * - * 4) XmlConverterJob: - * convert the JoinedEntities as XML records + * Joins the graph nodes by resolving the links of distance = 1 to create an adjacency list of linked objects. The + * operation considers all the entity types (publication, dataset, software, ORP, project, datasource, organization, and + * all the possible relationships (similarity links produced by the Dedup process are excluded). + *

+ * The workflow is organized in different parts aimed to to reduce the complexity of the operation 1) + * PrepareRelationsJob: only consider relationships that are not virtually deleted ($.dataInfo.deletedbyinference == + * false), each entity can be linked at most to 100 other objects + *

+ * 2) JoinRelationEntityByTargetJob: (phase 1): prepare tuples [relation - target entity] (R - T): for each entity type + * E_i map E_i as RelatedEntity T_i to simplify the model and extracting only the necessary information join (R.target = + * T_i.id) save the tuples (R_i, T_i) (phase 2): create the union of all the entity types E, hash by id read the tuples + * (R, T), hash by R.source join E.id = (R, T).source, where E becomes the Source Entity S save the tuples (S, R, T) + *

+ * 3) AdjacencyListBuilderJob: given the tuple (S - R - T) we need to group by S.id -> List [ R - T ], mapping the + * result as JoinedEntity + *

+ * 4) XmlConverterJob: convert the JoinedEntities as XML records */ public class XmlConverterJob { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlConverterJob.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlConverterJob.class); - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - public static final String schemaLocation = "https://www.openaire.eu/schema/1.0/oaf-1.0.xsd"; + public static final String schemaLocation = "https://www.openaire.eu/schema/1.0/oaf-1.0.xsd"; - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - XmlConverterJob.class - .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_xml_converter.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + XmlConverterJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_xml_converter.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - String inputPath = parser.get("inputPath"); - log.info("inputPath: {}", inputPath); + String inputPath = parser.get("inputPath"); + log.info("inputPath: {}", inputPath); - String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); - log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); + String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); + log.info("outputPath: {}", outputPath); - String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); - log.info("isLookupUrl: {}", isLookupUrl); + String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); + log.info("isLookupUrl: {}", isLookupUrl); - String otherDsTypeId = parser.get("otherDsTypeId"); - log.info("otherDsTypeId: {}", otherDsTypeId); + String otherDsTypeId = parser.get("otherDsTypeId"); + log.info("otherDsTypeId: {}", otherDsTypeId); - SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> { - removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); - convertToXml(spark, inputPath, outputPath, ContextMapper.fromIS(isLookupUrl), otherDsTypeId); - }); + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath); + convertToXml( + spark, inputPath, outputPath, ContextMapper.fromIS(isLookupUrl), otherDsTypeId); + }); + } - } + private static void convertToXml( + SparkSession spark, + String inputPath, + String outputPath, + ContextMapper contextMapper, + String otherDsTypeId) { - private static void convertToXml(SparkSession spark, String inputPath, String outputPath, ContextMapper contextMapper, String otherDsTypeId) { + final XmlRecordFactory recordFactory = new XmlRecordFactory( + prepareAccumulators(spark.sparkContext()), + contextMapper, + false, + schemaLocation, + otherDsTypeId); - final XmlRecordFactory recordFactory = new XmlRecordFactory(prepareAccumulators(spark.sparkContext()), contextMapper, false, schemaLocation, otherDsTypeId); + spark + .read() + .load(inputPath) + .as(Encoders.bean(JoinedEntity.class)) + .map( + (MapFunction) j -> { + if (j.getLinks() != null) { + j + .setLinks( + j + .getLinks() + .stream() + .filter(t -> t.getRelation() != null & t.getRelatedEntity() != null) + .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new))); + } + return j; + }, + Encoders.bean(JoinedEntity.class)) + .map( + (MapFunction>) je -> new Tuple2<>(je.getEntity().getId(), + recordFactory.build(je)), + Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.STRING())) + .javaRDD() + .mapToPair( + (PairFunction, Text, Text>) t -> new Tuple2<>(new Text(t._1()), + new Text(t._2()))) + .saveAsHadoopFile( + outputPath, Text.class, Text.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class, GzipCodec.class); + } - spark.read() - .load(inputPath) - .as(Encoders.bean(JoinedEntity.class)) - .map((MapFunction) j -> { - if (j.getLinks() != null) { - j.setLinks(j.getLinks() - .stream() - .filter(t -> t.getRelation() != null & t.getRelatedEntity() != null) - .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new))); - } - return j; - }, Encoders.bean(JoinedEntity.class)) - .map((MapFunction>) je -> new Tuple2<>( - je.getEntity().getId(), - recordFactory.build(je) - ), Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.STRING())) - .javaRDD() - .mapToPair((PairFunction, Text, Text>) t -> new Tuple2<>(new Text(t._1()), new Text(t._2()))) - .saveAsHadoopFile(outputPath, Text.class, Text.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class, GzipCodec.class); - } + private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { + HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); + } - private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) { - HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()); - } + private static Map prepareAccumulators(SparkContext sc) { + Map accumulators = Maps.newHashMap(); + accumulators + .put( + "resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", + sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", + sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementTo", + sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_supplement_isSupplementTo")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultResult_supplement_isSupplementedBy", + sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_supplement_isSupplementedBy")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultResult_dedup_isMergedIn", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_dedup_isMergedIn")); + accumulators.put("resultResult_dedup_merges", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_dedup_merges")); - private static Map prepareAccumulators(SparkContext sc) { - Map accumulators = Maps.newHashMap(); - accumulators.put("resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments")); - accumulators.put("resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments")); - accumulators.put("resultResult_supplement_isSupplementTo", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_supplement_isSupplementTo")); - accumulators.put("resultResult_supplement_isSupplementedBy", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_supplement_isSupplementedBy")); - accumulators.put("resultResult_dedup_isMergedIn", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_dedup_isMergedIn")); - accumulators.put("resultResult_dedup_merges", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_dedup_merges")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo", + sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultResult_relationship_isRelatedTo", + sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_relationship_isRelatedTo")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultProject_outcome_isProducedBy", + sc.longAccumulator("resultProject_outcome_isProducedBy")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultProject_outcome_produces", sc.longAccumulator("resultProject_outcome_produces")); + accumulators + .put( + "resultOrganization_affiliation_isAuthorInstitutionOf", + sc.longAccumulator("resultOrganization_affiliation_isAuthorInstitutionOf")); - accumulators.put("resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo")); - accumulators.put("resultResult_relationship_isRelatedTo", sc.longAccumulator("resultResult_relationship_isRelatedTo")); - accumulators.put("resultProject_outcome_isProducedBy", sc.longAccumulator("resultProject_outcome_isProducedBy")); - accumulators.put("resultProject_outcome_produces", sc.longAccumulator("resultProject_outcome_produces")); - accumulators.put("resultOrganization_affiliation_isAuthorInstitutionOf", sc.longAccumulator("resultOrganization_affiliation_isAuthorInstitutionOf")); - - accumulators.put("resultOrganization_affiliation_hasAuthorInstitution", sc.longAccumulator("resultOrganization_affiliation_hasAuthorInstitution")); - accumulators.put("projectOrganization_participation_hasParticipant", sc.longAccumulator("projectOrganization_participation_hasParticipant")); - accumulators.put("projectOrganization_participation_isParticipant", sc.longAccumulator("projectOrganization_participation_isParticipant")); - accumulators.put("organizationOrganization_dedup_isMergedIn", sc.longAccumulator("organizationOrganization_dedup_isMergedIn")); - accumulators.put("organizationOrganization_dedup_merges", sc.longAccumulator("resultProject_outcome_produces")); - accumulators.put("datasourceOrganization_provision_isProvidedBy", sc.longAccumulator("datasourceOrganization_provision_isProvidedBy")); - accumulators.put("datasourceOrganization_provision_provides", sc.longAccumulator("datasourceOrganization_provision_provides")); - - return accumulators; - } + accumulators + .put( + "resultOrganization_affiliation_hasAuthorInstitution", + sc.longAccumulator("resultOrganization_affiliation_hasAuthorInstitution")); + accumulators + .put( + "projectOrganization_participation_hasParticipant", + sc.longAccumulator("projectOrganization_participation_hasParticipant")); + accumulators + .put( + "projectOrganization_participation_isParticipant", + sc.longAccumulator("projectOrganization_participation_isParticipant")); + accumulators + .put( + "organizationOrganization_dedup_isMergedIn", + sc.longAccumulator("organizationOrganization_dedup_isMergedIn")); + accumulators + .put( + "organizationOrganization_dedup_merges", + sc.longAccumulator("resultProject_outcome_produces")); + accumulators + .put( + "datasourceOrganization_provision_isProvidedBy", + sc.longAccumulator("datasourceOrganization_provision_isProvidedBy")); + accumulators + .put( + "datasourceOrganization_provision_provides", + sc.longAccumulator("datasourceOrganization_provision_provides")); + return accumulators; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/XmlIndexingJob.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/XmlIndexingJob.java index 84538c924a..ede7aa7b48 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/XmlIndexingJob.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/XmlIndexingJob.java @@ -1,13 +1,20 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision; -import com.lucidworks.spark.util.SolrSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.StreamingInputDocumentFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.saxon.SaxonTransformerFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpDocumentNotFoundException; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.StringReader; +import java.io.StringWriter; +import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; +import java.util.Date; +import java.util.Optional; + +import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; +import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; + import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; @@ -18,187 +25,206 @@ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; -import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; -import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; -import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; -import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.io.StringReader; -import java.io.StringWriter; -import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; -import java.util.Date; -import java.util.Optional; +import com.lucidworks.spark.util.SolrSupport; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.StreamingInputDocumentFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.saxon.SaxonTransformerFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpDocumentNotFoundException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; public class XmlIndexingJob { - private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlIndexingJob.class); + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlIndexingJob.class); - private static final Integer DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 1000; + private static final Integer DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 1000; - private static final String LAYOUT = "index"; - private static final String INTERPRETATION = "openaire"; - private static final String SEPARATOR = "-"; - public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'"; + private static final String LAYOUT = "index"; + private static final String INTERPRETATION = "openaire"; + private static final String SEPARATOR = "-"; + public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'"; - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( - IOUtils.toString( - XmlIndexingJob.class.getResourceAsStream( - "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_update_index.json"))); - parser.parseArgument(args); + final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser( + IOUtils + .toString( + XmlIndexingJob.class + .getResourceAsStream( + "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/input_params_update_index.json"))); + parser.parseArgument(args); - Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional - .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) - .map(Boolean::valueOf) - .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); - log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); + Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional + .ofNullable(parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged")) + .map(Boolean::valueOf) + .orElse(Boolean.TRUE); + log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); - final String inputPath = parser.get("inputPath"); - log.info("inputPath: {}", inputPath); + final String inputPath = parser.get("inputPath"); + log.info("inputPath: {}", inputPath); - final String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); - log.info("isLookupUrl: {}", isLookupUrl); + final String isLookupUrl = parser.get("isLookupUrl"); + log.info("isLookupUrl: {}", isLookupUrl); - final String format = parser.get("format"); - log.info("format: {}", format); + final String format = parser.get("format"); + log.info("format: {}", format); - final Integer batchSize = parser.getObjectMap().containsKey("batchSize") ? Integer.valueOf(parser.get("batchSize")) : DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE; - log.info("batchSize: {}", batchSize); + final Integer batchSize = parser.getObjectMap().containsKey("batchSize") + ? Integer.valueOf(parser.get("batchSize")) + : DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE; + log.info("batchSize: {}", batchSize); - final ISLookUpService isLookup = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); - final String fields = getLayoutSource(isLookup, format); - log.info("fields: {}", fields); + final ISLookUpService isLookup = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); + final String fields = getLayoutSource(isLookup, format); + log.info("fields: {}", fields); - final String xslt = getLayoutTransformer(isLookup); + final String xslt = getLayoutTransformer(isLookup); - final String dsId = getDsId(format, isLookup); - log.info("dsId: {}", dsId); + final String dsId = getDsId(format, isLookup); + log.info("dsId: {}", dsId); - final String zkHost = getZkHost(isLookup); - log.info("zkHost: {}", zkHost); + final String zkHost = getZkHost(isLookup); + log.info("zkHost: {}", zkHost); - final String version = getRecordDatestamp(); + final String version = getRecordDatestamp(); - final String indexRecordXslt = getLayoutTransformer(format, fields, xslt); - log.info("indexRecordTransformer {}", indexRecordXslt); + final String indexRecordXslt = getLayoutTransformer(format, fields, xslt); + log.info("indexRecordTransformer {}", indexRecordXslt); - final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); + final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); - runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, - spark -> { - final JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); + runWithSparkSession( + conf, + isSparkSessionManaged, + spark -> { + final JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext()); - RDD docs = sc.sequenceFile(inputPath, Text.class, Text.class) - .map(t -> t._2().toString()) - .map(s -> toIndexRecord(SaxonTransformerFactory.newInstance(indexRecordXslt), s)) - .map(s -> new StreamingInputDocumentFactory(version, dsId).parseDocument(s)) - .rdd(); + RDD docs = sc + .sequenceFile(inputPath, Text.class, Text.class) + .map(t -> t._2().toString()) + .map(s -> toIndexRecord(SaxonTransformerFactory.newInstance(indexRecordXslt), s)) + .map(s -> new StreamingInputDocumentFactory(version, dsId).parseDocument(s)) + .rdd(); - final String collection = format + SEPARATOR + LAYOUT + SEPARATOR + INTERPRETATION; - SolrSupport.indexDocs(zkHost, collection, batchSize, docs); - }); - } + final String collection = format + SEPARATOR + LAYOUT + SEPARATOR + INTERPRETATION; + SolrSupport.indexDocs(zkHost, collection, batchSize, docs); + }); + } - private static String toIndexRecord(Transformer tr, final String record) { - final StreamResult res = new StreamResult(new StringWriter()); - try { - tr.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(record)), res); - return res.getWriter().toString(); - } catch (Throwable e) { - log.error("XPathException on record: \n {}", record, e); - throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); - } - } + protected static String toIndexRecord(Transformer tr, final String record) { + final StreamResult res = new StreamResult(new StringWriter()); + try { + tr.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(record)), res); + return res.getWriter().toString(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + log.error("XPathException on record: \n {}", record, e); + throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); + } + } - /** - * Creates the XSLT responsible for building the index xml records. - * - * @param format Metadata format name (DMF|TMF) - * @param xslt xslt for building the index record transformer - * @param fields the list of fields - * @return the javax.xml.transform.Transformer - * @throws ISLookUpException could happen - * @throws IOException could happen - * @throws TransformerException could happen - */ - private static String getLayoutTransformer(String format, String fields, String xslt) throws TransformerException { + /** + * Creates the XSLT responsible for building the index xml records. + * + * @param format Metadata format name (DMF|TMF) + * @param xslt xslt for building the index record transformer + * @param fields the list of fields + * @return the javax.xml.transform.Transformer + * @throws ISLookUpException could happen + * @throws IOException could happen + * @throws TransformerException could happen + */ + protected static String getLayoutTransformer(String format, String fields, String xslt) + throws TransformerException { - final Transformer layoutTransformer = SaxonTransformerFactory.newInstance(xslt); - final StreamResult layoutToXsltXslt = new StreamResult(new StringWriter()); + final Transformer layoutTransformer = SaxonTransformerFactory.newInstance(xslt); + final StreamResult layoutToXsltXslt = new StreamResult(new StringWriter()); - layoutTransformer.setParameter("format", format); - layoutTransformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(fields)), layoutToXsltXslt); + layoutTransformer.setParameter("format", format); + layoutTransformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(fields)), layoutToXsltXslt); - return layoutToXsltXslt.getWriter().toString(); - } + return layoutToXsltXslt.getWriter().toString(); + } - /** - * method return a solr-compatible string representation of a date, used to mark all records as indexed today - * @return the parsed date - */ - public static String getRecordDatestamp() { - return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(new Date()); - } + /** + * method return a solr-compatible string representation of a date, used to mark all records as indexed today + * + * @return the parsed date + */ + public static String getRecordDatestamp() { + return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(new Date()); + } - /** - * Method retrieves from the information system the list of fields associated to the given MDFormat name - * - * @param isLookup the ISLookup service stub - * @param format the Metadata format name - * @return the string representation of the list of fields to be indexed - * - * @throws ISLookUpDocumentNotFoundException - * @throws ISLookUpException - */ - private static String getLayoutSource(final ISLookUpService isLookup, final String format) throws ISLookUpDocumentNotFoundException, ISLookUpException { - return doLookup(isLookup, String.format( - "collection('')//RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_TYPE/@value = 'MDFormatDSResourceType' and .//NAME='%s']//LAYOUT[@name='%s']", format, LAYOUT)); - } + /** + * Method retrieves from the information system the list of fields associated to the given MDFormat name + * + * @param isLookup the ISLookup service stub + * @param format the Metadata format name + * @return the string representation of the list of fields to be indexed + * @throws ISLookUpDocumentNotFoundException + * @throws ISLookUpException + */ + private static String getLayoutSource(final ISLookUpService isLookup, final String format) + throws ISLookUpDocumentNotFoundException, ISLookUpException { + return doLookup( + isLookup, + String + .format( + "collection('')//RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_TYPE/@value = 'MDFormatDSResourceType' and .//NAME='%s']//LAYOUT[@name='%s']", + format, LAYOUT)); + } - /** - * Method retrieves from the information system the openaireLayoutToRecordStylesheet - * - * @param isLookup the ISLookup service stub - * @return the string representation of the XSLT contained in the transformation rule profile - * - * @throws ISLookUpDocumentNotFoundException - * @throws ISLookUpException - */ - private static String getLayoutTransformer(ISLookUpService isLookup) throws ISLookUpException { - return doLookup(isLookup, "collection('/db/DRIVER/TransformationRuleDSResources/TransformationRuleDSResourceType')" + - "//RESOURCE_PROFILE[./BODY/CONFIGURATION/SCRIPT/TITLE/text() = 'openaireLayoutToRecordStylesheet']//CODE/node()"); - } + /** + * Method retrieves from the information system the openaireLayoutToRecordStylesheet + * + * @param isLookup the ISLookup service stub + * @return the string representation of the XSLT contained in the transformation rule profile + * @throws ISLookUpDocumentNotFoundException + * @throws ISLookUpException + */ + private static String getLayoutTransformer(ISLookUpService isLookup) throws ISLookUpException { + return doLookup( + isLookup, + "collection('/db/DRIVER/TransformationRuleDSResources/TransformationRuleDSResourceType')" + + "//RESOURCE_PROFILE[./BODY/CONFIGURATION/SCRIPT/TITLE/text() = 'openaireLayoutToRecordStylesheet']//CODE/node()"); + } - /** - * Method retrieves from the information system the IndexDS profile ID associated to the given MDFormat name - * @param format - * @param isLookup - * @return the IndexDS identifier - * @throws ISLookUpException - */ - private static String getDsId(String format, ISLookUpService isLookup) throws ISLookUpException { - return doLookup(isLookup, String.format("collection('/db/DRIVER/IndexDSResources/IndexDSResourceType')" + - "//RESOURCE_PROFILE[./BODY/CONFIGURATION/METADATA_FORMAT/text() = '%s']//RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER/@value/string()", format)); - } + /** + * Method retrieves from the information system the IndexDS profile ID associated to the given MDFormat name + * + * @param format + * @param isLookup + * @return the IndexDS identifier + * @throws ISLookUpException + */ + private static String getDsId(String format, ISLookUpService isLookup) throws ISLookUpException { + return doLookup( + isLookup, + String + .format( + "collection('/db/DRIVER/IndexDSResources/IndexDSResourceType')" + + "//RESOURCE_PROFILE[./BODY/CONFIGURATION/METADATA_FORMAT/text() = '%s']//RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER/@value/string()", + format)); + } - /** - * Method retrieves from the information system the zookeeper quorum of the Solr server - * @param isLookup - * @return the zookeeper quorum of the Solr server - * @throws ISLookUpException - */ - private static String getZkHost(ISLookUpService isLookup) throws ISLookUpException { - return doLookup(isLookup, "for $x in /RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_TYPE/@value='IndexServiceResourceType'] return $x//PROTOCOL[./@name='solr']/@address/string()"); - } - - private static String doLookup(ISLookUpService isLookup, String xquery) throws ISLookUpException { - log.info(String.format("running xquery: %s", xquery)); - final String res = isLookup.getResourceProfileByQuery(xquery); - log.info(String.format("got response (100 chars): %s", StringUtils.left(res, 100) + " ...")); - return res; - } + /** + * Method retrieves from the information system the zookeeper quorum of the Solr server + * + * @param isLookup + * @return the zookeeper quorum of the Solr server + * @throws ISLookUpException + */ + private static String getZkHost(ISLookUpService isLookup) throws ISLookUpException { + return doLookup( + isLookup, + "for $x in /RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_TYPE/@value='IndexServiceResourceType'] return $x//PROTOCOL[./@name='solr']/@address/string()"); + } + private static String doLookup(ISLookUpService isLookup, String xquery) throws ISLookUpException { + log.info(String.format("running xquery: %s", xquery)); + final String res = isLookup.getResourceProfileByQuery(xquery); + log.info(String.format("got response (100 chars): %s", StringUtils.left(res, 100) + " ...")); + return res; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/EntityRelEntity.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/EntityRelEntity.java index e1ca8e3164..a6b3c5591a 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/EntityRelEntity.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/EntityRelEntity.java @@ -1,64 +1,67 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; -import com.google.common.base.Objects; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; import java.io.Serializable; +import com.google.common.base.Objects; + public class EntityRelEntity implements Serializable { - private TypedRow entity; - private SortableRelation relation; - private RelatedEntity target; + private TypedRow entity; + private SortableRelation relation; + private RelatedEntity target; - public EntityRelEntity() { - } + public EntityRelEntity() { + } - public EntityRelEntity(SortableRelation relation, RelatedEntity target) { - this(null, relation, target); - } + public EntityRelEntity(SortableRelation relation, RelatedEntity target) { + this(null, relation, target); + } - public EntityRelEntity(TypedRow entity, SortableRelation relation, RelatedEntity target) { - this.entity = entity; - this.relation = relation; - this.target = target; - } + public EntityRelEntity(TypedRow entity, SortableRelation relation, RelatedEntity target) { + this.entity = entity; + this.relation = relation; + this.target = target; + } - public TypedRow getEntity() { - return entity; - } + public TypedRow getEntity() { + return entity; + } - public void setEntity(TypedRow entity) { - this.entity = entity; - } + public void setEntity(TypedRow entity) { + this.entity = entity; + } - public SortableRelation getRelation() { - return relation; - } + public SortableRelation getRelation() { + return relation; + } - public void setRelation(SortableRelation relation) { - this.relation = relation; - } + public void setRelation(SortableRelation relation) { + this.relation = relation; + } - public RelatedEntity getTarget() { - return target; - } + public RelatedEntity getTarget() { + return target; + } - public void setTarget(RelatedEntity target) { - this.target = target; - } + public void setTarget(RelatedEntity target) { + this.target = target; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - EntityRelEntity that = (EntityRelEntity) o; - return Objects.equal(entity, that.entity) && - Objects.equal(relation, that.relation) && - Objects.equal(target, that.target); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + EntityRelEntity that = (EntityRelEntity) o; + return Objects.equal(entity, that.entity) + && Objects.equal(relation, that.relation) + && Objects.equal(target, that.target); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hashCode(entity, relation, target); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hashCode(entity, relation, target); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/JoinedEntity.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/JoinedEntity.java index b6e97a503f..e29ec9d192 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/JoinedEntity.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/JoinedEntity.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; import java.io.Serializable; @@ -5,26 +6,26 @@ import java.util.List; public class JoinedEntity implements Serializable { - private TypedRow entity; + private TypedRow entity; - private List links; + private List links; - public JoinedEntity() { - } + public JoinedEntity() { + } - public TypedRow getEntity() { - return entity; - } + public TypedRow getEntity() { + return entity; + } - public void setEntity(TypedRow entity) { - this.entity = entity; - } + public void setEntity(TypedRow entity) { + this.entity = entity; + } - public List getLinks() { - return links; - } + public List getLinks() { + return links; + } - public void setLinks(List links) { - this.links = links; - } + public void setLinks(List links) { + this.links = links; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/RelatedEntity.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/RelatedEntity.java index 011d9276d3..e15ceff760 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/RelatedEntity.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/RelatedEntity.java @@ -1,267 +1,295 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.util.List; + import com.google.common.base.Objects; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Instance; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.KeyValue; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; -import java.io.Serializable; -import java.util.List; - public class RelatedEntity implements Serializable { - private String id; - private String type; + private String id; + private String type; - // common fields - private StructuredProperty title; - private String websiteurl; // datasource, organizations, projects + // common fields + private StructuredProperty title; + private String websiteurl; // datasource, organizations, projects - // results - private String dateofacceptance; - private String publisher; - private List pid; - private String codeRepositoryUrl; - private Qualifier resulttype; - private List collectedfrom; - private List instances; + // results + private String dateofacceptance; + private String publisher; + private List pid; + private String codeRepositoryUrl; + private Qualifier resulttype; + private List collectedfrom; + private List instances; - // datasource - private String officialname; - private Qualifier datasourcetype; - private Qualifier datasourcetypeui; - private Qualifier openairecompatibility; - //private String aggregatortype; + // datasource + private String officialname; + private Qualifier datasourcetype; + private Qualifier datasourcetypeui; + private Qualifier openairecompatibility; + // private String aggregatortype; - // organization - private String legalname; - private String legalshortname; - private Qualifier country; + // organization + private String legalname; + private String legalshortname; + private Qualifier country; - // project - private String projectTitle; - private String code; - private String acronym; - private Qualifier contracttype; - private List fundingtree; + // project + private String projectTitle; + private String code; + private String acronym; + private Qualifier contracttype; + private List fundingtree; - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public String getType() { - return type; - } + public String getType() { + return type; + } - public void setType(String type) { - this.type = type; - } + public void setType(String type) { + this.type = type; + } - public StructuredProperty getTitle() { - return title; - } + public StructuredProperty getTitle() { + return title; + } - public void setTitle(StructuredProperty title) { - this.title = title; - } + public void setTitle(StructuredProperty title) { + this.title = title; + } - public String getWebsiteurl() { - return websiteurl; - } + public String getWebsiteurl() { + return websiteurl; + } - public void setWebsiteurl(String websiteurl) { - this.websiteurl = websiteurl; - } + public void setWebsiteurl(String websiteurl) { + this.websiteurl = websiteurl; + } - public String getDateofacceptance() { - return dateofacceptance; - } + public String getDateofacceptance() { + return dateofacceptance; + } - public void setDateofacceptance(String dateofacceptance) { - this.dateofacceptance = dateofacceptance; - } + public void setDateofacceptance(String dateofacceptance) { + this.dateofacceptance = dateofacceptance; + } - public String getPublisher() { - return publisher; - } + public String getPublisher() { + return publisher; + } - public void setPublisher(String publisher) { - this.publisher = publisher; - } + public void setPublisher(String publisher) { + this.publisher = publisher; + } - public List getPid() { - return pid; - } + public List getPid() { + return pid; + } - public void setPid(List pid) { - this.pid = pid; - } + public void setPid(List pid) { + this.pid = pid; + } - public String getCodeRepositoryUrl() { - return codeRepositoryUrl; - } + public String getCodeRepositoryUrl() { + return codeRepositoryUrl; + } - public void setCodeRepositoryUrl(String codeRepositoryUrl) { - this.codeRepositoryUrl = codeRepositoryUrl; - } + public void setCodeRepositoryUrl(String codeRepositoryUrl) { + this.codeRepositoryUrl = codeRepositoryUrl; + } - public Qualifier getResulttype() { - return resulttype; - } + public Qualifier getResulttype() { + return resulttype; + } - public void setResulttype(Qualifier resulttype) { - this.resulttype = resulttype; - } + public void setResulttype(Qualifier resulttype) { + this.resulttype = resulttype; + } - public List getCollectedfrom() { - return collectedfrom; - } + public List getCollectedfrom() { + return collectedfrom; + } - public void setCollectedfrom(List collectedfrom) { - this.collectedfrom = collectedfrom; - } + public void setCollectedfrom(List collectedfrom) { + this.collectedfrom = collectedfrom; + } - public List getInstances() { - return instances; - } + public List getInstances() { + return instances; + } - public void setInstances(List instances) { - this.instances = instances; - } + public void setInstances(List instances) { + this.instances = instances; + } - public String getOfficialname() { - return officialname; - } + public String getOfficialname() { + return officialname; + } - public void setOfficialname(String officialname) { - this.officialname = officialname; - } + public void setOfficialname(String officialname) { + this.officialname = officialname; + } - public Qualifier getDatasourcetype() { - return datasourcetype; - } + public Qualifier getDatasourcetype() { + return datasourcetype; + } - public void setDatasourcetype(Qualifier datasourcetype) { - this.datasourcetype = datasourcetype; - } + public void setDatasourcetype(Qualifier datasourcetype) { + this.datasourcetype = datasourcetype; + } - public Qualifier getDatasourcetypeui() { - return datasourcetypeui; - } + public Qualifier getDatasourcetypeui() { + return datasourcetypeui; + } - public void setDatasourcetypeui(Qualifier datasourcetypeui) { - this.datasourcetypeui = datasourcetypeui; - } + public void setDatasourcetypeui(Qualifier datasourcetypeui) { + this.datasourcetypeui = datasourcetypeui; + } - public Qualifier getOpenairecompatibility() { - return openairecompatibility; - } + public Qualifier getOpenairecompatibility() { + return openairecompatibility; + } - public void setOpenairecompatibility(Qualifier openairecompatibility) { - this.openairecompatibility = openairecompatibility; - } + public void setOpenairecompatibility(Qualifier openairecompatibility) { + this.openairecompatibility = openairecompatibility; + } - public String getLegalname() { - return legalname; - } + public String getLegalname() { + return legalname; + } - public void setLegalname(String legalname) { - this.legalname = legalname; - } + public void setLegalname(String legalname) { + this.legalname = legalname; + } - public String getLegalshortname() { - return legalshortname; - } + public String getLegalshortname() { + return legalshortname; + } - public void setLegalshortname(String legalshortname) { - this.legalshortname = legalshortname; - } + public void setLegalshortname(String legalshortname) { + this.legalshortname = legalshortname; + } - public Qualifier getCountry() { - return country; - } + public Qualifier getCountry() { + return country; + } - public void setCountry(Qualifier country) { - this.country = country; - } + public void setCountry(Qualifier country) { + this.country = country; + } - public String getProjectTitle() { - return projectTitle; - } + public String getProjectTitle() { + return projectTitle; + } - public void setProjectTitle(String projectTitle) { - this.projectTitle = projectTitle; - } + public void setProjectTitle(String projectTitle) { + this.projectTitle = projectTitle; + } - public String getCode() { - return code; - } + public String getCode() { + return code; + } - public void setCode(String code) { - this.code = code; - } + public void setCode(String code) { + this.code = code; + } - public String getAcronym() { - return acronym; - } + public String getAcronym() { + return acronym; + } - public void setAcronym(String acronym) { - this.acronym = acronym; - } + public void setAcronym(String acronym) { + this.acronym = acronym; + } - public Qualifier getContracttype() { - return contracttype; - } + public Qualifier getContracttype() { + return contracttype; + } - public void setContracttype(Qualifier contracttype) { - this.contracttype = contracttype; - } + public void setContracttype(Qualifier contracttype) { + this.contracttype = contracttype; + } - public List getFundingtree() { - return fundingtree; - } + public List getFundingtree() { + return fundingtree; + } - public void setFundingtree(List fundingtree) { - this.fundingtree = fundingtree; - } + public void setFundingtree(List fundingtree) { + this.fundingtree = fundingtree; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - RelatedEntity that = (RelatedEntity) o; - return Objects.equal(id, that.id) && - Objects.equal(type, that.type) && - Objects.equal(title, that.title) && - Objects.equal(websiteurl, that.websiteurl) && - Objects.equal(dateofacceptance, that.dateofacceptance) && - Objects.equal(publisher, that.publisher) && - Objects.equal(pid, that.pid) && - Objects.equal(codeRepositoryUrl, that.codeRepositoryUrl) && - Objects.equal(resulttype, that.resulttype) && - Objects.equal(collectedfrom, that.collectedfrom) && - Objects.equal(instances, that.instances) && - Objects.equal(officialname, that.officialname) && - Objects.equal(datasourcetype, that.datasourcetype) && - Objects.equal(datasourcetypeui, that.datasourcetypeui) && - Objects.equal(openairecompatibility, that.openairecompatibility) && - Objects.equal(legalname, that.legalname) && - Objects.equal(legalshortname, that.legalshortname) && - Objects.equal(country, that.country) && - Objects.equal(projectTitle, that.projectTitle) && - Objects.equal(code, that.code) && - Objects.equal(acronym, that.acronym) && - Objects.equal(contracttype, that.contracttype) && - Objects.equal(fundingtree, that.fundingtree); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + RelatedEntity that = (RelatedEntity) o; + return Objects.equal(id, that.id) + && Objects.equal(type, that.type) + && Objects.equal(title, that.title) + && Objects.equal(websiteurl, that.websiteurl) + && Objects.equal(dateofacceptance, that.dateofacceptance) + && Objects.equal(publisher, that.publisher) + && Objects.equal(pid, that.pid) + && Objects.equal(codeRepositoryUrl, that.codeRepositoryUrl) + && Objects.equal(resulttype, that.resulttype) + && Objects.equal(collectedfrom, that.collectedfrom) + && Objects.equal(instances, that.instances) + && Objects.equal(officialname, that.officialname) + && Objects.equal(datasourcetype, that.datasourcetype) + && Objects.equal(datasourcetypeui, that.datasourcetypeui) + && Objects.equal(openairecompatibility, that.openairecompatibility) + && Objects.equal(legalname, that.legalname) + && Objects.equal(legalshortname, that.legalshortname) + && Objects.equal(country, that.country) + && Objects.equal(projectTitle, that.projectTitle) + && Objects.equal(code, that.code) + && Objects.equal(acronym, that.acronym) + && Objects.equal(contracttype, that.contracttype) + && Objects.equal(fundingtree, that.fundingtree); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hashCode(id, type, title, websiteurl, dateofacceptance, publisher, pid, codeRepositoryUrl, resulttype, collectedfrom, instances, officialname, datasourcetype, datasourcetypeui, openairecompatibility, legalname, legalshortname, country, projectTitle, code, acronym, contracttype, fundingtree); - } -} \ No newline at end of file + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects + .hashCode( + id, + type, + title, + websiteurl, + dateofacceptance, + publisher, + pid, + codeRepositoryUrl, + resulttype, + collectedfrom, + instances, + officialname, + datasourcetype, + datasourcetypeui, + openairecompatibility, + legalname, + legalshortname, + country, + projectTitle, + code, + acronym, + contracttype, + fundingtree); + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/SortableRelation.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/SortableRelation.java index b294a66334..7c866001be 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/SortableRelation.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/SortableRelation.java @@ -1,35 +1,38 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; -import com.google.common.collect.ComparisonChain; -import com.google.common.collect.Maps; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Map; +import com.google.common.collect.ComparisonChain; +import com.google.common.collect.Maps; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; + public class SortableRelation extends Relation implements Comparable, Serializable { - private final static Map weights = Maps.newHashMap(); + private static final Map weights = Maps.newHashMap(); - static { - weights.put("outcome", 0); - weights.put("supplement", 1); - weights.put("publicationDataset", 2); - weights.put("relationship", 3); - weights.put("similarity", 4); - weights.put("affiliation", 5); + static { + weights.put("outcome", 0); + weights.put("supplement", 1); + weights.put("publicationDataset", 2); + weights.put("relationship", 3); + weights.put("similarity", 4); + weights.put("affiliation", 5); - weights.put("provision", 6); - weights.put("participation", 7); - weights.put("dedup", 8); - } + weights.put("provision", 6); + weights.put("participation", 7); + weights.put("dedup", 8); + } - @Override - public int compareTo(Relation o) { - return ComparisonChain.start() - .compare(weights.get(getSubRelType()), weights.get(o.getSubRelType())) - .compare(getSource(), o.getSource()) - .compare(getTarget(), o.getTarget()) - .result(); - } + @Override + public int compareTo(Relation o) { + return ComparisonChain + .start() + .compare(weights.get(getSubRelType()), weights.get(o.getSubRelType())) + .compare(getSource(), o.getSource()) + .compare(getTarget(), o.getTarget()) + .result(); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/Tuple2.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/Tuple2.java index 942acaea1d..5ebe9c9eb0 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/Tuple2.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/Tuple2.java @@ -1,51 +1,53 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Objects; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; + public class Tuple2 implements Serializable { - private Relation relation; + private Relation relation; - private RelatedEntity relatedEntity; + private RelatedEntity relatedEntity; - public Tuple2() { - } + public Tuple2() { + } - public Tuple2(Relation relation, RelatedEntity relatedEntity) { - this.relation = relation; - this.relatedEntity = relatedEntity; - } + public Tuple2(Relation relation, RelatedEntity relatedEntity) { + this.relation = relation; + this.relatedEntity = relatedEntity; + } - public Relation getRelation() { - return relation; - } + public Relation getRelation() { + return relation; + } - public void setRelation(Relation relation) { - this.relation = relation; - } + public void setRelation(Relation relation) { + this.relation = relation; + } - public RelatedEntity getRelatedEntity() { - return relatedEntity; - } + public RelatedEntity getRelatedEntity() { + return relatedEntity; + } - public void setRelatedEntity(RelatedEntity relatedEntity) { - this.relatedEntity = relatedEntity; - } + public void setRelatedEntity(RelatedEntity relatedEntity) { + this.relatedEntity = relatedEntity; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - Tuple2 t2 = (Tuple2) o; - return getRelation().equals(t2.getRelation()); - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(getRelation().hashCode()); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + Tuple2 t2 = (Tuple2) o; + return getRelation().equals(t2.getRelation()); + } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(getRelation().hashCode()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/TypedRow.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/TypedRow.java index 54f34802f0..cbec372e43 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/TypedRow.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/model/TypedRow.java @@ -1,61 +1,64 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; -import com.google.common.base.Objects; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model; import java.io.Serializable; +import com.google.common.base.Objects; + public class TypedRow implements Serializable { - private String id; + private String id; - private Boolean deleted; + private Boolean deleted; - private String type; + private String type; - private String oaf; + private String oaf; - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void setId(String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setId(String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public Boolean getDeleted() { - return deleted; - } + public Boolean getDeleted() { + return deleted; + } - public void setDeleted(Boolean deleted) { - this.deleted = deleted; - } + public void setDeleted(Boolean deleted) { + this.deleted = deleted; + } - public String getType() { - return type; - } + public String getType() { + return type; + } - public void setType(String type) { - this.type = type; - } + public void setType(String type) { + this.type = type; + } - public String getOaf() { - return oaf; - } + public String getOaf() { + return oaf; + } - public void setOaf(String oaf) { - this.oaf = oaf; - } + public void setOaf(String oaf) { + this.oaf = oaf; + } - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; - TypedRow typedRow2 = (TypedRow) o; - return Objects.equal(id, typedRow2.id); - } + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + TypedRow typedRow2 = (TypedRow) o; + return Objects.equal(id, typedRow2.id); + } - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hashCode(id); - } + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hashCode(id); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/ContextDef.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/ContextDef.java index fba3a8e7bb..8afd6400c9 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/ContextDef.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/ContextDef.java @@ -1,51 +1,52 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; import java.io.Serializable; public class ContextDef implements Serializable { - private String id; - private String label; - private String name; - private String type; + private String id; + private String label; + private String name; + private String type; - public ContextDef(final String id, final String label, final String name, final String type) { - super(); - this.setId(id); - this.setLabel(label); - this.setName(name); - this.setType(type); - } + public ContextDef(final String id, final String label, final String name, final String type) { + super(); + this.setId(id); + this.setLabel(label); + this.setName(name); + this.setType(type); + } - public String getLabel() { - return label; - } + public String getLabel() { + return label; + } - public void setLabel(final String label) { - this.label = label; - } + public void setLabel(final String label) { + this.label = label; + } - public String getId() { - return id; - } + public String getId() { + return id; + } - public void setId(final String id) { - this.id = id; - } + public void setId(final String id) { + this.id = id; + } - public String getName() { - return name; - } + public String getName() { + return name; + } - public void setName(final String name) { - this.name = name; - } + public void setName(final String name) { + this.name = name; + } - public String getType() { - return type; - } + public String getType() { + return type; + } - public void setType(final String type) { - this.type = type; - } -} \ No newline at end of file + public void setType(final String type) { + this.type = type; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/ContextMapper.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/ContextMapper.java index bdeacf45e3..ac418f2b9b 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/ContextMapper.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/ContextMapper.java @@ -1,46 +1,49 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; -import com.google.common.base.Joiner; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; -import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; -import org.dom4j.Document; -import org.dom4j.DocumentException; -import org.dom4j.Node; -import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.HashMap; +import org.dom4j.Document; +import org.dom4j.DocumentException; +import org.dom4j.Node; +import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; + +import com.google.common.base.Joiner; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException; +import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService; + public class ContextMapper extends HashMap implements Serializable { - private static final long serialVersionUID = 2159682308502487305L; + private static final long serialVersionUID = 2159682308502487305L; - private final static String XQUERY = "for $x in //RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_TYPE/@value='ContextDSResourceType']//*[name()='context' or name()='category' or name()='concept'] return "; + private static final String XQUERY = "for $x in //RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//RESOURCE_TYPE/@value='ContextDSResourceType']//*[name()='context' or name()='category' or name()='concept'] return "; - public static ContextMapper fromIS(final String isLookupUrl) throws DocumentException, ISLookUpException { - ISLookUpService isLookUp = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); - StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); - Joiner.on("").appendTo(sb, isLookUp.quickSearchProfile(XQUERY)); - sb.append(""); - return fromXml(sb.toString()); - } + public static ContextMapper fromIS(final String isLookupUrl) + throws DocumentException, ISLookUpException { + ISLookUpService isLookUp = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl); + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); + Joiner.on("").appendTo(sb, isLookUp.quickSearchProfile(XQUERY)); + sb.append(""); + return fromXml(sb.toString()); + } - public static ContextMapper fromXml(final String xml) throws DocumentException { - final ContextMapper contextMapper = new ContextMapper(); + public static ContextMapper fromXml(final String xml) throws DocumentException { + final ContextMapper contextMapper = new ContextMapper(); - final Document doc = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xml)); - for (Object o : doc.selectNodes("//entry")) { - Node node = (Node) o; - String id = node.valueOf("./@id"); - String label = node.valueOf("./@label"); - String name = node.valueOf("./@name"); - String type = node.valueOf("./@type") + ""; - - contextMapper.put(id, new ContextDef(id, label, name, type)); - } - return contextMapper; - } + final Document doc = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xml)); + for (Object o : doc.selectNodes("//entry")) { + Node node = (Node) o; + String id = node.valueOf("./@id"); + String label = node.valueOf("./@label"); + String name = node.valueOf("./@name"); + String type = node.valueOf("./@type") + ""; + contextMapper.put(id, new ContextDef(id, label, name, type)); + } + return contextMapper; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/GraphMappingUtils.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/GraphMappingUtils.java index 42174ac94d..0e742365ab 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/GraphMappingUtils.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/GraphMappingUtils.java @@ -1,108 +1,27 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; -import com.google.common.collect.Sets; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.RelatedEntity; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.EntityType; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; - -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Objects; -import java.util.Optional; -import java.util.Set; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringAfter; +import java.util.Set; + +import com.google.common.collect.Sets; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; + public class GraphMappingUtils { - public static final String SEPARATOR = "_"; + public static final String SEPARATOR = "_"; - public static Set authorPidTypes = Sets.newHashSet("orcid", "magidentifier"); + public static Set authorPidTypes = Sets.newHashSet("orcid", "magidentifier"); - public static RelatedEntity asRelatedEntity(E entity, Class clazz) { - - final RelatedEntity re = new RelatedEntity(); - re.setId(entity.getId()); - re.setType(EntityType.fromClass(clazz).name()); - - re.setPid(entity.getPid()); - re.setCollectedfrom(entity.getCollectedfrom()); - - switch (EntityType.fromClass(clazz)) { - case publication: - case dataset: - case otherresearchproduct: - case software: - - Result result = (Result) entity; - - if (result.getTitle() == null && !result.getTitle().isEmpty()) { - re.setTitle(result.getTitle().stream().findFirst().get()); - } - - re.setDateofacceptance(getValue(result.getDateofacceptance())); - re.setPublisher(getValue(result.getPublisher())); - re.setResulttype(result.getResulttype()); - re.setInstances(result.getInstance()); - - //TODO still to be mapped - //re.setCodeRepositoryUrl(j.read("$.coderepositoryurl")); - - break; - case datasource: - Datasource d = (Datasource) entity; - - re.setOfficialname(getValue(d.getOfficialname())); - re.setWebsiteurl(getValue(d.getWebsiteurl())); - re.setDatasourcetype(d.getDatasourcetype()); - re.setOpenairecompatibility(d.getOpenairecompatibility()); - - break; - case organization: - Organization o = (Organization) entity; - - re.setLegalname(getValue(o.getLegalname())); - re.setLegalshortname(getValue(o.getLegalshortname())); - re.setCountry(o.getCountry()); - re.setWebsiteurl(getValue(o.getWebsiteurl())); - break; - case project: - Project p = (Project) entity; - - re.setProjectTitle(getValue(p.getTitle())); - re.setCode(getValue(p.getCode())); - re.setAcronym(getValue(p.getAcronym())); - re.setContracttype(p.getContracttype()); - - List> f = p.getFundingtree(); - if (!f.isEmpty()) { - re.setFundingtree(f.stream() - .map(s -> s.getValue()) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - break; - } - return re; - } - - private static String getValue(Field field) { - return getFieldValueWithDefault(field, ""); - } - - private static T getFieldValueWithDefault(Field f, T defaultValue) { - return Optional.ofNullable(f) - .filter(Objects::nonNull) - .map(x -> x.getValue()) - .orElse(defaultValue); - } - - public static String removePrefix(final String s) { - if (s.contains("|")) return substringAfter(s, "|"); - return s; - } - - public static String getRelDescriptor(String relType, String subRelType, String relClass) { - return relType + SEPARATOR + subRelType + SEPARATOR + relClass; - } + public static String removePrefix(final String s) { + if (s.contains("|")) + return substringAfter(s, "|"); + return s; + } + public static String getRelDescriptor(String relType, String subRelType, String relClass) { + return relType + SEPARATOR + subRelType + SEPARATOR + relClass; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/LicenseComparator.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/LicenseComparator.java index 17073038de..9dbac1936c 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/LicenseComparator.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/LicenseComparator.java @@ -1,49 +1,69 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; import java.util.Comparator; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; + public class LicenseComparator implements Comparator { - @Override - public int compare(Qualifier left, Qualifier right) { + @Override + public int compare(Qualifier left, Qualifier right) { - if (left == null && right == null) return 0; - if (left == null) return 1; - if (right == null) return -1; + if (left == null && right == null) + return 0; + if (left == null) + return 1; + if (right == null) + return -1; - String lClass = left.getClassid(); - String rClass = right.getClassid(); + String lClass = left.getClassid(); + String rClass = right.getClassid(); - if (lClass.equals(rClass)) return 0; + if (lClass.equals(rClass)) + return 0; - if (lClass.equals("OPEN SOURCE")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("OPEN SOURCE")) return 1; + if (lClass.equals("OPEN SOURCE")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("OPEN SOURCE")) + return 1; - if (lClass.equals("OPEN")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("OPEN")) return 1; + if (lClass.equals("OPEN")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("OPEN")) + return 1; - if (lClass.equals("6MONTHS")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("6MONTHS")) return 1; + if (lClass.equals("6MONTHS")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("6MONTHS")) + return 1; - if (lClass.equals("12MONTHS")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("12MONTHS")) return 1; + if (lClass.equals("12MONTHS")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("12MONTHS")) + return 1; - if (lClass.equals("EMBARGO")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("EMBARGO")) return 1; + if (lClass.equals("EMBARGO")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("EMBARGO")) + return 1; - if (lClass.equals("RESTRICTED")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("RESTRICTED")) return 1; + if (lClass.equals("RESTRICTED")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("RESTRICTED")) + return 1; - if (lClass.equals("CLOSED")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("CLOSED")) return 1; + if (lClass.equals("CLOSED")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("CLOSED")) + return 1; - if (lClass.equals("UNKNOWN")) return -1; - if (rClass.equals("UNKNOWN")) return 1; - - // Else (but unlikely), lexicographical ordering will do. - return lClass.compareTo(rClass); - } + if (lClass.equals("UNKNOWN")) + return -1; + if (rClass.equals("UNKNOWN")) + return 1; + // Else (but unlikely), lexicographical ordering will do. + return lClass.compareTo(rClass); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/RelationPartitioner.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/RelationPartitioner.java index c8e7a24292..a09a278372 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/RelationPartitioner.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/RelationPartitioner.java @@ -1,29 +1,30 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation; import org.apache.spark.Partitioner; import org.apache.spark.util.Utils; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.SortableRelation; + /** - * Used in combination with SortableRelationKey, allows to partition the records by source id, therefore - * allowing to sort relations sharing the same source id by the ordering defined in SortableRelationKey. + * Used in combination with SortableRelationKey, allows to partition the records by source id, therefore allowing to + * sort relations sharing the same source id by the ordering defined in SortableRelationKey. */ public class RelationPartitioner extends Partitioner { - private int numPartitions; + private final int numPartitions; - public RelationPartitioner(int numPartitions) { - this.numPartitions = numPartitions; - } + public RelationPartitioner(int numPartitions) { + this.numPartitions = numPartitions; + } - @Override - public int numPartitions() { - return numPartitions; - } - - @Override - public int getPartition(Object key) { - return Utils.nonNegativeMod(((SortableRelation) key).getSource().hashCode(), numPartitions()); - } + @Override + public int numPartitions() { + return numPartitions; + } + @Override + public int getPartition(Object key) { + return Utils.nonNegativeMod(((SortableRelation) key).getSource().hashCode(), numPartitions()); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/StreamingInputDocumentFactory.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/StreamingInputDocumentFactory.java index f0499781f1..3e8abbd9f1 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/StreamingInputDocumentFactory.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/StreamingInputDocumentFactory.java @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; import java.io.StringReader; @@ -6,248 +7,257 @@ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; + import javax.xml.stream.*; import javax.xml.stream.events.Namespace; import javax.xml.stream.events.StartElement; import javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent; -import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; + /** * Optimized version of the document parser, drop in replacement of InputDocumentFactory. - * *

* Faster because: - *

    - *
  • Doesn't create a DOM for the full document
  • - *
  • Doesn't execute xpaths agains the DOM
  • - *
  • Quickly serialize the 'result' element directly in a string.
  • - *
  • Uses less memory: less pressure on GC and allows more threads to process this in parallel
  • + *
  • Doesn't create a DOM for the full document + *
  • Doesn't execute xpaths agains the DOM + *
  • Quickly serialize the 'result' element directly in a string. + *
  • Uses less memory: less pressure on GC and allows more threads to process this in parallel *
- * *

* This class is fully reentrant and can be invoked in parallel. - *

* * @author claudio - * */ public class StreamingInputDocumentFactory { - private static final String INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX = "__"; + private static final String INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX = "__"; - private static final String DS_VERSION = INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX + "dsversion"; + private static final String DS_VERSION = INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX + "dsversion"; - private static final String DS_ID = INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX + "dsid"; + private static final String DS_ID = INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX + "dsid"; - private static final String RESULT = "result"; + private static final String RESULT = "result"; - private static final String INDEX_RESULT = INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX + RESULT; + private static final String INDEX_RESULT = INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX + RESULT; - private static final String INDEX_RECORD_ID = INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX + "indexrecordidentifier"; + private static final String INDEX_RECORD_ID = INDEX_FIELD_PREFIX + "indexrecordidentifier"; - private static final String outFormat = new String("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'"); + private static final String outFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'"; - private final static List dateFormats = Arrays.asList("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd", "dd-MM-yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy", "yyyy"); + private static final List dateFormats = Arrays + .asList("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd", "dd-MM-yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy", "yyyy"); - private static final String DEFAULTDNETRESULT = "dnetResult"; + private static final String DEFAULTDNETRESULT = "dnetResult"; - private static final String TARGETFIELDS = "targetFields"; + private static final String TARGETFIELDS = "targetFields"; - private static final String INDEX_RECORD_ID_ELEMENT = "indexRecordIdentifier"; + private static final String INDEX_RECORD_ID_ELEMENT = "indexRecordIdentifier"; - private static final String ROOT_ELEMENT = "indexRecord"; + private static final String ROOT_ELEMENT = "indexRecord"; - private static final int MAX_FIELD_LENGTH = 25000; + private static final int MAX_FIELD_LENGTH = 25000; - private ThreadLocal inputFactory = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> XMLInputFactory.newInstance()); + private final ThreadLocal inputFactory = ThreadLocal + .withInitial(() -> XMLInputFactory.newInstance()); - private ThreadLocal outputFactory = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> XMLOutputFactory.newInstance()); + private final ThreadLocal outputFactory = ThreadLocal + .withInitial(() -> XMLOutputFactory.newInstance()); - private ThreadLocal eventFactory = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> XMLEventFactory.newInstance()); + private final ThreadLocal eventFactory = ThreadLocal + .withInitial(() -> XMLEventFactory.newInstance()); - private String version; + private final String version; - private String dsId; + private final String dsId; - private String resultName = DEFAULTDNETRESULT; + private String resultName = DEFAULTDNETRESULT; - public StreamingInputDocumentFactory(final String version, final String dsId) { - this(version, dsId, DEFAULTDNETRESULT); - } + public StreamingInputDocumentFactory(final String version, final String dsId) { + this(version, dsId, DEFAULTDNETRESULT); + } - public StreamingInputDocumentFactory(final String version, final String dsId, final String resultName) { - this.version = version; - this.dsId = dsId; - this.resultName = resultName; - } + public StreamingInputDocumentFactory( + final String version, final String dsId, final String resultName) { + this.version = version; + this.dsId = dsId; + this.resultName = resultName; + } - public SolrInputDocument parseDocument(final String inputDocument) { + public SolrInputDocument parseDocument(final String inputDocument) { - final StringWriter results = new StringWriter(); - final List nsList = Lists.newLinkedList(); - try { + final StringWriter results = new StringWriter(); + final List nsList = Lists.newLinkedList(); + try { - XMLEventReader parser = inputFactory.get().createXMLEventReader(new StringReader(inputDocument)); + XMLEventReader parser = inputFactory.get().createXMLEventReader(new StringReader(inputDocument)); - final SolrInputDocument indexDocument = new SolrInputDocument(new HashMap<>()); + final SolrInputDocument indexDocument = new SolrInputDocument(new HashMap<>()); - while (parser.hasNext()) { - final XMLEvent event = parser.nextEvent(); - if ((event != null) && event.isStartElement()) { - final String localName = event.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart(); + while (parser.hasNext()) { + final XMLEvent event = parser.nextEvent(); + if ((event != null) && event.isStartElement()) { + final String localName = event.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart(); - if (ROOT_ELEMENT.equals(localName)) { - nsList.addAll(getNamespaces(event)); - } else if (INDEX_RECORD_ID_ELEMENT.equals(localName)) { - final XMLEvent text = parser.nextEvent(); - String recordId = getText(text); - indexDocument.addField(INDEX_RECORD_ID, recordId); - } else if (TARGETFIELDS.equals(localName)) { - parseTargetFields(indexDocument, parser); - } else if (resultName.equals(localName)) { - copyResult(indexDocument, results, parser, nsList, resultName); - } - } - } + if (ROOT_ELEMENT.equals(localName)) { + nsList.addAll(getNamespaces(event)); + } else if (INDEX_RECORD_ID_ELEMENT.equals(localName)) { + final XMLEvent text = parser.nextEvent(); + String recordId = getText(text); + indexDocument.addField(INDEX_RECORD_ID, recordId); + } else if (TARGETFIELDS.equals(localName)) { + parseTargetFields(indexDocument, parser); + } else if (resultName.equals(localName)) { + copyResult(indexDocument, results, parser, nsList, resultName); + } + } + } - if (version != null) { - indexDocument.addField(DS_VERSION, version); - } + if (version != null) { + indexDocument.addField(DS_VERSION, version); + } - if (dsId != null) { - indexDocument.addField(DS_ID, dsId); - } + if (dsId != null) { + indexDocument.addField(DS_ID, dsId); + } - if (!indexDocument.containsKey(INDEX_RECORD_ID)) { - indexDocument.clear(); - System.err.println("missing indexrecord id:\n" + inputDocument); - } + if (!indexDocument.containsKey(INDEX_RECORD_ID)) { + indexDocument.clear(); + System.err.println("missing indexrecord id:\n" + inputDocument); + } - return indexDocument; - } catch (XMLStreamException e) { - return new SolrInputDocument(); - } - } + return indexDocument; + } catch (XMLStreamException e) { + return new SolrInputDocument(); + } + } - private List getNamespaces(final XMLEvent event) { - final List res = Lists.newLinkedList(); - @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") - Iterator nsIter = event.asStartElement().getNamespaces(); - while (nsIter.hasNext()) { - Namespace ns = nsIter.next(); - res.add(ns); - } - return res; - } + private List getNamespaces(final XMLEvent event) { + final List res = Lists.newLinkedList(); + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") + Iterator nsIter = event.asStartElement().getNamespaces(); + while (nsIter.hasNext()) { + Namespace ns = nsIter.next(); + res.add(ns); + } + return res; + } - /** - * Parse the targetFields block and add fields to the solr document. - * - * @param indexDocument - * @param parser - * @throws XMLStreamException - */ - protected void parseTargetFields(final SolrInputDocument indexDocument, final XMLEventReader parser) throws XMLStreamException { + /** + * Parse the targetFields block and add fields to the solr document. + * + * @param indexDocument + * @param parser + * @throws XMLStreamException + */ + protected void parseTargetFields( + final SolrInputDocument indexDocument, final XMLEventReader parser) + throws XMLStreamException { - boolean hasFields = false; + boolean hasFields = false; - while (parser.hasNext()) { - final XMLEvent targetEvent = parser.nextEvent(); - if (targetEvent.isEndElement() && targetEvent.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart().equals(TARGETFIELDS)) { - break; - } + while (parser.hasNext()) { + final XMLEvent targetEvent = parser.nextEvent(); + if (targetEvent.isEndElement() + && targetEvent.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart().equals(TARGETFIELDS)) { + break; + } - if (targetEvent.isStartElement()) { - final String fieldName = targetEvent.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart(); - final XMLEvent text = parser.nextEvent(); + if (targetEvent.isStartElement()) { + final String fieldName = targetEvent.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart(); + final XMLEvent text = parser.nextEvent(); - String data = getText(text); + String data = getText(text); - addField(indexDocument, fieldName, data); - hasFields = true; - } - } + addField(indexDocument, fieldName, data); + hasFields = true; + } + } - if (!hasFields) { - indexDocument.clear(); - } - } + if (!hasFields) { + indexDocument.clear(); + } + } - /** - * Copy the /indexRecord/result element and children, preserving namespace declarations etc. - * - * @param indexDocument - * @param results - * @param parser - * @param nsList - * @throws XMLStreamException - */ - protected void copyResult(final SolrInputDocument indexDocument, - final StringWriter results, - final XMLEventReader parser, - final List nsList, - final String dnetResult) throws XMLStreamException { - final XMLEventWriter writer = outputFactory.get().createXMLEventWriter(results); + /** + * Copy the /indexRecord/result element and children, preserving namespace declarations etc. + * + * @param indexDocument + * @param results + * @param parser + * @param nsList + * @throws XMLStreamException + */ + protected void copyResult( + final SolrInputDocument indexDocument, + final StringWriter results, + final XMLEventReader parser, + final List nsList, + final String dnetResult) + throws XMLStreamException { + final XMLEventWriter writer = outputFactory.get().createXMLEventWriter(results); - for (Namespace ns : nsList) { - eventFactory.get().createNamespace(ns.getPrefix(), ns.getNamespaceURI()); - } + for (Namespace ns : nsList) { + eventFactory.get().createNamespace(ns.getPrefix(), ns.getNamespaceURI()); + } - StartElement newRecord = eventFactory.get().createStartElement("", null, RESULT, null, nsList.iterator()); + StartElement newRecord = eventFactory.get().createStartElement("", null, RESULT, null, nsList.iterator()); - // new root record - writer.add(newRecord); + // new root record + writer.add(newRecord); - // copy the rest as it is - while (parser.hasNext()) { - final XMLEvent resultEvent = parser.nextEvent(); + // copy the rest as it is + while (parser.hasNext()) { + final XMLEvent resultEvent = parser.nextEvent(); - // TODO: replace with depth tracking instead of close tag tracking. - if (resultEvent.isEndElement() && resultEvent.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart().equals(dnetResult)) { - writer.add(eventFactory.get().createEndElement("", null, RESULT)); - break; - } + // TODO: replace with depth tracking instead of close tag tracking. + if (resultEvent.isEndElement() + && resultEvent.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart().equals(dnetResult)) { + writer.add(eventFactory.get().createEndElement("", null, RESULT)); + break; + } - writer.add(resultEvent); - } - writer.close(); - indexDocument.addField(INDEX_RESULT, results.toString()); - } + writer.add(resultEvent); + } + writer.close(); + indexDocument.addField(INDEX_RESULT, results.toString()); + } - /** - * Helper used to add a field to a solr doc. It avoids to add empy fields - * - * @param indexDocument - * @param field - * @param value - */ - private final void addField(final SolrInputDocument indexDocument, final String field, final String value) { - String cleaned = value.trim(); - if (!cleaned.isEmpty()) { - // log.info("\n\n adding field " + field.toLowerCase() + " value: " + cleaned + "\n"); - indexDocument.addField(field.toLowerCase(), cleaned); - } - } + /** + * Helper used to add a field to a solr doc. It avoids to add empy fields + * + * @param indexDocument + * @param field + * @param value + */ + private final void addField( + final SolrInputDocument indexDocument, final String field, final String value) { + String cleaned = value.trim(); + if (!cleaned.isEmpty()) { + // log.info("\n\n adding field " + field.toLowerCase() + " value: " + cleaned + "\n"); + indexDocument.addField(field.toLowerCase(), cleaned); + } + } - /** - * Helper used to get the string from a text element. - * - * @param text - * @return the - */ - protected final String getText(final XMLEvent text) { - if (text.isEndElement()) // log.warn("skipping because isEndOfElement " + text.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart()); - return ""; + /** + * Helper used to get the string from a text element. + * + * @param text + * @return the + */ + protected final String getText(final XMLEvent text) { + if (text.isEndElement()) // log.warn("skipping because isEndOfElement " + + // text.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart()); + return ""; - final String data = text.asCharacters().getData(); - if (data != null && data.length() > MAX_FIELD_LENGTH) { - return data.substring(0, MAX_FIELD_LENGTH); - } - - return data; - } + final String data = text.asCharacters().getData(); + if (data != null && data.length() > MAX_FIELD_LENGTH) { + return data.substring(0, MAX_FIELD_LENGTH); + } + return data; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/TemplateFactory.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/TemplateFactory.java index c9d623a486..6cb025b4fd 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/TemplateFactory.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/TemplateFactory.java @@ -1,107 +1,117 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.GraphMappingUtils.removePrefix; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.GraphMappingUtils.removePrefix; -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; public class TemplateFactory { - private TemplateResources resources; + private final TemplateResources resources; - private final static char DELIMITER = '$'; + private static final char DELIMITER = '$'; - public TemplateFactory() { - try { - resources = new TemplateResources(); - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new IllegalStateException(e); - } - } + public TemplateFactory() { + try { + resources = new TemplateResources(); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException(e); + } + } - public String buildBody(final String type, final List metadata, final List rels, final List children, final List extraInfo) { - ST body = getTemplate(resources.getEntity()); + public String buildBody( + final String type, + final List metadata, + final List rels, + final List children, + final List extraInfo) { + ST body = getTemplate(resources.getEntity()); - body.add("name", type); - body.add("metadata", metadata); - body.add("rels", rels); - body.add("children", children); - body.add("extrainfo", extraInfo); + body.add("name", type); + body.add("metadata", metadata); + body.add("rels", rels); + body.add("children", children); + body.add("extrainfo", extraInfo); - return body.render(); - } + return body.render(); + } - public String getChild(final String name, final String id, final List metadata) { - return getTemplate(resources.getChild()) - .add("name", name) - .add("hasId", !(id == null)) - .add("id", id != null ? escapeXml(removePrefix(id)) : "") - .add("metadata", metadata) - .render(); - } + public String getChild(final String name, final String id, final List metadata) { + return getTemplate(resources.getChild()) + .add("name", name) + .add("hasId", !(id == null)) + .add("id", id != null ? escapeXml(removePrefix(id)) : "") + .add("metadata", metadata) + .render(); + } - public String buildRecord( - final OafEntity entity, - final String schemaLocation, - final String body) { - return getTemplate(resources.getRecord()) - .add("id", escapeXml(removePrefix(entity.getId()))) - .add("dateofcollection", entity.getDateofcollection()) - .add("dateoftransformation", entity.getDateoftransformation()) - .add("schemaLocation", schemaLocation) - .add("it", body) - .render(); - } + public String buildRecord( + final OafEntity entity, final String schemaLocation, final String body) { + return getTemplate(resources.getRecord()) + .add("id", escapeXml(removePrefix(entity.getId()))) + .add("dateofcollection", entity.getDateofcollection()) + .add("dateoftransformation", entity.getDateoftransformation()) + .add("schemaLocation", schemaLocation) + .add("it", body) + .render(); + } - public String getRel(final String type, - final String objIdentifier, - final Collection fields, - final String semanticclass, - final String semantischeme, - final DataInfo info) { - return getTemplate(resources.getRel()) - .add("type", type) - .add("objIdentifier", escapeXml(removePrefix(objIdentifier))) - .add("class", semanticclass) - .add("scheme", semantischeme) - .add("metadata", fields) - .add("inferred", info.getInferred()) - .add("trust", info.getTrust()) - .add("inferenceprovenance", info.getInferenceprovenance()) - .add("provenanceaction", info.getProvenanceaction() != null ? info.getProvenanceaction().getClassid() : "") - .render(); - } + public String getRel( + final String type, + final String objIdentifier, + final Collection fields, + final String semanticclass, + final String semantischeme, + final DataInfo info) { + return getTemplate(resources.getRel()) + .add("type", type) + .add("objIdentifier", escapeXml(removePrefix(objIdentifier))) + .add("class", semanticclass) + .add("scheme", semantischeme) + .add("metadata", fields) + .add("inferred", info.getInferred()) + .add("trust", info.getTrust()) + .add("inferenceprovenance", info.getInferenceprovenance()) + .add( + "provenanceaction", + info.getProvenanceaction() != null ? info.getProvenanceaction().getClassid() : "") + .render(); + } - public String getInstance(final String resultId, final List instancemetadata, final List webresources) { - return getTemplate(resources.getInstance()) - .add("instanceId", escapeXml(removePrefix(resultId))) - .add("metadata", instancemetadata) - .add("webresources", webresources - .stream() - .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) - .map(w -> getWebResource(w)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())) - .render(); - } + public String getInstance( + final String resultId, final List instancemetadata, final List webresources) { + return getTemplate(resources.getInstance()) + .add("instanceId", escapeXml(removePrefix(resultId))) + .add("metadata", instancemetadata) + .add( + "webresources", + webresources + .stream() + .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) + .map(w -> getWebResource(w)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())) + .render(); + } - private String getWebResource(final String identifier) { - return getTemplate(resources.getWebresource()) - .add("identifier", escapeXml(identifier)) - .render(); - } + private String getWebResource(final String identifier) { + return getTemplate(resources.getWebresource()) + .add("identifier", escapeXml(identifier)) + .render(); + } - // HELPERS - - private ST getTemplate(final String res) { - return new ST(res, DELIMITER, DELIMITER); - } + // HELPERS + private ST getTemplate(final String res) { + return new ST(res, DELIMITER, DELIMITER); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/TemplateResources.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/TemplateResources.java index b22e083ce3..878a582bff 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/TemplateResources.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/TemplateResources.java @@ -1,54 +1,53 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; -import com.google.common.io.Resources; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; +import com.google.common.io.Resources; + public class TemplateResources { - private String record = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/record.st"); + private final String record = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/record.st"); - private String instance = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/instance.st"); + private final String instance = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/instance.st"); - private String rel = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/rel.st"); + private final String rel = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/rel.st"); - private String webresource = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/webresource.st"); + private final String webresource = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/webresource.st"); - private String child = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/child.st"); + private final String child = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/child.st"); - private String entity = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/entity.st"); + private final String entity = read("eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/entity.st"); - private static String read(final String classpathResource) throws IOException { - return Resources.toString(Resources.getResource(classpathResource), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); - } + private static String read(final String classpathResource) throws IOException { + return Resources.toString(Resources.getResource(classpathResource), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); + } - public TemplateResources() throws IOException { + public TemplateResources() throws IOException { + } - } + public String getEntity() { + return entity; + } - public String getEntity() { - return entity; - } + public String getRecord() { + return record; + } - public String getRecord() { - return record; - } + public String getInstance() { + return instance; + } - public String getInstance() { - return instance; - } + public String getRel() { + return rel; + } - public String getRel() { - return rel; - } - - public String getWebresource() { - return webresource; - } - - public String getChild() { - return child; - } + public String getWebresource() { + return webresource; + } + public String getChild() { + return child; + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/XmlRecordFactory.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/XmlRecordFactory.java index aced9ac0a6..ce1c71312e 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/XmlRecordFactory.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/XmlRecordFactory.java @@ -1,5 +1,31 @@ + package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; +import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.GraphMappingUtils.*; +import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; +import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringBefore; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.io.StringReader; +import java.io.StringWriter; +import java.util.*; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + +import javax.xml.transform.*; +import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; + +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; +import org.dom4j.Document; +import org.dom4j.DocumentException; +import org.dom4j.Element; +import org.dom4j.Node; +import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat; +import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; +import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter; + import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; @@ -8,1016 +34,1352 @@ import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLDoc; import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLTag; + import eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.model.*; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.EntityType; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.MainEntityType; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; -import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; -import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; -import org.codehaus.janino.Mod; -import org.dom4j.Document; -import org.dom4j.DocumentException; -import org.dom4j.Element; -import org.dom4j.Node; -import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat; -import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; -import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter; - -import javax.xml.transform.*; -import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; -import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.io.Serializable; -import java.io.StringReader; -import java.io.StringWriter; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Map; -import java.util.Set; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.GraphMappingUtils.*; -import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; -import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringBefore; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result; public class XmlRecordFactory implements Serializable { - private Map accumulators; - - private Set specialDatasourceTypes; - - private ContextMapper contextMapper; - - private String schemaLocation; - - private boolean indent = false; - - private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); - - public XmlRecordFactory( - final ContextMapper contextMapper, final boolean indent, - final String schemaLocation, final String otherDatasourceTypesUForUI) { - - this(Maps.newHashMap(), contextMapper, indent, schemaLocation, otherDatasourceTypesUForUI); - } - - public XmlRecordFactory( - final Map accumulators, - final ContextMapper contextMapper, final boolean indent, - final String schemaLocation, final String otherDatasourceTypesUForUI) { - - this.accumulators = accumulators; - this.contextMapper = contextMapper; - this.schemaLocation = schemaLocation; - this.specialDatasourceTypes = Sets.newHashSet(Splitter.on(",").trimResults().split(otherDatasourceTypesUForUI)); - - this.indent = indent; - } - - public String build(final JoinedEntity je) { - - final Set contexts = Sets.newHashSet(); - - final OafEntity entity = toOafEntity(je.getEntity()); - TemplateFactory templateFactory = new TemplateFactory(); - try { - final EntityType type = EntityType.valueOf(je.getEntity().getType()); - final List metadata = metadata(type, entity, contexts); - - // rels has to be processed before the contexts because they enrich the contextMap with the funding info. - final List relations = listRelations(je, templateFactory, contexts); - - final String mainType = ModelSupport.getMainType(type); - metadata.addAll(buildContexts(mainType, contexts)); - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.parseDataInfo(entity.getDataInfo())); - - final String body = templateFactory.buildBody( - mainType, - metadata, - relations, - listChildren(entity, je.getEntity().getType(), templateFactory), listExtraInfo(entity)); - - return printXML(templateFactory.buildRecord(entity, schemaLocation, body), indent); - } catch (final Throwable e) { - throw new RuntimeException(String.format("error building record '%s'", entity.getId()), e); - } - } - - private static OafEntity toOafEntity(TypedRow typedRow) { - return parseOaf(typedRow.getOaf(), typedRow.getType()); - } - - private static OafEntity parseOaf(final String json, final String type) { - try { - switch (EntityType.valueOf(type)) { - case publication: - return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Publication.class); - case dataset: - return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Dataset.class); - case otherresearchproduct: - return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, OtherResearchProduct.class); - case software: - return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Software.class); - case datasource: - return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Datasource.class); - case organization: - return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Organization.class); - case project: - return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Project.class); - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type: " + type); - } - } catch (IOException e) { - throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); - } - } - - private String printXML(String xml, boolean indent) { - try { - final Document doc = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xml)); - OutputFormat format = indent ? OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint() : OutputFormat.createCompactFormat(); - format.setExpandEmptyElements(false); - format.setSuppressDeclaration(true); - StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); - XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(sw, format); - writer.write(doc); - return sw.toString(); - } catch (IOException | DocumentException e) { - throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to indent XML. Invalid record:\n" + xml, e); - } - } - - private List metadata(final EntityType type, final OafEntity entity, final Set contexts) { - - final List metadata = Lists.newArrayList(); - - - if (entity.getCollectedfrom() != null) { - metadata.addAll(entity.getCollectedfrom() - .stream() - .map(kv -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("collectedfrom", kv)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (entity.getOriginalId() != null) { - metadata.addAll(entity.getOriginalId() - .stream() - .map(s -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("originalId", s)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (entity.getPid() != null) { - metadata.addAll(entity.getPid() - .stream() - .map(p -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("pid", p)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - - if (ModelSupport.isResult(type)) { - final Result r = (Result) entity; - - if (r.getContext() != null) { - contexts.addAll(r.getContext() - .stream() - .map(c -> c.getId()) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - /* FIXME: Workaround for CLARIN mining issue: #3670#note-29 */ - if (contexts.contains("dh-ch::subcommunity::2")) { - contexts.add("clarin"); - } - } - - if (r.getTitle() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getTitle() - .stream() - .map(t -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("title", t)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getBestaccessright() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("bestaccessright", r.getBestaccessright())); - } - if (r.getAuthor() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getAuthor() - .stream() - .map(a -> { - final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" isNotBlank(sp.getQualifier().getClassid()) && isNotBlank(sp.getValue())) - .forEach(sp -> { - String pidType = XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(sp.getQualifier().getClassid()).replaceAll("\\W", ""); - String pidValue = XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(sp.getValue()); - - // ugly hack: some records provide swapped pidtype and pidvalue - if (authorPidTypes.contains(pidValue.toLowerCase().trim())) { - sb.append(String.format(" %s=\"%s\"", pidValue, pidType)); - } else { - pidType = pidType.replaceAll("\\W", "").replaceAll("\\d", ""); - if (isNotBlank(pidType)) { - sb.append(String.format(" %s=\"%s\"", - pidType, - pidValue.toLowerCase().replaceAll("orcid", ""))); - } - } - }); - } - sb.append(">" + XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(a.getFullname()) + ""); - return sb.toString(); - }).collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getContributor() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getContributor() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contributor", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getCountry() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getCountry() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("country", c)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getCoverage() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getCoverage() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("coverage", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getDateofacceptance() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("dateofacceptance", r.getDateofacceptance().getValue())); - } - if (r.getDescription() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getDescription() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("description", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getEmbargoenddate() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("embargoenddate", r.getEmbargoenddate().getValue())); - } - if (r.getSubject() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getSubject() - .stream() - .map(s -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("subject", s)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getLanguage() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("language", r.getLanguage())); - } - if (r.getRelevantdate() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getRelevantdate() - .stream() - .map(s -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("relevantdate", s)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getPublisher() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("publisher", r.getPublisher().getValue())); - } - if (r.getSource() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getSource() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("source", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getFormat() != null) { - metadata.addAll(r.getFormat() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("format", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (r.getResulttype() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("resulttype", r.getResulttype())); - } - if (r.getResourcetype() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("resourcetype", r.getResourcetype())); - } - } - - switch (type) { - case publication: - final Publication pub = (Publication) entity; - - if (pub.getJournal() != null) { - final Journal j = pub.getJournal(); - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapJournal(j)); - } - - break; - case dataset: - final Dataset d = (Dataset) entity; - if (d.getDevice() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("device", d.getDevice().getValue())); - } - if (d.getLastmetadataupdate() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("lastmetadataupdate", d.getLastmetadataupdate().getValue())); - } - if (d.getMetadataversionnumber() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("metadataversionnumber", d.getMetadataversionnumber().getValue())); - } - if (d.getSize() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("size", d.getSize().getValue())); - } - if (d.getStoragedate() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("storagedate", d.getStoragedate().getValue())); - } - if (d.getVersion() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("version", d.getVersion().getValue())); - } - //TODO d.getGeolocation() - - break; - case otherresearchproduct: - final OtherResearchProduct orp = (OtherResearchProduct) entity; - - if (orp.getContactperson() != null) { - metadata.addAll(orp.getContactperson() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactperson", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - - if (orp.getContactgroup() != null) { - metadata.addAll(orp.getContactgroup() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactgroup", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (orp.getTool() != null) { - metadata.addAll(orp.getTool() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("tool", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - break; - case software: - final Software s = (Software) entity; - - if (s.getDocumentationUrl() != null) { - metadata.addAll(s.getDocumentationUrl() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("documentationUrl", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (s.getLicense() != null) { - metadata.addAll(s.getLicense() - .stream() - .map(l -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("license", l)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (s.getCodeRepositoryUrl() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("codeRepositoryUrl", s.getCodeRepositoryUrl().getValue())); - } - if (s.getProgrammingLanguage() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("programmingLanguage", s.getProgrammingLanguage())); - } - break; - case datasource: - final Datasource ds = (Datasource) entity; - - if (ds.getDatasourcetype() != null) { - mapDatasourceType(metadata, ds.getDatasourcetype()); - } - if (ds.getOpenairecompatibility() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("openairecompatibility", ds.getOpenairecompatibility())); - } - if (ds.getOfficialname() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("officialname", ds.getOfficialname().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getEnglishname() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("englishname", ds.getEnglishname().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getWebsiteurl() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("websiteurl", ds.getWebsiteurl().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getLogourl() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("logourl", ds.getLogourl().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getContactemail() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactemail", ds.getContactemail().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getNamespaceprefix() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("namespaceprefix", ds.getNamespaceprefix().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getLatitude() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("latitude", ds.getLatitude().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getLongitude() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("longitude", ds.getLongitude().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getDateofvalidation() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("dateofvalidation", ds.getDateofvalidation().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getDescription() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("description", ds.getDescription().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getOdnumberofitems() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("odnumberofitems", ds.getOdnumberofitems().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getOdnumberofitemsdate() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("odnumberofitemsdate", ds.getOdnumberofitemsdate().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getOdpolicies() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("odpolicies", ds.getOdpolicies().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getOdlanguages() != null) { - metadata.addAll(ds.getOdlanguages() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("odlanguages", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (ds.getOdcontenttypes() != null) { - metadata.addAll(ds.getOdcontenttypes() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("odcontenttypes", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (ds.getAccessinfopackage() != null) { - metadata.addAll(ds.getAccessinfopackage() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("accessinfopackage", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (ds.getReleaseenddate() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("releasestartdate", ds.getReleaseenddate().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getReleaseenddate() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("releaseenddate", ds.getReleaseenddate().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getMissionstatementurl() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("missionstatementurl", ds.getMissionstatementurl().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getDataprovider() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("dataprovider", ds.getDataprovider().getValue().toString())); - } - if (ds.getServiceprovider() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("serviceprovider", ds.getServiceprovider().getValue().toString())); - } - if (ds.getDatabaseaccesstype() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("databaseaccesstype", ds.getDatabaseaccesstype().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getDatauploadtype() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("datauploadtype", ds.getDatauploadtype().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getDatabaseaccessrestriction() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("databaseaccessrestriction", ds.getDatabaseaccessrestriction().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getDatauploadrestriction() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("datauploadrestriction", ds.getDatauploadrestriction().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getVersioning() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("versioning", ds.getVersioning().getValue().toString())); - } - if (ds.getCitationguidelineurl() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("citationguidelineurl", ds.getCitationguidelineurl().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getQualitymanagementkind() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("qualitymanagementkind", ds.getQualitymanagementkind().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getPidsystems() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("pidsystems", ds.getPidsystems().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getCertificates() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("certificates", ds.getCertificates().getValue())); - } - if (ds.getPolicies() != null) { - metadata.addAll(ds.getPolicies() - .stream() - .map(kv -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("policies", kv)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (ds.getJournal() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapJournal(ds.getJournal())); - } - if (ds.getSubjects() != null) { - metadata.addAll(ds.getSubjects() - .stream() - .map(sp -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("subjects", sp)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - - break; - case organization: - final Organization o = (Organization) entity; - - if (o.getLegalshortname() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("legalshortname", o.getLegalshortname().getValue())); - } - if (o.getLegalname() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("legalname", o.getLegalname().getValue())); - } - if (o.getAlternativeNames() != null) { - metadata.addAll(o.getAlternativeNames() - .stream() - .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("alternativeNames", c.getValue())) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (o.getWebsiteurl() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("websiteurl", o.getWebsiteurl().getValue())); - } - if (o.getLogourl() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("websiteurl", o.getLogourl().getValue())); - } - - if (o.getEclegalbody() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("eclegalbody", o.getEclegalbody().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEclegalperson() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("eclegalperson", o.getEclegalperson().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEcnonprofit() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecnonprofit", o.getEcnonprofit().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEcresearchorganization() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecresearchorganization", o.getEcresearchorganization().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEchighereducation() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("echighereducation", o.getEchighereducation().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEcinternationalorganization() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests", o.getEcinternationalorganization().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEcinternationalorganization() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecinternationalorganization", o.getEcinternationalorganization().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEcenterprise() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecenterprise", o.getEcenterprise().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEcsmevalidated() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecsmevalidated", o.getEcsmevalidated().getValue())); - } - if (o.getEcnutscode() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecnutscode", o.getEcnutscode().getValue())); - } - if (o.getCountry() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("country", o.getCountry())); - } - - break; - case project: - - final Project p = (Project) entity; - - if (p.getWebsiteurl() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("websiteurl", p.getWebsiteurl().getValue())); - } - if (p.getCode() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("code", p.getCode().getValue())); - } - if (p.getAcronym() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("acronym", p.getAcronym().getValue())); - } - if (p.getTitle() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("title", p.getTitle().getValue())); - } - if (p.getStartdate() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("startdate", p.getStartdate().getValue())); - } - if (p.getEnddate() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("enddate", p.getEnddate().getValue())); - } - if (p.getCallidentifier() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("callidentifier", p.getCallidentifier().getValue())); - } - if (p.getKeywords() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("keywords", p.getKeywords().getValue())); - } - if (p.getDuration() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("duration", p.getDuration().getValue())); - } - if (p.getEcarticle29_3() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecarticle29_3", p.getEcarticle29_3().getValue())); - } - if (p.getSubjects() != null) { - metadata.addAll(p.getSubjects() - .stream() - .map(sp -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("subject", sp)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (p.getContracttype() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("contracttype", p.getContracttype())); - } - if (p.getEcsc39() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecsc39", p.getEcsc39().getValue())); - } - if (p.getContactfullname() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactfullname", p.getContactfullname().getValue())); - } - if (p.getContactfax() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactfax", p.getContactfax().getValue())); - } - if (p.getContactphone() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactphone", p.getContactphone().getValue())); - } - if (p.getContactemail() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactemail", p.getContactemail().getValue())); - } - if (p.getSummary() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("summary", p.getSummary().getValue())); - } - if (p.getCurrency() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("currency", p.getCurrency().getValue())); - } - if (p.getTotalcost() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("totalcost", p.getTotalcost().toString())); - } - if (p.getFundedamount() != null) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("fundedamount", p.getFundedamount().toString())); - } - if (p.getFundingtree() != null) { - metadata.addAll(p.getFundingtree() - .stream() - .map(ft -> ft.getValue()) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - - break; - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid entity type: " + type); - } - - return metadata; - } - - private void mapDatasourceType(List metadata, final Qualifier dsType) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("datasourcetype", dsType)); - - if (specialDatasourceTypes.contains(dsType.getClassid())) { - dsType.setClassid("other"); - dsType.setClassname("other"); - } - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("datasourcetypeui", dsType)); - } - - private Qualifier getBestAccessright(final Result r) { - Qualifier bestAccessRight = new Qualifier(); - bestAccessRight.setClassid("UNKNOWN"); - bestAccessRight.setClassname("not available"); - bestAccessRight.setSchemeid("dnet:access_modes"); - bestAccessRight.setSchemename("dnet:access_modes"); - - final LicenseComparator lc = new LicenseComparator(); - for (final Instance instance : r.getInstance()) { - if (lc.compare(bestAccessRight, instance.getAccessright()) > 0) { - bestAccessRight = instance.getAccessright(); - } - } - return bestAccessRight; - } - - private List listRelations(final JoinedEntity je, TemplateFactory templateFactory, final Set contexts) { - final List rels = Lists.newArrayList(); - - for (final Tuple2 link : je.getLinks()) { - - final Relation rel = link.getRelation(); - final RelatedEntity re = link.getRelatedEntity(); - final String targetType = link.getRelatedEntity().getType(); - - final List metadata = Lists.newArrayList(); - switch (EntityType.valueOf(targetType)) { - case publication: - case dataset: - case otherresearchproduct: - case software: - if (re.getTitle() != null && isNotBlank(re.getTitle().getValue())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("title", re.getTitle())); - } - if (isNotBlank(re.getDateofacceptance())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("dateofacceptance", re.getDateofacceptance())); - } - if (isNotBlank(re.getPublisher())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("publisher", re.getPublisher())); - } - if (isNotBlank(re.getCodeRepositoryUrl())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("coderepositoryurl", re.getCodeRepositoryUrl())); - } - if (re.getResulttype() != null & re.getResulttype().isBlank()) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("resulttype", re.getResulttype())); - } - if (re.getCollectedfrom() != null) { - metadata.addAll(re.getCollectedfrom() - .stream() - .map(kv -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("collectedfrom", kv)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - if (re.getPid() != null) { - metadata.addAll(re.getPid() - .stream() - .map(p -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("pid", p)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - break; - case datasource: - if (isNotBlank(re.getOfficialname())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("officialname", re.getOfficialname())); - } - if (re.getDatasourcetype() != null & !re.getDatasourcetype().isBlank()) { - mapDatasourceType(metadata, re.getDatasourcetype()); - } - if (re.getOpenairecompatibility() != null & !re.getOpenairecompatibility().isBlank()) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("openairecompatibility", re.getOpenairecompatibility())); - } - break; - case organization: - if (isNotBlank(re.getLegalname())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("legalname", re.getLegalname())); - } - if (isNotBlank(re.getLegalshortname())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("legalshortname", re.getLegalshortname())); - } - if (re.getCountry() != null & !re.getCountry().isBlank()) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("country", re.getCountry())); - } - break; - case project: - if (isNotBlank(re.getProjectTitle())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("title", re.getProjectTitle())); - } - if (isNotBlank(re.getCode())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("code", re.getCode())); - } - if (isNotBlank(re.getAcronym())) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("acronym", re.getAcronym())); - } - if (re.getContracttype() != null & !re.getContracttype().isBlank()) { - metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("contracttype", re.getContracttype())); - } - if (re.getFundingtree() != null) { - metadata.addAll(re.getFundingtree() - .stream() - .peek(ft -> fillContextMap(ft, contexts)) - .map(ft -> getRelFundingTree(ft)) - .collect(Collectors.toList())); - } - break; - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid target type: " + targetType); - - } - final DataInfo info = rel.getDataInfo(); - final String scheme = ModelSupport.getScheme(re.getType(), targetType); - - if (StringUtils.isBlank(scheme)) { - throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("missing scheme for: <%s - %s>", re.getType(), targetType)); - } - - final String accumulatorName = getRelDescriptor(rel.getRelType(), rel.getSubRelType(), rel.getRelClass()); - if (accumulators.containsKey(accumulatorName)) { - accumulators.get(accumulatorName).add(1); - } - - rels.add(templateFactory.getRel( - targetType, - rel.getTarget(), - Sets.newHashSet(metadata), - rel.getRelClass(), - scheme, - info)); - } - return rels; - } - - private List listChildren(final OafEntity entity, String type, TemplateFactory templateFactory) { - - final List children = Lists.newArrayList(); - EntityType entityType = EntityType.valueOf(type); - if (MainEntityType.result.toString().equals(ModelSupport.getMainType(entityType))) { - final List instances = ((Result) entity).getInstance(); - if (instances != null) { - for (final Instance instance : ((Result) entity).getInstance()) { - - final List fields = Lists.newArrayList(); - - if (instance.getAccessright() != null && !instance.getAccessright().isBlank()) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("accessright", instance.getAccessright())); - } - if (instance.getCollectedfrom() != null) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("collectedfrom", instance.getCollectedfrom())); - } - if (instance.getHostedby() != null) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("hostedby", instance.getHostedby())); - } - if (instance.getDateofacceptance() != null && isNotBlank(instance.getDateofacceptance().getValue())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("dateofacceptance", instance.getDateofacceptance().getValue())); - } - if (instance.getInstancetype() != null && !instance.getInstancetype().isBlank()) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("instancetype", instance.getInstancetype())); - } - if (isNotBlank(instance.getDistributionlocation())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("distributionlocation", instance.getDistributionlocation())); - } - if (instance.getRefereed() != null && isNotBlank(instance.getRefereed().getValue())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("refereed", instance.getRefereed().getValue())); - } - if (instance.getProcessingchargeamount() != null && isNotBlank(instance.getProcessingchargeamount().getValue())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("processingchargeamount", instance.getProcessingchargeamount().getValue())); - } - if (instance.getProcessingchargecurrency() != null && isNotBlank(instance.getProcessingchargecurrency().getValue())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("processingchargecurrency", instance.getProcessingchargecurrency().getValue())); - } - - children.add(templateFactory.getInstance(instance.getHostedby().getKey(), fields, instance.getUrl())); - } - } - final List ext = ((Result) entity).getExternalReference(); - if (ext != null) { - for (final ExternalReference er : ((Result) entity).getExternalReference()) { - - final List fields = Lists.newArrayList(); - - if (isNotBlank(er.getSitename())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("sitename", er.getSitename())); - } - if (isNotBlank(er.getLabel())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("label", er.getLabel())); - } - if (isNotBlank(er.getUrl())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("url", er.getUrl())); - } - if (isNotBlank(er.getDescription())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("description", er.getDescription())); - } - if (isNotBlank(er.getUrl())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("qualifier", er.getQualifier())); - } - if (isNotBlank(er.getRefidentifier())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("refidentifier", er.getRefidentifier())); - } - if (isNotBlank(er.getQuery())) { - fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("query", er.getQuery())); - } - - children.add(templateFactory.getChild("externalreference", null, fields)); - } - } - } - - return children; - } - - private List listExtraInfo(OafEntity entity) { - final List extraInfo = entity.getExtraInfo(); - return extraInfo != null ? extraInfo - .stream() - .map(e -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapExtraInfo(e)) - .collect(Collectors.toList()) : Lists.newArrayList(); - } - - private List buildContexts(final String type, final Set contexts) { - final List res = Lists.newArrayList(); - - if ((contextMapper != null) && !contextMapper.isEmpty() && MainEntityType.result.toString().equals(type)) { - - XMLTag document = XMLDoc.newDocument(true).addRoot("contextRoot"); - - for (final String context : contexts) { - - String id = ""; - for (final String token : Splitter.on("::").split(context)) { - id += token; - - final ContextDef def = contextMapper.get(id); - - if (def == null) { - continue; - // throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("cannot find context for id '%s'", id)); - } - - if (def.getName().equals("context")) { - final String xpath = "//context/@id='" + def.getId() + "'"; - if (!document.gotoRoot().rawXpathBoolean(xpath, new Object())) { - document = addContextDef(document.gotoRoot(), def); - } - } - - if (def.getName().equals("category")) { - final String rootId = substringBefore(def.getId(), "::"); - document = addContextDef(document.gotoRoot().gotoTag("//context[./@id='" + rootId + "']", new Object()), def); - } - - if (def.getName().equals("concept")) { - document = addContextDef(document, def).gotoParent(); - } - id += "::"; - } - } - final Transformer transformer = getTransformer(); - for (final org.w3c.dom.Element x : document.gotoRoot().getChildElement()) { - try { - res.add(asStringElement(x, transformer)); - } catch (final TransformerException e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } - } - - return res; - } - - private Transformer getTransformer() { - try { - Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); - transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); - return transformer; - } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { - throw new IllegalStateException("unable to create javax.xml.transform.Transformer", e); - } - } - - private XMLTag addContextDef(final XMLTag tag, final ContextDef def) { - tag.addTag(def.getName()).addAttribute("id", def.getId()).addAttribute("label", def.getLabel()); - if ((def.getType() != null) && !def.getType().isEmpty()) { - tag.addAttribute("type", def.getType()); - } - return tag; - } - - private String asStringElement(final org.w3c.dom.Element element, final Transformer transformer) throws TransformerException { - final StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter(); - transformer.transform(new DOMSource(element), new StreamResult(buffer)); - return buffer.toString(); - } - - private void fillContextMap(final String xmlTree, final Set contexts) { - - Document fundingPath; - try { - fundingPath = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xmlTree)); - } catch (final DocumentException e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - try { - final Node funder = fundingPath.selectSingleNode("//funder"); - - if (funder != null) { - - final String funderShortName = funder.valueOf("./shortname"); - contexts.add(funderShortName); - - contextMapper.put(funderShortName, new ContextDef(funderShortName, funder.valueOf("./name"), "context", "funding")); - final Node level0 = fundingPath.selectSingleNode("//funding_level_0"); - if (level0 != null) { - final String level0Id = Joiner.on("::").join(funderShortName, level0.valueOf("./name")); - contextMapper.put(level0Id, new ContextDef(level0Id, level0.valueOf("./description"), "category", "")); - final Node level1 = fundingPath.selectSingleNode("//funding_level_1"); - if (level1 == null) { - contexts.add(level0Id); - } else { - final String level1Id = Joiner.on("::").join(level0Id, level1.valueOf("./name")); - contextMapper.put(level1Id, new ContextDef(level1Id, level1.valueOf("./description"), "concept", "")); - final Node level2 = fundingPath.selectSingleNode("//funding_level_2"); - if (level2 == null) { - contexts.add(level1Id); - } else { - final String level2Id = Joiner.on("::").join(level1Id, level2.valueOf("./name")); - contextMapper.put(level2Id, new ContextDef(level2Id, level2.valueOf("./description"), "concept", "")); - contexts.add(level2Id); - } - } - } - } - } catch (final NullPointerException e) { - throw new IllegalArgumentException("malformed funding path: " + xmlTree, e); - } - } - - - - @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") - protected static String getRelFundingTree(final String xmlTree) { - String funding = ""; - try { - final Document ftree = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xmlTree)); - funding = ""; - - funding += getFunderElement(ftree); - - for (final Object o : Lists.reverse(ftree.selectNodes("//fundingtree//*[starts-with(local-name(),'funding_level_')]"))) { - final Element e = (Element) o; - final String _id = e.valueOf("./id"); - funding += "<" + e.getName() + " name=\"" + XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(e.valueOf("./name")) + "\">" + XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(_id) + ""; - } - } catch (final DocumentException e) { - throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to parse funding tree: " + xmlTree + "\n" + e.getMessage()); - } finally { - funding += ""; - } - return funding; - } - - private static String getFunderElement(final Document ftree) { - final String funderId = ftree.valueOf("//fundingtree/funder/id"); - final String funderShortName = ftree.valueOf("//fundingtree/funder/shortname"); - final String funderName = ftree.valueOf("//fundingtree/funder/name"); - final String funderJurisdiction = ftree.valueOf("//fundingtree/funder/jurisdiction"); - - return ""; - } - -} \ No newline at end of file + private static final String REL_SUBTYPE_DEDUP = "dedup"; + private final Map accumulators; + + private final Set specialDatasourceTypes; + + private final ContextMapper contextMapper; + + private final String schemaLocation; + + private boolean indent = false; + + private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); + + public XmlRecordFactory( + final ContextMapper contextMapper, + final boolean indent, + final String schemaLocation, + final String otherDatasourceTypesUForUI) { + + this(Maps.newHashMap(), contextMapper, indent, schemaLocation, otherDatasourceTypesUForUI); + } + + public XmlRecordFactory( + final Map accumulators, + final ContextMapper contextMapper, + final boolean indent, + final String schemaLocation, + final String otherDatasourceTypesUForUI) { + + this.accumulators = accumulators; + this.contextMapper = contextMapper; + this.schemaLocation = schemaLocation; + this.specialDatasourceTypes = Sets.newHashSet(Splitter.on(",").trimResults().split(otherDatasourceTypesUForUI)); + + this.indent = indent; + } + + public String build(final JoinedEntity je) { + + final Set contexts = Sets.newHashSet(); + + final OafEntity entity = toOafEntity(je.getEntity()); + TemplateFactory templateFactory = new TemplateFactory(); + try { + final EntityType type = EntityType.valueOf(je.getEntity().getType()); + final List metadata = metadata(type, entity, contexts); + + // rels has to be processed before the contexts because they enrich the contextMap with + // the + // funding info. + final List relations = je + .getLinks() + .stream() + .filter(link -> !isDuplicate(link)) + .map(link -> mapRelation(contexts, templateFactory, type, link)) + .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); + + final String mainType = ModelSupport.getMainType(type); + metadata.addAll(buildContexts(mainType, contexts)); + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.parseDataInfo(entity.getDataInfo())); + + final String body = templateFactory + .buildBody( + mainType, + metadata, + relations, + listChildren(entity, je, templateFactory), + listExtraInfo(entity)); + + return printXML(templateFactory.buildRecord(entity, schemaLocation, body), indent); + } catch (final Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException(String.format("error building record '%s'", entity.getId()), e); + } + } + + private static OafEntity toOafEntity(TypedRow typedRow) { + return parseOaf(typedRow.getOaf(), typedRow.getType()); + } + + private static OafEntity parseOaf(final String json, final String type) { + try { + switch (EntityType.valueOf(type)) { + case publication: + return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Publication.class); + case dataset: + return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Dataset.class); + case otherresearchproduct: + return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, OtherResearchProduct.class); + case software: + return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Software.class); + case datasource: + return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Datasource.class); + case organization: + return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Organization.class); + case project: + return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Project.class); + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type: " + type); + } + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); + } + } + + private String printXML(String xml, boolean indent) { + try { + final Document doc = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xml)); + OutputFormat format = indent ? OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint() : OutputFormat.createCompactFormat(); + format.setExpandEmptyElements(false); + format.setSuppressDeclaration(true); + StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); + XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(sw, format); + writer.write(doc); + return sw.toString(); + } catch (IOException | DocumentException e) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to indent XML. Invalid record:\n" + xml, e); + } + } + + private List metadata( + final EntityType type, final OafEntity entity, final Set contexts) { + + final List metadata = Lists.newArrayList(); + + if (entity.getCollectedfrom() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + entity + .getCollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map(kv -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("collectedfrom", kv)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (entity.getOriginalId() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + entity + .getOriginalId() + .stream() + .map(s -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("originalId", s)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (entity.getPid() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + entity + .getPid() + .stream() + .map(p -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("pid", p)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + + if (ModelSupport.isResult(type)) { + final Result r = (Result) entity; + + if (r.getContext() != null) { + contexts.addAll(r.getContext().stream().map(c -> c.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList())); + /* FIXME: Workaround for CLARIN mining issue: #3670#note-29 */ + if (contexts.contains("dh-ch::subcommunity::2")) { + contexts.add("clarin"); + } + } + + if (r.getTitle() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getTitle() + .stream() + .map(t -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("title", t)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getBestaccessright() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("bestaccessright", r.getBestaccessright())); + } + if (r.getAuthor() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getAuthor() + .stream() + .map( + a -> { + final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" isNotBlank(sp.getQualifier().getClassid()) + && isNotBlank(sp.getValue())) + .forEach( + sp -> { + String pidType = XmlSerializationUtils + .escapeXml( + sp.getQualifier().getClassid()) + .replaceAll("\\W", ""); + String pidValue = XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(sp.getValue()); + + // ugly hack: some records + // provide swapped pidtype and + // pidvalue + if (authorPidTypes.contains(pidValue.toLowerCase().trim())) { + sb.append(String.format(" %s=\"%s\"", pidValue, pidType)); + } else { + pidType = pidType.replaceAll("\\W", "").replaceAll("\\d", ""); + if (isNotBlank(pidType)) { + sb + .append( + String + .format( + " %s=\"%s\"", + pidType, + pidValue + .toLowerCase() + .replaceAll("orcid", ""))); + } + } + }); + } + sb + .append( + ">" + XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(a.getFullname()) + ""); + return sb.toString(); + }) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getContributor() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getContributor() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contributor", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getCountry() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getCountry() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("country", c)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getCoverage() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getCoverage() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("coverage", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getDateofacceptance() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "dateofacceptance", r.getDateofacceptance().getValue())); + } + if (r.getDescription() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getDescription() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("description", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getEmbargoenddate() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("embargoenddate", r.getEmbargoenddate().getValue())); + } + if (r.getSubject() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getSubject() + .stream() + .map(s -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("subject", s)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getLanguage() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("language", r.getLanguage())); + } + if (r.getRelevantdate() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getRelevantdate() + .stream() + .map(s -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("relevantdate", s)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getPublisher() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("publisher", r.getPublisher().getValue())); + } + if (r.getSource() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getSource() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("source", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getFormat() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + r + .getFormat() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("format", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (r.getResulttype() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("resulttype", r.getResulttype())); + } + if (r.getResourcetype() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("resourcetype", r.getResourcetype())); + } + } + + switch (type) { + case publication: + final Publication pub = (Publication) entity; + + if (pub.getJournal() != null) { + final Journal j = pub.getJournal(); + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapJournal(j)); + } + + break; + case dataset: + final Dataset d = (Dataset) entity; + if (d.getDevice() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("device", d.getDevice().getValue())); + } + if (d.getLastmetadataupdate() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "lastmetadataupdate", d.getLastmetadataupdate().getValue())); + } + if (d.getMetadataversionnumber() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "metadataversionnumber", d.getMetadataversionnumber().getValue())); + } + if (d.getSize() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("size", d.getSize().getValue())); + } + if (d.getStoragedate() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("storagedate", d.getStoragedate().getValue())); + } + if (d.getVersion() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("version", d.getVersion().getValue())); + } + // TODO d.getGeolocation() + + break; + case otherresearchproduct: + final OtherResearchProduct orp = (OtherResearchProduct) entity; + + if (orp.getContactperson() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + orp + .getContactperson() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactperson", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + + if (orp.getContactgroup() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + orp + .getContactgroup() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactgroup", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (orp.getTool() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + orp + .getTool() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("tool", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + break; + case software: + final Software s = (Software) entity; + + if (s.getDocumentationUrl() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + s + .getDocumentationUrl() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("documentationUrl", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (s.getLicense() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + s + .getLicense() + .stream() + .map(l -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("license", l)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (s.getCodeRepositoryUrl() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "codeRepositoryUrl", s.getCodeRepositoryUrl().getValue())); + } + if (s.getProgrammingLanguage() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .mapQualifier( + "programmingLanguage", s.getProgrammingLanguage())); + } + break; + case datasource: + final Datasource ds = (Datasource) entity; + + if (ds.getDatasourcetype() != null) { + mapDatasourceType(metadata, ds.getDatasourcetype()); + } + if (ds.getOpenairecompatibility() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .mapQualifier( + "openairecompatibility", ds.getOpenairecompatibility())); + } + if (ds.getOfficialname() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("officialname", ds.getOfficialname().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getEnglishname() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("englishname", ds.getEnglishname().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getWebsiteurl() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("websiteurl", ds.getWebsiteurl().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getLogourl() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("logourl", ds.getLogourl().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getContactemail() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactemail", ds.getContactemail().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getNamespaceprefix() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "namespaceprefix", ds.getNamespaceprefix().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getLatitude() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("latitude", ds.getLatitude().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getLongitude() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("longitude", ds.getLongitude().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getDateofvalidation() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "dateofvalidation", ds.getDateofvalidation().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getDescription() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("description", ds.getDescription().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getOdnumberofitems() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "odnumberofitems", ds.getOdnumberofitems().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getOdnumberofitemsdate() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "odnumberofitemsdate", ds.getOdnumberofitemsdate().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getOdpolicies() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("odpolicies", ds.getOdpolicies().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getOdlanguages() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + ds + .getOdlanguages() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("odlanguages", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (ds.getOdcontenttypes() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + ds + .getOdcontenttypes() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("odcontenttypes", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (ds.getAccessinfopackage() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + ds + .getAccessinfopackage() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("accessinfopackage", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (ds.getReleaseenddate() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "releasestartdate", ds.getReleaseenddate().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getReleaseenddate() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "releaseenddate", ds.getReleaseenddate().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getMissionstatementurl() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "missionstatementurl", ds.getMissionstatementurl().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getDataprovider() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "dataprovider", ds.getDataprovider().getValue().toString())); + } + if (ds.getServiceprovider() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "serviceprovider", ds.getServiceprovider().getValue().toString())); + } + if (ds.getDatabaseaccesstype() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "databaseaccesstype", ds.getDatabaseaccesstype().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getDatauploadtype() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "datauploadtype", ds.getDatauploadtype().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getDatabaseaccessrestriction() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "databaseaccessrestriction", ds.getDatabaseaccessrestriction().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getDatauploadrestriction() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "datauploadrestriction", ds.getDatauploadrestriction().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getVersioning() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "versioning", ds.getVersioning().getValue().toString())); + } + if (ds.getCitationguidelineurl() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "citationguidelineurl", ds.getCitationguidelineurl().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getQualitymanagementkind() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "qualitymanagementkind", ds.getQualitymanagementkind().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getPidsystems() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("pidsystems", ds.getPidsystems().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getCertificates() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("certificates", ds.getCertificates().getValue())); + } + if (ds.getPolicies() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + ds + .getPolicies() + .stream() + .map(kv -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("policies", kv)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (ds.getJournal() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapJournal(ds.getJournal())); + } + if (ds.getSubjects() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + ds + .getSubjects() + .stream() + .map(sp -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("subjects", sp)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + + break; + case organization: + final Organization o = (Organization) entity; + + if (o.getLegalshortname() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "legalshortname", o.getLegalshortname().getValue())); + } + if (o.getLegalname() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("legalname", o.getLegalname().getValue())); + } + if (o.getAlternativeNames() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + o + .getAlternativeNames() + .stream() + .map(c -> XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("alternativeNames", c.getValue())) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (o.getWebsiteurl() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("websiteurl", o.getWebsiteurl().getValue())); + } + if (o.getLogourl() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("websiteurl", o.getLogourl().getValue())); + } + + if (o.getEclegalbody() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("eclegalbody", o.getEclegalbody().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEclegalperson() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("eclegalperson", o.getEclegalperson().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEcnonprofit() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecnonprofit", o.getEcnonprofit().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEcresearchorganization() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "ecresearchorganization", o.getEcresearchorganization().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEchighereducation() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "echighereducation", o.getEchighereducation().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEcinternationalorganization() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "ecinternationalorganizationeurinterests", + o.getEcinternationalorganization().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEcinternationalorganization() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "ecinternationalorganization", o.getEcinternationalorganization().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEcenterprise() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecenterprise", o.getEcenterprise().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEcsmevalidated() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "ecsmevalidated", o.getEcsmevalidated().getValue())); + } + if (o.getEcnutscode() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecnutscode", o.getEcnutscode().getValue())); + } + if (o.getCountry() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("country", o.getCountry())); + } + + break; + case project: + final Project p = (Project) entity; + + if (p.getWebsiteurl() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("websiteurl", p.getWebsiteurl().getValue())); + } + if (p.getCode() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("code", p.getCode().getValue())); + } + if (p.getAcronym() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("acronym", p.getAcronym().getValue())); + } + if (p.getTitle() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("title", p.getTitle().getValue())); + } + if (p.getStartdate() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("startdate", p.getStartdate().getValue())); + } + if (p.getEnddate() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("enddate", p.getEnddate().getValue())); + } + if (p.getCallidentifier() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "callidentifier", p.getCallidentifier().getValue())); + } + if (p.getKeywords() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("keywords", p.getKeywords().getValue())); + } + if (p.getDuration() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("duration", p.getDuration().getValue())); + } + if (p.getEcarticle29_3() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecarticle29_3", p.getEcarticle29_3().getValue())); + } + if (p.getSubjects() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + p + .getSubjects() + .stream() + .map(sp -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("subject", sp)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (p.getContracttype() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("contracttype", p.getContracttype())); + } + if (p.getEcsc39() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("ecsc39", p.getEcsc39().getValue())); + } + if (p.getContactfullname() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "contactfullname", p.getContactfullname().getValue())); + } + if (p.getContactfax() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactfax", p.getContactfax().getValue())); + } + if (p.getContactphone() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactphone", p.getContactphone().getValue())); + } + if (p.getContactemail() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("contactemail", p.getContactemail().getValue())); + } + if (p.getSummary() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("summary", p.getSummary().getValue())); + } + if (p.getCurrency() != null) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("currency", p.getCurrency().getValue())); + } + if (p.getTotalcost() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("totalcost", p.getTotalcost().toString())); + } + if (p.getFundedamount() != null) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("fundedamount", p.getFundedamount().toString())); + } + if (p.getFundingtree() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + p.getFundingtree().stream().map(ft -> ft.getValue()).collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid entity type: " + type); + } + + return metadata; + } + + private void mapDatasourceType(List metadata, final Qualifier dsType) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("datasourcetype", dsType)); + + if (specialDatasourceTypes.contains(dsType.getClassid())) { + dsType.setClassid("other"); + dsType.setClassname("other"); + } + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("datasourcetypeui", dsType)); + } + + private List mapFields(Tuple2 link, Set contexts) { + final Relation rel = link.getRelation(); + final RelatedEntity re = link.getRelatedEntity(); + final String targetType = link.getRelatedEntity().getType(); + + final List metadata = Lists.newArrayList(); + switch (EntityType.valueOf(targetType)) { + case publication: + case dataset: + case otherresearchproduct: + case software: + if (re.getTitle() != null && isNotBlank(re.getTitle().getValue())) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("title", re.getTitle())); + } + if (isNotBlank(re.getDateofacceptance())) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("dateofacceptance", re.getDateofacceptance())); + } + if (isNotBlank(re.getPublisher())) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("publisher", re.getPublisher())); + } + if (isNotBlank(re.getCodeRepositoryUrl())) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("coderepositoryurl", re.getCodeRepositoryUrl())); + } + if (re.getResulttype() != null & re.getResulttype().isBlank()) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("resulttype", re.getResulttype())); + } + if (re.getCollectedfrom() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + re + .getCollectedfrom() + .stream() + .map(kv -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("collectedfrom", kv)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + if (re.getPid() != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + re + .getPid() + .stream() + .map(p -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapStructuredProperty("pid", p)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + break; + case datasource: + if (isNotBlank(re.getOfficialname())) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("officialname", re.getOfficialname())); + } + if (re.getDatasourcetype() != null & !re.getDatasourcetype().isBlank()) { + mapDatasourceType(metadata, re.getDatasourcetype()); + } + if (re.getOpenairecompatibility() != null & !re.getOpenairecompatibility().isBlank()) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .mapQualifier( + "openairecompatibility", re.getOpenairecompatibility())); + } + break; + case organization: + if (isNotBlank(re.getLegalname())) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("legalname", re.getLegalname())); + } + if (isNotBlank(re.getLegalshortname())) { + metadata + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("legalshortname", re.getLegalshortname())); + } + if (re.getCountry() != null & !re.getCountry().isBlank()) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("country", re.getCountry())); + } + break; + case project: + if (isNotBlank(re.getProjectTitle())) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("title", re.getProjectTitle())); + } + if (isNotBlank(re.getCode())) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("code", re.getCode())); + } + if (isNotBlank(re.getAcronym())) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("acronym", re.getAcronym())); + } + if (re.getContracttype() != null & !re.getContracttype().isBlank()) { + metadata.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("contracttype", re.getContracttype())); + } + if (re.getFundingtree() != null & contexts != null) { + metadata + .addAll( + re + .getFundingtree() + .stream() + .peek(ft -> fillContextMap(ft, contexts)) + .map(ft -> getRelFundingTree(ft)) + .collect(Collectors.toList())); + } + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid target type: " + targetType); + } + + final String accumulatorName = getRelDescriptor(rel.getRelType(), rel.getSubRelType(), rel.getRelClass()); + if (accumulators.containsKey(accumulatorName)) { + accumulators.get(accumulatorName).add(1); + } + + return metadata; + } + + private String mapRelation(Set contexts, TemplateFactory templateFactory, EntityType type, Tuple2 link) { + final Relation rel = link.getRelation(); + final String targetType = link.getRelatedEntity().getType(); + final String scheme = ModelSupport.getScheme(type.toString(), targetType); + + if (StringUtils.isBlank(scheme)) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException( + String.format("missing scheme for: <%s - %s>", type.toString(), targetType)); + } + final HashSet fields = Sets.newHashSet(mapFields(link, contexts)); + return templateFactory + .getRel( + targetType, rel.getTarget(), fields, rel.getRelClass(), scheme, rel.getDataInfo()); + } + + private List listChildren( + final OafEntity entity, JoinedEntity je, TemplateFactory templateFactory) { + + EntityType entityType = EntityType.valueOf(je.getEntity().getType()); + + List children = je + .getLinks() + .stream() + .filter(link -> isDuplicate(link)) + .map(link -> { + final String targetType = link.getRelatedEntity().getType(); + final String name = ModelSupport.getMainType(EntityType.valueOf(targetType)); + final HashSet fields = Sets.newHashSet(mapFields(link, null)); + return templateFactory + .getChild(name, link.getRelatedEntity().getId(), Lists.newArrayList(fields)); + }) + .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); + + if (MainEntityType.result.toString().equals(ModelSupport.getMainType(entityType))) { + final List instances = ((Result) entity).getInstance(); + if (instances != null) { + for (final Instance instance : ((Result) entity).getInstance()) { + + final List fields = Lists.newArrayList(); + + if (instance.getAccessright() != null && !instance.getAccessright().isBlank()) { + fields + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("accessright", instance.getAccessright())); + } + if (instance.getCollectedfrom() != null) { + fields + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("collectedfrom", instance.getCollectedfrom())); + } + if (instance.getHostedby() != null) { + fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapKeyValue("hostedby", instance.getHostedby())); + } + if (instance.getDateofacceptance() != null + && isNotBlank(instance.getDateofacceptance().getValue())) { + fields + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "dateofacceptance", instance.getDateofacceptance().getValue())); + } + if (instance.getInstancetype() != null && !instance.getInstancetype().isBlank()) { + fields + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("instancetype", instance.getInstancetype())); + } + if (isNotBlank(instance.getDistributionlocation())) { + fields + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "distributionlocation", instance.getDistributionlocation())); + } + if (instance.getRefereed() != null && isNotBlank(instance.getRefereed().getValue())) { + fields + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("refereed", instance.getRefereed().getValue())); + } + if (instance.getProcessingchargeamount() != null + && isNotBlank(instance.getProcessingchargeamount().getValue())) { + fields + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "processingchargeamount", instance.getProcessingchargeamount().getValue())); + } + if (instance.getProcessingchargecurrency() != null + && isNotBlank(instance.getProcessingchargecurrency().getValue())) { + fields + .add( + XmlSerializationUtils + .asXmlElement( + "processingchargecurrency", instance.getProcessingchargecurrency().getValue())); + } + + children + .add( + templateFactory + .getInstance( + instance.getHostedby().getKey(), fields, instance.getUrl())); + } + } + final List ext = ((Result) entity).getExternalReference(); + if (ext != null) { + for (final ExternalReference er : ((Result) entity).getExternalReference()) { + + final List fields = Lists.newArrayList(); + + if (isNotBlank(er.getSitename())) { + fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("sitename", er.getSitename())); + } + if (isNotBlank(er.getLabel())) { + fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("label", er.getLabel())); + } + if (isNotBlank(er.getUrl())) { + fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("url", er.getUrl())); + } + if (isNotBlank(er.getDescription())) { + fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("description", er.getDescription())); + } + if (isNotBlank(er.getUrl())) { + fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.mapQualifier("qualifier", er.getQualifier())); + } + if (isNotBlank(er.getRefidentifier())) { + fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("refidentifier", er.getRefidentifier())); + } + if (isNotBlank(er.getQuery())) { + fields.add(XmlSerializationUtils.asXmlElement("query", er.getQuery())); + } + + children.add(templateFactory.getChild("externalreference", null, fields)); + } + } + } + + return children; + } + + private boolean isDuplicate(Tuple2 link) { + return REL_SUBTYPE_DEDUP.equalsIgnoreCase(link.getRelation().getSubRelType()); + } + + private List listExtraInfo(OafEntity entity) { + final List extraInfo = entity.getExtraInfo(); + return extraInfo != null + ? extraInfo + .stream() + .map(e -> XmlSerializationUtils.mapExtraInfo(e)) + .collect(Collectors.toList()) + : Lists.newArrayList(); + } + + private List buildContexts(final String type, final Set contexts) { + final List res = Lists.newArrayList(); + + if ((contextMapper != null) + && !contextMapper.isEmpty() + && MainEntityType.result.toString().equals(type)) { + + XMLTag document = XMLDoc.newDocument(true).addRoot("contextRoot"); + + for (final String context : contexts) { + + String id = ""; + for (final String token : Splitter.on("::").split(context)) { + id += token; + + final ContextDef def = contextMapper.get(id); + + if (def == null) { + continue; + // throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("cannot find context for id + // '%s'", + // id)); + } + + if (def.getName().equals("context")) { + final String xpath = "//context/@id='" + def.getId() + "'"; + if (!document.gotoRoot().rawXpathBoolean(xpath, new Object())) { + document = addContextDef(document.gotoRoot(), def); + } + } + + if (def.getName().equals("category")) { + final String rootId = substringBefore(def.getId(), "::"); + document = addContextDef( + document.gotoRoot().gotoTag("//context[./@id='" + rootId + "']", new Object()), + def); + } + + if (def.getName().equals("concept")) { + document = addContextDef(document, def).gotoParent(); + } + id += "::"; + } + } + final Transformer transformer = getTransformer(); + for (final org.w3c.dom.Element x : document.gotoRoot().getChildElement()) { + try { + res.add(asStringElement(x, transformer)); + } catch (final TransformerException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } + } + + return res; + } + + private Transformer getTransformer() { + try { + Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); + transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); + return transformer; + } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("unable to create javax.xml.transform.Transformer", e); + } + } + + private XMLTag addContextDef(final XMLTag tag, final ContextDef def) { + tag.addTag(def.getName()).addAttribute("id", def.getId()).addAttribute("label", def.getLabel()); + if ((def.getType() != null) && !def.getType().isEmpty()) { + tag.addAttribute("type", def.getType()); + } + return tag; + } + + private String asStringElement(final org.w3c.dom.Element element, final Transformer transformer) + throws TransformerException { + final StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter(); + transformer.transform(new DOMSource(element), new StreamResult(buffer)); + return buffer.toString(); + } + + private void fillContextMap(final String xmlTree, final Set contexts) { + + Document fundingPath; + try { + fundingPath = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xmlTree)); + } catch (final DocumentException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + try { + final Node funder = fundingPath.selectSingleNode("//funder"); + + if (funder != null) { + + final String funderShortName = funder.valueOf("./shortname"); + contexts.add(funderShortName); + + contextMapper + .put( + funderShortName, + new ContextDef(funderShortName, funder.valueOf("./name"), "context", "funding")); + final Node level0 = fundingPath.selectSingleNode("//funding_level_0"); + if (level0 != null) { + final String level0Id = Joiner.on("::").join(funderShortName, level0.valueOf("./name")); + contextMapper + .put( + level0Id, new ContextDef(level0Id, level0.valueOf("./description"), "category", "")); + final Node level1 = fundingPath.selectSingleNode("//funding_level_1"); + if (level1 == null) { + contexts.add(level0Id); + } else { + final String level1Id = Joiner.on("::").join(level0Id, level1.valueOf("./name")); + contextMapper + .put( + level1Id, new ContextDef(level1Id, level1.valueOf("./description"), "concept", "")); + final Node level2 = fundingPath.selectSingleNode("//funding_level_2"); + if (level2 == null) { + contexts.add(level1Id); + } else { + final String level2Id = Joiner.on("::").join(level1Id, level2.valueOf("./name")); + contextMapper + .put( + level2Id, + new ContextDef(level2Id, level2.valueOf("./description"), "concept", "")); + contexts.add(level2Id); + } + } + } + } + } catch (final NullPointerException e) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("malformed funding path: " + xmlTree, e); + } + } + + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") + protected static String getRelFundingTree(final String xmlTree) { + String funding = ""; + try { + final Document ftree = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xmlTree)); + funding = ""; + + funding += getFunderElement(ftree); + + for (final Object o : Lists + .reverse( + ftree.selectNodes("//fundingtree//*[starts-with(local-name(),'funding_level_')]"))) { + final Element e = (Element) o; + final String _id = e.valueOf("./id"); + funding += "<" + + e.getName() + + " name=\"" + + XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(e.valueOf("./name")) + + "\">" + + XmlSerializationUtils.escapeXml(_id) + + ""; + } + } catch (final DocumentException e) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException( + "unable to parse funding tree: " + xmlTree + "\n" + e.getMessage()); + } finally { + funding += ""; + } + return funding; + } + + private static String getFunderElement(final Document ftree) { + final String funderId = ftree.valueOf("//fundingtree/funder/id"); + final String funderShortName = ftree.valueOf("//fundingtree/funder/shortname"); + final String funderName = ftree.valueOf("//fundingtree/funder/name"); + final String funderJurisdiction = ftree.valueOf("//fundingtree/funder/jurisdiction"); + + return ""; + } +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/XmlSerializationUtils.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/XmlSerializationUtils.java index bc183d0b3b..8195467b16 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/XmlSerializationUtils.java +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/utils/XmlSerializationUtils.java @@ -1,151 +1,159 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; -import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision.utils.GraphMappingUtils.removePrefix; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; + public class XmlSerializationUtils { - // XML 1.0 - // #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] - private final static String xml10pattern = "[^" - + "\u0009\r\n" - + "\u0020-\uD7FF" - + "\uE000-\uFFFD" - + "\ud800\udc00-\udbff\udfff" - + "]"; + // XML 1.0 + // #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] + private static final String xml10pattern = "[^" + "\u0009\r\n" + "\u0020-\uD7FF" + "\uE000-\uFFFD" + + "\ud800\udc00-\udbff\udfff" + "]"; - public static String mapJournal(Journal j) { - final String attrs = new StringBuilder() - .append(attr("issn", j.getIssnPrinted())) - .append(attr("eissn", j.getIssnOnline())) - .append(attr("lissn", j.getIssnLinking())) - .append(attr("ep", j.getEp())) - .append(attr("iss", j.getIss())) - .append(attr("sp", j.getSp())) - .append(attr("vol", j.getVol())) - .toString() - .trim(); + public static String mapJournal(Journal j) { + final String attrs = new StringBuilder() + .append(attr("issn", j.getIssnPrinted())) + .append(attr("eissn", j.getIssnOnline())) + .append(attr("lissn", j.getIssnLinking())) + .append(attr("ep", j.getEp())) + .append(attr("iss", j.getIss())) + .append(attr("sp", j.getSp())) + .append(attr("vol", j.getVol())) + .toString() + .trim(); - return new StringBuilder() - .append("") - .append(escapeXml(j.getName())) - .append("") - .toString(); - } + return new StringBuilder() + .append("") + .append(escapeXml(j.getName())) + .append("") + .toString(); + } - private static String attr(final String name, final String value) { - return isNotBlank(value) ? name + "=\"" + escapeXml(value) + "\" " : ""; - } + private static String attr(final String name, final String value) { + return isNotBlank(value) ? name + "=\"" + escapeXml(value) + "\" " : ""; + } - public static String mapStructuredProperty(String name, StructuredProperty t) { - return asXmlElement(name, t.getValue(), t.getQualifier(), t.getDataInfo() != null ? t.getDataInfo() : null); - } + public static String mapStructuredProperty(String name, StructuredProperty t) { + return asXmlElement( + name, t.getValue(), t.getQualifier(), t.getDataInfo()); + } - public static String mapQualifier(String name, Qualifier q) { - return asXmlElement(name, "", q, null); - } + public static String mapQualifier(String name, Qualifier q) { + return asXmlElement(name, "", q, null); + } - public static String escapeXml(final String value) { - return value - .replaceAll("&", "&") - .replaceAll("<", "<") - .replaceAll(">", ">") - .replaceAll("\"", """) - .replaceAll("'", "'") - .replaceAll(xml10pattern, ""); - } + public static String escapeXml(final String value) { + return value + .replaceAll("&", "&") + .replaceAll("<", "<") + .replaceAll(">", ">") + .replaceAll("\"", """) + .replaceAll("'", "'") + .replaceAll(xml10pattern, ""); + } - public static String parseDataInfo(final DataInfo dataInfo) { - return new StringBuilder() - .append("") - .append(asXmlElement("inferred", dataInfo.getInferred() + "")) - .append(asXmlElement("deletedbyinference", dataInfo.getDeletedbyinference() + "")) - .append(asXmlElement("trust", dataInfo.getTrust() + "")) - .append(asXmlElement("inferenceprovenance", dataInfo.getInferenceprovenance() + "")) - .append(asXmlElement("provenanceaction", null, dataInfo.getProvenanceaction(), null)) - .append("") - .toString(); - } + public static String parseDataInfo(final DataInfo dataInfo) { + return new StringBuilder() + .append("") + .append(asXmlElement("inferred", dataInfo.getInferred() + "")) + .append(asXmlElement("deletedbyinference", dataInfo.getDeletedbyinference() + "")) + .append(asXmlElement("trust", dataInfo.getTrust() + "")) + .append(asXmlElement("inferenceprovenance", dataInfo.getInferenceprovenance() + "")) + .append(asXmlElement("provenanceaction", null, dataInfo.getProvenanceaction(), null)) + .append("") + .toString(); + } - private static StringBuilder dataInfoAsAttributes(final StringBuilder sb, final DataInfo info) { - return sb - .append(attr("inferred", info.getInferred() != null ? info.getInferred().toString() : "")) - .append(attr("inferenceprovenance", info.getInferenceprovenance())) - .append(attr("provenanceaction", info.getProvenanceaction() != null ? info.getProvenanceaction().getClassid() : "")) - .append(attr("trust", info.getTrust())); - } + private static StringBuilder dataInfoAsAttributes(final StringBuilder sb, final DataInfo info) { + return sb + .append( + attr("inferred", info.getInferred() != null ? info.getInferred().toString() : "")) + .append(attr("inferenceprovenance", info.getInferenceprovenance())) + .append( + attr( + "provenanceaction", + info.getProvenanceaction() != null ? info.getProvenanceaction().getClassid() : "")) + .append(attr("trust", info.getTrust())); + } - public static String mapKeyValue(final String name, final KeyValue kv) { - return new StringBuilder() - .append("<") - .append(name) - .append(" name=\"") - .append(escapeXml(kv.getValue())) - .append("\" id=\"") - .append(escapeXml(removePrefix(kv.getKey()))) - .append("\"/>") - .toString(); - } + public static String mapKeyValue(final String name, final KeyValue kv) { + return new StringBuilder() + .append("<") + .append(name) + .append(" name=\"") + .append(escapeXml(kv.getValue())) + .append("\" id=\"") + .append(escapeXml(removePrefix(kv.getKey()))) + .append("\"/>") + .toString(); + } - public static String mapExtraInfo(final ExtraInfo e) { - return new StringBuilder("") - .append(e.getValue()) - .append("") - .toString(); - } + public static String mapExtraInfo(final ExtraInfo e) { + return new StringBuilder("") + .append(e.getValue()) + .append("") + .toString(); + } - public static String asXmlElement(final String name, final String value) { - return asXmlElement(name, value, null, null); - } + public static String asXmlElement(final String name, final String value) { + return asXmlElement(name, value, null, null); + } - public static String asXmlElement(final String name, final String value, final Qualifier q, final DataInfo info) { - StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); - sb.append("<"); - sb.append(name); - if (q != null) { - sb.append(getAttributes(q)); - } - if (info != null) { - sb - .append(" ") - .append(attr("inferred", info.getInferred() != null ? info.getInferred().toString() : "")) - .append(attr("inferenceprovenance", info.getInferenceprovenance())) - .append(attr("provenanceaction", info.getProvenanceaction() != null ? info.getProvenanceaction().getClassid() : "")) - .append(attr("trust", info.getTrust())); - } - if (isBlank(value)) { - sb.append("/>"); - return sb.toString(); - } + public static String asXmlElement( + final String name, final String value, final Qualifier q, final DataInfo info) { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("<"); + sb.append(name); + if (q != null) { + sb.append(getAttributes(q)); + } + if (info != null) { + sb + .append(" ") + .append(attr("inferred", info.getInferred() != null ? info.getInferred().toString() : "")) + .append(attr("inferenceprovenance", info.getInferenceprovenance())) + .append( + attr( + "provenanceaction", + info.getProvenanceaction() != null + ? info.getProvenanceaction().getClassid() + : "")) + .append(attr("trust", info.getTrust())); + } + if (isBlank(value)) { + sb.append("/>"); + return sb.toString(); + } - sb.append(">"); - sb.append(escapeXml(value)); - sb.append(""); + sb.append(">"); + sb.append(escapeXml(value)); + sb.append(""); - return sb.toString(); - } + return sb.toString(); + } - public static String getAttributes(final Qualifier q) { - if (q == null || q.isBlank()) return ""; - - return new StringBuilder(" ") - .append(attr("classid", q.getClassid())) - .append(attr("classname", q.getClassname())) - .append(attr("schemeid", q.getSchemeid())) - .append(attr("schemename", q.getSchemename())) - .toString(); - } + public static String getAttributes(final Qualifier q) { + if (q == null || q.isBlank()) + return ""; + return new StringBuilder(" ") + .append(attr("classid", q.getClassid())) + .append(attr("classname", q.getClassname())) + .append(attr("schemeid", q.getSchemeid())) + .append(attr("schemename", q.getSchemename())) + .toString(); + } } diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/oozie_app/workflow.xml index e6587ef5e0..923f6de69b 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/oozie_app/workflow.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ --conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners} --conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress} --conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir} + --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=3840 --inputRelationsPath${inputGraphRootPath}/relation --outputPath${workingDir}/relation diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/child.st b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/child.st index 89f81e16bf..1d3cffea09 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/child.st +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/template/child.st @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -> - $metadata:{ it | $it$ }$ -
\ No newline at end of file +<$name$$if(hasId)$ objidentifier="$id$"$else$$endif$> + $metadata:{$it$}$ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/GraphJoinerTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/GraphJoinerTest.java deleted file mode 100644 index d1456d8321..0000000000 --- a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/GraphJoinerTest.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision; - -import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; - -import java.io.IOException; -import java.nio.file.Files; -import java.nio.file.Path; - -public class GraphJoinerTest { - - private ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader(); - private Path workingDir; - private Path inputDir; - private Path outputDir; - - @BeforeEach - public void before() throws IOException { - workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory("promote_action_set"); - inputDir = workingDir.resolve("input"); - outputDir = workingDir.resolve("output"); - } - - private static void copyFiles(Path source, Path target) throws IOException { - Files.list(source).forEach(f -> { - try { - if (Files.isDirectory(f)) { - Path subTarget = Files.createDirectories(target.resolve(f.getFileName())); - copyFiles(f, subTarget); - } else { - Files.copy(f, target.resolve(f.getFileName())); - } - } catch (IOException e) { - e.printStackTrace(); - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - }); - } -} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/IndexRecordTransformerTest.java b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/IndexRecordTransformerTest.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b1e39c6963 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/IndexRecordTransformerTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.provision; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.StringReader; +import java.io.StringWriter; +import java.nio.file.Files; +import java.nio.file.Path; + +import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; +import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; + +import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + +import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.saxon.SaxonTransformerFactory; + +public class IndexRecordTransformerTest { + + @Test + public void testTrasformRecord() throws IOException, TransformerException { + String fields = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("fields.xml")); + String record = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("record.xml")); + String xslt = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("layoutToRecordTransformer.xsl")); + + String transformer = XmlIndexingJob.getLayoutTransformer("DMF", fields, xslt); + + Transformer tr = SaxonTransformerFactory.newInstance(transformer); + + String a = XmlIndexingJob.toIndexRecord(tr, record); + + System.out.println(a); + + } + +} diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/fields.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/fields.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f74da5d071 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/fields.xml @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/layoutToRecordTransformer.xsl b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/layoutToRecordTransformer.xsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d814baa8e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/layoutToRecordTransformer.xsl @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/record.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/record.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b617dbea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-graph-provision/src/test/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/provision/record.xml @@ -0,0 +1,750 @@ + +
+ dedup_wf_001::113ca964590682d906a3588d3d6b4838 + 2020-03-15T05:46:43.509Z + 2020-03-15T21:17:13.902Z +
+ + + + + + + + + + oai:pubmedcentral.nih.gov:5657733 + oai:doaj.org/article:f26495a4c1d149099049e1a604fa1256 + 10.1177/0963689717714320 + 28933215 + PMC5657733 + 10.1177/0963689717714320 + Extract Protects Model Neurons + from Traumatic Injury + + Jain, Subhash C. + Citron, Bruce A. + Vijayalakshmi Ravindranath + Saykally, Jessica N. + Keeley, Kristen L. + Haris Hatic + 2017-06-01 + Withania somnifera has been used in traditional medicine for a variety + of neural disorders. Recently, chronic neurodegenerative conditions have been + shown to benefit from treatment with this extract. To evaluate the action of + this extract on traumatically injured neurons, the efficacy of W. somnifera root + extract as a neuroprotective agent was examined in cultured model neurons + exposed to an in vitro injury system designed to mimic mild traumatic brain + injury (TBI). Neuronal health was evaluated by staining with annexin V (an + early, apoptotic feature) and monitoring released lactate dehydrogenase activity + (a terminal cell loss parameter). Potential mechanisms underlying the observed + neuroprotection were examined. Additionally, morphological changes were + monitored following injury and treatment. Although no differences were found in + the expression of the antioxidant transcription factor nuclear factor erythroid + 2-like 2 (Nrf2) or other Nrf2-related downstream components, significant changes + were seen in apoptotic signaling. Treatment with the extract resulted in an + increased length of neurites projecting from the neuronal cell body after + injury. W. somnifera extract treatment also resulted in reduced cell death in + the model neuron TBI system. The cell death factor Bax was involved (its + expression was reduced 2-fold by the treatment) and injury-induced reduction in + neurite lengths and numbers was reversed by the treatment. This all indicates + that W. somnifera root extract was neuroprotective and could have therapeutic + potential to target factors involved in secondary injury and long-term sequelae + of mild TBI. + + Withania + somnifera + R + Cell Biology + neuroprotection + SH-SY5Y + Biomedical Engineering + Transplantation + traumatic + brain injury + neurites + Ayurveda + Medicine + + 2018-11-13 + 2017-6-30 + 2017-7-1 + SAGE Publishing + Cell Transplantation, Vol 26 (2017) + Cell Transplantation + + + Cell Transplantation + + + + + true + false + 0.9 + dedup-similarity-result-levenstein + + + + + wt__________::4de25ac59f6cb729d5716260164bb67c + Indian Institute Of Science + + + nih_________::ba7da8316fd53d04a985bc935e438555 + INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE + + + dedup_wf_001::0047940c0207b6a83e79cd803ecf17d1 + + MRC - MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology + LMB + + + rcuk________::2558c4f3132f6907f7b23c69009f0d87 + INDIAN INSTUTUTE OF SCIENCE + + + dedup_wf_001::d2fdc8e80f8b4365091bcea83f918ccf + + University of Delhi + University of Delhi + + + doiboost____::d5177e3ad00bd9288201b60206a0b5d0 + 2017-6-30 + + + + 10.1177/0963689717714320 + + + od_______267::fb470352a4b33af7c83391c02117c4fc + + SAGE Publications + PMC5657733 + 28933215 + 2017-06-01 + 10.1177/0963689717714320 + + + nih_________::24e81ae35bbcb50c778df1039f912617 + + + nih_________::NIH::VETERANS_AFFAIRS + + Preventing TBI-Induced Chronic Functional Loss with a Neuroprotective + Antioxidant + 1I01RX001520-01A1 + + + wt__________::52e59d4aa1c57bda1ec144f409de83fc + Indian Institute of Science + + + dedup_wf_001::0499ff413ba8e7fa686531725ba12338 + IISc + + Indian Institute of Science + + + wt__________::ba1db3669859a46e72f222052a9a26d8 + University of Delhi + + + dedup_wf_001::17c785347dfb060aa115af824b0c6789 + IISc + + Indian Institute of Science Bangalore + + + scholexplore::16181ec1a2484116e8ed6b3348858fe7 + + 28933215 + + + doajarticles::cac994ec6c322070c41474486eb5c595 + 2017-07-01 + + SAGE Publishing + 10.1177/0963689717714320 + + + r37980778c78::39a72c53d5801325784f728b543a49a1 + + 10.1371/journal.pone.0006628 + 2016-01-01 + Figshare + + + rcuk________::23feba2a5ca7f6b6016bf3a45180da50 + University of Delhi + + + + + + + + + + https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28933215 + + + + + + + 2017-06-01 + + + http://europepmc.org/articles/PMC5657733 + + + + + + + + + http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full-xml/10.1177/0963689717714320 + + + http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0963689717714320 + + + https://academic.microsoft.com/#/detail/2588640354 + + + + + + + 2017-07-01 + + + https://doi.org/10.1177/0963689717714320 + + + https://doaj.org/toc/0963-6897 + + + https://doaj.org/toc/1555-3892 + + + + + + + + + http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0963689717714320 + + + + + + + + + https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0963689717714320 + + + + + + + + 1 Bryan-Hancock C Harrison J The global burden of traumatic brain + injury: preliminary results from the Global Burden of Disease Project. + Inj Prev. 2010;16(Suppl 1):A17. + + + 2 Gardner RC Yaffe K Epidemiology of mild traumatic brain injury + and neurodegenerative disease. 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diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/pom.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/pom.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f5e180824 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/pom.xml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + + + dhp-workflows + eu.dnetlib.dhp + 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT + + 4.0.0 + dhp-stats-update + + + org.apache.spark + spark-core_2.11 + + + org.apache.spark + spark-sql_2.11 + + + + + + pl.project13.maven + git-commit-id-plugin + 2.1.11 + + false + + + + + diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/config-default.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/config-default.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba7002cffc --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/config-default.xml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + jobTracker + ${jobTracker} + + + nameNode + ${nameNode} + + + oozie.use.system.libpath + true + + + oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark + spark2 + + + hiveMetastoreUris + thrift://iis-cdh5-test-m3.ocean.icm.edu.pl:9083 + + + hiveJdbcUrl + jdbc:hive2://iis-cdh5-test-m3.ocean.icm.edu.pl:10000 + + + oozie.wf.workflow.notification.url + {serviceUrl}/v1/oozieNotification/jobUpdate?jobId=$jobId%26status=$status + + diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec8a0e4ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +-- DROP database if EXISTS ${hive_db_name} cascade; +-- CREATE database ${hive_db_name}; +-- +-- CREATE TABLE ${hive_db_name}.Persons ( +-- PersonID int, +-- LastName varchar(255)); +-- +-- INSERT INTO ${hive_db_name}.Persons VALUES (1, "test_db_spyros_rec_111"); + +DROP database IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name} CASCADE; +CREATE database ${stats_db_name}; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5681487535 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Organization table/view and Organization related tables/views +---------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------------------------------- +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.organization; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.organization AS SELECT substr(o.id, 4) as id, o.legalname.value as name, o.country.classid as country from ${openaire_db_name}.organization o WHERE o.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4937c84259 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.organization_datasources AS SELECT organization AS id, id AS datasource FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..768cf2a6e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step10_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.organization_projects AS SELECT id AS project, organization as id FROM ${stats_db_name}.project_organizations; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step11.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step11.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..145be77b0f --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step11.sql @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Tables/views from external tables/views (Fundref, Country, CountyGDP, roarmap, rndexpediture) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.fundref AS SELECT * FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.fundref; +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.country AS SELECT * FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.country; +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.countrygdp AS SELECT * FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.countrygdp; +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.roarmap AS SELECT * FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.roarmap; +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.rndexpediture AS SELECT * FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.rndexpediture; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1ec8873a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +---------------------------- +-- Post processing - Updates +---------------------------- + +--Datasource temporary table updates +UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp set harvested ='true' WHERE datasource_tmp.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT d.id FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp d, ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd where d.id=rd.datasource); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b772bc3744 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Project temporary table update and final project table creation with final updates that can not be applied to ORC tables +UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp SET haspubs='yes' WHERE project_tmp.id IN (SELECT pr.id FROM ${stats_db_name}.project_results pr, ${stats_db_name}.result r WHERE pr.result=r.id AND r.type='publication'); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b5e942ed6b --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project; + +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project stored as parquet as +SELECT p.id , p.acronym, p.title, p.funder, p.funding_lvl0, p.funding_lvl1, p.funding_lvl2, p.ec39, p.type, p.startdate, p.enddate, p.start_year, p.end_year, p.duration, +CASE WHEN prr1.id IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END as haspubs, +CASE WHEN prr1.id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE prr1.np END as numpubs, +CASE WHEN prr2.id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE prr2.daysForlastPub END as daysforlastpub, +CASE WHEN prr2.id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE prr2.dp END as delayedpubs, +p.callidentifier, p.code +FROM ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp p +LEFT JOIN (SELECT pr.id, count(distinct pr.result) AS np + FROM ${stats_db_name}.project_results pr INNER JOIN ${stats_db_name}.result r ON pr.result=r.id + WHERE r.type='publication' + GROUP BY pr.id) AS prr1 on prr1.id = p.id +LEFT JOIN (SELECT pp.id, max(datediff(to_date(r.date), to_date(pp.enddate)) ) as daysForlastPub , count(distinct r.id) as dp + FROM ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp pp, ${stats_db_name}.project_results pr, ${stats_db_name}.result r + WHERE pp.id=pr.id AND pr.result=r.id AND r.type='publication' AND datediff(to_date(r.date), to_date(pp.enddate)) > 0 + GROUP BY pp.id) AS prr2 + on prr2.id = p.id; + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_4.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_4.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2fab61e8d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_4.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Publication temporary table updates +UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp SET delayed = 'yes' WHERE publication_tmp.id IN (SELECT distinct r.id FROM stats_wf_db_obs.result r, ${stats_db_name}.project_results pr, ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp p WHERE r.id=pr.result AND pr.id=p.id AND to_date(r.date)-to_date(p.enddate) > 0); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_5.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_5.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c7ee35def --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_5.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Dataset temporary table updates +UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp SET delayed = 'yes' WHERE dataset_tmp.id IN (SELECT distinct r.id FROM stats_wf_db_obs.result r, ${stats_db_name}.project_results pr, ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp p WHERE r.id=pr.result AND pr.id=p.id AND to_date(r.date)-to_date(p.enddate) > 0); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_6.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_6.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5d38693bc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_6.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Software temporary table updates +UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp SET delayed = 'yes' WHERE software_tmp.id IN (SELECT distinct r.id FROM ${stats_db_name}.result r, ${stats_db_name}.project_results pr, ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp p WHERE r.id=pr.result AND pr.id=p.id AND to_date(r.date)-to_date(p.enddate) > 0); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_7.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_7.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a5d4ce615 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_7.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Oherresearchproduct temporary table updates +UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp SET delayed = 'yes' WHERE otherresearchproduct_tmp.id IN (SELECT distinct r.id FROM ${stats_db_name}.result r, ${stats_db_name}.project_results pr, ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp p WHERE r.id=pr.result AND pr.id=p.id AND to_date(r.date)-to_date(p.enddate) > 0); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_8.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_8.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad375bf3fa --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step12_8.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.project_results_publication AS SELECT result_projects.id AS result, result_projects.project AS project_results, result.date as resultdate, project.enddate as projectenddate, result_projects.daysfromend as daysfromend FROM ${stats_db_name}.result_projects, ${stats_db_name}.result, ${stats_db_name}.project WHERE result_projects.id=result.id and result.type='publication' and project.id=result_projects.project; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step13.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step13.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f68ccab645 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step13.sql @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Creating parquet tables from the updated temporary tables and removing unnecessary temporary tables +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource stored as parquet as select * from ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp; + +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication stored as parquet as select * from ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp; + +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset stored as parquet as select * from ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp; + +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software stored as parquet as select * from ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp; + +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct stored as parquet as select * from ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp; + +DROP TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp; +DROP TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp; +DROP TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp; +DROP TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp; +DROP TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp; +DROP TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp; + diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step14.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step14.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24e9e31074 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step14.sql @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +---------------------------------------------- +-- Re-creating views from final parquet tables +--------------------------------------------- + +-- Result +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result as SELECT *, bestlicence as access_mode FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication UNION ALL SELECT *, bestlicence as access_mode FROM ${stats_db_name}.software UNION ALL SELECT *, bestlicence as access_mode FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset UNION ALL SELECT *, bestlicence as access_mode FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct; + diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d20bb73e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +-------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------------- +-- 2. Publication table/view and Publication related tables/views +-------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- Publication temporary table +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp; + +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp (id STRING, title STRING, publisher STRING, journal STRING, date STRING, year STRING, bestlicence STRING, embargo_end_date STRING, delayed BOOLEAN, authors INT, source STRING, abstract BOOLEAN, type STRING ) clustered by (id) into 100 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c67596dbb --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +-- The following throws the following exception on CRN HUE Hive: +-- Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10011]: Line 2:34 Invalid function 'date_format' +-- But runs OK on OCEAN HUE Hive + +INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.title[0].value as title, p.publisher.value as publisher, p.journal.name as journal , +p.dateofacceptance.value as date, date_format(p.dateofacceptance.value,'yyyy') as year, p.bestaccessright.classname as bestlicence, +p.embargoenddate.value as embargo_end_date, false as delayed, size(p.author) as authors , concat_ws('\u003B',p.source.value) as source, +case when size(p.description) > 0 then true else false end as abstract, +'publication' as type +from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p +where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false; + +-- INSERT INTO ${hive_db_name}.publication_tmp SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.title[0].value as title, p.publisher.value as publisher, p.journal.name as journal, +-- p.dateofacceptance.value as date, date_format(p.dateofacceptance.value,'yyyy') as year, p.bestaccessright.classname as bestlicence, +-- p.embargoenddate.value as embargo_end_date, false as delayed, size(p.author) as authors , concat_ws('\u003B',p.source.value) as source, +-- case when size(p.description) > 0 then true else false end as abstract, +-- 'publication' as type +-- from openaire.publication p +-- where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf0e855500 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_classifications AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, instancetype.classname as type from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances as instancetype; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_4.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_4.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a38bcf62d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_4.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_concepts AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, contexts.context.id as concept from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts as context; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_5.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_5.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2998334526 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_5.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources as SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource FROM (SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, substr(instances.instance.hostedby.key, 4) as datasource from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p lateral view explode(p.instance) instances as instance) p LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false) d on p.datasource = d.id; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_6.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_6.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd4dbe05c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_6.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_languages AS select substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.language.classname as language from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_7.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_7.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24cd59670c --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_7.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_oids AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, oids.ids as oid from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids as ids; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_8.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_8.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ddb2bd3be --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_8.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create table ${stats_db_name}.publication_pids as select substr(p.id, 4) as id, ppid.qualifier.classname as type, ppid.value as pid from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p lateral view explode(p.pid) pids as ppid; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_9.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_9.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5507eeb7a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step2_9.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create table ${stats_db_name}.publication_topics as select substr(p.id, 4) as id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname as type, subjects.subject.value as topic from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p lateral view explode(p.subject) subjects as subject; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..567b94994c --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step3.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- 3. Publication_citations +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_citations AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS result FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p lateral view explode(p.extrainfo) citations AS citation WHERE xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") !=""; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3668059a6a --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------ +-- 4. Dataset table/view and Dataset related tables/views +------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------ + +-- Dataset temporary table supporting updates +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp (id STRING, title STRING, publisher STRING, journal STRING, date STRING, year STRING, bestlicence STRING, embargo_end_date STRING, delayed BOOLEAN, authors INT, source STRING, abstract BOOLEAN, type STRING ) clustered by (id) into 100 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_10.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_10.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85a8eac7f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_10.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create table ${stats_db_name}.dataset_topics as select substr(p.id, 4) as id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname as type, subjects.subject.value as topic from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p lateral view explode(p.subject) subjects as subject; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c8bb7c0fe --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp select substr(d.id, 4) as id, d.title[0].value as title, d.publisher.value as publisher, cast(null as string) as journal, +d.dateofacceptance.value as date, date_format(d.dateofacceptance.value,'yyyy') as year, d.bestaccessright.classname as bestlicence, +d.embargoenddate.value as embargo_end_date, false as delayed, size(d.author) as authors , concat_ws('\u003B',d.source.value) as source, + case when size(d.description) > 0 then true else false end as abstract, +'dataset' as type +from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset d +where d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54e23621a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Dataset_citations +Create table ${stats_db_name}.dataset_citations as select substr(d.id, 4) as id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") as result from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset d lateral view explode(d.extrainfo) citations as citation where xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") !=""; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_4.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_4.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bc81c7f81 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_4.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_classifications AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, instancetype.classname as type from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances as instancetype; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_5.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_5.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73aff989db --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_5.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_concepts AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, contexts.context.id as concept from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts as context; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_6.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_6.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ca686f706 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_6.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_datasources as SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource FROM (SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, substr(instances.instance.hostedby.key, 4) as datasource +from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p lateral view explode(p.instance) instances as instance) p LEFT OUTER JOIN +(SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false) d on p.datasource = d.id; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_7.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_7.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70c0b3e4fb --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_7.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_languages AS select substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.language.classname as language from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_8.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_8.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c750ad00b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_8.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_oids AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, oids.ids as oid from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids as ids; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_9.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_9.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d9f4c5961 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step4_9.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create table ${stats_db_name}.dataset_pids as select substr(p.id, 4) as id, ppid.qualifier.classname as type, ppid.value as pid from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p lateral view explode(p.pid) pids as ppid; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89f8697604 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +-------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------- +-- 5. Software table/view and Software related tables/views +-------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------- + +-- Software temporary table supporting updates +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp (id STRING, title STRING, publisher STRING, journal STRING, date STRING, year STRING, bestlicence STRING, embargo_end_date STRING, delayed BOOLEAN, authors INT, source STRING, abstract BOOLEAN, type STRING ) clustered by (id) into 100 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_10.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_10.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acc70958b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_10.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create table ${stats_db_name}.software_topics as select substr(p.id, 4) as id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname as type, subjects.subject.value as topic from ${openaire_db_name}.software p lateral view explode(p.subject) subjects as subject; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a3f10c64e --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp select substr(s.id, 4) as id, s.title[0].value as title, s.publisher.value as publisher, cast(null as string) as journal, +s.dateofacceptance.value as date, date_format(s.dateofacceptance.value,'yyyy') as year, s.bestaccessright.classname as bestlicence, +s.embargoenddate.value as embargo_end_date, false as delayed, size(s.author) as authors , concat_ws('\u003B',s.source.value) as source, + case when size(s.description) > 0 then true else false end as abstract, +'software' as type +from ${openaire_db_name}.software s +where s.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8073a583e --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Software_citations +Create table ${stats_db_name}.software_citations as select substr(s.id, 4) as id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") as result from ${openaire_db_name}.software s lateral view explode(s.extrainfo) citations as citation where xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") !=""; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_4.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_4.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b340cfc243 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_4.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_classifications AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, instancetype.classname as type from ${openaire_db_name}.software p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances as instancetype; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_5.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_5.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2b0f3d1d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_5.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_concepts AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, contexts.context.id as concept from ${openaire_db_name}.software p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts as context; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_6.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_6.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dfe32075bf --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_6.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_datasources as SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource FROM (SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, substr(instances.instance.hostedby.key, 4) as datasource +from ${openaire_db_name}.software p lateral view explode(p.instance) instances as instance) p LEFT OUTER JOIN +(SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false) d on p.datasource = d.id; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_7.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_7.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0fdb0fab3d --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_7.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_languages AS select substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.language.classname as language from ${openaire_db_name}.software p; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_8.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_8.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..79c4b313d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_8.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_oids AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, oids.ids as oid from ${openaire_db_name}.software p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids as ids; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_9.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_9.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8aaa5d838 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step5_9.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create table ${stats_db_name}.software_pids as select substr(p.id, 4) as id, ppid.qualifier.classname as type, ppid.value as pid from ${openaire_db_name}.software p lateral view explode(p.pid) pids as ppid; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e59465fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- 6. Otherresearchproduct table/view and Otherresearchproduct related tables/views +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- Otherresearchproduct temporary table supporting updates +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp ( id STRING, title STRING, publisher STRING, journal STRING, date STRING, year STRING, bestlicence STRING, embargo_end_date STRING, delayed BOOLEAN, authors INT, source STRING, abstract BOOLEAN, type STRING ) clustered by (id) into 100 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_10.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_10.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2e7886343 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_10.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create table ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_topics as select substr(p.id, 4) as id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname as type, subjects.subject.value as topic from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p lateral view explode(p.subject) subjects as subject; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c7ed370d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp select substr(o.id, 4) as id, o.title[0].value as title, o.publisher.value as publisher, cast(null as string) as journal, +o.dateofacceptance.value as date, date_format(o.dateofacceptance.value,'yyyy') as year, o.bestaccessright.classname as bestlicence, +o.embargoenddate.value as embargo_end_date, false as delayed, size(o.author) as authors , concat_ws('\u003B',o.source.value) as source, +case when size(o.description) > 0 then true else false end as abstract, +'other' as type +from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct o +where o.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c6b9255dfb --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Otherresearchproduct_citations +Create table ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_citations as select substr(o.id, 4) as id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") as result from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct o lateral view explode(o.extrainfo) citations as citation where xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") !=""; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_4.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_4.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a93764b69 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_4.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_classifications AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, instancetype.classname as type from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances as instancetype; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_5.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_5.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a37f2f25e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_5.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_concepts AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, contexts.context.id as concept from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts as context; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_6.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_6.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7aa69e9a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_6.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_datasources as SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource FROM (SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, substr(instances.instance.hostedby.key, 4) as datasource +from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p lateral view explode(p.instance) instances as instance) p LEFT OUTER JOIN +(SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false) d on p.datasource = d.id; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_7.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_7.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba9208cf68 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_7.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_languages AS select substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.language.classname as language from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_8.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_8.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f2c5c3bbb --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_8.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_oids AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, oids.ids as oid from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids as ids; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_9.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_9.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ab11adfef --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step6_9.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create table ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_pids as select substr(p.id, 4) as id, ppid.qualifier.classname as type, ppid.value as pid from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p lateral view explode(p.pid) pids as ppid; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c775452d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------ +-- 7. Project table/view and Project related tables/views +------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------ +-- Project_oids Table +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_oids; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_oids AS SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, oids.ids as oid from ${openaire_db_name}.project p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids as ids; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27770c3900 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +-- Project_organizations Table +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_organizations; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_organizations AS SELECT substr(r.source, 4) as id, substr(r.target, 4) AS organization from ${openaire_db_name}.relation r WHERE r.reltype='projectOrganization'; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fcefd7dcc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +-- Project_results Table +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_results; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_results AS SELECT substr(r.target, 4) as id, substr(r.source, 4) AS result from ${openaire_db_name}.relation r WHERE r.reltype='resultProject'; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_4.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_4.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a805737655 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_4.sql @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +-- Project table +---------------- +-- Creating and populating temporary Project table +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp (id STRING, acronym STRING, title STRING, funder STRING, funding_lvl0 STRING, funding_lvl1 STRING, funding_lvl2 STRING, ec39 STRING, type STRING, startdate STRING, enddate STRING, start_year STRING, end_year STRING, duration INT, haspubs STRING, numpubs INT, daysforlastpub INT, delayedpubs INT, callidentifier STRING, code STRING) clustered by (id) into 100 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_5.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_5.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c633d91779 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step7_5.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.acronym.value as acronym, p.title.value as title, xpath_string(p.fundingtree[0].value, '//funder/name') as funder, xpath_string(p.fundingtree[0].value, '//funding_level_0/name') as funding_lvl0, xpath_string(p.fundingtree[0].value, '//funding_level_1/name') as funding_lvl1, xpath_string(p.fundingtree[0].value, '//funding_level_2/name') as funding_lvl2, p.ecsc39.value as ec39, p.contracttype.classname as type, p.startdate.value as startdate, p.enddate.value as enddate, date_format(p.startdate.value, 'yyyy') as start_year, date_format(p.enddate.value, 'yyyy') as end_year, 0 as duration, 'no' as haspubs, 0 as numpubs, 0 as daysforlastpub, 0 as delayedpubs, p.callidentifier.value as callidentifier, p.code.value as code from ${openaire_db_name}.project p WHERE p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e855e59ff0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +---------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------------------- +-- 8. Result table/view and Result related tables/views +---------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------------------- + +-- Views on temporary tables that should be re-created in the end +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result as SELECT *, bestlicence as access_mode FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp UNION ALL SELECT *,bestlicence as access_mode FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp UNION ALL SELECT *,bestlicence as access_mode FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp UNION ALL SELECT *,bestlicence as access_mode FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_10.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_10.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9ad0760f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_10.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_organization; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.result_organization AS SELECT substr(r.target, 4) as id, substr(r.source, 4) as organization from ${openaire_db_name}.relation r where r.reltype='resultOrganization'; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_11.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_11.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2c0d85bee --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_11.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_projects; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.result_projects AS select pr.result as id, pr.id as project, datediff(p.enddate, p.startdate) as daysfromend from ${stats_db_name}.result r join ${stats_db_name}.project_results pr on r.id=pr.result join ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp p on p.id=pr.id; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..94a230d21a --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +-- Views on final tables +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources as SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_datasources UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_datasources UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_datasources; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d61dc8fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result_citations as SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_citations UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_citations UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_citations UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_citations; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_4.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_4.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c27c9964fc --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_4.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result_classifications as SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_classifications UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_classifications UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_classifications UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_classifications; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_5.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_5.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f81adb731 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_5.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result_concepts as SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_concepts UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_concepts UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_concepts UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_concepts; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_6.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_6.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ea29f2f37 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_6.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result_languages as SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_languages UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_languages UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_languages UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_languages; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_7.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_7.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b4e69d4131 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_7.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result_oids as SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_oids UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_oids UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_oids UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_oids; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_8.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_8.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36e753f5c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_8.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result_pids as SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_pids UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_pids UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_pids UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_pids; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_9.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_9.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..075ab266b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step8_9.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.result_topics as SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_topics UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_topics UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_topics UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_topics; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_1.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_1.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2274d2e0f --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_1.sql @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------------ +-- 9. Datasource table/view and Datasource related tables/views +------------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Datasource table creation & update +------------------------------------- +-- Creating and populating temporary datasource table +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp; +create table ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp(`id` string, `name` string, `type` string, `dateofvalidation` string, `yearofvalidation` string, `harvested` boolean, `piwik_id` int, `latitude` string, `longitude` string, `websiteurl` string, `compatibility` string) clustered by (id) into 100 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_2.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_2.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd89e0d5b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_2.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +insert into ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp SELECT substr(d.id, 4) as id, officialname.value as name, datasourcetype.classname as type, dateofvalidation.value as dateofvalidation, date_format(d.dateofvalidation.value,'yyyy') as yearofvalidation, false as harvested, 0 as piwik_id, d.latitude.value as latitude, d.longitude.value as longitude, d.websiteurl.value as websiteurl, d.openairecompatibility.classid as compatibility +from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d +WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_3.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_3.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2266bc7242 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_3.sql @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +-- Updating temporary table with everything that is not based on results -> This is done with the following "dual" table. To see if default values are there +-- Creating a temporary dual table that will be removed after the following insert +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dual(dummy char(1)); +INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.dual values('X'); +INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp (`id`, `name`, `type`, `dateofvalidation`, `yearofvalidation`, `harvested`, `piwik_id`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `websiteurl`, `compatibility`) +SELECT 'other', 'Other', 'Repository', NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown' FROM ${stats_db_name}.dual WHERE 'other' not in (SELECT id FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp WHERE name='Unknown Repository'); +DROP TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dual; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_4.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_4.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd5f9b3144 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_4.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp SET name='Other' where name='Unknown Repository'; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_5.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_5.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77ee81b04b --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_5.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp SET yearofvalidation=null WHERE yearofvalidation='-1'; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_6.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_6.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4ca2e10ec --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_6.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_languages; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_languages AS SELECT substr(d.id, 4) as id, langs.languages as language from openaire.datasource d LATERAL VIEW explode(d.odlanguages.value) langs as languages; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_7.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_7.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..194633cb7b --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_7.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_oids; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_oids AS SELECT substr(d.id, 4) as id, oids.ids as oid from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d LATERAL VIEW explode(d.originalid) oids as ids; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_8.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_8.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c25858d2cf --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_8.sql @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations; +CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations AS select substr(r.target, 4) as id, substr(r.source, 4) as organization from ${openaire_db_name}.relation r where r.reltype='datasourceOrganization'; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_9.sql b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_9.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec4aa05696 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/scripts/step9_9.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.datasource_results AS SELECT datasource AS id, id AS result FROM ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources; diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/workflow.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/workflow.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6f63893621 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-stats-update/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats/oozie_app/workflow.xml @@ -0,0 +1,925 @@ + + + + stats_db_name + the target stats database name + + + openaire_db_name + the original graph database name + + + external_stats_db_name + stats_ext + the external stats that should be added since they are not included in the graph database + + + hiveMetastoreUris + hive server metastore URIs + + + hiveJdbcUrl + hive server jdbc url + + + + + ${jobTracker} + ${nameNode} + + + hive.metastore.uris + ${hiveMetastoreUris} + + + + + + + + Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}] + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + external_stats_db_name=${external_stats_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + + ${hiveJdbcUrl} + + stats_db_name=${stats_db_name} + openaire_db_name=${openaire_db_name} + + + + + + + diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-worfklow-profiles/pom.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-worfklow-profiles/pom.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bad72a9ef0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-worfklow-profiles/pom.xml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + + + dhp-workflows + eu.dnetlib.dhp + 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT + + 4.0.0 + + dhp-worfklow-profiles + jar + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/dhp-worfklow-profiles/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/wf/profiles/provision.xml b/dhp-workflows/dhp-worfklow-profiles/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/wf/profiles/provision.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0467e618f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhp-workflows/dhp-worfklow-profiles/src/main/resources/eu/dnetlib/dhp/wf/profiles/provision.xml @@ -0,0 +1,596 @@ + +
+ + + + + +
+ + Data Provision [OCEAN] + Data Provision + 30 + + + Set the path containing the AGGREGATOR graph + + aggregatorGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/00_graph_aggregator + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the RAW graph + + rawGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/01_graph_raw + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the DEDUPED graph + + dedupGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/02_graph_dedup + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the INFERRED graph + + inferredGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/03_graph_inferred + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the CONSISTENCY graph + + consistentGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/04_graph_consistent + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the ORCID enriched graph + + orcidGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/05_graph_orcid + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the BULK TAGGED graph + + bulkTaggingGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/06_graph_bulktagging + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the AFFILIATION from INSTITUTIONAL REPOS graph + + affiliationGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/07_graph_affiliation + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the COMMUNITY from SELECTED SOURCES graph + + communityOrganizationGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/08_graph_comunity_organization + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the FUNDING from SEMANTIC RELATION graph + + fundingGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/09_graph_funding + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the COMMUNITY from SEMANTIC RELATION graph + + communitySemRelGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/10_graph_comunity_sem_rel + + + + + + + Set the target path to store the COUNTRY enriched graph + + countryGraphPath + /tmp/beta_provision/graph/11_graph_country + + + + + + + Set the lookup address + + isLookUpUrl + http://beta.services.openaire.eu:8280/is/services/isLookUp?wsdl + + + + + + + Set the map of paths for the Bulk Tagging + + bulkTaggingPathMap + {"author" : "$['author'][*]['fullname']", "title" : "$['title'][*]['value']", "orcid" : "$['author'][*]['pid'][*][?(@['key']=='ORCID')]['value']", "contributor" : "$['contributor'][*]['value']", "description" : "$['description'][*]['value']"} + + + + + + + Set the map of associations organization, community list for the propagation of community to result through organization + + propagationOrganizationCommunityMap + + { + "20|corda__h2020::3fb05a9524c3f790391261347852f638":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::e8dbe14cca9bf6fce09d468872f813f8":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|snsf________::9b253f265e3bef5cae6d881fdf61aceb":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|rcuk________::e054eea0a47665af8c3656b5785ccf76":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::edc18d67c9b11fb616ca9f6e1db1b151":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|rcuk________::d5736d9da90521ddcdc7828a05a85e9a":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::f5d418d3aa1cf817ddefcc3fdc039f27":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|snsf________::8fa091f8f25a846779acb4ea97b50aef":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::81e020977211c2c40fae2e1a50bffd71":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda_______::81e020977211c2c40fae2e1a50bffd71":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|snsf________::31d0a100e54e3cdb3c6f52d91e638c78":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::ea379ef91b8cc86f9ac5edc4169292db":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::f75ee2ee48e5cb0ec8c8d30aaa8fef70":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|rcuk________::e16010089551a1a9182a94604fc0ea59":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::38531a2cce7c5c347ffc439b07c1f43b":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda_______::38531a2cce7c5c347ffc439b07c1f43b":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|grid________::b2cbbf5eadbbf87d534b022bad3191d7":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|snsf________::74730ef1439d7f7636a8be58a6b471b8":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|nsf_________::ad72e19043a5a467e35f9b444d11563e":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|rcuk________::0fc3e92500290902a2d38ec2445e74c3":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|grid________::ad2c29905da0eb3c06b3fa80cacd89ea":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::30b53e4d63d3724f00acb9cbaca40860":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::f60f84bee14ad93f0db0e49af1d5c317":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::7bf251ac3765b5e89d82270a1763d09f":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::65531bd11be9935948c7f2f4db1c1832":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::e0e98f86bbc76638bbb72a8fe2302946":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|snsf________::3eb43582ac27601459a8d8b3e195724b":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::af2481dab65d06c8ea0ae02b5517b9b6":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::c19d05cfde69a50d3ebc89bd0ee49929":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|corda__h2020::af0bfd9fc09f80d9488f56d71a9832f0":["mes","euromarine"], + "20|rcuk________::f33c02afb0dc66c49d0ed97ca5dd5cb0":["beopen"], + "20|grid________::a867f78acdc5041b34acfe4f9a349157":["beopen"], + "20|grid________::7bb116a1a9f95ab812bf9d2dea2be1ff":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::6ab0e0739dbe625b99a2ae45842164ad":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::8ba50792bc5f4d51d79fca47d860c602":["beopen"], + "20|corda_______::8ba50792bc5f4d51d79fca47d860c602":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::e70e9114979e963eef24666657b807c3":["beopen"], + "20|corda_______::e70e9114979e963eef24666657b807c3":["beopen"], + "20|corda_______::15911e01e9744d57205825d77c218737":["beopen"], + "20|opendoar____::056a41e24e2a9a67215e87bbee6a80ab":["beopen"], + "20|opendoar____::7f67f2e6c6fbb0628f8160fcd3d92ae3":["beopen"], + "20|grid________::a8ecfd7c084e561168bcbe6bf0daf3e3":["beopen"], + "20|corda_______::7bbe6cc5d8ec1864739a04b0d020c9e9":["beopen"], + "20|corda_______::3ff558e30c2e434d688539548300b050":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::5ffee5b3b83b33a8cf0e046877bd3a39":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::5187217e2e806a6df3579c46f82401bc":["beopen"], + "20|grid________::5fa7e2709bcd945e26bfa18689adeec1":["beopen"], + "20|corda_______::d8696683c53027438031a96ad27c3c07":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::d8696683c53027438031a96ad27c3c07":["beopen"], + "20|rcuk________::23a79ebdfa59790864e4a485881568c1":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::b76cf8fe49590a966953c37e18608af9":["beopen"], + "20|grid________::d2f0204126ee709244a488a4cd3b91c2":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::05aba9d2ed17533d15221e5655ac11e6":["beopen"], + "20|grid________::802401579481dc32062bdee69f5e6a34":["beopen"], + "20|corda__h2020::3f6d9d54cac975a517ba6b252c81582d":["beopen"] + } + + + + + + + + Set the dedup orchestrator name + + dedupConfig + decisiontree-dedup-test + + + + + + + declares the ActionSet ids to promote in the RAW graph + + actionSetIdsRawGraph + scholexplorer-dump,gridac-dump,doiboost-organizations,doiboost,orcidworks-no-doi,iis-wos-entities,iis-entities-software,iis-entities-patent + + + + + + + declares the ActionSet ids to promote in the INFERRED graph + + actionSetIdsIISGraph + iis-researchinitiative,iis-document-citations,iis-document-affiliation,iis-document-classes,iis-document-similarities,iis-referenced-datasets-main,iis-referenced-datasets-preprocessing,iis-referenced-projects-main,iis-referenced-projects-preprocessing,iis-referenceextraction-pdb,document_software_url,iis-extracted-metadata,iis-communities,iis-referenced-patents,iis-covid-19 + + + + + + + wait configurations + + + + + + + create the AGGREGATOR graph + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'graphOutputPath' : 'aggregatorGraphPath' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/graph/raw_all/oozie_app', + 'mongoURL' : 'mongodb://beta.services.openaire.eu', + 'mongoDb' : 'mdstore', + 'postgresURL' : 'jdbc:postgresql://beta.services.openaire.eu:5432/dnet_openaireplus', + 'postgresUser' : 'dnet', + 'postgresPassword' : '*****', + 'reuseContent' : 'false', + 'contentPath' : '/tmp/beta_provision/aggregator', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/aggregator' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + create the RAW graph + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'inputActionSetIds' : 'actionSetIdsRawGraph', + 'inputGraphRootPath' : 'aggregatorGraphPath', + 'outputGraphRootPath' : 'rawGraphPath', + 'isLookupUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/actionmanager/wf/main/oozie_app', + 'activePromoteDatasetActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteDatasourceActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteOrganizationActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteOtherResearchProductActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteProjectActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromotePublicationActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteRelationActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteResultActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteSoftwareActionPayload' : 'true', + 'mergeAndGetStrategy' : 'MERGE_FROM_AND_GET', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/promoteActionsRaw' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + search for duplicates in the raw graph + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'actionSetId' : 'dedupConfig', + 'graphBasePath' : 'rawGraphPath', + 'dedupGraphPath': 'dedupGraphPath', + 'isLookUpUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/dedup/scan/oozie_app', + 'workingPath' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/dedup' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + create the INFERRED graph + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'inputActionSetIds' : 'actionSetIdsIISGraph', + 'inputGraphRootPath' : 'dedupGraphPath', + 'outputGraphRootPath' : 'inferredGraphPath', + 'isLookupUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/actionmanager/wf/main/oozie_app', + 'activePromoteDatasetActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteDatasourceActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteOrganizationActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteOtherResearchProductActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteProjectActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromotePublicationActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteRelationActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteResultActionPayload' : 'true', + 'activePromoteSoftwareActionPayload' : 'true', + 'mergeAndGetStrategy' : 'MERGE_FROM_AND_GET', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/promoteActionsIIS' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + mark duplicates as deleted and redistribute the relationships + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'graphBasePath' : 'inferredGraphPath', + 'dedupGraphPath': 'consistentGraphPath' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/dedup/consistency/oozie_app', + 'workingPath' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/dedup' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + + propagates ORCID among results linked by allowedsemrels semantic relationships + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'sourcePath' : 'consistentGraphPath', + 'outputPath': 'orcidGraphPath' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/enrichment/orcidtoresultfromsemrel/oozie_app', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/orcid', + 'allowedsemrels' : 'isSupplementedBy;isSupplementTo', + 'saveGraph' : 'true' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + + mark results respecting some rules as belonging to communities + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'sourcePath' : 'orcidGraphPath', + 'outputPath': 'bulkTaggingGraphPath', + 'isLookUpUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl', + 'pathMap' : 'bulkTaggingPathMap', + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/enrichment/bulktag/oozie_app', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/bulktag' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + + creates relashionships between results and organizations when the organizations are associated to institutional repositories + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'sourcePath' : 'bulkTaggingGraphPath', + 'outputPath': 'affiliationGraphPath', + 'saveGraph' : 'true' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/enrichment/affiliation/oozie_app', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/affiliation' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + + marks as belonging to communities the result collected from datasources related to the organizations specified in the organizationCommunityMap + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'sourcePath' : 'affiliationGraphPath', + 'outputPath': 'communityOrganizationGraphPath', + 'organizationtoresultcommunitymap': 'propagationOrganizationCommunityMap' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/enrichment/community_organization/oozie_app', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/community_organization', + 'saveGraph' : 'true' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + + created relation between projects and results linked to other results trough allowedsemrel semantic relations linked to projects + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'sourcePath' : 'communityOrganizationGraphPath', + 'outputPath': 'fundingGraphPath' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/enrichment/funding/oozie_app', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/funding', + 'allowedsemrels' : 'isSupplementedBy;isSupplementTo', + 'saveGraph' : 'true' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + + tag as belonging to communitites result in in allowedsemrels relation with other result already linked to communities + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'sourcePath' : 'fundingGraphPath', + 'outputPath': 'communitySemRelGraphPath', + 'isLookupUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/enrichment/community_semrel/oozie_app', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/community_semrel', + 'allowedsemrels' : 'isSupplementedBy;isSupplementTo' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + + associated to results colleced from allowedtypes and those in the whithelist the country of the organization(s) handling the datasource it is collected from + + executeOozieJob + IIS + + { + 'sourcePath' : 'communitySemRelGraphPath', + 'outputPath': 'countryGraphPath' + } + + + { + 'oozie.wf.application.path' : '/lib/dnet/oa/enrichment/country/oozie_app', + 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_provision/working_dir/country', + 'allowedtypes' : 'pubsrepository::institutional', + 'whitelist' : '10|opendoar____::300891a62162b960cf02ce3827bb363c', + 'saveGraph' : 'true' + } + + build-report + + + + + + + + wf_20200428_155848_495 + 2020-04-28T16:53:23+00:00 + FAILURE + + + +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dhp-workflows/pom.xml b/dhp-workflows/pom.xml index ce0e28112a..1645129b10 100644 --- a/dhp-workflows/pom.xml +++ b/dhp-workflows/pom.xml @@ -13,15 +13,19 @@ dhp-workflows pom + This module is the container for the oozie workflow definitions in dnet-hadoop project + + dhp-worfklow-profiles dhp-aggregation dhp-distcp + dhp-actionmanager dhp-graph-mapper dhp-dedup-openaire dhp-graph-provision dhp-dedup-scholexplorer dhp-graph-provision-scholexplorer - dhp-actionmanager + dhp-stats-update @@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ org.kuali.maven.plugins properties-maven-plugin - 1.3.2 + ${properties.maven.plugin.version} eu.dnetlib.dhp @@ -260,7 +264,8 @@ sparkDriverMemory,sparkExecutorMemory,sparkExecutorCores, oozie.wf.application.path,projectVersion,oozie.use.system.libpath, oozieActionShareLibForSpark1,spark1YarnHistoryServerAddress,spark1EventLogDir, - oozieActionShareLibForSpark2,spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress,spark2EventLogDir + oozieActionShareLibForSpark2,spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress,spark2EventLogDir, + sparkSqlWarehouseDir true @@ -559,60 +564,4 @@ - - - - - - org.eclipse.m2e - lifecycle-mapping - 1.0.0 - - - - - - - org.kuali.maven.plugins - - - properties-maven-plugin - - - [1.3.2,) - - - - read-project-properties - - - write-project-properties - - - - - - - - - - - org.apache.maven.plugins - maven-dependency-plugin - [1.0.0,) - - copy-dependencies - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index 1d36d42f91..4838732190 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT pom - http://www.d-net.research-infrastructures.eu - - The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt + GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later + https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0-or-later.html#licenseText repo - A business-friendly OSS license + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the + GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + License, or (at your option) any later version. @@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ HEAD + This module is the root descriptor for the dnet-hadoop project + @@ -292,6 +294,12 @@ eu.dnetlib dnet-actionmanager-common 6.0.5 + + + org.apache.hadoop + hadoop-common + + eu.dnetlib @@ -307,7 +315,7 @@ eu.dnetlib dnet-pace-core - 4.0.0 + 4.0.1 eu.dnetlib @@ -400,6 +408,18 @@ target/test-classes + + + org.apache.maven.plugins + maven-project-info-reports-plugin + 3.0.0 + + + org.apache.maven.plugins + maven-site-plugin + 3.7.1 + + org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin @@ -443,9 +463,10 @@ org.apache.maven.plugins maven-javadoc-plugin - 2.10.4 + 3.2.0 true + none @@ -455,13 +476,62 @@ - org.codehaus.mojo - build-helper-maven-plugin - 1.12 + net.revelc.code.formatter + formatter-maven-plugin + 2.11.0 + + + eu.dnetlib.dhp + dhp-code-style + ${project.version} + + + + org.apache.maven.plugins + maven-site-plugin + + + org.apache.maven.plugins + maven-project-info-reports-plugin + + + net.revelc.code.formatter + formatter-maven-plugin + + + + format + + + eclipse/formatter_dnet.xml + + + + + + net.revelc.code + impsort-maven-plugin + 1.4.1 + + java.,javax.,org.,com. + java,* + + **/thrift/*.java + + + + + sort-imports + + sort + + + + org.apache.maven.plugins maven-release-plugin @@ -522,9 +592,9 @@ org.apache.maven.plugins maven-javadoc-plugin - 2.10.4 true + none @@ -535,6 +605,7 @@ UTF-8 3.6.0 2.22.2 + 2.0.1 cdh5.9.2 2.6.0-${dhp.cdh.version} 4.1.0-${dhp.cdh.version}