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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<! Schema for the Description of Research Data Repositories. Version 2.2, December 2014. doi:10.2312/re3.006-->
<r3d:re3data xmlns:r3d="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<r3d:repositoryName language="eng">J-STAGE Data</r3d:repositoryName>
<r3d:description language="eng">J-STAGE Data is a data repository developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). J-STAGE Data supports the publication and distribution of data related to J-STAGE articles with the aim of contributing to the promotion of open science in Japan.
Journals published on J-STAGE can use J-STAGE Data to publish data related to their own articles. DOI is automatically assigned to the data published in J-STAGE Data, and data is distributed worldwide as open access (anyone can access it for free, and the conditions for secondary use are clarified state), so anyone can use data under the conditions specified by the copyright holder, such as citing, sharing, and reusing.</r3d:description>
<r3d:size updated=""></r3d:size>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">1 Humanities and Social Sciences</r3d:subject>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">2 Life Sciences</r3d:subject>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">3 Natural Sciences</r3d:subject>
<r3d:subject subjectScheme="DFG">4 Engineering Sciences</r3d:subject>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Audiovisual data</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Scientific and statistical data formats</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Standard office documents</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">Structured graphics</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:contentType contentTypeScheme="parse">other</r3d:contentType>
<r3d:institutionName language="eng">Japan Science and Technology Agency</r3d:institutionName>
<r3d:institutionAdditionalName language="eng">JST</r3d:institutionAdditionalName>
<r3d:policyName>Terms and Conditions</r3d:policyName>
<r3d:policyName>figshare Privacy Notice</r3d:policyName>
<r3d:dataLicenseName>Apache License 2.0</r3d:dataLicenseName>