r3d100014100 Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center BV-BRC https://www.bv-brc.org/ The Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center (BV-BRC) is an information system designed to support research on bacterial and viral infectious diseases. BV-BRC combines two long-running BRCs: PATRIC, the bacterial system, and IRD/ViPR, the viral systems. help@bv-brc.org disciplinary eng 2 Life Sciences 201 Basic Biological and Medical Research 20107 Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology 204 Microbiology, Virology and Immunology 20404 Virology 205 Medicine 20503 Human Genetics 21 Biology 22 Medicine https://www.bv-brc.org/docs/quick_start/index.html Images Scientific and statistical data formats Standard office documents Structured graphics dataProvider serviceProvider BLAST bacterial species bioinformatics genes genomes genomics immune epitopes infectious disease proteins National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIAID USA funding non-profit https://www.niaid.nih.gov/ ROR:043z4tv69 National Institutes of Health NIH USA funding non-profit https://www.nih.gov/ ROR:01cwqze88 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services HHS.gov USA funding non-profit https://www.hhs.gov/ ROR:00b9jhh55 University of Chicago, Bioinformatics Resource Centers BRC USA general technical non-profit https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/bioinformatics-resource-centers Data Management and Sharing Guidelines https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/data-sharing-guidelines Share and Publish https://www.bv-brc.org/docs/quick_references/workspaces/workspace.html#creating-and-sharing-workspaces open open restricted registration other https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/data-sharing-guidelines restricted registration Uploading Data https://www.bv-brc.org/docs/quick_references/workspaces/data_upload.html yes https://www.bv-brc.org/api/doc/ https://www.bv-brc.org/docs/quick_references/ftp.html none https://www.bv-brc.org/citation yes yes BV-BRC uses standardized protocols for collecting, processing, annotating, and integrating bacterial and viral data from multiple sources. 2022-12-19 2022-12-21