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<! Schema for the Description of Research Data Repositories. Version 2.2, December 2014. doi:10.2312/re3.006-->
<r3d:re3data xmlns:r3d="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<r3d:repositoryName language="eng">Atomic and Molecular Data Research Center</r3d:repositoryName>
<r3d:additionalName language="eng">AMDRC</r3d:additionalName>
<r3d:description language="eng">&gt;&gt;&gt; --- !!!! Attention: Obviously the institute does not exist any more. The links do not work anymore. !!!! --- &lt;&lt;&lt; Our center is devoted to: Collection, compilation, evaluation, and dissemination of scientific information required for fusion research, and Investigation of problems arising in the course of development of fusion research. There are atomic and molecular (A &amp; M) numerical databases and bibliographic databases on plasma physics and atomic physics.</r3d:description>
<r3d:size updated=""></r3d:size>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">3 Natural Sciences</r3d:subject>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">307 Condensed Matter Physics</r3d:subject>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">308 Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas</r3d:subject>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">309 Particles, Nuclei and Fields</r3d:subject>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">311 Astrophysics and Astronomy</r3d:subject>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">32 Physics</r3d:subject>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Databases</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Plain text</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Raw data</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Scientific and statistical data formats</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Standard office documents</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Structured graphics</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:keyword>atomic physics</r3d:keyword>
<r3d:keyword>atomic processes</r3d:keyword>
<r3d:keyword>fusion energy system</r3d:keyword>
<r3d:keyword>plasma physics</r3d:keyword>
<r3d:keyword>plasma process</r3d:keyword>
<r3d:institutionName language="eng">National Institute for Fusion Science</r3d:institutionName>
<r3d:institutionAdditionalName language="eng">NIFS</r3d:institutionAdditionalName>
<r3d:remarks>There are atomic and molecular numerical databases:
AMDIS - Cross sections and rate coefficients for ionization, excitation, and recombination by electron impact (since 1961). Please use AMOL for molecule targets.
CHART - Cross sections for charge transfer and ionization by heavy particle collision. Please use CMOL for molecule targets.
Tables for number of data records in CHART.
AMOL (AMDIS-molecule) - ross sections and rate coefficients for electron - molecule collision processes.
CMOL (CHART-molecule) - Cross sections and rate coefficients for heavy particle - molecule collision processes.
SPUTY - Sputtering yields for solids (since 1931).
BACKS - Energy and particle back scattering coefficients of light ions injected into surface.
CURVE - Draw empirical curves for ionization cross section by Lotz formula, charge transfer cross section, sputtering yield, and backscattering coefficient.
Bibliographic databases ORNL - Bibliography on atomic collision collected at ORNL (since 1959).</r3d:remarks>